Results for 'Philosophie confucéenne'

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    La question de l'intuition intellectuelle et la philosophie confucéenne contemporaine.Joël Thoraval - 2005 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 2:231-245.
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    La philosophie politique confucéenne face à la globalisation.Chen Ming - 2008 - Diogène 221 (1):128-145.
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    « Être » ou « devenir » humain? La famille en tant que communauté dans l’éthique de rôle confucéenne.Roger T. Ames & Nicole G. Albert - 2020 - Diogène n° 263-263 (3-4):21-44.
    S’appuyant sur l’argument que la rencontre de la philosophie confucéenne avec la théorie éthique occidentale ne constitue pas un tournant, cet article cherche dans le vocabulaire de l’éthique confucéenne les éléments permettant de dessiner la vision sui generis de la vie morale comme une éthique de rôle confucéenne. Etant donné la centralité de la famille en tant que lieu initial d’acquisition des qualités morales, un terme clé du corpus confucéen qui exprime cette notion d’éthique de rôle n’est rien d’autre (...)
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    Une perspective confucéenne sur les droits de propriété.Daniel A. Bell & Yara Boehlen - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 24 (1):67-93.
    Tout au long de l’histoire de la Chine, les confucéens se sont opposés au contrôle rigoureux du gouvernement légiste et ont mis en garde contre les effets négatifs de l’intervention de l’État dans l’économie. Cela ne s’est toutefois pas traduit par l’approbation d’un régime de droits de propriété privée sans entraves. Du point de vue confucéen, l’État a l’obligation de garantir les conditions du bien-être matériel de base de la population et celle-ci est prioritaire sur la promotion du marché libre, (...)
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    Lecture de Classiques et construction du caractère, un lieu de résonance entre éthiques bibliques et confucéennes.Yves Vende - 2024 - Revue d'Éthique Et de Théologie Morale 321 (1):99-114.
    La spiritualité est aujourd’hui devenue une quête intégrée de sens. Cette perspective écarte parfois les ressources occidentales traditionnelles au nom du primat qu’elles donnent à l’intellect. Cependant, la mise en résonance des Classiques confucéens et des Écritures chrétiennes, par l’intermédiaire de la notion d’expérience transformatrice contenue dans la philosophie grecque, montre que la lecture d’un canon de textes peut être le lieu d’une transformation spirituelle. C’est ce qu’illustrent des personnages paradigmatiques dans leur rapport aux Classiques/Écritures. Pour Jésus, comme pour (...)
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    Les consonances entre l’éthique jonassienne et la pensée confucéenne à l’'ge écologique.Jean-Claude Gens - 2014 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 22:247-262.
    La corrélation entre l’éthique de la responsabilité de Jonas d’une part et les hypothèses théo-goniques ou -logiques de sa philosophie de la vie d’autre part, implique-t-elle une dépendance de la première vis-à-vis des secondes? C’est cette dépendance qui est interrogée dans le remarquable recueil co-édité en 2010 par Hava-Tirosh Samuelson et Christian Wiese The Legacy of Hans Jonas. Si ce volume interroge surtout l’inspiration théologique juive de Jonas, William R. LaFleur a bien vu dans sa...
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    Existe-t-il des guerres justes ? Une approche confucéenne.Yves Vende - 2023 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 145 (1):98-113.
    Chinese military culture is mainly known to the general public through the Sunzi, a work translated into French in the 18th century by Joseph Amiot. However, in his presentation of the Sunzi, Amiot places this work in the broader context of imperial Confucianism: the Sunzi must be interpreted in the context of debates between Confucian and Taoist schools. From this point of view, a careful reading of the Analects, the Mencius, the Daodejing (and the Sunzi) highlights a point common to (...)
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    Discovering Economics in Chinese Philosophy: Intellectual Searches of the 1910s-1930s.Olga Borokh - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 24 (1):111-146.
    Cet article porte sur la première phase de formation d’une philosophie économique proprio sensu en Chine, dans les années 1910-1930. Parmi les économistes chinois, ceux ayant reçu une éducation à l’économie occidentale appliquèrent leur savoir tout neuf de l’économie moderne à réinterpréter la pensée chinoise traditionnelle. Ils proposèrent un cadre analytique neuf pour systématiser les idées de la Chine ancienne et concentrèrent leur attention sur les enseignements des sages Laozi, Confucius, Mencius, Mozi, et Guanzi. La comparaison interculturelle plaça des (...)
