Results for 'Rin Ushiyama'

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  1.  28
    Cultural trauma, counter-narratives, and dialogical intellectuals: the works of Murakami Haruki and Mori Tatsuya in the context of the Aum affair.Patrick Baert & Rin Ushiyama - 2016 - Theory and Society 45 (6):471-499.
    In this article, we offer a new conceptualization of intellectuals as carriers of cultural trauma through a case study of the Aum Affair, a series of crimes and terrorist attacks committed by the Japanese new religious movement Aum Shinrikyō. In understanding the performative roles intellectuals play in trauma construction, we offer a new dichotomy between “authoritative intellectuals,” who draw on their privileged parcours and status to impose a distinct trauma narrative, and “dialogical intellectuals,” who engage with local actors dialogically to (...)
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  2. Michi hitosuji.Kesahei Ushiyama - 1980
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  3. Kittaka Rinʾichi zenshū.Rinʾichi Kittaka - 1981 - Hiratsuka-shi: Kongengaku Shobō.
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    Subjective Vividness of Kinesthetic Motor Imagery Is Associated With the Similarity in Magnitude of Sensorimotor Event-Related Desynchronization Between Motor Execution and Motor Imagery.Hisato Toriyama, Junichi Ushiba & Junichi Ushiyama - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:368189.
    In the field of psychology, it has been well established that there are two types of motor imagery such as kinesthetic motor imagery (KMI) and visual motor imagery (VMI), and the subjective evaluation for vividness of motor imagery each differs across individuals. This study aimed to examine how the motor imagery ability assessed by the psychological scores is associated with the physiological measure using electroencephalogram (EEG) sensorimotor rhythm during KMI task. First, 20 healthy young individuals evaluated subjectively how vividly they (...)
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    La figure à l'oeuvre: études offertes à Michel Guérin.Michel Guérin & Jean Arnaud (eds.) - 2015 - Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires de Provence.
    Les études rassemblées dans cet ouvrage sont le fait de philosophes, de théoriciens des arts, d'écrivains et de plasticiens. Les auteurs ont voulu rencontrer Michel Guérin sur les chemins où il conduit sa pensée, et souhaité dialoguer avec lui à partir de leurs propres préoccupations ou présupposés. Michel Guérin s'intéresse au pouvoir des gestes de faire sens de manière intelligible et sensible d'un même tour; c'est ce qui explique sans doute pourquoi l'histoire des idées comme le regard porté sur les (...)
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  6. Jozefu Nīdamu no sekai: meiyo taoisuto no sei to shisō.Shigeru Nakayama, Shigeru Matsumoto & Teruyo Ushiyama (eds.) - 1988 - Tōkyō: Nihon Chiiki Shakai Kenkyūjo.
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    Zhu-chen Tshul-khrims-rin-chen gyi gsung glegs bam =. Tshul-Khrims-Rin-Chen - 2005 - KTM [i.e. Kathmandu]: Sachen International.
    Complete works of Zhu-chen Tshul-khrims-rin-chen, 1697-1774 on Buddhist philosophy, liturgical and rituals texts of Sakyapa sect.
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    Realizability semantics for quantified modal logic: Generalizing flagg’s 1985 construction.Benjamin G. Rin & Sean Walsh - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (4):752-809.
    A semantics for quantified modal logic is presented that is based on Kleene's notion of realizability. This semantics generalizes Flagg's 1985 construction of a model of a modal version of Church's Thesis and first-order arithmetic. While the bulk of the paper is devoted to developing the details of the semantics, to illustrate the scope of this approach, we show that the construction produces (i) a model of a modal version of Church's Thesis and a variant of a modal set theory (...)
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    Collected writings on Buddhist philosophy, liturgy, and ritual of Zhu-chen Tshul-khrims-rin-chen.Zu-Chen Tshul-Khrims-Rin-Chen, of Ngor Luding Rimpoche & B. Jamyang Norbu - 1972 - New Delhi: [S.N.].
    Works of a scholar of the Sakyapa sect of Tibetan Lamaism from Kham.
