Results for 'Piero Vassallo'

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    Memoria e progresso.Piero Vassallo - 2009 - Verona (Italy): Fede & cultura.
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    Note su Giovanni Gentile: in memoria di Giano Accame.Piero Vassallo - 2014 - Pinerolo - Italy: NovAntico editrice.
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    Piero Ignazi rilegge: Maurice Duverger (1951) Les partis politiques.Piero Ignazi - 2012 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 26 (2):287-294.
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  4. Leibnizian relationalism for general relativistic physics.Antonio Vassallo & Michael Esfeld - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics (C):101-107.
    An ontology of Leibnizian relationalism, consisting in distance relations among sparse matter points and their change only, is well recognized as a serious option in the context of classical mechanics. In this paper, we investigate how this ontology fares when it comes to general relativistic physics. Using a Humean strategy, we regard the gravitational field as a means to represent the overall change in the distance relations among point particles in a way that achieves the best combination of being simple (...)
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    Contextualism, Factivity and Closure: A Union That Should Not Take Place?Nicla Vassallo & Stefano Leardi - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book analyses an inconsistency within epistemic contextualism known as the factivity problem. It also provides key insights into epistemic contextualism, an important innovation in contemporary epistemology, enabling readers to gain a better understanding of the various solutions to the factivity problem. As the authors demonstrate, each explanation is based on a different interpretation of the problem. Divided into seven chapters, the book offers comprehensive coverage of this topic, which will be of major interest to philosophers engaged in epistemology and (...)
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  6. On the Conceptual Issues Surrounding the Notion of Relational Bohmian Dynamics.Antonio Vassallo & Pui Him Ip - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (8):943-972.
    The paper presents a program to construct a non-relativistic relational Bohmian theory, that is, a theory of N moving point-like particles that dispenses with space and time as fundamental background structures. The relational program proposed is based on the best-matching framework originally developed by Julian Barbour. In particular, the paper focuses on the conceptual problems that arise when trying to implement such a program. It is argued that pursuing a relational strategy in the Bohmian context leads to a more parsimonious (...)
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    Estetica e sovrasensibile in Kant: prima parte: il bello.Piero Giordanetti - 2001 - Milano: CUEM.
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    Introduction. The Presocratics from Derveni to Herculaneum: A New Look at Early Greek Philosophy.Christian Vassallo - 2019 - In Presocratics and Papyrological Tradition: A Philosophical Reappraisal of the Sources. Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at the University of Trier. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 1-14.
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  9. Relationalism about mechanics based on a minimalist ontology of matter.Antonio Vassallo, Dirk-André Deckert & Michael Esfeld - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science:1-20.
    This paper elaborates on relationalism about space and time as motivated by a minimalist ontology of the physical world: there are only matter points that are individuated by the distance relations among them, with these relations changing. We assess two strategies to combine this ontology with physics, using classical mechanics as example: the Humean strategy adopts the standard, non-relationalist physical theories as they stand and interprets their formal apparatus as the means of bookkeeping of the change of the distance relations (...)
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  10. Pure shape dynamics, self-subsisting structures, and the nature of time.Antonio Vassallo & Pedro Naranjo - 2024 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie.
    The paper discusses the possible implications of the relational framework of Pure Shape Dynamics for the metaphysics of time. The starting point of the analysis is an interpretation of shapes in ontic structural realist terms, which gives rise to the notion of self-subsisting structure. The relational version of a Newtonian-particle toy model is introduced and discussed as a concrete example.
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    Teorie della conoscenza filosofico-naturalistiche.Nicla Vassallo - 1999 - Milano: Franco Angeli.
  12.  6
    The Ethics of Capitalism: An Introduction, written by Daniel Halliday and John Thrasher.Piero Moraro - 2024 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 21 (5-6):724-727.
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  13. A proposal for a metaphysics of self-subsisting structures. I. Classical physics.Antonio Vassallo, Pedro Naranjo & Tim Koslowski - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-32.
    We present a new metaphysical framework for physics that is conceptually clear, ontologically parsimonious, and empirically adequate. This framework relies on the notion of self-subsisting structure, that is, a set of fundamental physical elements whose individuation and behavior are described in purely relational terms, without any need for a background spacetime. Although the specification of the fundamental elements of the ontology depends on the particular physical domain considered---and is thus susceptible to scientific progress---, the empirically successful structural features of the (...)
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    Punishment, Fair Play and the Burdens of Citizenship.Piero Moraro - 2019 - Law and Philosophy 38 (3):289-311.
