Results for 'Reinhard Junge'

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    System der lebensphilosophie.Reinhard Junge - 1937 - Berlin,: Junker und Dünnhaupt.
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    System der Lebensphilosophie.Reinhard Junge - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48 (2):226-227.
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  3. Matthias Jung: Dilthey zur Einführung. [REVIEW]Reinhard Margreiter - 1997 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 50 (2).
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    Thomas Mann: Joseph und seine Brüder I. Die Geschichten Jaakobs/Der junge Joseph. Kommentar , hrsg. von Jan Assmann, Dieter Borchmeyer und Stephan Stachorski, Frankfurt a. M.: Fischer Verlag 2018, 937 S.; ders.: Joseph und seine Brüder II. Joseph in Ägypten/Joseph, der Ernährer. Kommentar , hrsg. von Jan Assmann, Dieter Borchmeyer und Stephan Stachorski, Frankfurt a. M.: Fischer Verlag 2018, 1142 S. [REVIEW]Reinhard Mehring - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 71 (4):425-427.
  5. Klaus Christian Köhnke: Der junge Simmel in Theoriebeziehungen und sozialen Bewegungen. [REVIEW]Reinhard Mehring - 1997 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 50 (4).
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    Descartes' Konzeption des Systems der Philosophie.Reinhard Lauth - 1998
    Gegen die zur Zeit in Frankreich herrschende realistische Interpretation, die ein angemessenes Verstandnis des Grundgedankens von Descartes' Philosophie unmoglich leisten kann, weist der Verfasser in der Fortfuhrung des Ansatzes von M. Gueroult nach, dass Descartes die Aufgabe der Philosophie strikt transzendental (ante litteram) konzipiert hat. Die von ihm geforderte analytische Methode (im Gegensatz zur geometrischen) muss eine deduzierende im Sinne Euklids sein; ihr Gegenstand ist aber nicht der Raum, sondern der Geist, der seinerseits nicht nur das Sein, sondern auch sein (...)
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  7. Reinhard Buchwald, Schiller. Erster Band: Der junge Schiller. Zweiter Band: Schillers Wander- und Meisterjahre. [REVIEW]Hermann Glockner - 1939 - Zeitschrift für Deutsche Kulturphilosophie 5:303.
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    Multi-use and constraints from original use.Justin A. Jungé & Daniel C. Dennett - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (4):277-278.
    Anderson's theory is plausible and largely consistent with the data. However, it remains underspecified on several fronts, and we highlight areas for potential improvement. Reuse is described as duplicating a functional component, preserving one function and tinkering to add another function. This is a promising model, but Anderson neglects other reasonable alternatives and we highlight several. Evidence cited in support of reuse fails to uniquely support it among a broader set of multi-use theories. We suggest that a more stringent criterion (...)
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    Hazarapatiš.P. J. Junge - 1940 - Klio 33 (1-4):13-38.
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  10. Medien als Selbstreferenzunterbrecher.Kay Junge - 1993 - In Dirk Baecker (ed.), Kalkül der Form. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Indirect scaling methods for testing quantitative emotion theories.Martin Junge & Rainer Reisenzein - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (7):1247-1275.
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    Speculative Societies – Towards a new Research Agenda.Manuel Reinhard - 2021 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 21 (2):51-81.
    En ces temps d’avenir perdu, les sociétés sont des sociétés spéculatives, qu’elles le veuillent ou non. Alors que la crise financière de 2007–2008 s’est transformée en une myriade de crises politiques dans les années qui ont suivies. En effet, l’esprit d’un âge néo-biedermeierien et les programmes politiques axés sur la stabilité sont devenus le modus operandi de l’Occident dans les contextes économiques et bien au-delà. Le désenchantement du néolibéralisme et son eschatologie politique dans un large éventail de domaines socioculturels perdurent (...)
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  13. Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) spontaneously compute addition operations over large numbers.Jonathan I. Flombaum, Justin A. Junge & Marc D. Hauser - 2005 - Cognition 97 (3):315-325.
