Results for 'Romeo Brunetti'

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  1.  96
    Time in Quantum Physics: From an External Parameter to an Intrinsic Observable. [REVIEW]Romeo Brunetti, Klaus Fredenhagen & Marc Hoge - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (9-10):1368-1378.
    In the Schrödinger equation, time plays a special role as an external parameter. We show that in an enlarged system where the time variable denotes an additional degree of freedom, solutions of the Schrödinger equation give rise to weights on the enlarged algebra of observables. States in the associated GNS representation correspond to states on the original algebra composed with a completely positive unit preserving map. Application of this map to the functions of the time operator on the large system (...)
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    eCorsi: implementation and testing of the Corsi block-tapping task for digital tablets.Riccardo Brunetti, Claudia Del Gatto & Franco Delogu - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Do You Know What I Mean? Brain Oscillations and the Understanding of Communicative Intentions.Marcella Brunetti, Filippo Zappasodi, Laura Marzetti, Mauro Gianni Perrucci, Simona Cirillo, Gian Luca Romani, Vittorio Pizzella & Tiziana Aureli - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  4.  25
    L'exercice de l'autorité parentale face au pluralisme familial.Clotilde Brunetti-Pons - 2004 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 165 (3):7-22.
    Le droit applicable à l’exercice de l’autorité parentale a été remanié par la loi du 4 mars 2002. Il existe désormais un statut légal du couple parental, applicable quelle que soit la situation familiale des parents, conditionné par l’établissement du lien de filiation de l’enfant. Ce droit commun est gouverné par un principe supérieur : les père et mère exercent en commun l’autorité parentale. La consécration progressive d’un principe d’autorité parentale conjointe (1970,1987,1993, 2002) est certes un progrès en ce qu’elle (...)
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    Cartooning: philosophy and practice.Ivan Brunetti - 2011 - New Haven [Conn.]: Yale University Press.
    Provides lessons on the art of cartooning along with information on terminology, tools, techniques, and theory.
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    Dall'io al sé attraverso l'altro: Edith Stein e Max Scheler a confronto.Giulia Brunetti - 2020 - Perugia: Morlacchi editore University Press.
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    eStroop: Implementation, Standardization, and Systematic Comparison of a New Voice-Key Version of the Traditional Stroop Task.Riccardo Brunetti, Allegra Indraccolo, Claudia Del Gatto, Benedetto Farina, Claudio Imperatori, Elena Fontana, Jacopo Penso, Rita B. Ardito & Mauro Adenzato - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The Stroop effect is a well-documented phenomenon, demonstrating both interference and facilitation effects. Many versions of the Stroop task were created, according to the purposes of its applications, varying in numerous aspects. While many versions are developed to investigate the mechanisms of the effect itself, the Stroop effect is also considered a general measure of attention, inhibitory control, and executive functions. In this paper, we implement “eStroop”: a new digital version based on verbal responses, measuring the main processes involved in (...)
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  8. La crise de la théologie morale au XVIII siècle: le débat sur le bien et le mal.F. Brunetti - 1988 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 68 (2):195-207.
  9.  14
    Le droit de la filiation face aux évolutions de l'assistance médicale à la procréation.Clotilde Brunetti-Pons (ed.) - 2021 - Paris: Editions Mare & Martin.
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    On the pragmatics of post focal material in Italian (left peripheral focus looked at from the other side).Lisa Brunetti - 2009 - In Denis Apothéloz, Bernard Combettes & Franck Neveu, Les linguistiques du détachement: actes du colloque international de Nancy (7-9 juin 2006). Bern: P. Lang. pp. 151--62.
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    Should HECs makede facto binding decisions? Yes.Louis L. Brunetti - 1994 - HEC Forum 6 (3):176-180.
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  12.  49
    El Lugar de la Psicología en la Epistemología de Kuhn: La posibilidad de una psicología de la investigación científica.Juan Brunetti & Elizabeth Beatriz Ormart - 2010 - Cinta de Moebio 38:110-121.
    La epistemología de Kuhn ha inspirado investigaciones en el ámbito de la psicología del conocimiento. Del mismo modo los psicólogos investigadores de los procesos psico-cognitivos han tomado categorías kuhnianas para teorizar sus hallazgos. Finalmente, el mismo Kuhn se volvió hacia ellos para ilumin..
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    Pupillary Response to Negative Emotional Stimuli Is Differentially Affected in Meditation Practitioners.Alejandra Vasquez-Rosati, Enzo P. Brunetti, Carmen Cordero & Pedro E. Maldonado - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  14. Schizophrenia is a disease of general connectivity more than a specifically “social brain” network.Conrado Bosman, Enzo Brunetti & Francisco Aboitiz - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (6):856-856.
    Dysfunctions of the neural circuits that implement social behavior are necessary but not a sufficient condition to develop schizophrenia. We propose that schizophrenia represents a disease of general connectivity that impairs not only the “social brain” networks, but also different neural circuits related with higher cognitive and perceptual functions. We discuss possible mechanisms and evolutionary considerations.
