Results for 'Reception History'

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  1.  89
    A forgotten strand of reception history: understanding pure semantics.Peter Olen - 2017 - Synthese 194 (1):121-141.
    I explore a strand of reception history that follows Rudolf Carnap’s shift from a purely syntactical analysis of constructed languages to his conception of pure semantics. My exploration focuses on Gustav Bergmann’s and Everett Hall’s interpretation of pure semantics, their understanding of what constitutes a ’formal’ investigation of language, and their arguments concerning the relationship between expressions and their extra-linguistic referents. I argue that Bergmann and Hall strongly misread Carnap’s semantic project and, subsequently, their misunderstanding is passed down (...)
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    Lucretian Receptions: History, The Sublime, Knowledge (review).D. Mark Possanza - 2011 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 104 (4):515-516.
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    Lucretian Receptions: History, The Sublime, Knowledge (review).Wilson H. Shearin - 2012 - American Journal of Philology 133 (3):532-535.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Lucretian Receptions: History, The Sublime, KnowledgeWilson H. ShearinPhilip Hardie. Lucretian Receptions: History, The Sublime, Knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. ix + 306 pp. 4 black-and-white ills. Cloth, $90.Students of Latin literature need no introduction to the work of Philip Hardie. Although he has written on topics across the classical canon, he is perhaps best known as an influential critic of Virgil. His 1986 book, Virgil’s (...)
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    An introduction to reception history with particular reference to psalm 1.Susan Gillingham - 2011 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 85 (4):571-599.
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    Faithful Labourers: A Reception History of “Paradise Lost,” 1667–1970.William Kolbrener - 2017 - Common Knowledge 23 (1):107-108.
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    On the Reception History of Either/or in the Anglo-Saxon World.Leonardo F. Lisi - 2008 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2008 (1):327-364.
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    Wollstonecraft in Europe, 1792–1904: A Revisionist Reception History.Eileen Hunt Botting - 2013 - History of European Ideas 39 (4):503-527.
    Summary It has often been repeated that Wollstonecraft was not read for a century after her death in 1797 due to the negative impact of her husband William Godwin's Memoirs of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1798) on her posthumous reputation. By providing the first full-scale reception history of Wollstonecraft in continental Europe in the long nineteenth century—drawing on rare book research, translations of understudied primary sources, and Wollstonecraft scholarship from the nineteenth century (...)
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    The Coherence Hypothesis: Critical Reconsideration, Reception History and Development of a Theoretical Model.Florian Jeserich - 2014 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 36 (1):1-51.
    It is still largely unclear which pathways explain the religion-health connection and how these mechanisms work. One such intervening mechanism, coherence, is the focus of this article. Based on database searches and a review of the literature retrieved, I differentiate between six meanings of coherence in religion-related research: 1) consistency; 2) credibility; 3) congruence; 4) confidence; 5) character; and 6) cohesion. In this article, this classification is utilized to analyse the conceptualizations and operationalizations of coherence within a particular strain of (...)
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    Patmos in the Reception History of the Apocalypse . By Ian Boxall. Pp. xiii, 273, Oxford University Press, 2013, $125.00. [REVIEW]Nicholas King - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (2):331-332.
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    Marsilio Ficino in Germany from Renaissance to Enlightenment: a reception history.Grantley McDonald - 2022 - Genève: Librairie Droz.
    The philosopher and humanist Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) has attracted scholarly attention as translator of Plato, the Corpus Hermeticum, Plotinus and other Neoplatonists, and for his complex synthesis of Platonism and Christianity. While most previous studies of Ficino's reception have focussed on Italy, France, England and Spain, this book presents a comprehensive study of his reception in Germany and neighbouring areas, examining how Northern writers between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries remembered and reinvented Ficino's person and work. Focused chapters (...)
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  11.  51
    Habermas' Offentlichkeit: A reception history.Charles Turner - 2009 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 12 (2):225-241.
    Since its appearance in 1962, Habermas' concept of Öffentlichkeit has gained and lost significant valencies. Originally a response to concerns about the state of German political culture shared by political radicals and conservatives alike, it was later incorporated into Habermas' broader concerns with the character of human communication more generally. In recent years Habermas has returned to problems that motivated the earlier work, but has sought to make sense of them using his ‘mature’ concept of Öffentlichkeit. The results of this (...)
