Results for 'Richard Hœnigswald'

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  1.  39
    On humanism.Richard Hoenigswald - 1948 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 9 (1):41-50.
  2. Studien zur Philosophie Richard Hoenigswalds.E. W. Orth & D. Alexandrowicz - 1998 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 46 (6):1019.
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    Denker der Italienischen Renaissance. Gestalten und Probleme. . Richard Hoenigswald.Ernst Harms - 1939 - Philosophy of Science 6 (2):257-257.
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    Twentieth century philosophy.Dagobert D. Runes - 1947 - New York: Greenwood Press.
    pt. I. Ethics, by J. H. Tufts. Aesthetics, by D. H. Parker. Axiology, by W. M. Urban. Philosophy of law, by Roscoe Pound. Philosophy of history, by J. E. Boodin. Philosophy of science, by V. F. Lenzen. Philosophy of life, by A. N. Whitehead. Metaphysics, by E. W. Hall. Theology and metaphysics, by D. C. Mackintosh.--pt. II. Philosophy of the twentieth century, by Bertrand Russell. Kantianism, by A. C. Ewing. Philosophy of Hegelianism, by Richard Hoenigswald. The humanism of St. (...)
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    Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics.Henry M. Hoenigswald & John Lyons - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):564.
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    Tagalog Reference Grammar.Henry M. Hoenigswald, Paul Schachter & Fe T. Otanes - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):148.
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    Affinitas linguae Hungaricae cum linguis Fennicae originis grammatice demonstrata.Henry M. Hoenigswald, Sámuel Gyarmathi & Samuel Gyarmathi - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):564.
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    A Sketch of the Indo-European Verb.Henry M. Hoenigswald, J. A. Kerns & Benjamin Schwartz - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):147.
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    Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, Volume 1.Henry M. Hoenigswald & E. F. K. Kofrner - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (3):460.
  10.  19
    Das System der indogermanischen Halbvokale.Henry M. Hoenigswald & Elmar Seebold - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (3):543.
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    Demonstratio. [sic] idioma Ungarorum et Lapponum idem esse.Henry M. Hoenigswald & Joannes Sajnovics - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):564.
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    Das Yasin-Burushaski : Grammatik, Text, WörterbuchDas Yasin-Burushaski : Grammatik, Text, Worterbuch.Henry M. Hoenigswald & Hermann Berger - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (1):137.
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    Einleitung in die allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft.Henry M. Hoenigswald & August Friedrich Pott - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (1):137.
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    …F and Liquid.Henry M. Hoenigswald - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (01):272-.
    It used to be thought that, just as word-initialfl… and fr… behaved likepl…, pr…, tr…, etc., in not producing a long syllable when following a word-final short vowel, just so word-internal …fl… and …fr… allowed both the short and, except for the pre-classical scenic poets, the long scansion. It was implied that these clusters oscillated with the same degree of freedom which is the well-known characteristic of the stop-and-liquid clusters. The difficulty is, of course, that evidence can be no more (...)
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    Introduction to the Study of Language.Henry M. Hoenigswald, Berthold Delbrück & Berthold Delbruck - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (1):137.
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    Khasi, A Language of Assam.Henry M. Hoenigswald & Lili Rabel - 1963 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 83 (1):144.
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    Kota Texts. Part One. Volume 2, No. 1.H. M. Hoenigswald & M. B. Emeneau - 1946 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 66 (2):187.
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    Language and Linguistic Area. Essays by Murray Emeneau.Henry M. Hoenigswald, Anwar S. Dil & Murray Emeneau - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (2):238.
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    Les langues du monde.Henry M. Hoenigswald, A. Meillet & Marcel Cohen - 1954 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 74 (1):65.
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    Overlong Syllables in Ṛgvedic CadencesOverlong Syllables in Rgvedic Cadences.Henry M. Hoenigswald - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (4):559.
  21.  21
    On Verbal Accentuation in the Rigveda.Henry M. Hoenigswald & Jared S. Klein - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (3):483.
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    Phonetics. A Critical Analysis of Phonetic Theory and a Technic for the Practical Description of Sounds.H. M. Hoenigswald & Kenneth L. Pike - 1944 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 64 (3):151.
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    The European background of American linguistics: papers of the third Golden Anniversary Symposium of the Linguistic Society of America.Henry M. Hoenigswald (ed.) - 1979 - Dordrecht: Foris Publications.
  24.  11
    The life and mind of oriental Jones: Sir William Jones, the father of modern linguistics.Henry M. Hoenigswald - 1993 - History of European Ideas 17 (5):671-672.
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    The Study of Indo-European Vocalism in the 19th Century from the Beginnings to Whitney and Scherer.Henry M. Hoenigswald & Wilbur A. Benware - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (1):137.
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    Vergleichende Untersuchungen der altanatolischen Sprachen.Henry M. Hoenigswald & Bernhard Rosenkranz - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (3):516.
