Results for 'Philosophical counseling. '

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  1.  86
    Philosophical counseling: theory and practice.Peter B. Raabe - 2001 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    Critiques existing theoretical approaches and practices of philosophical counseling and presents a new model.
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    Philosophical Counseling.Lou Marinoff - 2022 - In Lee C. McIntyre, Nancy Arden McHugh & Ian Olasov, A companion to public philosophy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 290–302.
    Philosophical counseling is an educational activity in which philosophers engage in dialogue with clients who wish to address questions or manage problems that arise during the course of everyday life. This chapter offers three contrasting perspectives on the question of what philosophical counselors do: first, an institutional scope of practice for philosophical counseling; second, an anecdotal list of common issues for which clients seek philosophical counseling; and third, a heterogeneous set of views by several pioneers of (...)
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  3. Philosophical Counseling and Teaching: "Holding the Tension" in a Dualistic World.Maria Davenza Tillmanns - 1998 - Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    In this dissertation, I develop a theory of philosophical counseling and teaching. It is the outcome of my holding the tension of my practical and theoretical viewing points. Holding the tension is a term which Maurice Friedman coined to counter the idea of dichotomous either/or thinking and any attempt to synthesize thought into unity or fusion. ;This dissertation focuses on Buber's notion of the dialogical, which implies acknowledging the other's otherness. Buber's notion of other is diametrically opposed to the (...)
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    Philosophical Counselling.K. A. Zoë - 1995 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 2 (2):23-28.
    Self-understanding is to a great extent defined by narrative: who we are as human beings is determined by the stories we, and others, tell about ourselves. Yet many are unable to compose coherent personal narratives, as their experiences do not fall within the scope of an accepted conceptual framework. Survivors of trauma are particularly apt to fall into this “narrative rift,” where there can be no words to describe, and hence can be no assimilation of, their experiences. Using the example (...)
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  5. Philosophical Counseling, Psychoanalysis, First-aid, and the Philosophical Café.Shlomit Schuster - 2004 - Philosophy and Culture 31 (1):109-120.
    Outlined are several ways in which philosophical knowledge can contribute to personal and social well-being. In the introduction, "What is Philosophical Practice, Counseling, and Psychoanalysis" I describe how the ancient philosophical tradition of care for the soul or self has been revived among philosophers and others in the last twenty-five years. The sections "The Philosophical Counseling Hotline" and "Personal Well-being and the Philosophical Café '" are accounts of specific applications of ideas of the contemporary German (...)
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  6. Philosophical Counseling for Philosophers: A Confession of Images.David Berman - 2008 - Philosophical Practice 3 (2):255-266.
    The main aim of this essay is to open up an area of philosophical counseling that may be described as philosophical counseling for philosophers, where philosophical disabilities or impairments can be identified and treated. This is done by going to the field of mental imagery, which is the context in which the author presents his own imagery impairments and the negative impact they have had on his work in philosophy. The author also tries to show how attending (...)
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  7.  42
    Philosophical Counseling.M. Carmela Epright - 2003 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 10 (2):17-22.
    In this paper I will move away from what has become the "traditional" approach to writing and thinking about philosophical counseling - I will not compare and contrast the virtues of the philosophical and psychological paradigms, nor will I attempt to defend philosophical counseling against its critics. Instead, I will use the methods and practices employed by philosophical counselors as a paradigm to inform and govern another philosophical practice, that is, clinical medical ethics. I will (...)
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  8.  11
    Women in Philosophical Counseling: The Anima of Thought in Action.Luisa De Paula & Peter Raabe (eds.) - 2015 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This multi-faceted collection of women's perspectives on the renaissance in philosophical practices provides an international overview on the professional practice of philosophical counseling as rooted in the ancient philosophical discipline of life and its essential difference from modern mainstream philosophy.
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    Philosophical Counseling, Philosophical Education and Emotion.Warren Shibles - 1998 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 12 (1):19-36.
    The recent literature, conference and internet discussions about philosophical counseling (PC) show that it is in a state of confusion as to its definition, area of expertise and purpose. The present paper analyzes these definitions showing their limitations as well as their strong points. A proposal for a more adequate definition is then given which recommends changing the name of “Philosophical Counseling” to “Philosophy Educator and Advisor.” It is also shown that humanism contains many of the elements of (...)
