Results for 'Pierre Ménard'

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  1.  43
    Evaluation of the agreement between guidelines and initial antihypertensive drug treatment using a national health care reimbursement database.Pierre Meneton, Philippe Ricordeau, Alain Weill, Philippe Tuppin, Solène Samson, Hubert Allemand, Pierre Durieux & Joël Ménard - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (3):623-629.
  2. Constructive Thoughts on Pierre Menard.Simon Fokt - 2011 - Philosophy and Literature 35 (2):338-347.
    Interpretational monists and pluralists most often accept contextualism. At the same time, most of them resist constructivism, which takes all interpretations of artworks to be separate artworks. However, one of the central arguments to establish contextualism, based on Borges’ story of Pierre Menard, is so formulated that using it can force all contextualists into accepting constructivism. This paper points out the under-specification present in the philosophical use of the Pierre Menard example to then combine it with arguments presented (...)
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    Histoire des Idées Religieuses et Philosophiques.Olivier Bloch, John M. Dillon, Barbara Cassin, Pierre Pellegrin, Cari Aderhold, Hervé Guénot, Jean École, Marie-Jeanne Kônigson-Montain, Françoise Bellue, François Clémentz, Jean-Pierre Cléro, Jan Sebesttk, Alain Guy & Monique David-Ménard - 1988 - Revue de Synthèse 109 (2):311-354.
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    Borges, Pierre Menard, rhizomaticity, and the simulation of palimpsestic writing.Fernando De Toro - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (222):313-320.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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  5. (1 other version)Borges's "Pierre menard": Philosophy or literature?Jorge J. E. Gracia - 2001 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 59 (1):45-57.
  6.  31
    Tristram Shandy, Pierre Menard, and all that. [REVIEW]Joseph Agassi - 1971 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 14:152.
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  7. Text + Work: The Menard Case.Tomas Koblizek, Petr Kot'átko & Martin Pokorný (eds.) - 2013 - Litteraria Pragensia.
    The influence and reputation of Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote, is easily comparable to the impact of groundbreaking theoretical texts. Numerous philosophers, aestheticians and theorists of literature, music, or visual arts have been induced by this short story by J.L. Borges to reconsider the status of the literary work of art, to rethink the relationship between work and text. The essays collected here move from analyses of the identity of the literary work of art, as it is explicitly (...)
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    Reflections on Object Life in Monique David-Ménard.Judith Butler - 2015 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 5 (1):80-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reflections on Object Life in Monique David-MénardJudith ButlerThe three papers published here were originally given as part of a colloquium, “Objects, Phantasms, Life, and Death” on the work of Monique David-Ménard at Columbia University in April 2014. Monique David-Ménard is a psychoanalyst and philosopher who has been teaching at the Université de Paris VII-Diderot and has been engaged in private psychoanalytic practice for many years. Her work (...)
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    “Clinging Stubbornly to the Antithesis of Assumptions”: On the Difference Between Hegel’s and Spinoza’s Systems of Philosophy.Daniel J. Smith - 2021 - Research in Phenomenology 51 (3):351-371.
    This essay re-examines Hegel’s critique of Spinoza’s Ethics, focusing on the question of method. Are the axioms and definitions unmotivated presuppositions that make the attainment of absolute knowledge impossible in principle, as Hegel charges? This essay develops a new reading of the Ethics to defend it from this critique. I argue that Hegel reads Spinoza as if his system were constructed only according to the mathematical second kind of knowledge, ignoring Spinoza’s clear preference for knowledge of the third kind. The (...)
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  10. Spoiler Alert! Unveiling the Plot in Thought Experiments and other Fictional Works.Daniele Molinari - 2020 - Argumenta 1 (11):81-97.
    According to a recent philosophical claim, “works of fiction are thought experiments” (Elgin 2007: 47), though there are relevant differences, as the role of spoilers shows—they can ruin a novel but improve the understanding we can gain through a thought experiment. In the present article I will analyze the role of spoilers and argue for a more differentiated perspective on the relation between literature and thought experiments. I will start with a short discussion of different perspectives on thought experiments and (...)
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  11.  26
    Outros Quixotes - notas sobre o discurso em Cervantes e Borges.Newton de Castro Pontes & Edson Soares Martins - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (1):107-126.
    RESUMO O presente artigo parte de várias considerações de Bakhtin a respeito do discurso romanesco a fim de compreender alguns aspectos discursivos do Dom Quixote, de Miguel de Cervantes. Procede-se, então, a uma comparação com o discurso de outra obra que reproduz parcialmente o Dom Quixote: o conto Pierre Menard, autor do Quixote, de Jorge Luis Borges. Por fim, discute-se brevemente o problema da quase ausência do Dom Quixote nas discussões de Bakhtin sobre o romance, apresentando-se a hipótese de (...)
