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Ronald Lindsay [17]Ronald A. Lindsay [9]Ronald Alan Lindsay [5]RonaldA Lindsay [1]
  1. Enhancements and Justice: Problems in Determining the Requirements of Justice in a Genetically Transformed Society.Ronald Alan Lindsay - 2005 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (1):3-38.
    : There is a concern that genetic engineering will exacerbate existing social divisions and inequalities, especially if only the wealthy can afford genetic enhancements. Accordingly, many argue that justice requires the imposition of constraints on genetic engineering. However, it would be unwise to decide at this time what limits should be imposed in the future. Decision makers currently lack both the theoretical tools and the factual foundation for making sound judgments about the requirements of justice in a genetically transformed society. (...)
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    Should We Impose Quotas? Evaluating the “Disparate Impact” Argument against Legalization of Assisted Suicide.Ronald A. Lindsay - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (1):6-16.
    Prominent among the arguments against the legalization of assisted suicide is the contention that legalization will have a disproportionately adverse, or “disparate,” impact on various vulnerable groups. There are many versions of this argument, with different advocates of this argument focusing on different vulnerable groups, and some advocates confusedly blending slippery slope and social justice concerns. Also, the weight placed on this argument by its various advocates is not uniform, with some including the argument in a list of multiple, apparently (...)
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    Oregon's experience: Evaluating the record.Ronald A. Lindsay - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (3):19 – 27.
    Prior to passage of the Oregon Death with Dignity Act, opponents of assistance in dying argued that legalization would have serious harmful consequences. Specifically, they argued that the quality and availability of palliative care would decline, that the harms of legalization would affect certain vulnerable groups disproportionately, that legal assisted dying could not be confined to the competent terminally ill who voluntarily request assistance, and that the practice would result in frequent abuses. Data from Oregon's decade-long experience decisively refute the (...)
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    Why should we be concerned about disparate impact?Ronald A. Lindsay - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (5):23 – 24.
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    Role-Differentiated Morality: The Need to Consider Institutions, Not Just Individuals.Ronald A. Lindsay - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (4):70-72.
  6.  77
    Bioethics policies and the compass of common morality.Ronald A. Lindsay - 2009 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 30 (1):31-43.
    Even if there is a common morality, many would argue that it provides little guidance in resolving moral disputes, because universally accepted norms are both general in content and few in number. However, if we supplement common morality with commonly accepted factual beliefs and culture-specific norms and utilize coherentist reasoning, we can limit the range of acceptable answers to disputed issues. Moreover, in the arena of public policy, where one must take into account both legal and moral norms, the constraints (...)
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    Slaves, Embryos, and Nonhuman Animals: Moral Status and the Limitations of Common Morality Theory.Ronald Alan Lindsay - 2005 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (4):323-346.
    : Common morality theory must confront apparent counterexamples from the history of morality, such as the widespread acceptance of slavery in prior eras, that suggest core norms have changed over time. A recent defense of common morality theory addresses this problem by drawing a distinction between the content of the norms of the common morality and the range of individuals to whom these norms apply. This distinction is successful in reconciling common morality theory with practices such as slavery, but only (...)
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    Animals, moral status, and the objectives of morality.RonaldA Lindsay - 2017 - Think 16 (47):33-43.
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  9. Assisted Suicide: Will the Supreme Court Respect the Autonomy Rights of Dying Patients?Ronald Lindsay - 1996 - Free Inquiry 17.
  10.  18
    Don't Forget Memory's Costs.Ronald A. Lindsay - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 1 (3):35-37.
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  11. Do We Want to Convert the Religious?Ronald Lindsay - 2011 - Free Inquiry 31:4-6.
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  12. Expressing One's Views on Religion.Ronald Lindsay - 2010 - Free Inquiry 30:4-5.
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    Future bioethics: overcoming taboos, myths, and dogmas.Ronald Alan Lindsay - 2008 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    few areas of public policy have been fraught with as much controversy as bioethics. Each novel development in biomedical technology seems to spark rancorous disputes. Those averse to new technologies often express the concern that the new technology is 'unnatural' or requires us to 'play God'. Slogans such as 'Frankenfoods' and 'sanctity of life' substitute for reasoned argument. This is an ambitious book that seeks to reframe the debates surrounding current controversies in bioethics. Carefully examining and dissecting claims made by (...)
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  14. Freedom of Thought.Ronald Lindsay - 2009 - Free Inquiry 29:16-17.
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  15. Hope, Despair, Dread, and Religion.Ronald Lindsay - 2010 - Free Inquiry 30:12-12.
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  16. Hastening Death: Moral and Legal Perspectives.Ronald Lindsay - 2011 - Free Inquiry 31:19-22.
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  17. Humanist Legal Advocacy: A Progress Report.Ronald Lindsay - 2008 - Free Inquiry 28:43-43.
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  18. Humanism, LGBT Equality, and Human Rights.Ronald Lindsay - 2010 - Free Inquiry 30:19-21.
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    Sensible and Desperate Knaves in The Way Of the Gun.Ronald Lindsay - 2003 - Film and Philosophy 7:37-47.
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  20. Secularism and Human Dignity.Ronald Lindsay - 2011 - Free Inquiry 31.
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  21. Stem cell research.Ronald A. Lindsay - 2007 - In Paul Kurtz & David Richard Koepsell, Science and ethics: can science help us make wise moral judgments? Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. pp. 43.
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  22. Stem Cell Research: An Approach to Bioethics Based on Scientific Naturalism.Ronald Lindsay - 2007 - Free Inquiry 27:23-26.
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  23. Secular Humanism: Its Scope and Its Limits.Ronald Lindsay - 2010 - Free Inquiry 31:4-6.
  24. The Cross in the Doughnut Hole: A different church-state test for the Obama White House.Ronald Lindsay - 2009 - Free Inquiry 29:39-40.
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    The Contributions of Jeopardy! to World Philosophy.Ronald Lindsay - 2004 - Philosophy Now 44:52-54.
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    The Need to Specify the Difference “Difference” Makes.Ronald A. Lindsay - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (1):34-37.
  27. The Ten Court Decisions.Ronald Lindsay - 2005 - Free Inquiry 25.
  28. The Uncharted Moral Landscape of Designer Personalities.Ronald Lindsay - 2009 - Free Inquiry 29:37-40.
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  29. Taboos Without a Clue.Ronald Lindsay - 1997 - Free Inquiry 17.
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    When to grant conscientious objector status.Ronald A. Lindsay - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (6):25 – 26.
  31.  68
    Gonzales v. Oregon and the Politics of Medicine.Ronald Alan Lindsay - 2006 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 16 (1):99-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Gonzales v. Oregon and the Politics of MedicineRonald A. Lindsay (bio)Throughout 2005, the morbid joke on Capitol Hill was that the twin inevitabilities of "death and taxes" had been replaced by "death politics and taxes." There seemed to be some truth in this observation given the highly publicized intervention by some members of Congress in the Schiavo case and the continuing controversy over government regulation of end-of-life care. The (...)
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