Results for 'Radicalism in art. '

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  1.  22
    Nigerian Radicalism: Towards a New Definition via a Historical Survey.Adam Mayer - forthcoming - Historical Materialism:1-36.
    Recent military coups in West Africa have put the continent’s democratisation itself into question. In some places, for the moment, these coups appear to have popular backing. Nigeria, where radicalism is firmly rooted in democratic values and a human-rights framework, the radical grassroots opposition to the Buhari government’s creeping authoritarianism lies drenched in blood. The roots of this development go back to the history of Nigeria’s radicalism in the twentieth century. Much has appeared on the global 1968 recently, (...)
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    Of Israel, Forst & Voltaire: Deism, Toleration, and Radicalism.Matthew Sharpe - 2024 - Critical Horizons 25 (2):129-152.
    In the recent progressive reappraisals of the enlightenment by Jonathan Israel and Rainer Forst, Voltaire figures as almost a reactionary thinker, opposing the radical dimensions of the enlightenment pushing forwards secularisation, democratisation, and toleration. Part 1 examines Israel’s and Forst’s accounts of Voltaire, showing their striking proximity. Part 2 is divided into the three subheadings of (i) Voltaire’s deism, (ii) the pivotal subject of toleration, and (iii) the decisive question of what philosophical radicalism, in the direction of democratising reform, (...)
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    Confucian Politics and Its Redress: From Radicalism to Gradualism.Lu Jiande - 2009 - Diogenes 56 (1):83-93.
    This paper addresses the current revival of Confucianism in China. It analyzes its political issues and outcomes, underlines the possible defects in Confucianism as a theory of politics, i.e., as a science and art of government and a public ethics. It looks back to the dialectical relationship between Confucius and Mencius and shows how the presence of Confucianist elements in 20th-century politics contributed to shape the public and political sphere in contemporary China. The strains between revolutionary and reformist orientations through (...)
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    The Security of the Obvious: On John Cage's Musical Radicalism.Daniel A. Herwitz - 1988 - Critical Inquiry 14 (4):784-804.
    That [John] Cage’s challenge to our musical beliefs, attitudes, and practices is posed from the difficult perspective of a Zen master has often been discussed. What has been neglected both by Cage himself and by others is another equally potent challenge to the ordinary which Cage formulates in a related but distinct voice: that of the philosopher. Through his relentless inquiry into new music, Cage had defined certain radical possibilities for musical change. What is in effect his skepticism about music (...)
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    Social Radicalism and the Arts: Western Europe.Anson G. Rabinbach - 1971 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1971 (7):141-145.
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    Art of Living: Irony and Redemption from Egotism.Tracy Llanera - 2023 - In Martin Müller, Handbuch Richard Rorty. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 763-776.
    In relation to the question of the art of living, this chapter articulates the opposite of Richard Rorty’s liberal ironist: the egotist. In the first section, I articulate what egotism is and who egotists are. My aim is to nominate the egotist as a useful counter-figure to the liberal ironist. In the second section, I talk about irony. I emphasize the radicalism and relevance of Rorty’s conception of irony with the help of recent literature. In the third section, I (...)
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    English art critics and modern social radicalism.Donald D. Egbert - 1967 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (1):29-46.
  8. The radicalism of Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine considered.Gordon S. Wood - 2013 - In Simon P. Newman & Peter S. Onuf, Paine and Jefferson in the Age of Revolutions. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
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    The Radicalism of Romantic Love: Critical Perspectives.Renata Grossi & David West (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    Undoubtedly Romantic love has come to saturate our culture and is often considered to be a, or even the, major existential goal of our lives, capable of providing us with both our sense of worth and way of being in the world. The Radicalism of Romantic Love interrogates the purported radicalism of Romantic love from philosophical, cultural and psychoanalytic perspectives, exploring whether it is a subversive force capable of breaking down entrenched social, political and cultural norms and structures, (...)
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    A Global Art System: An Exploration of Current Literature on Visual Culture, and a Glimpse at the Universal Promethean Principle--with Unintended Oedipal Consequences.Christopher Nokes - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (3):92-114.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 40.3 (2006) 92-114 [Access article in PDF] A Global Art System: An Exploration of Current Literature on Visual Culture, and a Glimpse at the Universal Promethean Principle—with Unintended Oedipal Consequences Art Education 11-18: Meaning, Purpose And Direction, edited by Richard Hickman; New York, Continuum; 2nd edition, 2004; 176 pp. Global Visual Culture within a Global Art System I have harbored misgivings about the term (...)
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  11. Political polarization: Radicalism and immune beliefs.Manuel Almagro - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (3):309-331.