    The fair-play theory of punishment claims that the state is justified in imposing additional burdens on law-breakers, to remove the unfair advantage the latter have enjoyed by disobeying the law. From this perspective, punishment reestablishes a fair distribution of benefits and burdens among all citizens. In this paper, I object to this view by focusing on the case of civil disobedience. I argue that the mere illegality of this conduct is insufficient to establish the agent’s unfair advantage over his lawabiding (...)
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    A Little Known Early Seventeenth Century Treatise On Vision: Benedetto Castelli's Discorso Sopra La Vista : Translation and critical comments.Piero E. Ariotti - 1973 - Annals of Science 30 (1):1-30.
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    Erratum to: Reasoning with infinite stable models [Artificial Intelligence 156 (1) (2004) 75–111].Piero A. Bonatti - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (15):1833-1835.
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    Real-time reasoning in OWL2 for GDPR compliance.Piero A. Bonatti, Luca Ioffredo, Iliana M. Petrova, Luigi Sauro & Ida R. Siahaan - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 289 (C):103389.
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    Der Streit der Facultäten . Herausgeber: Karl Vorländer.Piero Giordanetti & Reinhard Brandt - 2000 - Kant Studien 91 (s1):66-75.
  19.  5
    La bellezza intelligibile.Christian Vassallo - 2019 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag. Edited by Christian Vassallo, Paul Henry, Hans-Rudolf Schwyzer, Christoph Horn & Plotinus.
    Il volume fornisce una nuova traduzione italiana, con introduzione storico-filosofica e commento del trattato plotiniano Sulla bellezza intelligibile (Enn. V 8 [31]). In Enn. V 8 [31] Plotino cerca di indagare il complesso rapporto tra il carattere “ideale” e quello “reale” della bellezza e delle sue diverse forme di manifestazione nel mondo. Tra queste, che la tradizione precedente aveva recluso negli spazi angusti dell’arte imitativa, il filosofo neoplatonico prende spunto dall’opera dello scultore, per poi ampliare lo sguardo verso altri aspetti (...)
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    A.SCHWAB, Thales von Milet in der frühen christlichen Literatur. Darstellungen seiner Figur und seiner Ideen in den greichischen und lateinischen Textzeugnissen christlicher Autoren der Kaiserzeit und Spätantike("Studia Praesocratica"III),De Gruyter, Berkin-Boston 2011.Christian Vassallo - 2012 - Elenchos 33 (1):139-147.
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  21. Cuatro lecciones sobre metafísica..Angel Vassallo - 1938 - Buenos Aires,: Colegio libre de estudios superiores.
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    Die Überlieferung des Fr. 18 Marcovich Heraklits in PHerc. 1004.Christian Vassallo - 1948 - Mnemosyne 68 (2):185-209.
    The Heraclitean tradition in the Herculaneum papyri is a topic which involves some of the most important research fields of ancient philosophy: ethics, physics and cosmology, theology and aesthetics. This paper concentrates on Heraclitus’ fr. 18 Marcovich, where the pre-Socratic philosopher talks about an unspecified κοπίδων ἀρχηγόϲ. The fragment occurs in the seventh book of Philodemus’ Rhetoric and is the only direct quotation of Heraclitus in this multi-volume treatise. This article presents a new textual reconstruction of the two columns of (...)
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  23.  11
    Donne, donne, donne.Nicla Vassallo - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
  24. General Covariance, Diffeomorphism Invariance, and Background Independence in 5 Dimensions.Antonio Vassallo - 2015 - In Tomasz Bigaj & Christian Wüthrich (eds.), Metaphysics in Contemporary Physics. Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    The paper considers the "GR-desideratum", that is, the way general relativity implements general covariance, diffeomorphism invariance, and background independence. Two cases are discussed where 5-dimensional generalizations of general relativity run into interpretational troubles when the GR-desideratum is forced upon them. It is shown how the conceptual problems dissolve when such a desideratum is relaxed. In the end, it is suggested that a similar strategy might mitigate some major issues such as the problem of time or the embedding of quantum non-locality (...)
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  25. Gottlob Frege: An epistemology between logic and psychology.N. Vassallo - 2004 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 96 (2-3):333-355.
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    Meaning, Contexts and Justification.Nicla Vassallo & Claudia Bianchi - 2007 - In B. Kokinov (ed.), Modeling and Using Context. 6th International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT '07, LNAI 4635. Springer. pp. 69--81.
