Results for 'Roger Dickinson'

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  1.  16
    Science Coverage in the British Mass Media: Media Output and Source Input.Roger Dickinson & Anders Hansen - 1992 - Communications 17 (3):365-378.
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    Beyond the Moral Panic: Aids, the Mass Media and Mass Communication Research.Roger Dickinson - 1990 - Communications 15 (1-2):21-36.
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  3. Philosophy and Geography Iii: Philosophies of Place.Philip Brey, Lee Caragata, James Dickinson, David Glidden, Sara Gottlieb, Bruce Hannon, Ian Howard, Jeff Malpas, Katya Mandoki, Jonathan Maskit, Bryan G. Norton, Roger Paden, David Roberts, Holmes Rolston Iii, Izhak Schnell, Jonathon M. Smith, David Wasserman & Mick Womersley (eds.) - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    A growing literature testifies to the persistence of place as an incorrigible aspect of human experience, identity, and morality. Place is a common ground for thought and action, a community of experienced particulars that avoids solipsism and universalism. It draws us into the philosophy of the ordinary, into familiarity as a form of knowledge, into the wisdom of proximity. Each of these essays offers a philosophy of place, and reminds us that such philosophies ultimately decide how we make, use, and (...)
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  4. Guarantors ($200 to $999).Marjorie Davis, Charles Dickinson, NeilJ Elgee, Paula H. Fangman, P. Roger Gillette, William B. Griffon, Donald Szantho Harrington, N. Kermit Olson, K. Helmut Reich & Theodore Bowen - 2002 - Zygon 37 (3-4):766.
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    Soul at the White Heat: The Romance of Emily Dickinson's Poetry.Joyce Carol Oates - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (4):806-824.
    Emily Dickinson is the most paradoxical of poets: the very poet of paradox. By way of voluminous biographical material, not to mention the extraordinary intimacy of her poetry, it would seem that we know everything about her; yet the common experience of reading her work, particularly if the poems are read sequentially, is that we come away seeming to know nothing. We could recognize her inimitable voice anywhere—in the “prose” of her letters no less than in her poetry—yet it (...)
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  6. A theory of memory retrieval.Roger Ratcliff - 1978 - Psychological Review 85 (2):59-108.
  7. A modified concept of consciousness.Roger W. Sperry - 1969 - Psychological Review 76 (6):532-36.
  8. Hedonism reconsidered.Roger Crisp - 2006 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 73 (3):619–645.
    This paper is a plea for hedonism to be taken more seriously. It begins by charting hedonism's decline, and suggests that this is a result of two major objections: the claim that hedonism is the 'philosophy of swine', reducing all value to a single common denominator, and Nozick's 'experience machine' objection. There follows some elucidation of the nature of hedonism, and of enjoyment in particular. Two types of theory of enjoyment are outlined-intemalism, according to which enjoyment has some special 'feeling (...)
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  9.  17
    Foundations and Applications of Inductive Probability.Roger D. Rosenkrantz - 1981 - Ridgeview Press.
  10. On Treating Oneself and Others as Thermometers.Roger White - 2009 - Episteme 6 (3):233-250.
    I treat you as a thermometer when I use your belief states as more or less reliable indicators of the facts. Should I treat myself in a parallel way? Should I think of the outputs of my faculties and yours as like the readings of two thermometers the way a third party would? I explore some of the difficulties in answering these questions. If I am to treat myself as well as others as thermometers in this way, it would appear (...)
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  11. (2 other versions)Virtue Ethics.Roger Crisp & Michael Slote - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (2):379-380.
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  12. The Duhem thesis.Roger Ariew - 1984 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 35 (4):313-325.
  13.  25
    Retrieval processes in recognition memory.Roger Ratcliff & Bennet B. Murdock - 1976 - Psychological Review 83 (3):190-214.
  14.  44
    Connectionist and diffusion models of reaction time.Roger Ratcliff, Trisha Van Zandt & Gail McKoon - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (2):261-300.
  15.  87
    An objective approach to subjective experience: Further explanation of a hypothesis.Roger W. Sperry - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (6):585-590.
  16. The generalized Sleeping Beauty problem: a challenge for thirders.Roger White - 2006 - Analysis 66 (2):114-119.
  17. Assertion, Belief, and Context.Roger Clarke - 2018 - Synthese 195 (11):4951-4977.
    This paper argues for a treatment of belief as essentially sensitive to certain features of context. The first part gives an argument that we must take belief to be context-sensitive in the same way that assertion is, if we are to preserve appealing principles tying belief to sincere assertion. In particular, whether an agent counts as believing that p in a context depends on the space of alternative possibilities the agent is considering in that context. One and the same doxastic (...)
