Results for 'Quantum mechanics Quantenmechanik'

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  1. Studien zum wissenschaftlichen Determinismus vor der Entstehung der Quantenmechanik. Von der klassischen Mechanik zur Philosophie Edgar Zilsels (“Studies in the history of scientific determinism before quantum mechanics. From classical mechanics to the philosophy of Edgar Zilsel”).Donata Romizi - 2013 - Dissertation, University of Vienna
  2. Quantum mechanics and macroscopic quantum phenomena: The case of superconductivity and superfluidity.Kostas Gavroglu & Yorgos Goudaroulis - 1989 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 20 (2):249-275.
    Supraleitfähigkeit und Superfluidität sind die einzigen bekannten makroskopischen Quantenphänomene. Ihre Untersuchung liefert interessante Hinweise, um einige der Fragen zu verstehen, die mit den Grenzen der Gültigkeit der Quantenmechanik verbunden sind. In diesem Aufsatz wollen wir den Prozeß entzifferen, durch den ein beobachtetes unerwartetes Phänomen in ein physikalisches Problem übergeführt wird, und wir zeigen die kontinuierliche Reinterpretation der Begriffe, um eine zufriedenstellende Erklärung der Supraleitfähigkeit und Superfluidität zu erreichen.
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  3. Gott würfelt nicht. Einsteins immer noch aktuelle Kritik der Quantenmechanik.Gregor Schiemann - 2005 - In Jürgen Renn (ed.), Albert Einstein. Ingenieur des Universums. 100 Autoren für Einstein. Wiley-VCH.
    Kaum eine Äußerung Einsteins ist so bekannt wie sein Wort, dass Gott nicht würfelt. In ähnlicher Weise, wie Einstein dies unerläutert gelassen hat, ist seine gesamte Position zur Quantenmechanik, auf die es sich bezieht, von Uneindeutigkeiten nicht frei geblieben. Für seine Würfelmetapher ergibt sich ein Spielraum von gegensätzlichen Sichtweisen. Sie lässt sich zum einen mit jüngeren Forschungsresultaten verbinden und weist zum anderen auf rückschrittliche Elemente in Einsteins Denken hin. Ich wende mich zuerst diesen Elementen zu und betrachte dann eine (...)
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  4. Zur Quantenmechanik der Stoßvorgänge.Max Born - 1926 - Zeitschrift für Physik 37 (12):863-867.
    Durch eine Untersuchung der Stoßvorgänge wird die Auffassung entwickelt, daß die Quantenmechanik in der Schrödingerschen Form nicht nur die stationären Zustände, sondern auch die Quantensprünge zu beschreiben gestattet.
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  5. Warum Gott nicht würfelt: Einstein und die Quantenmechanik im Licht neuerer Forschungen.Gregor Schiemann - 2010 - In R. Breuniger (ed.), Bausteine zur Philosophie. Bd. 27: Einstein.
    Zuerst werden die Argumente rekonstruiert, die dafür sprechen, Einsteins Wort, dass Gott nicht würfelt, als Ausdruck eines überholten deterministischen Weltbildes anzusehen. Anschließend werden Forschungsergebnisse der letzten Jahrzehnte benannt, die für eine Neubewertung seiner Position zur dominanten Interpretation der Quantenmechanik sprechen. Den Abschluß bildet die Diskussion der Möglichkeiten einer Reinterpretation seines Satzes vom nicht würfelnden Gott.
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    Grete Henry-Hermann: Philosophie – Mathematik – Quantenmechanik : Texte Zur Naturphilosophie Und Erkenntnistheorie, Mathematisch-Physikalische Beiträge Sowie Ausgewählte Korrespondenz Aus den Jahren 1925 Bis 1982.Herrmann Kay (ed.) - 2019 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    This publication is an appreciation of the natural philosophy and epistemology of the philosopher Grete (Henry-)Hermann. A student of the mathematician Emmy Noether and the philosopher Leonard Nelson, she was one of the early interpreters of quantum mechanics. Werner Heisenberg memorialized her in his book "The Part and the Whole". For the first time, her writings on natural philosophy and epistemology are collected in one volume. An extensive introduction by various authors introduces the work of Grete Henry-Hermann. This (...)