    Contextualism in philosophy of language and in epistemology are two distinct but closely entangled projects. The epistemological thesis is grounded in a semantic claim concerning the context-sensitivity of the predicate “know”: we gain insight into epistemological problems by investigating our linguistic intuitions concerning knowledge attribution sentences. Our aim here is to evaluate the plausibility of a project that takes the opposite starting point: the general idea is to establish the semantic contextualist thesis on the epistemological one. According to semantic contextualism, (...)
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    Retablo de la filosofía moderna.Angel Vassallo - 1968 - [Buenos Aires]: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Filosofía.
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    The Presocratics at Herculaneum: a study of early Greek philosophy in the Epicurean tradition.Christian Vassallo - 2021 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Parallel to the edition volumes of the series Traditio Praesocratica, in which texts of early Greek natural philosophers are presented in a critical edition with translation, the series Studia Praesocratica presents commentaries, monographs and collective volumes on early Greek philosophy and its doxography.
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  29. Testimonial Justification and Contexts.Nicla Vassallo - 2006 - Epistemologia 29 (1):127-144.
  30. The Physics and Metaphysics of Pure Shape Dynamics.Antonio Vassallo, Pedro Naranjo & Tim Koslowski - 2022 - In The Foundations of Spacetime Physics: Philosophical Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
    The goal of this essay is twofold. First, it provides a quick look at the foundations of modern relational mechanics by tracing its development from Julian Barbour and Bruno Bertotti's original ideas until present-day's pure shape dynamics. Secondly, it discusses the most appropriate metaphysics for pure shape dynamics, showing that relationalism is more of a nuanced thesis rather than an elusive one. The chapter ends with a brief assessment of the prospects of pure shape dynamics in light of quantum physics.
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    From the top to the foot of a mast on a moving ship.Piero Ariotti - 1972 - Annals of Science 28 (2):191-203.
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  32. Dependence relations in general relativity.Antonio Vassallo - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (1):1-28.
    The paper discusses from a metaphysical standpoint the nature of the dependence relation underpinning the talk of mutual action between material and spatiotemporal structures in general relativity. It is shown that the standard analyses of dependence in terms of causation or grounding are ill-suited for the general relativistic context. Instead, a non-standard analytical framework in terms of structural equation modeling is exploited, which leads to the conclusion that the kind of dependence encoded in the Einstein field equations is a novel (...)
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    Presocratics and Papyrological Tradition: A Philosophical Reappraisal of the Sources. Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at the University of Trier.Christian Vassallo (ed.) - 2019 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    The papyri transmit a part of the testimonia relevant to pre-Socratic philosophy. The ʼCorpus dei Papiri Filosofici‛ takes this material only partly into account. In this volume, a team of specialists discusses some of the most important papyrological texts that are major instruments for reconstructing pre-Socratic philosophy and doxography. Furthermore, these texts help to increase our knowledge of how pre-Socratic thought – through contributions to physics, cosmology, ethics, ontology, theology, anthropology, hermeneutics, and aesthetics – paved the way for the canonic (...)
  34. On (not) Accepting the Punishment for Civil Disobedience.Piero Moraro - 2018 - Philosophical Quarterly 68 (272):503-520.
    Many believe that a citizen who engages in civil disobedience is not exempt from the sanctions that apply to standard law-breaking conduct. Since he is responsible for a deliberate breach of the law, he is also liable to punishment. Focusing on a conception of responsibility as answerability, I argue that a civil disobedient is responsible (i.e. answerable) to his fellows for the charges of wrongdoing, yet he is not liable to punishment merely for breaching the law. To support this claim, (...)
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  35. Against Epistocracy.Piero Moraro - 2018 - Social Theory and Practice 44 (2):199-216.
    Jason Brennan has argued that democracy is intrinsically unjust, for it grants voting power to politically incompetent individuals, thus exposing people to an undue risk of harm. He claims democracy should be replaced by epistocracy, i.e., the rule of the knowers. In this paper, I show that his argument fails. First, Brennan mistakes voters’ competence for voters’ trustworthiness. Second, despite Brennan's claim to the contrary, an epistocracy may not reduce people’s exposure to an undue risk of harm. Third, Brennan overlooks (...)
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    Kant und die Musik.Piero Giordanetti (ed.) - 2005 - Königshausen und Neumann.
    Diese Ansicht wird von Kant an einigen Stellen der Kritik der Urteilskraft dargelegt, an denen die Musik als „Sprache der ...
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  37. On the Importance of Interpretation in Quantum Physics: A Reply to Elise Crull.Antonio Vassallo & Michael Esfeld - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (12):1533-1536.