    When public opinion gets polarized, the population’s beliefs can experience two different changes: they can become more extreme in their contents or they can be held with greater confidence. These two possibilities point to two different understandings of the rupture that characterizes political polarization: extremism and radicalism. In this article, I show that from the close examination of the best available evidence regarding how we get polarized, it follows that the pernicious type of political polarization has more to do (...)
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  12. Learning from Seneca: a Stoic perspective on the art of living and education.Doret J. de Ruyter & Leendert F. Groenendijk - 2009 - Ethics and Education 4 (1):81-92.
    There is an increasing interest in publications about the sources of meaning in life; books about the art of living are immensely popular. This article discusses whether one of the ancient predecessors of current 'art of living' theories, the Stoa and more particularly Seneca, can be of interest to educators today. Seneca's explicit writings on education are relatively few, but in his letters to his friend Lucilius we find several ideas as to how educators can assist students to become wise (...)
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    French radicalism through the eyes of John Stuart Mill.Georgios Varouxakis - 1997 - History of European Ideas 30 (4):433-461.
    The paper attempts to highlight some under-researched aspects of the interaction between British and French radical political thinkers and activists during the period between the July Revolution of 1830 in France and the early years of the Third Republic. It focuses in particular on the decisive impact that the aftermath of the July Revolution of 1830 had for the perception of French politics by the most Francophile British radical, John Stuart Mill. In this context, Mill's astonishingly dense coverage of French (...)
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  14. Benthamite Radicalism and its Scots Presbyterian Contexts.Valerie Wallace - 2012 - Utilitas 24 (1):1-25.
    This article argues that James Mill's immersion in Presbyterianism inspired an aversion to hierarchical government and a bias in favour of the Church of Scotland. These views are discernible in Bentham's Church-of-Englandism. Bentham argued for disestablishment on principle but, praising the Scottish Church as a , omitted the Kirk from his church reform manifesto. His position on disestablishment, however, and his endorsement of Presbyterianism were aligned with a voluntaryist strain of Presbyterian ecclesiological theory; Presbyterian dissenters and Benthamite Radicals began to (...)
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    Acontecimento, Mundo e Ente Intramundano: Alguns Problemas Na Filosofia da Arte de Martin Heidegger.Arthur Grupillo - 2022 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 63 (152):449-470.
    ABSTRACT The aim of the article is to characterize Martin Heidegger’s philosophy of art, as accurately as possible, through what he wants to take distance from; and then we seek to outline a problem that seems structural. With the notion of enowning [Ereignis] Heidegger intends to distinguish his perspective on art especially from two other ones, namely that of Neokantian tradition and Hegel’s. This allows us to have a dimension of Heidegger’s conceptual radicalism, insofar as the enowning aims to (...)
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    The Radicalism of the Enlightenment. An Introduction to the Special Edition.Justyna Miklaszewska & Anna Tomaszewska - 2014 - Diametros 40:1-4.
    This brief “Introduction” to the volume discusses the general idea of the special edition of the journal, which is dedicated to the radicalism of the Enlightenment in the context of Jonathan Israel’s recent work on the Enlightenment, and highlights the topics of the articles contained in the edition.
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  17. Arguments Opposing the Radicalism of Radical Constructivism.G. Saalmann - 2007 - Constructivist Foundations 3 (1):1-18.
    Purpose: Examination of the main arguments for radical constructivism and the critical arguments put forward against it. Findings: Although there is no reason to doubt the value of constructivism as such, it can be stated that any epistemological radicalism lacks plausibility. There is ample evidence that we still can adopt a critical realist outlook, even if every part of our world view is a construction. Implications: We should engage ourselves in the development of an anti-metaphysical, non-objectivist epistemology. By far (...)
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  18. The Radicalism of Truth‐insensitive Epistemology: Truth's Profound Effect on the Evaluation of Belief.John Turri - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 93 (2):348-367.
    Many philosophers claim that interesting forms of epistemic evaluation are insensitive to truth in a very specific way. Suppose that two possible agents believe the same proposition based on the same evidence. Either both are justified or neither is; either both have good evidence for holding the belief or neither does. This does not change if, on this particular occasion, it turns out that only one of the two agents has a true belief. Epitomizing this line of thought are thought (...)
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    Evolution of Islamic Radicalism during the 19th to 21st Centuries.Konstantin Kachan - 2018 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 17 (49):105-119.
