Results for 'Philippe Sabatier'

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  1.  44
    A two-patch model of gambian sleeping sickness: Application to vector control strategies in a village and plantations.Karine Chalvet-Monfray, Marc Artzrouni, Jean-Paul Gouteux, Pierre Auger & Philippe Sabatier - 1998 - Acta Biotheoretica 46 (3):207-222.
    A compartmental model is described for the spread of Gambian sleeping sickness in a spatially heterogeneous environment in which vector and human populations migrate between two "patches": the village and the plantations. The number of equilibrium points depends on two "summary parameters": gr the proportion removed among human infectives, and R0, the basic reproduction number. The origin is stable for R0 1. Control strategies are assessed by studying the mix of vector control between the two patches that bring R0 below (...)
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    Time-delay dynamics for contagious bovine pleuropneumonia.Thomas Balenghien, Karine Chalvet-Monfray, Matthieu Lesnoff, François Thiaucourt, Philippe Sabatier & Dominique Bicout - 2004 - Acta Biotheoretica 52 (4):365-377.
    Modelling of contagious disease usually employs compartmental SEIR-like models where the waiting times in respective compartments are exponentially distributed. In this paper, we are interested in investigating how the distributions of sojourn times in infective compartments affect the dynamics and persistence of the contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, a chronic respiratory disease of cattle. Two kinds of extreme distributions of the sojourn times are considered: a Dirac delta-function and truncated Gaussian function leading to a model with (non-constant) delay and the classical exponential (...)
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  3. Auguste Sabatier, theologien du Saint-Esprit.Philippe Cardon-Bertalot - 2001 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 81 (3):301-319.
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    Measurement Problem and Non-Locality: An Alternative Interpretation.Pierre Sabatier - 2025 - Open Journal of Philosophy 15 (1):1-5.
    The Measurement problem and Non-locality are classical problems in Quantum Mechanics and still unsolved in spite of the many proposed solutions. A new interpretation is proposed here, based on the idea that they are closely related problems. But it requires that we consider space and time not as objective mediums but as features of our representation of reality, as Kant explained more than two centuries ago.
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  5. Philippe borgeaud, exercices de mythologie, genève, labor et fides, 2004, 219p.Philippe Bornet - 2005 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 137:286.
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  6. Méthode.A. Sabatier - 1895 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3:1-26.
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  7. Policy knowledge: advocacy organizations.Paul A. Sabatier & Matthew A. Zafonte - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 17--11563.
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    Entretien avec Philippe Descola.Philippe Descola - 2011 - Cahiers Philosophiques 4:23-40.
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  9. (1 other version)Del'orientation de la methode en evolutionnisme.A. Sabatier - 1895 - Philosophical Review 4:337.
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  10. (1 other version)Esquisse d'une philosophie de la religion d'après la psychologie et l'histoire.A. Sabatier - 1897 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 44:89-96.
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    Philippe Steiner. L’école durkheimienne et l’économie: Sociologie, religion et connaissance. 376 pp., bibl., index. Geneva: Librairie Droz, 2005. €43. [REVIEW]Philippe Fontaine - 2007 - Isis 98 (2):418-420.
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    Affective Instability and Emotion Dysregulation as a Social Impairment.Philipp Schmidt - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Borderline personality disorder is a complex psychopathological phenomenon. It is usually thought to consist in a vast instability of different aspects that are central to our experience of the world, and to manifest as “a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity” [American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 663]. Typically, of the instability triad—instability in self, affect and emotion, and interpersonal relationships—only the first two are described, examined, and conceptualized from an experiential point of view. (...)
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    Jean-Philippe Rameaus letzter Musiktraktat, "Vérités également ignorées et interressantes tirées du sein de la nature" (1764): kritische Ausgabe mit Kommentar.Jean Philippe Rameau & Herbert Schneider - 1986 - Franz Steiner Verlag.
