Results for 'Sanjirō Ishi'

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  1. Minzoku kyōiku.Sanjirō Ishi - 1937 - Tōkyō: Fujii Shoten.
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    Gijutsusha rinri no genzai.Toshihiro Ōishi - 2011 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Keisō Shobō.
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    Kino--eizō gengo no sōzō.Masahiko Ōishi & Yō Tanaka (eds.) - 1994 - Tōkyō: Kokusho Kankōkai.
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  4. Studying laughter in combination with two humanoid robots.Christian Becker-Asano, Takayuki Kanda, Carlos Ishi & Hiroshi Ishiguro - 2011 - AI and Society 26 (3):291-300.
    To let humanoid robots behave socially adequate in a future society, we started to explore laughter as an important para-verbal signal known to influence relationships among humans rather easily. We investigated how the naturalness of various types of laughter in combination with different humanoid robots was judged, first, within a situational context that is suitable for laughter and, second, without describing the situational context. Given the variety of human laughter, do people prefer a certain style for a robot’s laughter? And (...)
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  5. An Android for Emotional Interaction: Spatiotemporal Validation of Its Facial Expressions.Wataru Sato, Shushi Namba, Dongsheng Yang, Shin’ya Nishida, Carlos Ishi & Takashi Minato - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Android robots capable of emotional interactions with humans have considerable potential for application to research. While several studies developed androids that can exhibit human-like emotional facial expressions, few have empirically validated androids’ facial expressions. To investigate this issue, we developed an android head called Nikola based on human psychology and conducted three studies to test the validity of its facial expressions. In Study 1, Nikola produced single facial actions, which were evaluated in accordance with the Facial Action Coding System. The (...)
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  6. Sobre vivências no mundo do trabalho.Alessandra Ceregatti, Ana Maria Marques Camargo Marangoni, Angelo Ishi, Boaventura de Sousa Santos & Ruy Guerra (eds.) - 1995 - [São Paulo, Brazil]: ECA/USP/CNPq.
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  7. Ishi no shinrigaku.Yasushi Hirao - 1976
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  8. Yosher ishi.Meʼir Hirshfeld (ed.) - 1982 - Yerushalayim: Miśrad ha-ḥinukh ṿeha-tarbut, Agaf ha-ḥinukh ha-dati.
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  9. Ishi.Yukio Togawa - 1963
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  10. Ishi to seikaku no shinrigaku.Yukio Togawa - 1979
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    Ishi-shinrigakushi.Tatsurō Yatabe - 1943
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    Jikan to jiyū ishi: jiyū wa sonzai suru ka = Diverging time: a philosophy of free will.Takuo Aoyama - 2016 - Tōkyō-to Taitō-ku: Kabushiki Kaisha Chikuma Shobō.
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    Tsefunot ha-Rambam: yoman ishi midrashi: yoman sifruti ha-mevusas ʻal ḥaye ha-Rambam ṿe-ḥeḳer haguto.Yoninah Dison - 2021 - Maʻaleh Adumim: Hotsaʼat Maʻaliyot.
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  14. Higekisei e no ishi.Torakazu Doi - 1948
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  15. Yamaga Sokō to Ōishi Yoshio.Kojō Hirao - 1943
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  16. Shpinozah: me-hedonizm ishi le-musar universali = Spinoza: from personal hedonism to universal morality.Avraham Mounitz - 1997 - [Israel: Ḥ. Mo. L..
  17. Jinrui no ishi ni tsuite.Saneatsu Mushanokōji - 1948 - Tōkyō: Yamane Shoten.
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  18. Kenryoku e no ishi.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1935 - Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha. Edited by Chōkō Ikuta.
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  19. Kawara no ishi.Hiroto Saigusa - 1969 - Edited by Kenʼichi Iida.
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  20. (1 other version)Shizen keizai to ishi keizai.Shōichi Sakuda - 1932
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  21. Sūgakuteki jiyū ishi ron.Tetsurō Takata - 1975
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  22. Minzoku no ishi.Yukio Togawa - 1942
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    Book Review: Orin Starn,Ishi's Brain: In Search of American's Last “Wild Indian”. [REVIEW]Orin Starn - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (3):610-611.
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    Book Review: Orin Starn,Ishi's Brain: In Search of American's Last “Wild Indian”. [REVIEW]Jonathan Marks - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (3):610-611.
  25. Kindai jiyū shisō no genryū: 16-seiki jiyū ishi gakusetsu no kenkyū.Haruo Kaneko - 1987 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
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  26. Setsuri to unmei to jiyū ishi.Yoshinari Muraji - 1973
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    Torat ha-derekh ha-emtsaʻit: ha-derekh le-osher ishi ule-shalom ʻolami be-ḥamesh tarbuyot.Samy Shmueli - 2015 - Yehud Monoson: Ofir Bikurim.
    "בספרו זה מביא סמי שמואלי את חזונו בדבר "הדרך האמצעית" שהיא הדרך שבה ראוי לנהל את עולמנו. לאחר סקירה מקיפה של מקורות "הדרך האמצעית" בחמש תרבויות - הסינית, ההודית-בודהיסטית, היוונית-נוצרית והאיסלמית, הוא מגיע אל מקורות "הדרך האמצעית" ביהדות, כפי שהיא באה לידי ביטוי בכתבי הקודש ובפירושים הרבים, כולל בהגותו של הרמב"ם"--מן המעטפת האחורית.
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    Keigo in Modern Japan: Polite Language from Meiji to the Present (review). [REVIEW]Ann Wehmeyer - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (1):191-194.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Keigo in Modern Japan: Polite Language from Meiji to the PresentAnn WehmeyerKeigo in Modern Japan: Polite Language from Meiji to the Present. By Patricia J. Wetzel. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2004. Pp. 206.In Keigo in Modern Japan: Polite Language from Meiji to the Present, Patricia Wetzel delves deeply into social and analytical aspects of honorific and polite language from historical and contemporary perspectives. It is a work (...)
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