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  27. Necessity, Cause, and Blame: Perspectives on Aristotle’s Theory.Richard Sorabji - 1980 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    A discussion of Aristotle’s thought on determinism and culpability, Necessity, Cause, and Blame also reveals Richard Sorabji’s own philosophical commitments. He makes the original argument here that Aristotle separates the notions of necessity and cause, rejecting both the idea that all events are necessarily determined as well as the idea that a non-necessitated event must also be non-caused. In support of this argument, Sorabji engages in a wide-ranging discussion of explanation, time, free will, essence, and purpose in nature. He (...)
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  28. The Heidegger controversy: a critical reader.Richard Wolin & Martin Heidegger (eds.) - 1993 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    In his new introduction, "Note on a Missing Text," Richard Wolin uses the absence from this edition of an interview with Jacques Derrida as a springboard for ...
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    Together: The Rituals, Pleasures and Politics of Cooperation.Richard Sennett - 2012 - Yale University Press.
    Living with people who differ—racially, ethnically, religiously, or economically—is the most urgent challenge facing civil society today. We tend socially to avoid engaging with people unlike ourselves, and modern politics encourages the politics of the tribe rather than of the city. In this thought-provoking book, Richard Sennett discusses why this has happened and what might be done about it. Sennett contends that cooperation is a craft, and the foundations for skillful cooperation lie in learning to listen well and discuss (...)
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  30. Orientalism and Religion: Postcolonial Theory, India and 'the Mystic East'.Richard King - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    Orientalism and Religion offers us a timely discussion of the implications of contemporary post-colonial theory for the study of religion. Drawing on a variety of post-structuralist and post-colonial thinkers, including Foucault, Gadamer, Said, and Spivak, Richard King examines the way in which notions such as mysticism, religion, Hinduism and Buddhism are taken for granted, and shows us how religion needs to be redescribed along the lines of cultural studies.
  31. The value of humanity in Kant's moral theory.Richard Dean - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The humanity formulation of Kant's Categorical Imperative demands that we treat humanity as an end in itself. Because this principle resonates with currently influential ideals of human rights and dignity, contemporary readers often find it compelling, even if the rest of Kant's moral philosophy leaves them cold. Moreover, some prominent specialists in Kant's ethics have recently turned to the humanity formulation as the most theoretically central and promising principle of Kant's ethics. Nevertheless, it has received less attention than many other (...)
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  32. On the conflicting assessments of the current status of string theory.Richard Dawid - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (5):984-996.
    The current status of string theory is assessed quite differently by most of the theory’s exponents than by the majority of physicists in other fields. While the former tend to have a high degree of trust in string theory’s viability, the latter largely share a substantially more skeptical point of view. This article argues that the controversy can be best understood in terms of a paradigmatic rift between the two sides over their understandings of theory assessment. An attempt is made (...)
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  33. Do Patriotic Ties Limit Global Justice Duties?Richard J. Arneson - 2005 - The Journal of Ethics 9 (1-2):127-150.
    Some theorists who accept the existence of global justice duties to alleviate the condition of distant needy strangers hold that these duties are significantly constrained by special ties to fellow countrymen. The patriotic priority thesis holds that morality requires the members of each nation-state to give priority to helping needy fellow compatriots over more needy distant strangers. Three arguments for constraint and patriotic priority are examined in this essay: an argument from fair play, one from coercion, another from coercion and (...)
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    Nunc Meminisse Iuvat: Classics and Classicists between the World Wars.Judith Hallett, Coleman Benedict, Gabriele Hoenigswald, Henry Hoenigswald & Paul MacKendrick - 1991 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 85:1-27.
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    Indo-European and Indo-Europeans. Papers Presented at the Third Indo-European Conference at the University of Pennsylvania.Rosane Rocher, George Cardona, Henry M. Hoenigswald & Alfred Senn - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (4):615.
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  36. What is wrongful discrimination?Richard Arneson - manuscript
    Motivation to Permissibility 780 III. The Deception Accounts of Wrongful Discrimination 783 IV. Discrimination from Animus and Prejudice 787 V. An Objection 789 VI. Innocent Discrimination 790 VII. Disparate Impact 793 VIII. Suspect Classifications 795..
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    Einstein's generation: the origins of the relativity revolution.Richard Staley - 2008 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Much of the history of physics at the beginning of the twentieth century has been written with a sharp focus on a few key figures and a handful of notable events. Einstein’s Generation offers a distinctive new approach to the origins of modern physics by exploring both the material culture that stimulated relativity and the reaction of Einstein’s colleagues to his pioneering work. Richard Staley weaves together the diverse strands of experimental and theoretical physics, commercial instrument making, and the (...)
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  38.  35
    The theory of Boolean ultrapowers.Richard Mansfield - 1971 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 2 (3):297-323.
  39.  47
    Legal Pragmatism.Richard A. Posner - 2004 - Metaphilosophy 35 (1-2):147-159.
