Results for 'Pierre Boulez'

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  1.  21
    Pierre boulez-Gilles Deleuze: Ideas para Una lógica de la sensación sonora.Ricardo Espinoza-Lolas & Boris Alvarado - 2017 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 58 (137):413-428.
    RESUMO O intuito deste artigo é estudar o objetivo principal da estética musical de Boulez, para o início das comemorações de seus 90 anos, desde certas categorias de Deleuze, considerando que elas nos permitem compreender e delinear uma lógica da sensação sonora. Se Deleuze se ocupou em detalhe do trabalho de Francis Bacon, por exemplo, a fim de criar uma "lógica da sensação visual" em que o conceito de "Figura" fosse central, propomos que o trabalho musical de Boulez, (...)
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    Pierre Boulez (1925–2016).François Nicolas - 2016 - Revue de Synthèse 137 (1):151-152.
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    Composition, improvisation, constitution: Forms of life in the music of Pierre boulez and ornette Coleman.Timothy S. Murphy - 1998 - Angelaki 3 (2):75 – 102.
    (1998). Composition, improvisation, constitution: forms of life in the music of pierre boulez and ornette coleman. Angelaki: Vol. 3, The love of music, pp. 75-102.
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    Avant Garde: An American Odyssey From Gertrude Stein to Pierre Boulez.Robin Maconie - 2012 - Scarecrow Press.
    In Avant Garde: An American Odyssey from Gertrude Stein to Pierre Boulez, Stockhausen specialist Robin Maconie reconsiders the role of music and music technology through careful examination of key modern concepts with respect to time, existence, identity, and relationship as formulated by such thinkers as Einstein, Russell, Whitehead, and Gertrude Stein, along with Freud, Schoenberg, Wittgenstein, and Marcel Duchamp.
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  5. Vorzeitbelebung in Ludwig van Beethovens Hammerklaviersonate und in Pierre Boulez' zweiter Klaviersonate.Martin Zenck - 2010 - In Jörn Peter Hiekel (ed.), Vorzeitbelebung: Vergangenheits- und Gegenwarts-Reflexionen in der Musik heute. Hofheim: Wolke.
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  6. Musik. Karajans Bücherschrank, oder: Vom Abstand zwischen musikalischer Praxis und Theorie / Peter Gülke ; Über Fingersätze (Auch finger haben ihr Gedächtnis) ; Parcours (du combattan?) / Pierre Boulez ; Schönberg, Berg und Webern schreiben Briefe : Postalische Wortmeldungen aus dem Alltag der drei Wiener Komponisten / Klaus Schweizer ; Über "Wirkung" und "Charakter" : Anmerkungen zum Sprachcharakter der Musik / Elmar Budde ; Les Psaumes de David : Prière et musique = Die Psalmen Davids : Gebet und Musik / Georges Athanasiadès ; Ein Arpeggio und seine Folgen : Die Matthäuspassion zwischen Bach, Mendelssohn und uns / Joshua Rifkin ; Schöpfung und Nachschöpfung : Musikalisch-literarische Betrachtungen zu Gustav Mahlers VIII. Symphonie / Michael Schwalb ; Gedanken über die Tiefendimension der Musik / Constantin Floros ; Prendre des risques ; Künstlerischer Wagemut.Henri Dutilleux - 2012 - In Karl Anton Rickenbacher & Michael Schwalb (eds.), Liber amicorum: Gespräche über Musik, Literatur und Kunst: Hommage an Karl Anton Rickenbacher. New York: Georg Olms Verlag.
