Results for 'Phänomenology'

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  1.  4
    Founding Community: A Phaenomenological-ethical Inquiry.H. Peter Steeves - 1998 - Springer Verlag.
    The direction of this text is both phenomenological and prescriptive as it attempts to provide a phenomenological foundation for communitarian ethical theory. It argues that the Ego and the Other arise together in sense and we are committed to community in a foundational way.
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  2. Cézanne - Van Gogh - Monet. Genese der Abstraktion. 2. edn. Diss. Basel 1998 (2nd edition).Martina Sauer - 2014 - Heidelberg: ART-Dok.
    Do abstract paintings still make sense and if so what do they mean? By reducing the paintings to simple square blots as by Cézanne, to lines as by van Gogh and color traces as by Monet their meaning is fundamentally questioned. But by interpreting these compositions as effective forces or rather affective stimuli a new and different meaning becomes apparent. Landscapes are no longer introduced but made real in the aesthetic experience. Therefore aesthetics or rather aisthetics (perception) can be defined (...)
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  3. La educación y el problema del mundo.José Murillo - 2009 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 19 (2):56-73.
    Education moves in the space of distance between those who are coming into the world and the world that they arrive. Since Modern Age, this distance formed by the opposing subject and object, has tended to be an impassable abyss. In this way, the world unfolds in two: the world whose image under investigation in the field of Education is the blackboard, and the world of everyday life. In front of the blackboard the student is installed, constituted as a subject, (...)
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    Verteilung der Apriori in der Phänomenologie Husserls.Wouter Goris - 2010 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2010:59-74.
    The present contribution presents a series of distributions of the apriori in different phases of Husserl’s phenomenology: eidetic vs. categorial apriori in the Idea of Phaenomenology, formal vs. contingent apriori in the Formal and Transcendental Logic, and the distinction of the universal objective apriori and the universal apriori of the life-world in the Crisis of the European Sciences. The introduction of genetic phenomenology, it is argued, gradually turns the formal apriori’s initially proclaimed independence of the material apriori to its opposite. (...)
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  5. Ritorno a Dio. Bonaventura e Von Hildebrand.Elisa Grimi - 2020 - Vivens Homo 2 (31):315-326.
    This paper, written in honor of the “800 years from the birth of Bonaventure”, underlines the affinity of the philosophy and the theology of Bonaventure, General Ministry of the Franciscan Order, with the perspective of Dietrich von Hildebrand, father of the realist phaenomenology. It is delineated a curious correlation between the two authors that have been able to generate a real revolution of love. The epistemic structure and the ontology of Bonaventure are caracterized by a structural unity that through an (...)
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    De ervaring en het transcendentale -Empiricism and Transcendentalism.Luc Anckaert - 1996 - Bijdragen 57 (4):430-451.
    Levinas' thinking in Totality and Infinity is centered on the relation with the Infinite. This relation is paradoxical. To be possible, the experience of a separated subject is postulated as a transcendental presupposition. But this separation is at the same time unthinkable without the Infinite. In his main work, The Star of Redemption, Franz Rosenzweig stimulates the thinking of this relation. The renewal of Levinas' thinking of the paradox is made possible by phaenomenology . But the confrontation with Husserl indicates (...)
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  7.  22
    Anonimato y subjetividad. Una lectura de Merleau-Ponty.Marina Garcés - 2008 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 44:133-142.
    This article intends to develop an analysis of the concept of anonymity or anonymous life, as it appears in Merleau-Pontyʼs philosophy, in the context of a wider interrogation about the experiencie of us in contemporary societies. Our hypothesis is that Merleau-Ponty reppresents a decisive break in the phaenomenological philosophies of existence, as he moves the attention on the individual and its openness to the world, towards us, as a contidion for this openness. From that point, we analyse how this us (...)
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  8.  30
    Hume, Popper: el conocimiento de las determinaciones del objeto.Juan Antonio Valor Yébenes - 1997 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 31 (1):41-72.
    In this paper I try to explain why Husserl did not continue with the philosophical program of the Third Logical Investigation. I suggest to carry on with this program, that could be named “absolute objectivism”, as an empiricist alternative to transcendental philosophy.
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    Objetivismo absoluto: una crítica empirista a la filosofía trascendental.Juan Antonio Valor Yébenes - 2002 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 27 (1):191-221.
    En el presente trabajo analizamos las razones por las que Husserl no ha sido fiel al programa filosófico esbozado en la tercera investigación lógica. Asimismo, proponemos la continuación y el desarrollo de dicho programa, al que damos el nombre de objetivismo absoluto, y lo defendemos como una alternativa empirista a cualquier forma de filosofía transcendental.
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    Ontological phenomenology: The philosophical project of Hedwig Conrad-martius. [REVIEW]Alexandra Elisabeth Pfeiffer - 2008 - Axiomathes 18 (4):445-460.
    The special importance of the system of Hedwig Conrad-Martius lies in that she takes up the ideas of her teacher Husserl and pursues them on an independent path of phenomenology carefully anchored in the history of philosophy. This above all made possible the philosophical grasping of the then revolutionary findings in the modern natural sciences, especially in physics and medicine. The question concerning the border between the natural sciences and philosophy is today still debated with just as much urgency—indeed, ethically (...)
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