Results for 'Sa”ādat Mostafavi'

979 found
  1.  11
    Farāz va furūd-i nafs: darsʹhāyī az akhlāq, sharḥī bar Jāmiʻ al-saʻādāt: faqīh-i ʻalīqadr, Ḥaz̤rat Āyat Allāh al-ʻUẓmá Muntaẓirī (quddisa sirruh).Ḥusayn ʻAlī Muntaẓirī - 2014 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Kavīr. Edited by Mujtabá Luṭfī.
    Muḥammad Mahdī ibn Abī Z̲arr Narāqī, -1794 or 1795. Jāmiʻ al-saʻādāt - Criticism and interpretation; Islamic ethics.
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  2. The Analysis of Translation as an Art by Aristotle’s Poetics.Mahdi Bahrami - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 12 (25):61-77.
    In this text, which employs the analytic-comparative method, we read the Poetics of Aristotle in a new way to take an example of translation as an artistic creation. We can present the result of the essay as a metaphor called “the art of translation”, and then we refer to four evidences which can support our metaphor: reading the text as seeing the world, understanding the meaning as perceiving the main action, representing the text as recreating an image, and word making (...)
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  3. The intellectual thought of al-Ghazālī: The alchemy of happiness and other Persian writing. Ghazzālī - 2024 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Ali Mirsepassi & Tadd Graham Fernée.
    This study investigates the intellectual legacy of Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali(1058-1111), an influential thinker of the classical Islamic period. Ali Mirsepassi and Tadd Graham Fernee study Ghazalis major Persian-language text Kīmiya-e sa adat (The Alchemy of Happiness) presenting a new understanding of Ghazali as a reformer of his own time.
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  4. Qirāʼāt fī al-falsafah.ʻAlī Sāmī Nashshār - 1967 - Edited by Abū Rayyān & Muḥammad ʻAlī.
  5. al-Tarbiyah al-Islamīyah bi-al-amthāl al-Qurʼānīyah.Muḥammad Saʻd Qazzāz - 2003 - al-Minyā [Egypt]: Dār Farḥah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Böhm Károly és a "kolozsvári iskola": A kolozsvári Böhm Károly Nemzetközi Konferencia előadásai.Péter Egyed, Sándor Laczkó, Márton Tonk & Imre Ungvári Zrínyi (eds.) - 2000 - Kolozsvár-Szeged: Pro Philosophia.
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  7. ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Badawī: faylasūf al-wujūdīyah al-hārib ilá al-Islām.Saʻīd Lāwindī - 2001 - al-Qāhirah: Markaz al-Ḥaḍārah al-ʻArabīyah.
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  8. Magadha-mārtaṇḍa Maṇḍana Miśra: śodha-grantha.Śrī Nivāsa Tivārī Madhukara - 2001 - Bhojapura, Bihāra: Maṇḍana-Miśra-Śodha-Saṃsthāna, Bihāra.
    On the life and works of Maṇḍanamiśra, philosopher of Saṅkarācārya tradition.
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  9. Insānī qadrain̲.Saʻīd Aḥmad Rafīq - 2001 - Koʼiṭah: Rūbī Pablisharz.
    On human values and norms, their different kinds and theories are discussed in historical perspective.
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  10. Virodhoddhāraḥ.Tāmraparṇī Śrīnivāsācārya - 2013 - Bangalore: Śrībhāgavatāśramapratiṣṭhānam, Śrīmatsatyatīrthasaṃsthānam, Śrībhaṇḍārakerimaṭhaḥ.
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    What We Can Learn about Phenomenal Concepts from Wittgenstein’s Private Language.Roberto Sá Pereira - 2016 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 5 (2):125-152.
    This paper is both systematic and historical in nature. From a historical viewpoint, I aim to show that to establish Wittgenstein’s claim that “an ‘inner process’ stands in need of outward criteria” there is an enthymeme in Wittgenstein’s private language argument overlooked in the literature, namely Wittgenstein’s suggestion that both perceptual and bodily experiences are _transparent_ in the relevant sense that one cannot point to a mental state and wonder “What is that?” From a systematic viewpoint, I aim to show (...)
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    Sayrūrāt al-taʼwīl: min al-hirmūsīyah ilá al-simiyāʼīyāt.Saʻīd Bingarād - 2012 - Bayrūt: al-Dār al-ʻArabīyah lil-ʻUlūm Nāshirūn.
    Literature; hermeneutics; theory, etc.; history and criticism.
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  13. Akhlāqīyāt al-mihnah fī al-ḥaḍārah al-Islāmīyah.Muwaffaq Sālim Nūrī - 2007 - Baghdād: al-Majmaʻ al-ʻIlmī.
