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Jean-Baptiste André [8]H. AndrÉ [8]Elisabeth Andre [7]João André [6]

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  1. Partner choice, fairness, and the extension of morality.Nicolas Baumard, Jean-Baptiste André & Dan Sperber - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (1):102-122.
    Our discussion of the commentaries begins, at the evolutionary level, with issues raised by our account of the evolution of morality in terms of partner-choice mutualism. We then turn to the cognitive level and the characterization and workings of fairness. In a final section, we discuss the degree to which our fairness-based approach to morality extends to norms that are commonly considered moral even though they are distinct from fairness.
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    From Caring Entrepreneur to Caring Enterprise: Addressing the Ethical Challenges of Scaling up Social Enterprises.Kevin André & Anne-Claire Pache - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (4):659-675.
    This paper advances the conception of social entrepreneurs as caring entrepreneurs. We argue that the care ethics of social entrepreneurs, implying the pursuit of caring goals through caring processes, can be challenged when they engage in the process of scaling up their ventures. We propose that social entrepreneurs can sustain their care ethics as the essential dimension of their venture only if they are able to build a caring enterprise. Organizational care designates the set of organizing principles that facilitate the (...)
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  3. Moral distress in nursing practice in Malawi.Veronica Mary Maluwa, Judy Andre, Paul Ndebele & Evelyn Chilemba - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (2):196-207.
    The aim of this study was to explore the existence of moral distress among nurses in Lilongwe District of Malawi. Qualitative research was conducted in selected health institutions of Lilongwe District in Malawi to assess knowledge and causes of moral distress among nurses and coping mechanisms and sources of support that are used by morally distressed nurses. Data were collected from a purposive sample of 20 nurses through in-depth interviews using a semi-structured interview guide. Thematic analysis of qualitative data was (...)
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    Beyond the Opposition Between Altruism and Self-interest: Reciprocal Giving in Reward-Based Crowdfunding.Kévin André, Sylvain Bureau, Arthur Gautier & Olivier Rubel - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (2):313-332.
    Increasingly, frontiers between business and philanthropy seem to be blurred. Reward-Based Crowdfunding platforms contribute to this blurring of lines since they propose funders to support both for-profit and philanthropic projects. Our empirical paper explores the case of Ulule, the leading crowdfunding platform in Europe. Our results, based on a statistical analysis of more than 3000 projects, show that crowdfunding platforms foster specific kinds of relationships relying on reciprocal giving, beyond the usual opposition between altruistic and selfish motivations. We use the (...)
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  5. Nagel, Williams, and moral luck.Judith Andre - 1983 - Analysis 43 (4):202-207.
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    Moral disciplining: The cognitive and evolutionary foundations of puritanical morality.Léo Fitouchi, Jean-Baptiste André & Nicolas Baumard - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e293.
    Why do many societies moralize apparently harmless pleasures, such as lust, gluttony, alcohol, drugs, and even music and dance? Why do they erect temperance, asceticism, sobriety, modesty, and piety as cardinal moral virtues? According to existing theories, this puritanical morality cannot be reduced to concerns for harm and fairness: It must emerge from cognitive systems that did not evolve for cooperation (e.g., disgust-based “purity” concerns). Here, we argue that, despite appearances, puritanical morality is no exception to the cooperative function of (...)
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  7. Role Morality as a Complex Instance of Ordinary Morality.Judith Andre - 1991 - American Philosophical Quarterly 28 (1):73 - 80.
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  8. Was Hume An Atheist?Shane Andre - 1993 - Hume Studies 19 (1):141-166.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Was Hume An Atheist? Shane Andre Hume's philosophy of religion, as expressed in the Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, the Natural History of Religion, and sections 10 and 11 ofthe Enquiry ConcerningHuman Understanding,1 invites a number of diverse interpretations. At one extreme are those who see Hume as an "atheist"2 or "anti-theist."3 At the other extreme are those who see Hume as some kind of theist, though not a classical (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Blocked exchanges: A taxonomy.Judith Andre - 1992 - Ethics 103 (1):29-47.
  10.  39
    The evolution of music: One trait, many ultimate-level explanations.Edgar Dubourg, Jean-Baptiste André & Nicolas Baumard - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    We propose an approach reconciling the ultimate-level explanations proposed by Savage et al. and Mehr et al. as to why music evolved. We also question the current adaptationist view of culture, which too often fails to disentangle distinct fitness benefits.
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    Learning to see: moral growth during medical training.J. Andre - 1992 - Journal of Medical Ethics 18 (3):148-152.
    During medical training students and residents reconstruct their view of the world. Patients become bodies; both the faults and the virtues of the medical profession become exaggerated. This reconstruction has moral relevance: it is in part a moral blindness. The pain of medical training, together with its narrowness, contributes substantially to these faulty reconstructions. Possible improvements include teaching more social science, selecting chief residents and faculty for their attitudes, helping students acquire communication skills, and helping them deal with their own (...)