    Elise Crull claims that by invoking decoherence it is possible to obviate many “fine grained” issues often conflated under the common designation of measurement problem, and to make substantial progresses in the fields of quantum gravity and quantum cosmology, without any early incorporation of a particular interpretation in the quantum formalism. We point out that Crull is mistaken about decoherence and tacitly assumes some kind of interpretation of the quantum formalism.
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    Analysis versus laws boole’s explanatory psychologism versus his explanatory anti-psychologism.Nicla Vassallo - 1997 - History and Philosophy of Logic 18 (3):151-163.
    This paper discusses George Boole’s two distinct approaches to the explanatory relationship between logical and psychological theory. It is argued that, whereas in his first book he attributes a substantive role to psychology in the foundation of logical theory, in his second work he abandons that position in favour of a linguistically conceived foundation. The early Boole espoused a type of psychologism and later came to adopt a type of anti-psychologism. To appreciate this invites a far-reaching reassessment of his philosophy (...)
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  39.  51
    Civil Disobedience: A Philosophical Overview.Piero Moraro - 2019 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    What is the difference between civil and uncivil disobedience? How can illegal protest be compatible with a democratic regime based on the rule of law? Is Edward Snowden a civil disobedient? This book follows the philosophical debate around these and other issues, showing how the notion of civil disobedience has evolved from a form of passive resistance against injustice, to an active way to engage with the political life of the community. The author presents the major contributions in political and (...)
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  40. Can Bohmian mechanics be made background independent?Antonio Vassallo - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 52 (Part B):242-250.
    The paper presents an inquiry into the question regarding the compatibility of Bohmian mechanics, intended as a non-local theory of moving point-like particles, with background independence. This issue is worth being investigated because, if the Bohmian framework has to be of some help in developing new physics, it has to be compatible with the most well-established traits of modern physics, background independence being one of such traits. The paper highlights the fact that the notion of background independence in the context (...)
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    Piccolo trattato di epistemologia.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Nicla Vassallo - 2010 - Codice Edizioni.
    La discussione generale sulla filosofia della scienza contemporanea è complicata dal numero e dall’eterogeneità delle scienze, mentre lo studio di temi specifici porta inevitabilmente a dissertazioni specialistiche che mancano nel dare ragione della trama di senso sottostante. Questo Piccolo trattato di epistemologia intende occupare uno spazio vuoto, proponendo alcuni temi chiave per la comprensione dei meccanismi alla base della conoscenza scientifica: i rapporti tra filosofia e scienze, siano esse naturali o umane; la complessa relazione tra fatti e valori; la distinzione (...)
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    Umberto Eco and the problem of iconism.Piero Polidoro - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (206):129-160.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 206 Seiten: 129-160.
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    Galileo on the Isochrony of the Pendulum.Piero Ariotti - 1968 - Isis 59 (4):414-426.
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    A false sense of security.Piero A. Bonatti - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 310 (C):103741.
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  45. Lateral reading and monetary incentives to spot disinformation about science.Piero Ronzani, Folco Panizza, Carlo Martini, Tiffany Morisseau, Matteo Motterlini & Simone Mattavelli - 2022 - Scientific Reports 12 (1):5678.
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    Inductive Inference and its Natural Ground-An Essay in Naturalistic Epistemology.Hilary Kornblith & N. Vassallo - 1996 - Epistemologia 19 (1):175-176.
  47. The metaphysics of decoherence.Antonio Vassallo & Davide Romano - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (6):2609–2631.
    The paper investigates the type of realism that best suits the framework of decoherence taken at face value without postulating a plurality of worlds, or additional hidden variables, or non-unitary dynamical mechanisms. It is argued that this reading of decoherence leads to an extremely radical type of perspectival realism, especially when cosmological decoherence is considered.
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    L’infini anthropologique et la phénoménologie: Une réflexion sur la phénoménologie dans l’anthropologie contemporaine.Piero Carreras - forthcoming - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique.
    The paper tries to elucidate some of the implications of using phenomenology in anthropological research. The starting point is Blumenberg’s critique of the Husserlian Anthropologieverbot, against which he proposes a phenomenological anthropology as a “description of man” that can never be completed. This idea resonates with the use of phenomenology in contemporary ethnographic and anthropological works: the problem stems from the “disempowering” effect that this anthropological use has on the phenomenological analytical power. Phenomenology has, from an anthropological point of view, (...)
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    Il sesto convegno nazionale dei dottorati di ricerca.Piero Giordanetti - 1997 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    La Saggezza stoica: antologia.Piero Innocenti (ed.) - 1982 - Firenze: Le Monnier.
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