Results for 'Ronnie Mather'

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  1.  13
    Daniel Breazeale and Tom Rockmore , Fichte: Historical Contexts/Contemporary Controversies, Humanities Press: New Jersey, 1994, pp vi + 271.Ronnie Mather - 1996 - Hegel Bulletin 17 (2):27-30.
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    The Experience of Consciousness: The Architectonic of the Grundlage der gesammten Wissenschaftslehre.Ronnie Mather - 2009 - Kritike 3 (2):103-115.
    The key work of the early Johann Gottlieb Fichte is the Grundlage ser gesammten Wissenschaftslehre [Foundation of the Entire Doctrine of Science] of 1794-95. The very circumstances of its publication ensure that it is a rather terse and disjointed statement of Fichtean philosophy. It consists of a very short preface, a “famous” section devoted to first principles, the so-called “basic propositions of the entire doctrine of science,” and eight discourses of widely diverging length. The first discourse, devoted to the “theoretical” (...)
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  3. Lumen verum und errores : Sizt Bircks Kommentar zu Ciceros "De natura deorum" (1550).Ronny Kaiser - 2018 - In Anne Eusterschulte & Günter Frank, Cicero in der frühen Neuzeit. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog Verlag.
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    The Giant Forge and the great Ironsmith: Revisiting the implications of the Wu Xing physics of the Zhongyong.Ronnie Littlejohn - 2004 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 3 (2):205-215.
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    Thanatography: Writing and Death in Abdelwahab Meddeb's "Talismano".Ronnie L. Scharfman - 1992 - Substance 21 (3):85.
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  6. Las reclamaciones de Patricio Milmo.Ronnie C. Tyler - 1969 - Humanitas 10:561-583.
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    Riding the Wind With Liezi: New Perspectives on the Daoist Classic.Ronnie Littlejohn & Jeffrey Dippmann (eds.) - 2011 - SUNY Press.
    The Liezi is the forgotten classic of Daoism. Along with the Laozi (Daodejing) and the Zhuangzi, it's been considered a Daoist masterwork since the mid-eighth century, yet unlike those well-read works, the Liezi is little known and receives scant scholarly attention. Nevertheless, the Liezi is an important text that sheds valuable light on the early history of Daoism, particularly the formative period of sectarian Daoism. We do not know exactly what shape the original text took, but what remains is replete (...)
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    (1 other version)“Those are Your Words, Not Mine!” Defence Strategies for Denying Speaker Commitment.Ronny Boogaart, Henrike Jansen & Maarten van Leeuwen - 2020 - Argumentation 35 (2):209-235.
    In response to an accusation of having said something inappropriate, the accused may exploit the difference between the explicit contents of their utterance and its implicatures. Widely discussed in the pragmatics literature are those cases in which arguers accept accountability only for the explicit contents of what they said while denying commitment to the implicature. In this paper, we sketch a fuller picture of commitment denial. We do so, first, by including in our discussion not just denial of implicatures, but (...)
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  9. Formal semantics: an introduction.Ronnie Cann - 1993 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This accessible introduction to formal, and especially Montague, semantics within a linguistic framework, presupposes no previous background in logic, but takes students step-by-step from simple predicate/argument structures and their interpretation to Montague's intentional logic.
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    The conscientious worker: Ideas and ideals in a Swedish working class culture.Ronny Ambjörnsson - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (1):59-67.
    This paper was read at the First Conference of the ISSEI, ‘Turning Points in History’, 26–30 September 1988, Amsterdam. It pertains to theme 2, ‘popular and Elite Culture’.
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    Worldviews & the problem of evil: a compartive approach.Ronnie P. Campbell - 2019 - Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.
    How does the Christian response to the problem of evil contrast with that of other worldviews? Most attempts at answering the problem of evil either present a straightforward account of the truth claims of Christianity or defend a minimalist concept of God. This book is different. Inside, you'll examine four worldviews' responses to the problem of evil. Then, you'll hear the author's argument that Christian theism makes better sense of the phenomenon of evil in the worldâe"equipping you to reach an (...)
