Results for 'Pierre Ribeaufossé'

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  1.  82
    ModèLes de la théorie générale Des ensembLes, construits sur Les nombres‐ ε.Maurice Boffa & Pierre Ribeaufossé - 1969 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 15 (13-15):239-240.
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    Entretien avec Pierre Soulages.Pierre Le Lannou Soulages - 1999 - Philosophique 2:89-97.
    Pierre Soulages : régulièrement j’élimine des toiles, inabouties ou qui ont “tourné mal ”, banales, sans rien qui m’excite et qui sont d’ailleurs des sortes d’aventures avortées… Alors qu’à un moment, il y avait quelque chose qui était apparu, qui me paraissait intéressant à pousser, à intensifier, et puis ça s’est détourné, ça s’est terminé par quelque chose de morne, pas vraiment inachevé parce que l’inachevé c’est par rapport à un modèle parfait ou… qui n’est pas du tout ce (...)
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  3. Correspondences of Pierre Bayle (french).Pierre Bayle - unknown
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    The selected works of Pierre Gassendi.Pierre Gassendi - 1972 - New York,: Johnson Reprint.
    Letter to du Faur de Pibrac, 1621.--Exercises against the Aristotelians, 1624.--Letter to Diodati, 1634.--De motu, 1642.--The rebuttals against Descartes, 1644.--The syntagma, 1658.
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  5. Pierre Bayle: Dialogues of Maximus and Themistius.Pierre Bayle & Michael W. Hickson - 2016 - Leiden, Netherlands: Brill's Texts and Sources in Intellectual History 256/18.
    An English translation of Pierre Bayle's posthumous last book, Entretiens de Maxime et de Themiste (1707), in which Bayle defends his skeptical position on the problem of the evil. This book is often cited and attacked by G.W. Leibniz in his Theodicy (1710). Over one hundred pages of original philosophical and historical material introduce the translation, providing it with context and establishing the work's importance.
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    Kant actuel: hommage à Pierre Laberge.Pierre Laberge - 2000 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    L'actualite du kantisme n'est plus a demontrer. Que l'on songe a l'ethique de la discussion, a la theorie de la justice, a la philosophie des relations internationales, au probleme des arguments dits transcendantaux ou encore a la theorie de l'experience esthetique, la pensee de Kant temoigne aujourd'hui d'une incontestable vigueur et d'une etonnante jeunesse. Cette contemporaneite de Kant se traduit par de multiples tentatives de dialogue avec cette oeuvre afin d'en degager la pertinence pour le debat actuel. L'oeuvre de (...) Laberge a su repondre de maniere exemplaire a ses ordres de preoccupations dans l'etude de Kant. Les auteurs sollicites ont eu l'occasion de collaborer avec Pierre Laberge et lui rendent ici un hommage posthume. Ce recueil reflete ainsi cette double exigence d'actualiser le kantisme et d'en analyser les textes. (shrink)
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  7. L'homme et sa Raison, I : Raison et conscience de soi. II : Raison et Histoire. Pierre Thévenaz : un philosophe protestant.Pierre Thévenaz & Paul Ricœur - 1958 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 63 (1):113-115.
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  8. The aim and structure of physical theory.Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem - 1954 - Princeton,: Princeton University Press.
    This classic work in the philosophy of physical science is an incisive and readable account of the scientific method. Pierre Duhem was one of the great figures in French science, a devoted teacher, and a distinguished scholar of the history and philosophy of science. This book represents his most mature thought on a wide range of topics.
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  9. Kant and the Demands of Self-Consciousness.Pierre Keller - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In Kant and the Demands of Self-Consciousness, Pierre Keller examines Kant's theory of self-consciousness and argues that it succeeds in explaining how both subjective and objective experience are possible. Previous interpretations of Kant's theory have held that he treats all self-consciousness as knowledge of objective states of affairs, and also that self-consciousness can be interpreted as knowledge of personal identity. By developing this striking new interpretation Keller is able to argue that transcendental self-consciousness underwrites a general theory of objectivity (...)
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  10. Pierre Bovet et l'école active.Samuel Roller & Pierre Bovet (eds.) - 1978 - Neuchâtel: Éditions de la Baconnière.
