Results for 'Rolf P. Ingvaldsen'

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  1.  34
    Relative Age Effects and Gender Differences in the National Test of Numeracy: A Population Study of Norwegian Children.Tore K. Aune, Rolf P. Ingvaldsen, Ole P. Vestheim, Ottar Bjerkeset & Terje Dalen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  2. Transfer of Motor Learning Is More Pronounced in Proximal Compared to Distal Effectors in Upper Extremities.Tore K. Aune, Morten A. Aune, Rolf P. Ingvaldsen & Beatrix Vereijken - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  3. Probleme der Wandlung in Hegels Jenaer Systemkonzeption.Rolf P. Horstmann - 1972 - Philosophische Rundschau 19:87.
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  4. Space as Intuition and Geometry.Rolf P. Horstmann - 1976 - Ratio (Misc.) 18 (1):17.
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  5. The Metaphysical Deduction in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.Rolf P. Horstmann - 1981 - Philosophical Forum 13 (1):32.
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  6. Erkenntnistheoretischer Skeptizismus. Wiederbelebung einer philosophischen Tradition?Rolf P. Horstmann - 1987 - Philosophische Rundschau 34:222.
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  7. H. F. Fulda, Das Recht der Philosophie in Hegels Philosophie des Rechts.Rolf P. Horstmann - 1970 - Philosophische Rundschau 17:45.
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  8. Werner Becker und Wilhelm Essler : Konzepte der Dialektik.Rolf P. Horstmann - 1981 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 35 (3/4):648.
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    The Dethronement of Sabaoth: Studies in the Shem and Kabod Theologies.Rolf P. Knierim, Tryggve N. D. Mettinger & F. H. Cryer - 1984 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 104 (4):775.
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    Context dependent feature groups, a proposal for object representation.Rolf P. Würtz - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):702-703.
    The usefulness of contextually guided processors is investigated a little further. A more general use for binding V1 cell responses than the one in Phillips & Singer's target article is proposed, which takes into account that strong responses of these cells can mean more than the presence of lines and edges. The possibility of different grouping depending on the activities of neighboring cells is essential to the approach.
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    Gossiping Nets.Rolf P. Würtz - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 119 (1-2):295-299.
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  12. andbook of Perception. [REVIEW]Rolf P. Horstmann - 1980 - Philosophische Rundschau 27:148.
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  13. Andreas Wildt, Autonomie und Anerkennung. Hegels Moralitätskritik im Lichte seiner Fichte-Rezeption. [REVIEW]Rolf P. Horstmann - 1987 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 94 (2):423.
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    Text and Concept in Leviticus 1:1-9: A Case in Exegetical Method.Jacob Milgrom & Rolf P. Knierim - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (2):320.
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    Mind – your head!R. P. Ingvaldsen & H. T. A. Whiting - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):685-686.
    Gray takes an information-processing paradigm as his departure point, invoking a comparator as part of the system. He concludes that consciousness is to be found “in” the comparator but is unable to point to how the comparison takes place. Thus, the comparator turns out not to be an entity arising out of brain research per se, but out of the logic of the paradigm. In this way, Gray both reinvents dualism and remains trapped in the language game of his own (...)
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    More Pronounced Bimanual Interference in Proximal Compared to Distal Effectors of the Upper Extremities.Morten Andreas Aune, Håvard Lorås, Ane Djuvsland, Rolf Petter Ingvaldsen & Tore Kristian Aune - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  17.  32
    The mystery-mastery-imagery complex.H. T. A. Whiting & R. P. Ingvaldsen - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):228-229.
  18.  80
    Exploring "fringe" consciousness: The subjective experience of perceptual fluency and its objective bases.Rolf Reber, P. Wurtz & Thomas E. Zimmermann - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (1):47-60.
    Perceptual fluency is the subjective experience of ease with which an incoming stimulus is processed. Although perceptual fluency is assessed by speed of processing, it remains unclear how objective speed is related to subjective experiences of fluency. We present evidence that speed at different stages of the perceptual process contributes to perceptual fluency. In an experiment, figure-ground contrast influenced detection of briefly presented words, but not their identification at longer exposure durations. Conversely, font in which the word was written influenced (...)
