Results for 'Pietro Gasparri'

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  1. Elementi di scienza del diritto, lezioni introduttive agli studi giuridici.Pietro Gasparri - 1945 - Pavia,: Regisole.
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    Gli interessi umani e il diritto.Pietro Gasparri - 1951 - Bologna,: C. Zuffi.
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    (1 other version)Notions of arbitrariness.Luca Gasparri, Piera Filippi, Markus Wild & Hans-Johann Glock - 2022 - Mind and Language 38 (4):1120-1137.
    Arbitrariness is a distinctive feature of human language, and a growing body of comparative work is investigating its presence in animal communication. But what is arbitrariness, exactly? We propose to distinguish four notions of semiotic arbitrariness: a notion of opaque association between sign forms and semiotic functions, one of sign‐function mapping optionality, one of acquisition‐dependent sign‐function coupling, and one of lack of motivatedness. We characterize these notions, illustrate the benefits of keeping them apart, and describe two reactions to our proposal: (...)
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  4. Originalism about Word Types.Luca Gasparri - 2016 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):126-133.
    According to Originalism, word types are non-eternal continuants which are individuated by their causal-historical lineage and have a unique possible time of origination. This view collides with the intuition that individual words can be added to the lexicon of a language at different times, and generates other problematic consequences. The paper shows that such undesired results can be accommodated without abandoning Originalism.
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  5. Priority Cosmopsychism and the Advaita Vedānta.Luca Gasparri - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (1):130-142.
    The combination of panpsychism and priority monism leads to priority cosmopsychism, the view that the consciousness of individual sentient creatures is derivative of an underlying cosmic consciousness. It has been suggested that contemporary priority cosmopsychism parallels central ideas in the Advaita Vedānta tradition. The paper offers a critical evaluation of this claim. It argues that the Advaitic account of consciousness cannot be characterized as an instance of priority cosmopsychism, points out the differences between the two views, and suggests an alternative (...)
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    Notions of arbitrariness.Luca Gasparri, Piera Filippi, Markus Wild & Hans Johann Https://Orcidorg909X Glock - forthcoming - .
    Arbitrariness is a distinctive feature of human language, and a growing body of comparative work is investigating its presence in animal communication. But what is arbitrariness, exactly? We propose to distinguish four notions of semiotic arbitrariness: a notion of opaque association between sign forms and semiotic functions, one of sign-function mapping optionality, one of acquisition-dependent sign-function coupling, and one of lack of motivatedness. We characterize these notions, illustrate the benefits of keeping them apart, and describe two reactions to our proposal: (...)
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    Śaṅkaran Monism and the Limits of Thought.Luca Gasparri - 2022 - The Monist 105 (1):76-91.
    A growing movement in contemporary philosophy of mind is looking back on Indian thought to gain new insights into the problem of consciousness. This paper weighs the prospects of thinking about mentality through the lenses of Śaṅkaran Advaita Vedānta. To start, I outline micropsychist and cosmopsychist accounts of consciousness, introduce Śaṅkaran monism, and describe a potential reason of attraction of the framework over micropsychist and cosmopsychist alternatives. I then show that the eliminativist commitments of the view threaten to yield a (...)
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    Ernst Mach and Pragmatic Realism.Pietro Gori - 2018 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 74 (1):151-172.
    The paper addresses the issue of scientific realism in Mach, and his pragmatist approach to epistemology. Firstly, Eric Banks’s interpretation of Mach as a direct realist about particulars will be explored and discussed. Secondly, Sami Pihlström’s pragmatic realism will be considered, and it will be suggested that this view can be more viably attributed to Mach. Finally, in the light of Mach’s 1910 paper on Sensory Elements and Scientific Concepts, it will be argued that Mach’s agnosticism was probably stronger than (...)
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  9. A dilemma for Nicolausian discounting.Pietro Cibinel - 2023 - Analysis 83 (4):662-672.
    Orthodox decision theory is fanatical in the way it treats small probabilities of enormous value, if unbounded utility functions are allowed. Some have suggested a fix, Nicolausian discounting, according to which outcomes with small enough probabilities should be ignored when making decisions. However, there are lotteries involving only small-probability outcomes, none of which should intuitively be ignored. So the Nicolausian discounter needs a procedure for distinguishing the problematic cases of small-probability outcomes from the unproblematic ones. In this paper, I present (...)
