Results for 'Rojan Rus'

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  1.  7
    Dialektika človeka, misli in sveta.Rojan Rus - 1967 - Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije.
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    George Berkeley ve David Humeun John Lockeun Töz Kavramına Yönelik Eleştirileri.Rojan Çiltepe - forthcoming - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy.
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    On Ethically Solvent Leaders: The Roles of Pride and Moral Identity in Predicting Leader Ethical Behavior.Diana Rus, Nico Yperen, Barbara Wisse & Stacey Sanders - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (3):631-645.
    The popular media has repeatedly pointed to pride as one of the key factors motivating leaders to behave unethically. However, given the devastating consequences that leader unethical behavior may have, a more scientific account of the role of pride is warranted. The present study differentiates between authentic and hubristic pride and assesses its impact on leader ethical behavior, while taking into consideration the extent to which leaders find it important to their self-concept to be a moral person. In two experiments (...)
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  4. Euthanasia and assisted suicide: Who are the vulnerable?Meta Rus & Chris Gastmans - 2024 - Clinical Ethics 19 (1):18-25.
    One of the common domains in health care in which the concept of vulnerability is used is end-of-life care, including euthanasia and assisted suicide (EAS). Since different uses and implications of the notion have been recognised in the literature on EAS, this paper aims to analyse them and reflect on who is the most vulnerable in the context of EAS. A prior exploratory review of the literature has served as a starting point for the discussion. We concluded that vulnerability is (...)
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    Informed consent content in research with survivors of psychological trauma.Ana Abu-Rus, Noah Bussell, Donald C. Olsen, Marie Ardill Davis-Ku & Meline A. Arzoumanian - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (8):595-606.
    One hundred eighty trauma-focused dissertations published in the United States were examined to determine the variation in risk language used in the informed consents. Level of risk proposed in the informed consents was poorly related to ratings of risk by graduate coders and virtually unrelated to vulnerability factors such as the age of participants and clinical or nonclinical status. Risk language in the informed consents was markedly elevated over that rated by the coders, with more than one third of the (...)
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    Understanding without Explanation: A Still Open Issue.Richard David-Rus - 2021 - Filozofia Nauki 29 (3):80-106.
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    Análisis y teoría política en las reformas sociales de Solón de Atenas.Salvador Rus Rufino - 2014 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 14:65-92.
    La figura de Solón es crucial en el desarrollo del pensamiento político griego. Este fue capaz de desarrollar una teoría política extraída a partir de su experiencia de gobierno, de su análisis de la realidad social y de su actuación como arconte con amplios poderes en una situación crítica durante los inicios del siglo seis a. e. c. Tomando esto como punto de partida, el propósito de este trabajo es presentar unas conclusiones con relación al análisis que Solón realiza de (...)
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    (1 other version)Explanation and Understanding through Scientific Models.Richard David-Rus - 2009 - Dissertation, University Munich
  9.  30
    Explaining by using artificial societies. David-rus - 2012 - European Journal of Science and Theology 8 (3).
    Computational models have an increasing impact in social and historical sciences. In this paper, I will focus on a specific type of modelling developed in computational social sciences, an agent-based model. My inquiry will aim to identify the sort of explanatory virtues that such a model could have. I will discuss the suggested possibility of causal explanations but also the recent proposal advanced by Grüne-Yanoff that sees them as potential functional explanations. In the last part I shall make some suggestions (...)
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    Explanation Through Scientific Models: Reframing the Explanation Topic.Richard David-Rus - 2011 - Logos and Episteme 2 (2):177-189.
    Once a central topic of philosophy of science, scientific explanation attracted less attention in the last two decades. My aim in this paper is to argue for a newsort of approach towards scientific explanation. In a first step I propose a classification of different approaches through a set of dichotomic characteristics. Taken into account the tendencies in actual philosophy of science I see a local, dynamic and non-theory driven approach as a plausible one. Considering models as bearers of explanations will (...)
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    On Understanding Through Agent-based Models.Richard David-Rus - 2017 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):53-62.
