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Philippe Besnard [23]Ph Besnard [2]
  1. Introduction to structured argumentation.Philippe Besnard, Alejandro Garcia, Anthony Hunter, Sanjay Modgil, Henry Prakken, Guillermo Simari & Francesca Toni - 2014 - Argument and Computation 5 (1):1-4.
    In abstract argumentation, each argument is regarded as atomic. There is no internal structure to an argument. Also, there is no specification of what is an argument or an attack. They are assumed to be given. This abstract perspective provides many advantages for studying the nature of argumentation, but it does not cover all our needs for understanding argumentation or for building tools for supporting or undertaking argumentation. If we want a more detailed formalization of arguments than is available with (...)
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  2. Elements of Argumentation.Philippe Besnard & Anthony Hunter - 2009 - Studia Logica 93 (1):97-103.
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    Relative inconsistency measures.Philippe Besnard & John Grant - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 280 (C):103231.
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    Constructing argument graphs with deductive arguments: a tutorial.Philippe Besnard & Anthony Hunter - 2014 - Argument and Computation 5 (1):5-30.
    A deductive argument is a pair where the first item is a set of premises, the second item is a claim, and the premises entail the claim. This can be formalised by assuming a logical language for the premises and the claim, and logical entailment (or consequence relation) for showing that the claim follows from the premises. Examples of logics that can be used include classical logic, modal logic, description logic, temporal logic, and conditional logic. A counterargument for an argument (...)
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  5. Logical limits of abstract argumentation frameworks.Leila Amgoud & Philippe Besnard - 2013 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 23 (3):229-267.
    Dung’s (1995) argumentation framework takes as input two abstract entities: a set of arguments and a binary relation encoding attacks between these arguments. It returns acceptable sets of arguments, called extensions, w.r.t. a given semantics. While the abstract nature of this setting is seen as a great advantage, it induces a big gap with the application that it is used to. This raises some questions about the compatibility of the setting with a logical formalism (i.e., whether it is possible to (...)
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    Logical theories and abstract argumentation: A survey of existing works.Philippe Besnard, Claudette Cayrol & Marie-Christine Lagasquie-Schiex - 2020 - Argument and Computation 11 (1-2):41-102.
    In 1995, in his seminal paper introducing the abstract argumentation framework, Dung has also established the first relationship between this framework and a logical framework (in this case: logic programming). Since that time, a lot of work have pursued this path, proposing different definitions, uses and exhibiting distinct relationships between argumentation and logic. In this paper, we present a survey of existing works about this topic and more especially those that address the following question: “How logic has been used for (...)
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    Encoding deductive argumentation in quantified Boolean formulae.Philippe Besnard, Anthony Hunter & Stefan Woltran - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (15):1406-1423.
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    Equivalence in logic-based argumentation.Leila Amgoud, Philippe Besnard & Srdjan Vesic - 2014 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 24 (3):181-208.
    This paper investigates when two abstract logic-based argumentation systems are equivalent. It defines various equivalence criteria, investigates the links between them, and identifies cases where two systems are equivalent with respect to each of the proposed criteria. In particular, it shows that under some reasonable conditions on the logic underlying an argumentation system, the latter has an equivalent finite subsystem, called core. This core constitutes a threshold under which arguments of the system have not yet attained their final status and (...)
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  9. The preferential-models approach to non-monotonic logics.Philippe Besnard & Pierre Siegel - 1988 - In Philippe Smets, Non-standard logics for automated reasoning. San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 137--161.
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  10. Lettres à Marcel Mauss.Émile Durkheim, Philippe Besnard, Marcel Fournier, Christine Delangle, Marie-France Essyad & Annie Morel - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (1):79-80.
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    A logic-based theory of deductive arguments☆☆This is an extended version of a paper entitled “Towards a logic-based theory of argumentation” published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'2000), Austin, TX, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2000. [REVIEW]Philippe Besnard & Anthony Hunter - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 128 (1-2):203-235.
  12. The True Nature of Anomie.Philippe Besnard - 1988 - Sociological Theory 6 (1):91-95.
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    (1 other version)Index of Authors of Volume 12.D. Ahn, G. Ben-Avi, D. Ben Shalom, Ph Besnard, K. Borthen, C. Caleiro, W. A. Carnielli, M. E. Coniglio, R. Cooper & N. Dimitri - 2003 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12 (531):531.
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    Foundations for a logic of arguments.Leila Amgoud, Philippe Besnard & Anthony Hunter - 2017 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 27 (3-4):178-195.
    This paper aims at laying some foundations of a logic of argumentation in which arguments, as well as attacks and supports among arguments are all defined in a unifying formalism. In the latter, an argument is denoted as a pair displaying a reason and a conclusion but no condition is required to hold relating the reason to the conclusion. We introduce a series of inference rules relating arguments and show how the resulting system captures important features of argumentation that hitherto (...)
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  15. Anomie and fatalism in Durkheim's theory of regulation.Philippe Besnard - 1993 - In Stephen P. Turner, Emile Durkheim: sociologist and moralist. New York: Routledge. pp. 169--90.
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    Foreword.Philippe Besnard & Andreas Herzig - 2005 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 15 (1):8-8.
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    Handbook of Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Systems, Volume 2: Reasoning with Actual and Potential Contradictions.Philippe Besnard & Anthony Hunter (eds.) - 1998 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This volume deals with approaches to handling contradictory information. These include approaches for actual contradiction - both A and not-A can be proven from the information - and approaches for potential contradiction - where the information may contain arguments for A and arguments for not-A, but the system suppresses the contradiction by, for example, preferring some arguments over others. Approaches covered include paraconsistent logics, modal logics, default logics, conditional logics, defeasible logics and paraconsistent semantics for logic programming. The volume is (...)
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    L'art et ses mystères.Philippe Besnard - 1946 - Paris,: Éditions universelles.
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    Optimality theory as a family of cumulative logics.Ph Besnard, G. Fanselow & T. Schaub - 2003 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12 (2):153-182.
    We investigate two formalizations of Optimality Theory, a successful paradigm in linguistics.We first give an order-theoretic counterpart for the data and processinvolved in candidate evaluation.Basically, we represent each constraint as a function that assigns every candidate a degree of violation.As for the second formalization, we define (after Samek-Lodovici and Prince) constraints as operations that select the best candidates out of a set of candidates.We prove that these two formalizations are equivalent (accordingly, there is no loss of generality with using violation (...)
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    (1 other version)Systèmes d'inférence non monotone.Philippe Besnard - 1995 - Theoria 10 (2):37-47.
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    The importance of open and recursive circumscription.Philippe Besnard, Yves Moinard & Robert E. Mercer - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 39 (2):251-262.
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  22. Constant, Benjamin 40 Coser, LA 103 Cuvillier, Armand 159 d'Arbois de Jubainville, Henri 30.Charles Darwin, John Austin, M. Bach, Francis Bacon, C. R. Badcock, H. E. Barnes, Robert N. Bellah, R. Bendix, Henri Bergson & Philippe Besnard - 1993 - In Stephen P. Turner, Emile Durkheim: sociologist and moralist. New York: Routledge.