Results for 'Sarah-Allegra Schönberger'

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  1. Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think.V. Mayer-Schoenberger & K. Cukier - unknown
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  2. Reflexiones sobre dos problemas de la lógica formal.Judith Schoenberg - 1972 - Dianoia 18 (18):53.
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    Mapping complex mind states: EEG neural substrates of meditative unified compassionate awareness.Poppy L. A. Schoenberg, Andrea Ruf, John Churchill, Daniel P. Brown & Judson A. Brewer - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 57 (C):41-53.
  4. A note on the logical fallacy in the paradox of the unexpected examination.Judith Schoenberg - 1966 - Mind 75 (297):125-127.
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    Rupturing violent land imaginaries: finding hope through a land titling campaign in Cambodia.Laura Schoenberger & Alice Beban - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):301-312.
    In areas of land conflict, fear and the threat of violence work to reproduce imaginaries of land as a resource that powerful people can grab. An urgent question for agrarian scholars and activists is how people can overcome fear so that alternative imaginaries might flourish. In this article, we argue for attention to the affective dimension of imaginaries; ideas of what land is and should be are co-constituted through the material and social, imbued with powerful emotions that enable imaginaries to (...)
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  6. Confirmation by observation and the paradox of the ravens.Judith Schoenberg - 1964 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 15 (59):200-212.
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    (1 other version)Belief and intention in the epimenides.Judith Schoenberg - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 30 (2):270-278.
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    The Smell of Inner Beauty in Ancient China.Casey Schoenberger - 2022 - Substance 51 (3):132-150.
    Abstract:Qu Yuan (c. 340–278 BC) is often called “the first Chinese poet,” because the primary work attributed to him, Li sao (“Sublimating Sorrow”), is the first in the tradition to evoke a distinctive persona engaged in self-reflection and personal narrative. To explain why this story of frustrated political ambition became arguably the first instance of Chinese autobiography or life writing, this paper uses the notion of “biological handicap,” proposed by Amotz Zahavi. As a peacock’s cumbersome tail feathers reduce its individual (...)
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  9. El problema de la equivalencia lógica en la paradoja de los cuervos.Judith Schoenberg - 1966 - Dianoia 12 (12):172.
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  10. Our Search for Meaning: A Humanistic Anthology.Phillip Schoenberg - 2021 - Silver City, NM: Mimbres Press.
  11. Realistische Ideale: die grosse Linie einer positiven Weltanschauung..Karl Heinrich Schoenberg - 1941 - Leipzig: Helingsche verlagsanstalt.
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    Sobre las paradojas de autorreferencia.Judith Schoenberg - 1969 - Critica 3 (7/8):113-155.
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    The respecting of indeterminacy.Judith Schoenberg - 1970 - Mind 79 (315):347-368.
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    Varieties of Humanism for a Secular Age.Phillip W. Schoenberg - 2016 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 64 (4):167-197.
    I argue that Taylor’s engagement with secularity demonstrates his deep concern for preserving key humanist insights, an abiding commitment to moral pluralism, and the sincerity of his religious faith. Taylor insists on transcendence as the best hope for securing the continued commitment to the moral legacy of humanism in the west, but while he personally advocates a renewed Christian humanism, his notion of transcendence is amenable to other interpretations, including non-religious options, and so allows for a potential overlapping consensus on (...)
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  15. The Importance of Concepts.Sarah Sawyer - 2018 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 118 (2):127-147.
    Words change meaning over time. Some meaning shift is accompanied by a corresponding change in subject matter; some meaning shift is not. In this paper I argue that an account of linguistic meaning can accommodate the first kind of case, but that a theory of concepts is required to accommodate the second. Where there is stability of subject matter through linguistic change, it is concepts that provide the stability. The stability provided by concepts allows for genuine disagreement and ameliorative change (...)
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  16. Against autonomy: justifying coercive paternalism.Sarah Conly - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (5):349-349.