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  7. The Body Technology. The Sensuality of Low Frequency Sound / Cat Hope ; Cynosuric Bodies / Susan E. Green-Mateu and Margaret Schedel ; The Violining Body in Anthèmes II by Pierre Boulez / Irine Røsnes ; 'Try to walk with the sound of my footsteps so that we can stay together' : Sonic Presence and Virtual Embodiment in Janet Cardiff and Georges Bures Miller's Audio and Video Walks / Sophie Knezic ; Breathing (as Listening) : An Emotional Bridge for Telepresence / Ximena Alarcón-Díaz ; Foley Performance and Sonic Implicit Interactions : How Foley Artists Might Hold the Secret for the Design of Sonic Implicit Interactions.Sandra Pauletto - 2022 - In Linda O'Keeffe & Isabel Nogueira (eds.), The body in sound, music and performance: studies in audio and sonic arts. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Boulez, Music and Philosophy.Edward Campbell - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    While acknowledging that Pierre Boulez is not a philosopher, and that he is wary of the potential misuse of philosophy with regard to music, this study investigates a series of philosophically charged terms and concepts which he uses in discussion of his music. Campbell examines significant encounters which link Boulez to the work of a number of important philosophers and thinkers, including Adorno, Lévi-Strauss, Eco and Deleuze. Relating Boulez's music and ideas to broader currents of thought, (...)
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    De Johnny à Boulez: la musique écartelée.Michel Tabachnik - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Johnny Hallyday was France's first rock and roll star and was honored as a national hero at his funeral, which was attended by nearly a million people. The funeral of Pierre Boulez, on the other hand received little fanfare. This book attempts to resolve this discrepancy.
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    Formalisme et ritualité chez Boulez et Stockhausen.Lambert Dousson - 2009 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 4 (2):85-95.
    Résumé De nombreuses musiques cherchent à exercer sur les auditeurs une « efficacité symbolique » : transformer l’instant musical en rite d’initiation, faire entrer les corps en transe, convertir les émotions musicales en émotions corporelles, c’est-à-dire les affects en actions. En s’appuyant sur les écrits théoriques de Pierre Boulez et Karlheinz Stockhausen, cet article tente de montrer comment chez ces deux compositeurs cette utopie d’une subjectivation à travers la ritualisation de l’écoute s’articule à l’entreprise formaliste d’autodéfinition de la (...)
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    Le bel aujourd'hui: Bach ou Boulez, des oeuvres à faire.Maÿlis Dupont - 2011 - Paris: Cerf.
    De Bach à Boulez : trois siècles de musique, trois siècles de créations, de reprises, de disparitions, longue traîne du présent, de toutes les oeuvres présentes. "Musics for piano" de John Cage, "Sonates" de Mozart, "Symphonie fantastique" de Berlioz, "Concerts royaux" de Couperin, "Saint François d'Assise" de Messiaen. Comment rendre compte de ces oeuvres? Qu'est-ce qui fait l'oeuvre et sa valeur, en musique? On connaît deux manières de répondre à la question, disons deux paradigmes de l'oeuvre d'art. Paradigme musicologique (...)
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    White musical mythologies: sonic presence in modernism.Edmund Mendelssohn - 2023 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    Examining a series of modernist thinkers and composers who engaged with non-European cultures as they pursued pure sound as a privileged presence, White Musical Mythologies pairs Erik Satie with Bergson, Edgard Varèse with Bataille, Pierre Boulez with Artaud, and John Cage with Derrida to offer an ambitious intellectual history of the colonial roots of modernist musical thought. Each of the musicians studied in this book re-created or appropriated non-European forms of expression as they conceived music ontologically, often thinking (...)
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    Bouwsma's Notes on Wittgenstein's Philosophy, 1965-1975.O. K. Bouwsma - 1995 - Edwin Mellen Press.
    This fully revised new edition re-establishes Paul Griffiths's survey as the definitive study of music since the Second World War. The disruptions of the war, and the struggles of the ensuing peace, were reflected in the music of the time: in Pierre Boulez's radical reforming of compositional technique and in John Cage's move into zen music, in Milton Babbitt's settling of the serial system and in Dmitry Shostakovich's unsettling symphonies, in Karlheinz Stockhausen's development of electronic music and in (...)
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    Le son, l’espace et la cohérence de la notion kantienne de sens externe.Jean-Baptiste Fournier - 2023 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 117 (1):27-45.