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    Pierre-Paul Grassé, L’homme en accusation. De la biologie à la politique. Paris, Albin Michel, 1980. 13,5 × 21, 354 p.Pierre Huard - 1981 - Revue de Synthèse 102 (103-104):454-457.
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    The New Social Question: Rethinking the Welfare State.Pierre Rosanvallon - 2000 - Princeton University Press.
    The welfare state has come under severe pressure internationally, partly for the well-known reasons of slowing economic growth and declining confidence in the public sector. According to the influential social theorist Pierre Rosanvallon, however, there is also a deeper and less familiar reason for the crisis of the welfare state. He shows here that a fundamental practical and philosophical justification for traditional welfare policies--that all citizens share equal risks--has been undermined by social and intellectual change. If we wish to (...)
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    Pierre Mesnard.Pierre Mesnard - 1969 - Moreana 6 (3):79-86.
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  14. LA PHILOSOPHIE DE LA RECONNAISSANCE ET LA QUESTION DE LA RELIGION: À propos de Pierre Paroz, La reconnaissance. Une quête infinie?Pierre-André Stucki - 2011 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 143 (3).
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  15. Métaphysique et sainteté: Lettres du Père Pierre-Marie Emonet, op.Pierre-Marie Emonet - 2004 - Nova et Vetera 79 (3):37-58.
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    Pierre Gassendi's Institutio Logica (1658): a critical edition with translation and introduction.Pierre Gassendi - 1981 - Assen, The Netherlands: Van Gorcum. Edited by Howard Jones.
  17. Le dessin technique.Pierre Rabardel & N. Weill-Fassina - forthcoming - Hermes.
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    Une impression inconnue de Pierre roux:«Le miroir de Bien vivre et Bien mourir» de Pierre de sure. 1 5 6 4.Pierre Aquilon - 1975 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 37 (3):447-456.
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    The teeth of time: Pierre Hadot on meaning and misunderstanding in the history of ideas1.Pierre Force - 2011 - History and Theory 50 (1):20-40.
    The French philosopher and intellectual historian Pierre Hadot (1922-2010) is known primarily for his conception of philosophy as spiritual exercise, which was an essential reference for the later Foucault. An aspect of his work that has received less attention is a set of methodological reflections on intellectual history and on the relationship between philosophy and history. Hadot was trained initially as a philosopher and was interested in existentialism as well as in the convergence between philosophy and poetry. Yet he (...)
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  20. Pierre Bourdieu 164.Pierre Bourdieu - 2007 - In Diarmuid Costello & Jonathan Vickery (eds.), Art: key contemporary thinkers. New York: Berg. pp. 163.
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  21. What is ancient philosophy?Pierre Hadot - 2002 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    A magisterial mappa mundi of the terrain that Pierre Hadot has so productively worked for decades, this ambitious work revises our view of ancient philosophy- ...
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  22. Self-Interest Before Adam Smith: A Genealogy of Economic Science.Pierre Force - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    Self-Interest before Adam Smith inquires into the foundations of economic theory. It is generally assumed that the birth of modern economic science, marked by the publication of The Wealth of Nations in 1776, was the triumph of the 'selfish hypothesis'. Yet, as a neo-Epicurean idea, this hypothesis had been a matter of controversy for over a century and Smith opposed it from a neo-Stoic point of view. But how can the Epicurean principles of orthodox economic theory be reconciled with the (...)
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    Science of science and reflexivity.Pierre Bourdieu - 2004 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Richard Nice.
    Over the last four decades, the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu produced one of the most imaginative and subtle bodies of social theory of the postwar era. When he died two years ago, he was considered to be a thinker on a par with Foucault, Barthes, and Lacan--a public intellectual as influential to his generation as Sartre was to his. Science of Science and Reflexivity will be welcomed as a companion volume to Bourdieu's now seminal An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology (...)
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  24. Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Pierre Mesnard (1900-1969).Pierre Maxime Schuhl - 1972 - Paris,: Typ. de Firmin-Didot.
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    Entretien avec Pierre-Henri Gouyon.Pierre-Henri Gouyon & Aliénor Bertrand - 2023 - Cahiers Philosophiques 172 (1):105-119.
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    A l'île Saint-Pierre.Pierre-Maxime Schuhl - 1963 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 153:83 - 84.
