Results for 'Rene Goldman'

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  1.  25
    Dialogue with René Ménil.René Ménil, Daniel Maximin, Rebecca Krasner & Christiane Goldman - 2020 - CLR James Journal 26 (1):39-50.
  2.  49
    Moral leadership in society: Some parallels between the confucian "noble man" and the jewish "zaddik".Rene Goldman - 1995 - Philosophy East and West 45 (3):329-365.
    Beyond the empressionistic similarities Chinese and Jews sometimes detect in each other, a study of the scriptural texts of the two traditions reveals surprising parallels. Eleven such parallels in ideas and values are examined and it is suggested that the comparative study of cultural traditions developed independently of each other is a worthwhile undertaking. This serves to apprehend that which is genuinely universal beyond the diversity of expression.
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    Iconoclasm in the Old and New Testaments.Peter Goldman - 2003 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 10 (1):83-94.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:ICONOCLASM in the OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS Peter Goldman Westminster State College ofSalt Lake City Acentral problem for any monotheistic religion is distinguishing worship of the one true God from idolatry in all its forms. René Girard's pioneering interpretation ofthe Judeo-Christian scriptures clarifies this distinction by recourse to an ethical conception ofthe sacrificial: False religion or idolatry is essentially sacrificial, while the Judeo-Christian tradition opposes the sacrificial in (...)
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  4. Actions, événements et forme logique.Renée Bilodeau - 1992 - Philosophie 33:52-71.
    Cet article défend la thèse des descriptions multiples de l’action mise de l’avant par Elizabeth Anscombe et Donald Davidson contre l’approche en terme d’engendrement par niveau favorisée par Alvin Goldman. En me servant de la distinction entre nominatif parfait et nominatif imparfait introduite par Zeno Vendler et développée par Jonathan Bennett dans Events and their Names, je montre que la notion d’événement utilisée par Anscombe-Davidson diffère considérablement de celle employée par Goldman. Parce que le lien causal entre une (...)
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  5. The philosophical works of Descartes.René Descartes - 1967 - London,: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane & G. R. T. Ross.
  6.  16
    Whether scientists should try to go it alone: a formal model for the risk of split of a scientific community.Thomas Boyer - unknown
    In this paper, I address a question in social epistemology about the unity of a scientic community to- wards its inner groups (teams, labs...). I investigate the reasons why these groups might want to \go it alone", working among themselves and hiding their discoveries from other groups. I concentrate on the intermediate results of a longer project, where the first steps can help to achieve a more advanced result. I study to what extent the isolation of research groups might be (...)
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    Indifference and Envy: The Anthropological Analysis of Modern Economy.Paul Dumouchel - 2003 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 10 (1):149-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:INDIFFERENCE AND ENVY: THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF MODERN ECONOMY Paul Dumouchel University ofQuébec-Montréal 1. Girard and economics René Girard himself has not written very much on economics, at least explicitly. Though his works are full ofinsights into and short remarks on the sacrificial origin of different economic phenomena or the way in which mimetic relations and commercial transactions are often intertwined and act upon each other.1 Unlike religion, psychology, (...)
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    Introduction to metaphysics: the fundamental questions.Andrew B. Schoedinger (ed.) - 1991 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Are the characteristics and relationships among spatio-temporal entities "real" or are they simply conventional terms that note similarities among things in the world but lack any reality of their own? Or if they are real, what sort of reality do they have? Do we live in a world of causes and effects, or is this relation a useful contrivance for our convenience? What is the nature of this "I" that we invoke when referring to ourselves? Is it body? Mind? Both? (...)
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    The Philosophical Writings of Descartes: Volume 2.René Descartes (ed.) - 1984 - Cambridge University Press.
    These two volumes provide a translation of the philosophical works of Descartes, based on the best available Latin and French texts. They are intended to replace the only reasonably comprehensive selection of his works in English, by Haldane and Ross, first published in 1911. All the works included in that edition are translated here, together with a number of additional texts crucial for an understanding of Cartesian philosophy, including important material from Descartes' scientific writings. The result should meet the widespread (...)
