Results for 'Pou-Seong Sit'

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  1.  26
    University Student Engagement Inventory (USEI): Transcultural Validity Evidence Across Four Continents.Hugo Assunção, Su-Wei Lin, Pou-Seong Sit, Kwok-Cheung Cheung, Heidi Harju-Luukkainen, Thomas Smith, Benvindo Maloa, Juliana Álvares Duarte Bonini Campos, Ivana Stepanovic Ilic, Giovanna Esposito, Freda Maria Francesca & João Marôco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:489785.
    Academic engagement describes students’ involvement in academic learning and achievement. This paper reports the psychometric properties of the University Student Engagement Inventory (USEI) with a sample of 3992 university students from nine different countries and regions from Europe, North and South America, Africa, and Asia. The USEI operationalizes a trifactorial conceptualization of academic engagement (behavioral, emotional and cognitive). Construct validity was assessed by means of confirmatory factor analysis and reliability was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha and McDonald’s omega coefficients. Weak measurement (...)
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    Factors associated with academic resilience in disadvantaged students: An analysis based on the PISA 2015 B-S-J-G (China) sample.Songli Jin, Guangbao Fang, Kwok Cheung Cheung & Pou Seong Sit - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Academic resilience is evident in students who are living in vulnerable environments, yet achieve success in academic outcomes. As a result, substantial attention has been devoted to identifying the factors associated with academic resilience and supporting students to be resilient. This study used the Classification and Regression Tree and Multilevel Logistic Regression modeling to identify the potential factors related to students’ academic resilience. Using these tools, the study analyzed the B-S-J-G sample in PISA 2015. The variables that significantly predicted whether (...)
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  3. Unlearning The Basics: A New Way of Understanding Yourself and the World.Rishi Sativihari - 2010 - Boston: Wisdom Publications • ISBN13: 9780861715725 • ISBN10: 0861715721.
    ༄༅ REVIEWS ༄༅ -/- « An exhilarating and lucid introduction to Buddhist thought. Sativihari begins with a sophisticated reading of the Four Noble Truths as a sacred poem and ends with a plea for more compassionate culture and politics. In between there is wisdom spiked on every page. »【Mark Kingwell, Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto】 -/- « I am deeply grateful for Rishi Sativihari's achievement in ‘Unlearning The Basics.’ Often, attempts to help Westerners understand Buddhism rely too heavily on (...)
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    Natural Law Theory in Wolff’s Ethics.Seong Hoon Kim - 2020 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 61:99-126.
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    Hybridity and Constitutional Taxonomy in Latin America.Francisca Pou Giménez - 2022 - The Law and Ethics of Human Rights 16 (2):245-272.
    This article focuses on Latin American constitutionalism with two goals in mind. The first goal is to identify narratives of constitutional mixity or hybridity that have been influential in Latin America, something that habilitates a comparative analysis with references to mixed or hybrid constitutionalism in other scenarios. One narrative underlines the combination of U.S.-inspired constitutionalism with background civil law systems. Another narrative highlights the way classic regional constitutional designs feature a liberal-conservative hybridation that, some claim, continue to influence constitutional dynamics (...)
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    Algunas reflexiones sobre Gaia, evolución y cultura.Antonio Pou Royo - 2002 - Arbor 172 (677):127-134.
    Durante los viajes que James Lovelock realizó por todo el mundo, rastreando el DDT y otros componentes traza con su invento del detector de captura de electrones, le llamó la atención la interconectividad química de toda la atmósfera con los seres vivos y su gran estabilidad, lo que le llevó a la concepción de una nueva teoría, la hipótesis Gaia, que él define como «Una nueva visión de las interacciones entre las partes vivas e inorgánicas del planeta. De ahí ha (...)
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    Las tesis de Calatayud.Bartomeu Pou I. Puigserver - 1992 - Barcelona: PPU. Edited by Alexandre Font Jaume & Sebastià Trias Mercant.
  8.  16
    Nota Editorial.Francisca María Pou Giménez - 2018 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 48.
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  9. Redescubriendo a Unger: ideas para la reforma institucional en un sentido progresista.Francesca Pou - 2001 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 14:195-210.
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    Two-Dimensional Semantics and Fictional Names: The Myth of Intension.Seong Soo Park - 2021 - Philosophia 50 (2):639-658.
    According to two-dimensional semantics, primary intension and secondary intension can play the role of reflecting the cognitive aspect of an expression like Fregean sense does. The aim of this paper is to argue that this role is likely a myth. To argue for this, I attempt to show that cognitive aspects of fictional names cannot be explained within the framework of two-dimensional semantics. To be more specific, I consider four ontological theories about fictional characters that two-dimensional semanticists might be tempted (...)
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    Discussion Notes on Rettler’s Active Reflection.Seong Soo Park - 2023 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 30 (4):323-338.