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    Quantum physics wthout quantum philosophy.Detlef Dürr - 2012 - New York: Springer. Edited by Sheldon Goldstein & Nino Zanghì.
    It has often been claimed that without drastic conceptual innovations a genuine explanation of quantum interference effects and quantum randomness is impossible. This book concerns Bohmian mechanics, a simple particle theory that is a counterexample to such claims. The gentle introduction and other contributions collected here show how the phenomena of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, from Heisenberg's uncertainty principle to non-commuting observables, emerge from the Bohmian motion of particles, the natural particle motion associated with Schrödinger's equation. (...)
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    Theodizee im Kontext der Quantenmechanik. Ein vielzitiertes Argument auf dem Prfstand.Anna Ijjas - 2011 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 53 (4):418-430.
    ZUSAMMENFASSUNGIm religionsphilosophischen Kontext wurde die Quantenmechanik vielfach bemht, das Argument der Willensfreiheit als naturwissenschaftliche Theorie zu sttzen. Der probabilistische Charakter der Theorie schien eine natrliche Basis fr den Indeterminismus und somit fr sittlich relevante Willensfreiheit zu bieten. Dieser Position wurde jedoch des fteren entgegen gehalten, dass erstens nur bestimmte Interpretationen der Quantenmechanik indeterministisch sind. Zweitens sollen mikroskopische Quanten-Effekte die makroskopische Hirndynamik nicht beeinflussen. Inzwischen mutet die Diskussion immer undurchschaubarer und themenspezifischer an, so dass eine sachgerechte Beurteilung geradezu als (...)
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  9. Realism in Context: The Examples of Lifeworld and Quantum Physics.Gregor Schiemann - 2009 - Human Affairs 19 (2):211-222.
    Lifeworld realism and quantum-physical realism are taken as experience-dependent conceptions of the world that become objects of explicit reflection when confronted with context-external discourses. After a brief sketch of the two contexts of experience—lifeworld and quantum physics—and their realist interpretations, I will discuss the quantum world from the perspective of lifeworld realism. From this perspective, the quantum world—roughly speaking—has to be either unreal or else constitute a different reality. Then, I invert the perspective and examine the (...)
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    Email: Unruh@ physics. Ubc. Quantum Mechanics Non-Local - 2002 - In Tomasz Placek & Jeremy Butterfield (eds.), Non-locality and Modality. Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  11. Zweierlei Raum. Über die Differenz von lebensweltlichen und physikalischen Vorstellungen.Gregor Schiemann - 2006 - In E. Uhl & M. Ott (eds.), Denken des Raums in Zeiten der Globalisierung. LIT Verlag.
    Lebenswelt und Physik stehen nicht nur unverkennbar miteinander in Beziehung, sondern prägen jeweils auch eigenständig die Struktur moderner Gesellschaften. Während die Lebenswelt mit ihrem traditionellen Bezug auf unmittelbare Wahrnehmungs- und Handlungsformen immer noch die lokale Reproduktion bestimmt, begründen physikalische Verfahren und Erkenntnisse die materiellen Techniken der globalisierten Zivilisation. Den Abstand von Lebenswelt und Physik, wie die zwischen ihnen bestehenden Beziehungen, möchte ich an den für sie typischen Raumbegriffen erläutern. Meine These ist, dass jedenfalls einige Raumbegriffe der modernen Physik den lebensweltlichen (...)
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    An instructional model for a radical conceptual change towards quantum mechanics concepts.George Kalkanis, Pandora Hadzidaki & Dimitrios Stavrou - 2003 - Science Education 87 (2):257-280.
    We believe that physics education has to meet today’s requirement for a qualitative approach to Quantum Mechanics (QM) worldview. An effective answer to the corresponding instructional problem might allow the basic ideas of QM to be accessed atan early stage of physics education. This paper presents part of a project that aims at introducing a sufficient, simple, and relevant teaching approach towards QM into in-/preservice teacher education, i.e., at providing teachers with the indispensable scientific knowledge and epistemological base (...)