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    (1 other version)Œuvres de Descartes.René Descartes - 1964 - Paris,: le Club français du livre. Edited by Samuel S. de Sacy.
    10. Physico-mathematica. Compendium musicae. Regulae ad directionem ingenii. Recherche de la vérité. Supplément à la correspondance.
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    Apologie du logos.René Thom - 1990
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    The Nurturing Stance, Moral Responsibility, and the (Implicit) Bias Blind Spot.René Baston - 2023 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 9 (1):1-20.
    Can we hold agents responsible for their implicitly biased behavior? The aim of this text is to show that, from the nurturing stance, holding subjects responsible for their implicitly biased behavior is justified, even though they are not blameworthy. First, I will introduce the nurturing stance as Daphne Brandenburg originally developed it. Second, I will specify what holding somebody responsible from the nurturing stance amounts to. Third, I show how and why holding responsible can help a subject develop an impaired (...)
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  13. The world.René Descartes - 1629 - In John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff & Dugald Murdoch (eds.), The Philosophical Writings of Descartes: Volume 1. Cambridge University Press. pp. 81--98.
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  14.  33
    Building bridges: knowledge production, publication and use. Commentary on Tonelli (2006), Integrating evidence into clinical practice: an alternative to evidence-based approaches. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12, 248-256.Rene Geanellos & Chris Wilson - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (3):299-305.
  15. La Géométrie.René Descartes & Franz Hals - 1927 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 34 (4):3-4.
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    Nietzsche lesen mit KGW IX. Zum Beispiel Arbeitsheft W II 1, Seite 1.René Stockmar & Beat Röllin - 2017 - In Claus Zittel, Axel Pichler & Martin Endres (eds.), Text/Kritik: Nietzsche Und Adorno. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 1-38.
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  17. Implicit attitudes and implicit prejudices.René Baston & Gottfried Vosgerau - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (6):889-903.
    In social psychology, the concept of implicit attitudes has given rise to ongoing discussions that are rather philosophical. The aim of this paper is to discuss the status of implicit prejudices from a philosophical point of view. Since implicit prejudices are a special case of implicit attitudes, the discussion will be framed by a short discussion of the most central aspects concerning implicit attitudes and indirect measures. In particular, the ontological conclusions that are implied by different conceptions of implicit attitudes (...)
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  18.  41
    Hermeneutic philosophy. Part I: implications of its use as methodology in interpretive nursing research.Rene Geanellos - 1998 - Nursing Inquiry 5 (3):154-163.
    Increasingly, nurses use the philosophy of hermeneutics, especially Heideggerian and Gadamerian hermeneutics, to inform interpretive research. However, application of the work of these philosophers to interpretive nursing research has proved problematic as it fails to recognise, or act upon, obligations inherent in their work. Through a review of hermeneutically informed nursing research, methodological implications regarding the use of hermeneutic philosophy are examined in relation to: (i) the need to address forestructures and pre‐understandings; (ii) checking interpretations with research participants; (iii) seeking (...)
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  19.  34
    Δ31 reals.René David - 1982 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 23 (2):121-125.
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    Faut-il traduire le vocable aristotélicien de 'phantasia' par 'représentation'?René Lefebvre - 1997 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 95 (4):587-616.
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    Rawls, Sartre, and the Question of Camaraderie.René V. Arcilla - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (5):491-502.
    In his classic text, A Theory of Justice, John Rawls argues that the structural principles of a society are just when they issue from a procedure that is fair. One crucial feature that makes the procedure fair is that the persons who will be subjected to these principles choose them after they have deliberated together in a condition marked by a certain balance of knowledge and ignorance. In particular, these people know enough to consider principles that are workable, yet converse (...)
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  22. De l'icône au symbole.René Thom - 1973 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme.
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    Two Touchstones for Philosophy: Naive Experience and Common Sense.René van Woudenberg - 2020 - Philosophia Reformata 85 (1):20-42.
    In this paper I explore, in sections 2 and 3, respectively, Herman Dooyeweerd’s notion of naive experience and the notion of common sense as found in the writings of Thomas Reid and G. E. Moore. I argue in section 4 that naive experience and common sense are assigned a structurally similar functional role by their advocates—viz., the role of touchstone for philosophy. In the final section I stage a conversation between Dooyeweerd and Reid about the touchstones they adopt.
