Results for 'Radice L. Lombardo'

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  1. L'educazione della mente.Lucio Lombardo-Radice - 1962 - Roma: Editori riuniti.
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    Didattica viva.Giuseppe Lombardo Radice & Elisa Frauenfelder - 1993 - Scandicci, Firenze: Nuova Italia. Edited by Elisa Frauenfelder.
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  3. Caramella (II).Carpeggio Lombardo Radice - 1981 - Filosofia Oggi 4 (1):28-57.
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  4. Un approccio computazionale all'interpretazione del linguaggio.L. Lesmo & V. Lombardo - 1993 - Epistemologia 16:165-190.
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  5. A cura di Tina Caramella.Carteggio Lombardo & Radice Caramella - 1980 - Filosofia Oggi 3 (3):334-366.
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    Didattica viva.Giuseppe Lombardo Radice - 1993 - Scandicci, Firenze: Nuova Italia. Edited by Elisa Frauenfelder.
  7. (1 other version)Lezioni di didattica e ricordi di esperienza magistrale.Giuseppe Lombardo-Radice - 1959 - Firenze,: R. Sandron.
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    Educazione e rivoluzione.Lucio Lombardo-Radice - 1976 - Roma: Editori riuniti.
  9. La ética desde la el paradigma científico.Raúl Gutiérrez Lombardo - 2014 - In Raúl Gutiérrez Lombardo & José Sanmartín (eds.), La filosofía desde la ciencia. México D.F.: Centro de Estudios Filosóficos, Políticos y Sociales Vicente Lombardo Toledano.
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    La filosofía desde la ciencia.Raúl Gutiérrez Lombardo & José Sanmartín (eds.) - 2014 - México D.F.: Centro de Estudios Filosóficos, Políticos y Sociales Vicente Lombardo Toledano.
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  11. L'analogia fra competenza trascendentale e fondamento trascendentale nella Dialettica di Schleiermacher.Mario G. Lombardo - 1992 - Filosofia Oggi 15 (60):503-520.
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    Sublime et deinótès dans l'antiquité gréco-latine.Giovanni Lombardo - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 128 (4):403.
    L'originalité du traité Sur le style de Démétrios réside avant tout dans sa théorie du style élégant et du style puissant. L'alliance de la puissance et de la grâce produit des effets « effrayants ». Les « grâces effrayantes » de Démétrios semblent annoncer l'idée du sublime en tant qu' « horreur délicieuse » telle que la proposera Edmund Burke The originality of Demetrios' Treaty on Style is first and foremost in his theory of an elegant style and strong style. (...)
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    Stendhal : « La vérité, l’'pre vérité ».Patrizia Lombardo - 2013 - Philosophiques 40 (1):87.
    Patrizia Lombardo | : Stendhal et Musil sont les deux écrivains par excellence qui se sont interrogés sur le type de connaissance qui vient de la littérature. Avant Musil et comme Musil, Stendhal répond à cette question fondamentale en montrant que le roman offre une connaissance des émotions humaines et de leur lien avec les valeurs. Il s’agit à la fois de valeurs éthiques — les situations morales dans lesquelles se trouvent les personnages — et des valeurs esthétiques et (...)
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    La metafisica in Tommaso D'Aquino: aspetti etici e politici.Gaspare Lombardo - 2017 - Vignate (MI): Lampi di stampa.
    L'opera è uno studio sugli aspetti teologici,metafisici, etici e politici della dottrina di Tommaso D'Aquino. Partendo dall'aspetto metafisico i principi della natura e l'ente e l'essenza scritti tra il 1252 e il 1256. L'opera verte sul rapporto tra l'ordine metafisico e quello logico. Affronta una serie di questioni centrali nel pensiero tomista: il principio di individuazione, il problema degli universali, il rifiuto dell'ilemorfismo universale, l'indefinibilità formale di Dio.