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  10. Philosophical Counseling and Contradictions. But you can’t allow a contradiction to stand! Why not?Donata Romizi & Esther Ramharter - 2015 - In Lydia Amir Aleksandar Fatić, Practicing Philosophy. Cambridge Scholars Press.
    In this paper, we deal with the issue of contradictory beliefs, particularly with regard to Philosophical Counseling: both voices from the philosophical tradition (with no claim of being exhaustive!) and concepts developed by philosophical practitioners will be considered, in order to make clear what a wide range of resources for dealing with contradictions is available to the philosopher who may wish to engage in Philosophical Counseling. Among the philosophical practitioners, we devote special consideration to Ben (...)
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    Philosophical counselling: Towards a ‘new approach’ in pastoral care and counselling?Daniel J. Louw - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (2).
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    Philosophical Counselling as a Ground for Philosophizing. Reflections based on the Volume: Communication and Philosophical Counselling, Author Sandu Frunza, Eikon Publishing House, Bucharest, 2019.Antonio Sandu - 2019 - Postmodern Openings 10 (1):296-302.
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  13. A philosophical counseling approach to moral distress.Nancy J. Matchett - 2019 - Philosophical Practice: Journal of the American Philosophical Practitioners Association 14 (1).
    This paper completes an argument that the problem of moral distress offers philosophical counselors an opportunity to do work that is both socially useful and philosophically interesting in its own right. A previous Philosophical Practice article answered the question, What's Philosophical About Moral Distress? by conceptualizing it as a phenomenon that arises within a moral worldview (Matchett 2018). The present paper investigates ways in which a philosophical counseling response to moral distress might differ from the strategies (...)
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    Philosophical Counseling.Sara Waller - 2003 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 10 (2):23-31.
    I offer a method for philosophical counseling that is contrasted with Marinoffs. This version of philosophical counseling is primarily epistemic and suggests therapy as the examination of the justification of a client's beliefs, with a goal of enabling the client to change belief systems if the client so chooses.
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  15. Philosophical counseling practice.R. Walsh - 2005 - Janus Head 8 (2):497-508.
    This paper approaches philosophical counseling practice from the idea that philosophy itself is primarily a way of living and only secondarily a subject matter to be grasped and comprehended. Three things are shown to follow from this view: first, charging a fee for access to this practice is inimical to the practice itself; secondly, contrary to scientific ‘objectivity’ as the means to truthspeaking, this view of philosophy calls for a consciously articulated autobiographical expression or personal admission on the part (...)
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  16.  31
    Epimelia Heautou as Philosophical Counselling.Richard Charlton Sivil - 2010 - South African Journal of Philosophy 29 (2):140-155.
    Philosophical counselling is practice aimed at alleviating suffering though the application of a range of philosophical skill and methods. Presupposing that critical investigation of one's values and assumptions will be sufficient to bring about a meaningful transformation is presumptuous – both of the force of rationality, and the breadth of philosophy's application. Self knowledge is a precursor to transformation, but not solely responsible for it. This appears to call the foundation of philosophical counseling into question. The ancient (...)
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  17.  48
    Philosophical counselling based on dialogical critical thinking.Blanka Šulavíková - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (4):680-688.
    Various approaches and methods are used in philosophical counselling. Two main trends can be observed: the first is the use of contemplative methods and the second constitutes approaches based on dialogical critical thinking. The author defends the idea that developing philosophical counselling on the basis of critical thinking presupposes that it is possible for counsellor and client to hold a philosophical dialogue where the relationship is one of expert/lay person. J. Šulavík has described this relationship in greater (...)
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  18.  8
    Feminist philosophical counseling on the problem of emotions. 김선희 - 2013 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 19 (null):5-33.