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    Heidegger’s Hidden Sources. East Asian Influences on His Work.Reinhard May - 1996 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Graham Parkes.
    _Heidegger's Hidden Sources_ documents for the first time Heidegger's remarkable debt to East Asian philosophy. In this groundbreaking study, Reinhard May shows conclusively that Martin Heidegger borrowed some of the major ideas of his philosophy - on occasion almost word for word - from German translations of Chinese Daoist and Zen Buddhist classics. The discovery of this astonishing appropriation of non-Western sources will have important consequences for future interpretations of Heidegger's work. Moreover, it shows Heidegger as a pioneer of (...)
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  15. On Partial and Paraconsistent Logics.Reinhard Muskens - 1999 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40 (3):352-374.
    In this paper we consider the theory of predicate logics in which the principle of Bivalence or the principle of Non-Contradiction or both fail. Such logics are partial or paraconsistent or both. We consider sequent calculi for these logics and prove Model Existence. For L4, the most general logic under consideration, we also prove a version of the Craig-Lyndon Interpolation Theorem. The paper shows that many techniques used for classical predicate logic generalise to partial and paraconsistent logics once the right (...)
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  16. La difference entre la philosophie de la nature de la Doctrine de la Science et celle de Schelling expliquée à partir de deux points de vue caractéristiques de la seconde.Reinhard Lauth - 1988 - Archives de Philosophie 51 (3):413.
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  17. Nouvelles recherches sur Jacobi - I.Reinhard Lauth - 1971 - Archives de Philosophie 34 (2):281.
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    »Glauben und wissen« AlS limitation einer glaubensgeschichte der moderne.Reinhard Mehring - 2003 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 5 (1):104-109.
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    Thomas Marschler: Karl Eschweiler . Theologische Erkenntnislehre und nationalsozialistische Ideologie.Reinhard Mehring - 2012 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 64 (1):101-103.
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  20. Language, Lambdas, and Logic.Reinhard Muskens - 2003 - In R. Oehrle & J. Kruijff (eds.), resource sensitivity, binding, and anaphora. kluwer. pp. 23--54.
    The paper develops Lambda Grammars, a form of categorial grammar that, unlike other categorial formalisms, is non-directional. Linguistic signs are represented as sequences of lambda terms and are combined with the help of linear combinators.
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    Phänomenologie der Missachtung: Studien zum Intersubjektivitätsdenken Jean-Paul Sartres.Reinhard Olschanski - 1997 - Bodenheim: Syndikat.
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  22. (1 other version)Meaning and Partiality.Reinhard Muskens - 1989 - Dissertation, University of Amsterdam
  23. Lambda Grammars and the Syntax-Semantics Interface.Reinhard Muskens - 2001 - In Robert Van Rooij & Martin Stokhof (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirteenth Amsterdam Colloquium. Amsterdam: ILLC. pp. 150-155.
    In this paper we discuss a new perspective on the syntax-semantics interface. Semantics, in this new set-up, is not ‘read off’ from Logical Forms as in mainstream approaches to generative grammar. Nor is it assigned to syntactic proofs using a Curry-Howard correspondence as in versions of the Lambek Calculus, or read off from f-structures using Linear Logic as in Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG, Kaplan & Bresnan [9]). All such approaches are based on the idea that syntactic objects (trees, proofs, fstructures) are (...)
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    The Interplay between Gaze Following, Emotion Recognition, and Empathy across Adolescence; a Pubertal Dip in Performance?Rianne van Rooijen, Caroline M. M. Junge & Chantal Kemner - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  25. Categorial Grammar and Lexical-Functional Grammar.Reinhard Muskens - 2001 - In Miriam Butt & Tracey Holloway King (eds.), Proceedings of the LFG01 Conference, University of Hong Kong. CSLI Publications. pp. 259-279.
    This paper introduces λ-grammar, a form of categorial grammar that has much in common with LFG. Like other forms of categorial grammar, λ-grammars are multi-dimensional and their components are combined in a strictly parallel fashion. Grammatical representations are combined with the help of linear combinators, closed pure λ-terms in which each abstractor binds exactly one variable. Mathematically this is equivalent to employing linear logic, in use in LFG for semantic composition, but the method seems more practicable.
