Results for 'Sebastian Löffler'

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  1.  32
    Mastering uncertainty: A predictive processing account of enjoying uncertain success in video game play.Sebastian Deterding, Marc Malmdorf Andersen, Julian Kiverstein & Mark Miller - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:924953.
    Why do we seek out and enjoy uncertain success in playing games? Game designers and researchers suggest that games whose challenges match player skills afford engaging experiences of achievement, competence, or effectance—ofdoing well. Yet, current models struggle to explain why such balanced challenges best afford these experiences and do not straightforwardly account for the appeal of high- and low-challenge game genres like Idle and Soulslike games. In this article, we show that Predictive Processing (PP) provides a coherent formal cognitive framework (...)
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  2. Teaching, Freedom and the Human Individual.Sebastian Rödl - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (2):290-304.
    The essay represents teaching as the coming to be of the human individual. In order to do so, it reflects on the character of human life by which it is knowledge of itself. Being knowledge of itself, human life is self-determining or free. Therefore generality and particularity come together in the human being in a distinctive way: a human being is not an exemplar, instance or specimen of a species, nature or life-form. Rather, she is her own principle. This is (...)
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  3. Categories of the Temporal: An Inquiry into the Forms of the Finite Understanding.Sebastian Rödl - 2012 - Harvard University Press.
    The publication of Frege’s Begriffsschrift in 1879 forever altered the landscape for many Western philosophers. Here, Sebastian Rödl traces how the Fregean influence, written all over the development and present state of analytic philosophy, led into an unholy alliance of an empiricist conception of sensibility with an inferentialist conception of thought. -/- According to Rödl, Wittgenstein responded to the implosion of Frege’s principle that the nature of thought consists in its inferential order, but his Philosophical Investigations shied away from (...)
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  4. Armchair Philosophy Naturalized.Sebastian Lutz - 2020 - Synthese 197 (3):1099-1125.
    Carnap suggests that philosophy can be construed as being engaged solely in conceptual engineering. I argue that since many results of the sciences can be construed as stemming from conceptual engineering as well, Carnap’s account of philosophy can be methodologically naturalistic. This is also how he conceived of his account. That the sciences can be construed as relying heavily on conceptual engineering is supported by empirical investigations into scientific methodology, but also by a number of conceptual considerations. I present a (...)
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    Entanglement and indistinguishability in a quantum ontology of properties.Sebastian Fortin & Olimpia Lombardi - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 91 (C):234-243.
  6. Joint action and recursive consciousness of consciousness.Sebastian Rödl - 2015 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14 (4):769-779.
    In a series of essays, Bratman defines a concept, which we may call the concept of Bratmanian action by many. Our discussion of this concept, in section 1, reveals that it is not the one called to mind by the usual examples of joint action. Section 2 lays alongside it a different concept of doing something together. According to it, many are doing A together if and only if the principle of the actions in which they are doing A is (...)
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    A new application of the modal-Hamiltonian interpretation of quantum mechanics: The problem of optical isomerism.Sebastian Fortin, Olimpia Lombardi & Juan Camilo Martínez González - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 62:123-135.
    The modal-Hamiltonian interpretation belongs to the modal family of interpretations of quantum mechanics. By endowing the Hamiltonian with the role of selecting the subset of the definite-valued observables of the system, it accounts for ideal and non-ideal measurements, and also supplies a criterion to distinguish between reliable and non-reliable measurements in the non-ideal case. It can be reformulated in an explicitly invariant form, in terms of the Casimir operators of the Galilean group, and the compatibility of the MHI with the (...)
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    Vitalism and the scientific image in post-enlightenment life science, 1800-2010.Sebastian Normandin - 2013 - New York: Springer.
    Vitalism is understood as impacting the history of the life sciences, medicine and philosophy, representing an epistemological challenge to the dominance of mechanism over the last 200 years, and partly revived with organicism in early theoretical biology. The contributions in this volume portray the history of vitalism from the end of the Enlightenment to the modern day, suggesting some reassessment of what it means both historically and conceptually. As such it includes a wide range of material, employing both historical and (...)