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  12. Idioms and collocations.Ronnie Cann - 2019 - In Paul Portner, Klaus von Heusinger & Claudia Maienborn, Semantics: noun phrases, verb phrases and adjectives. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  13. Preface.Ronnie Lee - 2014 - In Anthony J. Nocella, Defining critical animal studies: an intersectional social justice approach for liberation. New York: Peter Lang.
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  14. The Liezi's Use of the Zhuangzi".Ronnie Littlejohn - 2001 - In Ronnie Littlejohn Jeffrey Dippmann, Riding the Wind: New Essays on the Daoist Classic the Liezi,.
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    (1 other version)Computer Literacy Education.Ronni Rosenberg - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (5-6):984-994.
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    Aussies, Rogues and Slackers: Simon Hanselmann’s Megg, Mogg and Owl Comics as Contemporary Instances of Rogue Literature.Ronnie Scott - 2019 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 9 (9):137-152.
    This paper examines the Megg, Mogg and Owl stories of Simon Hanselmann, an Australian artist whose serialized comics both depict acts of contemporary roguery committed by a group of friends in an inner city sharehouse and test the generic limits of its own storytelling conventions, thereby becoming contemporary instances of “rogue texts.” The paper positions the adventures of Megg, a witch, Mogg, her familiar, Owl, their housemate, and associated characters including Booger and Werewolf Jones as contemporary variations of both the (...)
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    Civil association across borders: Law, morality and responsibility in the post-Brexit Era.Ronnie Hjorth - 2018 - Journal of International Political Theory 14 (3):299-313.
    Michael Oakeshott’s distinction between ‘civil association’ and ‘enterprise association’ has inspired international society theorists to conceive of international society as not just a ‘purposive association’ constructed by states to satisfy their interests but also as a ‘practical association’ providing formal and pragmatic rules that are not instrumental to particular goals of state policy. While this article is supportive of the Oakeshottian turn in international society theory, it suggests that somewhat different conclusions can be drawn from it. The article sketches out (...)
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    An Operationalist Perspective on Setting Dependence.Ronnie Hermens - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (3):260-282.
    A well known logical loophole for Bell’s theorem is that it relies on setting independence: the assumption that the state of a system is independent of the settings of a measurement apparatus probing the system. In this paper the implications of rejecting this assumption are studied from an operationalist perspective. To this end a generalization of the ontic models framework is proposed that allows setting dependence. It is shown that within this framework Bell’s theorem reduces to the conclusion that no-signaling (...)
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    Cultural Whaling, Commodification, and Culture Change.Ronnie Hawkins - 2001 - Environmental Ethics 23 (3):287-306.
    Whaling is back on the international stage as pro-whaling interests push to reopen commercial whaling by overturning the moratorium imposed in 1986. Proponents of ending the ban are using two strategies: (1) appealing to public sentiment that supports indigenous subsistence whaling by attempting to cloak commercial whaling in the same guise and (2) maintaining that reopening commercial whaling is the “scientific” option. I reject both ploys, and instead shift the focus for global debate to scrutinizing the industrial economic model that (...)
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    Referring and Reporting: The Use of Selfing Language in the Zhuangzi.Ronnie Littlejohn - 2018 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 17 (4):547-558.
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    The Line of Anxiety: Anthropological and Psychoanalytical Notes on the Line of Individuation in the Age of Bastards and Zombies.Ronnie Lippens - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (3):1259-1279.
    Psychoanalysis knows two things at least. First, that all human endeavour and all human failure is imbued with anxiety, and that, therefore, to diagnose human endeavour, or to diagnose failure, is to locate the nature and origin of anxiety. And second, that anxiety itself amplifies the need to “diagnose” human being, and human beings. Psychoanalysts, in other words, know that for them to be able to do the work of psychoanalysis, they need to be (cultural) anthropologists first. In this contribution (...)