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    Reason and commitment.Roger Trigg - 1973 - Cambridge [Eng.]: Cambridge University Press.
    Can we justify our most basic beliefs about morality, religion and the nature of the world? Can there be a rational and objective way of choosing between alternative societies, modes of life or world-views? Dr Trigg shows how philosophical analysis is relevant to these questions and criticizes the tendency to emphasize notions of commitment and convention at the expense of truth and reason. He draws parallels between issues that are often too isolated from each other and identifies a cluster of (...)
  19. The problem of the problem of induction.Roger White - 2015 - Episteme 12 (2):275-290.
    To solve the problem of induction we had first better know what it is. Some ways of formulating the worry about induction are underwhelming as they depend on assumptions that don’t survive much scrutiny. Perhaps the most disturbing argument for inductive skepticism appeals to the claim that we could not possibly be justified in taking our inductive methods to be reliable independently of our use of those methods. And the use of inductive methods cannot give us justification to suppose that (...)
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  20.  11
    The Collected Works of G. Lowes Dickinson.G. Lowes Dickinson - 2015 - Routledge.
    _The Collected Works of G. Lowes Dickinson_ reissues nine titles from Dickinson's impressive oeuvre. The titles in question cover a range of topics, from Plato and the Greek view of life to civilisation and the causes of war.
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    Reality at risk: a defence of realism in philosophy and the sciences.Roger Trigg - 1980 - Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble.
    THE OBJECTIVITY OF REALITY Reality and Mind We cannot talk or think about reality without talking or thinking about it. This is a truism which seems almost ...
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  22. Is Reflective Equilibrium a Coherentist Model?Roger P. Ebertz - 1993 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):193 - 214.
    Over the last twenty years, John Rawls has developed an approach to political philosophy which appeals to the notion of reflective equilibrium. This notion has proven suggestive to those attracted to coherence approaches to justification, in ethics and in other domains as well. In this paper, I explore the question whether Rawls’s approach provides a model for a coherentist account of justification, concluding that although the discussion of reflective equilibrium has provided helpful insights it has not produced a coherentist model (...)
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  23.  36
    Modeling confidence judgments, response times, and multiple choices in decision making: Recognition memory and motion discrimination.Roger Ratcliff & Jeffrey J. Starns - 2013 - Psychological Review 120 (3):697-719.
  24.  45
    Modeling individual differences in response time and accuracy in numeracy.Roger Ratcliff, Clarissa A. Thompson & Gail McKoon - 2015 - Cognition 137:115-136.
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    Process dissociation, single-process theories, and recognition memory.Roger Ratcliff, Trish Van Zandt & Gail McKoon - 1995 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 124 (4):352.
  26.  67
    Moral sensitivity: The central question of moral education.Roger Marples - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (2):342-355.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 56, Issue 2, Page 342-355, April 2022.
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  27. Well-Being and Morality: Essays in Honour of James Griffin.Roger Crisp & Brad Hooker (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    An international line-up of fourteen distinguished philosophers present new essays on topics relating to well-being and morality, prominent themes in contemporary ethics and particularly in the work of James Griffin, White's Professor of Moral Philosophy at Oxford, in whose honour this volume has been produced. Professor Griffin offers a fascinating development of his own thinking on these topics in his replies to the essays.
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    The history and status of dopamine cell therapies for Parkinson's disease.Roger A. Barker, Anders Björklund & Malin Parmar - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (12):2400118.
    Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by the loss of the dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway which has led to the successful development of drug therapies that replace or stimulate this network pharmacologically. Although these drugs work well in the early stages of the disease, over time they produce side effects along with less consistent clinical benefits to the person with Parkinson's (PwP). As such there has been much interest in repairing this pathway using transplants of dopamine neurons. This work which began 50 (...)
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  29.  19
    Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Mill on Utilitarianism.Roger Crisp, Geoffrey Scarre & William H. Shaw - 1997 - Mind 109 (436):873-879.
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    Parameter variability and distributional assumptions in the diffusion model.Roger Ratcliff - 2013 - Psychological Review 120 (1):281-292.
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    Evidence and truth.Roger White - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (3):1049-1057.