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  12. Two kinds of artistic duplication.Christopher Janaway - 1997 - British Journal of Aesthetics 37 (1):1-14.
    In this paper I juxtapose two well-known thought-experiments concerning duplicate art works, and point out that they appear to have directly conflicting results. I then make a proposal as to how to reconcile the two cases. The two cases are Borges' story of Pierre Menard, in which a text coinciding exactly with Cervantes' Don Quixote is nonetheless a distinct work from it, and Nelson Goodman's claim that a musical work cannot be forged, because anything complying with a work's notation (...)
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  13.  9
    L'écriture postérieure.Elie Ayache - 2006 - Paris: Complicités.
    Il s'agit là d'un livre sur la lecture et l'écriture. Son véritable thème est cependant l'impertinence, voire l'impossibilité. A quoi bon, en effet, écrire sur la lecture quand il suffit de lire? Et que peut-on dire de plus sur l'écriture si l'on écrit déjà? Ainsi ce livre ne comportera-t-il, à proprement parler, aucune matière, et ne transmettra-t-il essentiellement qu'un mouvement : celui de la lecture des testes des autres et de l'écriture qu'elle entraînera. Seul le mouvement peut changer une impossibilité (...)
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  14.  24
    (1 other version)Borges and Danto: A reply to Michael Wreen.Christopher Janaway - 1991 - British Journal of Aesthetics 31 (4):72-76.
    In response to Michael Wreen, 'Once is Not Enough?' (British Journal of Aesthetics 1990), this article argues that the short story by Jorge Luis Borges, 'Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote' supports Arthur Danto's account of the individuation of art works, according to which two verbally identical compositions can be two distinct works. Wreen argues that the Menard story is a case of copying. But the story is one of intentional coincidence of texts, not copying. Hence Wreen lacks a (...)
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  15.  49
    Thought experiments in aesthetics.Paisley Nathan Livingston & Carl Mikael Pettersson - 2016 - In Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Kimberley Brownlee & David Coady, A Companion to Applied Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 501–513.
    In the burgeoning literature on thought experiments, examples are drawn from almost all areas of philosophy, one exception, however, being aesthetics. There are good reasons why this is so: there are very few interesting theory-oriented thought experiments in aesthetics, which is unsurprising since there are few well-developed theories to test in this field. After evaluating some aesthetic thought experiments in light of some general epistemic questions regarding thought experiments, we argue that theory-centred thought experiments are not the only kinds of (...)
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  16. Kant's "An Essay on the Maladies of the Mind" and Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime.Monique David-Ménard - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (4):82 - 98.
    David-Ménard examines the problem of the genesis of Kant's moral philosophy. The separation between Kantian practical reason and the inclinations of sense which it regulates is shown by the author to originate in Kant's attempt to regulate his own tendency to hypochondria. Her argument links the themes from two of Kant's precritical works which attest to this tendency-"An Essay on the Maladies of the Mind" and Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime-to the final form of (...)
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  17. A 'Nudge' for Public Health Ethics: Libertarian Paternalism as a Framework for Ethical Analysis of Public Health Interventions?J. -F. Menard - 2010 - Public Health Ethics 3 (3):229-238.
    Is it possible to interfere with individual decision-making while preserving freedom of choice? The purpose of this article is to assess whether ‘libertarian paternalism’, a set of political and ethical principles derived from the observations of behavioural sciences, can form the basis of a viable framework for the ethical analysis of public health interventions. First, the article situates libertarian libertarianism within the broader context of the law and economics movement. The main tenets of the approach are then presented and particular (...)
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  18.  3
    Quel rôle pour la bioéthique face à la complexité des enjeux planétaires?Jean-Frédéric Ménard - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (1):54.
    Ce texte offre quelques réflexions épistémologiques et méthodologiques en réponse au texte d’Antoine Boudreau LeBlanc qui plaide pour une bioéthique renouvelée, capable de faire le lien entre science et politique afin de relever les défis majeurs auxquels l’humanité est actuellement confrontée. Cette proposition apparait nécessaire, compte tenu du paradoxe qui émerge du fait que l’expertise et la spécialisation grandissante ne se traduisent pas toujours par des solutions aux problèmes complexes qui affligent l’humanité. Il apparaît nécessaire de réfléchir à la nature (...)
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    Quelques réflexions en vue du renouvellement de la relation entre le droit et la bioéthique.Jean-Frédéric Ménard - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (1):8.
