Results for 'Piet Ankiewicz'

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  1.  64
    Triple contingency: The theoretical problem of the public in communication societies.Piet Strydom - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (2):1-25.
    This paper seeks to show that the proposition of 'double contingency' introduced by Parsons and defended by Luhmann and Habermas is insufficient under the conditions of contemporary communication societies. In the latter context, the increasing differentiation and organization of communication processes eventuated in the recognition of the epistemic authority of the public, which in turn compels us to conceptualize a new level of contingency. A first step is therefore taken to capture the role of the public in communication societies theoretically (...)
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    Critical Theory of Justice: On Forst's 'Basic Structure of Justification' from a Cognitive-Sociological Perspective.Piet Strydom - 2015 - Philosophical Inquiry 39 (2):110-133.
    This article offers a perspective on the critical theory of justice by presenting a structural and processual reconstruction of Rainer Forst’s intriguing yet somewhatopaque concept of a basic structure of justification which is central to his proposed critique of justificatory relations. It shows from a cognitive-sociological perspective what a cooperative relation between a philosophical theory of justice and a social scientific approach could mean for critical theory. A basic structure of justification is revealed to be a cognitively available reflexive order (...)
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  3. Turning the "hard problem" upside-down and sideways.Piet Hut & Roger N. Shepard - 1996 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 3 (4):313-29.
    Instead of speaking of conscious experience as arising in a brain, we prefer to speak of a brain as arising in conscious experience. From an epistemological standpoint, starting from direct experiences strikes us as more justified. As a first option, we reconsider the ‘hard problem’ of the relation between conscious experience and the physical world by thus turning that problem upside down. We also consider a second option: turning the hard problem sideways. Rather than starting with the third-person approach used (...)
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    A logical presentation of the Śaiva Siddhānta philosophy.John H. Piet - 1952 - Madras,: Christian Literature Society for India (United Society for Christian Literature).
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    Decolonising Knowledge: Can Ubuntu Ethics Save Us from Coloniality?Piet Naude - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (1):23-37.
    This essay discusses whether an indigenous African ethic, as expressed in ubuntu, may serve as an example of how to decolonise Western knowledge. In the first part, the key claims of decolonisation of knowledge are set out. The second part analyses three strategies to construct models of ‘African’ ethics, namely transfer, translation and stating of a substantive rival model as contained in ubuntu ethics. After a critical appraisal of this substantive proposal, part three indicates the potential and limitation of the (...)
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  6. Collective learning: Habermas's concessions and their theoretical implications.Piet Strydom - 1987 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 13 (3):265-281.
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    The Netherlands in the Time of Thomas More.Piet Brouwer - 1988 - Moreana 25 (1):5-8.
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    Elements of reality: A dialogue.Piet Hut & Bas van Fraassen - 1997 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 4 (2):167.
    When we start with a scientific view of the world, we are at a loss when we try to deal with notions such as value, beauty, or meaning -- or more down to earth: anger, fear, joy, colour, smell, and other ‘secondary’ qualities whose putative reduction seems today as difficult as ever. Do these qualities then have to be put in by hand, so to speak? Or could it mean that the scientific view itself fails to capture aspects of reality (...)
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    11 scientific controversies in food biotechnology.Piet Schenkelaars - 1992 - In René von Schomberg (ed.), Science, politics, and morality: scientific uncertainty and decision making. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 17--221.
  10.  8
    Over kennis en ideologie bij Louis Althusser: een materialistische kritiek.Piet Steenbakkers - 1982 - Groningen: Konstapel.
    Onderzoek naar de positie van de Franse filosoof (geb. 1918) binnen het marxisme.
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    Spinoza's Life.Piet Steenbakkers - 2021 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed (ed.), A Companion to Spinoza. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 1–14.
    Spinoza was born in Amsterdam in 1632. Spinoza's family lived on the edge of Vlooienburgh. The house in which Bento was born and raised, a handsome merchant's residence on the north quay of the Houtgracht, close to the old Amsterdam synagogue, was pulled down in the nineteenth century. On 27 July 1656, just a few months after Spinoza's spectacular legal escape from the family business, he was ritually expelled from the Amsterdam Jewish community, with a formal ban pronounced in the (...)