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    Gli stadi nel cammino della vita in S. Kierkegaard.Gaspare Lombardo - 2017 - Milano: Lampi di stampa.
    Con un'impostazione che coniuga la fedeltà testuale e l'approfondimento critico, il percorso di questo libro mira a ricondurre l'edificazione kierkegaardina - spesso considerata mera esortazione spirituale - allo spessore autenticamente filosofico d'una via soggettiva alla verità. Un modello antioggettivistico di filosofare senza perdere di vista né l'esercizio del dubbio né la dimensione della fede. Attraverso l' interpretazione kierkegaardiane di C. Fabro si è giunti all'esposizione e ai lineamenti descrittivi fondamentali della nozione del singolo. Il singolo viene presentato dallo stesso Kierkegaard (...)
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    Designing health innovation networks using complexity science and systems thinking: the CoNEKTR model.Cameron D. Norman, Jill Charnaw-Burger, Andrea L. Yip, Sam Saad & Charlotte Lombardo - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (5):1016-1023.
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    (2 other versions)Non-compact Groups, Coherent States, Relativistic Wave Equations and the Harmonic Oscillator.Diego Julio Cirilo-Lombardo - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (6):919-950.
    Relativistic geometrical action for a quantum particle in the superspace is analyzed from theoretical group point of view. To this end an alternative technique of quantization outlined by the authors in a previous work and that is based in the correct interpretation of the square root Hamiltonian, is used. The obtained spectrum of physical states and the Fock construction consist of Squeezed States which correspond to the representations with the lowest weights $\lambda=\frac{1}{4}$ and $\lambda=\frac{3}{4}$ with four possible (non-trivial) fractional representations (...)
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    Longino senza sublime. Su Sul sublime, a cura di S. Halliwell, con un saggio di M. Fusillo, tr. it. L. Lulli, Fondazione Lorenzo Valla, Mi-lano, Mondadori, 2021, pp. CLXXXVI+543 (con tredici tavole a colori). [REVIEW]Giovanni Lombardo - 2022 - Studi di Estetica 24.
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    Zubiri, un «oculto y sagaz» lector de Hegel. En torno al curso «Reflexiones filosóficas sobre lo estético».Ricardo Espinoza Lolas & Patricio Lombardo Bertolin - 2019 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 75 (286 Extra):1149-1167.
    Este artículo indaga en el Curso de dos lecciones sobre lo estético, titulado Reflexiones filosóficas sobre lo estético, un «hilo teórico» muy poco estudiado por los especialistas. Este Curso que realizó Zubiri en 1975, estaba muy mayor, se analiza cómo se muestra lo más radical para entender lo estético desde sus categorías filosóficas, pero de la «mano invisible» de Hegel. No se trata del Hegel que critica explícitamente Zubiri y que se coloca siempre de forma muy distante al pensador alemán, (...)
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    I nomi che parlano: l'allegoria filosofica dalle origini al II secolo d.C.Roberto Radice - 2020 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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  21. Radical Constructivism in the Classroom: Tensions and Balances.L. L. Hatfield - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (3):433-435.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Learning How to Innovate as a Socio-epistemological Process of Co-creation: Towards a Constructivist Teaching Strategy for Innovation” by Markus F. Peschl, Gloria Bottaro, Martina Hartner-Tiefenthaler & Katharina Rötzer. Upshot: The aims of this commentary are to pose a few reactions to the design framework, enactment, and data and analyses of the reported investigation, and to offer additional overall perspectives on radical constructivism as a potential framework for classroom teaching (and specifically the teaching of school (...)
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  22. Radical Constructivism: A Scientific Research Program.L. P. Steffe - 2007 - Constructivist Foundations 2 (2-3):41-49.
    Purpose: In the paper, I discuss how Ernst Glasersfeld worked as a scientist on the project, Interdisciplinary Research on Number (IRON), and explain how his scientific activity fueled his development of radical constructivism. I also present IRON as a progressive research program in radical constructivism and suggest the essential components of such programs. Findings: The basic problem of Glasersfeld's radical constructivism is to explore the operations by means of which we assemble our experiential reality. Conceptual analysis is Glasersfeld's way of (...)