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    The problem of contextuality and the impossibility of experimental metaphysics thereof.Ronnie Hermens - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 42 (4):214-225.
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    How Daoism Can Be for the World.Ronnie Littlejohn - 2023 - Journal of World Philosophies 8 (1).
    _This essay is a brief story of one comparative philosopher’s journey that led to an understanding of Daoism and how it can serve the world and not simply an indigenous Chinese minority community. __In Daoist contemplative experience, the practitioner does not gain some suprarational knowledge, but he/she is changed by the practices in which he/she engages. The person is remade, becoming like an infant or a newborn (_Daodejing 10, Zhuangzi 22_). The point is not that the experience leads to some (...)
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    2. Bibliographie der Werke von und der Forschungsliteratur zu Georg Friedrich Meier.Ronny Edelmann - 2015 - In Gideon Stiening & Frank Grunert, Georg Friedrich Meier : Philosophie Als "Wahre Weltweisheit". Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 382-413.
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  25. stem Cell Research And Respect For Life.Ronnie Hawkins - 2001 - Florida Philosophical Review 1 (1):49-62.
    This paper queries why we are more reluctant to perform stem cell research on human than on nonhuman embryos, given their remarkable similarities together with the former's greater promise for addressing human illnesses. I begin by examining two leading arguments for prohibiting stem cell research on human embryos. The first type of argument suggests that we should not interfere with the potential for human life. This argument, advanced in different ways by both utilitarians and religious believers, inadequately grapples with the (...)
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    (1 other version)Waiting for the millennium bug.Ronnie Hawkins - 1999 - Philosophy and Geography 2 (2):267 – 274.
    With increasing appreciation that the Y2K problem may turn out to have unpredictable and potentially far-reaching effects, we are faced with what in some ways resembles the looming global ecological crisis, only this time what is at stake are not vital ecosystem services but rather the vital structures of our highly complex socially constructed reality—and this time we have a date-certain deadline for the onset of the crisis. Regardless of what actually happens when the calendar turns from 1999 to 2000, (...)
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    Weakly Intuitionistic Quantum Logic.Ronnie Hermens - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (5):901-913.
    In this article von Neumann’s proposal that in quantum mechanics projections can be seen as propositions is followed. However, the quantum logic derived by Birkhoff and von Neumann is rejected due to the failure of the law of distributivity. The options for constructing a distributive logic while adhering to von Neumann’s proposal are investigated. This is done by rejecting the converse of the proposal, namely, that propositions can always be seen as projections. The result is a weakly Heyting algebra for (...)
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    Wissen und Geltung: interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur Dynamik kulturellen Wissens in Mittelalter und Neuzeit.Ronny Kaiser (ed.) - 2019 - Göttingen: V & R unipress.
    In recent years, academic research in many fields in the humanities has focused on the various cultural strategies by which knowledge is produced. Such strategies, ranging from epistemic to aesthetic practices, may be designed to validate and reinforce such knowledge, or, on the contrary, to discredit it. Thus, the production of knowledge is always part of a series of complex dynamics, evolving from the varying attempts to affirm or reject it. Within an interdisciplinary scope, the present volume brings together twelve (...)
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    The Language of Argumentation.Ronny Boogaart, Henrike Jansen & Maarten van Leeuwen (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    Bringing together scholars from a broad range of theoretical perspectives, The Language of Argumentation offers a unique overview of research at the crossroads of linguistics and theories of argumentation. In addition to theoretical and methodological reflections by leading scholars in their fields, the book contains studies of the relationship between language and argumentation from two different viewpoints. While some chapters take a specific argumentative move as their point of departure and investigate the ways in which it is linguistically manifested in (...)
