Results for 'Rd Weissman'

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  1. Generalization of operant and respondent keypecks.Sj Weiss & Rd Weissman - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):483-484.
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    A Social Ontology.David Weissman - 2013 - Yale University Press.
    Moral and social philosophers often assume that humans beings are and ought to be autonomous. This tradition of individualism, or atomism, underlies many of our assumptions about ethics and law; it provides a legitimating framework for liberal democracy and free market capitalism. In this powerful book, David Weissman argues against atomistic ontologies, affirming instead that all of reality is social. Every particular is a system created by the reciprocal causal relations of its parts, he explains. Weissman formulates an (...)
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    Are false implicatures lies? An empirical investigation.Benjamin Weissman & Marina Terkourafi - 2019 - Mind and Language 34 (2):221-246.
    Lies are typically defined as believed falsehoods asserted with the intention of deceiving the hearer. A particularly problematic case for this definition is that of false implicatures. These are prototypically cases where the proposition expressed by the speaker's utterance is true, yet an implicature conveyed by this proposition in context is false. However, implicature is a diverse category and whether a blanket statement such as “false implicatures are lies,” as some have argued can account for all of them is open (...)
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    Discourse on the Method and Meditations on First Philosophy.David Weissman (ed.) - 1996 - Yale University Press.
    Descartes' ideas not only changed the course of Western philosophy but also led to or transformed the fields of metaphysics, epistemology, physics and mathematics, political theory and ethics, psychoanalysis, and literature and the arts. This book reprints Descartes' major works, _Discourse on Method_ and _Meditations_, and presents essays by leading scholars that explore his contributions in each of those fields and place his ideas in the context of his time and our own. There are chapters by David Weissman on (...)
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    Dispositional Properties.David Weissman - 1965 - Carbondale,: Southern Illinois University Press.
    In_ Dispositional Properties_, David Weissman attacks a problem central to the philosophy of mind and, by implication, to the theory of being: Are there potentialities, capabilities, which dispose the mind to think in one way rather than another? The volume is arranged in the form of four arguments that converge upon a single point. First, there is an intricate discussion of the shortcomings of Hume's account of mind as ideas and impressions. Next comes a brief treatment of the arguments (...)
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    Reasoning about Death in Biomedical Decision-Making.Jeremy Weissman - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (3):331-344.
    Depending on our mode of reasoning—moral, prudential, instrumental, empirical, dialectical, and so on—we may come to vastly different conclusions on the nature of death and the appropriate orientation toward matters such as euthanasia or procuring organs from brain-dead patients. These differing orientations have resulted in some of the most enduring conflicts in biomedical decision-making with roots in the earliest strands of philosophical discourse. Through continually grappling with questions over matters of death, we continually step closer to clarity, even if certainty (...)
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    Hypothesis and the Spiral of Reflection: Levinas and the Politics of Reproduction.David Weissman - 1989 - State University of New York Press.
    A sequel to Weissman's Intuition and ideality (1987).
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    Academic-Corporate Ties in Biotechnology: A Quantitative Study.Robert Weissman, James G. Ennis & Sheldon Krimsky - 1991 - Science, Technology and Human Values 16 (3):275-287.
    The rapid commercialization of applied genetics in the mtd-1970s, accompanied by a sudden rise in academic-corporate partnerships, raised questions about the impacts these linkages have had on the social and professional norms of scientists. The extent and pattern of faculty tnvolvement in commercialization of biological research is largely an unexplored area. This article provcdes a quantitative assessment of the linkages between biology faculty in American uncverscties and the newly formed biotechnology industry. The results of thes study, covering the period 1985-88, (...)
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    Awakening to the secret code of your mind: your mind's journey to inner peace.Darren R. Weissman - 2010 - Carlsbad, Calif.: Hay House.
