Results for 'Phillip H. Gochenour'

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  1.  47
    Assessing Ong.Phillip H. Gochenour - 1999 - Film-Philosophy 3 (1).
    _Time, Memory, and the Verbal Arts: Essays on the Thought of Walter Ong_ Edited by Dennis L. Weeks and Jane Hoogestraat Selinsgrove: Susquehanna University Press, 1999 ISBN: 1-57591-009-8 247 pp.
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  2. Deep Learning as Method-Learning: Pragmatic Understanding, Epistemic Strategies and Design-Rules.Phillip H. Kieval & Oscar Westerblad - manuscript
    We claim that scientists working with deep learning (DL) models exhibit a form of pragmatic understanding that is not reducible to or dependent on explanation. This pragmatic understanding comprises a set of learned methodological principles that underlie DL model design-choices and secure their reliability. We illustrate this action-oriented pragmatic understanding with a case study of AlphaFold2, highlighting the interplay between background knowledge of a problem and methodological choices involving techniques for constraining how a model learns from data. Building successful models (...)
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  3.  33
    God and other spirits: intimations of transcendence in Christian experience.Phillip H. Wiebe - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Many people believe in angels and evil spirits, and popular culture abounds in talk about encounters with such entities. Yet the question of the existence of such spirits is ignored in the academy. Even the Christian Church, which one might expect to show keen interest in transcendent realities, does not appear to be paying much attention. In this book Phillip Wiebe defends the plausibility of the traditional Christian claim that spirits are real. Wiebe examines descriptions of encounters with both (...)
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    The Legitimacy of Miracle.Phillip H. Wiebe - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (7):764-765.
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    Introduction.H. A. Phillips - 2008 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 33 (4):295-301.
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    Human: Substance, Relationship, Choice, Value and Nature.H. A. Phillips - 2012 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 37 (4):325-330.
  7.  18
    Religious Experience: Implications for What Is Real.Phillip H. Wiebe - 2023 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Phillip Wiebe examines religious, spiritual, and mystical experiences, assessing how these experiences appear to implicate a spiritual order. Despite the current prevalence of naturalism and atheism, he argues that experiences purporting to have a religious or spiritual significance deserve close empirical investigation. Wiebe surveys the broad scope of religious experience and considers different types of evidence that might give rise to a belief in phenomena such as spirits, paranormal events, God, and an afterlife. He demonstrates that (...)
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  8. Religious Experience, Cognitive Science, and the Future of Religion.Phillip H. Wiebe - 2006 - In Philip Clayton & Zachory Simpson, The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science. Oxford University Press. pp. 503-522.
    Accession Number: ATLA0001712249; Hosting Book Page Citation: p 503-522.; Language(s): English; General Note: Bibliography: p 519-522.; Issued by ATLA: 20130825; Publication Type: Essay.
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    Existential Assumptions for Aristotelian Logic.Phillip H. Wiebe - 1991 - Journal of Philosophical Research 16:321-328.
    This paper addresses the question of what existential assumptions are needed for the Aristotelian interpretation of the relationships between the four categorical propositions. The particular relationships in question are those unique to the Aristotelian logic, namely, contrariety, subcontrariety, subaltemation, conversion by limitation, and contraposition by limitation. The views of several recent authors of logic textbooks are surveyed. While most construe the Aristotelian logic as capable of being preserved by assuming that the subject class has a member, Irving Copi construes that (...)
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  10. On the cosmic order of modern physics and the conceptual world of the american indian.Phillip H. Duran - 2007 - World Futures 63 (1):1 – 27.
    Indigenous peoples have for millennia observed and lived in deference to the same universe as scientists who meticulously record and measure information, but their deep knowledge of the natural world remains unacknowledged by the greater society. This article relates some of that knowledge to physics concepts, particularly relativity and quantum theory, as an initial step toward conveying certain realities of the American Indian world into a Western scientific context such that their meaning is not lost. Modern physics has not only (...)
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  11. American Academy in Rome: Fellowships.H. Phillips - 1950 - Classical Weekly 44:29.
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    A discovery in traditional logic.H. B. Phillips - 1957 - Mind 66 (263):398-400.
