Results for 'Philip Pouncey'

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  1. The miraculous cross in titian's "vendramin family".Philip Pouncey - 1939 - Journal of the Warburg Institute 2 (3):191-193.
  2. Philip Pouncey 1910-1990.J. A. Gere - 1991 - In Gere J. A., Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 76: 1990 Lectures and Memoirs. pp. 529-544.
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    Inappropriate regret.Claire Pouncey - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (3):233-234.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Inappropriate RegretClaire Pouncey (bio)Keywordsanxiety, inappropriate guilt, moral sentiments, supererogation, regretThis delightful and provocative vignette has many interesting clinical facets, and I thank Dr. Bailey for his candid introspection. For me, this essay calls attention to an asymmetry in our culture, in which women tend to feel more comfortable than men in expressing anxieties about our unpredictable and often dangerous world. Women's fears, however, often are dismissed or minimized, (...)
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  4. Informed consent in psychiatry: philosophical and legal issues.Claire Pouncey & Jon F. Merz - 2019 - In Şerife Tekin & Robyn Bluhm, The Bloomsbury Companion to Philosophy of Psychiatry. London: Bloomsbury.
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    Browne's External DSM Ethical Review Panel: That Dog Won't Hunt.Pouncey Claire & F. Merz Jon - 2017 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 24 (3):227-230.
    Before we respond to Tamara Browne's proposal for an external ethics advisory review panel to oversee content in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, we wish to introduce ourselves. One of us is a professor of bioethics, a lawyer, and a doctor of public policy, and one of us is a philosopher of psychiatry who studies psychiatric nosology, and who has done bioethics work for two congressional advisory agencies. Based on our backgrounds, we flatter ourselves that we might (...)
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    Commentary on Gómez-lobo.Peter R. Pouncey - 1989 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 5 (1):204-211.
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  7. Disorder and Defeat in Thucydides, and Some Alternatives.Peter R. Pouncey - 1986 - History of Political Thought 7:1-14.
  8.  24
    Psychological Injury is Not New and Not Normal.Claire Pouncey - 2021 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 28 (4):347-348.
    In "On the Concept of 'Psychiatric Disorder,'" Miriam Solomon strives to resolve the tension between thinking of bereavement as a normal reaction to loss, and recognizing that its most extreme forms look very much like major depressive episodes and benefit from psychiatric treatment. To do this, she introduces the idea that a condition can be both normal and a mental disorder, or in other words, that some mental disorders are normal. Although I very much like the idea that some mental (...)
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    Three Questions about Somatic Representations: A Response to Freedman's "Akratic Believing".Claire L. Pouncey - 2017 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 24 (4):347-350.
    I thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Freedman’s paper on “Akratic Believing.” Often, philosophy of psychiatry offers insights to clarify psychological and psychiatric concepts. Less frequently, it involves a real dialogue between philosophy and psychological science. Dr. Freedman’s account of what is bothersome, rather than just philosophically wrong-headed, about the concept of epistemic akrasia demonstrates that, at least where anxiety is concerned, the a posteriori world may have a great deal to offer theoretical philosophy. Freedman argues that understanding somatic responses to trauma, or (...)
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  10. The advancement of science: science without legend, objectivity without illusions.Philip Kitcher - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    During the last three decades, reflections on the growth of scientific knowledge have inspired historians, sociologists, and some philosophers to contend that scientific objectivity is a myth. In this book, Kitcher attempts to resurrect the notions of objectivity and progress in science by identifying both the limitations of idealized treatments of growth of knowledge and the overreactions to philosophical idealizations. Recognizing that science is done not by logically omniscient subjects working in isolation, but by people with a variety of personal (...)
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  11. Republicanism: a theory of freedom and government.Philip Pettit (ed.) - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This is the first full-length presentation of a republican alternative to the liberal and communitarian theories that have dominated political philosophy in recent years. The latest addition to the acclaimed Oxford Political Theory series, Pettit's eloquent and compelling account opens with an examination of the traditional republican conception of freedom as non-domination, contrasting this with established negative and positive views of liberty. The first part of the book traces the rise and decline of this conception, displays its many attractions, and (...)
  12. The nature of mathematical knowledge.Philip Kitcher - 1983 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This book argues against the view that mathematical knowledge is a priori,contending that mathematics is an empirical science and develops historically,just as ...
