Results for 'Quantum relative entropy'

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  1.  10
    Origin of temporal (t > 0) universe: connecting with relativity, entropy, communication, and quantum mechanics.Francis T. S. Yu - 2020 - Boca Raton: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group.
    The essence of temporal universe creation is that any analytical solution has to comply with the boundary condition of our universe; dimensionality and causality constraints. The essence of this book is to show that everything has a price within our temporal (t > 0) universe; energy and time.
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    Extended Scale Relativity, p-Loop Harmonic Oscillator, and Logarithmic Corrections to the Black Hole Entropy.Carlos Castro & Alex Granik - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (3):445-466.
    An extended scale relativity theory, actively developed by one of the authors, incorporates Nottale's scale relativity principle where the Planck scale is the minimum impassible invariant scale in Nature, and the use of polyvector-valued coordinates in C-spaces (Clifford manifolds) where all lengths, areas, volumes⋅ are treated on equal footing. We study the generalization of the ordinary point-particle quantum mechanical oscillator to the p-loop (a closed p-brane) case in C-spaces. Its solution exhibits some novel features: an emergence of two explicit (...)
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    On Clifford Space Relativity, Black Hole Entropy, Rainbow Metrics, Generalized Dispersion and Uncertainty Relations.Carlos Castro - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (9):990-1008.
    An analysis of some of the applications of Clifford space relativity to the physics behind the modified black hole entropy-area relations, rainbow metrics, generalized dispersion and minimal length stringy uncertainty relations is presented.
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    Entropy in operational statistics and quantum logic.Carl A. Hein - 1979 - Foundations of Physics 9 (9-10):751-786.
    In a series of recent papers, Randall and Foulis have developed a generalized theory of probability (operational statistics) which is based on the notion of a physical operation. They have shown that the quantum logic description of quantum mechanics can be naturally imbedded into this generalized theory of probability. In this paper we shall investigate the role of entropy (in the sense of Shannon's theory of information) in operational statistics. We shall find that there are several related (...)
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    A Set-Theoretic Analysis of the Black Hole Entropy Puzzle.Gábor Etesi - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 54 (1):1-28.
    Motivated by the known mathematical and physical problems arising from the current mathematical formalization of the physical spatio-temporal continuum, as a substantial technical clarification of our earlier attempt (Etesi in Found Sci 25:327–340, 2020), the aim in this paper is twofold. Firstly, by interpreting Chaitin’s variant of Gödel’s first incompleteness theorem as an inherent uncertainty or fuzziness present in the set of real numbers, a set-theoretic entropy is assigned to it using the Kullback–Leibler relative entropy of a (...)
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  6. Quantum Information in Relativity: The Challenge of QFT Measurements.C. Anastopoulos & N. Savvidou - 2022 - Entropy 24:4.
    Proposed quantum experiments in deep space will be able to explore quantum information issues in regimes where relativistic effects are important. In this essay, we argue that a proper extension of quantum information theory into the relativistic domain requires the expression of all informational notions in terms of quantum field theoretic (QFT) concepts. This task requires a working and practicable theory of QFT measurements. We present the foundational problems in constructing such a theory, especially in relation (...)
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  7.  24
    Black Hole Entropy from Non-dirichlet Sectors, and a Bounce Solution.I. Y. Park - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (4):1-21.
    The relevance of gravitational boundary degrees of freedom and their dynamics in gravity quantization and black hole information has been explored in a series of recent works. In this work we further progress by focusing keenly on the genuine gravitational boundary degrees of freedom as the origin of black hole entropy. Wald’s entropy formula is scrutinized, and the reason that Wald’s formula correctly captures the entropy of a black hole examined. Afterwards, limitations of Wald’s method are discussed; (...)
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  8.  74
    Integrated Information-Induced Quantum Collapse.Kobi Kremnizer & André Ranchin - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (8):889-899.
    We present a novel spontaneous collapse model where size is no longer the property of a physical system which determines its rate of collapse. Instead, we argue that the rate of spontaneous localization should depend on a system’s quantum Integrated Information, a novel physical property which describes a system’s capacity to act like a quantum observer. We introduce quantum Integrated Information, present our QII collapse model and briefly explain how it may be experimentally tested against quantum (...)
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  9.  29
    Quantum Mechanics Based on an Extended Least Action Principle and Information Metrics of Vacuum Fluctuations.Jianhao M. Yang - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (3):1-31.