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  13. Quantum Theory: An Appraisal.Bohmian Mechanics - 1995 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 184.
  14. The principle of the identity of indiscernibles and quantum mechanics.James Ladyman & Tomasz Bigaj - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (1):117-136.
    It is argued that recent discussion of the principle of the identity of indiscernibles (PII) and quantum mechanics has lost sight of the broader philosophical motivation and significance of PII and that the `received view' of the status of PII in the light of quantum mechanics survives recent criticisms of it by Muller, Saunders, and Seevinck.
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    Mind, matter and quantum mechanics.Henry P. Stapp - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (4):363-399.
  16.  8
    The Cellular Automaton Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Gerard T. Hooft - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book presents the deterministic view of quantum mechanics developed by Nobel Laureate Gerard 't Hooft. Dissatisfied with the uncomfortable gaps in the way conventional quantum mechanics meshes with the classical world, 't Hooft has revived the old hidden variable ideas, but now in a much more systematic way than usual. In this, quantum mechanics is viewed as a tool rather than a theory. The book presents examples of models that are classical in essence, (...)
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  17. Discussions on physics, metaphysics and metametaphysics: Interpreting quantum mechanics.Raoni Wohnrath Arroyo - 2020 - Dissertation, Federal University of Santa Catarina
    This thesis inquires what it means to interpret non-relativistic quantum mechanics (QM), and the philosophical limits of this interpretation. In pursuit of a scientific-realist stance, a metametaphysical method is expanded and applied to evaluate rival interpretations of QM, based on the conceptual distinction between ontology and metaphysics, for objective theory choice in metaphysical discussions relating to QM. Three cases are examined, in which this metametaphysical method succeeds in indicating what are the wrong alternatives to interpret QM in metaphysical (...)
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  18. The history of quantum mechanics as a decisive argument favoring Einstein over lorentz.R. M. Nugayev - 1985 - Philosophy of Science 52 (1):44-63.
    PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE, vol. 52, number 1, pp.44-63. R.M. Nugayev, Kazan State |University, USSR. -/- THE HISTORY OF QUANTUM THEORY AS A DECISIVE ARGUMENT FAVORING EINSTEIN OVER LJRENTZ. -/- Abstract. Einstein’s papers on relativity, quantum theory and statistical mechanics were all part of a single research programme ; the aim was to unify mechanics and electrodynamics. It was this broader program – which eventually split into relativistic physics and quantummmechanics – that superseded Lorentz’s theory. The argument (...)
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  19.  57
    Does science need intersubjectivity? The problem of confirmation in orthodox interpretations of quantum mechanics.Emily Adlam - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1–39.
    Any successful interpretation of quantum mechanics must explain how our empirical evidence allows us to come to know about quantum mechanics. In this article, we argue that this vital criterion is not met by the class of ‘orthodox interpretations,’ which includes QBism, neo-Copenhagen interpretations, and some versions of relational quantum mechanics. We demonstrate that intersubjectivity fails in radical ways in these approaches, and we explain why intersubjectivity matters for empirical confirmation. We take a detailed (...)
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  20.  21
    Comment on “The Notion of Locality in Relational Quantum Mechanics”.Jacques Pienaar - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (12):1404-1414.
    A recent paper has given a lucid treatment of Bell’s notion of local causality within the framework of the relational interpretation of quantum mechanics. However, the authors went on to conclude that the quantum violation of Bell’s notion of local causality is no more surprising than a common cause. Here, I argue that this conclusion is unwarranted by the authors’ own analysis. On the contrary, within the framework outlined by the authors, I argue that far from saving (...)
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  21. Werner Heisenbergs Position zu einer hypothetischen Wissenschaftsauffassung in seinen populären Reden und Aufsätzen.Gregor Schiemann - 2007 - In M. Gerhard (ed.), Oldenburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie.