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  9.  17
    Neuroscience of Childhood Poverty: Evidence of Impacts and Mechanisms as Vehicles of Dialog With Ethics.Sebastián J. Lipina & Kathinka Evers - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  10.  25
    The Agency Objection to Preventive Exclusion from Public Spaces.Sebastian Jon Holmen - 2023 - Criminal Justice Ethics 42 (2):178-192.
    One way to seek to reduce the risk of potential offenders engaging in certain types of crime in a public or semi-public area is to make it much more difficult, or even impossible, for them to gain access to the area in question and subject them to a sanction if they do enter the area. This paper considers whether preventive exclusion of this kind should be considered a pro tanto morally impermissible means of crime prevention because it violates the agency (...)
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  11.  21
    Pushing the Bounds of Bounded Optimality and Rationality.Sebastian Musslick & Javier Masís - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (4):e13259.
    All forms of cognition, whether natural or artificial, are subject to constraints of their computing architecture. This assumption forms the tenet of virtually all general theories of cognition, including those deriving from bounded optimality and bounded rationality. In this letter, we highlight an unresolved puzzle related to this premise: what are these constraints, and why are cognitive architectures subject to cognitive constraints in the first place? First, we lay out some pieces along the puzzle edge, such as computational tradeoffs inherent (...)
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  12.  59
    Husserl’s Method of Reduction.Sebastian Luft - 2011 - In Sebastian Luft & Søren Overgaard (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Phenomenology. Routledge.
  13.  34
    Spinoza on the Essences of Singular Things.Sebastian Bender - 2022 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 9.
    Essences play a central role in Spinoza’s philosophy, not only in his metaphysics, but also in his philosophy of mind, his theory of affects, and his political philosophy. Despite their importance, however, it is surprisingly difficult to determine what exactly essences are for Spinoza. On a widespread reading, the essence of X is nothing but the concept of X. This paper argues against this identification of essences and concepts. Spinozistic concepts are maximally inclusive: the concept of X contains everything that (...)
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  14. Encarar lo real: Caos, fantasía Y trabajo. Sobre Hans Blumenberg.Sebastian Alejandro Gonzalez Montero - 2008 - Universitas Philosophica 25 (51):85-114.
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    The Received View and Its Images.Sebastian Lutz - forthcoming - In Flavia Padovani & Adam Tamas Tuboly (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Science. Routledge.
    The Received View on scientific theories is a framework for formalizing and analyzing theories mainly developed by Rudolf Carnap and Carl Gustav Hempel within logical empiricism. Its central assumptions are that theories and observations can be formalized in predicate logic, that the language of formalization has a context-dependent observational sub-language or separate observation language, and that the interpretation of the language is restricted only by theories and the interpretation of the observational language. For the observational language as a sub-language, non-observational (...)
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  16. Carnap on Quantum Mechanics.Sebastian Horvat & Iulian D. Toader - forthcoming - In Christian Damboeck & Georg Schiemer (eds.), The Carnap Handbook. J. B. Metzler.
    This entry reviews Carnap's philosophical views on the quantum mechanics of his time. It also offers some thoughts on how he might have reacted to some recent developments in the foundations of quantum mechanics.
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  17.  36
    Heterosexuelle Männlichkeit jenseits der Binaritäten.Sebastian Thrul - 2024 - Psyche 78 (2):148-168.