    We show that the formulations of non-relativistic quantum mechanics can be derived from an extended least action principle. The principle can be considered as an extension of the least action principle from classical mechanics by factoring in two assumptions. First, the Planck constant defines the minimal amount of action a physical system needs to exhibit during its dynamics in order to be observable. Second, there is constant vacuum fluctuation along a classical trajectory. A novel method is introduced to define (...)
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  10.  26
    A Brief Introduction to Observational Entropy.Dominik Šafránek, Anthony Aguirre, Joseph Schindler & J. M. Deutsch - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (5):1-20.
    In the past several years, observational entropy has been developed as both a quantum generalization of Boltzmann entropy, and as a rather general framework to encompass classical and quantum equilibrium and non-equilibrium coarse-grained entropy. In this paper we review the construction, interpretation, most important properties, and some applications of this framework. The treatment is self-contained and relatively pedagogical, aimed at a broad class of researchers.
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  11.  31
    New Foundations for Information Theory: Logical Entropy and Shannon Entropy.David Ellerman - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This monograph offers a new foundation for information theory that is based on the notion of information-as-distinctions, being directly measured by logical entropy, and on the re-quantification as Shannon entropy, which is the fundamental concept for the theory of coding and communications. Information is based on distinctions, differences, distinguishability, and diversity. Information sets are defined that express the distinctions made by a partition, e.g., the inverse-image of a random variable so they represent the pre-probability notion of information. Then (...)
  12. Information Theories with Adversaries, Intrinsic Information, and Entanglement.Karol Horodecki, Michał Horodecki, Pawel Horodecki & Jonathan Oppenheim - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (12):2027-2040.
    There are aspects of privacy theory that are analogous to quantum theory. In particular one can define distillable key and key cost in parallel to distillable entanglement and entanglement cost. We present here classical privacy theory as a particular case of information theory with adversaries, where similar general laws hold as in entanglement theory. We place the result of Renner and Wolf—that intrinsic information is lower bound for key cost—into this general formalism. Then we show that the question of (...)
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  13. From Quantum Entanglement to Spatiotemporal Distance.Alyssa Ney - 2021 - In Christian Wüthrich, Baptiste Le Bihan & Nick Huggett, Philosophy Beyond Spacetime: Implications From Quantum Gravity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Within the field of quantum gravity, there is an influential research program developing the connection between quantum entanglement and spatiotemporal distance. Quantum information theory gives us highly refined tools for quantifying quantum entanglement such as the entanglement entropy. Through a series of well-confirmed results, it has been shown how these facts about the entanglement entropy of component systems may be connected to facts about spatiotemporal distance. Physicists are seeing these results as yielding promising methods (...)
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    Microscopic Legendre Transform, Canonical Ensemble and Jaynes’ Maximum Entropy Principle.Ramandeep S. Johal - 2025 - Foundations of Physics 55 (1):1-13.
    Legendre transform between thermodynamic quantities such as the Helmholtz free energy and entropy plays a key role in the formulation of the canonical ensemble. In the standard treatment, the transform exchanges the independent variable from the system’s internal energy to its conjugate variable—the inverse temperature of the heat reservoir. In this article, we formulate a microscopic version of the transform between the free energy and Shannon entropy of the system, where the conjugate variables are the microstate probabilities and (...)
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  15.  79
    Microscopic Relativity: The Basic Theory. [REVIEW]Richard Lieu - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (8):1233-1250.
    In effort to investigate how quantum physics might modify Einstein's Theory of Relativity at speeds v→c, the relationship between space-time coordinates of different reference frames is revisited by introducing only one new parameter xo, a fundamental constant for the quantization of space. The starting point is three criteria: (a) real space-time data are conditioned by standard quantum effects on measurements; (b) since currently used apparatus are only capable of probing the aggregate behavior of these quanta the relevant model (...)
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  16.  29
    Squashed Entanglement, $$mathbf {}$$-Extendibility, Quantum Marov Chains, and Recovery Maps.Ke Li & Andreas Winter - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (8):910-924.
    Squashed entanglement :829–840, 2004) is a monogamous entanglement measure, which implies that highly extendible states have small value of the squashed entanglement. Here, invoking a recent inequality for the quantum conditional mutual information :575–611, 2015) greatly extended and simplified in various work since, we show the converse, that a small value of squashed entanglement implies that the state is close to a highly extendible state. As a corollary, we establish an alternative proof of the faithfulness of squashed entanglement. We (...)