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  10. Hearing meanings: the revenge of context.Luca Gasparri & Michael Murez - 2019 - Synthese 198 (6):5229-5252.
    According to the perceptual view of language comprehension, listeners typically recover high-level linguistic properties such as utterance meaning without inferential work. The perceptual view is subject to the Objection from Context: since utterance meaning is massively context-sensitive, and context-sensitivity requires cognitive inference, the perceptual view is false. In recent work, Berit Brogaard provides a challenging reply to this objection. She argues that in language comprehension context-sensitivity is typically exercised not through inferences, but rather through top-down perceptual modulations or perceptual learning. (...)
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  11. A pluralistic theory of wordhood.Luca Gasparri - 2020 - Mind and Language 36 (4):592-609.
    What are words and how should we individuate them? There are two main answers on the philosophical market. For some, words are bundles of structural-functional features defining a unique performance profile. For others, words are non-eternal continuants individuated by their causal-historical ancestry. These conceptions offer competing views of the nature of words, and it seems natural to assume that at most one of them can capture the essence of wordhood. This paper makes a case for pluralism about wordhood: the view (...)
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  12.  31
    Proportional dispositional predicates.Luca Gasparri - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12363-12383.
    Ordinary disposition ascriptions appear to form a semantically heterogeneous class of clauses some of which can be straightforwardly analyzed as possibility claims, and some of which resist a simple quantificational treatment. For example, while “The block is breakable” is true if the block breaks at a relevant possible world, for “The block is fragile” to be true it doesn’t suffice that the block breaks at one of the worlds that matter to the evaluation of the ascription, since the block could (...)
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  13.  21
    Meaning change you can make.Luca Gasparri - 2024 - Synthese 203 (6):1-21.
    Standard metasemantic frameworks render word meanings resistant to the control of ordinary speakers, and hinder our ability to exercise sovereignty over the denotations of words. The literature suggests three main responses to the problem: views on which ordinary denotational interventions cannot cause changes to semantic reality, views on which we should drop the metasemantic premises that generate the difficulty, and views on which denotational interventions boil down to operations on a non-recalcitrant region of the semantic spectrum. I review these responses (...)
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  14. Lexical innovation and the periphery of language.Luca Gasparri - 2021 - Linguistics and Philosophy 45 (1):39-63.
    Lexical innovations (e.g., zero-derivations coined on the fly by a speaker) seem to bear semantic content. Yet, such expressions cannot bear semantic content as a function of the conventions of meaning in force in the language, since they are not part of its lexicon. This is in tension with the commonplace view that the semantic content of lexical expressions is constituted by linguistic conventions. The conventionalist has two immediate ways out of the tension. The first is to preserve the conventionalist (...)
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  15.  19
    Notions of arbitrariness.Luca Gasparri, Piera Filippi, Markus Wild & Hans-Johann Glock - 2023 - Mind and Language 38 (4):1120-1137.
    Arbitrariness is a distinctive feature of human language, and a growing body of comparative work is investigating its presence in animal communication. But what is arbitrariness, exactly? We propose to distinguish four notions of semiotic arbitrariness: a notion of opaque association between sign forms and semiotic functions, one of sign-function mapping optionality, one of acquisition-dependent sign-function coupling, and one of lack of motivatedness. We characterize these notions, illustrate the benefits of keeping them apart, and describe two reactions to our proposal: (...)
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    Mental Files and the Lexicon.Luca Gasparri - 2016 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7 (2):463-472.
    This paper presents the hypothesis that the representational repertoire underpinning our ability to process the lexical items of a natural language can be modeled as a system of mental files. To start, I clarify the basic phenomena that an account of lexical knowledge should be able to elucidate. Then, I propose to evaluate whether the mental files theory can be brought to bear on an account of the representational format of lexical knowledge by modeling mental words as recognitional files.
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    Word meaning.Luca Gasparri & Diego Marconi - 2015 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  18.  37
    Figure di Descartes nell’opera di Benedetto Croce.Giuliano Gasparri - 2018 - Methodos. Savoirs Et Textes 18.
