Results for 'Predsókratovskí Sókratovci O. Starosti O. Seba'

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    State filozofia.Predsókratovskí Sókratovci O. Starosti O. Seba - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (3):214.
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    Predsókratovskí sókratovci O starosti O seba.Matúš Porubjak - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (3).
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    Starosť O seba V platónovom dialógu gorgias.Ulrich Wollner - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (3).
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  4. Človek v boji o seba a svoju budúcnost̕.Rudolf Šíma - 1981 - Bratislava: Nakladatel̕stvo Pravda.
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    Vladislav Suvák, (ed.) Sebapoznanie a/ko starosť o seba.Jakub Vojta - 2011 - Pro-Fil 11 (2).
    Suvák, V. (ed.) Sebapoznanie a/ko starosť o seba. Prešov: ACTA FACULTATIS PHILOSOPHICAE UNIVERSITATIS PREŠOVIENSIS, 2010. ISBN 978-80-555-0230-4.
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    Mikołaj Zebrzydowski starostą generalnym krakowskim (1585–1620).Kacper Górski - 2023 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 29 (1):79-102.
    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wybranych wątków związanych ze sprawowaniem przez Mikołaja Zebrzydowskiego urzędu starosty krakowskiego (1585–1620). Autor skoncentrował się na trzech kwestiach: objęciu starostwa, zaangażowaniu Zebrzydowskiego w sprawowanie wymiaru sprawiedliwości oraz wpływie rokoszu sandomierskiego (1606–1608) na działalność grodu krakowskiego. Główną podstawę źródłową tekstu stanowią krakowskie akta grodzkie, przechowywane w Archiwum Narodowym w Krakowie. Będąc studium przypadku, artykuł bada problem z perspektywy historycznoprawnej, krytycznie analizuje źródła oraz korzysta z metod statystycznych i porównawczych. Dzięki ich wykorzystaniu udało się odtworzyć przebieg czynności, które (...)
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    Aktywność publiczna Mikołaja Zebrzydowskiego w czasie krakowskich negocjacji w sprawie zawarcia antytureckiej Ligi Świętej w 1596 r.Janusz Smołucha - 2023 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 29 (1):103-116.
    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie działalności publicznej marszałka wielkiego koronnego i starosty krakowskiego Mikołaja Zebrzydowskiego w czasie toczących się latem 1596 r. w Krakowie międzynarodowych pertraktacji w sprawie zawarcia pod egidą papiestwa antytureckiej Ligi Świętej. Do odtworzenia tego aspektu autor wykorzystał głównie rękopiśmienne materiały źródłowe pochodzące z archiwów rzymskich oraz źródła drukowane i odnośną literaturę przedmiotu. Mikołaj Zebrzydowski pojawił się w Krakowie 10 lipca 1596 r. w momencie, gdy już od prawie miesiąca przebywał w nim legat papieski, kardynał Enrico Caetani, który (...)
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    Heidegger a Hegelova Fenomenológia ducha.Kristína Bosáková - 2017 - Studia Philosophica 64 (2):5-20.
    Fenomenológia ducha, zdôrazňuje Heidegger, je prvou časťou Hegelom plánovaného systému vied. Jej podtitul znie: Veda o skúsenosti vedomia. Tou vedou (Wissenschaft) bude filozofia, chápaná ako veda o skúsenosti vedomia, teda o skúsenosti, ktorú má vedomie seba samého. Filozofii, podľa Hegela, ide o absolútne poznanie, teda o poznanie v najvšeobecnejšom zmysle slova. Možno teda tvrdiť, že kým Hegelovi išlo vo Fenomenológii ducha o vzťah človeka, poznávajúceho subjektu, schopného sebauvedomenia, k absolútnu, tak Heideggerovi v jeho interpretácii Hegelovej Fenomenológie ducha išlo predovšetkým (...)
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    Development of Collective Enterprise.Seba Eldridge - 1944 - Philosophical Review 53 (2):216-216.
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    Imperfect Correlations Between the Physical and the Vital.Seba Eldridge - 1924 - The Monist 34 (2):260-291.
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    Specialization and Integration in Intellectual Inquiry.Seba Eldridge - 1933 - The Monist 43 (2):236-256.
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    The New Citizenship.Seba Eldridge - 1930 - Philosophical Review 39 (5):520-522.
  13.  13
    Hegel: une pensée de l'objectivité.Jean-Renaud Seba & Guillaume Lejeune (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Éditions Kimé.