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    Reassessing the Radical Enlightenment by Steffen Ducheyne.Mogens Lærke - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (1):168-170.
    This volume includes fifteen chapters, case studies and broader reflections, on the notion of ‘radical enlightenment,’ separated into three main sections entitled, respectively, “The Big Picture,” “Origins and Fate of the Radical Enlightenment, ca. 1660–1720,” and “The Radical Enlightenment in Europe and the New World after ca. 1720.” It is presented as “the first stand-alone collection of studies in English on the Radical Enlightenment.” It is worth mentioning, however, that two very similar volumes already exist in French and German. Like (...)
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  24. Radical Constructivism and Radical Constructedness: Luhmann's Sociology of Semantics, Organizations, and Self-Organization.L. Leydesdorff - 2012 - Constructivist Foundations 8 (1):85-92.
    Context: Using radical constructivism, society can be considered from the perspective of asking the question, “Who conceives of society?” In Luhmann ’s social systems theory, this question itself is considered as a construct of the communication among reflexive agents. Problem: Structuration of expectations by codes operating in interhuman communications positions both communicators and communications in a multi-dimensional space in which their relations can be provided with meaning at the supra-individual level. The codes can be functionally different and symbolically generalized. Method: (...)
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  25. Can a Radical Constructivist Be Religious? - Yes!L. P. Steffe - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (1):131-134.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Religion: A Radical-Constructivist Perspective” by Andreas Quale. Upshot: The first of my three main goals in this commentary is to demonstrate that Quale’s radical separation between cognitive and non-cognitive knowledge is not viable. The second is to establish Quale’s assertion that a radical constructivist cannot be genuinely religious is a result of taking radical constructivism and religion as abstracted first-order models and is a result of comparing and contrasting elements of these models. The third (...)
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    Original Sin, Radical Evil and Moral Identity.Philip L. Quinn - 1984 - Faith and Philosophy 1 (2):188-202.
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    A Radical Approach to Ebola: Saving Humans and Other Animals.Sarah J. L. Edwards, Charles H. Norell, Phyllis Illari, Brendan Clarke & Carolyn P. Neuhaus - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (10):35-42.
    As the usual regulatory framework did not fit well during the last Ebola outbreak, innovative thinking still needed. In the absence of an outbreak, randomised controlled trials of clinical efficacy in humans cannot be done, while during an outbreak such trials will continue to face significant practical, philosophical, and ethical challenges. This article argues that researchers should also test the safety and effectiveness of novel vaccines in wild apes by employing a pluralistic approach to evidence. There are three reasons to (...)
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  28. Consequences of Rejecting Constructivism: “Hold Tight and Pedal Fast”. Commentary on Slezak's “Radical Constructivism: Epistemology, Education and Dynamite”.L. P. Steffe - 2010 - Constructivist Foundations 6 (1):112-119.
    Purpose: One of my goals in the paper is to investigate why realists reject radical constructivism (RC) as well as social constructivism (SC) out of hand. I shall do this by means of commenting on Peter Slezak’s critical paper, Radical Constructivism: Epistemology, Education and Dynamite. My other goal is to explore why realists condemn the use of RC and SC in science and mathematics education for no stated reason, again by means of commenting on Slezak’s paper. Method: I restrict my (...)
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    We Testify with Our Lives: How Religion Transformed Radical Thought from Black Power to Black Lives Matter.Terrence L. Johnson - 2021 - Columbia University Press.
    Police killings of unarmed Black people have ignited a national and international response unlike any in decades. But differing from their civil rights-oriented predecessors, today’s activists do not think that the institutions and values of liberal democracy can eradicate structural racism. They draw instead on a Black radical tradition that, Terrence L. Johnson argues, derives its force from its unacknowledged ethical and religious dimensions. We Testify with Our Lives traces Black religion’s sustained influence from SNCC to the present, reconstructing a (...)