    On a souvent dit que la bioéthique émergea au confluent des sciences de la santé, de la théologie, de la philosophie et du droit. Or, pour poursuivre son évolution, la bioéthique se doit d’adopter une position critique vis-à-vis de cet héritage, notamment en ce qui concerne le droit.
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  20.  47
    How Are We to Read Beyond the Pleasure Principle?.Monique David-Ménard - 2017 - Oxford Literary Review 39 (2):246-264.
    This paper considers Freud's 1920 text, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, in light of Jacques Derrida's critical commentary on it in The Post Card. Against the deconstructive reading that highlights the performative aspects of Freud's speculative remarks, David-Ménard reads Freud's theory of the death drive as an epistemological and experimental hypothesis necessary for giving an account of the complexity and diversity of the clinical phenomenon of repetition in psychoanalysis. Though the death drive never appears locatable as such in the various (...)
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  21.  17
    Deleuze et la psychanalyse: l'altercation.Monique David-Ménard - 2005 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Du sommaire: I -- Clinique et philosophie: Le probleme -- La polemique. II -- Eloge du masochisme, critique de la notion de plaisir. III -- Philosophie de la repetition: Les trois repetitions -- Comment une philosophie du temps revient a Masoch et a Sade -- L'inconscient et les problemes. IV -- Le corps sans organes, critique ou abandon de la psychanalyse?: Artaud et Van Gogh -- La distance prise par rapport a l'organisme -- Les devenirs et leur fin immanente. V (...)
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  22.  19
    Separations et transferts dans la hierarchie polynomiale des groupes abeliens lifinis.Ménard Bourgade - 2001 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (4):493-502.
    We prove some results on the polynomial hierarchies of infinite abelian groups. In particular, we show the polynomial hierarchy over an infinite group of exponent a prime number p collapse if and only if it is the case in the classical theory.
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  23. Methodological Issues in New Institutional Economic.Ménard Claude - 2001 - Journal of Economic Methodology 8 (1):85-92.
  24.  35
    Agencements deleuziens, dispositifs foucaldiens.Monique David-Ménard - 2008 - Rue Descartes 59 (1):43.
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    Créer des concepts dessiner l'impensé.Monique David-Ménard - 2004 - Rue Descartes n° 45-46 (3):75-87.
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  26.  67
    Das Allgemeine bei Sade und Kant.Monique David-ménard - 1996 - Die Philosophin 7 (14):79-104.
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    Formes et occurrences de l’incertitude en psychanalyse.Monique David-Ménard - 2025 - Noesis 39:145-158.
    Je distingue successivement trois modes d’incertitude en psychanalyse. L’incertitude caractérise d’abord la progressive connaissance d’un cas qui se présente au connaître comme une énigme et qu’il s’agit de construire comme singulier. L’incertitude de la connaissance tient ensuite à l’alliance très particulière du savoir et du non savoir dans la pratique et la théorie de la psychanalyse. Elle tient enfin à la mise au point d’une nouvelle définition du champ même auquel la psychanalyse a affaire : un certain régime des actes (...)
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  28.  99
    Die Arbeitsgruppe "L'exercice du savoir et la différence des sexes" am CNRS in Paris.Monique David-ménard - 1993 - Die Philosophin 4 (7):99-101.
  29.  61
    Psychoanalyse und Philosophie in Paris. Die siebziger Jahre.Monique David-Ménard - 2004 - Die Philosophin 15 (30):11-21.
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    Heterogeneous Disciplines.Monique David-Ménard - 2003 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 24 (1):161-168.
    Under this title, I wish to clarify the philosophical perspective that has run through my work for the last fifteen years, in three volumes: L’hystérique entre Freud et Lacan, La folie dans la raison pure, and Les constructions de l’universel. In the first of these works, I reflected on the status of the body in psychoanalysis, on the distance that needed to be taken with regard to the two Western traditions of thought concerning the body, namely those of Aristotle and (...)
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  31. Is it Necessary to Look for the Universal in the Difference between the Sexes? The'Formulae of Sexuation'in Lacan.Monique David-Menard - 2004 - In Kelly Oliver & Lisa Mae-Helen Walsh, Contemporary French Feminism. Oxford University Press. pp. 215.
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    Kant ou la patience Des limites.Monique David-Ménard - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177 (2):169 - 193.
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  33. Les identifications. Confrontation de la clinique et de la théorie de Freud à Lacan coll. « L'espace analytique ».Monique David-ménard - 1988 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 178 (1):75-76.