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    En quel sens la « communauté » est-elle une problématique du confucianisme?Pei Wang - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 24 (1):147-165.
    Le mot 社群 ( she qun, communauté, au sens de la Gemeinschaft allemande) n’était certes pas une problématique traditionnellement confucéenne. La compréhension éthique générale de la Chine antique reposait sur 三纲五常 ( san gang wu chang ; les trois disciplines et les cinq justes relations interpersonnelles). Les religions, associations et académies non dominantes étaient plus proches du concept de communauté. Les concepts occidentaux modernes de la sociologie ont été introduits pour la première fois en Chine à la fin du xix (...)
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    The Development of the Concept of Predication in Arabic Philosophy.Mahmood Zeraatpisheh Philosophy - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-15.
    Predication is a central theme in Arabic logic that has undergone significant semantic transformation throughout history. This article explores the evolution of predication's scope and meaning across four successive stages. Rather than pinpointing specific historical moments—given that these transitions lack clearly defined beginnings or endings—the focus is on key propositions that enrich our understanding of predication, drawing on the classifications of thinkers such as Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī (d. 950), Athīr al-Dīn al-Abharī (d. 1262-65), Mullā Ṣadrā (d. 1635), and Muhammad Ḥusayn (...)
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  11. Sektion III.Kants Praktische Philosophie - 2008 - In Valerio Hrsg v. Rohden, Ricardo Terra & Guido Almeida, Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants. de Gruyter. pp. 1.
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    Complete Issue.Architecture Philosophy - 2024 - Architecture Philosophy 1 (2).
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    Empathy as a means to understand people.Political Philosophy & Philosophy Of Medicine - 2024 - Philosophical Explorations 27 (2):157-170.
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    In Memoriam Elena Mamchur 8 July, 1935–14 December, 2023.Andrei Paramonov Ras Institute Of Philosophy, Moscow & Russia - 2024 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 37 (1):69-73.
    Volume 37, Issue 1-2, March - June 2024, Page 69-73.
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    An Axiomatic System Based on Ladd-Franklin's Antilogism.Fangzhou Xu School of Philosophy, Beijing & People'S. Republic of China - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (3):302-322.
    This paper sketches the antilogism of Christine Ladd-Franklin and historical advancement about antilogism, mainly constructs an axiomatic system Atl based on first-order logic with equality and the wholly-exclusion and not-wholly-exclusion relations abstracted from the algebra of Ladd-Franklin, with soundness and completeness of Atl proved, providing a simple and convenient tool on syllogistic reasoning. Atl depicts the empty class and the whole class differently from normal set theories, e.g. ZFC, revealing another perspective on sets and set theories. Two series of Dotterer (...)
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    Comparisons in the history of philosophy: a review of The metaphysics of Margaret Cavendish and Anne Conway: monism, vitalism, and self-motion. [REVIEW]Peter West Philosophy & United Kingdom - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (3):693-697.
    Volume 32, Issue 3, May 2024, Page 693-697.
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    Graham/Mourelatos Bibliography.Editors Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy - 2013 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 28 (1):74-76.
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    Karl-Otto Apel Transzendentale Intersubjektivität und das Defizit einer Reflexionstheorie in der Philosophie der Gegenwart'.Infragestellungen der Subjekt-Philosophie - 2002 - In Holger Burckhart & Horst Gronke, Philosophieren aus dem Diskurs. Königshausen und Neumann.
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    Shared Understanding Before Semantic Agreement: Gadamer on the Hidden Ground of Linguistic Community.Carolyn Culbertson Philosophy, Fort Meyers, Fl & Usa - 2024 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 56 (1):57-69.
    Hans-Georg Gadamer argues that language is the medium of all understanding and thus that it is the medium through which we can reach understanding with one another. Yet many today are sceptical of this claim and worry that Gadamerian hermeneutics ignores at its own peril the limits of the particular discourses that people utilize to reach understanding with one another. I argue here that this criticism rests on the assumption that, for Gadamer, it is the semantic features of a language (...)
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    Conversations.Kutztown Area Highschool Philosophy Club - 2023 - Questions 23:38-42.
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    Works on Cartesians and Other 17th-Century Figures.Archives de Philosophie - 2003 - In Roger Ariew, Dennis Des Chene, Douglas Michael Jesseph, Tad M. Schmaltz & Theo Verbeek, Historical Dictionary of Descartes and Cartesian Philosophy. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. pp. 293.