  13. A Theory of Freedom: From the Psychology to the Politics of Agency.Philip Pettit - 2001 - Polity.
    This innovative approach to freedom starts from an account of what we mean by describing someone, in a psychological vein, as a free subject. Pettit develops an argument as to what it is that makes someone free in that basic sense; and then goes on to derive the implications of the approach for issues of freedom in political theory. Freedom in the subject is equated with the person's being fit to be held responsible and to be authorized as a partner (...)
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  14. Madness versus badness: The ethical tension between the recovery movement and forensic psychiatry. [REVIEW]Claire L. Pouncey & Jonathan M. Lukens - 2010 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 31 (1):93-105.
    The mental health recovery movement promotes patient self-determination and opposes coercive psychiatric treatment. While it has made great strides towards these ends, its rhetoric impairs its political efficacy. We illustrate how psychiatry can share recovery values and yet appear to violate them. In certain criminal proceedings, for example, forensic psychiatrists routinely argue that persons with mental illness who have committed crimes are not full moral agents. Such arguments align with the recovery movement’s aim of providing appropriate treatment and services for (...)
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  15. Scientific Explanation.Philip Kitcher & Wesley C. Salmon (eds.) - 1962 - Univ of Minnesota Pr.
    Studdert-Kennedy, Gerald, Evidence and Explanation in Social Science. ... Kauffman, Stuart, "Articulation of Parts Explanation in Biology and the Rational ...
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  16. Trust in Medical Artificial Intelligence: A Discretionary Account.Philip J. Nickel - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (1):1-10.
    This paper sets out an account of trust in AI as a relationship between clinicians, AI applications, and AI practitioners in which AI is given discretionary authority over medical questions by clinicians. Compared to other accounts in recent literature, this account more adequately explains the normative commitments created by practitioners when inviting clinicians’ trust in AI. To avoid committing to an account of trust in AI applications themselves, I sketch a reductive view on which discretionary authority is exercised by AI (...)
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    Galileo's error: foundations for a new science of consciousness.Philip Goff - 2019 - New York: Pantheon Books.
    How Galileo created the problem of consciousness -- Is there a ghost in the machine? -- Can physical science explain consciousness? -- How to solve the problem of consciousness -- Consciousness and the meaning of life.
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  18. The Cunning of Trust.Philip Pettit - 1995 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 24 (3):202-225.
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    What personality can teach us about mental health.Anya Plutynski & Claire Pouncey - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    While there have been forty years of active debate among philosophers of psychiatry about how to define mental disorder, there has been relatively little discussion of mental health. This is starting to change. A new literature is emerging about what it means to have mental health. While some define mental health as simply as the absence of mental disorder, others argue to the contrary that mental health is distinct from, and not reducible to, the presence or absence of mental illness. (...)
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  20. Comparing direct (explicit) to indirect (implicit) measures to study unconscious memory.Philip M. Merikle & Eyal M. Reingold - 1991 - Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Learning Memory And Cognition 17 (2):224-233.
  21. (1 other version)A Theory of Freedom: From the Psychology to the Politics of Agency.Philip Pettit - 2003 - Philosophical Quarterly 53 (212):473-476.
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    Consciousness is a “subjective” state.Philip M. Merikle & Jim Cheesman - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (1):42-42.
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    Intentions in Communication.Philip R. Cohen, Jerry L. Morgan & Martha E. Pollack (eds.) - 1990 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books.
    This book presents views of the concept of intention and its relationship to communication from three perspectives: philosphy, linguistics, and artificial intelligence. The book is a record of a workshop held in 1987.
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  24. The phenomenal stance.Philip Robbins & Anthony I. Jack - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 127 (1):59-85.
    Cognitive science is shamelessly materialistic. It maintains that human beings are nothing more than complex physical systems, ultimately and completely explicable in mechanistic terms. But this conception of humanity does not ?t well with common sense. To think of the creatures we spend much of our day loving, hating, admiring, resenting, comparing ourselves to, trying to understand, blaming, and thanking -- to think of them as mere mechanisms seems at best counterintuitive and unhelpful. More often it may strike us as (...)
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    The Cunning of Trust.Philip Perth - 1995 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 24 (3):202-225.
  26.  45
    Perception without awareness: Critical issues.Philip M. Merikle - 1992 - American Psychologist 47:792-5.
  27. Elements of a Plan‐Based Theory of Speech Acts.Philip R. Cohen & C. Raymond Perrault - 1979 - Cognitive Science 3 (3):177-212.