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    The Coherence Hypothesis: Critical Reconsideration, Reception History and Development of a Theoretical Model.Florian Jeserich * - 2014 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 36 (1):1-51.
    It is still largely unclear which pathways explain the religion-health connection and how these mechanisms work. One such intervening mechanism, coherence, is the focus of this article. Based on database searches and a review of the literature retrieved, I differentiate between six meanings of coherence in religion-related research: 1) consistency; 2) credibility; 3) congruence; 4) confidence; 5) character; and 6) cohesion. In this article, this classification is utilized to analyse the conceptualizations and operationalizations of coherence within a particular strain of (...)
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  13.  20
    The Travels of Democracy and Education: A Cross‐Cultural Reception History.Maura Striano - 2016 - Educational Theory 66 (1-2):21-37.
    After its publication in 1916, Democracy and Education opened up a global debate about educational thought that is still ongoing. Various translations of Dewey's work, appearing at different times, have aided in introducing his ideas within different conversations and across different cultures. The introduction of Dewey's masterwork through academic, institutional, or political avenues has influenced its reception within contemporary educational scenarios; these avenues need to be taken into account when analyzing the book's reception as well as its impact (...)
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  14.  39
    Erratum to: A forgotten strand of reception history: understanding pure semantics.Peter Olen - 2017 - Synthese 194 (4):1423-1423.
    Erratum to: Synthese DOI 10.1007/s11229-015-0678-4The last two block quotes of this article should be cited as “Sellars 1947c”, not “Sellars 1947”. “Sellars 1947c” references the bibliography entry for a piece of correspondence housed in the special collections archive at the University of Iowa. It is not, as the bibliography lists, a published work.
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  15. Herder, Sturm und Drang, and “Expressivism”: Problems in Reception-History.John H. Zammito - 2006 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 27 (2):51-74.
  16.  28
    The Bible, Gender, and Reception History: The Case of Job's Wife . By Katherine Low. Pp. xii, 228, London, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2013, £55.00. [REVIEW]Tracy L. Russell - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (5):836-837.
  17.  30
    Lamentations and Polemic: The Rejection/Reception History of Women’s Lament... and Syria.Nancy C. Lee - 2013 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 67 (2):155-183.
    This essay examines the socio-political and spiritual importance of the Book of Lamentations and lament expressions in Hebraic and early Christian liturgies and public settings, especially with regard to women’s lyrical expressions and to Syrian traditions until late antiquity. Further, this study addresses the current crisis in Syria, locating Syrian women’s and men’s laments today, including those from Muslim background. These laments show both continuity with ancient lament traditions and creative lyrical innovations that speak to the Syrian people’s urgent, devastating (...)
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  18. If this is the Book of Life, we should not settle for a rough draft over the long term but should remain committed to producing a final, highly accurate version.—Francis S. Collins," Shattuck Lecture: Medical and Societal Consequences of the Human Genome Project" So this book... maps its particular investigations along the double helix of a work's reception history and its production history. But the work of knowing demands that the map be followed into the textual field. [REVIEW]Jerome J. McGann - 1997 - In Lennard J. Davis (ed.), The Disability Studies Reader. Psychology Press. pp. 67.
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    Reception and influence in the history of philosophy: an approach to the problem.Serhii Yosypenko - 2020 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 2:6-23.
    Investigation into the theme of receptions and influences is one of traditional topics in the historiography of national philosophies. This article analyses the models of reception and influence used by Ukrainian historians of philosophy: the model of “influence without reception” (А. Tykholaz), the model of “studying philosophy” (D. Tschižewskij) and the model of “reception without influence” (V. Horskyi). Resting upon works by J.-L. Viellard-Baron and P. Hadot, the author tried to argue that: а) the place that (...) studies occupies in historiography as well as understanding of its phenomenon is traditionally dictated by the perception of the historic-philosophical process, the genre of the historiography of philosophy and specific historiographic attitudes; b) reception is a complex phenomenon, which has totally different configurations and meanings in different periods of the history of philosophy and cannot be put into one formula; c) the application of obvious formulas from the contemporary vision of receptions in separate historical contexts can verify or objection of the originality or even the existence of separate philosophical traditions; d) through the reflection on the phenomenon of reception in all of its complexity it possible to reveal some aspects, research into which notably corrects our perception of the history of philosophy; e) the popular over the past decades idea of the history of philosophy as dialogue among philosophers is a challenge for the historiography, though it can have a positive effect on historic-philosophical research as well as on historic-philosophical discourse in general. Particularly, the research into reception and using dialogue as a regulatory idea can influence the international circulation of ideas and contribute to turning it into “rational dialogue”, promoted by P. Bourdieu. (shrink)
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    Lucan, Reception, Counter-history.Ika Willis - 2017 - Foucault Studies 22:31-48.