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  12. Spinoza on the imagination.Piet Steenbakkers - 2004 - In Lodi Nauta & Detlev Pätzold (eds.), Imagination in the later Middle Ages and Early Modern times. Leuven, Dudley, MA: Peeters.
  13.  33
    Introduction: a cartography of contemporary cognitive social theory.Piet Strydom - 2007 - European Journal of Social Theory 10 (3):339-356.
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    Spinoza's Ethica from Manuscript to Print: Studies on Text, Form and Related Topics.Piet Steenbakkers - 1994 - Uitgeverij Van Gorcum.
  15.  17
    Hermeneutic culturalism and its double: a key problem in the reflexive modernization debate.Piet Strydom - 1999 - European Journal of Social Theory 2 (1):45-69.
    Proceeding from the debate opened by Beck, Giddens and Lash’s Reflexive Modernization, this paper seeks to clear the way for a more consistent and coherent concept of reflexivity in relation to the cultural-symbolic foundations of society. Seeing that Lash in his contribution to the debate inadvertently raises a key problem, i.e., the broad cognitive problem, the paper develops a critique of his hermeneutic culturalism. It focuses on the disparity between the position explicitly put forward in the debate with Beck and (...)
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  16.  33
    How to generalize efficacy results of randomized trials: recommendations based on a systematic review of possible approaches.Piet N. Post, Hans Beer & Gordon H. Guyatt - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (4):638-643.
  17.  34
    The latent cognitive sociology in Habermas.Piet Strydom - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (3):273-291.
    The aim of this article is twofold: to display some of the fruitful starting points in the later Habermas’ principal monograph for the development of a new kind of cognitive sociology; and to indicate the form of such a sociology by critically extrapolating its major parameters from Habermas’ assumptions regarding immanent transcendence, formal pragmatics and reconstructive sociology. The intended cognitive sociology is conceived as a refinement of a hitherto largely implicit dimension of Critical Theory. Its promise is far-reaching: to sharpen (...)
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  18.  13
    The Philosophers and the Bible: The Debate on Sacred Scripture in Early Modern Thought ed. by Antonella Del Prete, Anna Lisa Schino, and Pina Totaro (review).Piet Steenbakkers - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (2):325-327.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Philosophers and the Bible: The Debate on Sacred Scripture in Early Modern Thought ed. by Antonella Del Prete, Anna Lisa Schino, and Pina TotaroPiet SteenbakkersAntonella Del Prete, Anna Lisa Schino, and Pina Totaro, editors. The Philosophers and the Bible: The Debate on Sacred Scripture in Early Modern Thought. Brill's Studies in Intellectual History 333. Leiden: Brill, 2022. Pp. xiv + 303. Hardback, €135.16.This volume has its origins (...)
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  19.  44
    Gravitational thermodynamics.Piet Hut - 1997 - Complexity 3 (1):38-45.
  20.  20
    The critical theory of society: From its Young-Hegelian core to its key concept of possibility.Piet Strydom - 2023 - European Journal of Social Theory 26 (2):153-179.
    Responding to a call for systematic contributions on the theory of society, the principle aim of this article is to recover and reconstruct the Young-Hegelian core of critical theory’s theory of the dialectical development of society and, on that basis, to project its creative research-based continuation by analysing its largely neglected key concept of possibility. The acknowledgement of the critical theory lineage’s naturalist, realist and especially idealist features leads this reconstruction to ascribe a central role to certain pivotal concepts that (...)
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  21.  18
    Three Interpretations of Habermas’s Theory of Truth.Piet Strydom - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (3):1175-1190.
    These reflections are devoted to a critical comparison of three distinct interpretations of Habermas’s theory of truth. The first, which is presented as the more adequate interpretation, takes Habermas’s theory as having a three-moment structure, whereas the two remaining interpretations are both based on his two-moment conception of “Janus-faced truth”. Whereas Steven Levine stresses the nonepistemic lifeworld pole of the two-sided concept and Alex Seemann the opposite epistemic discursive pole, the three-moment interpretation counters with a synthetic conception which emphasises the (...)
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  22.  13
    Official statistics and Big Data.Piet J. H. Daas, Barteld Braaksma & Peter Struijs - 2014 - Big Data and Society 1 (1).
    The rise of Big Data changes the context in which organisations producing official statistics operate. Big Data provides opportunities, but in order to make optimal use of Big Data, a number of challenges have to be addressed. This stimulates increased collaboration between National Statistical Institutes, Big Data holders, businesses and universities. In time, this may lead to a shift in the role of statistical institutes in the provision of high-quality and impartial statistical information to society. In this paper, the changes (...)