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  12.  41
    The Impact of Locus of Control, Moral Intensity, and the Microsocial Ethical Environment on Purchasing-Related Ethical Reasoning.Jocelyn Husser, Jean-Marc Andre & Véronique Lespinet-Najib - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (1):243-261.
    This study uses a sample of 242 European professional purchasers to examine the six characteristics of the decision-making process developed by Jones. The illustration mobilizes six original scenarios reproducing typical purchasing situations. Two versions of each scenario were used, one representing low moral intensity and the other showing high moral intensity. Two populations were sampled: one of 120 purchasers responding to the first version of the questionnaire and a second of 122 different purchasers responding to version two. Each version contained (...)
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  13.  49
    Éthique et justice climatique : entre motivations morales et amorales.Pierre André & Michel Bourban - 2016 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 11 (2-3):4-27.
    Pierre André,Michel Bourban | : Dans un contexte d’urgence, les philosophes ne peuvent plus se contenter d’élaborer des théories idéales de la justice climatique fondées sur des motivations purement morales. Il est désormais nécessaire d’envisager des approches non idéales. Nous proposons ici de prendre au sérieux le problème de la motivation à l’action et nous mettons en avant certains motifs prudentiels pour lutter contre le changement climatique, en vue non pas de remplacer, mais de renforcer les motivations morales existantes, mais (...)
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  14. On being genetically "irresponsible".Judith Andre, Leonard M. Fleck & Thomas Tomlinson - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (2):129-146.
    : New genetic technologies continue to emerge that allow us to control the genetic endowment of future children. Increasingly the claim is made that it is morally "irresponsible" for parents to fail to use such technologies when they know their possible children are at risk for a serious genetic disorder. We believe such charges are often unwarranted. Our goal in this article is to offer a careful conceptual analysis of the language of irresponsibility in an effort to encourage more care (...)
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    Philosophies mathématiques.Catherine Paoletti, Yves André, Charles Alunni & Carlos Lobo - 2015 - Revue de Synthèse 136 (1-2):281-298.
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    Plan-based integration of natural language and graphics generation.Wolfgang Wahlster, Elisabeth André, Wolfgang Finkler, Hans-Jürgen Profitlich & Thomas Rist - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 63 (1-2):387-427.
  17.  14
    Local and global explanations of agent behavior: Integrating strategy summaries with saliency maps.Tobias Huber, Katharina Weitz, Elisabeth André & Ofra Amir - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 301 (C):103571.
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    Body Parts: Property Rights and the Ownership of Human Biological Materials.Judith Andre & E. Richard Gold - 1998 - Hastings Center Report 28 (2):42.
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    Science and Religion: An Alternative View of an Ancient Rivalry.Shane Andre - 2020 - Open Journal of Philosophy 10 (4):494-510.
    Religion is presented as a family of religions, identified by a cluster of religion-making features, most but not all of which must be present, involving beliefs and practices which are diverse and often in conflict. Because of differences in scope, application of scientific method, and vocabulary, science can also be regarded as a family—this time a family of sciences. The universality of the physical sciences contrasts with the more restricted scope of the earth sciences and the human sciences. Their relationship (...)
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    Diversity stress as morality stress.Rae André - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (6):489 - 496.
    In multicultural situations it is common for people to feel that their usual modes of coping are insufficient. They experience what is here called diversity stress. Today diversity stress is widely experienced in part because key management assumptions involving moral judgments are changing. Understanding diversity stress as a type of morality stress suggests particular patterns of causation, and of productive and counterproductive reactions on the part of individuals and organizations. – Deciding whom to appoint to a challenging new position in (...)
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  21.  14
    Computational protein design as an optimization problem.David Allouche, Isabelle André, Sophie Barbe, Jessica Davies, Simon de Givry, George Katsirelos, Barry O'Sullivan, Steve Prestwich, Thomas Schiex & Seydou Traoré - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 212 (C):59-79.
  22.  47
    Linking Purchasing to Ethical Decision-Making: An Empirical Investigation.Jocelyn Husser, Laurence Gautier, Jean-Marc André & Véronique Lespinet-Najib - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (2):327-338.
    The aim of this study is to examine the decision-making processes at work among French buyers—whether beginners or more experienced individuals, when confronted with a dilemma involving an ethical or non-ethical choice to be made. We go on to illustrate these dilemmas through the use of five original scenarios that reproduce typical situations that arise in a purchasing context in relation to the environment, physical integrity, conflict of interest, or paternalism. Based on 172 participants, the results of our study show (...)