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    Modifications of EEG power spectra in mesial temporal lobe during n-back tasks of increasing difficulty. A sLORETA study.Claudio Imperatori, Benedetto Farina, Riccardo Brunetti, Valentina Gnoni, Elisa Testani, Maria I. Quintiliani, Claudia Del Gatto, Allegra Indraccolo, Anna Contardi, Anna M. Speranza & Giacomo Della Marca - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  16. Las dificultades de la empatía y las raíces afectivas del racismo.Elizabeth Ormart & Juan Brunetti - 2011 - Ludus Vitalis 19 (35):145-152.
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    The Traumatic Experience of Breast Cancer: Which Factors Can Relate to the Post-traumatic Outcomes?Annunziata Romeo, Marialaura Di Tella, Ada Ghiggia, Valentina Tesio, Eleonora Gasparetto, Maria Rosa Stanizzo, Riccardo Torta & Lorys Castelli - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  18.  39
    Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Therapy: The Need for a Common European Legal Framework.Carlos M. Romeo–Casabona - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (6):557-567.
    The possibility of obtaining stem cells from human embryos has given rise to an intensive legal and ethical debate. In this paper, attention is paid to the normative disparity and ambiguity in Europe. An argument for the need for a minimal legal harmonization is made; and a prudent and flexible way to reach this successfully is suggested. Establishing a common legal framework seems to be the only way to guarantee true competitiveness for the European scientific community.
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    Le Pascal de Léon Brunschvicg.Maria Vita Romeo - 2021 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3:321-336.
    Le nom de Brunschvicg est indissolublement lié à celui de Pascal. Sa grande entreprise éditoriale est restée inégalée, comme ses très nombreuses études dédiées directement ou non à l’auteur des Pensées. Pascal a été pour Brunschvicg l’interlocuteur d’une vie entière : cela s’entend du philosophe et du mathématicien qui affrontent l’infini, mais aussi du polémiste chrétien avec qui Brunschvicg a dit n’avoir « pas une idée en commun », mais dont il a saisi les secrets plus qu’aucun autre. Cet article (...)
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  20.  45
    Cognitive and motor implications of mental imagery.Romeo Chua & Daniel J. Weeks - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):203-204.
  21.  24
    Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention Among People With Disabilities Working in Special Employment Centers: The Moderation Effect of Organizational Commitment.Marina Romeo, Montserrat Yepes-Baldó & Claudia Lins - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  22. Competency of school heads in leading people influences school performance.Romeo Lepardo & Manuel Caingcoy - 2021 - International Journal of Educational Policy Research and Review 8 (4):126-131.
    Investigating school performance and competencies, especially on leadership, received a considerable attention in the past. In fact, there have been multitudes of evidence that leadership can impact school performance, student achievement, or outcome. Also, there was no single measurement of school performance. This study examined the influence of leadership and core behavioral competencies on the school performance of school heads. This was to build a new model of school performance. Using an explanatory research design, it administered a survey questionnaire to (...)
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    Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Therapy: The Need for a Common European Legal Framework.Carlos M. Romeo&Ndashcasabona - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (6):557-567.
    The possibility of obtaining stem cells from human embryos has given rise to an intensive legal and ethical debate. In this paper, attention is paid to the normative disparity and ambiguity in Europe. An argument for the need for a minimal legal harmonization is made; and a prudent and flexible way to reach this successfully is suggested. Establishing a common legal framework seems to be the only way to guarantee true competitiveness for the European scientific community.
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    Port-Royal and philosophy.Maria Vita Romeo - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 66 (3):559-562.
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  25. I concordati di Giovanni Paolo II.Romeo Astorri - forthcoming - Civitas.
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  26.  13
    Biotecnologia e suas implicações ético-jurídicas.Romeo Casabona, Carlos María & Juliane Fernandes Queiroz (eds.) - 2005 - Belo Horizonte: Del Rey.
    A Bioética, que podemos qualificar, sem a menor dúvida, como uma ciência jovem - embora cheia de vigor, dinamismo e em plena expansão - se ocupa, desde as multifacetadas óticas das grandes perguntas que se formula a cada dia, o homem moderno, em torno da vida. Neste livro, os autores tratam de alguns aspectos conceituais que, às vezes, são obliterados no discurso bioético. Por exemplo, quais as relações que se interpõem entre Bioética e Direito, começando por delimitar cada uma destas (...)
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  27.  20
    Biotechnology, law, and bioethics: comparative perspectives.Romeo Casabona & Carlos María (eds.) - 1999 - Bruxelles: Bruylant.
    Fornece um panorama sobre os avanços biotecnológicos, dando ênfase aos aspectos jurídicos e éticos do impacto destes na área genética sobre o homem e o meio ambiente.
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  28.  10
    Biotecnología y derecho: perspectivas en derecho comparado.Romeo Casabona & Carlos María (eds.) - 1998 - Bilbao: Cátedra Interuniversitaria Fundación BBV-Diputación Foral de Bizkaia de Derecho y Genoma Humano, Universidad de Deusto, Universidad del País Vasco/EHU.