    이 논문에서 필자는 감정의 지향적 내용에 대한 여성주의적 해석을 통하여 여성의 분노와 우울에 대한 여성주의 철학상담의 가능성을 논의하고자 한다. 구체적으로, 가부장제 문화에서 여성 감정의 지향적 내용은 문화적 가치와 연루되어있다는 것을 보이고 그러한 구조와 맥락을 이해함으로써 올바른 치유의 방향을 모색할 수 있다는 것을 논의한다. 이 목적을 위하여, 필자는 한편으로 감정의 지향성논제에서 출발하여 여성의 분노와 우울의 감정이 사고나 행위와 마찬가지로 어떻게 철학적 논의의 대상이 되는지 보인다. 다른 한편으로 지향성 논제만으로는 여성주의 상담이 되기에 불충분하며 그 논제를 여성주의적으로 재해석하는 것이 필요하다는 것을 논의한다. 또한 (...)
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  19.  35
    Philosophical Counselling.Peter Savage - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (1):39-48.
    Philosophical counselling is an approach that aims to assist people to deal with life events in an effective manner. As such, it is of interest to nurses who are concerned with helping clients who require assistance effectively to manage life events. The approach utilizes both ancient and contemporary philosophical promises and theories. On the promise side, it offers the belief that philosophy can be concerned with providing answers to the question of how people ought to live a good (...)
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  20.  68
    Understanding Philosophical Counseling.Richard Chariton Sivil - 2008 - South African Journal of Philosophy 28 (2):199-209.
    The last two and a half decades has seen the emergence of philosophical counseling. While it is practiced in many countries comparatively little has been said on its general character. In this paper I will seek to understand philosophical counseling by exploring its points of convergence to and deviation from its complimentary parts – philosophy and counseling. The practical and applied orientation of philosophical counseling seems worlds apart from what many consider to exemplify philosophy – theoretical, intellectual (...)
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  21.  6
    Philosophical Counseling and Whole ‘Spiritual Healing’ for a Happy Life. 홍경자 - 2017 - The Catholic Philosophy 28:177-208.
    본 논문은 ‘행복의 역설’을 강조하는 철학상담적 관점에서 인간 의 고통을 치유하고 행복한 삶을 지향하는 ‘전인적 영성치유’에 대 해 논의에 초점을 맞추고자 한다. 얼마 전부터 다양한 분야의 연구 자들이 많은 관심을 가지고 연구에 매진하고 있는 신흥학문이자 융복합 학문인 ‘행복학’(Bonheurologie)은 행복에 대한 정의를 새 로운 관점과 다양한 방식으로 정립시키고자 시도하고 있다. 이러 한 시도와 무관하지 않는 본 논문은 이성적 사유를 넘어서는 전인 적 ‘영성’개념을 행복과 연결시켜 기존에 진행 중인 행복학의 논의 를 좀 더 확장하여 진전시켜 보고자 한다. 특히 본 논문은 다양한 층위를 (...)
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    Philosophical Counseling as an Alternative Process to Bioethics Mediation.Nancy J. Matchett - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (1):56-58.
    This commentary shows how philosophical counseling offers an alternative way for consultants to facilitate "closure" in bioethical disputes.
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    Philosophical Counselling, Truth and Self-Interpretation.David A. Jopling - 1996 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 13 (3):297-310.
    Philosophical counselling, Ran Lahav and others claim, helps clients deepen their philosophical self‐understanding. The counsellor's role is the minimalist one of providing the client with the philosophical tools needed for reflective self‐evaluation. Respect for the client's autonomy entails refraining from intervening with substantive moral criticism, theories, and methods; the client's ways of working out fundamental questions like ‘Who am I and what do I really want?’cannot be assessed by the counsellor in terms of their truth‐value, but only (...)
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  24.  58
    Defining Philosophical Counselling: An Overview1.Dirk Louw - 2013 - South African Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):60-70.
    The practice of ‘Philosophical Counselling’ (henceforth ‘PC’) is growing. But what exactly is PC? The variety of attempts to define PC can be summarised in terms of three overlapping sets of opposites: practical versus theoretical definitions; monistic versus pluralistic definitions; and substantive versus antinomous definitions. ‘Practical’ definitions of PC include descriptive accounts of its actual practice. ‘Theoretical’ definitions exclude such accounts. ‘Monistic definitions’ refers to definitions of PC that define it in terms of the work of one specific philosopher (...)