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  30. Quantum mechanics: From realism to intuitionism.Ronnie Hermens - unknown
    The interpretation of quantum mechanics has been a problem since its founding days. A large contribution to the discussion of possible interpretations of quantum mechanics is given by the so-called impossibility proofs for hidden variable models; models that allow a realist interpretation. In this thesis some of these proofs are discussed, like von Neumann’s Theorem, the Kochen-Specker Theorem and the Bell-inequalities. Some more recent developments are also investigated, like Meyer’s nullification of the Kochen-Specker Theorem, the MKC-models and Conway and Kochen’s (...)
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  31. Comparative philosophy.Ronnie Littlejohn - 2005 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  32. Putting Whitehead's theory of gravitation in its historical context.Ronny Desmet - 2011 - Logique Et Analyse 54 (214).
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  33. Reconsidering Whitehead with Devaux.Ronny Desmet - 2008 - Logique Et Analyse 51 (202):167.
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    Extending Plumwood's critique of rationalism through imagery and metaphor.Ronnie Hawkins - 2009 - Ethics and the Environment 14 (2):pp. 99-113.
    Val Plumwood's criticism of the ecologically irrational p-centric logic of rationalism, which neglects or denies its dependence on all that is not-p, undercutting its own biological base while denying the illness of the culture it has spawned, is juxtaposed with the clinical picture of the linguistic left hemisphere acting without benefit of input from the more real-time-and-space-centered right. Exploring the metaphor suggests that visual gestalts depicting actual relationships might be effective in drawing our industrial culture's collective attention away from its (...)
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    Henry Rosemont, Jr: Logician and Lotus-Eater.Ronnie Littlejohn - 2018 - Comparative Philosophy 9 (1).
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    Which Button Do I Push? More Thoughts on Resetting Moral Philosophy in the Western Tradition.Ronnie Littlejohn - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (1):49-67.
    This article investigates Michael Slote’s call for rebalancing Western moral philosophy by using Chinese philosophy, especially Confucianism, as a form of moral sentimentalism. I agree with the need for a correction of the over reliance on reason in Western moral philosophy, but I reject the rational/sentimental dichotomy and focus on the importance of the will. I make use of the important contribution made by Daoism and the conduct concept of wu-wei 無為. I explain the use of wu-wei in Daoist texts (...)
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    The Gate of Reality.Ronny Miron - 2014 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2014:59-82.
    The question „what is reality?“ that opens Realontologie (1923), the establishing book in Hedwig Conrad-Martius’s (CM) oeuvre, establishes her realistic metaphysics. In her opinion, the firmly established „blinding insight“ in modern philosophy regarding the unfathomable contrast between the ideal and the real blocks any access to the question of reality. Her realontological philosophy seeks the „gate of reality“, meaning the datum-point where things „elevate“ themselves from non-existence or mere ideal existence but do not yet arrive at „operative Being“ or realistic (...)
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  38. Comparable worth in gender studies.Ronnie J. Steinberg - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 4--2393.
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    Why maintenance of territorial rights is important for authors, publishers and readers.Ronnie Williams - 1999 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 10 (1):26-30.
  40. From Opposition to Reciprocity: Karl Jaspers on Science, Philosophy, and What Lies Between Them.Ronny Miron - 2004 - International Philosophical Quarterly 44 (2):147-163.
    This article deals with the relationship between philosophy and science in the writings of Karl Jaspers and with its reception in the wider scholarly literature. The problem discussed is how to characterize the relationship that exists between science—defined on pure Kantian grounds as a universally valid knowledge of phenomenal objects—and philosophy—conceived by Jaspers as the transcending mode of thinking of personal Existenz rising towards the totality and unity of Being. Two solutions to that problem arise from Jaspers’s writings. The oppositionist (...)