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    Integratives Rechtsdenken: im Diskurs mit Philippe Mastronardi: eine Festgabe.Philippe Mastronardi, Rainer J. Schweizer & Florian Windisch (eds.) - 2011 - Zürich: Dike.
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  15. Essai d'une théorie critique de la connaissance religieuse.A. Sabatier - 1893 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 26 (3):197.
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    Mechanistic inquiry and scientific pursuit: The case of visual processing.Philipp Haueis & Lena Kästner - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 93 (C):123-135.
    Why is it rational for scientists to pursue multiple models of a phenomenon at the same time? The literatures on mechanistic inquiry and scientific pursuit each develop answers to a version of this question which is rarely discussed by the other. The mechanistic literature suggests that scientists pursue different complementary models because each model provides detailed insights into different aspects of the phenomenon under investigation. The pursuit literature suggests that scientists pursue competing models because alternative models promise to solve outstanding (...)
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  17.  28
    Is Future Real? Putnam’s Argument Revisited.Pierre Sabatier - 2024 - Open Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):15-17.
    Putnam’s argument aims to prove that future is as real as present. His argument is based on the equation present = real. Is real what exists now. Is real what is part of observer-independent reality. What exists now depends on an observer—it is not real. It is then shown that Special Relativity is not only a physical theory, it has also a philosophical dimension in that it questions our very understanding of reality and requires a clear distinction between reality and (...)
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    Esquisse d'une philosophie de la religion.Auguste Sabatier - 1969 - Paris,: Fischbacher.
  19.  28
    La logique dans la science: Place et statut de la logique dans la philosophie de Jean Cavaillès/Logic in science: The place and status of logic in the philosophy of Jean Cavaillès.Xavier Sabatier - 1999 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 52 (1):81-106.
  20. (1 other version)Outlines of a philosophy of religion based on psychology and history.Auguste Sabatier - 1902 - New York,: J. Pott & company.
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  21.  55
    Rôle et légitimité de la notion de schème conceptuel dans le réalisme de Quine.Xavier Sabatier - 2009 - Philosophia Scientiae 13 (1):43-69.
    Le réalisme mathématique et scientifique de Quine se fonde sur la supposition d’un schème conceptuel global, conçu comme le prolongement des idées et des vérités élémentaires acquises lors de l’apprentissage du langage. Dans cet article, nous essayons de montrer que Quine ne parvient pas à justifier l’existence d’un schème conceptuel global, véritable théorie du monde, qu’il recoure au modèle de l’apprentissage du langage pour penser ce schème, au caractère holiste des théories scientifiques ou encore au rôle complémentaire des paraphrases et (...)
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    The Paradox of Motion.Pierre Sabatier - 2024 - Open Journal of Philosophy 14 (3):598-601.
    Physical reality is always in a unique state, and its presence has no duration. Motion, as passing from one state of reality to another, requires at least two states. If physical reality is always in a unique state, there is no movement in it. For motion to exist, there must then be another dimension of reality—where unicity is replaced by plurality, i.e., by its negation—by an observer-created non-physical reality, an abstract representation of reality, where past states remain present and motion (...)
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    Toward Pedagogical Justice: Teaching Worlds that we can Collectively Build.Chrissy A. Z. Hernandez, Sheeva Sabati & Ethan Chang - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (4):572-592.
    How can educators create space for students to practice making the worlds we are trying to collectively build? Inspired by genealogies that are grounded in and emerge from social movements, this paper uplifts the possibilities, tensions, and new questions that emerge when we take seriously the role of our classroom pedagogies. The authors offer a reflexive, methodological approach that pushes against the theory/practice divide and that stays with the importance of inhabiting theory through practice. They reflect on the role their (...)
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  24.  5
    Esquisse d'une philosophie de la religion d'après la psychologie et l'histoire.Auguste Sabatier - 1897 - Paris,: Fischbacher.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  25.  15
    Religions of Authority and the Religion of the Spirit.Auguste Sabatier & Louise Seymour Houghton - 1904 - Philosophical Review 13 (4):480-482.