    The aim of this paper is to argue that it is more plausible to approach understanding from a special type of model—the ABS/IBMs models—as a non-explanatory form following some suggestions advanced by Lipton. I will first look to the type of explanation that some authors claimed is disclosed by these models: Weisberg’s analysis of IBMs in ecology and Grüne-Yanoff’s analysis of the Anasazi model. I argue that their analyses fail to show that these models qualify as explanatory understandings. This brings (...)
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  12. SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTANDING-VIEWS FROM PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE. David-Rus - 2012 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 56 (2).
    Scientific understanding was a rather neglected topic in philosophy of science, despite its association with the well-known explanation subject. The classical position on explanation considered an approach on understanding to be redundant on one on explanation. Besides, the dominant view promoted by the unificationist approach on explanation conceived understanding as a “global affair”, as Friedman called it, of scientific knowledge. The recent developments in philosophy of science redirected the research to more local aspects of science and scientific inquiry. This new (...)
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  13.  7
    Anthropologie phénoménologique et théorie de l'éducation dans l'oeuvre d'Edith Stein.Éric de Rus - 2019 - Paris: Les éditions du Cerf.
    "Eduquer engage "une certaine conception de ri l'homme, de sa place dans le monde, de ce à quoi il s'occupe, de même que des possibilités d'agir pratiquement sur l'homme et de le former". Malgré l'importance que revêt chez Édith Stein la thématique éducative, elle reste néanmoins disséminée dans son oeuvre, sans faire l'objet d'une élaboration systématique. L'enjeu de notre travail est de déterminer méthodiquement les liens qui rattachent la conception steinienne de la structure de la personne humaine et sa conception (...)
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    La finitude peut-elle être positive?: approches steiniennes de la finitude.Éric de Rus & Sophie Binggeli (eds.) - 2022 - Paris: Hermann.
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    La vision éducative d'Édith Stein: approche d'un geste anthropologique intégral.Éric de Rus - 2014 - Paris: Salvator.
    L'éducation est dans ce livre envisagée comme un geste anthropologique intégral par lequel chaque personne s'achemine vers la plénitude de son être, dans le respect de sa destination naturelle et surnaturelle. À la lumière de cette mystique éducative qui nous fait entrer au coeur de la réalité humaine, l'existence se trouve intensifiée, parce que vécue avec un maximum de profondeur. Encore trop méconnu, l'apport d'Edith Stein en matière d'éducation méritait d'être enfin présenté sous une forme synthétique et accessible. La question (...)
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  16. La vie mystique de la prière selon Edith Stein : une approche de la vocation ultime de l'être fini.par Éric de Rus - 2022 - In Éric de Rus & Sophie Binggeli, La finitude peut-elle être positive?: approches steiniennes de la finitude. Paris: Hermann.
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    Prêter voix: un chemin de création à l'école d'Édith Stein.Éric de Rus - 2020 - [Le Coudray-Macouard]: Saint-Léger éditions.
    À l'école d'Édith Stein -- À la recherche du geste intérieur -- Révéler la presence -- Anthropologie phénoménologique et théorie de l'éducation dans l'oeuvre d'Édith Stein (Résumé).
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    τὸ ϰάτω αυτῆς ϰοσμοῦντος ὅ τι ὅλου (Enneadi, IV 8, 8, 16).Vasile Rus - 2004 - Chôra 2:177-186.
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    Cinco siglos de un debate: rebelión y reforma frente a revolución en las Comunidades de Castilla en su V Centenario.Salvador Rus Rufino & Eduardo Fernández García - 2021 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 21:3-16.
    Las Comunidades de Castilla, como movimiento social y político, pueden caracterizarse como una tentativa de renovación de la monarquía carolina como forma de gobierno. El creciente conocimiento sobre la circulación de ideas políticas que informaron el corpus doctrinal comunero permite precisar conceptual y terminológicamente un debate revisitado con frecuencia sobre la naturaleza revolucionaria o no de tal proceso. Acudir a los textos de los principales sustentadores teóricos de las Comunidades, tanto como a los documentos de sus reivindicaciones, y no solo (...)
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    Dijalektika čoveka i sveta.Vojan Rus - 1969 - Beograd: Institut za međunarodni radnički pokret.
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  21. Etika in socializem: o teoretskih sestavinah socialistične morale.Vojan Rus - 1976 - Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga.
