Results for 'Ronald Jean-Jacques'

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  1. Religious Writings.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Ronald Grimsley - 1970 - Clarendon Press.
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    Rage narcissique et réussite scolaire chez des adolescents haïtiens issus des milieux sociaux défavorisés à Port-au-Prince.Raynold Billy, Ronald Jean Jacques & Daniel Derivois - 2015 - Revue Phronesis 4 (3):2-10.
    Academic achievement is an important issue for families and Haitian adolescents from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. It represents a necessary step to escape difficult living conditions and achieve some social mobility. Any failure of these adolescents academically risk of them know a lot more difficult than that of their parents. It is therefore important to consider the factors that explain the academic success of some young people playing in a precarious environment. This article aims to analyze, in a clinic psychosocial perspective, (...)
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    Haitian people's expectations regarding post‐disaster humanitarian aid teams’ actions.Lonzozou Kpanake, Ronald Jean-Jacques, Paul Clay Sorum & Etienne Mullet - 2017 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (4):385-393.
    The way people at the receiving end of humanitarian assistance perceive this intervention may provide invaluable bottom-up feedback to improve the quality of the intervention. We analyzed and mapped Haitians’ views regarding international humanitarian aid in cases of natural disaster. Two hundred fifty participants–137 women and 113 men aged 18-67–who had suffered from the consequences of the earthquake in 2010 were presented with a series of vignettes depicting a humanitarian team's action and were asked to what extent these actions corresponded (...)
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    The knowledge of man. Selected essays.Jean Jacques Waardenburg - 1967 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 5 (4):382-383.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:382 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY the spiritual effort of all mankind. Many so-called historic events, he was convinced, will in the end be "as written in water," but the work of the human "spirit," however limited at any given time, is accumulative and helps prepare a better future. It seems fitting to close this review with the concluding words of high commendation addressed to him by the Argentinian Society of (...)
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Ronald Grimsley - 1963 - Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble.
    It is with this specific problem of Rousseau's personal existence--and especially with his determined efforts to clarify its meaning through the meaning of writing--that the present study is mainly concerned.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau: a study in self-awareness.Ronald Grimsley - 1969 - Cardiff,: University of Wales P.. Edited by Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
    It is with this specific problem of Rousseau's personal existence--and especially with his determined efforts to clarify its meaning through the meaning of writing--that the present study is mainly concerned.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Philosopher of Nature.Ronald Grimsley - 1978 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 12:184-198.
    From the very outset of his literary and intellectual career Rousseau saw himself as an uncompromising critic of contemporary society. As he has vividly related in his personal writings, the famous moment of ‘illumination’ when he was on the way to visit his friend Diderot imprisoned in the Chateau de Vincennes not only gave him a vision of ‘another universe’ but transformed him into ‘another man’. An overwhelming ‘enthusiasm for truth, freedom and virtue’ made him henceforth reject the corrupt values (...)
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Du Contrat Social, Texte présenté et commenté par Jean-Marie Fataud et Marie-Claude Bartholy, Paris: Bibliothèque Bordas, 1972, 256 pages. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Du Contrat Social, Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Ronald Grimsley, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972 . Rousseau, An Introduction to his Political Philosophy, by John C. Hall, London: Macmillan, 1973, Pp. 167. $1.75. [REVIEW]J. I. MacAdam - 1974 - Dialogue 13 (2):394-396.
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    The changing face of nature in Rousseau's political writings.Ronald Duncan Miller - 1983 - Harrogate [Yorkshire]: Duchy Press.
  10.  37
    The philosophy of Rousseau.Ronald Grimsley - 1973 - New York,: Oxford University Press.
    Comprehensive study which analyzes the essential features of his "simple nature.".
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  11. Jean-Jacques Rousseau au Pasteur de Môtiers Frédéric-Guillaume de Montmollin Reproduction du Manuscrit Conservé À la Bibliothèque de la Ville de Neuch'tel.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Bibliothèque de la Ville de Neuchâtel - 1970 - S.N.
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    Dialogues de Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques ; suivis de Le Lévite d'Ephraïm.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1999
    Ecrits entre 1772 et 1776, les trois dialogues de Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques apparaissent à première lecture comme une extension délirante des derniers livres des Confessions. Cette écriture du cauchemar repose en réalité sur une structure idéologique d'une extrême rigueur et révèle une logique fantasmatique d'une effrayante complexité, que l'on pourra comparer avec cet autre texte au sujet " abominable " qu'est Le Lévite d'Ephraïm, poème en prose composé par Rousseau sur la route de l'exil en juin 1762.
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  13. Il pensiero di Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1969 - Torino: Loescher. Edited by Pietro Rossi.
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  14.  26
    The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Anonymous Translation Into English of 1783 & 1790.Jean-Jacques Rousseau, A. S. B. Glover, William Sharp, Peter Beilenson & Limited Editions Club - 1955 - Limited Editions Club.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau en Savoie: Annecy, Chambéry, Les Charmettes.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & François Vermale - 1922 - Dardel.