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    Remarks about the unification types of some locally tabular normal modal logics.Philippe Balbiani, ÇiĞdem Gencer, Maryam Rostamigiv & Tinko Tinchev - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (1):115-139.
    It is already known that unifiable formulas in normal modal logic |$\textbf {K}+\square ^{2}\bot $| are either finitary or unitary and unifiable formulas in normal modal logic |$\textbf {Alt}_{1}+\square ^{2}\bot $| are unitary. In this paper, we prove that for all |$d{\geq }3$|⁠, unifiable formulas in normal modal logic |$\textbf {K}+\square ^{d}\bot $| are either finitary or unitary and unifiable formulas in normal modal logic |$\textbf {Alt}_{1}+\square ^{d}\bot $| are unitary.
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  27.  35
    Crossing the Lines: Manipulation, Social Impairment, and a Challenging Emotional Life.Philipp Schmidt - 2021 - Phenomenology and Mind 21:62-72.
    Manipulation or manipulative behavior, which is widespread in many life contexts and interpersonal relationships, is mostly associated with a negative connotation. Often considered roughly a form of control over others that cannot be equated with coercion or argumentation, manipulation is an umbrella term for strategies that serve to make another person (or oneself) experience x or do y or induce certain situations and interpersonal constellations. Frequently, the use of manipulative strategies is deemed to result from egoistic or even hostile motives. (...)
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  28.  7
    Implication et engagement: en hommage à Philippe Lucas.Philippe Fritsch & Lucas - 2000 - PUL.
    Qu'attendre des chercheurs en sciences sociales? Qu'ils fassent tout bonnement leur métier ou qu'à partir de leurs analyses ils s'impliquent dans les problèmes qui relèvent de leur compétence ou même qu'à partir de leur position de chercheur ils prennent publiquement position sur les grandes questions du jour? Ces alternatives sont loin d'épuiser le champ des possibles, mais les énoncer invite à s'interroger sur les rapports qu'entretiennent les travaux de recherche en sciences sociales avec les pratiques sociales qu'elles étudient. Ces questions (...)
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  29. Essai sur l'Immortalité au point de vue du naturalisme évolutionniste.A. Sabatier - 1896 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 42:414-418.
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  30. Le problème des origines littéraires et de la composition de l'Apocalypse de saint Jean.A. Sabatier - 1887 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 20 (6):553.
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    Les rois de représentation image et pouvoir.Gérard Sabatier - 1991 - Revue de Synthèse 112 (3-4):387-422.
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  32.  15
    Religion und Philosophie im alten Ägypten: Festgabe für Philippe Derchain zu seinem 65. Geburtstag am 24. Juli 1991.Philippe Derchain (ed.) - 1991 - Leuven: Peeters Publishers.
    Zum 65. Geburtstag des Kolner und Brusseler Agyptologie-Professors Philippe Derchain gratulierten ihm seine Freunde Kollegen und Schuler mit 33 Beitragen aus dem Gebiet der Religions- und Geistesgeschichte des Alten Agyptens: H. Altenmuller, J. Baines, E. Blumenthal, W. Boochs, M. Broze, Fr. de Cenival, W. Decker, M. Derchain-Urtel, E. Doetsch-Amberger, E. Graefe, J.Gw. Griffiths, M. Heerma van Oss, W. Helck, M. Herb, J.M. Kruchten, D. Kurth, Fr. Labrique, A. Loprieno, M. Malaise, D. Meeks, H. De Meulenaere, J. Quaegebeur, B. Radomska, (...)
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    Descriptive multiscale modeling in data-driven neuroscience.Philipp Haueis - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-26.