    Among other interesting proposals, Juan Comesaña’s _Being Rational and Being Right_ makes a challenging case that one’s evidence can include falsehoods. I explore some ways in which we might have to rethink the roles that evidence can play in inquiry if we accept this claim. It turns out that Comesaña’s position lends itself to the conclusion that while false evidence is possible and not even terribly uncommon, I can be rationally sure that I don’t currently have any and perhaps also (...)
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    Constraining the adaptationism debate.Roger Sansom - 2003 - Biology and Philosophy 18 (4):493-512.
    This contribution to the adaptationism debate elaborates the nature of constraints and their importance in evolutionary explanation and argues that the adaptationism debate should be limited to the issue of how to privilege causes in evolutionary explanation. I argue that adaptationist explanations are deeply conceptually dependent on developmental constraints, and explanations that appeal to constraints are dependant on the results of natural selection. I suggest these explanations should be integrated into the framework of historical causal explanation. Each strategy explicitly appeals (...)
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  33.  24
    The Political Philosophy of Rousseau.Roger D. Masters - 1968 - Princeton, N.J.,: Princeton University Press.
    This book is intended as an equivalent to or substitute for that "more reflective reading" which Rousseau considered essential to an understanding of his ideas. It is designed to complement perusal of the texts themselves, and the arrangement is such that chapters on each of Rousseau's major writings can be consulted separately or the commentary may be read through in sequence. The author's purpose is not to present a "key" to Rousseau's political philosophy, but rather to explore the works themselves (...)
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  34. Adorno and Heidegger on language and the inexpressible.Roger Foster - 2007 - Continental Philosophy Review 40 (2):187-204.
    I argue that the reflections on language in Adorno and Heidegger have their common root in a modernist problematic that dissected experience into ordinary experience, and transfiguring experiences that are beyond the capacity for expression of our language. I argue that Adorno’s solution to this problem is the more resolutely “modernist” one, in that Adorno is more rigorous about preserving the distinction between what can be said, and what strives for expression in language. After outlining the definitive statement of this (...)
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  35.  75
    Aristotle on greatness of soul.Roger Crisp - 2006 - In Richard Kraut, The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 158--178.
    The prelims comprise: Greatness of Soul as a Virtue Greatness of Soul and other Virtues The Great‐souled Person: The “Portrait” and its Problems The Aesthetics of Virtue Acknowledgment References Further reading.
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    Human rights education in patient care: A literature review and critical discussion.Roger Newham, Alistair Hewison, Jacqueline Graves & Amunpreet Boyal - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (2):190-209.
    The identification of human rights issues has become more prominent in statements from national and international nursing organisations such as the American Nurses Association and the United Kingdom’s Royal College of Nursing with the International Council of Nursing asserting that human rights are fundamental to and inherent in nursing and that nurses have an obligation to promote people’s health rights at all times in all places. However, concern has been expressed about this development. Human rights may be seen as the (...)
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    The duty to do the best for one's patient.Roger Crisp - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (3):220-223.
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  38. Changing concepts of consciousness and free will.Roger W. Sperry - 1976 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 20 (1):9-19.
  39. Inductive Risk and Values in Composite Outcome Measures.Roger Stanev - 2017 - In Kevin Christopher Elliott & Ted Richards, Exploring Inductive Risk: Case Studies of Values in Science. New York: Oup Usa.
    The use of composite outcomes is becoming widespread in clinical trials. By combining individual outcome measures into a composite, researchers claim a composite can increase statistical precision and trial efficiency, expediting the trial by reducing sample size and cost, and consequently enabling researchers to answer questions that could not otherwise be answered. Another rationale given for using a composite is that it provides a measure of the net effect of the intervention that is more patient-relevant than any single outcome measure. (...)
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    Conceptual Corruption.Roger Teichmann - 2021 - In Maria Balaska, Cora Diamond on Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 33-55.
    Can we lose our concepts? A case like ‘phlogiston’ invites a positive answer, though the sensefulness of ‘There is no phlogiston’ gives us pause. But concepts are about more than just ‘extension-determination’; hence Diamond’s examination of putative loss of moral concepts does point to a possible phenomenon. That loss of concepts could be regrettable seems to make room for the thought that having certain concepts could likewise be regrettable. Anscombe’s critique of the concept of ‘moral obligation’ appears to be suggesting (...)