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  26. Order-independence and Underspecification.Reinhard Muskens - 2004 - In Hans Kamp & Barbara Hall Partee (eds.), Context-dependence in the analysis of linguistic meaning. Boston: Elsevier. pp. 11--239.
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    Pre-verbal infants perceive emotional facial expressions categorically.Yong-Qi Cong, Caroline Junge, Evin Aktar, Maartje Raijmakers, Anna Franklin & Disa Sauter - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (3):391-403.
    ABSTRACTAdults perceive emotional expressions categorically, with discrimination being faster and more accurate between expressions from different emotion categories than between two stimuli from the same category. The current study sought to test whether facial expressions of happiness and fear are perceived categorically by pre-verbal infants, using a new stimulus set that was shown to yield categorical perception in adult observers. These stimuli were then used with 7-month-old infants using a habituation and visual preference paradigm. Infants were first habituated to an (...)
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    Korrektur zum Reisebericht Felix Kleins.Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze - 1998 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 6 (1):124-124.
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  29. Underspecified semantics.Reinhard Muskens - 2000 - In Klaus von Heusinger & Urs Egli (eds.), Reference and Anaphoric Relations. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 311--338.
    Ambiguities in natural language can multiply so fast that no person or machine can be expected to process a text of even moderate length by enumerating all possible disambiguations. A sentence containing $n$ scope bearing elements which are freely permutable will have $n!$ readings, if there are no other, say lexical or syntactic, sources of ambiguity. A series of $m$ such sentences would lead to $(n!)^m$ possibilities. All in all the growth of possibilities will be so fast that generating readings (...)
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    Climaxes and Turning Points of German Military History. [REVIEW]Hans Christoph Junge - 1985 - Philosophy and History 18 (2):189-190.
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    The Origins of Early Modern Europe 1550–1648. [REVIEW]Hans-Christoph Junge - 1983 - Philosophy and History 16 (2):158-159.
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  32. What is a Proof?Reinhard Kahle - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (1):79-91.
    In this programmatic paper we renew the well-known question “What is a proof?”. Starting from the challenge of the mathematical community by computer assisted theorem provers we discuss in the first part how the experiences from examinations of proofs can help to sharpen the question. In the second part we have a look to the new challenge given by “big proofs”.
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  33. Decision-Making as an Orientation Skill in Poker and Everyday Life: Annie Duke’s Thinking in Bets and the Philosophy of Orientation.Reinhard G. Mueller - 2020 - Orientation Skills in Everyday and Professional Life.
    This essay investigates, via the concepts of the philosophy of orientation, Annie Duke’s decision-making theory in "Thinking in Bets" and scrutinizes as to what extent one can universalize the 'orientation skill' of decision-making with regard to our everyday and professional life.
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  34. Context Update for Lambdas and Vectors.Reinhard Muskens & Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh - 2016 - In Maxime Amblard, Philippe de Groote, Sylvain Pogodalla & Christian Rétoré (eds.), Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics. Celebrating 20 Years of LACL (1996–2016). Berlin, Germany: Springer. pp. 247--254.
    Vector models of language are based on the contextual aspects of words and how they co-occur in text. Truth conditional models focus on the logical aspects of language, the denotations of phrases, and their compositional properties. In the latter approach the denotation of a sentence determines its truth conditions and can be taken to be a truth value, a set of possible worlds, a context change potential, or similar. In this short paper, we develop a vector semantics for language based (...)
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    (1 other version)Human Enhancement – Eine Motivsuche bei J.D. Bernal, J.B.S. Haldane und J.S. Huxley.Reinhard Heil - 2010 - In Christopher Coenen (ed.), Die Debatte über "Human Enhancement": historische, philosophische und ethische Aspekte der technologischen Verbesserung des Menschen. Bielefeld: Transcript. pp. 41-62.