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    Becoming an Expert: Exploring the Ethics of Radical Life Extension.L. Shore - unknown
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    Il colloquio internazionale di Cracovia: "Société et Église; textes et discussions dans les universités de l'Europe centrale au moyen 'ge tardif". [REVIEW]Stefano Radice - 1994 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 49 (3):567.
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    Connecting Radical Constructivism to Social Transformation and Design.L. D. Richards - 2007 - Constructivist Foundations 2 (2-3):129-135.
    Purpose: This paper intends to connect ideas from the radical constructivist approach to cognition and learning to ideas from the constraint-theoretic approach to social policy formulation. It then extends these ideas to a dialogic approach to social transformation and design. Method: After demonstrating a correspondence between von Glasersfeld's fit/match distinction and my constraint-oriented/goal-oriented distinction with respect to policy formulation, the paper evaluates the basic assumptions of radical constructivism and builds from them a framework for thinking and talking about a desirable (...)
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  33. Halfway revolution: from the Gangsta Hobbes to radical liberals.L. McPherson - 2005 - In Derrick Darby & Tommie Shelby (eds.), Hip Hop and Philosophy: Rhyme 2 Reason. Open Court. pp. 2--173.
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    Minima metaphysica: il divino e l'ordine del mondo.Massimo Marassi & Roberto Radice (eds.) - 2015 - Milano: VP, Vita e pensiero.
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  35. The Unbearable Lightness of Theory: Political Ontology and Social Weightlessness in Mouffe's Radical Democracy.L. McNay - 2013 - In Sumi Madhok, Anne Phillips & Kalpana Wilson (eds.), Gender, agency, and coercion. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  36. The rules of the game-critical considerations on'radical hermeneutics'by Caputo, John.L. Pena - 1991 - Pensamiento 47 (187):313-322.
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    Radical Phenomenology Reveals a Measure of Faith and a Need for a Levinasian Other in Henry’s Life.Ronald L. Mercer Jr - 2010 - In Bruce Ellis Benson & Norman Wirzba (eds.), Words of life: new theological turns in French phenomenology. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 158-167.
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    Radical Fragments.James L. Marsh - 1992 - Peter Lang.
    This book is a philosophical-literary reflection on the condition of the possibility of radical intellectual life, art, culture, politics, and religion in the contemporary United States. The standpoint assumed and defended in this reflection is that of critical modernism, a principled commitment to a radical leftist version of modern, western rationality. In this book of fragments such rationality emerges, after encounters with liberalism, conservatism, and postmodernism, as the preferable form of rationality.
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    Radical Business Ethics.Richard L. Lippke - 1995 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Arguing against most scholars of business ethics who have articulated a set of moral principles and applied them to problems faced by business people, Richard Lippke steers away from offering moral directives. In Radical Business Ethics, he develops a more comprehensive perspective on business issues that is tied to larger questions of social justice. Analyzing a select group of timely issues such as advertising, employee privacy, and insider trading in the context of debates about the nature of the just society, (...)
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    Metaphysics: Radical, Comprehensive, Determinate Discourse.Kenneth L. Schmitz - 1986 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (4):675 - 694.
    METAPHYSICS is the most controversial and controverted of the philosophical disciplines. I want to argue, nevertheless, that if it did not already exist in some form, then it would be necessary to invent it. For the need to think fundamentally is not incidental to the inquiring energy of the human mind. That energy has taken form as myth, meditation, and reflection among a variety of peoples of diverse cultures. In our rather abstract and articulate culture, however, fundamental thinking has taken (...)
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  41. Radical Constructivism in Action.L. P. Steffe & P. W. Thompson - 2001 - British Journal of Educational Studies 49 (2):228-228.
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    Immanence et extériorité absolue.Mogens Lærke - 2009 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 134 (2):169-190.