    According to Rettler, there are three types of control that we should consider in relation to the legitimacy of doxastic blame: Intention-based, reason-based, and influence-based control. Rettler argues that among these, influence-based control is the only type of control that is necessary and sufficient for fulfilling the control con-dition required for legitimate doxastic blame. The aim of this short discussion paper is to critically assess Rettler’s view of doxastic con-trol. By doing so, I attempt to defend the reason-responsiveness view from (...)
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    A Reconciliation between Liberty and Necessity : The connection of morality, responsibility, and liberty in Hume`s philosophy.Seong-Min Choe - 2019 - Modern Philosophy 13:49-73.
  13.  9
    A Study of Changes in Mohist Thought (II) - Focusing on the Characteristics from the Late Warring States Period to the Early Western Han Dynasty -.Jeonghong Seong - 2024 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 159:1-34.
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    Daesan Kim Dae-Geo's Thought for the United Religions and It's Future - A Conceptual Analysis of the U.R. and It's Propulsion-Device and Future -.Seong-Kwan Kim - 2011 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 60:195-217.
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    Developmental mechanisms underlying improved contrast thresholds for discriminations of orientation signals embedded in noise.Seong Taek Jeon, Daphne Maurer & Terri L. Lewis - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    A Study on Daesan's Thought for the United Religions and It's Ideological Origins - Indian Buddhism's and Chinese Buddhism's Harmony-Thought -.Seong-Kwan Kim - 2010 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 55:257-287.
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    농암 김창협의 「사단칠정설」 연구 – 기호학내에서의 사상사적 의미와 호락논변과의 연관성을 중심으로.Bae Je-Seong - 2019 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 60:9-45.
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    The Effects of dilemma discussion on the Moral Development of Medical Students.Seong-Hoon Hong - 2000 - Journal of Moral Education 12 (2):227.
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  19. Network Security-Improving Authentication Accuracy of Unfamiliar Passwords with Pauses and Cues for Keystroke Dynamics-Based Authentication.Seong-Seob Hwang, Hyoung-joo Lee & Sungzoon Cho - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 3917--73.
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  20.  12
    The Considerations of Political Theories in Mozi's Writing, respect for the wise & Revering the Consistency.Seong-Kyu Hwang - 2009 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 31:155-188.
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    The Impacts of Sanzijing on Children Education in Chinese Tradition.Seong-Kyu Hwang - 2009 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 32:353-380.
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    The Thought of the theory about the laws of motion in {Mojing}.Seong-Kyu Hwang - 2010 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 29:203-230.
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    Acceptance of Shigenobu Okuma(大隈重信) in the magazines of Korean enlightenment period-Focusing on the aspect of “agent of the empire”.Seong Kyu Jeon - 2021 - Cogito 93:407-430.
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    The Study on Process of Illustrious Virtue Becoming an Issue in Horak debate (湖洛論爭) - Focused on Oiam(巍巖) Yi Gan(李柬)’s distiction between Mind(心) and temperament(氣質).Bae Je-Seong - 2017 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 54:77-113.
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    Nächstenliebe und Fernstenliebe: eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Nicolai Hartmann.Seong-Ui Kang - 1974 - Bern: Herbert Lang.
    Hier geht es um eine Auseinandersetzung mit Nicolai Hartmann unter dem Aspekt der Nächsten- und der Fernstenliebe. Der Autor kritisiert Hartmanns Auffassung der Nächstenliebe (für Hartmann Jenseits-Eudämo- nismus) und Fernstenliebe (für Hartmann Idealbild) und plädiert für eine Erweiterung des christlichen Begriffs des Nächsten und der Nächstenliebe, die vor allem die Zukunftsperspektive mit einschliesst und den Begriff «Fernstenliebe» überflüssig macht.
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    Transcendental Apperception and Enlightenment(覺) - On Kantianism and Buddhism -.Seong-Ryool Kang - 2011 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 62:145-170.
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    A comparative Study of Kant’s and Bergson’s Theory of Religion: Focusing on Bergson’s Theory of Life.Seong Hun Kim - 2019 - Journal Of pan-Korean Philosophical Society 93:95-132.
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    Anātmavāda of Śūnyavāda in Śantarakṣita's Tattvasaṃgraha.Seong-Kwan Kim - 2013 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 1 (68):35-58.
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    A Philosophical Study on the Crisis of Democracy in Korea.Seong-Woo Kim - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:369-375.
    The result of 2007’s presidential election in South Korea symbolizes the decline of the Left and the growth of the new Right. They say it goes with the global retrogression of democracy, or the consolidation of the hegemony of the rightist versions of democracy. According to Choi Jang-jip, the general public in Korea has thought that the Roh Moo-hyun’s administration had betrayed them, handing power over to the market, and seeking to form a coalition government with theconservatives. Similarly, Professor Jang (...)
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    A study on Perceptions of Education Using AI in the Post-Corona Era.Seong Hee Kim & Gyutae Kim - 2021 - Episteme 26:115-128.
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    A Study on Daesan's Thought for the United Religions and It's Ideological Origins ― Korean Buddhism's Harmony-Thought ―.Seong-Kwan Kim - 2010 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 56:99-131.