    Les mathématiciens et philosophes du xix e siècle ont souligné l’incapacité de la doctrine kantienne de l’espace à prendre en charge la fondation des géométries non euclidiennes, et cette difficulté semble pouvoir être rapportée à une tension interne à la notion kantienne d’extériorité : en cherchant à « exposer » l’espace comme condition de possibilité de la géométrie comme science a priori, Kant s’interdirait en réalité de rendre compte de sa fonction de possibilisation de l’expérience externe en général. Le même (...)
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    Music and the Generosity of God.Gerald C. Liu - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    What if sounds everywhere lavish divine generosity? Merging insights from Jean-Luc Marion with musical ingenuity from Pierre Boulez and John Cage's 4'33", Gerald C. Liu blends the phenomenological, theological, and musical to formulate a hypothesis that in all places, soundscapes instantiate divine giving without boundary. He aims to widen apprehension of holiness in the world, and privileges the ubiquity of sound as a limitless and easily accessible portal for discovering the inexhaustible magnitude of divine giving.
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    Experimental practices of music and philosophy in John Cage and Gilles Deleuze.Iain Campbell - 2015 - Dissertation,
    In this thesis we construct a critical encounter between the composer John Cage and the philosopher Gilles Deleuze. This encounter circulates through a constellation of problems found across and between mid-twentieth century musical, artistic, and philosophical practices, the central focus for our line of enquiry being the concept of experimentation. We emphasize the production of a method of experimentation through a practice historically situated with regards to the traditions of the respective fields of music and philosophy. However, we argue that (...)
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  17. Babette E. Babich: "Postmodern musicology" in: V. E. Taylor and C. Winquist, eds., Encyclopedia of postmodernism , (new York: Routledge, 2001). [REVIEW]Babette Babich - unknown
    The discipline of musicology, like the word itself which the Oxford English Dictionary dates only back to 1909 (or even 1915), is a twentieth-century, specifically Anglo-American, institution echoing the tradition of French musicologie and with analogies to German Musikwissenschaft. As a modern and ineluctably postmodern project, musicology derives from a predominantly Austro-German generation of scholars who translated a continentally European tradition of analysis (Heinrich Schenker and, in London, Donald Francis Tovey and Hans Keller) and formal music theory (routinely articulated by (...)
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  18. Where Does Music End and Nonmusic Begin? Fine-tuning the “Naturalist Response” Problem for Nontonal Music’s Naturalistic Critics.Lantz Fleming Miller - 2022 - Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics 45 (1):354-368.
    As to what distinguishes music from other sound, some investigators in both philosophy and cognitive scientists have answered “tonality.” It seems subservient even to rhythm. Tonality is considered to be the central factor around which the piece is oriented; it gives a sense of home, expectation, and completeness. Most important, much of this inquiry builds on naturalistic, evolutionary explanation to account for human nature and behavior. The conclusion of such line of thought is that sounds missing tonality or tonal focus (...)
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    In Harmoniques Numero 4 Septembre 1998 : Memoire Et Creation.Marc Jimenez, John A. Sloboda & Ircam France) - 1999 - ENS Editions.
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    Towers and clubs.Pierre Matet - 2021 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 60 (6):683-719.
    We revisit several results concerning club principles and nonsaturation of the nonstationary ideal, attempting to improve them in various ways. So we typically deal with a ideal J extending the nonstationary ideal on a regular uncountable cardinal \, our goal being to witness the nonsaturation of J by the existence of towers ).
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    Qu'est-ce que la philosophie antique?Pierre Hadot - 1995 - Gallimard Education.
    La définition platonicienne du philosophe; la philosophie comme mode de vie; rupture et continuité, le Moyen Age et les temps modernes. [SDM].
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  22. Partis de la cité, parties de la constitution.Pierre Pellegrin - 2011 - In Enrico Berti & Carlo Natali (eds.), Aristotle: metaphysics and practical philosophy: essays in honour of Enrico Berti. Walpole, MA: Peeters.
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  23. Why visual experience is likely to resist being enacted.Pierre Jacob - 2006 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 12.