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    Immensity and A-subjectivity.Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback - 2009 - Research in Phenomenology 39 (3):344-358.
    The aim of the present article is to reflect upon comparative procedures at stake in the acknowledgment of differences, following some paths of Husserl's and Heidegger's views on “comparative examination” . Although using the same expression as Husserl, Heidegger presents in this concept, rather, a phenomenology of correspondence. The encounter with otherness is described as correspondence to the immensity of the event of the world in Dasein . From out of a “destruction” of comparative examinations, it becomes possible to seize (...)
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  15. El joven Hegel y el proyecto de la Volksreligion.Roberto Sánchez Santillán - 2023 - In Mario Teodoro Ramírez (ed.), Ateísmo, religión y espiritualidad: ideas de Dios en el pensamiento filosófico. [Buenos Aires, Argentina]: Editorial Biblos.
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  16. Dharama te sadācāra.Sāhiba Siṅgha - 1962
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    Dilbilimsel Uzatım ve Türkçedeki Yaygın Örnekleri.İsa Sari - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 16):1011-1011.
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    Darśanāmr̥tam.Sādhurāma Śāstrī - 1995 - Karanāla, Hariyāṇā: Mukula Prakāsana.
    Research articles on Indic philosophy and religion.
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    Khvājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī =.Mūsá Dībāj - 2014 - Tihrān: Daftar-i Pizhūhishhā-yi Farhangī.
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    Mafhūm al-ʻāmmah ʻinda al-Ghazzālī: dirāsah ḥijājīyah muqāranah bayna manhajay al-falsafah wa-ʻilm al-kalām.Khālid ibn Saʻīd Kindī - 2019 - Masqaṭ: Bayt al-Ghashshām lil-Ṣiḥāfah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Iʻlān.
  21. La dignidad universal del ser humano en la jurisprudencia internacional.José Manuel Sánchez Patrón - 2020 - In Torres Cazorla & María Isabel (eds.), Bioderecho internacional y universalización: el papel de las organizaciones y los tribunales internacionales = International biolaw and universality: the role of international organizations and international courts. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
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  22. Śrī advaita darśana.Sāra Śabdānanda - 1977 - Naī Dillī: Sāra Śabda Miśana, Prakāśana Vibhāga.
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    Falsafat al-fiʻl ʻinda Rūjīh Ghārūdī.Bin Saʻīdī Ṣafīyah - 2018 - al-Jazāʼir: al-Nashr al-Jāmiʻī al-Jadīd.
    Social movements; Iraq; foreign relations; Algeria; politics and government; history.
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    Fāʻilīyat al-khayāl al-adabī: muḥāwalah fī balāghīyat al-maʻrifah min al-usṭūrah ḥattá al-ʻilm al-waṣfī.Saʻīd Ghānimī - 2015 - Bayrūt: Manshūrāt al-Jamal.
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  25. Ighāthat al-malhūf bi-al-sayf al-mudhkkir fī al-amr bi-al-maʻrūf wa-al-nahy ʻan al-munkar.Saʻīd ibn Khalafān ibn Aḥmad Khalīlī - 2016 - Masqaṭ, Salṭanat ʻUmān: Dhākirat ʻUmān.
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  26. Ānandatāratamyakhaṇḍanam. Śrīnivāsācārya - 2013 - Melukoṭe, Yādavādriḥ: Saṃskr̥ta-Saṃśodhana-Saṃsat. Edited by Es Kumāra.
    Work deals with disputing others' position on differentiated states of supreme bliss in Viśiṣṭādvaita philosophy of Ramanuja.
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    Diccionario de filósofos españoles: siglo XX.Jesús Yusta & Juana Sánchez-Gey (eds.) - 2015 - Burgos: Monte Carmelo.
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  28. Risālat al-wujūd.Muḥammad Saʻīd ʻAshmāwī - 1977
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    En torno y a la luz del yoga.Sánchez de Celis & J. Manuel - 1975 - Madrid: Aguilar.
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  30. Nafsiyāt al-maz̲āhib.Sayyid Saʻīd Aḥmad Jaʻfrī - 1975 - Karācī: Sayyid Muk̲h̲tār ʻAlī Jaʻfrī.
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  31. al-Thanawīyah fī al-tafkīr.Ḥasan Saʻīd Karmī - 1977 - Bayrūt, Lubnān: Dār al-Aḥad.
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  32. Tshad ma rigs paʾi gter źes bya bźugs so.Sa-Skya PaṇḌI-Ta Kun-Dgaʾ-Rgyal-Mtshan - 1976 - [Simtokha: [S.N.].