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    A Study on Daesan's Thought for the United Religions and It's Ideological Origins - Korean Christianism's and Korean New-Religion's Harmony-Thought -.Seong-Kwan Kim - 2010 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 57:339-368.
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    A Study on Daesan's Thought for the United Religions and It's Ideological Origions -Won Buddhism's Irwonsang․Samdongyunri and Confucianism's Harmony-Thought-.Seong-Kwan Kim - 2009 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 53:401-421.
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    Democracy after the Candlelight Civil Revolution in Korea -Populism or Multitude’s Democracy?-.Seong-woo Kim - 2021 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 32 (1):7-35.
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    공간에서 다시 장소로: 근현대 공간론의 한 가지 흐름.Seong Hwan Kim - 2019 - Philosophical Investigation 56 (null):29-54.
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    Towards Evolutionary Ontology - The ontological context of Darwin's theory of evolution -.Seong Woo Kim - 2020 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 31 (1):7-30.
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    Three Places of Mind-Transmission (三處傳心).Seong-Uk Kim - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (4):635-650.
    This article explores the Korean application of “mind-transmission” (K. chŏnsim, C. chuanxin) episodes to the intra-Sŏn (C. Chan) polemics. Korean Sŏn masters, unlike Chinese counterparts, sought for the religious meaning of the existence of multiple transmission episodes that circulated in East Asia from the Sŏn polemical perspective. In particular, Kagun and Paekp’a used the term “samch’ŏ chŏnsim” to promote their own visions of Sŏn within the situation in which different visions of Sŏn competed for dominance.
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    Effects of chaining cues on the acquisition of a complex conceptual rule.Seong S. Lee & Robert M. Gagne - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (3p1):468.
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    Effects of degree of component learnings on the acquisition of a complex conceptual rule.Seong S. Lee & Robert M. Gagne - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (1p1):13.
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    Erneuerungsversuch und Ende der Sowjetphilosophie in der Spätphase der Perestroika.Seong-Paik Lee - 1998 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  41. Antoine Berman's philosophical reflections on language and translation: The possibility of translating without platonism.Lee Hyang–Yun Seong-Woo - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (4):336.
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    Mohism’s perspective on human beings and the feasibility of voluntary ethics.Jeong-Hong Seong - 2021 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 55:35-66.
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    Statistical topology of radial networks: a case study of tree leaves.Rak-Kyeong Seong, Carolyn M. Salafia & Dimitri D. Vvedensky - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (1-3):230-245.
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    The Issues and Implications of Ki Jeong-jin’s Theory of Statements that there is only One Principle but the Phenomena Vary.배제성 Seong) - 2022 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 57:69-107.
    Ki Jeong-jin is the one of the most famous Neo-Confucian theorists of the late Joseon Dynasty, and he is well known as a proposer of the theory of statements that there is only one Principle although the phenomena vary. He particularly emphasizes the role and authority of Principle. His arguments related to the theory were mainly raised in the work of Napryangsaeui. He, in this work, explicitly reveals the intention to resolve the issues of the nature of humans and things (...)
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    Virtue Ethics Perspective and Integration for Moral Education.Seong-Bo Sim - 2002 - Journal of Moral Education 14 (1):71.
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    Dances of Toch'aebi and Songs of Exorcism in Cheju Shamanism.Seong-Nae Kim - 1992 - Diogenes 40 (158):57-68.
    This paper will describe the rite for the exorcism of toch'aebi and examine its symbolic significance in the wider social reality of Cheju shamanism. Toch'aebi is a stranger deity who visits Cheju randomly and tries to get on good terms with the people. However, this deity afflicts people, particularly women, wearing down their vitality and causing a kind of “madness” (turida). The exorcism ritual of toch'aebi requires a sacrificial feast of roast pig and several days of dancing by the possessed. (...)
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  47.  18
    Normative (or Ethical) Positivism.Seong-Kuk Song - 2017 - Korean Journal of Legal Philosophy 20 (3):305-340.
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  48.  15
    Applying Arendt to Translation Discourse.Seong-woo Yun & Hyang Lee - 2021 - Filozofia 76 (2):125-136.
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    Hermeneutic turn in Antoine Berman's philosophy of translation: The influence of Heidegger and ricceur.Seong Woo Yun & Hyang Lee - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (3).
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  50.  66
    Ethical Context and Ethical Decision Making: Examination of an Alternative Statistical Approach for Identifying Variable Relationships.Sean Valentine, Seong-Hyun Nam, David Hollingworth & Callie Hall - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (3):509-526.
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between organizational ethical context and the individual ethical decision-making process. In addition, a new statistical approach combining cluster and discriminant analyses was developed to overcome violations of regression assumptions, which are commonly not identified and/or ignored in behavioral and psychological research. Using regressions and this new alternative method, the findings indicated that ethical context does indeed influence the various components of ethical reasoning. However, social desirability was the strongest predictor of (...)
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