    Alva Noë’s version of the enactive conception in _Action in Perception_ is an important contribution to the study of visual perception. First, I argue, however, that it is unclear (at best) whether, as the enactivists claim, work on change blindness supports the denial of the existence of detailed visual representations. Second, I elaborate on what Noë calls the ‘puzzle of perceptual presence’. Thirdly, I question the enactivist account of perceptual constancy. Finally, I draw attention to the tensions between enactivism and (...)
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    Hypnosis phenomenology and the neurobiology of consciousness.Pierre Rainville & Donald D. Price - 2003 - International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 51 (2):105-29.
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    Deleuze and Guattari’s language for new empirical inquiry.Elizabeth Adams St Pierre - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (11):1080-1089.
    This paper reviews Deleuze’s theory of language in Logic of Sense, and Deleuze and Guattari’s theory of language in A Thousand Plateaus. In the ontology informed by the Stoics described in those books, human being and language do not exist separately but in a mixture of words and things. The author argues that this flattened ontology of surfaces is incommensurable with the ontology of depth used in conventional humanist qualitative methodology and recommends beginning new empirical inquiry with a concept instead (...)
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    Transcrire des écrits scolaires : entre philologie et génétique textuelle.Pierre-Yves Testenoire - 2017 - Corpus 16.
    Transcrire des écrits scolaires : entre philologie et génétique textuelle Cet article propose une réflexion épistémologique sur les problèmes posés par la transcription d’écrits scolaires pour la constitution d’un corpus informatisé. Il interroge l’opération de transcription de manuscrits dans deux cadres théoriques : la philologie et la génétique textuelle. On examine les modèles proposés dans ces deux cadres, les possibilités mais aussi les problèmes rencontrés pour la transcription d’écrits parfois non normés comme le sont les écrits d’élèves. À partir d’exemples (...)
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    Democratic universalism as a historical problem.Pierre Rosanvallon - 2009 - Constellations 16 (4):539-549.
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    Histoire des arts visuels.Pierre-Antoine Fabre - 1999 - Revue de Synthèse 120 (2-3):462-468.
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    The scope and limit of mental simulation.Pierre Jacob - 2002 - In Jérôme Dokic & Joëlle Proust (eds.), Simulation and Knowledge of Action. John Benjamins.
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    (1 other version)Dire et penser “je” : La vacuité de la présence à soi du sujet de Husserl à Derrida.Pierre-Jean Renaudie - 2015 - Discipline filosofiche. 25 (2):69-92.
    Although Husserl is known for having developed a substantial theory of subjectivity across his transcendental phenomenology, he explicitly and purposefully left aside the question of the subject in his early groundwork, the Logical Investigations. This article investigates the reasons for this philosophical decision and claims that the theory of indexical meanings developed in the first and sixth Logical Investigations provides a sophisticated analysis of the first-person pronoun that legitimates Husserl’s choice: in the absence of a fully-fledged concept of subjectivity in (...)
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    Aristote et la question du droit naturel.Pierre Destrée - 2000 - Phronesis 45 (3):220-239.
    La présente étude propose une interprétation de EN, V, 10, en défendant deux thèses: premièrement que la notion centrale de la variabilité du droit naturel signifie la diversité des interprétations que l'on peut donner d'un sentiment communément partagé du juste ou de l'injuste (cf. Rhét., I, 13); deuxièmement que, pour échapper au relativisme de type protagoréen, Aristote défend l'idée d'un régime parfait qui seul peut fournir la meilleure interprétation de ce sentiment.
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  32. Physique et poétique dans le "Timée" de Platon.Pierre Hadot - 1983 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 115:113.
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  33. A critical reappraisal of the evidence for unconscious abstraction of deterministic rules in complex experimental situations.Pierre Perruchet, J. Gallego & I. Savy - 1990 - Cognitive Psychology 22:493-516.
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    Nietzsche, philosophe-musicien de l'éternel retour ().Pierre Sauvanet - 2001 - Archives de Philosophie 2 (2):343-360.
    Musique et philosophie ne peuvent être séparées chez Nietzsche. C’est du moins l’hypothèse de cet article, qui vise à préciser les liens entre ces deux « actions » sur deux points précis : le rythme musical dans les premières recherches du jeune Nietzsche, et la question même de l’éternel retour. En effet, cette pensée centrale ne saurait être comprise, c’est-à-dire pleinement interprétée, sans lui conférer aussi un sens musical – et même, plus précisément, un sens rythmique. De nombreux textes tendent (...)