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  22. Politik.Politische Philosophie - 2014 - In Horst D. Brandt, Disziplinen der Philosophie. Hamburg: Meiner.
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    Permissions, Prohibitions and Two Legalising.Three Contributions to Logical Philosophy - 2006 - In J. Jadacki & J. Pasniczek, The Lvov-Warsaw School: The New Generation. Reidel. pp. 195.
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    Relational Primitivism About the Direction of Time.Cristian Lopez Michael Esfeld Section de Philosophie & Université de Lausanne - forthcoming - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science:1-17.
    Primitivism about the direction of time is the thesis that the direction of time does not call for an explanation because it is a primitive posit in one’s ontology. In the literature, primitivism has generally come with a substantival view of time according to which time is an independent substance. In this paper, we defend a new primitivist approach to the direction of time—relational primitivism. According to it, time is primitively directed because change is primitive. By relying on Leibnizian relationalism, (...)
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  25. Ausland/Sanday Bibliography.Editors Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy - 2013 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 28 (1):36-39.
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    Crossings: Hermeneutics as Passage.James Risser Philosophy, Seattle, Wa & Usa - 2024 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 56 (1):32-42.
    This paper follows the implications of Gadamer’s hermeneutics after Truth and Method in which the forming of social life, and with it the idea of worldly understanding, receives greater attention. I argue that the emphasis in his later writings on worldly understanding draws less on the idea of the hermeneutic circle and problematic of the Geisteswissenschaften in which the concept of tradition is prominent than on the movement in language and the encounter with the other. As in the example of (...)
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    Character Skepticism and the Virtuous Journalist.Le Moyne College Joseph Spino Philosophy & U. S. A. Syracuse - 2024 - Journal of Media Ethics 39 (3):206-222.
    Virtue ethical inspired approaches to practical and professional ethics have long been endorsed across various disciplines. Journalistic ethics is no exception. Call such approaches Virtue Ethical Journalism (VEJ). Virtue ethics has also drawn considerable attention from the field of moral psychology, though not all of it is supportive. Among the critics, some take the view that character traits and virtues are not effective enough in guiding people’s behavior. As a result, they conclude that traits should be minimized in ethical thought. (...)
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    Action just is knowledge.Particularly Song-Ming Neo-Confucian Ethics Specializing in Chinese Philosophy, Moral Psychologyhe has Held Visiting Positions at the Harvard-Yenching Institute Comparative Philosophy & West Philosophy East - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations:1-19.
    This article offers a novel interpretation of enacted knowledge through the lens of Wang Yangming’s theory of the unity of knowledge and action. By framing Wang’s concept of knowledge within an enactive model, it advances a holistic perspective that integrates mind, body, and world, as well as knowledge and action, into a unified whole. To bridge historical analysis with contemporary philosophical discourse, this article engages in dialogue with Harvey Lederman’s introspective model, offering a complementary framework that, together, provides a more (...)
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    Heidegger, Persuasion, and Aristotle's Rhetoric.Grundbegriffe der Aristotelischen Philosophie - 2013 - In Francois Raffoul & Eric S. Nelson, The Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
  30. L'exception humaine.Responsabilité de la Philosophie - 2015 - In Pierre Montebello, Métaphysiques cosmomorphes: la fin du monde humain. Dijon: Les Presses du réel.
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  31. Kathyrn Lindeman, Saint Louis University.Legal Metanormativity : Lessons For & From Constitutivist Accounts in the Philosophy Of Law - 2019 - In Toh Kevin, Plunkett David & Shapiro Scott, Dimensions of Normativity: New Essays on Metaethics and Jurisprudence. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  32. A hint as to my grounds for judgement: Frege’s positive account of modality.Universität Duisburg-Essen Thorsten Sander Institut für Philosophie & Germany Essen - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-26.
    Frege’s Begriffsschrift account of modality involves both a negative and a positive claim. The negative claim is that modal notions are logically insignificant; the positive claim is that modals convey a ‘hint’ (Wink) as to the speaker’s grounds for judgement. This paper is about Frege’s positive claim, which has not received much attention. I explain in detail the Fregean notion of hinting and how to distinguish hints from conceptual contents, and I argue that Frege’s two-dimensional account of modal talk is (...)
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  33. Chung-Ying Cheng. Bioethics & Philosophy Of Bioethics - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao, Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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  34. Kevin Toh, University College London.Legal Philosophy À la Carte - 2019 - In Toh Kevin, Plunkett David & Shapiro Scott, Dimensions of Normativity: New Essays on Metaethics and Jurisprudence. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Les doctrines chrétienne et confucéenne de la piété filiale.Joseph Chen - 1963 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 19 (2):335.
