Results for 'Poznań School of Methodology'

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  1.  10
    Poznań School of Legal Theory.Paweł Kwiatkowski & Marek Smolak (eds.) - 2020 - Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Rodopi.
    This book grew out of the conviction that the original concepts of the Poznań School of Legal Theory are still perfectly suited for application today, in the era of moral pluralism and multicentric legal systems. Moreover, since we are in the midst of a period of heated disputes over the grounds of the normativity of law, and are confronting controversies about the basis for the legitimacy of court decisions, over the results of legal interpretation, and concerning the coherence (...)
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    The poznań school methodology of idealization and concretization from the point of view of a revised structuralist theory conception.Martti Kuokkanen - 1988 - Erkenntnis 28 (1):97 - 115.
    My thesis is that some methodological ideas of the Pozna school, i.e., the principles of idealization and concretization (factualization), and the correspondence principle can be represented rather successfully using the relations of theoretization and specialization of revised structuralism.Let n(i), t(j)> (i=1,...m, j=1,...k) denote the conceptual apparatus of a theory T, and a class M={} (i=1,...m, j=1,...k) the models of T. The n-components refer to the values of dependent variables and t-components to the values of independent variables of the theory. (...)
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    Towards a Revival of Analytical Philosophy of History. Around Paul A. Roth’s Vision of Historical Sciences.Krzysztof Brzechczyn (ed.) - 2017 - Boston: Brill-Rodopi.
    The purpose of _Towards a Revival of Analytical Philosophy of History: Around Paul A. Roth's Vision of Historical Sciences_ is to discuss the revival of analytical philosophy of history proposed by Paul A. Roth. The authors characterize the status of philosophy of history and discuss its ontological, epistemological and explanatory dimensions.
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    Jerzy Topolski’s Restoration (ad Integrum) of Historics/Historyka.Zenonas Norkus - 2022 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 16 (3):309-320.
    This book is a collection of papers published in English by the best internationally known Polish writer in metahistory during the last three decades of the past century. Expanded by translation of selected fragments from Polish, it provides international readers for the first time a synoptic picture of Jerzy Topolski’s contributions to theoretical self-reflection of historical studies. During his lifetime, Topolski presented himself and was perceived as an exponent of the “idealizational theory of science” (ITS) of the Poznań (...) of methodology, applying this theory to historical studies. After locating his work in this context, the broader view of Topolski’s contribution is advanced, locating it in the tradition of attempts of internal self-explication of historical studies, going back to Droysen (Historik) and Lelewel (historyka), and opposing themselves to philosophical metatheories of history. Ironically, Topolski’s methodological work gained international recognition because it was perceived as a philosophical contribution. However, in Poland itself, Topolski’s work was uniquely successful among historians and it has been a nearly obligatory part in the academic socialization of new generations of Polish historians since the 1970s. (shrink)
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    The PoznańSchool” of Dialogic Thinking.Józef Baniak - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (5-6):91-94.
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    The Connections Between the Lvov-Warsaw School and the University in Poznań.Roman Murawski - 2023 - Studia Historiae Scientiarum 123:379-396.
    Lvov-Warsaw School in Philosophy – as the very name suggests – was connected mainly with two academic centers: universities in Lvov and Warsaw. However, it had a broader impact. The members of this school were active also at other universities, in particular in Cracow, Vilnius and Poznań. The aim of the paper is to present and analyze the connections of Lvov-Warsaw School with the University in Poznań.
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    Modeling in historical research practice and methodology: Contributions from Poland.Zenonas Norkus - 2012 - History and Theory 51 (2):292-304.
    This selection of texts should interest those who study analytical philosophy of history, methodology of history, and historical sociology. It contains contributions by Polish historians and philosophers since 1931, with pride of place given to the work of the Poznań school in the philosophy of science and humanities. With Jerzy Kmita, Leszek Nowak, and Jerzy Topolski as its leaders, it emerged in late 1960s as a synthesis of Marxism and the Polish brand of logical positivism known as (...)
