Results for 'Rutherford Aris'

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  1. Aspects of change: being a selection of lectures by members of the faculty of the University of Minnesota on how change is considered in their several disciplines.Anatoly Liberman & Rutherford Aris (eds.) - 1985 - [Minneapolis]: University of Minnesota.
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  2. Worldlessness, Determinism and Free Will.Ari Maunu - 1999 - Dissertation, University of Turku (Finland)
    I have three main objectives in this essay. First, in chapter 2, I shall put forward and justify what I call worldlessness, by which I mean the following: All truths (as well as falsehoods) are wholly independent of any circumstances, not only time and place but also possible worlds. It follows from this view that whatever is actually true must be taken as true with respect to every possible world, which means that all truths are (in a sense) necessary. However, (...)
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    Peter V. Jones : Homer, Odyssey I and II, Translation, Introduction and Commentary. Pp. vi+153. Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1991. £24. [REVIEW]R. B. Rutherford - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (2):425-425.
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    Springs of Scientific Creativity: Essays on Founders of Modern Science by Rutherford Aris; H. Ted Davis; Roger H. Stuewer. [REVIEW]M. Wise - 1985 - Isis 76:91-92.
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    Handbook of research in online learning: insights and advances.Trey Martindale, Tonya B. Amankwatia, Lauren Cifuentes & Anthony A. Piña (eds.) - 2024 - Boston: Brill.
    As we navigate post-pandemic educational recovery and future-oriented design, the Handbook of Research in Online Learning: Insights and Advances emerges as a scholarly authority to illuminate existing questions and catalyze conversations on imperative transformations in education. Tailored for researchers, designers, educators, administrators, and stakeholders, this handbook delves into the nuanced landscape of online learning. Curated by leading experts, each chapter provides a deep exploration of critical online teaching and learning dimensions. Whether you're navigating the complexities of instructional design, exploring the (...)
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    Arie L. Molendijk: Au Fond. The Phenomenology of Gerardus van der Leeuw.Arie L. Molendijk - 2018 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 25 (1-2):52-69.
    This article explores Gerardus van der Leeuw’s view of phenomenology of religion. The phenomenological method he defended is basically a hermeneutical approach in which an observer relates personally and even existentially to the “phenomena” (s)he studies in order to determine their essence (Wesensschau). In his anthropology (that reflects on the basic structure of human beings) a similar way of relating to the world is discussed: the “primitive mentality” that is characterized by the “need to participate” (besoin de participation). Both phenomenology (...)
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    Western attitudes toward death: from the Middle Ages to the present.Philippe Ariès - 1974 - Baltimore,: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    Ariès traces Western man's attitudes toward mortality from the early medieval conception of death as the familiar collective destiny of the human race to the modern tendency, so pronounced in industrial societies, to hide death as if it were an embarrassing family secret.
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    The hour of our death.Philippe Ariès - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This remarkable book--the fruit of almost two decades of study--traces in compelling fashion the changes in Western attitudes toward death and dying from the earliest Christian times to the present day. A truly landmark study, The Hour of Our Death reveals a pattern of gradually developing evolutionary stages in our perceptions of life in relation to death, each stage representing a virtual redefinition of human nature. Starting at the very foundations of Western culture, the eminent historian Phillipe Aries shows how, (...)
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    Counterfactuals in Critical Thinking with Application to Morality.Ari Saptawijaya & Luís Pereira - 2006 - In Lorenzo Magnani & Claudia Casadio, Model Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. Logical, Epistemological, and Cognitive Issues. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
    Counterfactuals are conjectures about what would have happened, had an alternative event occurred. It provides lessons for the future by virtue of contemplating alternatives; it permits thought debugging; it supports a justification why different alternatives would have been worse or not better. Typical expressions are: “If only I were taller …”, “I could have been a winner …”, “I would have passed, were it not for …”, “Even if... the same would follow”. Counterfactuals have been well studied in Linguistics, Philosophy, (...)
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    Constructions of Intersubjectivity: Discourse, Syntax, and Cognition.Arie Verhagen - 2005 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Constructions of Intersubjectivity shows that the meaning of grammatical constructions often has more to do with the human cognitive capacity for taking other peoples' points of view than with describing the world. Treating pragmatics, semantics, and syntax in parallel and integrating insights from linguistics, psychology, and animal communication, Arie Verhagen develops a new understanding of linguistic communication. In doing so he shows the continuity between language and animal communication and reveals the nature of human linguistic specialization. Professor Verhagen uses Dutch (...)
