Rafael Hernández Marín [6]Raúl Villegas Marín [4]R. Marín [3]Rafael Marín [3]
Roxana Marin [2]Rafael Rodríguez Marín [1]Rubén Marín [1]Raoul Marin [1]

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  1.  28
    Practical Logic and the Analysis of Legal Language.Rafael Hernández Marín - 1991 - Ratio Juris 4 (3):322-333.
    Abstract.One of the theses of the present work is that, at the strictly logical and methodological level, practical logic has neither made, nor can it make any contribution to the philosophy of law, since none of the three branches of practical logic that have been taken into account, namely, the logic of norms, deontic logic and legal logic, seems to be theoretically possible. The contribution of practical logic to the analysis of legal language is assessed in terms of both the (...)
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  2.  11
    On point-duration networks for temporal reasoning.I. Navarrete, A. Sattar, R. Wetprasit & R. Marin - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 140 (1-2):39-70.
  3. Value Attainment, Orientations, and Quality-Based Profile of the Local Political Elites in East-Central Europe. Evidence from Four Towns.Roxana Marin - 2015 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 2 (1):95-123.
    The present paper is an attempt at examining the value configuration and the socio-demographical profiles of the local political elites in four countries of East-Central Europe: Romania, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and Poland. The treatment is a comparative one, predominantly descriptive and exploratory, and employs, as a research method, the case-study, being a quite circumscribed endeavor. The cases focus on the members of the Municipal/Local Council in four towns similar in terms of demography and developmental strategies (i.e. small-to-medium sized communities (...)
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  4. Contributi al realismo giuridico.Enrico Pattaro, Carla Faralli & Rafael Hernández Marín (eds.) - 1982 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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  5. L'éon dogmatique.Lucian Blaga, Jessie Marin, Raoul Marin, Mariana Danesco, Georges Danesco & Vintila Horia - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (1):124-125.
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  6.  11
    Fuzzy constraint networks for signal pattern recognition.P. Félix, S. Barro & R. Marín - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 148 (1-2):103-140.
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  7.  27
    A Singerian Reading of the Global Strategies to Eradicate Famine in Africa (2005-2010).Roxana Marin - 2012 - Public Reason 4 (1-2):240-61.
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  8.  22
    Aversi texerunt eum La crítica a Agustin y a los Agustinianos sudgálicos en el Commonitorium de Vicente de Lérins.Raúl Villegas Marín - 2006 - Augustinianum 46 (2):481-528.
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  9.  54
    Chile: Acceptability of a Training Program for Depression Management in Primary Care.Rigoberto Marín, Pablo Martínez, Juan P. Cornejo, Berta Díaz, José Peralta, Álvaro Tala & Graciela Rojas - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  10.  45
    En polémica con Julían de Eclanum.Raúl Villegas Marín - 2003 - Augustinianum 43 (1):81-124.
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  11.  24
    El reto democrático de la inmigración ilegal (a la luz del debate actual en España).Ruth Rubio Marín - 2002 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 36:173-196.
    En el siguiente artículo analizo con respecto a países con altos niveles de inmigración y en términos de legitimidad democrática, el reto que plantea la existencia en los mismos de sectores de la población que, por carecer de la nacionalidad del Estado de residencia, carecen de la plenitud de derechos y libertades que nutren el espacio de igualdad cívica en un orden liberal democrático. Centro mi análisis en el colectivo de los llamados "inmigrantes ilegales", que es el que está sujeto (...)
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  12.  13
    El „Sueño de Escipión“ , el „díptico de la Consecratio“ y la rehabilitación oficial de Virio Nicómaco Flaviano.Raúl Villegas Marín - 2017 - Klio 99 (2):644-675.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 99 Heft: 2 Seiten: 644-675.
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  13. La persecución Del maniqueísmo durante el pontificado de león I (440-461).Raúl Villegas Marín - 2004 - Polis 16:213-244.
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  14.  27
    National Limits to Democratic Citizenship.Rut Rubio Marin - 1998 - Ratio Juris 11 (1):51-66.
  15.  11
    Teoría general del derecho y de la ciencia jurídica.Rafael Hernández Marín - 1989 - Barcelona: PPU, S.A..
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  16.  15
    Pruning and repopulating a lexical taxonomy: experiments in Spanish, English and French.Irene Renau, Rafael Marín, Gabriela Ferraro, Antonio Balvet & Rogelio Nazar - 2020 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):376-394.
    In this paper we present the problem of a noisy lexical taxonomy and suggest two tasks as potential remedies. The first task is to identify and eliminate incorrect hypernymy links, and the second is to repopulate the taxonomy with new relations. The first task consists of revising the entire taxonomy and returning a Boolean for each assertion of hypernymy between two nouns (e.g. brie is a kind of cheese). The second task consists of recursively producing a chain of hypernyms for (...)
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