    This paper explores the truism that people think about what they say. It proposes that, to satisfy their own goals, people often plan their speech acts to affect their listeners' beliefs, goals, and emotional states. Such language use can be modelled by viewing speech acts as operators in a planning system, thus allowing both physical and speech acts to be integrated into plans. Methodological issues of how speech acts should be defined in a planbased theory are illustrated by defining operators (...)
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  28. Real acquaintance and physicalism.Philip Goff - 2015 - In Paul Coates & Sam Coleman, Phenomenal Qualities: Sense, Perception, and Consciousness. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
  29. (1 other version)Disruptive Innovation and Moral Uncertainty.Philip J. Nickel - forthcoming - NanoEthics: Studies in New and Emerging Technologies.
    This paper develops a philosophical account of moral disruption. According to Robert Baker (2013), moral disruption is a process in which technological innovations undermine established moral norms without clearly leading to a new set of norms. Here I analyze this process in terms of moral uncertainty, formulating a philosophical account with two variants. On the Harm Account, such uncertainty is always harmful because it blocks our knowledge of our own and others’ moral obligations. On the Qualified Harm Account, there is (...)
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  30. Three Mistakes about Doing Good (And Bad).Philip Pettit - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (1):1-25.
  31. Realms of meaning.Philip Henry Phenix - 1964 - New York,: McGraw-Hill.
  32. Trust and Obligation-Ascription.Philip J. Nickel - 2007 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 10 (3):309-319.
    This paper defends the view that trust is a moral attitude, by putting forward the Obligation-Ascription Thesis: If E trusts F to do X, this implies that E ascribes an obligation to F to do X. I explicate the idea of obligation-ascription in terms of requirement and the appropriateness of blame. Then, drawing a distinction between attitude and ground, I argue that this account of the attitude of trust is compatible with the possibility of amoral trust, that is, trust held (...)
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  33. A One-Stage Explanation of the Cotard Delusion.Philip Gerrans - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (1):47-53.
    Cognitive neuropsychiatry (CN) is the explanation of psychiatric disorder by the methods of cognitive neuropsychology. Within CN there are, broadly speaking, two approaches to delusion. The first uses a one-stage model, in which delusions are explained as rationalizations of anomalous experiences via reasoning strategies that are not, in themselves, abnormal. Two-stage models invoke additional hypotheses about abnormalities of reasoning. In this paper, I examine what appears to be a very strong argument, developed within CN, in favor of a two-stage explanation (...)
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  34. On Culpable Ignorance and Akrasia.Philip Robichaud - 2014 - Ethics 125 (1):137-151,.
    A point of contention in recent discussions of the epistemic condition of moral responsibility is whether culpable ignorance must trace to akratic belief mismanagement. Neil Levy has recently defended an akrasia requirement by arguing that only an akratic agent has the capacity rationally to comply with epistemic expectations the violation of which contributes to her ignorance. In this paper I show that Levy’s argument is unsound. It is possible to have the relevant rational capacity in the absence of akrasia. I (...)
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  35. Anticipating ethical issues in emerging IT.Philip A. E. Brey - 2012 - Ethics and Information Technology 14 (4):305-317.
    In this essay, a new approach to the ethics of emerging information technology will be presented, called anticipatory technology ethics (ATE). The ethics of emerging technology is the study of ethical issues at the R&D and introduction stage of technology development through anticipation of possible future devices, applications, and social consequences. In the essay, I will first locate emerging technology in the technology development cycle, after which I will consider ethical approaches to emerging technologies, as well as obstacles in developing (...)
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    Toward a definition of awareness.Philip M. Merikle - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (5):449-50.
  37. Conceptual foundations of emergence theory.Philip Clayton - 2006 - In Philip Clayton & Paul Davies, The re-emergence of emergence: the emergentist hypothesis from science to religion. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1--31.
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    Measuring the relative magnitude of unconscious influences.Philip M. Merikle, Steve Joordens & Jennifer A. Stolz - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 4 (4):422-39.
    As an alternative to establishing awareness thresholds, stimulus contexts in which there were either greater conscious or greater unconscious influences were defined on the basis of performance on an exclusion task. Target words were presented for brief durations and each target word was followed immediately by its three-letter stem. Subjects were instructed to complete each stem with any word other than the target word. With this task, failures to exclude target words indicate greater unconscious influences, whereas successful exclusion indicates greater (...)
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    Property Theory of Musical Works.Philip Letts - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 76 (1):57-69.