    Ce que la postérité a retenu de Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel tient en une formule simple et cependant énigmatique : Hegel aurait prétendu achever la métaphysique en instituant un "idéalisme absolu", qui ne serait autre que l'expression éhontée d'un subjectivisme sans limite. Or, dans son oeuvre publiée (pour ne rien dire de ses cours), Hegel consacre des développements très détaillés à l'objectivité et à la connaissance empirique. Cela est vrai de la Logique, de la Philosophie de la Nature et de (...)
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    Philosophie de la panafricanité fondamentale.Kemi Seba - 2023 - [Marseille]: Fiat lux.
    Dans cet essai philosophique articulant une corrélation entre conscience noire universelle, métaphysique, histoire et géopolitique d'un côté, et une dichotomie entre traditionalisme et progressisme de l'autre, Kemi Seba trace le chemin d'une pensée critique permettant à l'homme et à la femme noirs, qu'ils soient d'Afrique, des Caraïbes, d'Asie, du Proche ou du Moyen-Orient, d'Amérique ou d'Océanie, de trouver en eux-mêmes les clefs de leur survie, dans un monde dominé, temporairement, par l'occidentale suprématie."--Page 4 of cover.
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    New Views of Evolution. [REVIEW]Seba Eldridge - 1931 - Journal of Philosophy 28 (23):639-642.
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    Kritische Theorie der Formbildung. [REVIEW]Seba Eldridge - 1931 - Philosophical Review 40 (3):290-294.
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    Purposive Evolution. [REVIEW]Seba Eldridge - 1928 - Philosophical Review 37 (3):269-273.
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    Qu'est-ce que la vie? [REVIEW]Seba Eldridge - 1929 - Philosophical Review 38 (6):600-603.
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    Theoretical Biology. [REVIEW]Seba Eldridge - 1928 - Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):53-56.
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    What is Life. [REVIEW]Seba Eldridge - 1931 - Philosophical Review 40 (5):498-500.
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    Die Maschinentheorie des Lebens. [REVIEW]Seba Eldridge - 1931 - Journal of Philosophy 28 (17):473-474.
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    The Theories of Instinct. [REVIEW]Seba Eldridge - 1927 - Philosophical Review 36 (3):262-265.
  23. Précis of O'Keefe & Nadel's The hippocampus as a cognitive map.John O'Keefe & Lynn Nadel - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):487-494.
    Theories of spatial cognition are derived from many sources. Psychologists are concerned with determining the features of the mind which, in combination with external inputs, produce our spatialized experience. A review of philosophical and other approaches has convinced us that the brain must come equipped to impose a three-dimensional Euclidean framework on experience – our analysis suggests that object re-identification may require such a framework. We identify this absolute, nonegocentric, spatial framework with a specific neural system centered in the hippocampus.A (...)
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  24. Some limits of informed consent.O. O'Neill - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (1):4-7.
    Many accounts of informed consent in medical ethics claim that it is valuable because it supports individual autonomy. Unfortunately there are many distinct conceptions of individual autonomy, and their ethical importance varies. A better reason for taking informed consent seriously is that it provides assurance that patients and others are neither deceived nor coerced. Present debates about the relative importance of generic and specific consent do not address this issue squarely. Consent is a propositional attitude, so intransitive: complete, wholly specific (...)
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    Pistols, pills, pork and ploughs: the structure of technomoral revolutions.J. K. G. Hopster, C. Arora, C. Blunden, C. Eriksen, L. E. Frank, J. S. Hermann, M. B. O. T. Klenk, E. R. H. O’Neill & S. Steinert - 2025 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 68 (2):264-296.
    The power of technology to transform religions, science, and political institutions has often been presented as nothing short of revolutionary. Does technology have a similarly transformative influence on societies’ morality? Scholars have not rigorously investigated the role of technology in moral revolutions, even though existing research on technomoral change suggests that this role may be considerable. In this paper, we explore what the role of technology in moral revolutions, understood as processes of radical group-level moral change, amounts to. We do (...)
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  26. Technológie seba samého.Michel Foucault - 2001 - Filosoficky Casopis 49:319-343.
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  27. Discussion of J. Kevin O’Regan’s “Why Red Doesn’t Sound Like a Bell: Understanding the Feel of Consciousness”.J. Kevin O’Regan & Ned Block - 2012 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 3 (1):89-108.