    Dans son Esthétique, Benedetto Croce présente Descartes comme la figure emblématique d’un courant rationaliste qui exclut l’imagination poétique de la pensée philosophique et empêche de reconnaître l’intuition comme mode de connaissance esthétique spécifique. Pour lui, les conséquences néfastes de l’esprit mathématique diffusé en France par le cartésianisme se retrouvent chez Locke, Leibniz, Wolff et Baumgarten, et il n’y a guère à la même époque que chez « l’italiano Giambattista Vico » que l’on peut parler d’une véritable science esthétique. Au cours (...)
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    Knowledge Indicative and Knowledge Conductive Consensus.Luca Gasparri - 2013 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 7 (2):162-182.
    A traditional proposition in the philosophy and the sociology of science wants that consensus between specialists of a scientific discipline is a reliable indicator of their access to genuine knowledge. In an interesting reassessment of this principle, Aviezer Tucker has analyzed the implications and the significance of this thesis in relation to historical research, and has established that parts of the historiographical community that display high degrees of consensus among their practitioners can be described in terms of the same relationship (...)
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    Lexical Meaning in Truth-Conditional Semantics.Luca Gasparri - 2014 - Diametros 39:182-202.
    The paper offers a critical review of the role played by lexical meaning in the earlier stages of philosophical semantics and truth-conditional semantics. I shall address, both historically and theoretically, the relative neglect of lexical semantics within these fields, and argue that the approach to word meaning fostered in extensional frameworks is overall inconsistent with the customary assumption that truth-theoretic semantics can be considered a semantic theory proprio sensu.
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    La puissance divine chez Gassendi (et Descartes).Giuliano Gasparri - 2020 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 135 (4):121-139.
    Cet article étudie la réflexion de Pierre Gassendi sur la puissance divine, son rapport à la rationalité humaine et aux lois de la nature. La pensée du philosophe de Digne sur cette question a souvent donné lieu à des interprétations historiographiques marquées par la comparaison avec la théologie de Descartes, laquelle était vue comme l’expression d’une orientation de la pensée radicalement opposée. Néanmoins, à la lumière de la relecture d’une série de textes de Gassendi (principalement tirés de son Syntagma philosophicum (...)
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    Note alla metafisica dell'immediato.Luca Gasparri - 2008 - Saonara (Padova): Il prato.
  23.  50
    Pronominal anaphora, coreference, and closed quotation marks.Luca Gasparri - 2019 - Mind and Language 34 (3):339-356.
    Consider the following sentence: “Mary meditated on the sentence ‘Bill is a good friend’ and concluded that he was a good friend.” It is standardly assumed that in sentences of this sort, containing so‐called “closed” quotations, the expressions occurring between quotation marks are mentioned and do not take their ordinary referents. The quoted NP “Bill” refers, if anything, to the name ‘Bill,’ not to the individual Bill. At the same time, the pronoun “he,” apparently anaphoric on quoted “Bill,” refers to (...)
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    Suicidio e filosofia: dagli antichi a Leopardi.Luca Gasparri - 2008 - Saonara (Pd) [i.e. Padua, Italy]: Il prato.
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  25. Scienza giuridica tra metodo e valore.Giovanna Gasparri - 1982 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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  26. Sul rapporto tra diritto e tempo.Giovanna Gasparri - forthcoming - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto.
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  27. Semantic supervenience.Luca Gasparri - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    It is common belief that semantic properties supervene on non-semantic properties: no two possible worlds can be non-semantic duplicates and fail to be semantic duplicates. The view enjoys somewhat of an orthodoxy status in contemporary philosophy of language and metaphysics, and is often assumed without argument. Yet, work by Stephen Kearns and Ofra Magidor has claimed that it is vulnerable to a variant of the classical arguments against the supervenience of the phenomenal on the physical. This paper does three things: (...)
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    On the Input/Output behavior of argumentation frameworks.Pietro Baroni, Guido Boella, Federico Cerutti, Massimiliano Giacomin, Leendert van der Torre & Serena Villata - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 217 (C):144-197.
  29.  20
    Inherent and probabilistic naturalness.Luca Gasparri - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (2):369-385.