    Multiscale modeling techniques have attracted increasing attention by philosophers of science, but the resulting discussions have almost exclusively focused on issues surrounding explanation (e.g., reduction and emergence). In this paper, I argue that besides explanation, multiscale techniques can serve important exploratory functions when scientists model systems whose organization at different scales is ill-understood. My account distinguishes explanatory and descriptive multiscale modeling based on which epistemic goal scientists aim to achieve when using multiscale techniques. In explanatory multiscale modeling, scientists use multiscale (...)
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    A lay perspective on prioritization for intensive care in pandemic times: Vaccination status matters.Philipp Sprengholz, Lars Korn, Lisa Felgendreff, Sarah Eitze & Cornelia Betsch - forthcoming - Clinical Ethics:147775092210944.
    During a pandemic, demand for intensive care often exceeds availability. Experts agree that allocation should maximize benefits and must not be based on whether patients could have taken preventive measures. However, intensive care units are often overburdened by individuals with severe COVID-19 who have chosen not to be vaccinated to prevent the disease. This article reports an experiment that investigated the German public's prioritization preferences during the fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic. In a series of scenarios, participants were asked (...)
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  35. François Stoll Philipp Notter.Philipp Notter - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob, Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 466.
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    A ontologia dos outros. Entrevista com Philippe Descola.Philippe Descola & Davide Scarso - 2016 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 28 (43):251.
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    Touches d'atteinte.Philippe Stern & Jean Naudou - 1994 - Peter Lang Group Ag, International Academic Publishers.
    Philippe Stern, qui fut conservateur en chef du Musée Guimet à Paris, est surtout connu comme historien des arts de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud-Est. Il a sinon créé, du moins perfectionné la méthode qui consiste à suivre l'évolution, à travers la vie d'un art, de motifs spécialement choisis pour en découvrir la chronologie jusque-là inconnue. Il a fait de cette méthode un outil sûr qui a permis en particulier de redresser la chronologie erronée de l'art khmer, d'établir (...)
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  38. The Validation of Scientific Theories. Edited with an Introduction by Philipp Frank.Philipp Frank (ed.) - 1961 - Collier Books.
  39. A Generalized Patchwork Approach to Scientific Concepts.Philipp Haueis - 2024 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 75 (3):741-768.
    Polysemous concepts with multiple related meanings pervade natural languages, yet some philosophers argue that we should eliminate them to avoid miscommunication and pointless debates in scientific discourse. This paper defends the legitimacy of polysemous concepts in science against this eliminativist challenge. My approach analyses such concepts as patchworks with multiple scale-dependent, technique-involving, domain-specific and property-targeting uses (patches). I demonstrate the generality of my approach by applying it to "hardness" in materials science, "homology" in evolutionary biology, "gold" in chemistry and "cortical (...)
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    Chromosome rearrangements resulting from telomere dysfunction and their role in cancer.John P. Murnane & Laure Sabatier - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (11):1164-1174.
    Telomeres play a vital role in protecting the ends of chromosomes and preventing chromosome fusion. The failure of cancer cells to properly maintain telomeres can be an important source of the chromosome instability involved in cancer cell progression. Telomere loss results in sister chromatid fusion and prolonged breakage/fusion/bridge (B/F/B) cycles, leading to extensive DNA amplification and large deletions. These B/F/B cycles end primarily when the unstable chromosome acquires a new telomere by translocation of the ends of other chromosomes. Many of (...)
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    Expressive presuppositions.Philippe Schlenker - 2007 - Theoretical Linguistics 33 (2):237–245.
    Potts (2005, 2007) has argued that expressives such as honky must be analyzed using an entirely new dimension of meaning. We explore a more conservative theory in which expressives are presuppositional expressions [Macià 2002] that are indexical and attitudinal (and sometimes shiftable): they predicate something of the mental state of the agent of the context (and this need not always be the agent of the actual context). Following Stalnaker’s recent work on informative presuppositions (2002), we argue that the presuppositions triggered (...)