    Too often, we as individuals do things that harm us, that seriously interfere with our being able to live in the way that we want. We eat food that makes us obese, that promotes diabetes, heart failure and other serious illness, while at the same time, we want to live long and healthy lives. Too many of us smoke cigarettes, even while acknowledging we wish we had never begun. We behave in ways that undercut our ability to reach some of (...)
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    Carl B. Sachs, Intentionality and the Myths of the Given: Between Pragmatism and Phenomenology. Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Phillip W. Schoenberg - 2015 - Philosophy in Review 35 (6):310-312.
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    Douglas Hedley, The Iconic Imagination. Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Phillip Schoenberg - 2017 - Philosophy in Review 37 (1):14-16.
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    Ryan Coyne, Heidegger’s Confessions: The Remains of Saint Augustine in Being and Time and Beyond. [REVIEW]Phillip W. Schoenberg - 2016 - Augustinian Studies 47 (2):243-246.
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    Susanne Claxton, Heidegger's Gods: An Ecofeminist Perspective. Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Phillip Schoenberg - 2018 - Philosophy in Review 38 (2):49-51.
  21.  12
    Susan L. Dunston, "Emerson and Environmental Ethics.". [REVIEW]Phillip W. Schoenberg - 2021 - Philosophy in Review 41 (2):62-64.
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    That Obscure Subject of Desire: Freud's Female Homosexual Revisited.Ronnie C. Lesser & Erica Schoenberg (eds.) - 1999 - Routledge.
    First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  23. Generics and the structure of the mind.Sarah-Jane Leslie - 2007 - Philosophical Perspectives 21 (1):375–403.
  24. Updating as Communication.Sarah Moss - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 85 (2):225-248.
    Traditional procedures for rational updating fail when it comes to self-locating opinions, such as your credences about where you are and what time it is. This paper develops an updating procedure for rational agents with self-locating beliefs. In short, I argue that rational updating can be factored into two steps. The first step uses information you recall from your previous self to form a hypothetical credence distribution, and the second step changes this hypothetical distribution to reflect information you have genuinely (...)
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  25. Varieties of update.Sarah E. Murray - 2014 - Semantics and Pragmatics 7 (2):1--53.
    This paper discusses three potential varieties of update: updates to the common ground, structuring updates, and updates that introduce discourse referents. These different types of update are used to model different aspects of natural language phenomena. Not-at-issue information directly updates the common ground. The illocutionary mood of a sentence structures the context. Other updates introduce discourse referents of various types, including propositional discourse referents for at-issue information. Distinguishing these types of update allows a unified treatment of a broad range of (...)
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  26. Personal autonomy.Sarah Buss - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    To be autonomous is to be a law to oneself; autonomous agents are self-governing agents. Most of us want to be autonomous because we want to be accountable for what we do, and because it seems that if we are not the ones calling the shots, then we cannot be accountable. More importantly, perhaps, the value of autonomy is tied to the value of self-integration. We don't want to be alien to, or at war with, ourselves; and it seems that (...)
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    Doing difference.Sarah Fenstermaker & Candace West - 1995 - Gender and Society 9 (1):8-37.
    In this article, we advance a new understanding of “difference” as an ongoing interactional accomplishment. Calling on the authors' earlier reconceptualization of gender, they develop the further implications of this perspective for the relationships among gender, race, and class. The authors argue that, despite significant differences in their characteristics and outcomes, gender, race, and class are comparable as mechanisms for producing social inequality.
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  28. How We Know What We're Doing.Sarah K. Paul - 2009 - Philosophers' Imprint 9:1-24.
    G.E.M. Anscombe famously claimed that acting intentionally entails knowing "without observation" what one is doing. Among those that have taken her claim seriously, an influential response has been to suppose that in order to explain this fact, we should conclude that intentions are a species of belief. This paper argues that there are good reasons to reject this "cognitivist" view of intention in favor of the view that intentions are distinctively practical attitudes that are not beliefs and do not constitutively (...)
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    Mnemonic Confabulation.Sarah Robins - 2020 - Topoi 39 (1):121-132.