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    Hegelova i marksistička dijalektika o istovetnosti i razlici.Vojan Rus - 1963 - Beograd,: Institut za izučavanje radničkog pokreta.
  23.  10
    HUARTE, JUAN, Evolución y problema religioso, Unión Editorial, Madrid, 1984, 331 págs.Salvador Rus - 1984 - Anuario Filosófico 17 (1):193-193.
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  24. Intisari filsafat Al Ghazali.H. Rusʾan - 1963 - Djakarta,: Bulan Bintang.
  25. Imperio y ficción republicana desde la Roma de Augusto.Salvador Rus Rufino & Iván García Rodríguez - 2009 - Res Publica. Murcia 21.
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    La justicia en el pensamiento jurídico angloamericano. Contemporaneo acotaciones críticas.Salvador Rus Rufino - 1996 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 12:103-118.
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    Media Coverage of Politicians' Participation to Religious Events.Flaviu Călin Rus, Anişoara Pavelea, Mihai Deac & Paul Fărcaş - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (29):132-158.
    Politics and religion are two concepts that have constantly intertwined throughout history and continue to do so at the start of the third millennium. Previous studies show that religion plays an important part in the political life and the concepts of state and church are connected. Although there are also certain discursive manners in which the Church adapts to political and socio-economical contexts, it is much more often that the connection between the two spheres of communication (political and religious) comes (...)
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    Možnost nove estetike.Vojan Rus - 1983 - Ljubljana: Državna zal. Slovenije.
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  29. Nadaljevanje naše poti.Vojan Rus - 1983 - Ljubljana: Mladinska knj..
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    Philosophische Anthropologie.Vojan Rus - 2000 - München: Slavica.
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    Political Parties and Religion in Post-Decembrist Romania.Flaviu Calin Rus - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (24):133-150.
    The present text aims at mapping out a synopsis of the main political parties from Romania after 1989 on the one hand, and at pointing out the way in which their activity interferes with religion, on the other hand. To this point we have endeavored to place emphasis on the role played by the church within the Romanian society, as well as the main paths of influence the clerical representatives may exert upon the political life, occasionally voluntarily, yet involuntarily for (...)
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    ¿Qué sentido se atribuyó al zoon politikon de Aristóteles? Los comentarios medievales y modernos a la Política.Salvador Rus Rufino & Francisco Arenas-Dolz - 2013 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 13.
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    Revolver el pasado frente al peligro del presente. Reflexiones alternativas sobre el patrimonio cultural y ambiental ribereño de Corrientes, Argentina.Maria Florencia Rus - 2022 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 28:324-356.
    En este trabajo busco reflexionar sobre algunos casos pertenecientes al patrimonio cultural y ambiental ribereño de la ciudad de Corrientes, rescatando fragmentos historiográficos, que se centran en los sujetos y formas de producción invisibilizados detrás de las materialidades, y revisando los conflictos urbanos actuales, desplegados por la puesta en marcha de nuevos criterios de transformación espacial. Estos se han constituido para muchos en momentos de peligro, en donde se promueven desde la agenda urbana (a partir de coaliciones entre gobiernos y (...)
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    Reactions of the Romanian Orthodox Church to the proposed legislation to legalize prostitution.Flaviu Calin Rus, Corina Boie & Veronica Ilies - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (32):206-226.
    This article's main goal is to highlight the conflicts but also the similarities between religion and politics that exists in different subjects, views or situations. This study will have a theoretical part but also an empirical part. The empirical part will be supported by the theoretical part of the study in which we will try to demonstrate the assumptions written above. The empirical part will analyze concrete case being the church's reaction to the legislative proposal of legalizing prostitution. Choosing this (...)
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    Sodobna filozofija med dialektiko in metafiziko.Vojan Rus - 1968 - Ljubljana,: "Mladinska knjiga,".
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    Social Media under the Skin: Facebook Use after Acute Stress Impairs Cortisol Recovery.Holly M. Rus & Jitske Tiemensma - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Avant-Garde and Experimental Film in Socialist Romania.Andrei Rus - 2025 - History of Communism in Europe 15:111-139.