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  33. Namādhij min falsafat al-Islāmīyīn.Sāmī Naṣr Luṭf - 1977 - al-Qāhirah: Maktabat Saʻīd Raʼfat.
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    Three Jewish philosophers. Philo, Saʻadia Ben Joseph & Judah (eds.) - 1960 - New York,: Meridian Books.
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    Imprensa e Sociedade nos Confins da Amazônia -doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v18i1.786.Luís Balkar Sá Peixoto Pinheiro - 2014 - Dialogos 18 (1).
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  36. Manhaj al-qānūnī fī al-Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah al-Amirīkīyah wa-Jumhūrīyat Miṣr al-ʻArabīyah.Saʻīd Ṣādiq - 1977
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  37. Mahāvīra-vāṇī.Bhagavānadāsa Tivārī - 1975 - Ilāhābāda: Saṅgama Prakāśana.
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    Empresas, Ditadura Civil Militar Brasileira e Centros de Memória e Documentação Corporativos: Um Estudo Exploratório.Alessandra de Sá Mello da Costa, Marcelo Almeida de Carvalho Silva & Carlos Arthur Vieira Monteiro - 2015 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 2 (1):122-144.
    De 1964 a 1985 o Brasil viveu sob um regime de governo ditatorial que de acordo com a historiografia mais recente foi sustentado, em grande parte, pela própria sociedade civil (MELO, 2012; COMISSÃO, 2014). Mais recentemente, a partir dos anos 1980, cresce o movimento de criação de espaços de memória corporativos com o objetivo de tornar pública a trajetória histórica das empresas (COSTA; SARAIVA, 2011). Dentre estes espaços, adquire relevância os Centros de Memória e documentação como lugares de armazenamento e (...)
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  39. El Arzobispo Valera : pacto por la enseñanza y la divulgación de la filosofía en Santo Domingo.S. J. José Luis Sáez - 2015 - In Artidiello Moreno, M. Mabel & Julio Minaya (eds.), Memoria del bicentenario de la Lógica de Andrés López de Medrano. Santo Domingo: Ministerio de Cultura.
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  40. Merleau-Ponty e Paul Ricoeur: aspetos de uma concordância discordante sobre a fenomenologia da linguagem.Maria Luísa Portocarrero - 2015 - In Diogo Ferrer & Luciano Utteich (eds.), A Filosofia Transcendental E a Sua Crítica: Idealismo - Fenomenologia - Hermenêutica. Coimbra, Portugal: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
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    al-Mustadrak ʻalá al-aḥādīth al-wāridah fī faḍāʼil al-ṣaḥābah: fī al-kutub al-tisʻah wa-musnaday Abī Bakr al-Bazzār wa-Abī Yaʻlá al-Mawṣilī wa-al-maʻājim al-thalālah li-Abī al-Qāsim al-Ṭabarānī.Saʻūd ibn ʻĪd ibn ʻUmayr Ṣāʻidī - 2015 - al-Madīnah al-Munawwarah: al-Jāmiʻah al-Islāmīyah.
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  42. Tattvasārasaṅgrahaḥ. Śrīnivāsācārya - 2017 - Maisūru: Prācyavidyāsaṃśodhanālayaḥ. Edited by HecPi Devakī & ḌiPi Madhusūdanācārya.
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  43. Smart Prototyping: From Data-Driven Mass-Customization to Community-Enabled Co-Production.Sina Mostafavi, Bahar Bagheri, Ding Wen Bao & Asma Mehan - 2024 - In Mitra Kanaani (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Smart Design Thinking in Architecture & Urbanism for a Sustainable, Living Planet. London: Routledge. pp. 633-642.
    Materialization practices in the architecture and building industry have evolved with the advancement of manufacturing and information technologies. This evolution is evident across various design and production phases, with a pronounced impact on prototyping. Advances in design and fabrication tools have empowered prototypes, integral in any production cycle, to furnish a growing array of information and feedback for designers and manufacturers. In this context, prototypes have transformed from merely showcasing data-driven building solutions to presenting socio-environmentally conscious systems. Innovation in prototyping (...)
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    De-Coding Visual Cliches and Verbal Biases: Hybrid Intelligence and Data Justice.Sina Mostafavi & Asma Mehan - 2023 - In Sina Mostafavi & Asma Mehan (eds.), Diffusions in Architecture: Artificial Intelligence and Image Generators. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley.