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  23.  28
    Review and evaluation of the Dutch guidelines for osteoporosis.Piet P. Geusens, Willem F. Lems, Harald J. J. Verhaar, Geraline Leusink, Stefan Goemaere, Hans Zmierczack & Jullet Compston - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (5):539-548.
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    Varieties of limits to scientific knowledge.Piet Hut, David Ruelle & Joseph Traub - 1998 - Complexity 3 (6):33-38.
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    Le texte de la cinquième partie de l' « éthique ».Piet Steenbakkers - 1994 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 184 (1):81 - 92.
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    Kijken en zien: over grenservaringen, een vergeten erfenis en het ontdekken van de wereld.Piet Winkelaar - 2015 - Soesterberg: Uitgeverij Aspekt.
    Betoog over de waarde van het zien i.t.t. het kijken. De kern van dit non-duale en onmiddellijke zien is dat je 'bent wat je ziet', een soort Schlüssel- of grenservaringen die tot een woordeloze wijsheid leiden en alle vanzelfsprekendheden laten vervagen.
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    Cognition and recognition: On the problem of the cognitive in Honneth.Piet Strydom - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (6):591-607.
    While concurring with Honneth’s reconstruction of reification as a form of forgetfulness, this article questions the way in which he arrives at that conclusion as well as the conceptual status he ascribes to recognition – the instance with reference to which reification is exhibited as distortion or deformation. It argues, first, that Honneth’s dualistic mode of argumentation falls behind the left-Hegelian tradition which he himself seeks to revitalize, thus causing a serious architectonic problem; and, second, that while polemicizing strongly against (...)
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    Is the social scientific concept of structure a myth? A critical response to Harré.Piet Strydom - 2002 - European Journal of Social Theory 5 (1):124-133.
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  29.  21
    Beyond empowerment, experimentation and reasoning: The public discourse around the Quantified Self movement.Piet Simon, Susan Alpen & Andreas Hepp - 2021 - Communications 46 (1):27-51.
    This article presents the results of a discourse analysis of press coverage on the Quantified Self (QS) movement in the German and British (online) press between 2007 and 2018. The analysis is driven by two questions: What discursive patterns can be discerned within this coverage? And, what characterizes the translation of the experimental practices and imaginaries of this pioneer community into an overall societal reflection of deep mediatization? In essence, the article shows that the QS movement becomes a ‘general signifier’ (...)
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  30.  21
    The sociocultural self-creation of a natural category: social-theoretical reflections on human agency under the temporal conditions of the Anthropocene.Piet Strydom - 2016 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (1):61-79.
    Following the recent recognition that humans are an active force in nature that gave rise to a new geological epoch, this article explores the implications of the shift to the Anthropocene for social theory. The argument assumes that the emerging conditions compel an expansion and deepening of the timescale of the social-theoretical perspective and that such an enhancement has serious repercussions for the concept of human agency. First, the Anthropocene is conceptualized as a nascent cognitively structured cultural model rather than (...)
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  31. Contemporary European cognitive social theory.Piet Strydom - 2006 - In Gerard Delanty (ed.), The handbook of contemporary European social theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 218.
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  32. Unity and Responsibility.Piet Hut - unknown
    Is it really true that there is an underlying unity, that we and our worlds are all part of a single web of existence, a web which allows a myriad relative differences while retaining the same absolute oneness? If not, how so — where can we find the absolute differences which preclude an underlying unity? But if it is true, what is the meaning of this oneness — and what can we do with it?
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    Spinoza's Philology.Piet Steenbakkers - 2021 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed (ed.), A Companion to Spinoza. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 15–29.
    This chapter presents ‘Spinoza philology’ the application of a specific approach to the texts written by Spinoza. In philosophy most philological efforts have traditionally been spent on the texts of ancient authors. The chapter offers a brief chronological survey of Spinoza's works, explaining the particular aspects of the way they have been transmitted. Spinoza wrote the kind of Latin that had been the standard for scholarly and academic purposes throughout Europe since the Renaissance. The Amsterdam publisher Jan Rieuwertsz brought out (...)