    Although socialist Romanian cinematography focused on commer­cial and artistic feature films, hundreds of short films were produced every year on the fringes of the industry, in specialised animation and documentary studios, in amateur cine-clubs, by students at the National Institute of Film and Theatre in Bucharest, and by other amateurs (some of them visual artists) who owned a personal camera. Starting from an analysis of the context that allowed for such practices to flourish in a state whose official policies did (...)
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  38.  30
    Thought as Revolt in The Old Man and the Wolves.Bianca L. Rus - 2019 - Hypatia 34 (1):20-38.
    This article explores how Julia Kristeva's construction of a fictional narrative space enables her to examine the conditions that can produce a culture of revolt. Focusing on one of her novels, The Old Man and the Wolves, the article brings together Hannah Arendt's political philosophy with Duns Scotus's principle of individuation and Giorgio Agamben's notion of quodlibet to argue that the future of a culture of revolt is closely connected to the role of women. By aligning feminine thought to political (...)
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  39.  13
    Working as a Healthcare Professional and Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Work Recovery Experiences and Need for Recovery as Mediators.Claudia Lenuţa Rus, Cătălina Oţoiu, Adriana Smaranda Băban, Cristina Vâjâean, Angelos P. Kassianos, Maria Karekla & Andrew T. Gloster - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Considering the high impact strain that the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pandemic has put on medical personnel worldwide, identifying means to alleviate stress on healthcare professionals and to boost their subjective and psychological wellbeing is more relevant than ever. This study investigates the extent to which the relationships between the status of working in healthcare and the subjective and psychological wellbeing are serially mediated by work recovery experiences and the need for recovery. Data were collected from 217 Romanian (...)
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    Till det andliga lifvets filosofi.Allen Vannérus - 1910 - Stockholm,: A. Bonnier.
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    Historia de la cátedra de derecho natural y de gentes de los reales estudios de San Isidro, 1770-1794: sobre el problema del origen de la disciplina derecho natural en España.Salvador Rus Rufino - 1993 - León: Universidad de León, Secretariado de Publicaciones. Edited by Sánchez Manzano & María Asunción.
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  42.  20
    John R. Bowlin, Tolerance among the Virtues, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2016. 280 páginas. ISBN 9780691169972. [REVIEW]Salvador Rus Rufino - 2018 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 18:133-136.
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    Suzanne Stern-Gillet y Gary M. Gurtler, SJ , Ancient and Medieval Concepts of Friendship, State University of New York Press, Albany, 2014. 344 páginas. ISBN13: 9781438453651. [REVIEW]Salvador Rus Rufino - 2016 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 16:210-213.
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  44. Des Theodor Abû Ḳurra Traktat über den Schöpfer und die wahre Religion.Thāwdhūrus Abū Qurrah - 1913 - Münster i. W.: Aschendorff. Edited by Georg Graf.
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  45. Moskova.Çağdaş Rus Dili, N. S. Valgina & M. U. de RozentallFomina - forthcoming - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España].
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    (1 other version)Proceedings of the EENPS 2018 Conference in Bratislava: Introduction.Duško Prelević & Richard David-Rus - forthcoming - Filozofia Nauki:5-6.
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    Neural Correlates of Stepping in Healthy Elderly: Parietal and Prefrontal Cortex Activation Reflects Cognitive-Motor Interference Effects.Julia Reinhardt, Oana G. Rus-Oswald, Céline N. Bürki, Stephanie A. Bridenbaugh, Sabine Krumm, Lars Michels, Christoph Stippich, Reto W. Kressig & Maria Blatow - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  48. La filosofía jurídica de Leonardo.Salvador Rus Rufino - 1992 - Anuario Filosófico 25 (1):217-228.
    In this article the author writes about Leonardo Polo's juridical thought. He studied in School of Law before he began to work on philosophy. In the paper the author expresses some of Leonardo Polo�s ideas on law: a) What is the definition of law?; b) Is a person's posession of a thing the fundation of his rights? c) The practical function of law in society.
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  49. La oligarquía en la Política de Aristóteles = Oligarchy in Aristotle's Politics.Salvador Rus Rufino - 2021 - In Coronel Ramos & Marco Antonio, Overarching Greek trends in European philosophy. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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  50. La sofística griega: contexto filosófico e histórico.Salvador Rus Rufino - 1986 - Revista Agustiniana 27 (84):445-508.
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