Results for 'Salvador Peäna'

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  1.  76
    Business Ethics and the Brain: Rommel Salvador and Robert G. Folger.Rommel Salvador & Robert G. Folger - 2009 - Business Ethics Quarterly 19 (1):1-31.
    ABSTRACT:Neuroethics, the study of the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying ethical decision-making, is a growing field of study. In this review, we identify and discuss four themes emerging from neuroethics research. First, ethical decision-making appears to be distinct from other types of decision-making processes. Second, ethical decision-making entails more than just conscious reasoning. Third, emotion plays a critical role in ethical decision-making, at least under certain circumstances. Lastly, normative approaches to morality have distinct, underlying neural mechanisms. On the basis of (...)
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    La unidad de las dualidades humanas. Sobre «El hombre como ser dual» de Salvador Piá Tarazona.Piá Tarazona de Salvador & Juan Fernando Sellés - 2002 - Studia Poliana 4:181-208.
    Salvador Piá Tarazona’s book, El hombre como ser dual is an important methodical-thematic advance in the research of transcendental anthropology as much as it does not detain its focus on human nature nor its development , but rather on th readicality of personal intimacy and its openness to transcendence.
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    Poems by Salvador Bernal.Salvador Bernal - 1998 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 2 (2):295-298.
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  4. Salvador García González." Orthoclinostasis cycle: I. Cardiac interbeat length in healthy young men". Episteme No. 3 Año 1, Enero-Marzo 2005 http://www. uvmnet. edu/investigacion/episteme/numero2-05/Fecha de consulta. [REVIEW]Salvador García González - 2005 - Episteme 1 (3).
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    "Xinatguazil" (Genalguacil, Serranía de Ronda, Málaga): contigüidad lingüística en poblaciones moriscas y toponimia arabe.Salvador Peña Martín & Miguel Vega Martín - 2003 - Al-Qantara 24 (1):203-207.
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    La especialización profesional, clave en la cumbre euroárabe de veterinaria.Israel Salvador - 2012 - Argos: Informativo Veterinario 140:6-7.
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  7. Timing in Accountability and Trust Relationships.Salvador Carmona, Rafael Donoso & Philip M. J. Reckers - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (3):481-495.
    In this study we examine (1) how a manager’s risk behavior is influenced by developing success (or failure) as an impending settling up deadline to report performance approaches, (2) how willingness to provide transparent accountability is negatively affected by perceived risk and eroding trust, and (3) how others interpret and respond to reduced transparency. As perceptions of high levels of risks suggest a lack of environmental control of a firm’s destiny in contemporary settings, we adopt a historical approach to examine (...)
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    Gender, Management Styles, and Forms of Capital.Salvador Carmona, Mahmoud Ezzamel & Claudia Mogotocoro - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (2):357-373.
    Extant research notes a tendency to propound the idea that female managers are secondary to men. Gender differences constitute an ethical issue and the discursive constructions of gender management are central to research in business ethics. Drawing on evidence gathered from a time–space intersection that has been widely neglected by research in this area, we address whether female business leaders develop gender-stereotypic management styles as well as their propensity to adopt masculine management patterns such as making risky decisions and implementing (...)
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  9.  27
    On women’s periodicals.Teresa Salvador - 2009 - Cultura:95-117.
    O texto é campo de confluência de algumas preocupações: uma, a necessidade de dissociar a imprensa periódica feminina da conotação negativa decorrente da sua classificação em petite presse; outra, a de esclarecer a natureza dos periódicos femininos e acertar uma designação ou distinguir as possíveis designações; outra ainda, a de afirmar o poder e os limites desta imprensa, independentemente de reproduzir estereótipos tradicionais ou propor novos papéis para as mulheres em regime de igualdade de oportunidades. Nesta abordagem geral inclui-se uma (...)
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    Antropologia trascendental: Reseña del libro "La Antropología Trascendental" de Leonardo Polo.Salvador Piá Tarazona - 1999 - Studia Poliana 1:101-115.
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    Transport and mechanical properties of Yb-filled skutterudites.J. R. Salvador, J. Yang, X. Shi, H. Wang, A. A. Wereszczak, H. Kong & C. Uher - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (19):1517-1534.
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    Pensamiento romano.Salvador Mas - 2006 - Valencia: Tirant Humanidades.