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  13. Adverbes grecs en "-then" [Greek].H. Phillips - 1940 - Classical Weekly 34:175-176.
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  14.  36
    Creation.H. B. Phillips - 1966 - Zygon 1 (4):401-401.
  15.  20
    Crossing the divide, dividing the cross: religious and secular cultures in seventeenth-century France.H. Phillips - 1997 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 79 (1):127-142.
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  16. Summer Session 1951.H. Phillips - 1950 - Classical Weekly 44:30.
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  17. Vicissitudes of the I: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind.H. Phillips - 1995 - Prentice-Hall.
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  18.  14
    Friedrich Nietzsche: Jenseits von Gut und Böse ed. by Marcus Andreas Born.Phillip H. Roth - 2016 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 47 (2):311-314.
    It is definitely a welcome contribution to Nietzsche scholarship that a volume on Beyond Good and Evil has been published in the German series Klassiker Auslegen, established by Ottfried Höffe. The series aims at providing cooperative commentaries by leading scholars in the field on the most important works in the history of philosophy. As with the other “classics” that have been covered, the order of contributions follows the order of the original publication; in the case of Beyond Good and Evil, (...)
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    Neue Arbeiten zur Anthropologie Nietzsches.Phillip H. Roth - 2014 - Nietzsche Studien 43 (1).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzsche-Studien Jahrgang: 43 Heft: 1 Seiten: 331-346.
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    Political and Psychological Prerequisites for Legislation in the Early Nietzsche.Phillip H. Roth - 2014 - In Manuel Knoll & Barry Stocker, Nietzsche as Political Philosopher. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 211-238.
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  21.  63
    Escape from freedom and dignity.Phillip H. Scribner - 1972 - Ethics 83 (1):13-36.
  22.  34
    The Reform of Papal Taxation at the Council of Constance (1414–1418).Phillip H. Stump - 1989 - Speculum 64 (1):69-105.
    Historians have generally concluded that the Council of Constance, although it successfully ended the Great Schism by reuniting the church, failed in its effort to reform the church. The council's negotiations concerning papal taxation of the clergy have often been singled out as an example of incomplete and abortive reform efforts: those reforms that were enacted were merely cosmetic; the rest failed because the cardinals and the newly elected pope were able to outmaneuver the reformers by exploiting the divisions among (...)
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  23.  62
    Authenticating Biblical Reports of Miracles.Phillip H. Wiebe - 1993 - Journal of Philosophical Research 18:309-325.
    This paper critically examines the claim advanced by a number of important apologists for Christian theism that the biblical reports of miracles obtain confirmation from the accuracy of the reports of ordinary events in the biblical writings.An informal argument from analogy is first presented to show the implausibility of this claim, and then formal arguments using the theory of confirmation are considered. Several possible formal interpretations of the apologists’ position are considered and rejected.The paper concludes with several comments about the (...)
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  24.  37
    Augustine’s Confessions: A Biography.Phillip H. Wiebe - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (5):680-681.
  25.  61
    A Metaphysics for Scientific Realism: Knowing the Unobservable. By Anjan Chakravartty.Phillip H. Wiebe - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (6):860-860.
  26.  31
    Criteria of Strengthening Evidence.Phillip H. Wiebe - 1978 - Philosophy Research Archives 4:184-195.
    Confirmation theorists have frequently expressed an interest in evidence which strengthens a hypothesis or in evidence which makes a hypothesis firmer. A number of criteria have been offered, including the instantial criterion, the prediction criteria, and Hempel's satisfaction criterion. All of these criteria are dyadic, but the concept of strengthening evidence is triadic, for it makes explicit reference to an evidence report and a hypothesis, and implicit reference to prior evidence in the light of which a new evidence report must (...)
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  27.  84
    Defending Intuition in Ethics.Phillip H. Wiebe - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (4):396-399.
  28. Degrees of Hallucinatoriness and Christic Visions.Phillip H. Wiebe - 2004 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 26 (1):201-222.
    This paper examines the feasibility of the claim that perceptual experience might lie on a continuum, so that lifelikeness, and correlatively, that hallucinatoriness might occur in degrees. The first-hand accounts of twenty-eight people reporting a vision of Christ provide the basis for identifying the categories by which experiences are compared. Three specific vision accounts are used to show the plausibility of claiming that hallucinatoriess might vary in degree. Some comments on the psychological aspects of these visionary experiences upon the lives (...)