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  24. Nonhumans as Machines.René Descartes & David R. Keller - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics: The Big Questions.
  25.  15
    Philosophical essays: Discourse on method; Meditations; Rules for the direction of the mind.René Descartes - 1964 - Indianapolis,: Bobbs-Merrill.
    Discourse on the method of rightly conducting the reason and seeking truth in the field of science -- The meditations concerning first philosophy -- Rules for the direction of the mind.
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    Immanuel Kant in England, 1793-1838.René Wellek - 1931 - Princeton,: Princeton University Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  27.  13
    Méditations métaphysiques: Objections et réponses suivies de quatre lettres.René Descartes & Jean-Marie Beyssade - 2011 - Garnier-Flammarion.
    Poser les fondements de toute philosophie et de tout savoir, en retraçant le chemin qui mène du doute radical à l'indubitable science : telle est l'entreprise de Descartes dans ses Méditations métaphysiques. Tout au long de cet ouvrage original où se conjuguent démonstration et ascèse, la vérité se fonde à mesure que le lecteur se découvre et se forme, en éprouvant, après l'incertitude de toute connaissance, l'existence du sujet pensant, de Dieu, des choses matérielles, la distinction de l'âme et du (...)
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    Sonnenuhr und Astrolabium im Dienste der Moschee.R. J. Rohr René - 1974 - Centaurus 18 (1):44-56.
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    To delay or not to delay: procrastination and suicide prevention.René Baston - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    When mental health professionals or social workers are confronted with a suicidal individual, one approach is to use all means to delay the act of suicide until the desire for death subsides. Encouraging someone to delay suicide while bypassing the individual’s practical reasons for suicide can lead to irrational postponement, which equates to procrastinating suicide. Causing someone to procrastinate in this manner poses a risk of disrespecting the person as a rational agent. However, is it even possible to irrationally delay (...)
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    Belonging.René Girard & Rob Grayson - 2016 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 23:1-12.
    “Belonging” means the fact of belonging to something or someone. A serf belongs to an estate. A slave belongs to his master. In our democratic universe, no one belongs to a lord and master anymore, at least in principle. Nowadays, people only belong to communities of free individuals who are equal under the law—again, in principle.We all belong to the human race. Nearly all of you here belong to the nation of Italy, to Sicily, to the city of Messina, to (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas on Malice: Three Interpretive Errors.René Ardell Fehr - 2023 - Res Philosophica 100 (2):251-272.
    This article addresses three interpretive errors that are common with respect to Thomas Aquinas’s understanding of malice. The first error concerns the interpretation of malice as consisting in the preference or choice of a lesser good over a greater good. I argue that malice instead consists in a disorder of the will, and where that disorder results in the choice of a spiritual evil. The second error occurs when one charges Thomas with inconsistency: it is claimed that Thomas’s view of (...)
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  32. Art(s) and Power(s).René Berger & R. Scott Walker - 1982 - Diogenes 30 (120):103-134.
    At first glance such a title seems antinomic. Obviously we accept the fact that there exists a relation, frequently conflictual, between the press and public authority, without mentioning other media; but art continues to represent, at least in the mind of the public, a privileged domain which, though subject to frequently abrupt and brutal changes, benefits nevertheless from an “innocence” distinguishing it from other activities. Visiting the Louvre in Paris, the Uffizi in Florence, or touring the Loire valley châteaux are (...)
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    Un nouvel essai de réalisme en Amérique.René Kremer - 1922 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 24 (95):314-332.
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    O Significado de Poder na Filosofia de Hannah Arendt.Rene Erick Sampar - 2016 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 2 (1):205.
    O artigo analisa a relação existente entre o poder e a violência, tendo por base a filosofia de Hannah Arendt. A tradição do pensamento político conceitua o poder a partir da fórmula de domínio, isto é, a capacidade de influência e controle que determinado grupo possui sobre o comportamento alheio, materializando-se em geral mediante o emprego dos implementos de violência. Ao distanciar suas reflexões desta concepção, Hannah Arendt fundamenta o poder na capacidade de ação conjunta das pessoas, e a política (...)