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    Código de leyes sobre genética.Romeo Casabona & Carlos María (eds.) - 1997 - Bilbao: Diputación Foral de Bizkaia.
    La obra incluye legislación de quince países, así como diversos documentos de la ONU, la UNESCO, el Consejo de Europa, la Unión Europea, Comités Nacionales de Ética, dictámenes y resoluciones de Instituciones Internacionales, jurisprudencia española y una selección bibliográfica con unas 1.300 referencias, clasificada por materias. Algunas leyes nacionales y los documentos del Consejo de Europa se publican traducidos al español y en su idioma original, cuando éste se ha considerado fácilmente asequible, con el fin de facilitar el acceso a (...)
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  30.  6
    Más allá de la salud: intervenciones de mejora en humanos.Romeo Casabona & Carlos María (eds.) - 2012 - Granada: Editorial Comares.
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  31.  48
    Visual control of target-directed movements.Romeo Chua & Digby Elliott - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):304-306.
    Visual feedback regulation during movement is not fully captured in Plamondon's kinematic theory. However, numerous studies indicate that visual response-produced feedback is a powerful determinant of performance and kinematic characteristics of target-directed movement.
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  32. Etica e ontologia nella dottrina cartesiana.Romeo Crippa - forthcoming - Giornale di Metafisica.
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    El intelectualismo agustiniano y las corrientes exigencialístico-voluntarísticas de la filosofía contemporánea.Romeo Crippa - 1956 - Augustinus 1 (3):313-329.
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  34. Il pensiero di L. Ollé-Laprune.Romeo Crippa - 1947 - Brescia, Italy: Morcelliana.
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  35. Il realismo integrale di M. Blondel.Romeo Crippa & M. Sciacca - 1954 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 11 (3):491-492.
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    Il realismo integrale di M. Blondel.Romeo Crippa - 1954 - Milano,: Fratelli Bocca.
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  37. Libertà e responsabilità.Romeo Crippa - 1969 - Roma,: A. Armando.
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  38. Le passioni in Spinoza.Romeo Crippa - 1965 - Milano,: Marzorati.
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  39. Moralità e realtà.Romeo Crippa - 1977 - Napoli: Morano.
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    Profilo della critica blondeliana.Romeo Crippa - 1962 - Milano,: Marzorati.
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  41. Prospettiva sulla libertà.Romeo Crippa - 1978 - Padova: Liviana.
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    Studi sulla coscienza etica e religiosa del Seicento.Romeo Crippa - 1960 - Brescia,: La Scuola editrice.
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  43. Studi sulla coscienza etica e religiosa del Seicento.Romeo Crippa - 1960 - Brescia,: La Scuola editrice.
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  44.  10
    Vers une société d’uniques?Roméo Delatte - 2021 - Philosophique 24.
    Nous vivons dans une société mondialisée apparemment unie par une vision commune de l’humanité. Mais derrière l’illusion première d’un ‘’Nous’’ déjà là, se cache la réalité de l’hétérogénéité des croyances, des modes de vies et des cultures. Modèles différents entre pays et dans les pays eux-mêmes, sur le plan mondial comme ‘’national’’, nous cherchons encore ce qui constitue ce Nous tant rêvé. Quel est donc le fondement de notre vie commune? Qu’est-ce qui nous permet de dire que nous faison...
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  45. Vita e Pensiere d'Ollè-Laprune.Romeo Grippa, F. Sciacca & Du même - 1957 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 147:91-91.
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    Valeurs et éthique.Roméo Malenfant - 2010 - [Lévis, Québec]: Éditions D.P.R.M..
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  47. Papel de la filosofia en una sociedad democratica.S. Rabade Romeo, G. Bueno, C. Diaz, A. Lopez Quintas, J. Sadaba & P. Cerezo Galan - 1986 - Diálogo Filosófico 2 (6):313-330.
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  48. Racionalidad y racionalizacion.S. Rabade Romeo - 1988 - Diálogo Filosófico 4 (10):45-55.
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  49.  27
    Las Disputaciones Metafísicas de Suárez: innovación y proyección.Sergio Rábade Romeo - 1998 - Arbor 159 (625):45-60.
    En 1997 se cumple el IV Centenario de la publicación de las Disputaciones Metafísicas de Suárez. Indudablemente no puede pasar inadvertida esa fecha si se tiene en cuenta que estamos ante el libro español de filosofía que ha influido más en el pensamiento europeo, muy concretamente durante el siglo XVII. Tanto la estructura del libro, alejada de los comentarios de Aristóteles, como el que se manifiesta tanto en el abultado número de reediciones, como en los temas que, desde las páginas (...)
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  50.  15
    Abuse of Law and Advocacy.Andrea Romeo - 2021 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 107 (2):270-288.
    The essay explores the world of Jurisprudential Legal ethics, which ever closer claims the status of jurisprudential issue deeply woven into the contemporary debate about the concept and the nature of law. The paper briefly explores the leading jurisprudential theories about the lawyer’s role, in attempt to outline that the conceptualization of the lawyers’ role and the nature of their professional commitments are both a function of the concept of law we adopt, mainly focusing on the “positivist turn” in legal (...)
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