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  29.  73
    Finite spirits as theoretical entities.Phillip H. Wiebe - 2004 - Religious Studies 40 (3):341-350.
    Finite spirits can be plausibly viewed as entities postulated by a theory, comparable to the position on mental states and processes developed in the latter part of the twentieth century. This position is developed here by reference to the account in the synoptic gospels of the exorcism of the Gadarene demoniacs. The role played by specifying causal relationships between postulated entities and objects whose existence is not in doubt is examined. Also, various features of theories are discussed in relation to (...)
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  30.  9
    Theism in an Age of Science.Phillip H. Wiebe - 1988 - Upa.
    To find more information on Rowman & Littlefield titles, please visit us at
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  31. Aegidius Tschudi, Chronicon Helveticum, Bernhard Stettler.(Quellen zur Schweizer Geschichte, Neue Folge, Erste Abteilung, Chroniken 7/9.) Basel: Krebs, for the Allgemeine Geschichtforschende Gesellschaft der Schweiz, 1992. Paper. Pp. 170*, 269. SF 150. [REVIEW]Phillip H. Stump - 1995 - Speculum 70 (1):215-217.
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  32.  47
    Hate Spin: The Manufacture of Religious Offense and Its Threat to Democracy. [REVIEW]Phillip H. Wiebe - 2018 - The European Legacy 24 (3-4):466-468.
    Volume 24, Issue 3-4, May - June 2019, Page 466-468.
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  33.  27
    Review of John Bishop, Believing by Faith: An Essay in the Epistemology and Ethics of Religious Belief[REVIEW]Phillip H. Wiebe - 2007 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2007 (10).
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  34.  12
    The Epicurean Analysis of Language.Phillip H. de Lacy - 1939 - American Journal of Philology 60 (1):85.
  35.  21
    Participation, Empowerment, and Evidence in the Current Discourse on Personalized Medicine: A Critique of “Democratizing Healthcare”.Tommaso Bruni & Phillip H. Roth - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (5):1033-1056.
    “Democratization” has recently become a popular trope in Western public discourses on medicine, where it refers to patient participation in the gathering and distribution of health-related data using various digital technologies, in order to improve healthcare technically and socially. We critically analyze the usage of the term from the perspective of the “politics of buzzwords.” Our claim is that the phrase works primarily to publicly justify the dramatic increase in the application of information and data technologies in healthcare and therefore (...)
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  36.  15
    Control of memory by spreading cortical depression: A critique of stimulus control.Larry R. Squire & Phillip H. Liss - 1968 - Psychological Review 75 (4):347-352.
  37. Null.Doohwan Ahn, Sanda Badescu, Giorgio Baruchello, Raj Nath Bhat, Laura Boileau, Rosalind Carey, Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu, Alan Goldstone, James Grieve, John Grumley, Grant Havers, Stefan Höjelid, Peter Isackson, Marguerite Johnson, Adrienne Kertzer, J.-Guy Lalande, Clinton R. Long, Joseph Mali, Ben Marsden, Peter Monteath, Michael Edward Moore, Jeff Noonan, Lynda Payne, Joyce Senders Pedersen, Brayton Polka, Lily Polliack, John Preston, Anthony Pym, Marina Ritzarev, Joseph Rouse, Peter N. Saeta, Arthur B. Shostak, Stanley Shostak, Marcia Landy, Kenneth R. Stunkel, I. I. I. Wheeler & Phillip H. Wiebe - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (6):731-771.
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  38.  62
    Response feedback and motor learning.Jack A. Adams, Ernest T. Goetz & Phillip H. Marshall - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 92 (3):391.
  39.  88
    Diskurse über induzierte pluripotente Stammzellforschung und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gestaltung sozialkompatibler Lösungen – eine interdisziplinäre Bestandsaufnahme.Vasilija Rolfes, Helene Gerhards, Janet Opper, Uta Bittner, Phillip H. Roth, Heiner Fangerau, Ulrich M. Gassner & Renate Martinsen - 2017 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 22 (1):65-86.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik Jahrgang: 22 Heft: 1 Seiten: 65-86.