    1. Una historia de la filosofía en Roma -- 2. Once estudios sobre teoría de la historia, política y estética.
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  13.  15
    Le peuple mapuche au Chili.Salvador Millaleo - 2023 - Multitudes 91 (2):218-220.
    Les luttes des peuples indigènes sont une constante invisible de l’histoire du Chili, car elles constituent l’envers caché de la construction de l’État et de son évolution politique. C’est précisément parce que le Chili n’a pas réussi à construire des canaux institutionnels efficaces pour l’inclusion des peuples indigènes que leur invisibilité constitue le fait fondateur de leur place dans la communauté politique. La sortie de cet état se produit, en particulier pour le peuple mapuche, sous forme d’irruptions qui perturbent la (...)
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    Las tradiciones ideológicas islámicas ante el repudio. Su eficacia civil en el derecho del estado español.Salvador Pérez Álvarez - 2008 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 13:183-223.
    Sharia is a religious legal system that is based on the divine mandates revealed in the Quram and the Sunna as has been interpreted bu the main Islamic Schools of Law, both Sunni and Shiita. In orden to understand what is at stake, distinctions between the main Islamic traditions in this ground was one of the factors that have led to an imprecise use of terminology of the Quram which refers to the Islamic divorce, that is: the Talaq. Its confusion (...)
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  15. Goethe y Kant: Arte, Naturaleza y Ciencia.Salvador Mas - 2004 - Endoxa 18:355-382.
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  16.  25
    Participatory Coastal Resource Management in the Philippines: Theory and Experience.Alma Ocampo Salvador - 2004 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 7 (3):139-189.
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    Heidegger, M.. Die Technik und die Kehre. Introducción, traducción y notas de S. Más Torres.Salvador Mas Torres - 1990 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 24:129.
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    Does US Foreign Aid Undermine Human Rights? The “Thaksinification” of the War on Terror Discourses and the Human Rights Crisis in Thailand, 2001 to 2006.Salvador Santino Fulo Regilme - 2018 - Human Rights Review 19 (1):73-95.
    What is the relationship between Thailand’s human rights crisis during Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra’s leadership and the USA-led post-9/11 war on terror? Why did the human rights situation dramatically deteriorate after the Thaksin regime publicly supported the Bush administration’s war on terror and consequently received US counterterror assistance? This article offers two conceptual arguments that jointly demonstrate a constitutive theoretical explanation, which shows that counterterror and militaristic transnational and national discursive structures enabled the strategy of state repression in Thailand under (...)
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    Josep Ferrater Mora: an interview.Salvador Giner - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 10:173.
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  20. Los hijos de la nueva era: una visión holística de la vida: un grito de alarma.Salvador Freixedo - 1992 - Madrid: Ediciones Júcar. Edited by Magdalena del Amo.
  21.  10
    El nominalismo en la universidad de Valencia durante la primera mitad del siglo XVI.Jordan Gallego Salvadores - 1975 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 2:273-310.
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  22. Conocer a Jesús através de Teresa.Salvador Ros García - 2006 - Critica 56 (935):60-65.
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    Illusory inferences with quantifiers.Salvador Mascarenhas & Philipp Koralus - 2017 - Thinking and Reasoning 23 (1):33-48.
    The psychological study of reasoning with quantifiers has predominantly focused on inference patterns studied by Aristotle about two millennia ago. Modern logic has shown a wealth of inference patterns involving quantifiers that are far beyond the expressive power of Aristotelian syllogisms, and whose psychology should be explored. We bring to light a novel class of fallacious inference patterns, some of which are so attractive that they are tantamount to cognitive illusions. In tandem with recent insights from linguistics that quantifiers like (...)
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  24.  21
    Organizational environmental orientation and employee environmental in‐role behaviors: A cross‐level study.Rommel O. Salvador & Alex Burciaga - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (1):98-113.
    Amid the growth of scholarly research on environmental workplace behaviors, two limitations stand out. First, there has been scant research on the cross‐level effects of organizational‐level determinants on individual employee environmental behaviors using a methodologically appropriate multilevel analytic approach. Second, there has been an overwhelming focus on voluntary, as opposed to task‐related, employee environmentally friendly behaviors. In addressing these limitations, this field study (N = 615 U.S.‐based employees nested in 51 organizations) makes a theoretical and empirical contribution to the literature, (...)