    This paper reads Foucault’s 1975-6 lecture series Society Must Be Defended. It argues that the notion of counter-history developed in these lectures depends on a particular construction of Rome, as that which counter-history counters. Foucault’s version of Rome in turn depends on a surprisingly conventional reading of two monumental histories as ‘the praise of Rome’. Reading Foucault’s work instead with Lucan’s Pharsalia renders visible a counter-history within Rome itself. This reading demonstrates the ways in which reception (...)
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  21.  25
    Beyond'norms and deformations': Towards a theory of sonata form as reception history.Paul Wingfield - 2008 - Music Analysis 27 (1):137-177.
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    The Oxford Handbook of the Reception History of the Bible. Eds. Michael Lieb , Emma Mason , Jonathan Roberts , and Christopher Rowland . Pp xv, 725, Oxford University Press, 2011, £85.00. [REVIEW]Richard S. Briggs - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (2):281-281.
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  23.  42
    Echoes of Lucretius - (P.) Hardie Lucretian Receptions. History, the Sublime, Knowledge. Pp. x + 306, ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Cased, £55, US$90. ISBN: 978-0-521-76041-6. [REVIEW]Catherine J. Castner - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (1):103-105.
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    The History and Reception of Charles Darwin’s Hypothesis of Pangenesis.Kate Holterhoff - 2014 - Journal of the History of Biology 47 (4):661-695.
    This paper explores Charles Darwin’s hypothesis of pangenesis through a popular and professional reception history. First published in The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication (1868), pangenesis stated that inheritance can be explained by sub-cellular “gemmules” which aggregated in the sexual organs during intercourse. Pangenesis thereby accounted for the seemingly arbitrary absence and presence of traits in offspring while also clarifying some botanical and invertebrates’ limb regeneration abilities. I argue that critics largely interpreted Variation as an extension (...)
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  25.  14
    A History of the Reception of Philosophical Fragments in the English Language.Lee C. Barrett - 2004 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2004 (1).
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    The History of Japanese Reception of Philosophical Fragments.Shoshu Kawakami & Masahiro Kawakami - 2004 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2004 (1).
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  27.  6
    Reception in Philosophy as a Social Phenomenon: An Attempt at Theorisation.Oxana Yosypenko - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:141-154.
    The article conceptualizes the phenomenon of reception of foreign philosophical trends and authors as a social phenomenon that demands a socio-historical approach. The author attempts to demonstrate the advantages of such a genre of the history of philosophy as the history of reception. The merit of the socio-historical approach to reception, according to the author, lies in its ability to elucidate factors hidden from a purely exegetical approach. It allows for the explanation of phenomena that (...)
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  28. Reception Theory and the Semiotics of literary History.Marc E. Blanchard - 1986 - Semiotica 61 (3-4):307-323.
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    Pliny’s Encyclopedia: The Reception of the N Atural History.Aude Doody - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Elder Pliny's Natural History is one of the largest and most extraordinary works to survive from antiquity. It has often been referred to as an encyclopedia, usually without full awareness of what such a characterisation implies. In this book, Dr Doody examines this concept and its applicability to the work, paying far more attention than ever before to the varying ways in which it has been read during the last two thousand years, especially by Francis Bacon and Denis (...)
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  30.  18
    The Reception Of Guido De Ruggiero, “The History of European Liberalism”, in English.James Connelly - 2022 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 28 (2):139-154.
  31. The history and theory of reception.Peter Burke - 2013 - In Howell A. Lloyd (ed.), The Reception of Bodin. Boston: Brill.
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  32.  17
    Benjamin's Literary History of Attention: Between Reception and Production.Carolin Duttlinger - 2009 - Paragraph 32 (3):273-291.