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    La politique confucéenne du radicalisme au gradualisme.Lu Jiande - 2008 - Diogène 221 (1):114-127.
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  37. Pierre Bourdieu and Literature.Docteur En Philosophie Et Lettres Dubois Jacques, Meaghan Emery & Pamela V. Sing - 2000 - Substance 29 (3):84-102.
    Bourdieu’s thought is disturbing. Provocative. Scandalous even, at least for those who do not easily tolerate the unmitigated truth about the social. Nonetheless his ideas, among the most important and innovative of our time, are here to stay. This thought has taken form in the course of a career and through works on diverse subjects that have constructed a far-reaching analytical model of social life, which the author calls more readily an anthropology rather than a sociology. In their totality, they (...)
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  38. Steve Prefontaine: artist on the track?Brett Gaul Philosophy Program, Marshall, Mn & Usa - forthcoming - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport:1-16.
    American distance running legend Steve Prefontaine – ‘Pre’ – claimed that he was an artist and that his races were works of art. In this article, I examine and defend Pre’s claims. Using Robert Stecker’s definition of art as a guide, I argue that a race can be a work of art – specifically, performance art. I then argue that Pre’s 3,000 m American record race at the 1972 Bislett Games in Oslo, Norway, and his 5,000 m final at the (...)
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    Beyond Orientalism: Essays on Cross-Cultural Encounter.Fred Reinhard Dallmayr & Packey J. Dee Professor of Philosophy and Political Science Fred Dallmayr - 1996 - SUNY Press.
    Explores some steps toward non-assimilative encounters in the "global village.".
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    Border Crossings: Toward a Comparative Political Theory.Fred Reinhard Dallmayr & Packey J. Dee Professor of Philosophy and Political Science Fred Dallmayr - 1999 - Global Encounters: Studies in.
    Comparative political theory is at best an embryonic and marginalized endeavor. As practiced in most Western universities, the study of political theory generally involves a rehearsal of the canon of Western political thought from Plato to Marx. Only rarely are practitioners of political thought willing (and professionally encouraged) to transgress the canon and thereby the cultural boundaries of North America and Europe in the direction of genuine comparative investigation. Border Crossings presents an effort to remedy this situation, fully launching a (...)
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    Between Actor and Spectator: Arnout Geulincx and the Stoics.Ruben Buys & Buy Ambien Online Alive For A. Philosophy - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (5):741-761.
    The work of Arnout Geulincx (1624?1669), a Flemish Cartesian that developed a highly curious ?parallelistic? view on the universe, shows striking prima facie resemblances to Stoicism. Should we label Geulincx a reinventor of Stoic tenets, albeit within a strict Cartesian theoretical framework? To answer this question, my contribution begins by discussing relevant aspects of Stoicism and by introducing the ?existential? philosophy of Geulincx, whose metaphysical views on man brought him to adopt an ethics based upon absolute obedience and humility. It (...)
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    Blumenberg and the Mythology of the Lifeworld: A Deconstructive Reading of Husserl’s Phenomenology.Belgium Yutong Li K. U. Leuvenyutong Li is A. Phd Student at the Institute of Philosophy of K. U. Leuven - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):101-118.
    This paper argues that Hans Blumenberg’s theory illuminates a novel interpretation of the phenomenological concept of the lifeworld—as a world sustained by myths and their receptions. This paper combines two central themes in Blumenberg’s philosophy: his interpretation of Edmund Husserl and his aesthetics, especially his theory of the novel and of myth. My claim to originality is to offer a mythology of the lifeworld with the help of one of Blumenberg’s less-known texts, “Wirklichkeitsbegriff und Wirkungspotential des Mythos.” In the first (...)
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    Co-existential justice and individual freedom: the primary concern and the normative foundation of global ethics.People’S. Republic of Chinaan-Qing Deng Shanghai, Writes on Both Classical German Philosophy A. Professor of Philosophy, A. General History of Western Moral Philosophy History of Ethicsamong His Recent Books Are & A. General History of Western Moral Philosophy - forthcoming - Journal of Global Ethics:1-9.
    In the discussion of global ethics, philosophical ethics risks losing its distinct theoretical horizons. This predicament arises primarily from philosophy's failure to anchor its own object and to provide a rational basis for global justice from within its current confined theoretical paradigm. Against this background, this paper will first prioritize global co-existence as the primary concern of global ethics, then propose ontological co-existence justice as its foundational principle, and finally argue that the normative validity of co-existence justice is predicated on (...)