    Diffusions in Architecture: Artificial Intelligence and Image Generators delves into the impact of Diffusion AI algorithms and generative image models on architecture design and aesthetics. The book presents an in-depth analysis of how these new technologies are revolutionizing the field of architecture. The architects presented in the book focus on the application of specific AI techniques and tools used in generative design, such as Diffusion models, Dall-E2, Stable Diffusion, and MidJourney. It discusses how these techniques can generate synthetic images that (...)
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  45.  12
    Socio-Spatial Micro-Networks: Building Community Resilience in Kenya.Asma Mehan, Neady Odour & Sina Mostafavi - 2023 - In Ali Cheshmehzangi, Maycon Sedrez, Hang Zhao, Tian Li, Tim Heath & Ayotunde Dawodu (eds.), Resilience vs Pandemics. Springer. pp. 141-159.
    The adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have exposed the lack of multi-scalar community resilient strategies that catalyze the development of alternative coping mechanisms for future challenges. To address the immediate needs of vulnerable and marginalized groups, especially in times of crisis, as evidenced by the pandemic, micro-networks within communities have mitigated and reduced harm through self-devised ingenuity based on local ways of life. Socio-spatial micro-networks have the potential to empower communities to self-organize, engage, collaborate, co-design, co-build, and connect with (...)
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  46. Why ecological urbanism? Why now?Mohsen Mostafavi - 2010 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 71:30-35.
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  47. Co-production of Liminal Spaces: Tectonics and Politics of Socio-Environmental justice in Urban Thresholds.Sina Mostafavi, Asma Mehan, Sarvin Eshaghi, Sepehr Vaez Afshar, Jessica Stuckemeyer, Cole Howell & Ali Etemadi - 2023 - In Miguel Núñez Jiménez (ed.), Venice 2023 Architecture Biennial: Time, Space, Existence. European Cultural Center. pp. 264-265.
    The 2023 edition of the Venice Architecture Biennial Time Space Existence will draw attention to the emerging expressions of sustainability in their numerous forms, ranging from a focus on the environment and urban landscape to the unfolding conversations on innovation, reuse, community, and inclusion. In response to climate change, exhibited projects will investigate new technologies and construction methods that reduce energy consumption through circular design and develop innovative, organic, and recycled building materials. Participants will also address social justice by presenting (...)
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  48. FabriCity-XR: A Phygital Lattice Structure Mapping Spatial Justice – Integrated Design to AR-Enabled Assembly Workflow.Sina Mostafavi, Asma Mehan, Cole Howell, Edgar Montejano & Jessica Stuckemeyer - 2024 - In Germane Barnes & Blair Satterfield (eds.), 112th ACSA Annual Meeting Proceedings, Disruptors on the Edge. Vancouver, Canada: ACSA Press. pp. 180-187.
    The research discussed in this paper centers around the convergence of extended reality (XR) platforms, computational design, digital fabrication, and critical urban study practices. Its aim is to cultivate interdisciplinary and multiscalar approaches within these domains. The research endeavor represents a collaborative effort between two primary disciplines: critical urban studies, which prioritize socio-environmental justice, and integrated digital design to production, which emphasize the realization of volumetric or voxel-based structural systems. Moreover, the exploration encompasses augmented reality to assess its utilization in (...)
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    Building Resilient Communities Over Time.Asma Mehan & Sina Mostafavi - 2022 - In Robert Brears (ed.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Futures. Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Nature. pp. 1-4.
    Community resilience entails the community’s ongoing and developing capacity to account for its vulnerabilities and function amid and recover from disturbance. A holistic and systematic approach of the community on how it uses material and energy resources or how a society educates the members' overtime is required to learn from the past and adapt to the present and future opportunities and threads. Community resilience has a long history in the local communities, which is embedded in their culture and history around (...)
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  50. Portcityscapes as Liminal Spaces: Building Resilient Communities Through Parasitic Architecture in Port Cities.Asma Mehan & Sina Mostafavi - 2023 - In Saif Haq, Adil Sharag-Eldin & Sepideh Niknia (eds.), ARCC 2023 CONFERENCE PROCEEDING: The Research Design Interface. Architectural Research Centers Consortium, Inc.. pp. 631- 639.
    Port Cities are historically the places for paradigm shifts, radical changes, and socio-economic transitions. In particular, the interaction zone between the port infrastructure and urban activities creates liminal spaces at the forefront of many contemporary challenges. In these liminal spaces, the port's flows, form, and function intertwine with urban contexts and conflict with the living conditions. Conceptualizing the portcityscape and harborscape as liminal space and urban thresholds leads to (re)thinking about innovative participatory methods and technologies for building community resilience in (...)
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