    Werner Heisenberg hat einen wichtigen, noch nicht hinreichend untersuchten Beitrag zum Wandel des neuzeitlichen Wissenschaftsverständnisses geleistet. Der Wandel führte von der Charakterisierung des wissenschaftlichen Wissens als sichere Erkenntnis zu seiner - heute weithin anerkannten - Charakterisierung als bloß hypothetische Erkenntnis. Anfänge dieses Wandlungsprozesses lassen sich im 19. Jahrhundert nachweisen (z.B. bei John Hersehel, William Whewell oder Hermann von Helmholtz). Ich möchte am Beispiel von Heisenberg der Frage nachgehen, welchen Einfluss die Begründung der Quantenmechanik, die seine Wissenschaftsauffassung prägte, auf den (...)
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  22. Q-spaces and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.Graciela Domenech, Federico Holik & Décio Krause - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (11):969-994.
    Our aim in this paper is to take quite seriously Heinz Post’s claim that the non-individuality and the indiscernibility of quantum objects should be introduced right at the start, and not made a posteriori by introducing symmetry conditions. Using a different mathematical framework, namely, quasi-set theory, we avoid working within a label-tensor-product-vector-space-formalism, to use Redhead and Teller’s words, and get a more intuitive way of dealing with the formalism of quantum mechanics, although the underlying logic should be (...)
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    The Logos Categorical Approach to Quantum Mechanics: I. Kochen-Specker Contextuality and Global Intensive Valuations.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - unknown
    In this paper we present a new categorical approach which attempts to provide an original understanding of QM. Our logos categorical approach attempts to consider the main features of the quantum formalism as the standpoint to develop a conceptual representation that explains what the theory is really talking about —rather than as problems that need to be bypassed in order to allow a restoration of a classical “common sense” understanding of what there is. In particular, we discuss a solution (...)
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  24.  29
    Fast Vacuum Fluctuations and the Emergence of Quantum Mechanics.Gerard ’T. Hooft - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (3):1-24.
    Fast moving classical variables can generate quantum mechanical behavior. We demonstrate how this can happen in a model. The key point is that in classically evolving systems one can still define a conserved quantum energy. For the fast variables, the energy levels are far separated, such that one may assume these variables to stay in their ground state. This forces them to be entangled, so that, consequently, the slow variables are entangled as well. The fast variables could be (...)
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    Sneaking a Look at God's Cards: Unraveling the Mysteries of Quantum Mechanics.G. C. Ghirardi - 2004
    Quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior of subatomic particles, seems to challenge common sense. Waves behave like particles; particles behave like waves. You can tell where a particle is, but not how fast it is moving--or vice versa. An electron faced with two tiny holes will travel through both at the same time, rather than one or the other. And then there is the enigma of creation ex nihilo, in which small particles appear with their so-called antiparticles, only (...)
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  26. Probability in Everettian Quantum Mechanics.Peter J. Lewis - 2010 - Manuscrito 33 (1):285--306.
    The main difficulty facing no-collapse theories of quantum mechanics in the Everettian tradition concerns the role of probability within a theory in which every possible outcome of a measurement actually occurs. The problem is two-fold: First, what do probability claims mean within such a theory? Second, what ensures that the probabilities attached to measurement outcomes match those of standard quantum mechanics? Deutsch has recently proposed a decision-theoretic solution to the second problem, according to which agents are (...)
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  27. “Fuzzy time”, a Solution of Unexpected Hanging Paradox (a Fuzzy interpretation of Quantum Mechanics).Farzad Didehvar - manuscript
    Although Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy Mathematics is a widespread subject and there is a vast literature about it, yet the use of Fuzzy issues like Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy numbers was relatively rare in time concept. This could be seen in the Fuzzy time series. In addition, some attempts are done in fuzzing Turing Machines but seemingly there is no need to fuzzy time. Throughout this article, we try to change this picture and show why it is helpful to consider (...)
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  28. The properties of modal interpretations of quantum mechanics.Rob Clifton - 1996 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 47 (3):371-398.
    Orthodox quantum mechanics includes the principle that an observable of a system possesses a well-defined value if and only if the presence of that value in the system is certain to be confirmed on measurement. Modal interpretations reject the controversial ‘only if’ half of this principle to secure definite outcomes for quantum measurements that leave the apparatus entangled with the object it has measured. However, using a result that turns on the construction of a Kochen–Specker contradiction, I (...)