  27. Essai philosophique sur les probabilités.Pierre-Simon Laplace & Maurice Solovine - 1814 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 30 (1):1-2.
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    (1 other version)La théorie physique: son objet, sa structure.Pierre Duhem - 1981 - Vrin.
    La theorie physique? Ce titre, qui fut au debut de notre siecle celui d'un ouvrage controverse, suggere bien une question, celle de savoir si en matiere de science la theorie doit se qualifier en fonction d'un domaine plus particulier d'application. L'auteur, Pierre Duhem, n'aurait pas hesite, semble-t-il, a repondre par l'affirmative en ce qui concerne le vaste champ de la recherche que l'on peut signifier sous le nom de physique. Son ouvrage est en fait construit comme une preparation rigoureuse (...)
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  29. Ramsey sentences, structural realism and trivial realization.Pierre Cruse - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 36 (3):557-576.
    Several recent authors identify structural realism about scientific theories with the claim that the content of a scientific theory is expressible using its Ramsey sentence. Many of these authors have also argued that so understood, the view collapses into empiricist anti-realism, since an argument originally proposed by Max Newman in a review of Bertrand Russell’s The analysis of matter demonstrates that Ramsey sentences are trivially satisfied, and cannot make any significant claims about unobservables. In this paper I argue against both (...)
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    Entretien avec Pierre Pachet.Pierre Pachet - 2004 - Rue Descartes 43 (1):70-87.
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    Pierre Chaunu, Histoire et Foi. Deux mille ans de plaidoyer pour la foi. Paris, France-Empire, 1980. 15,5 × 24, 320 p. (« Actualité de l’histoire »). [REVIEW]Pierre Huard - 1983 - Revue de Synthèse 104 (109):90-91.
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    À propos d’un ouvrage récent de Vincent Boyer.Pierre Goldstein - 2022 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 78 (1):109-116.
  33. Philosophy as a way of life: ancients and moderns: essays in honor of Pierre Hadot.Pierre Hadot & Michael Chase (eds.) - 2013 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  34. Pierre Bayle pirrón Del diccionario histórico Y crítico.Pierre Bayle - 2007 - Ideas y Valores. Revista Colombiana de Filosofía 56 (134):93-117.
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    Pierre Bayle, pour une histoire critique de la philosophie: choix d'articles philosophiques du Dictionnaire historique et critique.Pierre Bayle, Jean-Michel Gros & Jacques Chomarat - 2001 - Honoré Champion.
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    An Account of the Scientific Titles and Works of Pierre Duhem.Pierre Duhem - 1987 - Science in Context 1 (2):333-348.
    Certain authors, in speaking of their works, say: My book, my commentary, my history, etc. They smack of these bourgeois homeowners, with “my house” always on their lips. They should rather speak of: our book, our commentary, our history, etc., since, generally speaking, there is far more in them of others than of their own.
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  37. Van Fraassen on the nature of empiricism.Pierre Cruse - 2007 - Metaphilosophy 38 (4):489-508.
    A traditional view is that to be an empiricist is to hold a particular epistemological belief: something to the effect that knowledge must derive from experience. In his recent book The Empirical Stance, and in a number of other publications, Bas van Fraassen has disagreed, arguing that if empiricism is to be defensible it must instead be thought of as a stance: an attitude of mind or methodological orientation rather than a factual belief. In this article I will examine his (...)
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    An Intellectual History of Liberalism.Pierre Manent - 2019 - Princeton University Press.
    Highlighting the social tensions that confront the liberal tradition, Pierre Manent draws a portrait of what we, citizens of modern liberal democracies, have become. For Manent, a discussion of liberalism encompasses the foundations of modern society, its secularism, its individualism, and its conception of rights. The frequent incapacity of the morally neutral, democratic state to further social causes, he argues, derives from the liberal stance that political life does not serve a higher purpose. Through quick-moving, highly synthetic essays, he (...)
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    Un Texto de Pierre Bourdieu.Pierre Bourdieu - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 14.
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    Essays in the History and Philosophy of Science.Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem - 1996 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    "This volume assembles twelve texts published between 1892 and 1915.... The editors allow one to see the genesis of the ideas of Duhem, philosopher and historian, of the variety of his styles, and sometimes also the limits of his work.... A useful index, probably unique in the field of Duhemian studies, completes the book.... The English-language public may be assured an exemplary translation and a reliable critical apparatus." --Jean Gayon, _Revue d'Histoire des Sciences_.
