Results for 'S. Rementería'

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  1. Functional decomposition in large diagnosis problems'.S. Rementería, C. Rodríguez, C. Ruíz, A. Lafuente, J. I. Martín, J. Muguerza & J. Pérez - 1992 - Communication and Cognition-Artificial Intelligence 9 (2-3):237-251.
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    El estado de la seguridad ciudadana en Chile.Ibán de Rementería - 2005 - Polis 11.
    Este artículo desarrolla, desde una perspectiva crítica, un detallado “estado del arte” de la temática de “seguridad ciudadana” en Chile, delineando cómo esta problemática obedece más bien a una percepción de inseguridad instalada en la ciudadanía desde los medios de comunicación, y legitimada por los expertos interesados en asegurar la sostenibilidad de sus servicios en el emergente “mercado de la seguridad.” Se sostiene en el ensayo que en Chile la situación de seguridad ciudadana es la mejor de América Latina, superior (...)
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    Ariel Rementería Piñones, Políticas Bibliotecarias: análisis y diagnóstico de las bibliotecas chilenas, Editorial Universidad Bolivariana, Santiago, 2008, 479 p. [REVIEW]Josefina Reyes - 2008 - Polis 20.
    Este libro desarrolla un exhaustivo análisis y diagnóstico de la situación actual de las políticas bibliotecarias en Chile, su definición, aplicación y contexto en el ámbito escolar, universitario y público; buscando determinar cuáles y cómo son las políticas bibliotecarias existentes en Chile, reconociendo que se trata de una realidad escasamente observada e investigada sistemáticamente. La publicación entrega además resultados en base a un análisis profundo de las bibliotecas chilenas con..
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  4. Individual elements in sociology.Edward Abramowski - 2023 - In Bartłomiej Błesznowski, Cezary Rudnicki, Michelle Granas & Edward Abramowski, Metaphysics of cooperation: Edward Abramowski's social philosophy, with a selection of his writings. Boston: Brill.
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  5. Somaesthetics and cinema : the man in gold in the film Walk the golden night.Jerold J. Abrams - 2022 - In Shusterman’s Somaesthetics: From Hip Hop Philosophy to Politics and Performance Art. Boston: BRILL.
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  6. The principle of the cooperative commonwealth.Edward Abramowski - 2023 - In Bartłomiej Błesznowski, Cezary Rudnicki, Michelle Granas & Edward Abramowski, Metaphysics of cooperation: Edward Abramowski's social philosophy, with a selection of his writings. Boston: Brill.
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  7. "Human Being, Beast and God: The Place of Human Happiness for Aristotle and Some Twentieth Century Thinkers".Deborah Achtenberg - 1988 - St. John's Review 38 (2):21-47.
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    (1 other version)2. Aristotle on Eudaimonia.J. L. Ackrill - 1980 - In Amélie Rorty, Essays on Aristotle's Ethics. University of California Press. pp. 15-34.
    Originally published in Proceedings of the British Academy 60 (1974), 339-359.
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    Frege structures and the notions of truth and proposition.P. Aczel - 1980 - In Stephen Cole Kleene, Jon Barwise, H. Jerome Keisler & Kenneth Kunen, The Kleene Symposium: proceedings of the symposium held June 18-24, 1978 at Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A. New York: sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland.
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    Acknowledgement.Stephanie Adair - 2018 - In The Aesthetic Use of the Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    A Feminist Critique of Artificial Intelligence.Alison Adam - 1995 - European Journal of Women's Studies 2 (3):355-377.
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    Agency Theory: The Dilemma of Thomas C. Upham.Todd L. Adams - 1992 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 28 (3):547 - 568.
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    Chapter One: Renegotiating Kantian Constraints, Intuiting without Concepts.Stephanie Adair - 2018 - In The Aesthetic Use of the Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 28-74.
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    Concluding Remarks.Stephanie Adair - 2018 - In The Aesthetic Use of the Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 287-291.
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    Chapter Two: Logical Functions of Judgment and the Layered Solution.Stephanie Adair - 2018 - In The Aesthetic Use of the Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 75-132.
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    Frontmatter.Stephanie Adair - 2018 - In The Aesthetic Use of the Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Index.Stephanie Adair - 2018 - In The Aesthetic Use of the Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 297-300.
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    Introduction.Stephanie Adair - 2018 - In The Aesthetic Use of the Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 1-27.