    This article argues that attention and distraction form a central concern of Benjamin's writings on literature. Individually and in conjunction, they underpin processes of textual production and reception, yet their relationship is fluid and subject to historical change. In this respect, Benjamin's exploration of the interplay of attention and distraction in writers such as Leskov, Baudelaire and Brecht also leads to more general reflections about the social, cultural and psychological shifts brought about by industrialization and modern mass culture. Benjamin's (...)
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  33.  56
    The Reception of Aristotle's History of Animals in the Marginalia of Some Latin Manuscripts of Michael Scot's Arabic-Latin Translation.Aafke M. I. Van Oppenraay - 2003 - Early Science and Medicine 8 (4):387-403.
    A considerable number of the thirteenth and early fourteenth-century manuscripts of Michael Scot's Arabic-Latin translation of Aristotle's De animalibus display a system of guiding marginal glosses. These glosses are usually added by a later hand with respect to the hand that had written the text. The manuscripts were not only annotated for personal use, but also so as to allow for a better use in compiling commentaries, encyclopaedias and compendia. We can say that the marginalia form the main, if not (...)
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    Intentions, concepts and reception: An attempt to come to terms with the materialistic and diachronic aspects of the history of ideas.Leidulf Melve - 2006 - History of Political Thought 27 (3):377-406.
    The article outlines an approach to the history of ideas which capitalizes on the discussion of the theoretical sides of the history of ideas and the history of political thought during the last three decades. Two aspects are of particular importance in the outlined approach, namely a focus on the materialistic aspect of the text -- the text as a manuscript. A second important aspect is the need to come to terms with the diachronic side to the (...)
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  35.  49
    The Reception of Miller's Ether-Drift Experiments in the USA: The History of a Controversy in Relativity Revolution.Roberto Lalli - 2012 - Annals of Science 69 (2):153-214.
    Summary This paper analyses documents from several US archives in order to examine the controversy that raged within the US scientific community over Dayton C. Miller's ether-drift experiments. In 1925, Miller announced that his repetitions of the famous Michelson-Morley experiment had shown a slight but positive result: an ether-drift of about 10 kilometres per second. Miller's discovery triggered a long debate in the US scientific community about the validity of Einstein's relativity theories. Between 1926 and 1930 some researchers repeated the (...)
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  36.  27
    The concept of «reception study» in the context of methodology of the history of philosophy.Vitali Terletsky - 2020 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 2:24-36.
    The article analyzes the concept of «reception», which has recently gained popularity, but remains not sufficiently clarified in studies of the history of philosophy. It is assumed that the concept has become the subject of explicit methodological reflection only in the reception aesthetics (Rezeptionsästhetik) of the Constance School of Literary Studies, where it not only opposes the concept of influence, but is interpreted in the context of a horizontal structure for text understanding. At the same time, it (...)
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  37.  21
    The Reception of Aristotle's History of Animals in the Marginalia of Some Latin Manuscripts of Michael Scot's Arabic-Latin Translation.M. I. van OppenraayAafke - 2003 - Early Science and Medicine 8 (4):387-403.
    A considerable number of the thirteenth and early fourteenth-century manuscripts of Michael Scot's Arabic-Latin translation of Aristotle's De animalibus display a system of guiding marginal glosses. These glosses are usually added by a later hand with respect to the hand that had written the text. The manuscripts were not only annotated for personal use, but also so as to allow for a better use in compiling commentaries, encyclopaedias and compendia. We can say that the marginalia form the main, if not (...)
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  38.  55
    Prophecy and history: Lichtenberger's forecasts of events to come (from the fifteenth to the twentieth century); their reception and diffusion.D. Kurze - 1958 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 21 (1/2):63-85.
  39.  30
    The Analytic Reception of Husserlian Phenomenology in the United States: History, Problems, and Prospects.Paul Livingston - 2019 - In Michela Beatrice Ferri & Carlo Ierna (eds.), The Reception of Husserlian Phenomenology in North America. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 435-459.
    This paper considers the historical and current reception of Husserl’s phenomenological project within the tradition of analytic philosophy, especially in the United States. Despite the fact that both Husserlian phenomenology and the analytic tradition have centrally undertaken systematic analysis and clarification of structures of meaning or sense, the project of phenomenological analysis and reflection has never been centrally or comprehensively integrated into the most characteristic projects of the analytic tradition. This resistance owes in part to the strong elements of (...)