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  8. The Poznań School of Legal Theory. Origins - People - Ideas.Marek Smolak & Paweł Kwiatkowski - 2020 - In Paweł Kwiatkowski & Marek Smolak (eds.), Poznań School of Legal Theory. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Rodopi.
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    Pojęcie komunikacji w poznańskiej szkole metodologicznej.Michał Wendland - 2012 - Filo-Sofija 12 (18).
    THE CONCEPT OF COMMUNICATION FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE POZNAN SCHOOL METHODOLOGY The aim of this article is to describe the meaning of the concept of communication from the perspective of the socio-regulative theory of culture by Jerzy Kmita (as well as from the perspective of the Poznan School of Methodology in general). Many contemporary theories of human communication tend to avoid the social and cultural context of communication acts, which may be called a naturalistic approach (...)
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    Conceptualising mass death through Palestinian texts amidst Gaza events 2023/24.Jad Kiadan School of Cultural Studies, Tel Aviv & Israel - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-23.
    Following the Gaza events of 2023/24, this study examines how Palestinians understand mass death and mass destruction, exploring how can such a humanitarian catastrophe be framed within a coherent narrative. The focus is on the concept of sacrifice, analysed through a theoretical framework that distinguishes between meaningful sacrifices and absurd, meaningless deaths that categorises the victims as homo-sacer. Hence, this study aims to investigate the language and literature of the Palestinian people that regards to the 2023/24 Gaza events, and the (...)
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  11.  49
    Polish Scientific Philosophy: The Lvov-Warsaw School.Jan Wolenski, Roberto Poli & Francesco Coniglione (eds.) - 1993 - Rodopi.
    One can often encounter an opinion that Polish scientific philosophy deserves to be much better known than actually is. This book is thought as a response to such a claim. The papers collected in this volume are divided into two parts: Background and Influence and History and Systematics. However, there is no sharp borderline between themes which are touched in both parts. Generally speaking, all papers of the first part relate the Lvov-Warsaw School to some philosophical movements external to (...)
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  12. Non-Marxian Historical Materialism: Reconstructions and Comparisons.Krzysztof Brzechczyn (ed.) - 2022 - Leiden/Boston: BRILL.
    The authors of this book reconstruct the philosophical, methodological and theoretical assumptions of non-Marxian historical materialism, a theory of historical process authored by Leszek Nowak (1943-2009), a co-founder of the Poznań School of Methodology. In the first part of the book, philosophical assumptions of this theory are compared with the concepts of Robert Nozick, Immanuel Wallerstein, André Gunder Frank and analytical Marxism. In the second part, non-Marxian historical materialism is compared with the concepts of Eva Etzioni-Halevy, Andrzej (...)
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  13. Jerzy Kmita's humanistic interpretation (Poznan school of philosophy in present-day Poland).J. Vicenik - 1998 - Filozofia 53 (8):512-522.
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    Main schools of thought and methodological approaches in the context of environmental protection.Šárka Pikhartová - 2021 - E-Logos 28 (2):4-15.
    Článek se věnuje genezi a vývoji hlavních myšlenkových teorií zaměřených na ochranu životního prostředí. Přináší zamyšlení se nad základními principy a hlubším smyslem neoklasické environmentální ekonomie, ekologické ekonomie a tržních přístupů k ochraně životního prostředí, které reprezentují hlavní paradigmata ekonomie životního prostředí. Článek se dále soustředí na metody výzkumu jednotlivých teoretických přístupů z hlediska metodologických odlišností. Závěrečná část článku je věnována dvěma hlavním principům ochrany životního prostředí. Je zde zhodnocena aplikace principu udržitelného rozvoje a principu předběžné opatrnosti v environmentálních politikách.
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  15. Logic and methodology of sciences.Adam Jonkisz & Jacek Poznański - 2020 - In Piotr Stanisław Mazur, Piotr Duchliński & Paweł Skrzydlewski (eds.), A companion to Polish Christian philosophy of the 20th and 21st centuries. Krakow: Ignatianum University Press.
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    Which School of Ancient Greco-Roman Philosophy is Most Appropriate for Life in a Time of COVID-19?John Michael Chase - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (1):7-31.