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  17. Probabilities for Observing Mixed Quantum States given Limited Prior Information.Matthew J. Donald - unknown
    The original development of the formalism of quantum mechanics involved the study of isolated quantum systems in pure states. Such systems fail to capture important aspects of the warm, wet, and noisy physical world which can better be modelled by quantum statistical mechanics and local quantum field theory using mixed states of continuous systems. In this context, we need to be able to compute quantum probabilities given only partial information. Specifically, suppose that B is a (...)
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  18.  36
    Quantum Mechanics and the Principle of Least Radix Economy.Vladimir Garcia-Morales - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (3):295-332.
    A new variational method, the principle of least radix economy, is formulated. The mathematical and physical relevance of the radix economy, also called digit capacity, is established, showing how physical laws can be derived from this concept in a unified way. The principle reinterprets and generalizes the principle of least action yielding two classes of physical solutions: least action paths and quantum wavefunctions. A new physical foundation of the Hilbert space of quantum mechanics is then accomplished and it (...)
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  19.  69
    Does time exist in quantum gravity?Claus Kiefer - 2015 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 59:7-24.
    Time is absolute in standard quantum theory and dynamical in general relativity. The combination of both theories into a theory of quantum gravity leads therefore to a “problem of time”. In my essay, I investigate those consequences for the concept of time that may be drawn without a detailed knowledge of quantum gravity. The only assumptions are the experimentally supported universality of the linear structure of quantum theory and the recovery of general relativity in the classical (...)
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  20.  27
    Quantum and Relativistic Corrections to Maxwell–Boltzmann Ideal Gas Model from a Quantum Phase Space Approach.Rivo Herivola Manjakamanana Ravelonjato, Ravo Tokiniaina Ranaivoson, Raoelina Andriambololona, Roland Raboanary, Hanitriarivo Rakotoson & Naivo Rabesiranana - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (5):1-20.
    The quantum corrections related to the ideal gas model often considered are those associated to the bosonic or fermionic nature of particles. However, in this work, other kinds of corrections related to the quantum nature of phase space are highlighted. These corrections are introduced as improvements in the expression of the partition function of an ideal gas. Then corrected thermodynamics properties of the ideal gas are deduced. Both the non-relativistic quantum and relativistic quantum cases are considered. (...)
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  21.  26
    Quantum Uncertainty Dynamics.Md Manirul Ali - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (1):1-20.
    Quantum uncertainty relations have deep-rooted significance in the formalism of quantum mechanics. Heisenberg’s uncertainty relations attracted a renewed interest for its applications in quantum information science. Following the discovery of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Robertson derived a general form of Heisenberg’s uncertainty relations for a pair of arbitrary observables represented by Hermitian operators. In the present work, we discover a temporal version of the Heisenberg–Robertson uncertainty relations for the measurement of two observables at two different times, where (...)
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  22.  62
    Quantum Black Holes as Solvents.Paweł Horodecki, Michał Eckstein & Erik Aurell - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (2):1-13.
    Almost all of the entropy in the universe is in the form of Bekenstein–Hawking (BH) entropy of super-massive black holes. This entropy, if it satisfies Boltzmann’s equation S=logN\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$S=\log \mathcal{N}$$\end{document}, hence represents almost all the accessible phase space of the Universe, somehow associated to objects which themselves fill out a very small fraction of ordinary three-dimensional space. Although time scales are very long, it is believed that black holes will (...)
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  23.  54
    Quantum theoretic machines: what is thought from the point of view of physics.August Stern - 2000 - New York: Elsevier.
    Making Sense of Inner Sense 'Terra cognita' is terra incognita. It is difficult to find someone not taken abackand fascinated by the incomprehensible but indisputable fact: there are material systems which are aware of themselves. Consciousness is self-cognizing code. During homo sapiens's relentness and often frustrated search for self-understanding various theories of consciousness have been and continue to be proposed. However, it remains unclear whether and at what level the problems of consciousness and intelligent thought can be resolved. Science's greatest (...)
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  24.  24
    On the Reality of the Quantum State Once Again: A No-Go Theorem for $$\psi$$ -Ontic Models?Shan Gao - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (4):1-6.