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    Has Chemistry Been at Least Approximately Reduced to Quantum Mechanics?Eric R. Scerri - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:160 - 170.
    Differing views on reduction are briefly reviewed and a suggestion is made for a working definition of 'approximate reduction'. Ab initio studies in quantum chemistry are then considered, including the issues of convergence and error bounds. This includes an examination of the classic studies on CH2 and the recent work on the Si2C molecule. I conclude that chemistry has not even been approximately reduced.
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    The principle of anomaly in quantum mechanics.Hans Reichenbach - 1948 - Dialectica 2 (3‐4):337-350.
    SummaryThe following two questions are examined: 1o Do the unobservable parameters possess precise, though unknown, values ? 2o If these unobservable values were known, would it be possible to make precise predictions of the reults of later measurements ?The answer is shown to be negative; the questions, therefore, are not meaningless, being capable of a falsification. The inquiry leads to the establishment of a principle of anomaly, more precisely speaking, of causal anomaly, which is to be added to Heisenberg's principle (...)
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  31. A conjecture concerning determinism, reduction, and measurement in quantum mechanics.Arthur Jabs - 2016 - Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 3 (4):279-292.
    Determinism is established in quantum mechanics by tracing the probabilities in the Born rules back to the absolute (overall) phase constants of the wave functions and recognizing these phase constants as pseudorandom numbers. The reduction process (collapse) is independent of measurement. It occurs when two wavepackets overlap in ordinary space and satisfy a certain criterion, which depends on the phase constants of both wavepackets. Reduction means contraction of the wavepackets to the place of overlap. The measurement apparatus fans (...)
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    Do Dispositions and Propensities have a role in the Ontology of Quantum Mechanics? Some Critical Remarks.Mauro Dorato - unknown - Synthese Library.
    In order to tackle the question posed by the title – notoriously answered in the positive, among others, by Heisenberg, Margenau, Popper and Redhead – I first discuss some attempts at distinguishing dispositional from non-dispositional properties, and then relate the distinction to the formalism of quantum mechanics. Since any answer to the question titling the paper must be interpretation-dependent, I review some of the main interpretations of quantum mechanics in order to argue that the ontology of (...)
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    Is Einstein’s Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Ψ-Epistemic?Vincenzo Fano, Giovanni Macchia & Gino Tarozzi - 2019 - Axiomathes 29 (6):607-619.
    Harrigan and Spekkens, introduced the influential notion of an ontological model of operational quantum theory. Ontological models can be either “epistemic” or “ontic.” According to the two scholars, Einstein would have been one of the first to propose an epistemic interpretation of quantum mechanics. Pusey et al. showed that an epistemic interpretation of quantum theory is impossible, so implying that Einstein had been refuted. We discuss in detail Einstein’s arguments against the standard interpretation of QM, proving (...)
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    Beyond Weimar Culture– Die Bedeutung der Forman‐These für eine Wissenschaftsgeschichte in kulturhistorischer Perspektive.Helmuth Trischler, Cathryn Carson & Alexei Kojevnikov - 2008 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 31 (4):305-310.
    Beyond Weimar Culture – The Significance of the Forman Thesis for a Cultural Approach to the History of Science. The famous ‘Forman thesis’, published in 1971, argued for a historical linkage among the intellectual atmosphere of Weimar Germany, popular revolts against determinism and materialism, and the creation of the revolutionary new theory of quantum mechanics. Paul Forman's long essay on “Weimar Culture” has shaped research agendas in numerous fields, from the history and philosophy of physics to German history (...)
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    Why Scientific Realists Should Reject the Second Dogma of Quantum Mechanics.Valia Allori - 2020 - In Meir Hemmo & Orly Shenker (eds.), Quantum, Probability, Logic: Itamar Pitowsky’s Work and Influence. Springer. pp. 19-48.
    The information-theoretic approach to quantum mechanics, proposed by Bub and Pitowsky, is a realist approach to quantum theory which rejects the “two dogmas” of quantum mechanics: in this theory measurement results are not analysed in terms of something more fundamental, and the quantum state does not represent physical entities. Bub and Pitowsky’s approach has been criticized because their rejection of the first dogma relies on their argument that kinematic explanations are more satisfactory than dynamical (...)