    Cet article explore la conception spinozienne du rapport entre substance et mode en analysant les notions de cause de soi, de cause immanente et de puissance. Nous soutenons que la théorie spinozienne de la causalité constitue une tentative pour développer une ontologie relationnelle de la puissance dans laquelle toute dénomination intrinsèque est fondée sur une dénomination extrinsèque. Par opposition à une interprétation courante selon laquelle la substance de Spinoza est une sorte de grande monade dans laquelle toutes choses inhèrent comme (...)
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    White on whiteness: becoming radicalized about race.Diana L. Gustafson - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (2):153-161.
    Race difference and whiteness — key elements in the construction of my cultural identity — became a focus of my reflective practice that began over 5 years ago. This article reflects critically on the production of white identity from my social location as a white nurse. My attention focused on two aspects of whiteness: the social location from which I live and learn, and the hegemonic but unmarked discourse that informs the knowledge I read and create as a researcher. My (...)
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    Childhood and Sexuality: A Radical Christian Approach.John L. Randall - 1992 - Dorrance Publishing Company.
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    Alternatives to radical behaviorism.Terry L. Smith - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):143-144.
    Operant psychologists are looking for alternatives to radical behaviorism. Rachlin offers teleological behaviorism, but it may pose as many difficulties as radical behaviorism. There is, however, a less drastic way to defend Rachlin's thesis of It portrays operant principles as relating distal efficient causes to behavioral effects.
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    The Radicalization of Brexit Activists.Clare B. Mason, David A. Winter, Stefanie Schmeer & Bibi T. J. S. L. Berrington - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Brexit activists demonstrating outside the British Houses of Parliament were studied in situ to examine their potential for pro-group extreme behavior. This involved activists of two polarized, opposing views; those of Leave and Remain. The research engaged concepts linking the different theoretical perspectives of identity fusion and personal construct psychology. The study measured participants' degree of fusion to their group using a verbal measure. Willingness to undertake extreme acts was assessed in several ways: a measure of willingness to fight for (...)
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    Toward a Radical Integral Humanism: MacIntyre’s Continuing Marxism.Jeffery L. Nicholas - 2013 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 8.
    I argue that we must read Alasdair MacIntyre’s mature work through a Marxist lens. I begin by discussing his argument that we must choose which God to worship on principles of justice, which, it turns out, are ones given to us by God. I contend that this argument entails that we must see Mac- Intyre’s early Marxist commitments as given to him by God, and, therefore, that he has never abandoned them in his turn to Thomistic-Aristotelianism. I examine his reading (...)
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    Cooperation, fairness and utility.L. W. Sumner - 1971 - Journal of Value Inquiry 5 (2):105-119.
    In the situations canvassed I have argued that (a) the dominant aim of the utilitarian will be the establishment of a fair procedure, (b) under radical uncertainty cooperation will constitute his best bet, and (c) when he knowsthat all others will cooperate it is still an open question whether he will slack, and if under some conditions he does so he does not then act unfairly. It is wise to bear in mind, however, that an enormous number of possible situations, (...)
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    Philosophie et mal radical – l’importance des parerga dans la Religion dans les limites de la simple raison.Eléonore Dispersyn - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 871-882.
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  50. A Buddha Land in This World: Philosophy, Utopia, and Radical Buddhism.Lajos L. Brons - 2022 - Earth: punctum.
    In the early twentieth century, Uchiyama Gudō, Seno’o Girō, Lin Qiuwu, and others advocated a Buddhism that was radical in two respects. Firstly, they adopted a more or less naturalist stance with respect to Buddhist doctrine and related matters, rejecting karma or other supernatural beliefs. And secondly, they held political and economic views that were radically anti-hegemonic, anti-capitalist, and revolutionary. Taking the idea of such a “radical Buddhism” seriously, A Buddha Land in This World: Philosophy, Utopia, and Radical Buddhism asks (...)
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