    What if you could, like a diamond forged through heat and pressure, transform every painful, scary, and stressful experience in your life into one that is meaningful, courageous, and inspiring? What if you were provided with the tools that allow you to tap and manifest the true power that exists within you--the power to shine? Are you ready to discover your path to peace? In this fascinating book, Dr. Darren Weissman shares ancient spiritual wisdom fused with a modern-day understanding (...)
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    Final judgement and the dead in medieval Jewish thought.Susan Weissman - 2020 - London: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization.
    Through a detailed analysis of ghost tales in the Ashkenazi pietistic work Sefer hasidim, Susan Weissman documents a major transformation in Jewish attitudes and practices regarding the dead and the afterlife that took place between the rabbinic period and medieval times. She reveals that a huge influx of Germano-Christian beliefs, customs, and fears relating to the dead and the afterlife seeped into medieval Ashkenazi society among both elite and popular groups. In matters of sin, penance, and posthumous punishment, the (...)
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    The Crowdsourced Panopticon: Conformity and Control on Social Media.Jeremy Weissman - 2021 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Informed by critiques of conformity and mass media by some of the greatest philosophers of the past two centuries, as well as by a wide range of historical and empirical studies, Weissman helps shed light on what may happen when our lives are increasingly broadcast online for everyone all the time, to be judged by the global community.
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    Truth's Debt to Value.David Weissman - 1993 - Yale University Press.
    Is something true because we believe it to be so or because it is true? How can a culturally bound community achieve scientific knowledge when values, attitudes, and desires shape its beliefs? In this book an eminent philosopher considers various schools of thought on the nature of truth. David Weissman argues that truth exists in the correspondence between statement and fact: what can be said about our world can be measured against a reality that has a character and existence (...)
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    The heart of the matter: a simple guide to discovering gifts in strange wrapping paper.Darren R. Weissman - 2013 - Carlsbad, California: Hay House. Edited by Cate Montana.
    How do we access the authentic self in order to live fulfilling, meaningful lives? In straightforward terms, The Heart of the Matter: Gifts in Strange Wrapping Paper explains a simple but extraordinarily powerful technique called the See, Feel, Hear Challenge that enables people to easily gain entry into the storehouse of their subconscious core beliefs. In the process, it cracks the coded messages that those beliefs release in the form of disease, suffering, addictions, unhappy relationships, and victimized circumstances. Based in (...)
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    Global–local interference modulated by communication between the hemispheres.Daniel H. Weissman & Marie T. Banich - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 128 (3):283.
  15.  8
    Circumstances/context: A fifth cause.David Weissman - 2025 - Metaphilosophy 56 (1):126-134.
    Individualism dominates Western ontologies: atoms and molecules; substances, minds, and agents. Each is said to embody conditions sufficient to establish its nature and existence. Ontologies spawned by Descartes's cogito and Kantian world‐making are, nevertheless, false to all we know of reality and ourselves. This paper suggests an alternative: entities and events are generated by the material circumstances in which they emerge and evolve; nothing at any scale is exempt from the discovery that its existence and character derive from and are (...)
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    Vulnerability and Obligation in Science and Medicine.Jeremy Weissman - 2019 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 44 (3):263-278.
    The vulnerability of a patient gives rise to special obligations to provide aid, but the extent of our obligations to those vulnerable is not always clear. How far we are obligated to provide aid raises profound questions over the balance of liberty, equality, utility, and other core values for which we ought to strive in modern society. This essay helps illustrate how such a balance must be worked out in relation to rich contexts and be responsive to continually evolving epistemic (...)
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  17.  33
    Achievable benchmarks of care: the ABC TM s of benchmarking.Norman W. Weissman, Jeroan J. Allison, Catarina I. Kiefe, Robert M. Farmer, Michael T. Weaver, O. Dale Williams, Ian G. Child, Judy H. Pemberton, Kathleen C. Brown & C. Suzanne Baker - 1999 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 5 (3):269-281.
  18.  33
    Dispositions as Geometrical-Structural Properties.David Weissman - 1978 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (2):275 - 297.