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    Über Kants vermeintlichen Wandel vom Friedensutopisten zum Kriegsapologeten.Reinhard Hesse - 2007 - Kant Studien 98 (2):218-222.
    In seinem Aufsatz „Immanuel Kant und die Reichweite der Kanonen. Die Abkehr von der Illusion eines ewigen Friedens“, in: Internationale Politik, Heft 11–12, Berlin 2004, 155ff. stellt Heinz Kluss, ehemaliger Direktor des Ausschusses für Verteidigung und Sicherheit der Parlamentarischen Versammlung der NATO, drei eingängige Thesen auf.
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  37. Die Vollendung der Transzendentalphihsophie in Kants 'Kritik der Urteihkraft'.Reinhard Hiltscher, Stefan Klingner & David Süss - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (3):582-583.
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  38. St. Thomas on Grace and Free Will in the Initium Fidei: The Surpassing Augustinian Synthesis.Reinhard Hütter - 2007 - Nova et Vetera 5:521-554.
  39. A calculus for Belnap's logic in which each proof consists of two trees.Stefan Wintein & Reinhard Muskens - 2012 - Logique Et Analyse 220:643-656.
    In this paper we introduce a Gentzen calculus for (a functionally complete variant of) Belnap's logic in which establishing the provability of a sequent in general requires \emph{two} proof trees, one establishing that whenever all premises are true some conclusion is true and one that guarantees the falsity of at least one premise if all conclusions are false. The calculus can also be put to use in proving that one statement \emph{necessarily approximates} another, where necessary approximation is a natural dual (...)
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    Quantum cognition and bounded rationality.Reinhard Blutner & Peter Beim Graben - 2016 - Synthese 193 (10).
    We consider several puzzles of bounded rationality. These include the Allais- and Ellsberg paradox, the disjunction effect, and related puzzles. We argue that the present account of quantum cognition—taking quantum probabilities rather than classical probabilities—can give a more systematic description of these puzzles than the alternate treatments in the traditional frameworks of bounded rationality. Unfortunately, the quantum probabilistic treatment does not always provide a deeper understanding and a true explanation of these puzzles. One reason is that quantum approaches introduce additional (...)
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    (1 other version)Hegels Fehlverständnis der Wissenschaftslehre in « Glauben und Wissen ».Reinhard Lauth - 1983 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 88 (3):298 - 321.
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    Une philosophie en devenir.Reinhard Lauth - 1975 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 80 (2):240 - 253.
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    Heinrich Schmidinger: Toleranz – auch eine Geschichte Europas.Reinhard Margreiter - 2024 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 77 (4):335-341.
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    Torsten Cress, Oliwia Murawska, Annika Schlitte (Hg.): Posthuman? Neue Perspektiven auf Natur/Kultur.Reinhard Margreiter - 2024 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 77 (3):228-233.
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  45. Henning Ottmann-Geschichte des politischen Denkens. Bd. 3.Reinhard Mehring - 2009 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 62 (1):59.
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  46. Towards a Proof-Theoretic Semantics of Equalities.Reinhard Kahle - 2015 - In Peter Schroeder-Heister & Thomas Piecha (eds.), Advances in Proof-Theoretic Semantics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    Logik und Wirtschaftswissenschaft.Reinhard Kamitz (ed.) - 1979 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
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    (1 other version)Indexmengen und Erkennung Rekursiver Funktionen.Reinhard Klette - 1976 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 22 (1):231-238.
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    Modal Logic Without Possible Worlds.Reinhard Kleinknecht - 1983 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 6 (3):161-171.
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    (1 other version)Der heilige Raum: Eine Überlegung angesichts der Grotte in den Herrenhäuser Gärten, eingerichtet und neu ausgestattet von Niki de St. Phalle.Reinhard Knodt - 2010 - In Peter Nickl & Georgios Terizakis (eds.), Die Seele: Metapher Oder Wirklichkeit?: Philosophische Ergründungen. Texte Zum Ersten Festival der Philosophie in Hannover 2008. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 115-124.
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