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    Pierre Rémy, Foi chrétienne et morale, Paris, Le Centurion, 1973 , 234 pages. [REVIEW]Pierre Gaudette - 1975 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 31 (1):99.
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    Le recueil épistolaire autographe de Pierre d'Ailly et les notes d'Italie de Jean de Montreuil.Pierre D' Ailly - 1966 - Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co.. Edited by Jean & G. Ouy.
    Cambrai, Bibl. munic. 940, ff. 1-59 [integralement reproduit]--Bibl. Vatic. Reg. Lat. 689 A, ff. 334-353.--Bibl. Vatic. Reg. Lat. 1653, ff, 1v-2v (feuilles de garde), ff. 3r, 29r-35r.--Pièces justificatives.
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    Sémiotique de la /lumière/ et de l’/obscurité/ de L’Ile de la fée d’Edgar Poe, et Pierre et Jean de Guy de Maupassant, à La Route d’Altamont de Gabrielle Roy, et L’Assassinat de la Via Belpoggio d’Italo Svevo.Pierre-Antoine Navarette - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (226):243-269.
    Résumé Le présent article analyse d’un point de vue sémiotique les rapports entre la /lumière/ et l’/obscurité/ et les catégories discursives au sein d’un corpus de quatre textes de la littérature du dix-neuvième et vingtième siècle. Il s’agit de montrer que les propriétés physiques et sensibles fondent les structures sémio-narratives et orientent les catégories axiologiques, thymiques, spatiales et temporelles. Autrement dit, on observe une primauté de la lumière et de l’obscurité en tant que catégories organisées en structure élémentaire qui génère, (...)
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    Ontologie et dialogue: mélanges en hommage à Pierre Aubenque, avec sa collaboration à l'occasion de son 70e anniversaire.Pierre Aubenque & Nestor-Luis Cordero - 2000 - Vrin.
    Un dialogue est un logos (discours, propos, argument) qui va d'un interlocuteur a un autre. Cet echange d'idees, s'il veut etre fructueux, s'appuie sur un principe tres simple: comme le dialogue n'est pas un monologue, on dialogue avec quelqu'un; et on dialogue sur quelque chose. C'est le cas des travaux qui composent ce volume. L'interlocuteur privilegie est Pierre Aubenque. Ses travaux, son activite en tant qu'enseignant, ses prises de position sur des sujets tres divers ont suscite, de la part (...)
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  45. Husserl and Heidegger on Human Experience.Pierre Keller - 1999 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 62 (3):601-602.
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    La modernité disputée: textes offerts à Pierre-André Taguieff.Pierre-André Taguieff, Annick Duraffour, Philippe Gumplowicz, Grégoire Kauffmann, Isabelle de Mecquenem & Paul Zawadzki (eds.) - 2020 - Paris: CNRS éditions.
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    L'exercice théologique aujourd'hui : Autour d'un livre de Pierre Gisel.Pierre Gisel, Guy Jobin, Raymond Lemieux, François Nault & Jean Richard - 2008 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 64 (3):745-782.
  48. La Recherche Philosophique En France Bilans Et Perspectives : Universités, Cnrs, Grands Établissements d'Enseignement Supérieur : Rapport de la Commission Présidée Par Pierre Magnard Et Yves Charles Zarka ; Avant-Propos Par Pierre Bigot.Pierre Magnard, Yves Charles Zarka & Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - 1996 - Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale, de l'Enseignement Supérieur Et de la Recherche.
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    The Society of Equals.Pierre Rosanvallon - 2013 - Harvard University Press.
    Since the 1980s, society's wealthiest members have claimed an ever-expanding share of income and property. It has been a true counterrevolution, says Pierre Rosanvallon--the end of the age of growing equality launched by the American and French revolutions. And just as significant as the social and economic factors driving this contemporary inequality has been a loss of faith in the ideal of equality itself. An ambitious transatlantic history of the struggles that, for two centuries, put political and economic equality (...)
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    Pierre Duhema filozofia nauki.Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem - 1991 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Edited by Krzysztof Szlachcic.
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