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  36. Follow the Math!: The Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics as the Mathematics of Set Partitions Linearized to (Hilbert) Vector Spaces.David Ellerman - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (5):1-40.
    The purpose of this paper is to show that the mathematics of quantum mechanics is the mathematics of set partitions linearized to vector spaces, particularly in Hilbert spaces. That is, the math of QM is the Hilbert space version of the math to describe objective indefiniteness that at the set level is the math of partitions. The key analytical concepts are definiteness versus indefiniteness, distinctions versus indistinctions, and distinguishability versus indistinguishability. The key machinery to go from indefinite to (...)
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    Making Sense of Non-Individuals in Quantum Mechanics.Jonas R. B. Arenhart, Otávio Bueno & Décio Krause - forthcoming - In Olimpia Lombardi, Sebastian Fortin, Cristian López & Frederico Holik (eds.), Quantum Worlds. Different Perspectives about the ontology of quantum mechanics. Cambridge University Press.
    In this work, we focus on a very specific case study: assuming that quantum theories deal with “particles” of some kind, what kind of entity can such particles be? One possible answer, the one we shall examine here, is that they are not the usual kind of object found in daily life: individuals. Rather, we follow a suggestion by Erwin Schrödinger, according to which quantum mechanics poses a revolutionary kind of entity: non-individuals. While physics, as a scientific (...)
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    (1 other version)Connecting Spin and Statistics in Quantum Mechanics.Arthur Jabs - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (7):776-792.
    The spin-statistics connection is derived in a simple manner under the postulates that the original and the exchange wave functions are simply added, and that the azimuthal phase angle, which defines the orientation of the spin part of each single-particle spin-component eigenfunction in the plane normal to the spin-quantization axis, is exchanged along with the other parameters. The spin factor 2s belongs to the exchange wave function when this function is constructed so as to get the spinor ambiguity under control. (...)
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  39. Elementary propositions and essentially incomplete knowledge: A framework for the interpretation of quantum mechanics.William Demopoulos - 2004 - Noûs 38 (1):86–109.
    A central problem in the interpretation of non-relativistic quantum mechanics is to relate the conceptual structure of the theory to the classical idea of the state of a physical system. This paper approaches the problem by presenting an analysis of the notion of an elementary physical proposition. The notion is shown to be realized in standard formulations of the theory and to illuminate the significance of proofs of the impossibility of hidden variable extensions. In the interpretation of (...) mechanics that emerges from this analysis, the philosophically distinctive features of the theory derive from the fact that it seeks to represent a reality of which complete knowledge is essentially unattainable. (shrink)
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    Lagrangian Description for Particle Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics: Entangled Many-Particle Case.Roderick I. Sutherland - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (2):174-207.
    A Lagrangian formulation is constructed for particle interpretations of quantum mechanics, a well-known example of such an interpretation being the Bohm model. The advantages of such a description are that the equations for particle motion, field evolution and conservation laws can all be deduced from a single Lagrangian density expression. The formalism presented is Lorentz invariant. This paper follows on from a previous one which was limited to the single-particle case. The present paper treats the more general case (...)
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    The possibility of a more realistic interpretation of quantum mechanics.Jerzy Rayski - 1973 - Foundations of Physics 3 (1):89-100.
    The old-fashioned concept of state is shown to be inadequate and misleading. Replacing it by a concept of information and taking advantage of the invariance of the mechanical description under time reversal puts the problems of the interpretation of quantum mechanics in a new light. A more realistic interpretation appears to be possible. Moreover, a new explanation of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox is presented, too.
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  42. The idealistic interpretation of quantum mechanics.Amit Goswami - 1989 - Physics Essays 2:385-400.
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    Underdetermination: A Realist Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and Bohmian Mechanics.Chunling Yan - 2023 - Foundations of Science 28 (2):529-550.