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    Perception of motion affects language processing.Michael P. Kaschak, Carol J. Madden, David J. Therriault, Richard H. Yaxley, Mark Aveyard, Adrienne A. Blanchard & Rolf A. Zwaan - 2005 - Cognition 94 (3):B79-B89.
  20.  78
    Body posture facilitates retrieval of autobiographical memories.Katinka Dijkstra, Michael P. Kaschak & Rolf A. Zwaan - 2007 - Cognition 102 (1):139-149.
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    Perception of Auditory Motion Affects Language Processing.Michael P. Kaschak, Rolf A. Zwaan, Mark Aveyard & Richard H. Yaxley - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (4):733-744.
    Previous reports have demonstrated that the comprehension of sentences describing motion in a particular direction (toward, away, up, or down) is affected by concurrently viewing a stimulus that depicts motion in the same or opposite direction. We report 3 experiments that extend our understanding of the relation between perception and language processing in 2 ways. First, whereas most previous studies of the relation between perception and language processing have focused on visual perception, our data show that sentence processing can be (...)
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    The compassion deficit and what to do about it: a response to P aley.Gary Rolfe & Lyn D. Gardner - 2014 - Nursing Philosophy 15 (4):288-297.
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  23.  10
    Communication Climate and its Role in Organizations.Franklin J. Boster, Rolf T. Wigand & James P. Dillard - 1986 - Communications 12 (2):83-102.
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    The Effects of Type of Event, Proximity and Repetition on Children’s Attention to and Learning from Television news.Randall P. Harrison, Rolf T. Wigand & Akiba A. Cohen - 1977 - Communications 3 (1):30-46.
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  25. J. P. Müller O. S. B.: Le Correctorium Corruptorii "Circa" de Jean Quidort de Paris.Eugen Rolfes - 1908 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 22:124.
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    Pai Wen P'ien, or the Hundred Questions: A Dialogue between Two Taoists on the Macrocosmic and Microcosmic System of Correspondences.John S. Major & Rolf Homann - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):341.
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    Die Konstitution der Ästhetik in Wilhelm Diltheys Philosophie (review). [REVIEW]Rolf-Dieter Herrmann - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (4):487-489.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 487 Although this reviewer would have appreciated a fuller expression of the dialectical interdependency and synthetic elements holding between Fichte and Schelling than Schurr actually developed, his study is nevertheless an orderly and well-documented presentation of their fundamental views. The study can serve as a solid and professional introduction to the postKantian phase of German Idealism, and it most certainly deserves translation into English. LAWRENCES. STEPELEVICH Villanova (...)
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  28.  43
    Van Cleave, Problems from Kant. [REVIEW]Rolf George - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (3):448-449.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.3 (2001) 448-449 [Access article in PDF] James Van Cleve. Problems from Kant. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp. xii + 340. Cloth, $45.00. The author acknowledges his debt to the "great Kant books of the 1960s, Jonathan Bennett's Kant's Analytic, and P. F. Strawson's The Bounds of Sense."Their analytical spirit lives on in this book, but the analyses are (...)
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    Transcendental Arguments and Science by Peter Bieri, Rolf-Peter Horstmann, and Lorenz Kruger. [REVIEW]P. F. Strawson - 1982 - Journal of Philosophy 79 (1):45-50.
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    Transcendental Arguments and Science: Essays in Epistemology. Edited by Peter Bieri, Rolf-P. Horstmann, and Lorenz Krüger. [REVIEW]Paul Trainor - 1981 - Modern Schoolman 58 (4):285-286.
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    Our Debt to Cicero Cicero and his Influence. ('Our Debt to Greece and Rome.') By John C. Rolfe, Ph.D. Pp.vii + 178. London: Harrap and Co., 1923. 10s. [REVIEW]M. P. Charlesworth - 1924 - The Classical Review 38 (5-6):130-.
  32.  9
    Rolf Stein’s Tibetica Antiqua, with Additional Materials. Translated and edited by Arthur P. Mckeon.Andrew Quintman - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (4).