    The author argues that ancient Skepticism may be most suited to deal with two crises in the Age of COVID-19: both the physical or epidemiological aspects of the pandemic, and the epistemological and ethical crisis of increasing disbelief in the sciences. Following Michel Bitbol, I suggest one way to mitigate this crisis of faith may be for science to become more epistemically modest, renouncing some of its claims to describe reality as it objectively is, and adopting an “intransitive” rather than (...)
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    The main purpose of the article is to analyze the statements of philosophical Ukrainian Studies about the anthropological specifics of Ukrainian philosophical thought by means of historicalphilosophical cultural-predicative analysis. The research methodology was determined primarily by the concept of cultural attribution and translation in the dialogue of languages of historical cultures of the Poznań Methodological School (J. Topolski, W. Wrzosek, E. Domańska) and the culturological approach in historical-philosophical Ukrainian Studies (V. Horskyi, S. Rudenko). The statements of the (...)
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  18.  22
    Uwagi na kanwie sposobu myślenia.Tadeusz Wojewódzki - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (12 (2011/1)):213-237.
    Author: Wojewódzki Tadeusz Title: REMARKS BASED AN A WAY OF THINKING (Uwagi na kanwie sposobu myślenia) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.12, number: 2011/1, pages: 213-237 Keywords: JERZY KMITA, THEORY OF CULTURE, WAY OF THINKING, KNOWLEDGE Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:In the interpretation of the actions of communities, teams or organizations – it is crucial, according to the author of this publication, to consider their way of thinking. Referring to Professor (...)
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    Was Ludwig von Mises a Conventionalist? - A New Analysis of the Epistemology of the Austrian School of Economics.Alexander Linsbichler - 2017 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book presents a concise introduction to the epistemology and methodology of the Austrian School of economics as defended by Ludwig von Mises. The author provides an innovative interpretation of Mises’ arguments in favour of the a priori truth of praxeology, the received view of which contributed to the academic marginalisation of the Austrian School. The study puts forward a unique argument that Mises – perhaps unintentionally – defends a form of conventionalism. Chapters in the book include (...)
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    The ‘School of Structural Analysis’ in Modern Russian Sinology.Stanislav Rykov - 2016 - Journal of World Philosophies 1 (1):26-40.
    The second half of the twentieth century was marked by the appearance of a new and original school in Russian sinology which uses the so-called methodology of ‘structural analysis’ in studying Chinese classics and attempts to find an authentic methodology among Chinese philosophers themselves. Its most influential representatives are V.S. Spirin, A. M. Karapetyants, A. I. Kobzev and A. A. Krushinsky. The main thesis of Russian ‘structuralists’ is that the composition of the ancient Chinese text influences its (...)
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  21.  82
    Between abstraction and idealization: Scientific practice and philosophical awareness.Francesco Coniglione - 2004 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 82 (1):59-110.
    The aim of this essay is to emphasize a number of important points that will provide a better understanding of the history of philosophical thought concerning scientific knowledge. The main points made are: (a) that the principal way of viewing abstraction which has dominated the history of thought and epistemology up to the present is influenced by the original Aristotelian position; (b) that with the birth of modern science a new way of conceiving abstraction came into being which is better (...)
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  22.  58
    (1 other version)The explanation of actions and marxism: From the point of view of the poznań school.Edward M. Swiderski - 1985 - Studies in East European Thought 30 (3):255-268.
  23.  21
    Which School of Ancient Greco-Roman Philosophy is Most Appropriate for Life in a Time of COVID-19?Michael Chase - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (1):7-31.
    The author argues that ancient Skepticism may be most suited to deal with two crises in the Age of COVID-19: both the physical or epidemiological aspects of the pandemic, and the epistemological and ethical crisis of increasing disbelief in the sciences. Following Michel Bitbol, I suggest one way to mitigate this crisis of faith may be for science to become more epistemically modest, renouncing some of its claims to describe reality as it objectively is, and adopting an “intransitive” rather than (...)