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  10.  28
    The computational strengths of α-tape infinite time Turing machines.Benjamin Rin - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (9):1501-1511.
    In [7], open questions are raised regarding the computational strengths of so-called ∞-α -Turing machines, a family of models of computation resembling the infinite-time Turing machine model of [2], except with α -length tape . Let TαTα denote the machine model of tape length α . Define that TαTα is computationally stronger than TβTβ precisely when TαTα can compute all TβTβ-computable functions ƒ: min2→min2 plus more. The following results are found: Tω1≻TωTω1≻Tω. There are countable ordinals α such that Tα≻TωTα≻Tω, the (...)
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  11. Hēgeru "Ronri no kagaku" taikō e no shogen. Debōrin - 1929 - In Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin, Hēgeru "Ronri no kagaku" taikō. Tōkyō: Sōbunkaku.
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  12. Edinai︠a︡ golograficheskai︠a︡ informat︠s︡ionnai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ Vselennoĭ: EGITV.G. B. Dvoĭrin - 1994 - Sankt-Peterburg: "INTAN".
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  13. De la philosphie comme figurologie.Michel Guérin - 2012 - In José Quaresma, Analogia e mediacão: transversalidade na investigacão em arte, filosofia e ciência. Lisboa: CIEBA.
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  14. Jacques Maritain et Olivier Lacombe.Benjamin Guérin - 2022 - In Hubert Borde & Bernard Hubert, Actualité de Jacques Maritain. Paris: Pierre Téqui éditeur.
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  15. L'idée de justice dans la conception de l'univers chez les premiers philosophes grecs.Pierre Guérin - 1934 - Paris,: Librairie F. Alcan.
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  16. Le prochain : regards steiniens sur la vulnérabilite.par Bérengère Guérin - 2022 - In Éric de Rus & Sophie Binggeli, La finitude peut-elle être positive?: approches steiniennes de la finitude. Paris: Hermann.
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  17.  20
    Le rapport éthique au discours: histoire, pratiques, analyses.Charles Guérin, Gilles Siouffi & Sandrine Sorlin (eds.) - 2013 - Bern: Peter Lang.
    Les traditions philosophiques et rhetoriques de l'epoque antique ont alternativement aborde l'usage technique du langage comme un moyen d'acces au progres moral ou comme un instrument dangereux de manipulation. A l'epoque classique, certains philosophes des Lumieres ont preconise une therapie du langage visant a nous rendre conscients de notre usage des mots. Plus recemment, le renouveau de la rhetorique, qu'on observe depuis plusieurs decennies, semble inseparable d'une reflexion ethique. Fruit d'un colloque international et interdisciplinaire (Montpellier, avril 2011), cet ouvrage collectif (...)
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  18. Laughter, social norms and ethics in Cicero's works.Charles Guérin - 2019 - In Pierre Destrée & Franco V. Trivigno, Laughter, Humor, and Comedy in Ancient Philosophy. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    La terreur et la pitié.Michel Guérin - 1990 - Arles: Actes sud.
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  20.  6
    La troisième main: des techniques matérielles aux technologies intellectuelles.Michel Guérin - 2021 - Arles: Actes sud.
  21.  6
    Vérite et religion: essai sur le problème philosophique du christianisme.Pierre Guérin - 1962 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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  22.  6
    L'artiste ou la toute-puissance des idées: six chapitres d'esthétique.Michel Guérin - 2007 - Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l'université de Provence.
    II y a eu des artistes avant que l'art se détache et, pour la pensée, se rende digne d'un examen tout spécial, avant, donc, que l'art s'affirme comme activité sui generis, et il y en a encore, peut-on croire, après ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler " la mort de l'art " et qui n'est peut-être que la fin de son mythe ou le commencement d'une existence strictement profane. L'impossibilité où nous sommes en tout cas de superposer parfaitement, fût-ce pour une (...)
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  23.  12
    Comment vivre ensemble?: actes du XXXVIIe Colloque des intellectuels juifs de langue française, [Paris, du 5 au 7 décembre 1998].Jean Halpérin & Nelly Hansson (eds.) - 2001 - Paris: A. Michel.