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  41.  9
    Adorno and Philosophical Modernism: The Inside of Things.Roger Foster - 2016 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores contemporary continental philosophy and aesthetics. It addresses the problem of post-Kantian reason in relation to the pathologies of experience, alienation, the transformative and ethical import of aesthetic experience, the relation between philosophy and social critique, and language as disclosure rather than correspondence.
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  42.  10
    The Penultimate Curiosity: How Science Swims in the Slipstream of Ultimate Questions.Roger Wagner & Andrew Briggs - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    When young children first begin to ask 'why?' they embark on a journey with no final destination. The need to make sense of the world as a whole is an ultimate curiosity that lies at the root of all human religions. It has, in many cultures, shaped and motivated a more down to earth scientific interest in the physical world, which could therefore be described as penultimate curiosity. These two manifestations of curiosity have a history of connection that goes back (...)
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    Specifying Speciesism.Roger Fjellstrom - 2002 - Environmental Values 11 (1):63-74.
    Many philosophers consider favouritism toward humans in the context of moral choice to be a prejudice. Several terms are used for it – ' speciesism ', 'human chauvinism', 'human racism', and 'anthropocentrism' – with somewhat varying and often blurred meanings, which brings confusion to the issue. This essay suggests that only one term, ' speciesism ', be used, and it attempts a conceptual clarification. To this end it proposes a set of conditions of adequacy for a concept that would be (...)
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  44. Taoism and the nature of nature.Roger T. Ames - 1986 - Environmental Ethics 8 (4):317-350.
    The problems of environmental ethics are so basic that the exploration of an alternative metaphysics or attendant ethical theory is not a sufficiently radical solution. In fact, the assumptions entailed in adefinition of systematic philosophy that gives us a tradition of metaphysics might themselves be the source of the current crisis. We might need to revision the responsibilities of the philosopher and think in terms of the artist rather than the “scientific of first principles.” Taoism proceeds from art rather than (...)
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    The Cult Of Nothingness: The Philosophers And The Buddha.Roger-Pol Droit & David Streight - 2009 - Munshirm Manoharlal Pub Pvt.
    Description: The common western understanding of Buddhism today envisions this major world religion as one of compassion and tolerance. But as the author Droit reveals, this view bears little resemblance to one broadly held in the nineteenth-century European philosophical imagination that saw Buddhism as a religion of annihilation calling for the destruction of the self. The Cult of Nothingness traces the history of the western discovery of Buddhism. In so doing, the author shows that such major philosophers as Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, (...)
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    The Origin of the Liquid-Drop Model and the Interpretation of Nuclear Fission.Roger H. Stuewer - 1994 - Perspectives on Science 2 (1):76-129.
    This article addresses the historical problem of how it was possible for Lise Meitner and her nephew Otto Robert Frisch to arrive at their novel interpretation of nuclear fission at the end of 1938. To understand this requires an analysis of the origin and subsequent development of the liquid-drop model of the nucleus. We begin by discussing George Gamow’s conception of the liquid-drop model in 1928 and then explore its extension, particularly by Werner Heisenberg and Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, between (...)
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    On one's mind.Roger Squires - 1970 - Philosophical Quarterly 20 (October):347-356.
  48.  57
    In vivo interpretation of in vitro effect studies with a detailed analysis of the method of in vitro transcription in isolated cell nuclei.Roger Strand, Ragnar Fjelland & Torgeir Flatmark - 1996 - Acta Biotheoretica 44 (1):1-21.
    In vitro experimental approaches are of central importance to contemporary molecular and cellular biology and toxicology. However, the scientific value or impact of in vitro results depends on their relevance in vivo. In vitro effect studies address inobservable in vivo phenomena through experiments on analogous in vitro phenomena. We present a theoretical basis developed to evaluate the in vivo relevance of in vitro effect studies. As a case study, the procedure for measuring specific gene transcription in isolated cell nuclei (nuclear (...)
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  49. Sidgwick and Intuitionism.Roger Crisp - 2002 - In Philip Stratton-Lake, Ethical Intuitionism: Re-Evaluations. Oxford University Press UK.
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  50.  43
    Is General Relativity Generally Relativistic?Roger Jones - 1980 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1980:363 - 381.
    Among the principles that are generally taken to underlie the general theory of relativity is a general principle of relativity. Such a principle is supposed to extend the special principle of relativity, which holds observers in uniform motion to be indistinguishable by appeal to the laws of physics, to a requirement on observers in arbitrary states of motion. Starting with physical intuitions described graphically by Galileo, proceeding through a series of formal requirements on reference frames defined on models of space-time (...)
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