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  25. From philosophical counselling to philosophy for counsellors.P. B. Raabe & J. Barrientos Rastrojo - forthcoming - Philosophical Practice: From Theory to Practice.
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  26. What Philosophical Counseling Can’t Do.Lou Marinoff - 1998 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 5 (4):33-41.
    Notwithstanding recent successes of philosophical counseling, which appear to be leading to its legitimization as a professional practice in America and abroad, many forces concen to condition its emergent structure and function. This paper briefly elucidates some of the influences to which philosophical counseling is subject, that lie beyond its unilateral control. These include its portayal by the media to the public, its scope of practice, its relations with psychology and psychiatry, its foreseeable effects in particular cases, and (...)
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    Philosophical Counseling and the Network Theory of Well-Being, Revamped.Martha Lang - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 4 (4):16-27.
    The central goal of this article is to make the case that the revamped version of Michael Bishop’s Network Theory of Well-being, described in his 2015 book The Good Life: Unifying the Philosophy and Psychology of Well-Being, provides a worthwhile framework for philosophical counseling endeavors, including Logic-Based Therapy. In 2017, The Network Theory of Well-Being, Revamped emerged as a response to Bishop’s theory of well-being; the revamped version was also my dissertation, which I successfully defended and published that year. (...)
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    Defining Philosophical Counseling.Roger Paden - 1998 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 12 (1):1-17.
    According to Kuhn a new scientific discipline comes into existence when a group of scientists adopt a common paradigm within which to conduct research. The adoption of this paradigm senes to focus the attention of the group’s members on a common explanatory task-at-hand and leads them to adopt similar methods and aims, thus making possible the standard puzzle solving activities that allow normal science to advance rapidly. However, Kuhn argues, in pre-paradigm periods and during revolutionary phases, scientists do not engage (...)
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  29.  47
    Philosophical counseling and the I Ching.Jess Fleming - 1996 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 23 (3):299-320.
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    Philosophical Counseling, Why is it 'philosophizing'?Im Yoon Jeong - 2014 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 71:407-438.
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    Phronesis-Oriented Philosophical Counselling: Focusing on Semantic Sentiment.Hsiu-lin Ku & Cheng-Hung Tsai - 2022 - Universitas: Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture 49 (12): 77-98.
    This article aims at developing a phronesis-oriented philosophical counselling, with a focus on the idea of semantic sentiment. In Section 1, we elucidate the characteristics of phronesis-oriented approach to philosophical counselling and state our reason for adopting this approach. In Section 2, we consider three visions of phronesis-oriented philosophical counselling, i.e., the Socratic vision, the Platonic vision, and the skill-based vision, and argue for the third vision. In Sections 3 and 4, we show how to practice such (...)
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  32. Philosophical Counseling and Contradictions. But you can’t allow a contradiction to stand! Why not?Donata Romizi & Esther Ramharter - 2015 - In Lydia Amir Aleksandar Fatić, Practicing Philosophy. Cambridge Scholars Press.
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    (2 other versions)Philosophical Counseling.Maria daVenza Tillmanns - 2005 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 2 (4):1-9.
    Many philosophical counselors seem to be counselors who use or point to phil­osophical texts or use abstract indeed logical or rational methods when working with a client. I want to introduce the idea of a counseling philosopher, who uses the client’s own concrete experiences as the basis for philosophizing with the client about the nature of the client’s dilemma - using ‘the between’ (Buber) as that special creative space where one em­ploys the art of philosophizing to the unique situation. (...)
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  34. Philosophical counseling, philosophy, psychoanalysis, first aid, and philosophy cafe.Shlomit Schuster & Jen Lin - 2004 - Philosophy and Culture 31 (1):121-128.
    This essence is the philosophy of knowledge for personal and social well-being aspects of the contribution. In the Introduction to "What is philosophical counseling practice or philosophy?", I described the ancient philosophy has been caring for the soul and tradition of self, in the last twenty-five years has been the revitalization of philosophers and others up. "Philosophy of psychological analysis," "philosophical counseling hotline", and "personal well-being and Philosophy Cafe" is a contemporary German philosopher Gerd B. Achenbach, British theologian (...)