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  40.  31
    The Reception of Sophocles' Representation of Physical Pain.Felix Budelmann - 2007 - American Journal of Philology 128 (4):443-467.
    Two of Sophocles' surviving tragedies contain scenes that portray the main character in excruciating pain for a sustained period of time: Philoctetes and Trachiniae. This article discusses three important stages in the reception history of these pain scenes: (1) Hercules Oetaeus, attributed to Seneca, (2) Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's Laocoon treatise, and (3) recent European adaptations. In each case, it analyzes how the later playwrights, directors, and theorists responded to certain complexities inherent in Sophocles' representation of pain. The conclusion (...)
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  41.  13
    The History of Reception of Charles S. Peirce in Greece.Christos A. Pechlivanidis - 2014 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 6 (1).
    Despite the great interest on Peirce’s work in Europe especially from the 1960s onwards, Peirce’s name in Greek literature could be found only in introductory books of philosophy and in particular in those concerned with the theory of language. An exception is Evangelos Papanoutsos’ Pragmatism or Humanism: Elaboration and Criticism of the Theories of a Great Current of Contemporary Philosophy (Papanoutsos 1924), which studies pragmatism as it had been shaped mainly by F. C. S. Schiller. Refer...
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  42.  16
    Mathematical Logic in the History of Logic: Łukasiewicz’s Contribution and Its Reception.Zuzana Rybaříková - 2024 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (2):98-108.
    AbstractŁukasiewicz introduced a new methodological approach to the history of logic. It consists of the use of modern formal logic in the research of the history of logic. Although he was not the first to use formal logic in his historical research, Łukasiewicz was the first who used it consistently and formulated it as a requirement for a historian of logic. The aim of this paper is to present Łukasiewicz's contribution and the history of its formulation. In (...)
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  43.  22
    Classical reception in the nineteenth century. Vance, Wallace the oxford history of classical reception in English literature. Volume 4: 1790–1880. Pp. XIV + 746, ills. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2015. Cased, £140, us$225. Isbn: 978-0-19-959460-3. [REVIEW]Gail Marshall - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (1):268-269.
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    Introduction: Towards a global history of paleontology: The paleontological reception of Darwin's thought.David Sepkoski & Marco Tamborini - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 66 (C):1-2.
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    Corrigibility, allegory, universality: A history of the Gita's transnational reception, 1785–1945.J. Sharpe - 2010 - Modern Intellectual History 7 (2):297-317.
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    The Reception of Plato’s Phaedrus from Antiquity to the Renaissance.Sylvain Delcomminette, Pieter D' Hoine & Marc-Antoine Gavray (eds.) - 2020 - De Gruyter.
    This volume explores the tremendous influence of Plato's Phaedrus on the philosophical, religious, scientific and literary discussions in the first two millennia of the dialogue's reception history. It will appeal to readers interested in the Ph.
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  47. A History of Cambridge Idealism: Reception, Influence, and Legacy.L. M. Verburgt (ed.) - forthcoming - London: Bloomsbury.
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    Constitutions as Conventions: A History of Non-reception.Andrew Sabl - 2017 - In Thomas Christiano, Ingrid Creppell & Jack Knight (eds.), Morality, Governance, and Social Institutions: Reflections on Russell Hardin. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 131-155.
    Russell Hardin’s theory of constitutions as conventions implies several conclusions that are striking, deep, important, counterintuitive, and very hard to deny. Nevertheless, they have had little influence on the field of political theory. This chapter seeks to explain that through two theses. The theory embarrasses the prevailing schools of political thought not just by denying their doctrines but by suggesting the irrelevance of many of their favorite questions. The theory seems, as Hardin presents it, more pessimistic and quietist than it (...)
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    Corrigibility, allegory, universality: A history of the Gita's transnational reception, 1785–1985 - corrigendum.Mishka Sinha - 2011 - Modern Intellectual History 8 (2):497-497.
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    Pliny's Encyclopedia: The Reception of the Natural History.Stephen Gaukroger - 2011 - Intellectual History Review 21 (2):241-242.
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