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    Infinity, infinite processes and limit concepts: recovering a neglected background of social and critical theory.Piet Strydom - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (8):793-811.
    This article seeks to recover a neglected chapter in the historical and theoretical background of social theory in general and critical theory in particular with a view to refining the understanding of the presuppositions of a cognitively enhanced critical social science appropriate to our troubled times. For this purpose, it offers a brief reconstruction of the mathematical-philosophical tradition from ancient to modern times by extrapolating that part of it that is marked by the ideas of infinity, infinite processes and limit (...)
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  35.  13
    7. Das Wort Gottes und die wahre Religion: Das Fazit von Spinozas Bibelkritik.Piet Steenbakkers - 2014 - In Otfried Höffe (ed.), Spinoza: Theologisch-Politischer Traktat. [Berlin]: De Gruyter. pp. 127-138.
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  36.  79
    The Church and the Trinity.Piet Fransen - 1963 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 38 (1):68-88.
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    Exploring actuality through experiment and experience.Piet Hut - 1999 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & David John Chalmers (eds.), Toward a Science of Consciousness III: The Third Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press. pp. 391--405.
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    Virtual Laboratories and Virtual Worlds.Piet Hut - unknown
    Since we cannot put stars in a laboratory, astrophysicists had to wait till the invention of computers before becoming laboratory scientists. For half a century now, we have been conducting experiments in our virtual laboratories. However, we ourselves have remained behind the keyboard, with the screen of the monitor separating us from the world we are simulating. Recently, 3D on-line technology, developed first for games but now deployed in virtual worlds like Second Life, is beginning to make it possible for (...)
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    Multidisciplinary Economics: A Methodological Account.Piet Keizer - 2015 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The book argues that mainstream economists, who base their analyses only on the economic motivation of people, fail to explain and understand real-life economic phenomena. The economic crisis, which began in 2008, illustrates the relevance of psychic and social motivations, especially when combined with each other. This book discusses orthodox and heterodox economics, and offers the reader ample material on philosophy of science, psychology and sociology. A multidisciplinary economic perspective is constructed in which economics, psychology, and sociology are integrated, and (...)
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    De slang die in zijn staart bijt: essays.Piet Meeuse - 1987 - Amsterdam: Bezige Bij.
    Essays over de wijze waarop filosofische problemen figureren bij schrijvers als Goethe, Broch, Kafka en Gombrowicz.
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    Introduction to Internet technologies and society special edition.Pedro Piet, Tomayess Isaías & Kommers Issa - 2014 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 12 (3).
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    Roeping, vrijheid en onvrijheid Van de theoloog.Piet Schoonenberg - 1982 - Bijdragen 43 (1):2-29.
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  43. The textual history of Spinoza's Ethics.Piet Steenbakkers - 2009 - In Olli Koistinen (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza's Ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  44. Mediation through cognitive dynamics: philosophical anthropology and the conflicts of our time.Piet Strydom - 2013 - In Ananta Kumar Giri & John Clammer (eds.), Philosophy and anthropology: border crossing and transformations. New York City: Anthem Press.
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  45. Anti-totalitair denken in Frankrijk.Piet Tommissen - 1984 - Brussel: Economische Hogeschool Sint-Aloysius.
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    Schmittiana: Beiträge zu Leben und Werk Carl Schmitts.Piet Tommissen (ed.) - 1900 - Weinheim: Vertrieb, VCH.
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  47. The geometrical order in the Ethics.Piet Steenbakkers - 2009 - In Olli Koistinen (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza's Ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  48. On Math, Matter and Mind.Piet Hut, Mark Alford & Max Tegmark - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (6):765-794.
    We discuss the nature of reality in the ontological context of Penrose’s math-matter-mind triangle. The triangle suggests the circularity of the widespread view that math arises from the mind, the mind arises out of matter, and that matter can be explained in terms of math. Non-physicists should be wary of any claim that modern physics leads us to any particular resolution of this circularity, since even the sample of three theoretical physicists writing this paper hold three divergent views. Some physicists (...)
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  49. A thematic physics curriculum: A balance between contradictory curriculum forces.Piet L. Lijnse, Koos Kortland, Harrie Eijkelhof, Dik Van Genderen & Herman P. Hooymayers - 1990 - Science Education 74 (1):95-103.
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    Editorial Letter.Piet Brouwer - 1988 - Moreana 25 (1):1-4.
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