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    Issues in philosophical counseling.Peter B. Raabe - 2002 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    A detailed discussion of issues in philosophical counseling for the practitioner and general public.
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    Philosophical Counseling for Counselors.Lou Matz - 2002 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 1 (2):68-73.
    One promising form of philosophical practice is to conduct workshops on philosophical counseling for counselors. Since licensed professionals, such as Marriage and Family Counselors and Licensed Clinical Social Workers sometimes confront situations that raise philosophical issues and usually have a philosophical perspective that informs their practice, they could profit from a workshop on philosophical counseling; the workshop also qualifies for continuing education units (CEUs) that are typically required to renew their licenses. This paper describes the (...)
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    Thinking, Philosophical Counseling, and the Purity of Philosophical Method.Mark Letteri - 2002 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 9 (2):75-80.
    In “A General Framework for Philosophical Counseling,” Hakam AI-Shawi argues that “philosophical counseling must... avoid relyingon any first-order philosophical assumptions.” In this light, I explore whether and to what extent an applied Heideggerian approach to the amelioration of human life - in this case, Daseinsanalysis - satisfies this criterion. I focus on the orienting reality of a mortal, interpreting questioner dwelling in particular circumstances. Such an approach, as I construe it here, seems largely compatible with AI-Shawi’s understanding (...)
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    Philosophical Counselling, Professionalization, and Professionalism.Julia Clare & Richard Sivil - 2014 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 28 (2):311-324.
    Though there has been interest in philosophical counselling in South Africa since at least the 1990s little has been accomplished by way of formalizing and developing the practice into a profession. We ask what would be required for it to become a fully-fledged profession? We argue that in order to count as a profession, a practice must meet certain normative, cognitive, and organizational criteria, but that philosophical counselling in South Africa falls short both cognitively and organizationally. This has (...)
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    Philosophical Counseling is not a Distinct Field.J. Michael Russell - 2001 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 1 (1):80-93.
    There is currently a movement advocating “philosophical counseling.” My own development as a philosopher, then a human services professional, then a psychoanalyst, charts how I came to believe that philosophical training was underrated, and training in psychology was overrated, as an appropriate intellectual foundation for psychotherapy. However, these fields are not distinct. Laws governing the practice of psychology are arrogant in their scope, and make virtually everything out to be the practice of psychology. The scope and nature of (...)
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    Women in Philosophical Counseling: The Anima of Thought in Action.Natasa Radovanovic, Silvia Bakirdjian, Luisa Sesino, Heidi Salaverría, Ora Gruengard, Marianne Vahl, Camilla Angeltun, Rayda Guzmán González, Narelle Arcidiacono, Marie-France Lebouc, Marleen Moors, Helen Douglas & Peter Raabe (eds.) - 2015 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This multi-faceted collection of women's perspectives on the renaissance in philosophical practices provides an international overview on the professional practice of philosophical counseling as rooted in the ancient philosophical discipline of life and its essential difference from modern mainstream philosophy.
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  41. A New Method in Philosophical Counseling (IPAA).Adrian Hagiu, Sergiu Bortoș & Iosif Tamaș - 2023 - Postmodern Openings 14 (1):46-61.
    Starting from the four principles of Pólya's problem-solving method, by analogy, in this paper we propose a new method of philosophical counseling. Thus, the objectives of this study are as follows: the review of several methods of philosophical counseling; justifying the need for a new method, which we called the IPAA method; developing the four principles – the principle of identification (I), the principle of planification (P), the principle of application (A) and the principle of assumption (A). In (...)
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  42. Philosophical Counseling Understood through an Existential Interpretation of the ‘Dark Night’ of St. John of the Cross Based on Heidegger’s Concept of Nothingness. 성대희 & 박병준 - 2024 - Philosophical Practice and Counseling 14:5-25.