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  19. Gilbert Ryle, The Concept of Mind (1949): A method and a theory.Laird Addis - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia, Gregory M. Reichberg & Bernard N. Schumacher, The Classics of Western Philosophy: A Reader's Guide. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  20. Thomas Aquinas on the Good: The Relation between Metaphysics and Ethics.”.Jan A. Aertsen - 1998 - In Scott Charles MacDonald & Eleonore Stump, Aquinas's moral theory: essays in honor of Norman Kretzmann. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. pp. 235--53.
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    11 The Structure of Philosophical History.Thoughts After Kuhn - 2012 - In Vasō Kintē & Theodore Arabatzis, Kuhn's The structure of scientific revolutions revisited. New York: Routledge.
  22. Background.Joseph Agassi - 2018 - In Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations: An Attempt at a Critical Rationalist Appraisal. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  23. Yugoslav refugees and British relief workers in Italian and Egyptian refugee camps, 1944-1946.Kornelija Ajlec - 2021 - In Jessica Reinisch & David Brydan, Europe's internationalists: rethinking the history of internationalism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Hired as a Caregiver, Demanded as a Housewife: Becoming a Migrant Domestic Worker in Turkey.Ayşe Akalin - 2007 - European Journal of Women's Studies 14 (3):209-225.
    Women from post-socialist countries started migrating to Turkey in the second half of the 1990s to work in the domestic work sector. Migrant domestics have formed their niche as live-in caregivers, due to the disinclination of the existing local labour power to work in the care sector. Yet, the employer mothers, besides asking their live-in workers to tend their children, often demand that they also do the daily chores in the home, purposely leaving the heavy cleaning to their Turkish domestics. (...)
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  25. Tajrīd al-shāfī ʻalá Tadhhīb al-manṭiq al-kāfī.Muḥammad ibn ʻArafah al-Dasūqī - 2022 - In Masʻūd ibn ʻUmar Taftāzānī, al-Majmūʻah al-manṭiqīyah: wa-taḥtawī ʻalá al-tadhhīb lil-Khabīṣī ʻalá Tahdhīb al-manṭiq wa-al-kalām lil-Taftāzānī, wa-ʻalayhi ḥāshīyatān, al-Tajrīd al-shāfī ʻalá Tahdhīb al-manṭiq al-kāfī lil-ʻAllāmah Muḥammad ibn ʻArafah a. Karkūk, al-ʻIrāq: Maktabat Amīr.
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    Pragmatic Imagination.Thomas M. Alexander - 1990 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 26 (3):325 - 348.
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    Advance Directives Use in Acute Care Hospitals.Rose Allen & Nestor Ventura - 2005 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 7 (3):86-91.
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  28. Quel œil peut se voir soi-même? : character and habit in Stendhal and Maine de Biran.Alessandra Aloisi - 2023 - In Manfred Milz, Towards a New Anthropology of the Embodied Mind: Maine de Biran’s Physio-Spiritualism from 1800 to the 21st Century. Boston: BRILL.
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  29. al-Manṭiq al-Islāmī.ʻAlī ibn Sālim ibn Maḥmūd al-Rawāḥī - 2022 - In ʻAlī ibn Sālim ibn Ḥammūd Rawāḥī, Taḥtawī Hadhihi al-Majmūʻah ʻAlī arbaʻ kutub: al-Manṭiq al-Islāmī, Sharḥ al-qaṣīdah al-muzdawajah fī al-manṭiq lil-raʼīs Ibn Sīnā, al-Ilḥād fī mīzān al-fiṭrah wa-al-ʻaql, Iḥāʼāt min Kitāb Maṣraʻ al-ilḥād. [Muscat?]: [Publishr Not Identified].
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  30. Nietzsche en Cortázar.Cristina Ambrosini - 2014 - In Cristina Marta Ambrosini & Rubén Padlubne, Ficciones posibles: saberes filosóficos, semiológicos y científicos a través de la literatura. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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    (1 other version)Kant and Short Arguments to Humility.Karl Ameriks - 2001 - In Predrag Cicovacki, Allen Wood, Carsten Held, Gerold Prauss, Gordon Brittan, Graham Bird, Henry Allison, John H. Zammito, Joseph Lawrence, Karl Ameriks, Ralf Meerbote, Robert Holmes, Robert Howell, Rudiger Bubner, Stanley Rosen, Susan Meld Shell & Yirmiyahu Yovel, Kant's Legacy: Essays in Honor of Lewis White Beck. Rochester, NY: Boydell & Brewer. pp. 167-194.