    This article is an overview of the evolution of Islamic radicalism during the 19 th - 21 st centuries. It demonstrates that nineteenth century Islamic radicalism is based on the ideas of pan-Islamism, whose main representatives are J. al-Din al-Afghani and M. Abduh. In turn, Islamic radicalism of the twentieth to twentyfirst centuries is based on the ideas of Islamic fundamentalism. Its main representatives are H. Al-Banna, S. Qutb, the Deoband movement, al-Maududi and R. Khomeyni. Pan-Islamic theories (...)
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  20.  7
    Roots of Mill's Radicalism.Peter Niesen - 2016 - In Christopher Macleod & Dale E. Miller, A Companion to Mill. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. pp. 79–94.
    John Stuart Mill's philosophy contains an important ‘radical’ dimension, deriving from his early exposure to the philosophies of Jeremy Bentham and of his father, James Mill. In this chapter, I argue that the doctrine Mill termed ‘philosophic radicalism’ is best understood as an attempt to initiate political reform by introducing radically democratic institutions, avoiding narrowly ‘sectarian’ assumptions about utility and social theory. Contrasting Mill's understanding of philosophic radicalism with Bentham's early and late democratic theory, I show that philosophic (...)
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  21.  49
    Voltaire's Radicalism.Zbigniew Drozdowicz - 2014 - Diametros 40:5-21.
    This article reminds the reader of the views of Voltaire, one of the most prominent and influential philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment. Voltaire’s radicalism manifested itself mainly in anticlericalism which was consistent, uncompromising and voiced without mincing words. A general aim of this article is to demonstrate to his contemporary imitators, who can be found in different countries including Poland, that they are in fact more or less accurate copies of him and they are not always aware of (...)
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  22.  24
    Laclau’s New Postmodern Radicalism: Politics, Democracy, and the Epistemology of Certainty.Pedro Góis Moreira - 2022 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 34 (2):244-278.
    A timeless critique holds that the radical is animated by a deep sense of certainty that leads to the worst excesses. By distinguishing essentialist and non-essentialist forms of radicalism, Ernesto Laclau offers a “coalitional” form of radicalism that, in effect, responds to this critique. Laclau deconstructs classical forms of radicalism, such as Marxism, to show how one can use some of their formal components, such as dichotomic rhetoric and a notion of utopia, without assuming that their particular (...)
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  23. Spinoza's paradoxical radicalism.Charles Ramond - 2019 - In Jack Stetter & Charles Ramond, Spinoza in Twenty-First-Century American and French Philosophy: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Moral and Political Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  24. Radicalism, Capitalism and Historical Contexts: Not only a Reply to Richard Ashcraft on John Locke.E. M. Wood - 1994 - History of Political Thought 15 (3):323.
    This essay, as the title suggests, is not just a reply to Richard Ashcraft -- although it is certainly that too. Its intention is to say something about the political theory of Locke, about his historical context and about the methodological question of contexts in general. About his political theory, I want to make two or three main points which, I think, have important consequences for our understanding of Locke: that he both appropriates and, on critical issues, deliberately neutralizes the (...)
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  25. Thomas Paine's early radicalism, 1768-1783.Jack Fruchtman Jr - 2013 - In Simon P. Newman & Peter S. Onuf, Paine and Jefferson in the Age of Revolutions. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
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    Charles Mills’s Radicalism.Jorge Montiel - 2022 - Radical Philosophy Review 25 (2):265-275.
    This paper revisits an aspect of Charles Mills’s work that is usually overlooked, namely, his early engagement with the tradition of analytical Marxism, particularly in From Class to Race: Essays in White Marxism and Black Radicalism (2003). This collection of essays is important not only because it marks Mills’s intellectual trajectory, but also because, as I aim to show in the following, it allows us to trace the source of Mills’s radicalism. I argue that Mills’s radicalism locates (...)
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    Semiotics of art literature• painting• film.Sémiotique des Arts - 1971 - In Julia Kristeva, Josette Rey-Debove & Donna Jean Umike-Sebeok, Essays in semiotics. The Hague,: Mouton. pp. 397.
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    Estética ontológica vs. Estética humanista: estudio de la idea del arte en M. Heidegger y Ortega y Gasset.Antonio Gutiérrez-Pozo - 2003 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 59 (4):1153-1180.
    As estéticas de Heidegger e Ortega representam dois modos de compreender a arte radicalmente distintos, o que é lógico se tivermos em conta que ambas respondem, por sua vez, a pontos de partida filosóficos absolutamente distintos: o ontológico e o humanista. Em oposição directa à estética ontológica heideggeriana, elaborada sobre a base da principalidade do ser, no segundo momento da sua filosofia pessoal e depois do seu contacto com o pensamento de Heidegger, Ortega, partindo da radicalidade metafísica do conceito de (...)