    The property theory of musical works says that each musical work is a property that is instantiated by its occurrences, that is, the work's performances and playings. The property theory provides ontological explanations very similar to those given by its popular cousin, the type/token theory of musical works, but it is both simpler and stronger. However, type/token theorists often dismiss the property theory. In this essay, I formulate a version of the property theory that identifies each type (thus, each musical (...)
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    A theory of normal and ideal conditions.Philip Pettit - 1999 - Philosophical Studies 96 (1):21-44.
    It is a priori on many accounts of colour concepts that something is red if and only if it is such that it would look red to normal observers in normal circumstances: it is such that it would look red, as we can say, under normal conditions of observation. And as this sort of formula is widely applied to colour concepts, so similar schemas are commonly defended in relation to a variety of other concepts too. Not only are colour concepts (...)
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    The Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Philip P. Wiener - 1968 - Journal of the History of Ideas 29 (4):616.
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    Freedom and probability: A comment on Goodin and Jackson.Philip Pettit - 2008 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 36 (2):206-220.
  43.  70
    Determining the primary problem of visual perception: A Gibsonian response to the correlation' objection.Philip A. Glotzbach - 1992 - Philosophical Psychology 5 (1):69-94.
    Fodor & Pylyshyn (1981) criticize J. J. Gibson's ecological account of perception for failing to address what I call the 'correlation problem' in visual perception. That is, they charge that Gibson cannot explain how perceivers learn to correlate detectable properties of the light with perceptible properties of the environment. Furthermore, they identify the correlation problem as a crucial issue for any theory of visual perception, what I call a 'primary problem'—i.e. a problem which plays a definitive role in establishing the (...)
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    Spatial selectivity in vision: Field size depends upon noise size.Philip M. Merikle & Nancy J. Gorewich - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (5):343-346.
  45.  7
    The birth of ethics: reconstructing the role and nature of morality.Philip Pettit - 2018 - [New York, NY]: Oxford University Press. Edited by Kinch Hoekstra.
    Imagine a human society, perhaps in pre-history, in which people were generally of a psychological kind with us, had the use of natural language to communicate with one another, but did not have any properly moral concepts in which to exhort one another to meet certain standards and to lodge related claims and complaints. According to The Birth of Ethics, the members of that society would have faced a set of pressures, and made a series of adjustments in response, sufficient (...)
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  46. Psychological investigations of unconscious perception.Philip M. Merikle & M. Daneman - 1998 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 5 (1):5-18.
    This paper reviews the history of psychological investigations of unconscious perception and summarizes the current status of experimental research in this area of investigation. The research findings described in the paper illustrate how it is possible to distinguish experimentally between conscious and unconscious perception. The most successful experimental strategy has been to show that a stimulus can have qualitatively different consequences on cognitive and affective reactions depending on whether it was consciously or unconsciously perceived. In addition, recent studies of patients (...)
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    Resolving Ethical Dilemmas in a Tertiary Care Veterinary Specialty Hospital: Adaptation of the Human Clinical Consultation Committee Model.Philip M. Rosoff, Rachel Ruderman, Jeannine Moga, Bruce Keene, Christopher Adin, Callie Fogle, Heather Hopkinson & Charity Weyhrauch - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (2):7-10.
    Technological advances in veterinary medicine have produced considerable progress in the diagnosis and treatment of numerous diseases in animals. At the same time, veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and owners of animals face increasingly complex situations that raise questions about goals of care and correct or reasonable courses of action. These dilemmas are frequently controversial and can generate conflicts between clients and health care providers. In many ways they resemble the ethical challenges confronted by human medicine and that spawned the creation of (...)
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  48. What’s wrong with strong necessities.Philip Goff & David Papineau - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 167 (3):749-762.
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    The Cambridge Handbook of Personality Psychology.Philip J. Corr & Gerald Matthews (eds.) - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Research on personality psychology is making important contributions to psychological science and applied psychology. This second edition of The Cambridge Handbook of Personality Psychology offers a one-stop resource for scientific personality psychology. It summarizes cutting-edge personality research in all its forms, including genetics, psychometrics, social-cognitive psychology, and real-world expressions, with informative and lively chapters that also highlight some areas of controversy. The team of renowned international authors, led by two esteemed editors, ensures a wide range of theoretical perspectives. Each research (...)
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    The Determinacy of Republican Policy: A Reply to McMahon.Philip Pettit - 2006 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 34 (3):275-283.
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