    I suggest that we may settle the question of their relatedness by way of two arguments. The first argument holds that two worlds might be identical in structure but different in their dispositions and subsequent behaviors. This argument loosens the relation of dispositional to structural properties; but, though plausible in itself, the argument has disastrous implications for the uniformity of processes within each world. The second argument supports our intuitive belief that the dependency of a thing’s dispositions upon its structure (...)
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  19.  28
    Alternate conceptions of metaphysics.David Weissman - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (1):89-97.
    Metaphysics is the inquiry having categorial form as its aim. Once all but defunct, metaphysics has now revived, though without disciplinary focus. Nine points of entry dominate current studies, each separate from and largely oblivious to the others. This essay characterizes the nine, expressing its preference for a discipline grounded in the empirical sciences while pursuing issues they ignore.
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    Autonomy and Free Will.David Weissman - 2018 - Metaphilosophy 49 (5):609-645.
    Autonomy and free will are essential conditions for moral agency: we aren’t responsible for effects we couldn’t choose or avert. Skeptics argue that the experience of free will is illusory; those defending it say that the conscious experience of intention and responsibility are sufficient evidence of free choice. This essay defends autonomy and free will from an alternate perspective: it affirms that choice has exhaustively material conditions but disputes the determinist claim that every choice is an involuntary step in a (...)
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    “Not In Our Name”: Why Medecins Sans Frontieres Does Not Support the “Responsibility to Protect”.Fabrice Weissman - 2010 - Criminal Justice Ethics 29 (2):194-207.
    Should military forces be dispatched to a foreign country to save its population from massacre, famine, epidemics, or oppression? While the question is as old as war itself, there has been a specta...
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    Are we trapped in Plato’s cave?David Weissman - 2021 - Metaphilosophy 52 (5):650-654.
    We often read Plato’s cave allegory for its trajectory: out of darkness into light. The back of the cave—where imagination projects fantasies onto shadows—is a place to flee. This part of the allegory reduces reality testing to thought or imagining, ignoring action and the people or things engaged. Yet thinkers prominent in our time—Immanuel Kant and W. V. O. Quine—suppose that our experience of the world is that of the cave’s prisoners: we too mistake fantasies for reality. This is an (...)
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    Intuition and Ideality.David Weissman - 1987 - State University of New York Press.
    This book shows how idealism is a consequence of the intuitionist method.
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    Lost Souls: The Philosophic Origins of a Cultural Dilemma.David Weissman - 2003 - State University of New York Press.
    _Traces the history of mind-body dualism._.
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  25. Logical Positivism: A Retrospective.David Weissman - 1991 - Journal of Philosophy 88 (10):520-521.
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    The Lexicon of Emoji? Conventionality Modulates Processing of Emoji.Benjamin Weissman, Jan Engelen, Elise Baas & Neil Cohn - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (4):e13275.
    Emoji have been ubiquitous in communication for over a decade, yet how they derive meaning remains underexplored. Here, we examine an aspect fundamental to linguistic meaning‐making: the degree to which emoji have conventional lexicalized meanings and whether that conventionalization affects processing in real‐time. Experiment 1 establishes a range of meaning agreement levels across emoji within a population; Experiment 2 measures accuracy and response times to word‐emoji pairings in a match/mismatch task. In this experiment, we found that accuracy and response time (...)
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    P2P surveillance in the global village.Jeremy Weissman - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology 21 (1):29-47.
    New ubiquitous information and communication technologies, in particular recording-enabled smart devices and social media programs, are giving rise to a profound new power for ordinary people to monitor and track each other on a global scale. Along with this growing capacity to monitor one another is a new capacity to explicitly and publicly judge one another—to rate, rank, comment on, shame and humiliate each other through the net. Drawing upon warnings from Kierkegaard and Mill on the power of public opinion (...)
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    Free speech.David Weissman - 1996 - Metaphilosophy 27 (4):339-355.