    In a recent paper (Found Phys 54:14, 2024), Carcassi, Oldofredi and Aidala concluded that the \(\psi\) -ontic models defined by Harrigan and Spekkens cannot be consistent with quantum mechanics, since the information entropy of a mixture of non-orthogonal states are different in these two theories according to their information theoretic analysis. In this paper, I argue that this no-go theorem for \(\psi\) -ontic models is false by explaining the physical origin of the von Neumann entropy in (...) mechanics. (shrink)
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  25.  88
    Time symmetry and interpretation of quantum mechanics.O. Costa de Beauregard - 1976 - Foundations of Physics 6 (5):539-559.
    A drastic resolution of the quantum paradoxes is proposed, combining (I) von Neumann's postulate that collapse of the state vector is due to the act of observation, and (II) my reinterpretation of von Neumann's quantal irreversibility as an equivalence between wave retardation and entropy increase, both being “factlike” rather than “lawlike” (Mehlberg). This entails a coupling of the two de jure symmetries between (I) retarded and (II) advanced waves, and between Aristotle's information as (I) learning and (II) willing (...)
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  26.  84
    Quantum Mutual Entropy Defined by Liftings.Satoshi Iriyama & Masanori Ohya - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (3):406-413.
    A lifting is a map from the state of a system to that of a compound system, which was introduced in Accardi and Ohya (Appl. Math. Optim. 39:33–59, 1999). The lifting can be applied to various physical processes.In this paper, we defined a quantum mutual entropy by the lifting. The usual quantum mutual entropy satisfies the Shannon inequality (Ohya in IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 29(5):770–774, 1983), but the mutual entropy defined through the lifting does not (...)
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  27. The Particle of Haag's Local Quantum Physics: A critical assessment.Gregg Jaeger - 2024 - Entropy 26:748.
    Rudolf Haag’s Local Quantum Physics (LQP) is an alternative framework to conventional relativistic quantum field theory for combining special relativity and quantum theory based on first principles, making it of great interest for the purposes of conceptual analysis despite currently being relatively limited as a tool for making experimental predictions. In LQP, the elementary particles are defined as species of causal link between interaction events, together with which they comprise its most fundamental entities. This notion of particle (...)
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  28. On Classical and Quantum Logical Entropy.David Ellerman - manuscript
    The notion of a partition on a set is mathematically dual to the notion of a subset of a set, so there is a logic of partitions dual to Boole's logic of subsets (Boolean logic is usually mis-specified as "propositional" logic). The notion of an element of a subset has as its dual the notion of a distinction of a partition (a pair of elements in different blocks). Boole developed finite logical probability as the normalized counting measure on elements of (...)
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  29.  43
    How Not to Establish the Non-renormalizability of Gravity.Juliusz Doboszewski & Niels Linnemann - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (2):237-252.
    General relativity cannot be formulated as a perturbatively renormalizable quantum field theory. An argument relying on the validity of the Bekenstein–Hawking entropy formula aims at dismissing gravity as non-renormalizable per se, against hopes that d-dimensional GR could turn out to have a non-perturbatively renormalizable d–dimensional quantum field theoretic formulation. In this note we discuss various forms of highly problematic semi-classical extrapolations assumed by both sides of the debate concerning what we call The Entropy Argument, and show (...)
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  30. Robert Hermann.Bohr-Sommerfeld Quantization in General Relativity - 1980 - In A. R. Marlow, Quantum theory and gravitation. New York: Academic Press.
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  31. Phillip E. Parker Department of Mathematics Syracuse University Syracuse, New York.New Directions In Relativity - 1980 - In A. R. Marlow, Quantum theory and gravitation. New York: Academic Press.
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  32. Logical Entropy: Introduction to Classical and Quantum Logical Information theory.David Ellerman - 2018 - Entropy 20 (9):679.
    Logical information theory is the quantitative version of the logic of partitions just as logical probability theory is the quantitative version of the dual Boolean logic of subsets. The resulting notion of information is about distinctions, differences and distinguishability and is formalized using the distinctions of a partition. All the definitions of simple, joint, conditional and mutual entropy of Shannon information theory are derived by a uniform transformation from the corresponding definitions at the logical level. The purpose of this (...)
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  33.  27
    Foundations of a Theory of Gravity with a Constraint and Its Canonical Quantization.Alexander P. Sobolev - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 52 (1):1-44.
    The gravitational equations were derived in general relativity using the assumption of their covariance relative to arbitrary transformations of coordinates. It has been repeatedly expressed an opinion over the past century that such equality of all coordinate systems may not correspond to reality. Nevertheless, no actual verification of the necessity of this assumption has been made to date. The paper proposes a theory of gravity with a constraint, the degenerate variants of which are general relativity and the unimodular theory (...)