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  29. Spinoza's paradoxical radicalism.Charles Ramond - 2019 - In Jack Stetter & Charles Ramond, Spinoza in Twenty-First-Century American and French Philosophy: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Moral and Political Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  30. Thomas Paine and American Radicalism during the American Revolution.Eric Foner - 2009 - In Joyce Chumbley, Thomas Paine: in search of the common good. Nottingham, England: Spokesman Books.
  31.  11
    Radicalism, Anti-Racism, and Representation.Alastair Bonnett - 1993 - Routledge.
    First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    The radicalism of departure: a reassessment of Max Stirner's Hegelianism.Jeff Spiessens - 2018 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    To date, the philosophy of Max Stirner (1806-1856) has not attracted much academic attention. An early critic of Karl Marx and precursor of existentialist thought, he is nevertheless remembered as a radical Young Hegelian engaged in an unsuccessful attempt to move 'beyond Hegel'. Arguing that this image of Stirner is based on a faulty interpretation of his relationship to Hegelian philosophy, this book proposes an entirely new reading of his philosophical magnum opus Der Einzige und sein Eigentum. In this work, (...)
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    The Philosophical Critique of Radicalism and Its Limits.Michael Chiarello - 1983 - Philosophy Research Archives 9:193-216.
    Too much rationalist social philosophy is polarized into radical and conservative factions, both seeking support for rival claims to intellectual authority. Moreover, each faction can raise what it sees as a valid critique of the other. To the uncommitted, this mutual critique presents a reductio ad absurdum of rationalism and invites violence and despair. The radicalist claim that a rationalist social philosophy is necessarily radical clashes with the conservative critique which sees radicalism demanding the impossible from reason. So the (...)
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    Mill's ‘Modern’ Radicalism Re-Examined: Joseph Persky's The Political Economy of Progress.Helen McCabe - 2020 - Utilitas 32 (2):147-164.
    In The Political Economy of Progress, Joseph Persky argues for seeing John Stuart Mill as a consistent ‘radical’ with much to offer modern ‘radical’ political discourse. In this article, I further this claim with consideration of Mill's political philosophy, as well as his political economy. Exploring Mill's commitment to radical reordering of the economy, as well as emphasizing his commitment to egalitarianism; his historically nuanced view of ‘the progress of justice’; and his desire for a transformation of social relations allows (...)
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    Joseph Persky, The Political Economy of Progress: John Stuart Mill and Modern Radicalism. Reviewed by.Chris Barker - 2017 - Philosophy in Review 37 (5/6):212-214.
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    Trans Epistemology and Methodological Radicalism: Un Œuf, But Enough.Matthew J. Cull - 2024 - Hypatia 39 (1):44-60.
    There have now been a few attempts in trans theory to give an account of trans epistemology (see Radi 2019; Meadow 2016; and Dickson 2021). I will suggest that despite an admirable goal—that of giving an epistemology that provides a methodologically radical and distinctively trans break from other contemporary epistemological theory—thus far no account has been successful. Instead, I suggest that, in the absence of a more satisfactory radical account of trans epistemology, we can think of trans epistemology as a (...)
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    Moral and ethical views of relativistic and radicalistic tendencies.Johannes Michael Schnarrer - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (10):49-59.
    The free world stands and falls on its cultural and religious policies, which affect not only the social structures within countries, but also the relations between people and peoples, generations and nations. No culture can exist in the abstract, and therefore no one can take an intelligent interest in cultural and religious affairs without a clear and consistent philosophy of life. However, after years of development we see a widening gap between people and groups in the same society caused by (...)
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    The Criticisms of Religious Radicalism Against Mainstream Islamists.Nurullah Çakmaktaş - 2021 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 16 (1):26-46.
    This study examines the criticisms of the religious radical thought that emerged in the Islamic world after the sixties as an anomaly of the mainstream Islamism and the Islamic movement, directed against mainstream Islamism and Islamists, especially the Ikhwan-i Muslimin. The fact that both schools of thought react to the problems concerning the Islamic world and Muslim society with theo-political sensitivity, causes these two schools to be included in the same category under the definition of "political Islam" from time to (...)
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    The Limits of Community: A Critique of Social Radicalism.Helmuth Plessner - 1999 - Humanity Books.
    A contemporary of Martin Heidegger and Edmund Husserl, Helmuth Plessner achieved recognition as a social philosopher during the three decades following World War II. He is best known for helping to establish philosophical anthropology as a discipline, which arose under his and Max Scheler's tutelage during the Weimar Republic and continues to exert influence over German thought. In The Limits of Community, Plessner presents the appeal and the dangers of rejecting modern society for the sake of the ideal of community. (...)