    It is generally believed that two rival non-relativistic quantum theories, the realist interpretation of quantum mechanics and Bohmian mechanics, are empirically equivalent. In this paper, I use these two quantum theories to show that it is possible to offer a solution to underdetermination in some local cases, by specifying what counts as relevant empirical evidence in empirical equivalence and underdetermination. I argue for a _domain-sensitive_ approach to underdetermination. Domain sensitivity on theories’ predictions plays a role (...)
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    Analysis of Wallace’s Proof of the Born Rule in Everettian Quantum Mechanics: Formal Aspects.André L. G. Mandolesi - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (7):751-782.
    To solve the probability problem of the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, D. Wallace has presented a formal proof of the Born rule via decision theory, as proposed by D. Deutsch. The idea is to get subjective probabilities from rational decisions related to quantum measurements, showing the non-probabilistic parts of the quantum formalism, plus some rational constraints, ensure the squared modulus of quantum amplitudes play the role of such probabilities. We provide a new presentation (...)
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    Classicality First: Why Zurek’s Existential Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Implies Copenhagen.Javier Sánchez-Cañizares - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (2):275-285.
    Most interpretations of Quantum Mechanics alternative to Copenhagen interpretation try to avoid the dualistic flavor of the latter. One of the basic goals of the former is to avoid the ad hoc introduction of observers and observations as an inevitable presupposition of physics. Non-Copenhagen interpretations usually trust in decoherence as a necessary mechanism to obtain a well-defined, observer-free transition from a unitary quantum description of the universe to classicality. Even though decoherence does not solve the problem of (...)
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  46. The many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics: Psychological versus physical bases for the multiplicity of "worlds".Howard Barnum - unknown
    This unpublished 1990 preprint argues that a crucial distinction in discussions of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics (MWI) is that between versions of the interpretation positing a physical multiplicity of worlds, and those in which the multiplicity is merely psychological, and due to the splitting of consciousness upon interaction with amplified quantum superpositions. It is argued that Everett's original version of the MWI belongs to the latter class, and that most of the criticisms leveled against the (...)
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  47. (1 other version)On the Classical Limit of Quantum Mechanics.Valia Allori & Nino Zanghì - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 10.1007/S10701-008-9259-4 39 (1):20-32.
    Contrary to the widespread belief, the problem of the emergence of classical mechanics from quantum mechanics is still open. In spite of many results on the ¯h → 0 asymptotics, it is not yet clear how to explain within standard quantum mechanics the classical motion of macroscopic bodies. In this paper we shall analyze special cases of classical behavior in the framework of a precise formulation of quantum mechanics, Bohmian mechanics, which contains (...)
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    The heroic age: the creation of quantum mechanics, 1925-1940.Robert D. Purrington - 2018 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book is a history of the crucial developmental years of quantum theory with an emphasis on the literature rather than an overview of this period focusing on personalities or personal stories of the scientists involved. This book instead focuses on how the theoretical discoveries came about, when and where they were published, and how they became accepted as part of the scientific canon.
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  49. Essays on the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics.Eddy Keming Chen - 2019 - Dissertation, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
    What is the proper metaphysics of quantum mechanics? In this dissertation, I approach the question from three different but related angles. First, I suggest that the quantum state can be understood intrinsically as relations holding among regions in ordinary space-time, from which we can recover the wave function uniquely up to an equivalence class (by representation and uniqueness theorems). The intrinsic account eliminates certain conventional elements (e.g. overall phase) in the representation of the quantum state. It (...)
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    Philosophy of Biology, Psychology, and Neuroscience-Philosophy of Chemistry-Putting Quantum Mechanics to Work in Chemistry: The Power of Diagrammatic Representation.Eric Scerri & Andrea I. Woody - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):S612-S627.
    Most contemporary chemists consider quantum mechanics to be the foundational theory of their discipline, although few of the calculations that a strict reduction would seem to require have ever been produced. In this essay I discuss contemporary algebraic and diagrammatic representations of molecular systems derived from quantum mechanical models, specifically configuration interaction wavefunctions for ab initio calculations and molecular orbital energy diagrams. My aim is to suggest that recent dissatisfaction with reductive accounts of chemical theory may stem (...)
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