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  35. Tocqueville and the Nature of Democracy.Pierre Manent - 1996
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    Is Future Real? Putnam’s Argument Revisited.Pierre Sabatier - 2024 - Open Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):15-17.
    Putnam’s argument aims to prove that future is as real as present. His argument is based on the equation present = real. Is real what exists now. Is real what is part of observer-independent reality. What exists now depends on an observer—it is not real. It is then shown that Special Relativity is not only a physical theory, it has also a philosophical dimension in that it questions our very understanding of reality and requires a clear distinction between reality and (...)
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    Marx et la technique.Pierre Rodrigo - 2017 - Philosophie 133 (2):37-51.
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  38. Paracelse: ou, Le tourment de savoir.Pierre Mariel - 1974 - Paris: Seghers.
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    Quelle intelligibilité du mal?Pierre-Adrien Marciset - 2019 - Noesis 33:117-131.
    Le mal est une notion qui s’étend au moins sur trois champs disciplinaires : la théologie, la philosophie et l’art. Il connaît un même traitement dans chacun de ces trois champs, motivé par des systèmes différents : le mal n’est jamais pris comme objet causa sui mais toujours considéré dans sa relativité à un objet premier dont il contribue à définir la limite. Nous proposons un rapide tour d’horizon de cette situation afin d’ouvrir les pistes de réflexion d’une intelligibilité du (...)
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    Thomas Edward Shields.Pierre J. Marique - 1927 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 2 (3):360-374.
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  41. (1 other version)Éducation et Caractère.Pierre Mesnard - 1955 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 145:99-99.
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  42. A UNESCO Strategy for Philosophy.Pierre Sané - 2009 - Diogenes 56 (4):93-94.
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    La Pérée Samothracienne au IIIe siècle avant J.-C.Pierre Roussel - 1939 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 63 (1):133-141.
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  44. Reading and understanding: on some differences between Wittgenstein and 4E cognitive science.Pierre Steiner - 2018 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio 12 (2).
  45. Rudolf Bultmann, illustration d'un destin protestant?Pierre Gisel - 1995 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 83 (4):585-606.
    Bultmann a-t-il été en partie victime d’une certaine « logique du protestantisme » ? R. Marlé a posé la question. Un théologien protestant peut être d’accord pour le fond avec la critique catholique, mais en la reprenant dans un esprit différent qui fera valoir la particula veri propre à Bultmann. On passera en revue à cet effet les quatre principaux griefs qui lui sont adressés.a) Réduction, au profit de la foi, de l’objectivité de l’historique et de celle du monde. — (...)
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    Rousseau, Lévi-Strauss’s “Master”.Pierre Guenancia - 2016 - In Yves Charles Zarka & Anne Deneys-Tunney (eds.), Rousseau Between Nature and Culture: Philosophy, Literature, and Politics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 11-26.
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    Raymond Aron: Too Realistic to Be a Realist?Pierre Hassner - 2007 - Constellations 14 (4):498-505.
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    (1 other version)Do we know how we know our own minds yet?Pierre Jacob - 2004 - In Richard Schantz (ed.), The Externalist Challenge. De Gruyter.
    In traditional epistemology, psychological self-knowledge is taken to be the paradigm of privleged a priori knowledge. According to an influential incompatibilist line of thought, traditional epistemic features attributed to psychological self-knowledge are supposed to be inconsistent with content externalism. In this paper, I examine one prominent compatibilist response by an advocate of content externalism, i.e., Fred Dretske's answer tot he incompatibilist argument, based on the model of displaced perceptual knowledge. I discuss the costs and benefits of his answer.
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  49. Memory, learning and metacognition.Pierre Jacob - unknown
    I examine the impact of human metarepresentational abilities on human memory.
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    Auto-biographie psychologique.Pierre Janet - 1946 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 1 (2):81 - 87.
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