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  23. Improving our aim.Judith Andre, Leonard Fleck & Tom Tomlinson - 1999 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 24 (2):130 – 147.
    Bioethicists appearing in the media have been accused of "shooting from the hip" (Rachels, 1991). The criticism is sometimes justified. We identify some reasons our interactions with the press can have bad results and suggest remedies. In particular we describe a target (fostering better public dialogue), obstacles to hitting the target (such as intrinsic and accidental defects in our knowledge) and suggest some practical ways to surmont those obstacles (including seeking out ways to write or speak at length, rather than (...)
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  24.  66
    (1 other version)Dealing with naive relativism in the philosophy classroom.Judith Andre - 1983 - Metaphilosophy 14 (2):179–182.
  25.  35
    Goals of Ethics Consultation: Toward Clarity, Utility, and Fidelity.Judith Andre - 1997 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 8 (2):193-198.
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    La dimensión simbólica del arte en Nicolás de Cusa.Joâo Maria André - 1995 - Anuario Filosófico 28 (3):547-582.
    The article begins by placing Nicholas of Cusa's ideas in the context of Mysticism, whilst, at the same time, establishing the continuing actuality of the topic. After a short review of the concept of art as an imitation of nature through Antiquity and the Middle Ages, the second part of the essay deals with the originality of the Germán Cardinal's development of the concept of "imitatio" and the relation he posits between art and nature. The third part explores some significant (...)
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    Privacy as a value and as a right.Judith Andre - 1986 - Journal of Value Inquiry 20 (4):309-317.
    Knowledge of others, then, has value; so does immunity from being known. The ability to extend one's knowledge has value; so does the ability to limit other's knowledge of oneself. I have claimed that no interest can count as a right unless it clearly outweighs opposing interests whose presence is logically entailed. I see no way to establish that my interest in not being known, simply as such, outweighs your desire to know about me. I acknowledge the intuitive attractiveness of (...)
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    Humility.Judith Andre - 1994 - Philosophical Books 35 (1):60-62.
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    Etude sur les termes de couleur dans la langue latine.Gordon M. Messing & J. Andre - 1955 - American Journal of Philology 76 (2):212.
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    Social Context Disambiguates the Interpretation of Laughter.William Curran, Gary J. McKeown, Magdalena Rychlowska, Elisabeth André, Johannes Wagner & Florian Lingenfelser - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  31. Semantical Mutation, Algorithms and Programs.Porto André - 2015 - Dissertatio (S1):44-76.
    This article offers an explanation of perhaps Wittgenstein’s strangest and least intuitive thesis – the semantical mutation thesis – according to which one can never answer a mathematical conjecture because the new proof alters the very meanings of the terms involved in the original question. Instead of basing our justification on the distinction between mere calculation and proofs of isolated propositions, characteristic of Wittgenstein’s intermediary period, we generalize it to include conjectures involving effective procedures as well.
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    Time and movement.Dias de Andrade André - 2024 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 11 (2):91-120.
    The purpose is to retrace phenomenology's argumentative path towards temporality as the foundation of phenomenality as presentation. The next step is to construct another paradigm based on movement and the processes of differentiation involved in it. The confrontation between these two types of approach, one related to Husserl's genetic phenomenology, and the other which allows us to think of presuppositions for a phenomenology of difference and event based on Merleau-Ponty's lateral writings in the 1950s, serves to question the foundations of (...)
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    Both collection risk and waiting costs give rise to the behavioral constellation of deprivation.Hugo Mell, Nicolas Baumard & Jean-Baptiste André - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  34. Moral Distress in Healthcare.Judith Andre - 2002 - Bioethics Forum 18 (1-2):44-46.
    Moral distress is the sense that one must do, or cooperate in, what is wrong. It is paradigmatically faced by nurses, but it is almost a universal occupational hazard.
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  35. The alleged incompatibility of business and medical ethics.Judith Andre - 1999 - HEC Forum 11 (4):288-292.
    Business Ethics and medical ethics are in principle compatible: In particular, the tools of business ethics can be useful to those doing healthcare ethics. Health care could be conducted as a business and maintain its moral core.
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  36. Respecting Diversity, Respecting Complexity.Judith Andre - 2002 - Law Review of Michigan State University-Detroit College of Law 2002 (4):911-916.
    A discussion of the ethics of stem cell research, and attempts to regulate it.
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  37. Virtue and Age.Judith Andre - manuscript
    Elderhood—or old age, if one prefers—is a stage of life without much cultural meaning. It is generally viewed simply as a time of regrettable decline. Paying more attention to it, to its special pleasures and developmental achievements, will be helpful not only to elders but to those younger as well. I will argue that three existential tasks are central in elderhood, but also important at every other stage of adult life. I identify three: cherishing the present, accepting the past, and (...)