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  24. Timothy Childers undertook his graduate studies at the London School, of Economics, and is employed as a researcher in the Department of Logic, Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. His main interests center on the foundations of probability, with applications to methodology and epistemology.Carl Cranor, Helena Eilstein & Adam Grobler - 1997 - Foundations of Science 2:397-399.
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  25. The Polish School of Argumentation: A Manifesto.Katarzyna Budzynska, Michal Araszkiewicz, Barbara Bogołȩbska, Piotr Cap, Tadeusz Ciecierski, Kamila Debowska-Kozlowska, Barbara Dunin-Kȩplicz, Marcin Dziubiński, Michał Federowicz, Anna Gomolińska, Andrzej Grabowski, Teresa Hołówka, Łukasz Jochemczyk, Magdalena Kacprzak, Paweł Kawalec, Maciej Kielar, Andrzej Kisielewicz, Marcin Koszowy, Robert Kublikowski, Piotr Kulicki, Anna Kuzio, Piotr Lewiński, Jakub Z. Lichański, Jacek Malinowski, Witold Marciszewski, Edward Nieznański, Janina Pietrzak, Jerzy Pogonowski, Tomasz A. Puczyłowski, Jolanta Rytel, Anna Sawicka, Marcin Selinger, Andrzej Skowron, Joanna Skulska, Marek Smolak, Małgorzata Sokół, Agnieszka Sowińska, Piotr Stalmaszczyk, Tomasz Stawecki, Jarosław Stepaniuk, Alina Strachocka, Wojciech Suchoń, Krzysztof Szymanek, Justyna Tomczyk, Robert Trypuz, Kazimierz Trzȩsicki, Mariusz Urbański, Ewa Wasilewska-Kamińska, Krzysztof A. Wieczorek, Maciej Witek, Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska, Olena Yaskorska, Maria Załȩska, Konrad Zdanowski & Żure - 2014 - Argumentation 28 (3):267-282.
    Building on our diverse research traditions in the study of reasoning, language and communication, the Polish School of Argumentation integrates various disciplines and institutions across Poland in which scholars are dedicated to understanding the phenomenon of the force of argument. Our primary goal is to craft a methodological programme and establish organisational infrastructure: this is the first key step in facilitating and fostering our research movement, which joins people with a common research focus, complementary skills and an enthusiasm to (...)
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    Methodological features of the organization of design project activities in teaching physics at school.Natalia Alexandrovna Shermadini & Olga Anatolyevna Nemykh - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):323-330.
    The purpose of the study is to determine the methodological features of the organization of design engineering activities when teaching physics at school. The article focuses on the formation of design and research skills of students, which is a mandatory requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard of the General Education. From our point of view, one of the stages of the implementation of project activities should be design, so the formation of design skills is also reflected in the (...)
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    Galileo and the school of padua.Neal Ward Gilbert - 1963 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 1 (2):223-231.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Notes and Discussions GALILEO AND THE SCHOOL OF PADUA The first issue of the Journal of the History of Ideas, appearing in 1940, contained an article on the development of scientific method in northern Italy during the Renaissance and its significance for the growth of modern science. It is no exaggeration to say that this article, by John H. Randall, Jr., has been one of the most important (...)
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  28.  17
    History of the Scientific School of Z. A. Mansurov at the Institute of Combustion Problems in Almaty.Galymzhan Usenov, Pirimbek Suleimenov & Peeter Müürsepp - 2022 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 10 (1):104-125.
    The article discusses the origins, formation, and development of the scientific school of chemical physics and nanotechnology in Kazakhstan. The authors describe the achievements of a scientific school that is on par with the best of its kind locally and globally, adding new competitive results of practical relevance to the economic development of the country. The article also highlights the special role of the outstanding scientist Zulkhair Aimukhametovich Mansurov in the development of the methodological foundations of the scientific (...)
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  29.  42
    Poznanian School of Dialogue.Marek Nowak - 2007 - Dialogue and Universalism 17 (7/8):159-169.