    Standard accounts hold that regularities of behavior must be arbitrary to constitute a convention. Yet, there is growing consensus that conventionality is a graded phenomenon, and that conventions can be more or less natural. I develop an account of natural conventions that distinguishes two basic dimensions of conventional naturalness: a probabilistic dimension and an inherent one. A convention is probabilistically natural if it is likely to emerge in a population of agents, and inherently natural if its content is a regularity (...)
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    The first words ever spoken.Luca Gasparri - 2023 - Synthese 201 (5):1-17.
    I argue that ontologies of words should engage with the emergence of lexical communication in the deep history of our line. It may seem that the evolutionary origins of words are orthogonal to the analytical project of establishing the defining features of wordhood, and that an adequate ontology of words requires nothing more than an observation of the properties of modern languages. I suggest instead that models of the initial stages of language evolution can offer valuable insights into the matter. (...)
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  31. Automatic evaluation of design alternatives with quantitative argumentation.Pietro Baroni, Marco Romano, Francesca Toni, Marco Aurisicchio & Giorgio Bertanza - 2015 - Argument and Computation 6 (1):24-49.
    This paper presents a novel argumentation framework to support Issue-Based Information System style debates on design alternatives, by providing an automatic quantitative evaluation of the positions put forward. It also identifies several formal properties of the proposed quantitative argumentation framework and compares it with existing non-numerical abstract argumentation formalisms. Finally, the paper describes the integration of the proposed approach within the design Visual Understanding Environment software tool along with three case studies in engineering design. The case studies show the potential (...)
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  32. The usefulness of substances. Knowledge, science and metaphysics in Nietzsche and Mach.Pietro Gori - 2009 - Nietzsche Studien 38 (1):111-155.
    In this paper I discuss the role played by Ernst Mach on Nietzsche’s thought. Starting from the contents of his Beiträge zur Analyse der Empfindungen, I’ll show the close similarities between their view on both human knowledge and the scientific world description. In his writing on science Nietzsche shares Mach’s critique to the 19th century mechanism and its metaphysical ground, as much as his way of defining the substantial notions such as matter, ego and free will. Moreover, my investigation will (...)
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    Inclusion and exclusion dependencies in team semantics—on some logics of imperfect information.Pietro Galliani - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (1):68-84.
  34.  43
    A Look at Meaning Eliminativism.Luca Gasparri - 2013 - Philosophy Study 3 (11).
    What is the mental realization of our knowledge of the meaning of words? Does the lexical side of our semantic competence depend on the fact that we have dedicated representations of the semantic properties of lexemes or does it arise from world knowledge, encyclopedic information, and non-linguistic categorization? According to meaning eliminativism, lexical concepts have no robust psychological reality and our ability to use the words of a language should not be explained in terms of knowledge of their conventional semantic (...)
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    A note on a curious lie by Leibniz.Giuliano Gasparri - 2020 - Intellectual History Review 30 (4):641-651.
    A mixture of a lie doth ever add pleasure. Francis Bacon, Essays, I, “Of Truth”In the history of human knowledge, there is no dearth of small or great impostures. The one I am about to expose here...
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    Etienne Chauvin (1640-1725) and his Lexicon philosophicum.Giuliano Gasparri - 2016 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag. Edited by Federico Poole.
    Von Walchs Philosophischem Lexicon bis Zedlers Universal-Lexicon, von Diderots und D’Alemberts Encyclopédie bis zur Encyclopaedia Britannica: alle bedeutenden frühmodernen Wörterbücher und Enzyklopädien haben sich ziemlich viele Definitionen angeeignet, die der hugenottische Gelehrte Étienne Chauvin (1640 – 1725) in den beiden Ausgaben seines Lexicon philosophicum (1692 und 1713) bereits formuliert hatte. Chauvin verglich als erster die scholastische Tradition mit den Theorien der neuen Denker wie Descartes, Gassendi und deren Anhänger. Sein Werk befasst sich ausführlich mit der Naturphilosophie und beschreibt naturwissenschaftliche Instrumente (...)
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    Figures of Descartes in the works of Benedetto Croce.Giuliano Gasparri - 2018 - Methodos 18.