    Recognition of the harms done by free speech is a function of the social ontology presupposed. An atomist ontology implies that the harms suffered are restricted to individual people. This paper suggests an alternate ontology—one that describes systems established by the causal reciprocities of their proper parts. It proposes a consequentialist moral theory, and considers the harms suffered by these systems when speech exposes their internal, otherwise private, behaviors or features, when speech is malicious and false, and when speech is (...)
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    Language, Persons, and Belief.David Weissman - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 29 (3):471-472.
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  30. Routledge Philosophical Minds: The Anscombean Mind.A. Rachel Weissman & Adrian Haddock (eds.) - 2021
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    Acknowledgements.David Weissman - 2013 - In Zone Morality. De Gruyter.
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    Acknowledgment.David Weissman - 2016 - In Spinoza’s Dream: On Nature and Meaning. Berlin: De Gruyter.
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    Acknowledgments.David Weissman - 2012 - In Sensibility and the Sublime. De Gruyter.
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    Agency: Moral Identity and Free Will.David Weissman - 2020 - Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers.
    There is agency in all we do: thinking, doing, or making. We invent a tune, play, or use it to celebrate an occasion. Or we make a conceptual leap and ask more abstract questions about the conditions for agency. They include autonomy and self-appraisal, each contested by arguments immersing us in circumstances we don’t control. But can it be true we that have no personal responsibility for all we think and do? Agency: Moral Identity and Free Will proposes that deliberation, (...)
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    A note on the identity thesis.David Weissman - 1965 - Mind 74 (296):571-577.
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    (1 other version)Bibliography.David Weissman - 2013 - In Zone Morality. De Gruyter. pp. 127-128.
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    Contents.David Weissman - 2013 - In Zone Morality. De Gruyter.
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    2 Character.David Weissman - 2013 - In Zone Morality. De Gruyter. pp. 29-47.
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    Contents.David Weissman - 2016 - In Spinoza’s Dream: On Nature and Meaning. Berlin: De Gruyter.
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    Chapter Four. Interiority and Selfhood.David Weissman - 2012 - In Sensibility and the Sublime. De Gruyter. pp. 91-110.
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    Chapter One. Sensibility.David Weissman - 2012 - In Sensibility and the Sublime. De Gruyter. pp. 13-44.
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    Cities, Real and Ideal: Categories for an Urban Ontology.David Weissman - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Cities are conspicuous among settlements because of their bulk and pace: Venice, Paris, or New York. Each is distinctive, but all share a social structure that mixes systems, their members, and a public regulator. Cities alter this structure in ways specific to themselves: orchestras play music too elaborate for a quartet; city densities promote collaborations unachievable in simpler towns. Cities, Real and Ideal avers with von Bertalanffy, Parsons, Simmel, and Wirth that a theory of social structure is empirically testable and (...)
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    Chapter Two. Applications.David Weissman - 2012 - In Sensibility and the Sublime. De Gruyter. pp. 45-62.
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    Chapter Three. Irresolution.David Weissman - 2012 - In Sensibility and the Sublime. De Gruyter. pp. 63-90.
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    3. Existence Proofs.David Weissman - 2016 - In Spinoza’s Dream: On Nature and Meaning. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 60-84.
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    Empty Pockets and Illusory Prizes.Cheryl Ann Weissman - 1984 - Semiotics:63-72.
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    Frontmatter.David Weissman - 2016 - In Spinoza’s Dream: On Nature and Meaning. Berlin: De Gruyter.
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    Future Philosophy.David Weissman - 2009 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):7-8.
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    Hospitals' Care of Uninsured Patients during the 1990s: The Relation of Teaching Status and Managed Care to Changes in Market Share and Market Concentration.Joel S. Weissman, Darrell J. Gaskin & James Reuter - 2003 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 40 (1):84-93.
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    Introduction.David Weissman - 2013 - In Zone Morality. De Gruyter. pp. 1-3.
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