    Theological Faculty of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań organized a series of sessions devoted to problems of dialogue. Professor Baniak, the main organizer of those meetings, invited philosophers, theologians, pedagogues, psychologists and other intellectuals/scientists, whose area of interest was dialogue. The first conference took place in June 2001, the last in June 2007, and organizers have a hope that the endeavor would be continued. Lectures given at conferences were devoted to many subjects—classical philosophy of dialogue, dialogue in theological (...)
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  30.  52
    Vastutas tu: Methodology and the New School of Sanskrit Poetics. [REVIEW]Gary Tubb & Yigal Bronner - 2008 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 36 (5-6):619-632.
    Recognizing newness is a difficult task in any intellectual history, and different cultures have gauged and evaluated novelty in different ways. In this paper we ponder the status of innovation in the context of the somewhat unusual history of one Sanskrit knowledge system, that of poetics, and try to define what in the methodology, views, style, and self-awareness of Sanskrit literary theorists in the early modern period was new. The paper focuses primarily on one thinker, Jagannātha Paṇḍitarāja, the most (...)
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  31.  45
    The research school of Marie Curie in the Paris faculty, 1907–14.J. L. Davis - 1995 - Annals of Science 52 (4):321-355.
    As the most famous woman scientist of the twentieth century, there has been no shortage of books and articles on the life and career of Marie Curie . Her role as a director of a laboratory-based research school in the new scientific field of radioactivity, a field which embraced both chemistry and physics, however, has never been examined. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the question of research schools, and Morrell, Ravetz, Geison, and Klosterman, amongst (...)
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  32.  32
    (1 other version)Does Historiography Need to be Provincial? International Circulation of Ideas as Exemplified by the Cooperation of Polish and French Historians in the Period of the Poland.Patryk Pleskot - 2012 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 100 (1):141-154.
    Contacts between Polish historians, French historians and French centers of historiography – espcially with the prestigious milieu of Fernand Braudel's Annales – were unusual and extraordinary in comparison with other forms of scientific cooperation with foreign countries: both with the West and the “friendly countries.” Because of the undeniable uniqueness of these relations many scholars from various countries claim that the annalistic methodology “influnced” Polish historiography. What is characteristic, however, is that these statements are most often completely a priori. (...)
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    Coercion, voluntary exchange, and the Austrian School of Economics.Dawid Megger & Igor Wysocki - 2022 - Synthese 201 (1):1-32.
    In this paper we analyse the concept of coerced exchange (and partly of voluntary exchange inasmuch as the absence of coercion is its necessary condition), which is of utmost importance to economic theory in general and to the Austrian School of Economics in particular. The subject matter literature normally assumes that a coerced action occurs under threat. Threats in turn can be studied from the perspective of speech act theory, which is concerned with the speaker’s intentions. Ultimately, our goal (...)
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    (1 other version)From psychology to phenomenology : A controversy over the method in the school of Twardowski.Witold Płotka - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (1):141-167.
    This paper seeks to define the main trends, arguments and problems regarding the question of method formulated by Twardowski and his students. In this regard, the aim of the paper is twofold. First, I situate Brentano’s project of descriptive psychology within the context of disputes in the school of Twardowski concerning the method of both psychology and phenomenology, arguing that descriptive-psychological analysis was dominant in this respect. Second, the study explores the notion of eidetic phenomenology, as founded on a (...)
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    The Affective Dimensions of Militarism in Schools: Methodological, Ethical and Political Implications.Michalinos Zembylas - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (4):419-437.
    This article argues that it is important to understand militarism in schools as an affectively felt practice that reproduces particular feelings in youth and the society. The analysis draws on affect theory and especially feminist scholarly work that theorises militarism as affect to consider how militarism is affectively lived in schools. In particular, the article examines the ethical and political implications of affective militarism in schools and suggests an ‘affective methodology’ for exploring militarism’s affective logics in schools. It is (...)
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    Methodology of the cultivation of reflective thinking in Russian education: the experience of reflection.Nina Gromyko - 2023 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 4 (1).