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  11. CASTRO, Emilio Church groups lead battle against apartheid.Arie R. Brouwer - 1986 - Business and Society Review 57:106-112.
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    Liikuntapääoma ja holistinen ihmiskäsitys liikuntaa opettavan työssä.Ari Kunnari - 2011 - Rovaniemi: Tila [distrib.].
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    Praxis of linguistics: Passives in Dutch.Arie Verhagen - 1992 - Cognitive Linguistics 3 (3):301-342.
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    Reasoning with logical bilattices.Ofer Arieli & Arnon Avron - 1996 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 5 (1):25--63.
    The notion of bilattice was introduced by Ginsberg, and further examined by Fitting, as a general framework for many applications. In the present paper we develop proof systems, which correspond to bilattices in an essential way. For this goal we introduce the notion of logical bilattices. We also show how they can be used for efficient inferences from possibly inconsistent data. For this we incorporate certain ideas of Kifer and Lozinskii, which happen to suit well the context of our work. (...)
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  15. A Problem with De Re Belief Ascriptions, with a Consequence to Substitutivity.Ari Maunu - 2002 - Philosophia 29 (1-4):411-421.
    It is shown that the coherence of de re belief ascriptions is doubtful in view of certain plausible principles. Subsequently, it is argued, the standard argument against substitutivity in de dicto ascriptions loses some of its power. Also, some possible reactions to these results are considered.
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    Reflections on the transformation of science.Arie Rip - 2002 - Metascience 11 (3):317-323.
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    Fetal Risks and Religious Obligations.Ari Z. Zivotofsky & Alan B. Jotkowitz - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (2):28-30.
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    Prenatal Diagnosis and Abortion Are Not in Conflict in Israel.Ari Z. Zivotofsky & Alan Jotkowitz - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (8):58-60.
    Ballantyne and colleagues (2009) cogently present the conflict that arises in jurisdictions in which prenatal diagnosis (PND) is available and abortions are prohibited. They primarily focus on two...
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    Intuitive and deliberate judgments are based on common principles.Arie W. Kruglanski & Gerd Gigerenzer - 2011 - Psychological Review 118 (1):97-109.
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  20. International Association for Teachers of Philosophy at Schools and Universities Yearbook.Arie Kizel (ed.) - 2021 - Zürich:
  21. Philosophy with Children as a Way of Overcoming the ‘Shadow Adults Cast over Childhood’ and the ‘Pedagogy of Fear’.Arie Kizel - 2021 - International Journal of Fear Studies 3 (2):13-24.
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    DADVSI : quels droits pour quels auteurs ?Aris Papathéodorou - 2006 - Multitudes 1 (1):5-11.
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  23. Ratsyonaliyut ṿe-ḳidmah ba-madaʻ.Arie John Wurm - 2004 - [Israel]: Miśrad ha-biṭaḥon.
  24. Is frequentist testing vulnerable to the base-rate fallacy?Aris Spanos - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (4):565-583.
    This article calls into question the charge that frequentist testing is susceptible to the base-rate fallacy. It is argued that the apparent similarity between examples like the Harvard Medical School test and frequentist testing is highly misleading. A closer scrutiny reveals that such examples have none of the basic features of a proper frequentist test, such as legitimate data, hypotheses, test statistics, and sampling distributions. Indeed, the relevant error probabilities are replaced with the false positive/negative rates that constitute deductive calculations (...)
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    Les Secrets d'un Portrait.Carlos Ary dos Santos - 1985 - Grotiana 6 (1):21-24.
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  26. ʻOlamo shel adam.Naḥum Benʼari - 1950 - [Tel-Aviv,:
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  27. Modeling Collective Morality via Evolutionary Game Theory.Ari Saptawijaya, Luís Pereira & Luís Moniz Pereira - 2016 - In Luís Moniz Pereira & Ari Saptawijaya, Programming Machine Ethics. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  28. Significant Moral Facets Amenable to Logic Programming.Ari Saptawijaya, Luís Pereira & Luís Moniz Pereira - 2016 - In Luís Moniz Pereira & Ari Saptawijaya, Programming Machine Ethics. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  29. Ideal Paraconsistent Logics.O. Arieli, A. Avron & A. Zamansky - 2011 - Studia Logica 99 (1-3):31-60.
    We define in precise terms the basic properties that an ‘ideal propositional paraconsistent logic’ is expected to have, and investigate the relations between them. This leads to a precise characterization of ideal propositional paraconsistent logics. We show that every three-valued paraconsistent logic which is contained in classical logic, and has a proper implication connective, is ideal. Then we show that for every n > 2 there exists an extensive family of ideal n -valued logics, each one of which is not (...)