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  34.  45
    Parametric scaling from species relative abundances to absolute abundances in the computation of biological diversity: A first proposal using Shannon's entropy.Carlo Ricotta - 2003 - Acta Biotheoretica 51 (3):181-188.
    Traditional diversity measures such as the Shannon entropy are generally computed from the species' relative abundance vector of a given community to the exclusion of species' absolute abundances. In this paper, I first mention some examples where the total information content associated with a given community may be more adequate than Shannon's average information content for a better understanding of ecosystem functioning. Next, I propose a parametric measure of statistical information that contains both Shannon's entropy and total (...)
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  35.  98
    Entropic concepts in electronic structure theory.Roman F. Nalewajski - 2012 - Foundations of Chemistry 16 (1):27-62.
    It is argued that some elusive “entropic” characteristics of chemical bonds, e.g., bond multiplicities (orders), which connect the bonded atoms in molecules, can be probed using quantities and techniques of Information Theory (IT). This complementary perspective increases our insight and understanding of the molecular electronic structure. The specific IT tools for detecting effects of chemical bonds and predicting their entropic multiplicities in molecules are summarized. Alternative information densities, including measures of the local entropy deficiency or its displacement relative (...)
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  36.  88
    The case for black hole thermodynamics part II: Statistical mechanics.David Wallace - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 66 (C):103-117.
    I present in detail the case for regarding black hole thermodynamics as having a statistical-mechanical explanation in exact parallel with the statistical-mechanical explanation believed to underly the thermodynamics of other systems. I focus on three lines of argument: zero-loop and one-loop calculations in quantum general relativity understood as a quantum field theory, using the path-integral formalism; calculations in string theory of the leading-order terms, higher-derivative corrections, and quantum corrections, in the black hole entropy formula for extremal (...)
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  37. Conformal Symmetry and Quantum Relativity.Marc-Thierry Jaekel & Serge Reynaud - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (3):439-456.
    The relativistic conception of space and time is challenged by the quantum nature of physical observables. It has been known for a long time that Poincare symmetry of field theory can be extended to the larger conformal symmetry. We use these symmetries to define quantum observables associated with positions in space-time, in the spirit of Einstein theory of relativity. This conception of localization may be applied to massive as well as massless fields. Localization observables are defined as to (...)
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  38.  59
    Is thermodynamics subjective?Katie Robertson & Carina Prunkl - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science:1-16.
    Thermodynamics is an unusual theory. Prominent figures, including J.C. Maxwell and E.T. Jaynes, have suggested that thermodynamics is anthropocentric. Additionally, contemporary approaches to quantum thermodynamics label thermodynamics a ‘subjective theory’. Here, we evaluate some of the strongest arguments for anthropocentrism based on the heat/work distinction, the second law, and the nature of entropy. We show that these arguments do not commit us to an anthropocentric view but instead point towards a resource-relative understanding of thermodynamics which can be (...)
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  39. Quantum Relativity. [REVIEW]Basil J. Hiley - 1998 - Process Studies 27 (3):350-352.
  40.  31
    Fermi’s Golden Rule and the Second Law of Thermodynamics.D. Braak & J. Mannhart - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (11):1509-1540.
    We present a Gedankenexperiment that leads to a violation of detailed balance if quantum mechanical transition probabilities are treated in the usual way by applying Fermi’s “golden rule”. This Gedankenexperiment introduces a collection of two-level systems that absorb and emit radiation randomly through non-reciprocal coupling to a waveguide, as realized in specific chiral quantum optical systems. The non-reciprocal coupling is modeled by a hermitean Hamiltonian and is compatible with the time-reversal invariance of unitary quantum dynamics. Surprisingly, the (...)
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  41.  28
    On Entropy of Quantum Compound Systems.Noboru Watanabe - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (10):1311-1329.
    We review some notions for general quantum entropies. The entropy of the compound systems is discussed and a numerical computation of the quantum dynamical systems is carried for the noisy optical channel.
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  42. Thermodynamics of an Empty Box.G. J. Schmitz, M. te Vrugt, T. Haug-Warberg, L. Ellingsen & P. Needham - 2023 - Entropy 25 (315):1-30.