    Clinical use of the term “confabulation” began as a reference to false memories in dementia patients. The term has remained in circulation since, which belies shifts in its definition and scope over time. “Confabulation” now describes a range of disorders, deficits, and anomalous behaviors. The increasingly wide and varied use of this term has prompted many to ask: what is confabulation? In recent years, many have offered answers to this question. As a general rule, recent accounts are accounts of broad (...)
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  30. Why Childhood is Bad for Children.Sarah Hannan - 2017 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (S1):11-28.
    This article asks whether being a child is, all things considered, good or bad for children. I defend a predicament view of childhood, which regards childhood as bad overall for children. I argue that four features of childhood make it regrettable: impaired capacity for practical reasoning, lack of an established practical identity, a need to be dominated, and profound and asymmetric vulnerability. I consider recent claims in the literature that childhood is good for children since it allows them to enjoy (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Freedom of Association Is Not the Answer.Sarah Fine - 2010 - Ethics 120 (2):338-356.
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  32. Cognitivism: A New Theory of Singular Thought?Sarah Sawyer - 2012 - Mind and Language 27 (3):264-283.
    In a series of recent articles, Robin Jeshion has developed a theory of singular thought which she calls ‘cognitivism’. According to Jeshion, cognitivism offers a middle path between acquaintance theories—which she takes to impose too strong a requirement on singular thought, and semantic instrumentalism—which she takes to impose too weak a requirement. In this article, I raise a series of concerns about Jeshion's theory, and suggest that the relevant data can be accommodated by a version of acquaintance theory that distinguishes (...)
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    (1 other version)Beginning Logic.Sarah Stebbins - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (2):421-423.
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  34. Moral overridingness and moral theory.Sarah Stroud - 1998 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 79 (2):170–189.
    I begin by proposing and explicating a plausible articulation of the view that morality is overriding. I then argue that it would be desirable for this thesis to be sustained. However, the prospects for its vindication will depend crucially on which moral theory we adopt. I examine some schematic moral theories in order to bring out which are friendly and which unfriendly to moral overridingness. In light of the reasons to hope that the overridingness thesis can be sustained, theories apparently (...)
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  35. Coercive Paternalism in Health Care: Against Freedom of Choice.Sarah Conly - 2013 - Public Health Ethics 6 (3):pht025.
    I argue that it can be morally permissible to coerce people into doing what is good for their own health. I discuss recent initiatives in New York City that are designed to take away certain unhealthy options from local citizens, and argue that this does not impose on them in unjustifiable ways. Good paternalistic measures are designed to promote people's long-term goals, and to prevent them from making short-term decisions that interfere with reaching those, and New York's attempts to ban (...)
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  36. Essence, plenitude, and paradox.Sarah-Jane Leslie - 2011 - Philosophical Perspectives 25 (1):277-296.
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    Moral enhancement and pro-social behaviour.Sarah Chan & John Harris - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (3):130-131.
    Moral enhancement is a topic that has sparked much current interest in the world of bioethics. The possibility of making people ‘better,’ not just in the conventional enhancement sense of improving health and other desirable qualities and capacities, but by making them somehow more moral, more decent, altogether better people, has attracted attention from both advocates 1 2 and sceptics 3 alike. The concept of moral enhancement, however, is fraught with difficult questions, theoretical and practical. What does it actually mean (...)
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  38. Privileged access to the world.Sarah Sawyer - 1998 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 76 (4):523-533.
    In this paper, I argue that content externalism and privileged access are compatible, but that one can, in a sense, have privileged access to the world. The supposedly absurd conclusion should be embraced.
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  39. Weakness of will.Sarah Stroud - 2012 - In Ed Zalta, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Morality and the Emotions.Sarah Buss - 1994 - Philosophical Review 103 (4):726.
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    Heeding the voice of experience: The role of talker variation in lexical access.Sarah C. Creel, Richard N. Aslin & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 2008 - Cognition 106 (2):633-664.