    Dans son Esthétique (1902-1908), Benedetto Croce présente Descartes comme la figure emblématique d’un courant rationaliste qui exclut l’imagination poétique de la pensée philosophique et empêche de reconnaître l’intuition comme mode de connaissance esthétique spécifique. Pour lui, les conséquences néfastes de l’esprit mathématique diffusé en France par le cartésianisme se retrouvent chez Locke, Leibniz, Wolff et Baumgarten, et il n’y a guère à la même époque que chez « l’italiano Giambattista Vico » que l’on peut parler d’une véritable science esthétique. Au (...)
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    Il cartesianismo di René Fédé: dalle Méditations métaphysiques (1683) alla Théologie métaphysique (1705).Giuliano Gasparri - 2002 - [Firenze]: Leo S. Olschki.
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    L’ontologie dans le Lexicon philosophicum d’Étienne Chauvin.Giuliano Gasparri - 2020 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 134 (3):97-108.
    Le Lexicon philosophicum (1692 et 1713) d’Étienne Chauvin photographie une étape significative dans l’établissement de la terminologie de l’ontologie au sein de la scolastique moderne ; il enregistre la rupture définitive de l’unité de la métaphysique traditionnelle et sa dissolution dans plusieurs disciplines autonomes. La présente étude examine la constellation d’articles du Dictionnaire qui concernent la définition de la métaphysique et de ses branches, en s’arrêtant en particulier sur la notion claire et distincte de la substance, ou res, comme objet (...)
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    Le grand paradoxe de M. Descartes: la teoria cartesiana delle verità eterne nell'Europa del XVII secolo.Giuliano Gasparri - 2007 - [Florence, Italy]: L.S. Olschki.
  41. Poesía y política en Néstor Perlongher.Javier Gasparri - 2012 - Anclajes 16 (1):17 - 38.
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    Still My Guitar Gently Weeps. Questions for an Ockhamized Metaphysics of the Event Sources of Sound.Luca Gasparri - 2013 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):41-52.
    Casati, Di Bona and Dokic have recently argued that sounds are identical to their event sources. In this paper, I review the arguments they have offered in support of this view, show that their claims fail to defend it in a completely persuasive and conclusive fashion, and present some new questions for their thesis.
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  43. Che cosa e un ente?Pietro Kobau - 2003 - Rivista di Estetica 43 (22):23-39.
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  44. La fallacia dell'analogon rationis.Pietro Kobau - 2002 - Rivista di Estetica 42 (19):11-35.
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    SCC-recursiveness: a general schema for argumentation semantics.Pietro Baroni, Massimiliano Giacomin & Giovanni Guida - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence 168 (1-2):162-210.
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    Life and organisms.Pietro Ramellini - 2006 - Vatican City: Libreria editrice Vaticana ; Pontifical Council for Culture.
  47. Deep learning and cognitive science.Pietro Perconti & Alessio Plebe - 2020 - Cognition 203:104365.
    In recent years, the family of algorithms collected under the term ``deep learning'' has revolutionized artificial intelligence, enabling machines to reach human-like performances in many complex cognitive tasks. Although deep learning models are grounded in the connectionist paradigm, their recent advances were basically developed with engineering goals in mind. Despite of their applied focus, deep learning models eventually seem fruitful for cognitive purposes. This can be thought as a kind of biological exaptation, where a physiological structure becomes applicable for a (...)
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  48. The wto and the limits of distributive justice.Pietro Maffettone - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (3):243-267.
    In this article I rethink Rawls' conception of international economic justice, with a particular focus on international trade. I ground my normative argument on a different interpretation of the concepts of basic structure and of basic institution. I use the contemporary international trading system to illustrate my normative interpretation. I use the Law of Peoples to discuss the Rawlsian concept of basic structure. I contest Samuel Freeman's interpretation of this concept as one that pertains exclusively to the domestic realm. As (...)
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    Bioestetica: senso comune, tecnica e arte nell'età della globalizzazione.Pietro Montani - 2007 - Roma: Carocci.
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  50. Thomas Kuhn’s Late Incommensurability Thesis as a Wittgensteinian Pragmatism.Pietro Gori - 2024 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 16 (1).
    This paper explores Thomas Kuhn’s mature conception of incommensurable theories as collective structured lexicons that are not mutually translatable. As will be argued, his view on this issue can profitably be approached in the light of the broad pragmatist attitude that one finds at the core of Wittgenstein’s late philosophy of language, which can also consistently be ascribed to Kuhn.
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