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    Rolf Schock. On finitely many-valued logics. Logique et analyse, n.s. vol. 7 , pp. 43–58. Errata. Ibid., p. 195. - Rolf Schock. On denumerably many-valued logics.Logique et analyse, n.s. vol. 7 , pp. 190–195. - R. Schock. Some theorems on the relative strengths of many-valued logics.Logique et analyse, n.s. vol. 8 , pp. 101–104. [REVIEW]Robert K. Meyer - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (1):140-142.
  34.  12
    Rolf WINTERMEYER, Lichtenberg, Wittgenstein et la question du sujet.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    R. Wintermeyer, Lichtenberg, Wittgenstein et la question du sujet, Paris, PUPS, 2014, 440 p. Voici un livre qu'on lira avec grand plaisir. Vu son titre, on aurait aimé y trouver un peu plus d'informations sur Lichtenberg et son écriture aphoristique, mal connus en France, et un peu moins sur Wittgenstein et sa théorie pragmatique du langage, qui nous sont moins étrangers. Les premiers n'apparaissent qu'en toile de fond d'un travail qui porte principalement sur les seconds. Toutefois l'ensemble est - Recensions.
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    Les frontières de la raison. Recherche sur les objectifs et les motifs de l'idéalisme allemand Rolf-Peter Horstmann Traduction française de Philippe Müller Collection «Bibliotheque d'histoire de la philosophie» Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1998, 216 p. [REVIEW]Suzanne Foisy - 2000 - Dialogue 39 (4):838-.
    Les efforts pour déterminer par des voies non kantiennes les frontières de la raison dépendent de perspectives ouvertes par les idéalistes postkantiens, comme le soutient Rolf-Peter Horstmann, dans un ouvrage d'abord publié en 1991 chez l'éditeur Anton Hain. L'avant-propos présente d'intéressantes idées sur l'«utilité pratique» de l'histoire de la philosophie et sur la question métaphilosophique de la différence entre la matière des problèmes et la manière de les poser. Une nouvelle théorie philosophique pourrait élucider d'anciens problèmes sans en réviser (...)
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  36.  67
    Sallust Sallust. With an English translation by J. C. Rolfe, Professor of Latin in the University of Pennsylvania. One vol. Pp. xxii + 535. London: W. Heinemann; New York: G. P. Putnam (Loeb Classical Library), 1920. 10s. [REVIEW]H. E. Butler - 1921 - The Classical Review 35 (3-4):79-.
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    Dekoloniales Philosophieren. Versuch über philosophische Verantwortung und Kritik im Horizont der europäischen Expansion by Rolf Elberfeld. [REVIEW]Ady Van den Stock - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (1):1-5.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dekoloniales Philosophieren. Versuch über philosophische Verantwortung und Kritik im Horizont der europäischen Expansion by Rolf ElberfeldAdy Van den Stock (bio)Dekoloniales Philosophieren. Versuch über philosophische Verantwortung und Kritik im Horizont der europäischen Expansion. By Rolf Elberfeld. Hildesheim: Universitätsverlag Hildesheim; Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 2021. Pp. 244. Paperback €19.80, isbn 978-3-487-16042-9. Calls for the decolonization of knowledge have come to resound far beyond the walls (...)
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    A unifying framework of probabilistic reasoning: Rolf Haenni, Jan-Willem Romeijn, Gregory Wheeler and Jon Williamson: Probabilistic logic and probabilistic networks. Dordrecht: Springer, 2011, xiii+155pp, €59.95 HB. [REVIEW]Jan Sprenger - 2011 - Metascience 21 (2):459-462.
    A unifying framework of probabilistic reasoning Content Type Journal Article Category Book Review Pages 1-4 DOI 10.1007/s11016-011-9573-x Authors Jan Sprenger, Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Tilburg University, P.O. Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    Canon and Authority: Essays in Old Testament Religion and Theology.George W. Coats & Burke O. Long - 1977 - Augsburg Fortress Publishing.