    The paper focuses on the reflective analysis of one of the most powerful philosophical and methodological programs for the development of reflective thinking in Russia. This is the “Program for the Development of Regional Social Systems by Means of Education”, developed in the 90s of the last century by a team of young scientists on the basis of the theory of developing education of V.V. Davydov. The author studies the problems to be solved by the program as well as the (...)
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    Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence as a Source of Motivation in the Teaching of Chemistry: A Study with Tenth Grade Students at the Adventist School of Ibagué.Leonardo Alberto Mauris De la Ossa, Nury N. Garzón, Celmira Pérez Pulido, Blanca E. García Herrán & Jorge H. Hoyos - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:2193-2208.
    The objective of this research has been to evaluate the effect of the integration of Artificial Intelligence on the motivation of students, in the area of Chemistry of tenth grade of the Adventist School of Ibagué. To this end, a methodology with a qualitative approach and a Participatory Action Research design with four phases were used: planning, action, observation and reflection. The information was collected through observation and interview techniques for which field diaries and structured script were used (...)
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    School culture at risk of political and methodological expropriation.Ondrej Kaščák, Branislav Pupala, Ivan Lukšík & Miroslava Lemešová - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (4):524-538.
    The aim of this article is to problematize the concept of school culture both as a concept and as a subject of investigation. It deals with the historical roots of this concept and the fact that it is shrinking—a consequence of the managerial imperatives of effectiveness and accountability in education. School culture, in relation to the quality of schools and the quality of education, has become the subject of audits, arrived at through a developed network of standardisation in (...)
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    A system of methodological coordinates for a historiographer of medieval philosophy: a proposal of an explanatory tool.Rostislav Tkachenko - 2020 - Sententiae 39 (2):8-28.
    The last thirty years of scholarship in western medieval philosophical historiography have seen a number of reflections on the methodological paradigms, schools, trends, and dominant approaches in the field. As a contribution to this ongoing assessment of the existing methods of studies in medieval philosophy and theology and a supplement to classifications offered by M. Colish, J. Inglis, C. König-Pralong, J. Marenbon, A. de Libera, and others, the article offers another explanatory tool. Here is a description of an imaginary system (...)
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    The concept of «reception study» in the context of methodology of the history of philosophy.Vitali Terletsky - 2020 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 2:24-36.
    The article analyzes the concept of «reception», which has recently gained popularity, but remains not sufficiently clarified in studies of the history of philosophy. It is assumed that the concept has become the subject of explicit methodological reflection only in the reception aesthetics (Rezeptionsästhetik) of the Constance School of Literary Studies, where it not only opposes the concept of influence, but is interpreted in the context of a horizontal structure for text understanding. At the same time, it is important (...)
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    Anglo-Saxon Schools of Metascience. [REVIEW]J. E. J. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (3):548-549.
    The author reviews the various Anglo-American philosophies which align themselves directly in one way or another with mathematics, physics, and logic; this has been done in many ways, but this book does it in such a way that it seems to give more a feel for what is going on in a rather complicated corner of the world than the various histories and anthologies. Radnitzky is engaged in an ambitious critical project, which, put quite simply, says that English-speaking philosophies of (...)
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  42. When does complementarity support pluralism about schools of economic thought?Teemu Lari - 2021 - Journal of Economic Methodology 28 (3):322-335.
    An intuitively appealing argument for pluralism in economics can be made on the grounds that schools of economic thought complement one another. Let us call this the complementarity-based argument for pluralism (CAP). The concepts of complementarity, pluralism, and school of thought are scrutinized in this paper to evaluate this argument. I argue that the complementarity of schools is relative to scientific goals, which implies that discussing complementarity of schools of economic thought requires discussing the goals of economic research. I (...)
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    Determinism, free will, and the Austrian School of Economics.Dawid Megger - 2021 - Journal of Economic Methodology 28 (3):304-321.
    In this paper I analyse the problem of free will and determinism as it pertains to the Austrian School of Economics. I demonstrate that despite the fact they subscribe to the concept of causality,...