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  25.  12
    En torno al prejuicio.Salvador Feliu - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 49 (142):63-93.
    Se recorre el camino de la formación del sujeto humano que a par- tir de los prejuicios va constituyendo la intimidad propia haciendo suya la “intimidad social”. El problema que se plantea es en qué medida los prejuicios desaparecen o no por completo y si es posible hablar de un auténtico yo mientras se mantengan. En la respuesta de Ortega tiene gran importancia la distinción entre “yo” y “vida”.
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    The Roots of Today’s Socio-Economical Crisis in the Light of Distributism.Salvador Antuñano - 2009 - The Chesterton Review 35 (3-4):517-526.
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    11 Individuation by Partitive Constructions in Spanish.Salvador Climent - 2001 - In Pierrette Bouillon & Federica Busa (eds.), The language of word meaning. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 192.
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  28.  24
    Lenguajes naturales y lógica intensional: Una contribución de Richard Montague.Salvador Vinardell Crespo - 1982 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 9:247-264.
  29.  16
    Postmodern fiction.Salvador Jiménez Fajardo - 1991 - History of European Ideas 13 (4):435-436.
  30.  8
    The Social Structure of Critical Minds.Salvador Giner - 1999 - European Journal of Social Theory 2 (3):321-326.
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  31. Claves jurídicas de la gestión pública de la diversidad religiosa en el ámbito sanitario.Salvador Pérez Álvarez - 2024 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 29:e95919.
    Los usuarios de los servicios sanitarios que reclaman el ejercicio efectivo de las diferentes manifestaciones de su libertad religiosa cuando se hallan internados en instituciones sanitarias públicas. Me refiero a solicitudes que deben ser atendidas por las autoridades pertinentes, en orden a promover, en condiciones de igualdad real y efectiva, el pleno disfrute de aquella libertad religiosa en este ámbito. Sobre la base de esta hipótesis, el objeto de este trabajo va a consistir en analizar las claves jurídicas de la (...)
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  32.  11
    El sentimiento de la música.Salvador Moreno - 1986 - Valencia: Pre-Textos. Edited by Ramón Gaya.
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  33. Una metafísica original (L. de Raeymaeker," Philosophie de l'être". Louvain, 1947).Salvador Gómez Nogales - 1949 - Pensamiento 5 (18):190-198.
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    Polo, Leonardo: Evidencia y realidad en Descartes, Eunsa, Pamplona, 1996, 308 págs.Salvador Piá - 1997 - Anuario Filosófico 30 (3):745-746.
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    Relación de obras publicadas e inéditos de Leonardo Polo.Salvador Piá & Miguel García-Valdecasas - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico:323-331.
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    Teoría del hombre secular.Salvador Pániker - 1967 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 23:49-68.
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    Alexia pura causada por toxoplasma en un paciente con SIDA.V. Rodríguez-Salvador, E. España, J. A. Aviño & M. Díaz-Llopis - unknown
  38. La oligarquía en la Política de Aristóteles = Oligarchy in Aristotle's Politics.Salvador Rus Rufino - 2021 - In Coronel Ramos & Marco Antonio (eds.), Overarching Greek trends in European philosophy. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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    A Mixed Methods Study to Examine the Influence of CLIL on Physical Education Lessons: Analysis of Social Interactions and Physical Activity Levels.Celina Salvador-García, Carlos Capella-Peris, Oscar Chiva-Bartoll & Pedro Jesús Ruiz-Montero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Physical education is often selected for applying multilingual initiatives through the use of the content and language integrated learning (CLIL) approach. However, it is still unclear whether the introduction of such approach might entail losing Physical Education’s essence and distorting its basic purposes. The aim of this study is to analyse the impact of CLIL on the Physical Education lessons. Given the purpose of this study, a mixed methodological approach based on a sequential exploratory design divided in two different phases (...)
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    Cástor M. Díaz Barrado, América en busca de la integración: rasgos y principios desde la óptica del Derecho Internacional.Ana Manero Salvador - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (41).
    Pocos fenómenos han suscitado tanto debate en América Latina como es la cuestión de su integración, que, a pesar de sus luces y sus sombras, sus avances y retrocesos, sigue ahí, presente, a pesar de las incertidumbres que los diferentes acontecimientos políticos generan sobre su futuro próximo.