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  40. What's morally wrong with eugenics.Art Caplan - 2004 - In Arthur L. Caplan, James J. McCartney & Dominic A. Sisti, Health, Disease, and Illness: Concepts in Medicine. Georgetown University Press.
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    Thinking Like a Radical: Social Democracy, Moderation, and Anti-Radicalism.Pedro Góis Moreira - 2023 - The European Legacy 28 (3):330-347.
    The concepts of “radicalism” and “extremism” have been the focus of increasing scholarly attention in recent years, but, surprisingly, there has not been the same kind of effort to specify their opposites, such as the concept of “moderation.” In this article I argue that because “radicalism” and “extremism” have been defined in generally negative terms, we may deepen and refine our understanding of moderation once we are equipped with a more neutral conception of radicalism. Accordingly, I propose (...)
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  42. Neo-Marxism: The Meanings of Modern Radicalism.Robert Gorman - 1984 - Studies in Soviet Thought 27 (2):183-186.
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  43. Bruce Detwiler, Nietzsche and the Politics of Aristocratic Radicalism Reviewed by.Mildred Bakan - 1991 - Philosophy in Review 11 (6):387-390.
  44. Missing Out On the Radicalism of Neurophenomenology?Katsunori Miyahara - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):368-370.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Never Mind the Gap: Neurophenomenology, Radical Enactivism, and the Hard Problem of Consciousness” by Michael D. Kirchhoff & Daniel D. Hutto. Upshot: An exegetical worry about Kirchhoff and Hutto’s exposition of neurophenomenology is pointed out. Combining this exegetical critique with an examination of the “strict identity” in the strict identity thesis, I argue that there is more affinity between neurophenomenology and REC than they think.
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    Blackening Britain: Caribbean Radicalism from Windrush to Decolonization.James G. Cantres - 2020 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Blackening Britain explores the key moments, figures, and patterns of radical black political development among Caribbean and African migrants in Britain after World War II. Ultimately, the move away from British identity and a radical, revolutionary consciousness rooted in the West Indian background was forged in the contentious space of Britain.
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    Hubert Harrison: The Voice of Harlem Radicalism, 1883–1918, Jeffrey B. Perry, New York: Columbia University Press, 2009.Paul M. Heideman - 2013 - Historical Materialism 21 (3):165-177.
    Jeffrey B. Perry’s biography of Hubert Harrison restores the legacy of a central figure in the history of Black radicalism. Though largely forgotten today, Harrison was acknowledged by his early-twentieth-century peers as ‘the father of Harlem radicalism’. Author of pioneering analyses of white supremacy’s role in American capitalism, proponent of armed self-defence among African-Americans, and anti-colonial intellectual, Harrison played a central role in the development of Black politics in the United States. This review traces Harrison’s journey from socialist (...)
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  47. Schools and the "hidden curriculum".Art Kleiner - 2006 - In Francis Martin Duffy, Power, politics, and ethics in school districts: dynamic leadership for systemic change. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Education.
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    Sartre's radicalism and Oakeshott's conservatism: the duplicity of freedom.Anthony Farr - 1998 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    If man has no nature - if our intellect and understanding are products of our own activities - do we possess a key to self-modification? Are we free to re-make mankind? Sartre champions the romantic idea that we can - by sheer determination - begin afresh. Oakeshott is struck by the vandalism of such a project - he seeks to defend political culture from degradation by meddling academics. The Radical and Conservative understanding of social order and the human self are (...)
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    Religious origins of modern radicalism.S. N. Eisenstadt - 2005 - Theoria 44 (106):51-80.
    It is the major argument of this essay that the roots of modern Jacobinism in their different manifestations are to be found in the transformation of the visions with strong Gnostic components and which sought to bring the Kingdom of God to earth and which were often promulgated in medieval and early modern European Christianity by different heterodox sects. The transformation of these visions as it took place above all in the Great Revolutions, in the English Civil War and especially (...)
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    Jeremy Bentham, the French Revolution and political radicalism.Philip Schofield - 2004 - History of European Ideas 30 (4):381-401.
    An unresolved debate in Bentham scholarship concerns the question of the timing and circumstances which led to Bentham's ‘conversion’ to democracy, and thus to political radicalism. In the early stages of the French Revolution, Bentham composed material which appeared to justify equality of suffrage on utilitarian grounds, but there are differing interpretations concerning the extent and depth of Bentham's commitment to democracy at this time. The appearance of Rights, Representation, and Reform: Nonsense upon Stilts and other essays on the (...)
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