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    Five Legal Revolutions Since the 17th Century: An Analysis of a Global Legal History.Jean-Louis Halpérin - 2014 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book presents an analysis of global legal history in Modern times, questioning the effect of political revolutions since the 17th century on the legal field. Readers will discover a non-linear approach to legal history as this work investigates the ways in which law is created. These chapters look at factors in legal revolution such as the role of agents, the policy of applying and publicising legal norms, codification and the orientations of legal writing, and there is a focus on (...)
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    Morale et politique en péril: données et débats: actes du XXXIIe Colloque des intellectuels juifs de langue française.Jean Halpérin & Georges Levitte (eds.) - 1992 - Paris: Denoël.
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  26.  8
    Profils des mondialisations du droit.Jean-Louis Halpérin - 2009 - Paris: Dalloz.
    Les juristes considèrent souvent que toute société a un droit. Une conception positiviste du droit comme artefact humain conduit, au contraire, à envisager que la technologie juridique a été inventée dans l'histoire pour formaliser les changements normatifs. Cette technologie du changement a pu être ensuite transférée, par la force ou le prestige, dans d'autres sociétés. Les transferts de droit ne sont-ils pas à l'origine de plusieurs mondialisations dont on pourrait dessiner les profils? Un premier profil, de caractère historique, montre que (...)
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  27. Kongengaku no kiso.Rinʼichi Kittaka - 1951
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    New method of philosophy: an introduction to radiciology.Rinʾichi Kittaka - 1967 - [Hiratsuka: Kongengaku Shobō.
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    Ronrigakushi.Rinʾichi Kittaka - 1994 - Matsudo-shi: Kongengaku Shobō. Edited by Shinzō Sekiya.
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  30. Tetsugaku kenkyū.Rinʼichi Kittaka - 1972
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  31.  7
    Rig lam nor buʼi ʼphreṅ ba. Rin-Chen-Rgyal-Mtshan - 2009 - Solan, H.P.: Gʼyuṅ-druṅ Bon-gyi Bśad-sgrub Dus-sde.
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  32.  76
    Transfinite recursion and computation in the iterative conception of set.Benjamin Rin - 2015 - Synthese 192 (8):2437-2462.
    Transfinite recursion is an essential component of set theory. In this paper, we seek intrinsically justified reasons for believing in recursion and the notions of higher computation that surround it. In doing this, we consider several kinds of recursion principles and prove results concerning their relation to one another. We then consider philosophical motivations for these formal principles coming from the idea that computational notions lie at the core of our conception of set. This is significant because, while the iterative (...)
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    Bskal paʼi gtam gleṅ dmar ldaṅ ma. Tshe-riṅ-rdo-rje - 1995 - Pe-cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
    Study on general observation on Tibetan Buddhist philosophical concept comparing with western philosophy.
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    Gnaʼ rabs Bod kyi gtan tshigs rig pa ste ldeʼu rnam dpyad. Tshe-Riṅ-Mgon - 2009 - [Lanzhou]: Kan-suʼu mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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    Graṅs rig bsam bloʾi thabs lam rnam bśad.Śa-bo Tshe-riṅ, Dpal-Chen-Rdo-Rje & Jianjun Ma (eds.) - 1998 - [Lanzhou]: Kan-suʾu mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
  36. Miʾi rigs śes rab kyi rnam gźag. Tshe-riṅ-rdo-rje - 2004 - Pe-cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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  37. Actuality in Propositional Modal Logic.Allen P. Hazen, Benjamin G. Rin & Kai F. Wehmeier - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (3):487-503.
    We show that the actuality operator A is redundant in any propositional modal logic characterized by a class of Kripke models (respectively, neighborhood models). Specifically, we prove that for every formula ${\phi}$ in the propositional modal language with A, there is a formula ${\psi}$ not containing A such that ${\phi}$ and ${\psi}$ are materially equivalent at the actual world in every Kripke model (respectively, neighborhood model). Inspection of the proofs leads to corresponding proof-theoretic results concerning the eliminability of the actuality (...)