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    Reexamining the “Discussion” in the Moral Dilemma Discussion.Rommel O. Salvador - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (1):241-256.
    Cumulative evidence points to the effectiveness of moral dilemma discussion as a pedagogical strategy. However, much of the extant empirical research has been limited to investigating its effect on moral judgment. In addition, the potentially distinct effects of the two major components of the intervention, the intrapersonal contemplation and the interpersonal discussion that follows, have been barely examined. Using the Trolley Problem, this quasi-experimental study (N = 115) examined the effectiveness of moral dilemma discussion and of intrapersonal moral dilemma contemplation (...)
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  42. The University: A Historical-Philosophical Approach.Jesus Salvador Moncada - 2008 - Ideas Y Valores 57 (137):131-148.
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    Antropología trascendental: Tomo I: La persona humana.Salvador Piá Tarazona - 2002 - International Philosophical Quarterly 42 (2):277-279.
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    La libertad trascendental como dependencia.Salvador Piá Tarazona - 1999 - Studia Poliana 1:83-97.
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    Teoría crítica y teoría de sistemas. Observaciones sobre la polémica Habermas-Luhmann.Salvador Mas Torres - 1996 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 30:107-118.
    Este artículo pretende estudiar el sentido, propósito y función de la teoría del significado de Davidson. Para ello, aclara en primer lugar, el concepto de teoría del significado y examina las características que tiene la propuesta de Davidson. Finalmente, estudia la cuestión de si el concepto de significado que Davidson nos ofrece corresponde o no a la noción intuitiva de significado.
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  46. The Role of Identity Salience in the Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Behavior.Longinos Marin, Salvador Ruiz & Alicia Rubio - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (1):65-78.
    Based on the assumption that consumers will reward firms for their support of social programs, many organizations have adopted corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices. Drawing on social identity theory, a model of influence of CSR on loyalty is developed and tested using a sample of real consumers. Results demonstrate that CSR initiatives are linked to stronger loyalty both because the consumer develops a more positive company evaluation, and because one identifies more strongly with the company. Moreover, identity salience is shown (...)
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  47.  75
    La risa de John L. Austin, o la seriedad de su humor.Saleta De Salvador Agra - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (1):169-180.
    El objeto de este texto es pensar el supuesto binarismo de los usos ‘serios’ y ‘no serios’ del lenguaje en J. L. Austin. El punto de partida es el examen de su polémica posición contra las dicotomías, prestando especial atención al lugar central que ocupa el humor verbal en sus escritos. Partiendo de aquí, expondré cómo el humor toma cuerpo en su proyecto teórico/práctico en su uso para deshacer y desestabilizar las oposiciones dicotómicas, como en su versión ejemplarizante, reforzando así (...)
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  48. ¿" Biopolítica o Tanatapolítica"?: una defensa de la discontinuidad histórica.Salvador Cayuela Sánchez - 2008 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 43:33-49.
    En este artículo pretendemos definir el concepto mismo de «biopolítica» en su originaria significación foucaultiana. Para ello, pondremos en relación diferentes aspectos de la obra de Michel Foucault, con el fin de aclarar ciertos elementos no exentos de dificultad interpretativa. A continuación, trazaremos un breve recorrido histórico a través de las distintas formas de «biopolítica» que han ido sucediéndose a lo largo de los últimos doscientos años, a fin de justificar nuestra visión discontinuista de la historia, y deslegitimar así la (...)
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    Cybersujetos: Reading Border Subjects across Mediums.Salvador Herrera - 2021 - Intertexts 25 (1-2):101-130.
    This article develops a theory of border subjectivity that considers the cybernetic role of narrative structures and mediation in political advocacy aimed at dreamers and DACA recipients. "Cybersujetos” are border subjects who are racialized by cybernetic systems and media narratives, but can resist control by repurposing cultural technologies. In assessing the limitations of journalism, literature, and film as outlets for political advocacy, this article finds that remediated representations of undocumented youth that attempt to expand their political agency can further alienate (...)
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  50. Incidencia de las nuevas biotecnologías en el derecho a la protección de la salud reproductiva de los pacientes:¿ de vueltas al estado liberal?Salvador Pérez Alvarez - 2008 - In Salomé Adroher Biosca (ed.), Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina. Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi.
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