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    The Aesthetics of the Invisible—At the Margins of Phenomenology.Technology Meirav Almog Kibbutzim College of Education, the ArtsMeirav Almog, the Arts in Tel-Aviv Technology, in Particular Israelshe Specializes in Twentieth Century Continental Philosophy, Aesthetics Her Research Interests Phenomenology, Alterity Publications Concern Questions Regarding Corporeality, Intersubjective Relations Dialogue & Human Existence The Relations Between Style - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):47-61.
    The paper focuses on the complex relations between aesthetics and phenomenology as they show themselves within the core locus of their interplay—the realm of the visible and the invisible. To do so, the paper examines a specific case study, a Rembrandt painting—A Woman Bathing in a Stream (1654)—through which the discussion illuminates the interconnected and inseparable relationship between aesthetics and phenomenology in relation to Merleau-Ponty’s ontology of the visible and the invisible. The reading addresses both dimensions of the visible: the (...)
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    There Is No Ethical Automation: Stanislav Petrov’s Ordeal by Protocol.Technology Antón Barba-Kay A. Center on Privacy, Usab Institute for Practical Ethics Dc, Usaantón Barba-Kay is Distinguished Fellow at the Center on Privacy Ca, Hegel-Studien Nineteenth Century European Philosophy Have Appeared in the Journal of the History of Philosophy, Among Others He has Also Published Essays About Culture The Review of Metaphysics, Commonweal Technology for A. Broader Audience in the New Republic & Other Magazines A. Web of Our Own Making – His Book About What the Internet Is The Point - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):277-288.
    While the story of Stanislav Petrov – the Soviet Lieutenant Colonel who likely saved the world from nuclear holocaust in 1983 – is often trotted out to advocate for the view that human beings ought to be kept “in the loop” of automated weapons’ responses, I argue that the episode in fact belies this reading. By attending more closely to the features of this event – to Petrov’s professional background, to his familiarity with the warning system, and to his decisions (...)
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    Wrongs, harms, and compensation: paying for our mistakes.Gregory C. Keating William T. Dalessi Professor of Law & U. S. C. Gould School of Law Philosophy - forthcoming - Jurisprudence:1-6.
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  47. The creativity of emotions.The Swiss Centre For Affective Scienceshe Works In The Philosophy Of Mind Project Leader At Cisa & Epistemology THe Swiss Centre For Affective Sciences he Works In The Philosophy Of Mind - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations:1-15.
    In this paper, we explore the links between emotions and creativity. Building on what we perceive as key examples, we distinguish instrumental and constitutive senses in which emotions can be creative. Emotions are instrumentally creative when they sustain novel and valuable thought processes aiming at maintaining or modifying a given emotional situation. They are constitutively creative when they function as essential parts of value understanding and when they come to carve and sometimes change the evaluative landscape. Despite their alleged passivity (...)
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  48. Civilisation chinoise et doctrines non confucéennes: À propos de deux traductions récentes.Jean Golfin - 2011 - Revue Thomiste 111 (1):115-120.
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    Philosophy of Medicine.Alex Broadbent - 2018 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    Philosophy of Medicine provides a fresh and comprehensive treatment of the topic. It offers a novel theory of the nature of medicine, and proposes a new attitude to medicine, aimed at improving the quality of debates between medical traditions and facilitating medicine's decolonization.
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  50. Journey planning: a cartography of practical reasoning.Conicet Mariela Aguilera Institute Of Humanities, Argentinamariela Aguilera Is An AssociAte Researcher at Conicet Córdoba, Unc An AssociAte Professor at The Ffyh, Philosophy Of Mind ArgentIna)she Works in The Fields Of Philosophy Of Cognitive Science, Such as Inferences Focuses Specifically on the Non-Linguistic Forms of Thinking, Images Maps & Animals’ Reasoning - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations:1-23.
    Different researchers from psychology and neuroscience state that navigation involves the manipulation of cognitive maps and graphs. In this paper, I will argue that navigating – specifically, journey planning – can be conceived as a process of practical reasoning. First, I will argue that journey planning constitutes a case of means-end reasoning involving inferences with cartographic representations. Then, I will argue that the output of journey planning functions as an instrumental belief in means-end reasoning. More specifically, journey planning can deliver (...)
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