    본 논문은 십자가의 성 요한의 ‘어두운 밤’(Noche Oscura)의 사상을 하이데거의 ‘무’ 개념에 근거하여 실존론적으로 새롭게 해석하고, 이들 사유가 가진 현대적 의의를 철학상담의 관점에서 살펴본다.십자가의 성 요한에게 있어 ‘어두운 밤’은 영혼이 신과 합일하기 위한 정화의 과정이다. 영혼은 이 과정 중에 필수적으로 내면의 메마름과 혹독한 시련을 경험한다. 하지만 진정한 삶을 가로막는 다양한 장애물들을 부단히 넘어서고 자신을 비움으로써 영혼이 수동적 상태가 되었을 때 마침내 사랑으로 신과 합일에 이르게 된다. 합일의 순간 신의 빛이 인간 영혼 안으로 유입되기에 어두운 밤은 역설적으로 기쁨의 밤이 된다. 이와 (...)
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    Philosophical Counselling.Shlomit C. Schuster - 1991 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 8 (2):219-223.
    ABSTRACT A new phenomenon in the philosophical discipline, philosophical practice—or counselling—is introduced to the reader through the description of three different approaches to philosophical practice. What is common to these approaches is that an academically trained philosopher philosophises together with a ‘sane’person—the visitor—on questions and problems relevant to the visitor. The essential difference between this and psychological counselling is that philosophers do not use therapeutic methods or make diagnoses. The philosophical practitioner triggers in his dialogue partner (...)
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    Key concepts in philosophical counselling.Blanka Šulavíková - 2014 - Human Affairs 24 (4):574-583.
    This article explores various interpretations of philosophical counselling. These interpretations are determined by the nature and status of the key concepts from which they are derived. The first is “critical thinking”, which a number of authors have based their conceptions on; just two examples are mentioned in the article—Elliot D. Cohen and Tim LeBon. Many philosophical practitioners, especially those whose philosophizing is influenced by Socrates, use critical thinking, and indeed believe that it is what philosophical practice is (...)
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    Philosophical counseling and taoism: Wisdom and lived philosophical understanding.Ran Lahav - 1996 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 23 (3):259-276.
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    Questions for philosophical counselling.Blanka Šulavíková - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (2):131-141.
    The article poses three questions relating to the self-definition of philosophical counselling: 1. Is it an alternative to psychological and psychotherapeutic approaches? 2. What is the therapeutic nature of philosophical counselling? 3. Is it contemplation or critical reasoning? The first part introduces some examples of the concepts that sharply distinguish philosophical counselling from psychological and psychotherapeutic approaches. It also considers those that mix these different approaches. The second part deals with the question of whether or not (...) counselling can be considered to be a therapy. Some philosophical counsellors work on the belief that there is a synchrony between modern philosophical counselling and the classical conception of philosophy as therapy. Many, however, are of the opinion that it is not possible to speak of it in terms of therapy. The third part gives examples of the way in which philosophical counselling is understood to be contemplation and on the other hand of those who employ approaches based on critical thinking in philosophical counselling. (shrink)
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    Philosophical Counseling and the Practices of Dialogue in a World Built on Communication.Sandu Frunza - 2018 - Postmodern Openings 9 (3):1-19.
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  48.  77
    Do philosophers counsel tyrants?Alan Gilbert - 2009 - Constellations 16 (1):106-124.
  49.  54
    Three Questionable Assumptions of Philosophical Counseling.Lydia B. Amir - 2004 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 2 (1):1-32.
    Philosophical practice or counseling has been described as a cluster of meth­ods for treating everyday problems and predicaments through philosophical means. Not­withstanding the variety of methods, philosophical counselors seem to share the following tenets: 1. The counselee is autonomous; 2. Philosophical counseling differs from psychological counseling and 3. Philosophical counseling is effective in solving predicaments. A critical examination shows these to be problematic at both theoretical and practical levels. As I believe that philosophical practice (...)
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    Epicurean Ethics in the Pragmatist Philosophical Counsel.Aleksandar Fatic - 2014 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 22 (1):63-77.
    The paper explores the extent to which Epicurean ethics as a general philosophy of life can be integrated in a composite pragmatist approach to philosophical counseling. Epicureanism emerged in a historical era that was very different from the modern time and addressed a different philosophical ethos of the time. This alone makes it difficult for Epicureanism to satisfy all of the normative criteria for a modern ethics. On the other hand, the paper discusses aspects of the modern ‘external’, (...)
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