    Opposition: Obedience and authority in Exodus 32-34 / George W. Coats -- The theological significance of contradiction within the Book of the Covenant / Paul D. Hanson -- The renewed authority of Old Testament wisdom for contemporary faith / Wayne Sibley Towner -- A stylistic study of the priestly creation story / Bernhard W. Anderson -- "I will not cause it to return" in Amos 1 and 2 / Rolf P. Knierim.
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  40. The artful mind meets art history: Toward a psycho-historical framework for the science of art appreciation.Nicolas J. Bullot & Rolf Reber - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (2):123-137.
    Research seeking a scientific foundation for the theory of art appreciation has raised controversies at the intersection of the social and cognitive sciences. Though equally relevant to a scientific inquiry into art appreciation, psychological and historical approaches to art developed independently and lack a common core of theoretical principles. Historicists argue that psychological and brain sciences ignore the fact that artworks are artifacts produced and appreciated in the context of unique historical situations and artistic intentions. After revealing flaws in the (...)
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    The Logical Structure of the World. Pseudoproblems in Philosophy.Rudolf Carnap & Rolf A. George - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (3):551-552.
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    Notes to Literature.Theodor W. Adorno, Rolf Tiedemann & Shierry Weber Nicholsen - 1995 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 53 (3):334-336.
  43. Love, Forgiveness, and Trust: Critical Values of the Modern Leader.Cam Caldwell & Rolf D. Dixon - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (1):91-101.
    In a world that has become increasingly dependent upon employee ownership, commitment, and initiative, organizations need leaders who can inspire their␣employees and motivate them individually. Love, forgiveness, and trust are critical values of today’s organization leaders who are committed to maximizing value for organizations while helping organization members to become their best. We explain the importance of love, forgiveness, and trust in the modern organization and identify 10 commonalities of these virtues.
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  44. Do I Hear the Whistle…? A First Attempt to Measure Four Forms of Employee Silence and Their Correlates.Michael Knoll & Rolf Dick - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (2):349-362.
    Silence in organizations refers to a state in which employees refrain from calling attention to issues at work such as illegal or immoral practices or developments that violate personal, moral, or legal standards. While Morrison and Milliken (Acad Manag Rev 25:706–725, 2000) discussed how organizational silence as a top-down organizational level phenomenon can cause employees to remain silent, a bottom-up perspective—that is, how employee motives contribute to the occurrence and maintenance of silence in organizations—has not yet been given much research (...)
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  45.  74
    Simulating visibility during language comprehension.Richard H. Yaxley & Rolf A. Zwaan - 2007 - Cognition 105 (1):229-236.
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    A Last Shot at Kant and Incongruent Counterparts.Paul Rusnock & Rolf George - 1995 - Kant Studien 86 (3):257-277.
  47.  46
    The feeling of fluent perception: A single experience from multiple asynchronous sources☆.Pascal Wurtz, Rolf Reber & Thomas D. Zimmermann - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):171-184.
    Zeki and co-workers recently proposed that perception can best be described as locally distributed, asynchronous processes that each create a kind of microconsciousness, which condense into an experienced percept. The present article is aimed at extending this theory to metacognitive feelings. We present evidence that perceptual fluency—the subjective feeling of ease during perceptual processing—is based on speed of processing at different stages of the perceptual process. Specifically, detection of briefly presented stimuli was influenced by figure-ground contrast, but not by symmetry (...)
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  48.  20
    Perceiving Sound Objects in the Musique Concrète.Rolf Inge Godøy - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In the late 1940s and early 1950s, there emerged a radically new kind of music based on recorded environmental sounds instead of sounds of traditional Western musical instruments. Centered in Paris around the composer, music theorist, engineer, and writer Pierre Schaeffer, this became known as musique concrète because of its use of concrete recorded sound fragments, manifesting a departure from the abstract concepts and representations of Western music notation. Furthermore, the term sound object was used to denote our perceptual images (...)
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  49.  40
    Processing of color words activates color representations.Tobias Richter & Rolf A. Zwaan - 2009 - Cognition 111 (3):383-389.
  50. Beethoven: The Philosophy of Music.Theodor W. Adorno & Rolf Tiedemann - 2000 - Philosophical Quarterly 50 (199):254-256.
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