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  16. Jean-Jacques Rousseau Confessions in Two Volumes.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Robert Niklaus - 1992
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  17. Jean-Jacques Rousseau Textes Choisis Et Commentés.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Albert Bazaillas - 1913 - Plon-Nourrit.
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    The Minor Educational Writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & William Boyd - 1911 - Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University.
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    Rousseau Juge de Jean Jacques Dialogues.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Brooke Boothby - 1780 - Chez J. Jackson, aux Depens de l'Editeur Chez Dodsley, Cadell, Elmsley, Et Strahan.
    One of Rousseau’s later and most puzzling works and never before available in English, this neglected autobiographical piece was the product of the philosopher’s old age and sense of persecution. Long viewed simply as evidence of his growing paranoia, it consists of three dialogues between a character named “Rousseau” and one identified only as “Frenchman” who discuss the bad reputation and works of an author named “Jean-Jacques.” Dialogues offers a fascinating retrospective of his literary career.
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  20. Jean-Jacques Rousseau Fragments Inedits.Albert Jansen & Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1882 - Sandoz and Thuillier; [Etc., Etc.].
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  21. Confessions... [of] of Jean Jacques Rousseau.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Jean-Pierre Néraudau - 1971 - Larousse.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Lettres Philosophiques.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1974 - Paris: Bibliotheque Des Textes Philos. Edited by Henri Gouhier.
  23. The Humane Philosophy of Jean Jacques Rousseau, Maxims and Principles Selected and Cl Assified by F. Macdonald.Jean Jacques Rousseau & Frederika Macdonald - 1908
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    The political writings of Jean Jacques Rosseau.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1915 - Cambridge [Eng.]: The University press. Edited by Charles Edwyn Vaughan.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau: fundamental political writings.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2018 - Peterborough, Ontario, Canada: Broadview Press. Edited by Matthew William Maguire & David Lay Williams.
    This classroom edition includes On the Social Contract, the Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts, the Discourse on the Origins of Inequality, and the Preface to Narcissus. Each text has been newly translated and includes a full complement of explanatory notes. The editors’ introduction offers students diverse points of entry into some of the distinctive possibilities and challenges of each of these fundamental texts, as well as an introduction to Rousseau’s life and historical situation. The volume also includes annotated (...)
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    The dawn of music semiology: essays in honor of Jean-Jacques Nattiez.Jean-Jacques Nattiez, Jonathan Dunsby & Jonathan Goldman (eds.) - 2017 - Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
    The dawn of music semiology showcases the work of ten leading musicologists inspired by the work of Jean-Jacques Nattiez. Reflecting the energy and diversity of the young field of music semiology, chapters in this volume discuss music and gesture, the psychology of music, and the role of ethnotheory, and offer new research on topics as diverse as modeling folk polyphony, spatialization in the Darmstadt repertoire, Schenker's theory of musical content, and modernism from Wagner to Boulez.
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  27. La collection Jean-Jacques Rousseau de la bibliothèque [de] J. Pierpont Morgan: Lettres, notes manusrites [!] et éditions.Jean-Jacques Rousseau, J. Pierpont Morgan & Albert Schinz - 1925 - Smith College.
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  28. Political writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, the (in 2 vols).Jean-Jacques Rousseau - unknown
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    The Humane Philosophy of Jean Jacques Rosseau: Maxims and Principles.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Frederika Macdonald - 1908 - J.M. Dent.
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    La "Profession de foi du vicaire savoyard" de Jean-Jacques Rousseau: édition critique d'après les manuscrits de Genève, Neuch'tel et Paris.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Pierre-Maurice Masson - 1914 - Librairie de l'Université (O. Gschwend), Hachette Et Cie.
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    (1 other version)The social contract and other later political writings.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1997 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Victor Gourevitch.
    The work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau is presented in two volumes, together forming the most comprehensive anthology of Rousseau's political writings in English. Volume II contains the later writings such as The Social Contract and a selection of Rousseau's letters on important aspects of his thought. The Social Contract has become Rousseau's most famous single work, but on publication was condemned by both the civil and the ecclesiastical authorities in France and Geneva. Rousseau fled and it is during this (...)
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  32. Dialogues : Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques ; Le Lévite d'Éphraïm, coll. « GF ».Jean-Jacques Rousseau & D'erick Leborgne - 2000 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 190 (2):243-243.
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    The Social Contract and the First and Second Discourses.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2002 - Yale University Press.
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s ideas about society, culture, and government are pivotal in the history of political thought. His works are as controversial as they are relevant today. This volume brings together three of Rousseau’s most important political writings—_The Social Contract and The First Discourse _and_ The Second Discourse _—and_ _presents essays by major scholars that shed light on the dimensions and implications of these texts. Susan Dunn’s introductory essay underlines the unity of Rousseau’s political thought and explains why his (...)
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    Jean Jacques Rousseau: Political Writings.Frederick Watkins & Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1953 - Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press. Edited by Frederick Mundell Watkins.