    A gas in a box is perhaps the most important model system studied in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Usually, studies focus on the gas, whereas the box merely serves as an idealized confinement. The present article focuses on the box as the central object and develops a thermodynamic theory by treating the geometric degrees of freedom of the box as the degrees of freedom of a thermodynamic system. Applying standard mathematical methods to the thermody- namics of an empty box allows (...)
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  43.  94
    Classical Black Holes Are Hot.Erik Curiel - unknown
    In the early 1970s it is was realized that there is a striking formal analogy between the Laws of black-hole mechanics and the Laws of classical thermodynamics. Before the discovery of Hawking radiation, however, it was generally thought that the analogy was only formal, and did not reflect a deep connection between gravitational and thermodynamical phenomena. It is still commonly held that the surface gravity of a stationary black hole can be construed as a true physical temperature and its area (...)
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  44.  36
    Physics Beyond the Multiverse: Naturalness and the Quest for a Fundamental Theory.Heinrich Päs - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (9):1051-1065.
    Finetuning and Naturalness are extra-empirical theory assessments that reflect our expectation how scientific theories should provide an intuitive understanding about the foundations underlying the observed phenomena. Recently, the absence of new physics at the LHC and the theoretical evidence for a multiverse of alternative physical realities, predicted by our best fundamental theories, have casted doubts about the validity of these concepts. In this essay we argue that the discussion about Finetuning should not predominantly concentrate on the desired features a fundamental (...)
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    Emergence: selection, allowed operations, and conserved quantities.Gennaro Auletta - 2015 - South African Journal of Philosophy 34 (1):93-105.
    We treat emergence via reference to four ideas: (1) the different levels of emergence are characterised by distinct conservation laws, (2) the emergence process starts from some instability, (3) the driving force of emergence is given by selection processes allowing canalisation of specific (emerging) paths, and (4) new forms of stability are determined by new kinds of operations. At a quantum-mechanical level entropy is conserved in an isolated system or at global level and the only allowed operations are (...)
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  46.  53
    Are Classical Black Holes Hot or Cold?Erik Curiel - unknown
    In the early 1970s it is was realized that there is a striking formal analogy between the Laws of black-hole mechanics and the Laws of classical thermodynamics. Before the discovery of Hawking radiation, however, it was generally thought that the analogy was only formal, and did not reflect a deep connection between gravitational and thermodynamical phenomena. It is still commonly held that the surface gravity of a stationary black hole can be construed as a true physical temperature and its area (...)
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  47. The geometrical aspects of the bell inequalities.Alexei A. Tyapkin & Milan Vindushka - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (2):185-195.
    The Bell inequalities of the metric form are introduced. The quantum-mechanical correlations of the particles with s=1/2 and photons are described using the relative measure of probability on the concave surfaces. The relation of the proposed scheme with the Bayes theorem about conditional information entropy and J. von Neumann's postulates is discussed.
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  48.  48
    Towards an Information Description of Space-Time.Merab Gogberashvili - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (4):1-16.
    We attempt to describe geometry in terms of informational quantities for the universe considered as a finite ensemble of correlated quantum particles. As the main dynamical principle, we use the conservation of the sum of all kinds of entropies: thermodynamic, quantum and informational. The fundamental constant of speed is interpreted as the information velocity for the world ensemble and also connected with the gravitational potential of the universe on a particle. The two postulates, which are enough to derive (...)
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  49.  13
    The Mathematical Bases for the Creation of a Homogenous 5D Universe.Kai Wai Wong - 2024 - Open Journal of Philosophy 14 (2):481-487.
    Several important physical implications left out in The Five Dimension Space-Time Universe: A creation and grand unified field theory model. Book, are presented under rigorous mathematical theorems. It was found that Temperature, a classical variable, must be added as an imaginary component to time, under the Quantum uncertainty dt∙dE = h/2π, so that the Gell-Mann Quark model can be verified, with gauge invariance, to form hadrons at the Bethe Fusion Temperature. Accordingly from the corresponding uncertainty dp∙dr = h/2π. Pairs (...)
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  50.  33
    The fourth structure of physical reality.Gerben J. Stavenga - 1983 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 14 (2):354-367.
    In the course of a study of elementary particles, an analysis is given of a fundamental presupposition of many research programs, namely the belief in the ultimate unity of physics. It is argued tht this unity-idea is incorrect. By classical physics, relativity theory and quantum theory three distinct structures of nature are revealed. Next, the essential aspect of measurement, that a measurement always results in a record, is analysed. Recording implies irreversibility and entropy production. In modern elementary particle (...)
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