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    (1 other version)Hedwig Conrad-Martius: The Phenomenological Gateway to Reality.Ronny Miron - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume, the first of its kind written in English, interprets the realistic-phenomenological philosophy of Hedwig Conrad-Martius. She was a prominent figure in the Munich-Göttingen Circle, the first generation of phenomenology after Edmund Husserl, and was known as the “first lady of German philosophy”. The articles included in this collection deal with the two main themes constituting her realistic-metaphysical phenomenology: Being and the I. In addition, the collection includes a comprehensive Preface that describes the personal background and the social and (...)
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    Introduction: Beyond nature/culture dualism: Let's try co-evolution instead of "control".Ronnie Zoe Hawkins - 2006 - Ethics and the Environment 11 (2):1-11.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Introduction:Beyond Nature/Culture Dualism: Let's Try Co-Evolution Instead of "Control"Ronnie Hawkins (bio)In the original call for papers for this special issue, nature/culture dualism was characterized as a way of thinking that holds human culture and nonhuman nature to be radically different ontological spheres, hyperseparated and oppositional, or, as Val Plumwood maintains in her essay, an orientation that assumes "separate casts of characters in separate dramas." In the human sphere, (...)
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    Evaluating Individual Students' Perceptions of Instructional Quality: An Investigation of their Factor Structure, Measurement Invariance, and Relations to Educational Outcomes.Ronny Scherer, Trude Nilsen & Malte Jansen - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    What Do Words Do for Us?Ronnie Cann & Ruth Kempson - 2017 - Dialectica 71 (3):425-460.
    In this paper we adopt the hypothesis that languages are mechanisms for interaction, and that grammars encode the means by which such interaction may take place, by use of procedures that construct representations of meaning from strings of words uttered in context, and conversely strings of words are built up from representations of content in interaction with context. In a review of the systemic use of ellipsis in dialogue and associated split-utterance phenomena, we show how, in Dynamic Syntax, words give (...)
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    Rethinking values and ethics in social work.Ronnie Egan - 2019 - Ethics and Social Welfare 13 (2):201-202.
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  46. Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli.Ronnie Littlejohn - 2006 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Centroamérica (re)visitada: coyunturas críticas e historia del pasado reciente.Ronny Viales - 2019 - Dialogos 23 (1):1.
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    Chinese philosophy and philosophers: an introduction.Ronnie Littlejohn - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    For anyone looking to understand Chinese philosophy, here is the place to start. Introducing this vast and far-reaching tradition, the longest continuous heritage of philosophical reflection in our existence, Ronnie L. Littlejohn tells you everything you need to know about those Chinese thinkers who have made the biggest contributions to the conversation of philosophy. From the Han dynasty to the present, he leads us into the indigenous philosophical traditions of Confucianism, Daoism and the uniquely modified forms of Buddhism in (...)
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  49. Filosofía del nacimiento: aproximación desde la fenomenología corporeizada e intersubjetiva de Merleau-Ponty.Ronnie Videla Reyes - 2019 - Resonancias Revista de Filosofía 6 (DOI 10.5354/0719-790X.54203):63-77.
    El presente estudio aborda el nacimiento como problema filosófico desde una perspectiva intersubjetiva y corporeizada derivada del análisis del Cuerpo y el Otro presente en la Fenomenología de la Percepción de Merleau-Ponty. A partir de lo anterior, se discuten las limitaciones que tendría la coexistencia (Mitdasein) de Heidegger y la Otredad de Lévinas enmarcada en la relación del rostro en su intento de aproximarse a una filosofía del nacimiento desde una perspectiva de mundo compartido (madre-padre-hijo). Además, se plantea la necesidad (...)
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    Political etiquette.Ronni Gura Sadovsky - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (3):919-940.
    Social norms forbidding rape jokes, blackface, and flag-burning exemplify a peculiar form of etiquette, which I call political etiquette. Just as compliance with ordinary etiquette expresses respect for the other individuals involved in a social encounter, compliance with political etiquette expresses respect for social groups. In this paper, I propose that we understand political etiquette as a system of conventions whereby we indicate our commitment to treating vulnerable social groups in accordance with their rightful status. Because we have a standing (...)
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