    Discussion of J. Kevin O’Regan’s “Why Red Doesn’t Sound Like a Bell: Understanding the Feel of Consciousness” Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-20 DOI 10.1007/s13164-012-0090-7 Authors J. Kevin O’Regan, Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception, CNRS - Université Paris Descartes, Centre Biomédical des Saints Pères, 45 rue des Sts Pères, 75270 Paris cedex 06, France Ned Block, Departments of Philosophy, Psychology and Center for Neural Science, New York University, 5 Washington Place, New York, NY 10003, USA Journal Review of Philosophy and (...)
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    Paternalism and partial autonomy.O. O'Neill - 1984 - Journal of Medical Ethics 10 (4):173-178.
    A contrast is often drawn between standard adult capacities for autonomy, which allow informed consent to be given or withheld, and patients' reduced capacities, which demand paternalistic treatment. But patients may not be radically different from the rest of us, in that all human capacities for autonomous action are limited. An adequate account of paternalism and the role that consent and respect for persons can play in medical and other practice has to be developed within an ethical theory that does (...)
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  29. IIOnora O’Neill.Onora O'Neill - 1998 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 72 (1):211-228.
    Kant's ethics, like others, has unavoidable anthropocentric starting points: only humans, or other 'rational natures', can hold obligations. Seemingly this should not make speciesist conclusions unavoidable: might not rational natures have obligations to the non-rational? However, Kant's argument for the unconditional value of rational natures cannot readily be extended to show that all non-human animals have unconditional value, or rights. Nevertheless Kant's speciesism is not thoroughgoing. He does not view non-rational animals as mere items for use. He allows for indirect (...)
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    Acceptance and Perception of Nigerian Patients to Medical Photography.W. L. Adeyemo, B. O. Mofikoya, O. A. Akadiri, O. James & A. A. Fashina - 2012 - Developing World Bioethics 13 (3):105-110.
    The aim of the study was to determine the acceptance and perception of Nigerian patients to medical photography. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed among Nigerian patients attending oral and maxillofacial surgery and plastic surgery clinics of 3 tertiary health institutions. Information requested included patients' opinion about consent process, capturing equipment, distribution and accessibility of medical photographs. The use of non-identifiable medical photographs was more acceptable than identifiable to respondents for all purposes (P = 0.003). Most respondents were favourably disposed to (...)
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    Ako a čím sa od seba odlišujú slabo, stredne a silne usmernené procesy.Robert Burgan - 2012 - E-Logos 19 (1):1-31.
    V nasledujúcom príspevku sa snažíme zdôvodniť vyčlenenie troch typov procesov v pozorovanom vesmíre - procesov slabo, stredne a silne usmernených, a to na základe rôznej miery autonómnosti ich štruktúrnych prvkov a rôznej miery či intenzity zákonov, ktorými sú usmerňované alebo riadené. Individuálne a konkrétne procesy sú tak v podstate totožné s individuálnymi a konkrétnymi systémami, cez ktoré, v ktorých a prostredníctvom ktorých sa úplne realizujú, disponujúc tak vždy a všade vlastným substanciálnym obsahom. Na tomto základe potom vyčleňujeme slabo usmernené procesy (...)
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    Dislocation storage in single slip-oriented Cu micro-tensile samples: new insights via X-ray microdiffraction.C. Kirchlechner, D. Kiener, C. Motz, S. Labat, N. Vaxelaire, O. Perroud, J. -S. Micha, O. Ulrich, O. Thomas, G. Dehm & J. Keckes - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (7-9):1256-1264.
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  33. O tempo no tomismo E em Raimundo lulio (1232-1316). Luz para situar.O. Eterno Retorno de Nietzsche - 2006 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 13:143-158.
  34. The application features of seasonal-cyclic patterns in international financial markets.Sergii Sardak & O. Benenson O. Dzhusov, S. Smerichevskyi, S. Sardak, O. Klimova - 2019 - Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 23 (5):1-10.
    The paper deals with the topical issue of studying cyclic patterns in the economy and their practical application for the forecasts on the development of financial markets. The work aims to establish the features of the seasonal-cyclic patterns "The January barometer" and "The first five days of January" in the international financial markets in current conditions and to develop recommendations for the practical application of these patterns in the investment activities. The US stock market as an integral part of the (...)