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    Methodological Foundations of Macroeconomics: Keynes and Lucas.Alessandro Vercelli - 1991 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is an investigation of the methodological and epistemological foundations of macroeconomic theory, based on an examination of the theories of Keynes and Lucas. It is divided into two parts. In the first Professor Vercelli discusses the methodological issues which lie behind the conflict among different schools of thought in macroeconomics. These issues are central to the current debate not only in many branches of economics, but also in other scientific disciplines. The traditional point of view of science based (...)
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    The Lvov–Warsaw School as a Source of Inspiration for Argumentation Theory.Marcin Koszowy & Michał Araszkiewicz - 2014 - Argumentation 28 (3):283-300.
    The thesis of the paper holds that some future developments of argumentation theory may be inspired by the rich logico-methodological legacy of the Lvov–Warsaw School (LWS), the Polish research movement that was most active from 1895 to 1939. As a selection of ideas of the LWS which exploit both formal and pragmatic aspects of the force of argument, we present: Ajdukiewicz’s account of reasoning and inference, Bocheński’s analyses of superstitions or dogmas, and Frydman’s constructive approach to legal interpretation. This (...)
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    Futures' methodologies as scientific tools for the emergence of humankind.David Passig - 1999 - World Futures 53 (4):295-307.
    A rational basis can be found for dealing with the epistemology of the various futures' methodologies. According to "Conventionalism"—the modern school of philosophy of science, the main reason for preferring one science over another is its utility, rather than its authenticity. This means that according to "Conventionalism," which perceives the "utility" in the improvement of the psychic state and security of man as the main principle of any scientific thought, futures' methodologies, in their striving to achieve this end, is (...)
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    Partnership of Philosophical Schools of Belarus and Russia and Its Contribution to Development of the Scientific Potential of the Eastern European Region.Михаил Борисович Завадский - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 65 (3):153-159.
    The summary reveals various areas of Belarusian-Russian collaboration in philosophy: problems of the methodology of scientific knowledge, transdisciplinary synthesis of philosophy and science, philosophical foundations of physics, scientific realism, theory of harmony and self-organization of complex systems, modern epistemological theories, the sociocultural foundations, risks, and prospects of the digital society, human problems in the context of convergent technologies, anthropological foundations of intercultural communication, the world heritage of philosophical thought, the reception of Russian philosophy in the Belarusian intellectual tradition. Special (...)
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    Methodological features of the preparation of primary school students for All-Russian test works in the main academic subjects.Vera Viktorovna Zhuravleva & Lyudmila Nikolaevna Strelnikova - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):235-240.
    The article deals with the organization and implementation of the assessment of educational achievements of primary school students as a component of the overall system for assessing the quality of education. The issues of evaluation of metasubject results in the framework of VPR, including the level of formation of universal educational actions and mastery of intersubject concepts, are considered. It is pointed out that at the present stage of development of the education system, monitoring studies are considered as a (...)
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    Heritage of the Romantic Philosophy in Post-Linnaean Botany Reichenbach’s Reception of Goethe’s Metamorphosis of Plants as a Methodological and Philosophical Framework.Nicolas Robin - 2011 - Journal of the History of Biology 44 (2):283-304.
    This paper demonstrates the importance of the reception and development of Goethe’s metamorphosis of plants as a methodological and philosophical framework in the history of botanical theories. It proposes a focus on the textbooks written by the German botanist Ludwig Reichenbach and his first attempt to use Goethe’s idea of metamorphosis of plants as fundamental to his natural system of plants published under the title ‘Botany for Women’, in German Botanik für Damen. In this book, Reichenbach paid particular attention to (...)
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    Causes that induce self-medication in first and fifth year students of the USFX School of Medicine.Leydi Lazcano, Elvia Parra, Luis Umeres & Alejandra Valverde - forthcoming - Revista de Filosofía y Cotidianidad.
    Introduction: We live in a society that encourages self-medication and one reason is the availability of drugs that do not require a prescription and are easily accessible, the abuse of these have important implications for the health of the general population; being the most commonly used drugs: analgesics, antibiotics, antihistamines and others. Objective: Determine the causes that induce self-medication in freshmen and fifth year of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Mayor, Real y Pontificia de San Francisco Xavier de (...)
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