Martín Plot [20]Martín Plot [1]Martøn Plot [1] Plot [1]
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    La carne de lo social.Martin Plot - 2008 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo.
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  2. The Aesthetic Regime of Politics.Martin Plot - 2013 - Azimith. Philosophical Coordinates in Modern and Contemporary Age 2 (I):137-149.
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  3. Our element: Flesh and democracy in Merleau-Ponty.Martín Plot - 2012 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (2):235-259.
    Although Merleau-Ponty’s early phenomenology of perception and his essays on art, politics, and language already showed an affinity between the aesthetic phenomena of expression and style and the political and cultural dynamics of society at large, this paper specifically focuses on his late theorizing of the notion of flesh and its relevance to his late understanding of politics and democracy. The emergence of flesh as a concept was contemporary to Merleau-Ponty’s break with Marxism as a philosophical model and with revolutionary (...)
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    South America's Ongoing Interrogation of the Political.Martín Plot - 2024 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 19 (2):19-39.
    The notions of “concepts of the political” and that of “political concepts” refer to different but intertwined phenomena. As I will argue in this article, the concepts of the political refer to the self-institution of societies, while political concepts are those that emerge in the realm of politics, a field some societies institute as precisely the site in which the reversibility of the political takes place. This article will argue that the concepts of the political and the political concepts coming (...)
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    Critical theory and democracy: civil society, dictatorship, and constitutionalism in Andrew Arato's democratic theory.Enrique Peruzzotti, Martín Plot & Andrew Arato (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    This book focuses on Andrew Arato’s democratic theory and its relevance to contemporary issues such as processes of democratization, civil society, constitution-making, and the modern Executive. Andrew Arato is -both globally and disciplinarily- a prominent thinker in the fields of democratic theory, constitutional law, and comparative politics, influencing several generations of scholars. This is the first volume to systematically address his democratic theory. Including contributions from leading scholars such as Dick Howard, Ulrich Preuss, Hubertus Buchstein, Janos Kis, Uri Ram, Leonardo (...)
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  6. Chaos and Cosmos. The Imaginary and the Political in Jorge Luis Borges.Martín Plot - 2024 - Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Chaos and Cosmos offers a new and unique interpretation of Argentine essayist and fiction writer Jorge Luis Borges as a thinker of what continental twentieth century political theory called the political. While not a political writer in the traditional sense, Borges was indeed an author whose response to the advent of totalitarianism, in particular in its Nazi form, generated the most experimental, insightful, and rigorous short fiction and non-fiction political interrogation. -/- As is well known, Borges’ writing went beyond originality; (...)
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    Democracy and Terror.Martín Plot - 2005 - Constellations 12 (2):173-181.
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    Divided power in space and time.Martín Plot - 2009 - Constellations 16 (2):280-294.
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    Deliberative Scenes and Democratic Politics in the Lewinsky Case.Martin Plot - 1999 - Constellations 6 (2):167-176.
  10. El kitsch político.Martín Plot - 2003 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo.
    Sections of the mass media report so closely on political decision-making that politicians cannot ignore the media when making decisions ; this book questions whether the decision-making process is now more important than any political action deriving from the decisions. Media appearances are no longer adjuncts to the political process ; they are the process.
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  11. Indivisible. Democracia y terror en tiempos de Bush y Obama.Martín Plot - 2011 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo.
    En los capítulos que conforman este trabajo, me propuse analizar la relación entre los efectos de los atentados terroristas del 11 de sep- tiembre de 2001 y el funcionamiento de la democracia estadounidense. La estrategia seguida fue, en varias oportunidades, la de contrastar los acontecimientos y procesos ocurri- dos en los Estados Unidos con la experiencia de las dictaduras del Cono Sur sudamericano de los años setenta y comienzos de los ochenta; en particular con el caso argentino.
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    Lefort and the Question of Democracy—in America.Martín Plot - 2012 - Constellations 19 (1):51-62.
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    La matriz de sentido. Ensayos sobre la larga agonía de la Argentina alfonsinista.Martin Plot - 2024 - Buenos Aires: Prometeo.
    ¿Como llegamos hasta este punto en que la democracia tal como la conocimos en las últimas cuatro décadas corre peligro? Las intervenciones de Martín Plot, recorriendo los conflictos centrales de los últimos 12 años de la política argentina, ofrecen una respuesta. En un nivel que podemos llamar discursivo con la condición de entender que el autor retiene en ese nivel todos los hechos económicos, sociales y políticos relevantes del período, podrán captarse, junto a la reaparición de la virulencia del autoritarismo (...)
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    Neither/Nor: Mapping Latin America's Response to Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism.Martín Plot & Ernesto Semán - 2007 - Constellations 14 (3):355-372.
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    Political Action and Speech in the 2000 Presidential Election.Martín Plot - 2001 - Constellations 8 (3):313-328.
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    Political Horizons in America.Martín Plot - 2018 - Social Imaginaries 4 (2):71-86.
    In this paper, I go back to French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s influence on Claude Lefort’s theory of democracy in order to offer a revised understanding of political regimes as coexisting and competing horizons of politics. These horizons develop from differing positions regarding the political enigma of the institution of society—its staging, its shaping, and its making sense of itself. A theological understanding of such political institution of society will be described as fundamentally voluntaristic, while an epistemic understanding will be described (...)
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    Tlön as Political Form: Democracy and Totalitarianism in Borges and Lefort.Martín Plot - 2012 - Constellations 19 (3):463-479.
  18. The Aesthetico-Political: The Question of Democracy in Merleau-Ponty, Arendt, and Rancière.Martín Plot - 2014 - New York, NY, USA: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Martín Plot.
    This study uses new arguments to reinvestigate the relation between aesthetics and politics in the contemporary debates on democratic theory and radical democracy. -/- First, Carl Schmitt and Claude Lefort help delineate the contours of an aesthetico-political understanding of democracy, which is developed further by studying Merleau-Ponty, Rancière, and Arendt. -/- The ideas of Merleau-Ponty serve to establish a general "ontological" framework that aims to contest the dominant currents in contemporary democratic theory. It is argued that Merleau-Ponty, Arendt, and Rancière (...)
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    The Democratico-Political: Social Flesh and Political Forms in Lefort and Merleau-Ponty.Martín Plot - 2009 - Theory and Event 12 (4).
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  20. The Enigma of Democracy: Outline of a Concept of Democratic Political Action.Martin Plot - 2004 - Dissertation, New School University
    The goal of this dissertation is to generate a theoretical perspective and a political vocabulary capable of giving an account of political action proper in the context of modern democracy. The first step is that of tracing back to the origins of the theory and practice of modern democracy the appearance of the features that gave shape to the institutional constellation we now understand as democratic politics. This looking back from the perspective of the main institutions of contemporary democracy is (...)
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    The self‐institution of society: A democratic interrogation with no end.Martín Plot - 2017 - Constellations 24 (3):387-388.
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