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    Nature, Change, and Agency in Aristotle's Physics: A Philosophical Study.Sarah Waterlow - 1982 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    An investigation into Aristotle's metaphysics of nature as expounded in the Physics. It focuses in particular his conception of change, a concept which is shown to possess a unique metaphysical structure, with implications that should engage the attention of contemporary analysis. First published in hardback in 1982, the book is now available for the first time in paperback. 'A powerful and appealing explanatory scheme which succeeds on the whole in drawing together a great many seemingly disparate elements in the Physics (...)
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    Passage and Possibility: A Study of Aristotle’s Modal Concepts.Sarah Waterlow - 1982 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Aristotle connects modality and time in ways strange and perplexing to modern readers. In this book the author proposes a new solution to this exegetical problem. Although primarily expository, this work explores topics of central concern for current investigations into causality, time, and change.
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    (1 other version)Non-domination and the ethics of migration.Sarah Fine - 2014 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 17 (1):10-30.
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    The Mediating Role of Anticipated Guilt in Consumers’ Ethical Decision-Making.Sarah Steenhaut & Patrick Kenhove - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (3):269-288.
    In this paper, we theorize that the anticipation of guilt plays an important role in ethically questionable consumer situations. We propose an ethical decision-making framework incorporating anticipated guilt as partial mediator between consumers’ ethical beliefs (anteceded by ethical ideology) and intentions. In the first study, we compared several models using structural equation modeling and found empirical support for our research model. A second experiment was set up to illustrate how these new insights may be applied to prevent consumers from taking (...)
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    Challenging Masculinity in CSR Disclosures: Silencing of Women’s Voices in Tanzania’s Mining Industry.Sarah Lauwo - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (3):689-706.
    This paper presents a feminist analysis of corporate social responsibility in a male-dominated industry within a developing country context. It seeks to raise awareness of the silencing of women’s voices in CSR reports produced by mining companies in Tanzania. Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in Africa, and women are often marginalised in employment and social policy considerations. Drawing on work by Hélène Cixous, a post-structuralist/radical feminist scholar, the paper challenges the masculinity of CSR discourses that have repeatedly masked (...)
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  47. Punishment Sustains Large-Scale Cooperation in Prestate Warfare.Sarah Mathew & Robert Boyd - 2011 - Pnas 108:11375-11380.
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    Normative practices of other animals.Sarah Vincent, Rebecca Ring & Kristin Andrews - 2018 - In Aaron Zimmerman, Karen Jones & Mark Timmons, Routledge Handbook on Moral Epistemology. New York: Routledge. pp. 57-83.
    Traditionally, discussions of moral participation – and in particular moral agency – have focused on fully formed human actors. There has been some interest in the development of morality in humans, as well as interest in cultural differences when it comes to moral practices, commitments, and actions. However, until relatively recently, there has been little focus on the possibility that nonhuman animals have any role to play in morality, save being the objects of moral concern. Moreover, when nonhuman cases are (...)
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    Constructing agri-food for finance: startups, venture capital and food future imaginaries.Sarah Ruth Sippel & Moritz Dolinga - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (2):475-488.
    Over the past decade, investments in agricultural and food technology startups have grown to previously unknown dimensions. Mushrooming agri-food tech startups that promise to solve critical issues in the agri-food system through technological innovation are increasingly perceived as an attractive new investment opportunity for venture capitalists and investors. This paper investigates how digital agri-food technologies are narrated, constructed, and promoted for financial investment. Through qualitative content analysis of agri-food tech industry reports, articles, and commentaries we trace the logic, rationales, and (...)
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    Organizational Influences on Health Professionals’ Experiences of Moral Distress in PICUs.Sarah Wall, Wendy J. Austin & Daniel Garros - 2016 - HEC Forum 28 (1):53-67.
    This article reports the findings of a qualitative study that explored the organizational influences on moral distress for health professionals working in pediatric intensive care units across Canada. Participants were recruited to the study from PICUs across Canada. The PICU is a high-tech, fast-paced, high-pressure environment where caregivers frequently face conflict and ethical tension in the care of critically ill children. A number of themes including relationships with management, organizational structure and processes, workload and resources, and team dynamics were identified. (...)
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