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  38. La philosophie des non-philosophes dans l'Empire romain du Ier au IIIe siècle.Sophie Aubert-Baillot, Charles Guérin & Sébastien Morlet (eds.) - 2019 - Paris: Éditions De Boccard.
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  39.  17
    Human Resource Practices for Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence From Korean Firms.Se-Rin Bang, Myeong-Cheol Choi & Ji-Young Ahn - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Human resource management in managing environmental, social, governance, or corporate social responsibility initiatives has been recently raised. Yet, little attention has been paid to integrating CSR and HRM. Our primary goal was to identify how and whether certain HR practices are critical for developing employee capability to operate in firms with active CSR initiatives. We first examine the impact of external CSR activities on firm-level work outcomes. Moreover, we attempt to identify a choice of particular HR practices that could be (...)
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  40.  9
    L'homme est né libre...: raison, politique, droit: mélanges en hommage à Paule-Monique Vernes.Josiane Boulad Ayoub, Michel Guérin & Paule Monique Vernes (eds.) - 2014 - [Quebec City?]: Presses de l'Université Laval.
  41. Tshad ma rigs paʾi gter gyi rtsa grel źes bya ba bźugs so.Rgyal-Tshab Dar-Ma-Rin-Chen - 2006 - [Tibet]: Dge ldan legs bśad gsuṅ rab ʾgrem spel khaṅ.
    Commentary on Sakya Pandita's Tshad ma rigs gter; includes root text.
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  42. Sems kyi raṅ bźin gsal baʾi me loṅ: the mirror reflecting the nature of the mind: a study on the nature of the mind according to the various siddhānta of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist philosophy. Dkon-Mchog-Tshe-Riṅ - 1983 - Mundgod, Uttar Kannada, Karnataka, India: Konchok Tsering.
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    Grub mthaʼ.Stag-Tshaṅ Lo-Tsā-Ba ŚEs-Rab-Rin-Chen - 2004 - Pe-cin: Mtsho-sṅon mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ. Edited by Dbus-Pa Blo-Gsal.
    Collection of texts on philosophical positions (sidhānta) of Vaibhāṣika, Sautrāntika, Yogācārya, and Mādhyamika schools of Buddhism with Hindusim.
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  44. Grub mthaʼ kun śes nas mthaʼ bral sgrub pa źes bya baʼi bstan bcos.Stag-Tshaṅ Lo-Tsā-Ba ŚEs-Rab-Rin-Chen - 2004 - In Grub mthaʼ. Pe-cin: Mtsho-sṅon mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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  45. Grub mthaʼ kun śes nas mthaʼ bral grub pa źes bya baʼi bstan bcos rnam par bśad pa legs bśad kyi rgya mtsho.Stag-Tshaṅ Lo-Tsā-Ba ŚEs-Rab-Rin-Chen - 2004 - In Grub mthaʼ. Pe-cin: Mtsho-sṅon mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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  46. Benshōhō ni kansuru Rēnin no ikō.DebōRin Gencho - 1926 - In Hajime Kawakami, A. M. Deborin & Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin, Rēnin no benshōhō. Kyōto-shi: Kōbundō Shobō.
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  47. Benshōhō ni kansuru Rēnin no danpen ni tsuite.DebōRin Gencho - 1926 - In Hajime Kawakami, A. M. Deborin & Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin, Rēnin no benshōhō. Kyōto-shi: Kōbundō Shobō.
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  48. Kakumeiteki benshōka to shite no Rēnin.DebōRin Gencho - 1926 - In Hajime Kawakami, A. M. Deborin & Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin, Rēnin no benshōhō. Kyōto-shi: Kōbundō Shobō.
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    The Mediating Role of Catastrophizing in the Relationship Between Emotional Clarity and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among Earthquake Survivors in Korea: A Cross-Sectional Study.Ha Rin Kwon, Yookyung Eoh & Soo Hyun Park - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  50. Bon lugs daṅ ʾJaṅ-rigs Gto-paʾi chos lugs kyi khyad chos dpyad bsdur. Lhag-Pa-Tshe-Riṅ - 2003 - Pe-cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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