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  42.  52
    Philippe Boutry, Yves-Marie Fradet et Philippe Levillain, dir., 150 ans au coeur de Rome. Le Séminaire français 1853-2003. Paris, Éditions Karthala, 2004, 535 p.Philippe Boutry, Yves-Marie Fradet et Philippe Levillain, dir., 150 ans au coeur de Rome. Le Séminaire français 1853-2003. Paris, Éditions Karthala, 2004, 535 p. [REVIEW]Philippe J. Roy - 2010 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 66 (2):436-440.
  43. Epistemic norms without voluntary control.Philippe Chuard & Nicholas Southwood - 2009 - Noûs 43 (4):599-632.
    William Alston’s argument against the deontological conception of epistemic justification is a classic—and much debated—piece of contemporary epistemology. At the heart of Alston’s argument, however, lies a very simple mistake which, surprisingly, appears to have gone unnoticed in the vast literature now devoted to the argument. After having shown why some of the standard responses to Alston’s argument don’t work, we elucidate the mistake and offer a hypothesis as to why it has escaped attention.
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  44. Spurious Unanimity and the Pareto Principle.Philippe Mongin - 2016 - Economics and Philosophy 32 (3):511-532.
    The Pareto principle states that if the members of society express the same preference judgment between two options, this judgment is compelling for society. A building block of normative economics and social choice theory, and often borrowed by contemporary political philosophy, the principle has rarely been subjected to philosophical criticism. The paper objects to it on the ground that it indifferently applies to those cases in which the individuals agree on both their expressed preferences and their reasons for entertaining them, (...)
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  45. The moral behavior of ethics professors: A replication-extension in German-speaking countries.Philipp Schönegger & Johannes Wagner - 2019 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (4):532-559.
    ABSTRACTWhat is the relation between ethical reflection and moral behavior? Does professional reflection on ethical issues positively impact moral behaviors? To address these questions, Schwitzgebel and Rust empirically investigated if philosophy professors engaged with ethics on a professional basis behave any morally better or, at least, more consistently with their expressed values than do non-ethicist professors. Findings from their original US-based sample indicated that neither is the case, suggesting that there is no positive influence of ethical reflection on moral action. (...)
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    Le Surhomme : mythe nazi ou image libertaire?Philippe Granarolo - 2017 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 67 (1):27-43.
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  47. Être et intériorité: la métaphysique d'Aimé Forest (1898-1983).Philippe-Marie Margelidon - 2024 - Paris: Hermann.
    La métaphysique forestienne de l'être est une métaphysique de la présence. Être est plus qu'exister et c'est mieux qu'un simple fait, c'est un acte, c'est-à-dire une présence. Forest pense l'être dans sa corrélation à l'esprit qui le pense, comme une présence qui l'enveloppe et le constitue, plus encore qu'une substance que l'on infère à partir de ses propriétés. L'esprit révèle sans constituer, il manifeste ce qui est. L'être est plus intérieur à l'esprit que constitué par le sujet qui le pense. (...)
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    Deleuze.Philippe Mengue - 2012 - Paris: Max Milo. Edited by Aleksi Cavaillez.
    Le nom de Deleuze est associé à d'étranges concepts (machines désirantes, ritournelle, machine de guerre ou lignes de fuite). Or ces notions impressionnantes s'expliquent simplement, à partir du moment où l'on dispose de l'intuition qui ordonne son oeuvre. Cet ouvrage nous fait accéder à la compréhension du fil qui noue la pensée de Deleuze, notamment à partir de personnages littéraires tels que Bartleby, Lancelot ou la Princesse de Clèves. Deleuze apparaît alors comme non dogmatique, lui-même ouvert à la variation et (...)
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  49. Le propos de l'art.Philippe Minguet - 1963 - [Tournai]: Casterman.
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    Repenser l'insignifiance.Philippe Monneret, Faouzi Horchani & Jamel Zaidi (eds.) - 2021 - Tunis: Institut Supérier des Sciences Humaines de Médenine.
    1. Littérature et insignifiance -- 2. Linguistique et insignifiance -- 3. Art et insignifiance.
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