    This essay describes modern American legal pragmatism. Its origins in pragmatist philosophy are traced, and it is compared with the law and economics movement in American law and the formalist style of Continental legal theory. The essay argues that the inevitability of legal pragmatism in America, and its dispensability in Europe, reflect fundamental institutional and cultural differences rather than mere accidents of history or legal thought.
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  40. Alienation and freedom.Richard Schmitt - 2003 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
    Drawing from existentialism, feminism, the thought of Karl Marx and novelists like Dostoevsky, Richard Schmitt looks at modern capitalist societies to understand what it is that might be wrong for individuals. His concern focuses specifically on those who are alienated-- those persons who have difficulty finding meaning in their lives, who lack confidence in themselves and trust in others and, finally, who are constantly distracted by consumer society. He explores how and why alienation occurs. From friendship, love, and work, (...)
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    Hand, Posner, and the Myth of the "Hand Formula".Richard W. Wright - 2003 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 4 (1).
    The legal literature generally assumes that an aggregate-risk-utility test is employed to determine whether conduct was reasonable or negligent. However, this test is infrequently mentioned by the courts and almost never explains their decisions. Instead, they apply, explicitly or implicitly, various justice-based standards that take into account the rights and relationships among the parties. This is true even for the two judges most closely identified with the aggregate-risk-utility test: Learned Hand and Richard Posner. During the five decades that Hand (...)
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    Decency and its discontents.Richard Freadman - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (2):393-405.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 28.2 (2004) 393-405 [Access article in PDF] Decency and Its Discontents Richard Freadman La Trobe University In The Beginning of the Journey, Diana Trilling makes this rather shocking claim about her husband, Lionel: "In the dark recesses of his heart where unhappiness was so often his companion, he was contemptuous of everything in his life that was dedicated to seriousness and responsibility."1 Lionel had been (...)
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    An I for an I: Projection, Subjection, and Christian Antisemitism in The Service for Representing Adam.Richard J. Prystowsky - 1994 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 1 (1):139-157.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:An I for an I: Projection, Subjection, and Christian Antisemitism in The Service for RepresentingAdam1 Richard J. Prystowsky Irvine Valley College You know well enough how to look in a mirror: Now look at this hand for me, and tell If my heart is sick or healthy. The Servicefor Representing Adam Far from experience producing his idea of the Jew, it was the latter which explained his experience. (...)
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    J.R.R. Tolkien: Myth, Morality, and Religion.Richard L. Purtill - 1984 - Harper San Francisco.
    Here is an in-depth look at the role myth, mortality, and religion play in J. R. R. Tolkien's works such as The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion -- including Tolkien's private letters and revealing opinions of his own work. Richard L. Purtill brilliantly argues that Tolkien's extraordinary ability to touch his readers' lives through his storytelling -- so unlike much modern literature -- accounts for his enormous literary success. This book demonstrates the moral depth in (...)
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    Art and Censorship.Richard Serra - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 17 (3):574-581.
    In the United States, property rights are afforded protection, but moral rights are not. Up until 1989, the United States adamantly refused to join the Berne Copyright Convention, the first multilateral copyright treaty, now ratified by seventy-eight countries. The American government refused to comply because the Berne Convention grants moral rights to authors. This international policy was—and is—incompatible with United States copyright law, which recognizes only economic rights. Although ten states have enacted some form of moral rights legislation, federal copyright (...)
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  46. Hobbes: a very short introduction.Richard Tuck - 2002 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) was the first great English political philosopher, and his book Leviathan was one of the first truly modern works of philosophy. Richard Tuck shows that while Hobbes may indeed have been an atheist, he was far from pessimistic about human nature, nor did he advocate totalitarianism. By locating him against the context of his age, we learn that Hobbes developed a theory of knowledge which rivaled that of Descartes in its importance for the formation of modern (...)
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  47.  43
    The Etruscan Language. An Introduction. [REVIEW]Henry M. Hoenigswald - 1984 - The Classical Review 34 (2):340-341.
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    (1 other version)Evidentialism.Richard Swinburne - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 681–688.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Works cited Additional recommended readings.
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    Properties Over Substance.Richard Fumerton - 2012 - In Dan Ryder, Justine Kingsbury & Kenneth Williford (eds.), Millikan and her critics. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 123–134.
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    Adorno and Opera.Richard Leppert - 2019 - In Peter Eli Gordon (ed.), A companion to Adorno. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 443–455.
    Adorno unquestionably loved opera music as much as he hated opera as a cultural institution. His take on opera in the twentieth century led him to write its socio‐political obituary, while recognizing at the same time that opera continued to attract a steady stream of would‐be onlooker‐auditors. Paradoxically for Adorno, opera continued to appeal to audiences, and – from his dialectical reckoning – characteristically for precisely the wrong reasons. His opera analyses address the sociology of musical theater, performance hermeneutics, and (...)
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