    Frederick Watkins’ 1953 edition of Rousseau’s _Political Writings_ has long been noted for being fully accurate while representing much of Rousseau’s eloquence and elegance. It contains what is widely regarded as the finest English translation of _The Social Contract_, Rousseau’s greatest political treatise. In addition, this edition offers the best available translation of the late and important _Government of Poland_ and the only published English translation of the fragment _Constitutional Project for Corsica_, which, says Watkins, provides the clearest possible demonstration (...)
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    The Major Political Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Two "Discourses" and the "Social Contract".Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2012 - London: University of Chicago Press. Edited by John T. Scott & Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
    Discourse on the sciences and the arts -- Discourse on inequality -- On the social contract.
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    The discourses and other political writings.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1997 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Victor Gourevitch.
    The work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau is presented in two volumes, together forming the most comprehensive anthology of Rousseau's political writings in English. This second volume contains the earlier writings such as the First and Second Discourses, the publication of which signalled the power and challenge of Rousseau's thinking. Rousseau's influence was wide reaching and has continued to grow since his death: major landmarks in world history, such as the American and French Revolutions, were profoundly affected by Rousseau's writing, (...)
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    Confessions.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Robert Niklaus - 2008 - Oxford Paperbacks.
    In his Confessions Jean-Jacques Rousseau tells the story of his life, from the formative experience of his humble childhood in Geneva, through the achievement of international fame as novelist and philosopher in Paris, to his wanderings as an exile, persecuted by governments and alienated from the world of modern civilization. In trying to explain who he was and how he came to be the object of others' admiration and abuse, Rousseau analyses with unique insight the relationship between an (...)
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  38. (2 other versions)Emile.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - unknown
  39. Lettre de J. J. Rousseau a Monsieur de Voltaire.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1763 - [S.N.].
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    Friedensschriften.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2012 - Meiner, F.
    Jean-Jacques Rousseaus Schriften zur Stiftung eines fortdauernden Friedens unter den europäischen Völkern, Extrait du Projet de Paix Perpétuelle de Monsieur L'Abbé de Saint-Pierre und Jugement sur la Paix Perpétuelle, haben eigenständige Bedeutung in der systematischen Entfaltung einer Forderung der Rechtsphilosophie, die Kant später "nicht bloß [als] einen Teil, sondern den ganzen Endzweck der Rechtslehre innerhalb der Grenzen der bloßen Vernunft" hervorgehoben hat. Beide Schriften verdienen besondere Aufmerksamkeit, da ihnen eine gegenüber dem Abbé selbständige und weiterführende rechtsphilosophische Bedeutung in (...)
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    (1 other version)Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Sa vie, son oeuvre, sa philosophie.André Cresson & Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1940 - Alcan, Presses Universitaires de France.
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    Où en sont les études sur le livre de Qohélet?Jean-Jacques Lavoie - 2013 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 69 (1):95.
    Jean-Jacques Lavoie | : Cet article présente une centaine de livres publiés depuis l’an 2000 sur le texte de Qohélet. L’état de la recherche est divisé en six parties qui correspondent à autant d’approches : critique textuelle, analyse philologique et sémantique, histoire de la réception, analyse comparée, critique structurelle et lecture canonique et pastorale. Ce choix n’a rien d’arbitraire. Au contraire, il est adapté aux livres publiés depuis l’an 2000 et permet de mettre en évidence les principaux résultats (...)
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712-1778: Catalogue of an Exhibition at Cambridge University Library July-September, 1978.R. A. Leigh & Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1978
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau traducteur de Tacite.Cornelius Tacitus, Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Catherine Volpilhac-Auger - 1995 - Université de Saint-Etienne.
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  45. Basic political writings.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2011 - Cambridge: Hackett Pub. Co.. Edited by Donald A. Cress.
    Discourse on the sciences and the arts -- Discourse on the origin and foundations of inequality among men -- Discourse on political economy -- On the social contract -- The state of war.
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    Jean Jaques Rousseau, citoyen de Genève, à Christophe de Beaumont, Archevêque de Paris..Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Christophe de Beaumont & Marc Michel Rey - 1763 - Chez Marc Michel Rey.
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    Projet de constitution pour la Corse.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Robert Chesnais - 2000 - Nautilus éditions.
  48. The Social Contract ; and, Discourses.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1973 - Rutland, Vt.: C.E. Tuttle Co.. Edited by G. D. H. Cole, J. H. Brumfitt & John C. Hall.
    A discourse on the arts and sciences -- A discourse on the origin of inequality -- A discourse on political economy -- The general society of the human race -- The social contract.
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    Les confessions de J.J. Rousseau.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & George Sand - 1798 - Charpentier.
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  50. A Discourse on Inequality.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1984 - New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Penguin Books. Edited by Maurice William Cranston.
    It Is Of Man That I Have To Speak; And The Question I Am Investigating Shows Me That It Is To Men That I Must Address Myself: For Questions Of This Sort Are Not ...
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