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    La négation comme sortie de l'ontologie.Monique David-Ménard - 2001 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 2 (2):59-67.
  35. Les pulsions en psychanalyse: concept ou mythe?M. David-Ménard - 1987 - Studia Philosophica 46:44-51.
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  36. Negativity in Immanuel Kant's Thought.Monique David-Menard - 2009 - Filozofski Vestnik 30 (1):89-103.
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  37.  62
    Repetir e inventar segundo Deleuze e segundo Freud.Monique David-Ménard - 2007 - Discurso 36:19-36.
    Neste artigo, trata-se, por um lado, de compreender até que ponto a existência humana e o pensamento, naquilo que eles têm de inventivo, são feitos de sínteses disjuntivas. E qual tipo de repetição entre os elementos, ligados de maneira nãocasual, mas não sistemática, supõe esta síntese tão importante no pensamento de Gilles Deleuze. Por outro lado, trata-se de saber se esse conceito de repetição converge com aquele que reclama a psicanálise.
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  38. REVIEWS-Deleuze et la psychanalyse: L'altercation.Monique David-Menard & Christian Kerslake - 2008 - Radical Philosophy 151:43.
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    Spleti v ozadju filozofske resnice.Monique David-Ménard & Peter Klepec - 1993 - Filozofski Vestnik 14 (1).
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  40.  48
    Just War Tradition, Liberalism, and Civil War.Sergio Koc-Menard - 2004 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 11 (2):57-64.
    The just war tradition assumes that civil war is a possible site of justice. It has an uneasy relationship with liberalism, because the latter resists the idea that insurgency and counterinsurgency can be justified in moral terms. The paper suggests that, even if this is true, these two schools of thought are closer to each other than often appears to be the case. In particular, the paper argues that insurgency and counterinsurgency can be justified using the liberal assumptions that nonviolent (...)
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  41.  58
    Analysing Social Values in Identification; A Framework for Research on the Representation and Implementation of Values.Rusten Menard - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (2):122-142.
    This article contributes to the concept of social values by presenting analytical tools that explore how social values are classified, re-presented and interpersonally performed in the construction of identities. I approach social values as classificatory systems of acceptability and desirability that are collectively generated. The meanings of social values are embedded in culture and in power imbalanced social relations; they constantly undergo reformulation in identification processes and are also used to define the social order. I suggest that social values can (...)
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  42.  15
    Hammerschmidt, Claudia (ed.): Patagonia literaria V. Representaciones de la identidad cultural mapuche. Menard & André - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (2):494-495.
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    Pudor y representación: La raza mapuche, la desnudez y el disfraz.André Menard - 2009 - Aisthesis 46.
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  44. Martin Buber's re-examination of the idea of nationalism.Jc Menard - 1995 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 69 (1):123-145.
  45.  9
    Sobre el valor Y el archivo: Monedas chilenas Y platería mapuche.André Menard Poupin - 2018 - Aisthesis 63:171-182.
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    Sobre el valor y el archivo: monedas chilenas y platería mapuche.André Menard - 2018 - Aisthesis 63:171-182.
    I propose a reflection on the notion of Mapuche archive focusing on Mapuche jewelry as a special kind of document. As they were made with coins, I analyze the problem of the value associated with these jewels. Thus, I describe a historical movement, through which the coins were first withdrawn from the logic given by the Chilean political-economic archive, and then were inserted in a Mapuche logic of value and archive, understanding the latter as an instrument of political legitimacy. Then (...)
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  47.  32
    Taming Aggressive Nationalism.Janet C. Menard - 1993 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 5 (2):109-132.
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  48.  22
    TranslaTion, Transference, and The aTTracTion To oTherness—Borges.WhiTMan Menard - 2004 - Diacritics 34 (4):31-53.
  49.  11
    A Diary Study on When and With Whom Recovery Experiences Modulate Daily Stress and Worry During a COVID-19 Lockdown.Julie Ménard, Annie Foucreault, Hugues Leduc, Sophie Meunier & Sarah-Geneviève Trépanier - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In April 2020, almost six out of 10 people around the world were in lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Being locked down usually has a deleterious effect on the confined individual's mental health. In this exceptionally challenging context, finding ways to minimize negative mood about the pandemic is essential. Pandemic-related negative states (“negative mood”) and recovery experiences were investigated in a sample of 264 individuals who completed daily surveys four times per day over 7 consecutive days. MSEMs analyses revealed (...)
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    CONGAR, Yves, Esprit de l'homme, Esprit de DieuCONGAR, Yves, Esprit de l'homme, Esprit de Dieu.Camil Ménard - 1984 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 40 (3):375-377.
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