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  38. A Larger Space for Moral Reflection.Judith Andre - 1998 - Ethical Currents (53):6-8.
    Margaret Urban Walker argues that hospital ethics committees should think of their task as "keeping moral space open." I develop her suggestion with analogies: Enlarge the windows (i.e., expand what counts as an ethical issue); add rooms and doors (i.e., choose particular issues to engage). Examples include confidentiality defined as information flow, and moral distress in the healthcare workplace.
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  39. Remember the Nurses.Judith Andre - 2006 - Apa Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy 5 (2):19-21.
    As feminist theory explicates its fundamental principles – justice for the oppressed – it can lose its essential focus on the situation of women. One example is the inattention to nurses within feminist bioethics. Nurses deserve attention because most are women, but also because their lack of power is paradigmatic of patriarchy. Those examining ethics consultations should discuss whether nurses are allowed to request them. But feminists also need to imagine ways in which nurses can be heard when, for instance, (...)
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    Worldly Virtue: Moral Ideals and Contemporary Life.Judith Andre - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    Worldly Virtue discusses individual virtues in new ways, drawing from faith traditions, feminist analyses, and social science. The book addresses traditional virtues like honesty and generosity and articulates new virtues like those required in aging.
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    The puritanical moral contract: Purity, cooperation, and the architecture of the moral mind.Léo Fitouchi, Jean-Baptiste André & Nicolas Baumard - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e322.
    Commentators raise fundamental questions about the notion of purity (sect. R1), the architecture of moral cognition (sect. R2), the functional relationship between morality and cooperation (sect. R3), the role of folk-theories of self-control in moral judgment (sect. R4), and the cultural variation of morality (sect. R5). In our response, we address all these issues by clarifying our theory of puritanism, responding to counter-arguments, and incorporating welcome corrections and extensions.
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    Speaking Truth to Employers.Judith Andre - 1997 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 8 (2):199-203.
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    Séneca y e l problema filosófico de la guerra.J. M. André - 1965 - Augustinus 10 (39-40):377-394.
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  44. Unger's Defense of Skepticism: New Wine in Old Bottles.Shane Andre - 1982 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 12 (3):453 - 465.
    Peter Unger has recently attempted to defend skepticism by means of a novel and ingenious theory about certain general features of our language. According to his theory, skepticism is a logical consequence of the fact that certain epistemic terms, including ‘certain’ and ‘know,’ belong to a much wider class of absolute terms whose strict meaning is such that they have little or no positive application to things in the world. The purpose of this paper is to enquire whether Unger's theory (...)
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  45. Open Hope as a Civic Virtue.Judith Andre - 2013 - Social Philosophy Today 29:89-100.
    Hope as a virtue is an acquired disposition, shaped by reflection; as a civic virtue it must serve the good of the community. Ernst Bloch and Lord Buddha offer help in constructing such a virtue. Using a taxonomy developed by Darren Webb I distinguish open hope from goal-oriented hope, and use each thinker to develop the former. Bloch and Buddha are very different (and notoriously obscure; I do not attempt an exegesis). But they share a metaphysics of change, foundational for (...)
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    The Problem with the Problem of Evil.Shane Andre - 2021 - Open Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):336-354.
    The problem of evil has been around for centuries but as yet no consensus exists as to its significance for atheism or theism. After a brief historical review, I focus on the debate between two leading contemporary philosophers, Rowe and Plantinga, and argue that neither has succeeded in resolving the evidential version of the problem of evil. It is time to turn from the theological issue to practical issues about pointless suffering. Using a common sense approach, I argue that there (...)
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  47. Burdened Virtues Virtue Ethics for Liberatory Struggles by Lisa Tessman.Judith Andre - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (2):193-196.
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    Reciprocal contracts – not competitive acquisition – explain the moral psychology of ownership.Jean-Baptiste André, Léo Fitouchi & Nicolas Baumard - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e324.
    We applaud Boyer's attempt to ground the psychology of ownership partly in a cooperative logic. In this commentary, we propose to go further and ground the psychology of ownership solely in a cooperative logic. The predictions of bargaining theory, we argue, completely contradict the actual features of ownership intuitions. Ownership is only about the calculation of mutually beneficial, reciprocal contracts.
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  49. Poole on obscenity and censorship.Judith Andre - 1984 - Ethics 94 (3):496-500.
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  50. The Demands of Deontology Are Not So Paradoxical.Judith Andre - 1991 - Journal of Philosophical Research 16:407-410.
    The “paradox of deontology” depends partly upon ignoring the special responsibility each person has for her own actions, and partly upon ignoring the essential differences between refraining from X and persuading another to refrain. But only in part; the paradoxical situations schematized by Shaw can occasionally occur. When they do, his pragmatic defense of deontology is sound.
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