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  32. Russell Goodman, "American Philosophy and the Romantic Tradition". [REVIEW]Douglas R. Anderson - 1992 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 28 (2):366.
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  33. Why Bush should explain September 11th.Kristin Andrews - 2003 - In Patrick Hayden, Tom Lansford & Robert P. Watson, America's War on Terror. Ashgate Publishing. pp. 29-42.
    There were various initial reactions to the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, and among those reactions were some contradictions. There were those who demanded an explanation for the attacks, and others who condemned attempts to explain as immoral or unpatriotic. Though President George W. Bush did make some rhetorical remarks that, I believe, masqueraded as explanatory, it appears that he agrees with the latter set.
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  34. Geraldine Brady, From Peirce to Skolem: A Neglected Chapter in the History of Logic. [REVIEW]Irving Anellis - 2004 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 40 (2):349-359.
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  35. Aftervirtue and virtue ethics.Tom Angier - 2023 - In MacIntyre's After Virtue at 40. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Santayana, unamuno, and the concept of the tragic.John Anton - 2009 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 45 (4):pp. 689-706.
  37. The inadequacy of anomalous monism as a realist theory of mind.Louise M. Antony - 1994 - In Gerhard Preyer, Frank Siebelt & Alexander Ulfig, Language, Mind and Epistemology: On Donald Davidson’s Philosophy. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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  38. Ethics and aesthetics are one and the same?Hanne Appelqvist - 2013 - In Peter Sullivan & Michael Potter, Wittgenstein's Tractatus: history and interpretation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 40.
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  39. Why does Wittgenstein say that ethics and aesthetics are one and the same?Hanne Appelqvist - 2013 - In Peter Sullivan & Michael Potter, Wittgenstein's Tractatus: history and interpretation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  40. Carnap, Rudolf, 17,114,115 n, 227, 252 Cams, Paul, 43 Chisholm, Roderick, 17 Chomsky, Noam, 130.St Thomas Aquinas, Richard J. Bernstein, Bernard Bosanquet, Robert Brandom, James Henry Breasted, Joseph Brent, Rodney A. Brooks & Wendell T. Bush - 2002 - In F. Thomas Burke, D. Micah Hester & Robert B. Talisse, Dewey's logical theory: new studies and interpretations. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.
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  41. Conclusion.Andre Archie - 2015 - In Politics in Socrates' Alcibiades: A Philosophical Account of Plato's Dialogue Alcibiades Major. Cham: Imprint: Springer.
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  42. The autonomy of language.Robert L. Arrington - 1993 - In Stuart Shanker & Canfield John, Wittgenstein's Intentions (Routledge Revivals). New York: Routledge.
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    (1 other version)The field of consciousness: James and Gurwitsch.P. Sven Arvidson - 1992 - Transactions of the C. S. Peirce Society 28 (4):833-856.
  44. Locke on essences and classification.Margaret Atherton - 2007 - In Lex Newman, The Cambridge Companion to Locke's "Essay Concerning Human Understanding". New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  45. Erratum.Mark van Atten & Mark Atten - 2014 - In Essays on Gödel’s Reception of Leibniz, Husserl, and Brouwer. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  46. A plea for excuses.John Austin - 1956 - In James Urmson & Geoffrey Warnock, Austin’s philosophical papers, 3rd ed. (1979). Oxford University Press. pp. 175-204.
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    2 Forensic Characteristics of Socratic Argumentation.Hayden Ausland - 2002 - In Gary Alan Scott, Does Socrates Have a Method?: Rethinking the Elenchus in Plato's Dialogues and Beyond. Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 36-60.
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  48. Socrates in the early nineteenth century, become young and beautiful.Hayden W. Ausland - 2019 - In Christopher Moore, Brill's Companion to the Reception of Socrates. Leiden: Brill.
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    Female friendship and gender transformation.Laurence Bachmann - 2014 - European Journal of Women's Studies 21 (2):165-179.
    This article explores the ways in which friendships between women may promote gender transformation. The study is based on 25 in-depth interviews with young women in Geneva disposed to gender transformation but not necessarily considering themselves to be ‘feminist’. The findings, based on a dispositional and contextual analysis, show that female friendships provide women with a place where they find respite from men, become aware of gender relations, take action to further their emancipation and receive support for changes made. Furthermore, (...)
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  50. From Nonsense to Openness: Wittgenstein on Moral Sense.Joel Backström - 2017 - In Reshef Agam-Segal & Edmund Dain, Wittgenstein’s Moral Thought. New York: Routledge. pp. 247-275.
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