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  40. Jla west 145.Joel Thomas Tif-rno, A. Third, Nick Trakakis, William Desmond, Peter Gan Chong Beng & Phillip H. Wiebe - 2006 - Sophia 45 (2).
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  41.  85
    Epistemology in Classical India: The Knowledge Sources of the Nyaya School.Stephen H. Phillips - 2011 - New York: Routledge.
    In this book, Phillips gives an overview of the contribution of Nyaya--the classical Indian school that defends an externalist position about knowledge as well as an internalist position about justification. Nyaya literature extends almost two thousand years and comprises hundreds of texts, and in this book, Phillips presents a useful overview of the under-studied system of thought. For the philosopher rather than the scholar of Sanskrit, the book makes a whole range of Nyaya positions and arguments accessible to students of (...)
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Wallace A. Murphree, Jim Gerrie & Phillip H. Wiebe - 2005 - Sophia 44 (1):135-139.
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    (1 other version)Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]Phillip L. Smith, Lawrence D. Klein, Kristin Egelhof, Neela Trivedi, Mary P. Hoy, Harold J. Frantz, J. Theodore Klein, Phillip H. Steedman, William E. Roweton, Mary Jeanne Munroe, Larry Janes, Beverly Lindsay, Ellen Hay Schiller, Paul Albert Emoungu, F. Michael Perko, Susan Frissell, Stephen K. Miller, Samuel M. Vinocur, Fred D. Gilbert Jr, Elizabeth Sherman Swing & Gerald A. Postiglione - 1981 - Educational Studies 12 (4):483-514.
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    Moral Practices.D. Z. Phillips & H. O. Mounce - 1970 - Philosophy 46 (176):179-181.
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  45.  19
    Gaṅgeśa on the Upādhi, the "inferential undercutting condition": introduction, translation, and explanation.Stephen H. Phillips - 2002 - New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research. Edited by Ramanuja Tatacharya, S. N. & Gaṅgeśa.
    Study of Upādhiprakaraṇa of Gaṅgeśa, 13th cent., treatise on Navya Nyāya philosophy; includes text and translataion.
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  46.  29
    Lifespan aging and belief reasoning: Influences of executive function and social cue decoding.Louise H. Phillips, Rebecca Bull, Roy Allen, Pauline Insch, Kirsty Burr & Will Ogg - 2011 - Cognition 120 (2):236-247.
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  47. There's nothing wrong with raw perception: A response to Chakrabarti's attack on nyāya's "nirvikalpaka pratyakṣa".Stephen H. Phillips - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (1):104-113.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:There's Nothing Wrong with Raw Perception:A Response to Chakrabarti's Attack on Nyāya's Nirvikalpaka PratyakṣaStephen H. PhillipsIn the lead article of the fiftieth anniversary issue of Philosophy East and West (January 2000), Arindam Chakrabarti elaborates seven reasons why Nyāya should jettison "indeterminate perception" and view all perception as determinate, that is to say, as having an entity (a) as qualified by a qualifier (F) as object (Fa). In his notes, (...)
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  48.  82
    Hartshorne and Indian Panentheism.Stephen H. Phillips - 2010 - Sophia 49 (2):285-295.
  49.  79
    Semantic Powers: Meaning and the Means of Knowing in Classical Indian Philosophy.Stephen H. Phillips - 2001 - Mind 110 (439):749-753.
  50.  43
    Epistemology of perception: Ganṅgeśa's Tattvacintāmaṇi: jewel of reflection on the truth (about epistemology), the Perception chapter (Pratyakṣa-khaṇḍa).Stephen H. Phillips - 2004 - New York: American Institute of Buddhist Studies. Edited by Ramanuja Tatacharya, S. N. & Gaṅgeśa.
    The present work is a translation of The Perception Chapter of Jewel of Reflection on the Truth, a foundational text by the great fourteenth-century Indian logician Gangesa Upadhyaya. The authors' introduction and running commentary to the translation provide essential theoretical and historical background, contextualization, analysis, and comparison of Nyaya and Western traditions. Includes a detailed glossary and index. Published by American Institute of Buddhist Studies (AIBS).
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