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    Identity-motivated reasoning: Biased judgments regarding political leaders and their actions.Sharon Arieli, Adi Amit & Sari Mentser - 2019 - Cognition 188 (C):64-73.
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    Pictures and pedagogy: The role of diagrams in Feynman's early lectures.Ari Gross - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 43 (3):184-194.
    This paper aims to give a substantive account of how Feynman used diagrams in the first lectures in which he explained his new approach to quantum electrodynamics. By critically examining unpublished lecture notes, Feynman’s use and interpretation of both "Feynman diagrams" and other visual representations will be illuminated. This paper discusses how the morphology of Feynman’s early diagrams were determined by both highly contextual issues, which molded his images to local needs and particular physical characterizations, and an overarching common diagrammatic (...)
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    Sharḥ al-Sullam al-murawnaq.ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Muḥammad Akhḍarī - 2015 - Istanbul: al-Maktabah al-Hāshimīyah. Edited by Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd al-Munʻim Damanhūrī.
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  33. Le-reʻakha kamokha: halakhot u-veʼurim be-mitsṿot.Daṿid ben Naḥman Ariʼav - 2000 - Yerushalayim: D. ben N. Ariʼav. Edited by Sh Y. Ḥben Y. Y. Ḳanevsḳi.
    1. Lo taḥamod. Lo titʼaṿeh. Lo taḥanifu. Isur genevat daʻat. Lo teḳalel. Lo tiḳom ṿe-lo tiṭor -- ḥeleḳ 2. Lo tiśna ṿa-ahavat le-reʻakha. Ahavat ha-ger -- ḥeleḳ 3. Onaʼat devarim. Hilkhot panim. Onaʼat ha-ger -- ḥeleḳ 4. Isur hakaʼah. Mitsṿot maʻaḳeh. Shemirat ha-guf -- ḥeleḳ 6. Kibud av ṿe-em. Kibud melamde ha-Torah ve-ḥakhameha. Kibud kohen.
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  34. The gesture of said nursi as a challenge to modernity.Ahmad Aries - 2005 - In Ian S. Markham & İbrahim Özdemir, Globalization, ethics, and Islam: the case of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. Burlington, Vt: Ashgate.
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    Polycentricity: the multiple scenes of law.Ari Hirvonen (ed.) - 1998 - Sterling, Va.: Pluto Press.
    This work sets out to demonstrate the inadequacy of current legal paradigms in explaining the phenomena of fragmentation through conceptions of modern law. It also addresses the possibility of legal and ethical alternativesand political counterstrategies.
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  36. Galut, geula, i evreĭskoe gosudarstvo: sbornik stateĭ.Arie Strikovsky & A. Belov-Ėlinson (eds.) - 1986 - Ierusalim: "Amana".
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    Futures of Science and Technology in Society.Arie Rip - 2018 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Longer-term developments shape the present and endogenous futures of institutions and practices of science and technology in society and their governance. Understanding the patterns allows diagnosis and soft intervention, often linked to scenario exercises. The book collects six articles offering key examples of this perspective, addressing ongoing issues in the governance of science and technology, including nanotechnology and responsible research and innovation. And adds two more articles that address background philosophical issues.
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    A microscopic approach to Souslin-tree construction, Part II.Ari Meir Brodsky & Assaf Rinot - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (5):102904.
    In Part I of this series, we presented the microscopic approach to Souslin-tree constructions, and argued that all known ⋄-based constructions of Souslin trees with various additional properties may be rendered as applications of our approach. In this paper, we show that constructions following the same approach may be carried out even in the absence of ⋄. In particular, we obtain a new weak sufficient condition for the existence of Souslin trees at the level of a strongly inaccessible cardinal. We (...)
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  39. Who Should Be Afraid of the Jeffreys-Lindley Paradox?Aris Spanos - 2013 - Philosophy of Science 80 (1):73-93.
    The article revisits the large n problem as it relates to the Jeffreys-Lindley paradox to compare the frequentist, Bayesian, and likelihoodist approaches to inference and evidence. It is argued that what is fallacious is to interpret a rejection of as providing the same evidence for a particular alternative, irrespective of n; this is an example of the fallacy of rejection. Moreover, the Bayesian and likelihoodist approaches are shown to be susceptible to the fallacy of acceptance. The key difference is that (...)
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  40. Are recent defences of the brain death concept adequate?Ari Joffe - 2009 - Bioethics 24 (2):47-53.