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    A Báñezian Grounding for Counterfactuals of Creaturely Freedom: A Response to James Dominic Rooney, O.P.Taylor Patrick O'Neill - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (2):651-674.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Báñezian Grounding for Counterfactuals of Creaturely Freedom:A Response to James Dominic Rooney, O.P.Taylor Patrick O'NeillIntroductionIn a recently published article, James Rooney, O.P., critiques a fundamental aspect of Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange's articulation of the relation between divine causality and creaturely freedom, which I also defended in my recent book.1 Specifically, Rooney argues that at least some of what Garrigou-Lagrange holds is rooted in a Molinist rather than Báñezian understanding of (...)
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  36. O bolesti.Etudy O. Bolesti A. Iné Eseje - 1999 - Filozofia 54 (6-10):777.
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  37. Ì öñ ò ø óò ó óò× øö òø óòø üøù ð ê ûö ø ò.È. Ö. Ó. Ö ÑѺ - 2000 - In Dov M. Gabbay & Maarten de Rijke, Frontiers of combining systems 2. Philadelphia, PA: Research Studies Press. pp. 47.
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  38. O que é uma acção?O. Jones & P. Smith - 2005 - Critica.
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    Razão comunicativa e teoria social crítica em Jürgen Habermas.Lucia Maria de Carvalho Aragão - 1992 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Tempo Brasileiro.
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  40. Conservatism: A Reply to Ted Honderich*: Noel O'Sullivan.Noel O'Sullivan - 1992 - Utilitas 4 (1):133-143.
  41. Empedocles' Cosmic Cycle: A Reconstruction from the Fragments and Secondary Sources.O. O'BRIEN - 1969
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  42. External Preferences and Liberal Equality: P. M. O'Connor.P. M. O'Connor - 1994 - Utilitas 6 (1):117-133.
  43. Medical and scientific uses of human tissue.O. O'Neill - 1996 - Journal of Medical Ethics 22 (1):5-7.
    Inevitably a policy-oriented report on issues as complex and as rapidly changing as the medical and scientific uses of human tissue can achieve neither philosophical purity nor regulatory completeness. The council's strategy has been to begin with robust ethical principles, for which sound philosophical arguments can be given, which will (it is hoped) command widespread support. The council went on to argue for guidelines of sufficient, but not vapid, generality which could be of practical use to the various medical intermediaries, (...)
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  44. James R. O’Shea, ed., Sellars and His Legacy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.James O'Shea (ed.) - 2016 - Oxford, UK:
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    1. O si tacuisses!T. O. Achelis & Z. Kriegsfreiwilliger - 1917 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 74 (1-4):470-472.
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    Aproximaciones al pensamiento de Rodolfo Kusch.Pablo Javier Aguzín, Darío Maroño & Gabriel Miranda (eds.) - 2019 - Rosario, Provincia de Santa Fe, República Argentina: Editorial Fundación Ross.
    Aproximación al pensamiento de Rodolfo Kusch -- Canto e identidad en el Martín Fierro según Carlos Astrada y Rodolfo Kusch -- Donde el barro se subleva -- La rehabilitación del saber seminal como camino hacia una mística popular -- Kusch y el impulso social de nuestra época -- La barbarización de la civilización, una grieta de antaño -- ¿De dónde pensarnos?
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    O estado da razão: da ideia hegeliana de estado ao estado segundo a ideia hegeliana: sobre os princípios de filosofia do direito de Hegel.João Lopes Alves - 2004 - Lisboa: Edições Colibri.
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    Sa̋o Tomaz de Aquino, iniciação ao estudo da sua figura e da sua obra.João Ameal - 1941 - Pôrto,: Livraria Tavares Martins.
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    Traditional coping mechanism and environmental sustainability strategies in nnewi, nigeria.G. O. Anoliefo, O. S. Isikhuemhen & E. C. Okolo - 1998 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 11 (2):101-109.
    Nnewi is situated some 30 kilometres South East of Onitsha in Anambra State in the southeastern part of Nigeria. This highly commercial town has undergone rapid urbanisation and industrialisation within the past two decades, since the end of the 1967–1970 Nigerian civil war. The Igbo community of the study area had traditionally employed bioconversion methods and other indigenous technology to process or recycle bio and non-degradable wastes. Industrialisation has enjoyed priority status in this locality as a requirement for modernisation and (...)
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    (1 other version)O direito, introdução e teoria geral: uma perspectiva luso-brasileira.José de Oliveira Ascensão - 1978 - Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
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