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    Juger la responsabilité des gestionnaires publics.René Sève - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 64 (1):591-610.
    Dans le cadre de la mise en place de nouvelles juridictions financières de première instance et d’appel au sein de la Cour des comptes, à la suite de la suppression de la CDBF le 31 décembre 2022, et après avoir retracé le cadre théorique d’une juridiction administrative répressive, l’auteur étudie les dispositions principales de l’ordonnance du 23 mars 2022 et envisage les perspectives de ces nouveaux contentieux.
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  36. A Pygmalion Adventure.René Berger - 1969 - Diogenes 17 (68):29-52.
  37. The second set of objections with replies.René Descartes - 2007 - In Aloysius Martinich, Fritz Allhoff & Anand Vaidya (eds.), Early Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  38. Storage operators and directed lambda-calculus.René David & Karim Nour - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (4):1054-1086.
    Storage operators have been introduced by J. L. Krivine in [5] they are closed λ-terms which, for a data type, allow one to simulate a "call by value" while using the "call by name" strategy. In this paper, we introduce the directed λ-calculus and show that it has the usual properties of the ordinary λ-calculus. With this calculus we get an equivalent--and simple--definition of the storage operators that allows to show some of their properties: $\bullet$ the stability of the set (...)
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  39.  24
    Marcelo Díaz, Impuestos ¿Se viene el remezón?, Editorial Universidad Bolivariana, Santiago, 2009, 93 p.René Abeliuk - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 23.
    Como muy bien lo dice el autor, su interesante libro fue fruto de una discusión a mitad del camino del último gobierno de 6 años que, en la multiplicidad de ensayos institucionales postdictadura, ha tenido el país: el de Ricardo Lagos. Este es un tema de debate en todos los países que han adoptado un sistema económico de más o menos libre mercado, y no lo es en los demás porque en ellos no se discute lo que sus gobiernos hacen.Finalmente, (...)
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  40.  2
    Jean-Paul Sartre: philosopher without faith.René Marill Albérès - 1961 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
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    Aristote; ou, Le complexe de trahison.René Allendy - 1943 - [Genève]: Éditions du Mont-Blanc.
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    Le problème de la destinée.René Félix Allendy - 1927 - Paris,: Gallimard.
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  43.  94
    L'inventio de la Nouvelle Espagne. Rhétorique et domination territoriale du Nouveau Monde.René Ceceña Alvarez - 2012 - Astérion. Philosophie, Histoire des Idées, Pensée Politique 10 (10).
    Ce texte propose une analyse des mécanismes argumentatifs mis en œuvre dans les lettres que Hernán Cortés, conquistador du Mexique, a adressées à Charles V (Cartas de Relación) pour légitimer sa conquête du territoire qui deviendra la Nouvelle Espagne et, par ce biais, le Nouveau Monde. Il s’agit en particulier de montrer l’emploi du concept rhétorique d’inventio dans le passage d’une appropriation conceptuelle du « Nouveau Monde » (par l’élaboration de ce concept) à sa domination territoriale (la fondation de Veracruz (...)
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  44.  13
    Democratic Passions, Despotic Pastimes.Rene V. Arcilla - 2003 - Philosophy of Education 59:408-410.
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    Le mystère de vivre.René Bertrand - 1957 - Monaco,: Éditions du Rocher.
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  46. La mythologie promitive et la pensée de l'inde: Discussion.RenÉ Berthelot - 1937 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 37 (3):(1937:mai/juin).
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  47. La sagesse de Shakespeare et de Gœthe.René Berthelot & Henri Lichtenberger - 1931 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 38 (1):3-4.
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  48. (1 other version)La sagesse de gœthe et la civilisation de l'europe moderne.René Berthelot - 1927 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 34 (1):1-34.
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  49.  15
    La sagesse shakespearienne.René Berthelot - 1926 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 33 (2):145 - 181.
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    Les traités de 1919 l'idée de justice internationale et la France.René Berthelot - 1939 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 46 (1):153 - 165.
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