    Brain death is accepted in most countries as death. The rationales to explain why brain death is death are surprisingly problematic. The standard rationale that in brain death there has been loss of integrative unity of the organism has been shown to be false, and a better rationale has not been clearly articulated. Recent expert defences of the brain death concept are examined in this paper, and are suggested to be inadequate. I argue that, ironically, these defences demonstrate the lack (...)
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    How the Size of Our Social Network Influences Our Semantic Skills.Shiri Lev-Ari - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (8):2050-2064.
    People differ in the size of their social network, and thus in the properties of the linguistic input they receive. This article examines whether differences in social network size influence individuals’ linguistic skills in their native language, focusing on global comprehension of evaluative language. Study 1 exploits the natural variation in social network size and shows that individuals with larger social networks are better at understanding the valence of restaurant reviews. Study 2 manipulated social network size by randomly assigning participants (...)
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    Just a theory: exploring the nature of science.M. Ben-Ari - 2005 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Some people claim that evolution is "just a theory". Do you know what a scientific theory really is? Just a theory is an overview of the modern concepts of science. A clear understanding of the nature of science will enable you to distinguish science from pseudoscience (which illegitimately wraps itself in the mantle of science), and real social issues in science from the caricatures portrayed in postmodernist critiques. Prof. Ben-Ari's style is light (even humorous) and easy to read, bringing the (...)
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  43. Jewish philosophy and the Jewish-Christian philosophical dialogue in fifteenth-century Spain.Ari Ackerman - 2003 - In Daniel H. Frank & Oliver Leaman, The Cambridge companion to medieval Jewish philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 371--390.
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    Zerahia Halevi Saladin and Thomas Aquinas on Vows.Ari Ackerman - 2011 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 19 (1):47-71.
    This article examines two medieval sermons that examine philosophic and halakhic issues: the Passover sermon of Hasdai Crescas, which discusses the laws of Passover, and a sermon of Zerahia Halevi Saladin, a disciple of Crescas, which probes an aspect of the laws of vows ( nedarim ). In the analysis of Zerahia's sermon, a comparison is made between his discussion and Thomas Aquinas's examination of vows in his Summa Theologica . The comparison establishes the dependency of Zerahia on Aquinas regarding (...)
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    Conflict-tolerant semantics for argumentation frameworks.Ofer Arieli - 2012 - In Luis Farinas del Cerro, Andreas Herzig & Jerome Mengin, Logics in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 28--40.
  46. ha-Maḥshavah ha-Yehudit bi-Yeme ha-Benayim: hemshekh o mifneh.Nachum Arieli - 1995 - Yerushalayim: Sifriyat Aliner.
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    The Genre Consistency Between the Reading and Listening/Viewing Texts and Writing Tasks in Turkish Course Books.Ari Gökhan - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:489-511.
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  48. Between violence and restraint : human rights, humanitarian considerations, and the Israeli military in the al-Aqsa intifada.Eyal Ben-Ari - 2009 - In Ted van Baarda & Désirée Verweij, The moral dimension of asymmetrical warfare: counter-terrorism, democratic values and military ethics. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff.
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    Lata'if, parénesis y profetas: una revisión del manuscrito de la Junta Kitab lata'if al-Anbiy' wafhi Qisas al-Anbiya'.Shosh Ben-Ari - 2008 - Al-Qantara 29 (1):165-195.
    Trabajando sobre el género de ¿Historias de los Profetas¿ ( al-Anbiya-¿) en el proceso de elaboración de mi tesis sobre Abraham en la literatura islámica, el profesor J. Sadan me envió un manuscrito que había localizado en la British Library relacionado con este género. Posteriormente encontré versiones similares de la misma composición, lo que me animó a profundizar mi investigación sobre sus orígenes. La obra está próxima a la literatura de predicación (wa¿z.), que se ocupa principalmente de la educación moral, (...)
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    Cycle‐regulated genes and cell cycle regulation.Richard D'Ari - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (7):563-565.
    The transcriptional profile of the entire Caulobacter crescentus genome over a synchronous cell cycle was recently described.(1) The analysis reveals a stunning 553 cell-cycle-regulated genes or orfs, nearly 19% of the genome, including putative functions in virtually all biological activities. Over a quarter of these genes/orfs respond to the Caulobacter master regulator, CtrA, most of them apparently indirectly. The analysis confirms and extends earlier observations showing that many proteins involved in cell cycle functions are expressed at the cell age when (...)
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