    Der vorliegende Beitrag beginnt mit dem Bericht eines männlichen Analysanden über heterosexuellen Geschlechtsverkehr, den er als zutiefst lustvoll und gleichzeitig verstörend erlebt. Bei der Analyse der berichteten Erfahrung entsteht ein zunächst verwirrendes Bild von Geschlechtlichkeit jenseits der Binaritäten des penetrierenden Mannes und der penetrierten Frau. Beim Versuch einer theoretischen Einordnung wird die habituelle männliche Verleugnung der passiven Position im Geschlechtsverkehr und die Betonung der aktiv penetrierenden Phallizität als Abwehrformation gegen übermäßige sexuelle Erregung verstanden. Unter Rückgriff auf Laplanches Theorie der Konstitution (...)
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  18.  17
    Philosopy and Literature and the Crisis of Metaphysics.Sebastian Hüsch (ed.) - 2011 - Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann.
    Short description: Part A : Philosophy, Literature, and Knowledge – Chapter I : Idealism and the Absolute – A. J. B. Hampton: “Herzen schlagen und doch bleibet die Rede zurück?” Philosophy, poetry, and Hölderlin’s development of language suffi cient to the Absolute – P. Sabot: L’absolu au miroir de la littérature. Versions de l’Hégélianisme’ chez Villiers de l’Isle Adam et chez Mallarmé – P. Gordon: Nietzsche’s Critique of the Kantian Absolute – Chapter II: Philosophy and Style – J.-P. Larthomas: Le (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Enunciados y prácticas sociales: la confesión en la Reforma.Sebastián Alejandro González Montero - 2009 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 15 (1):89-105.
    En este ensayo nos ocupamos del tema de la confesión protestante, en el marco de las tesis de Foucault sobre el saber y el poder. Para ello, nos apoyamos en dos tradiciones distintas: de un lado, el análisis de Weber de la relación entre la ascesis y el capitalismo en las sociedades reformistas; de otro lado, el análisis político de Foucault sobre la pastoral en cuanto estrategia de poder que está vinculada a la cuestión sobre la subjetividad. La hipótesis es (...)
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  20.  9
    Pornografía y erotismo.Sebastián Alejandro González Montero - 2007 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 36:223-245.
    Este ensayo nace de una intuición de Baudrillard según la cual en la actualidad asistimos a un régimen de la imagen que impone una cierta manera en la que se relaciona la sexualidad con la imagen del cuerpo. En el plano de la imagen, se pone al cuerpo en exhibición y, al tiempo, una particular pretensión de señalar al sexo. Lejos de circunscribirse a una experiencia íntima del deseo, la imagen anuncia que el sexo ha quedado detenido en una relación (...)
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  21.  19
    Das sinnvolle und das würdevolle Leben in der Medizinethik.Sebastian Muders - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (4):503-520.
    In der Medizinethik haben sich moralische Gründe, die die Würde des Patienten betreffen, gerade auch in Fragen am Lebensende als wichtige Grundlage praktischen Überlegens neben solchen des Wohlergehens und der Autonomie fest etabliert. Dabei hat es sich eingebürgert, zwischen Gesichtspunkten zu unterscheiden, die die kontingente Würde einer Person in den Blick nehmen, und solchen, die sich auf eine nicht-kontingente Würde ihrer Träger beziehen. In diesem Aufsatz möchte ich auf eine weitere Grundlage aufmerksam machen, die von Überlegungen, die von der Menschenwürde (...)
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  22.  14
    Un diálogo entre la red de Bruno Latour y la malla de Tim Ingold cruzado por la experiencia.Sebastian Muñoz - 2021 - Cinta de Moebio 70:68-80.
    Resumen: Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar un diálogo entre los conceptos de red de Bruno Latour y malla de Tim Ingold. La presentación de este diálogo se funda en la exploración de los desafíos que surgen al poner en valor a los no-humanos y al tratar la cuestión de la experiencia. Esta noción se introduce para clarificar la forma en que el vínculo entre humanos y no-humanos se desarrolla temporalmente. Así, se observan diferencias entre un “cuerpo aplanado” y un (...)
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    Cross-lingual annotation projection models for role-semantic information.Sebastian Padó - 2007 - Saarbrücken: Saarland University.
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    (1 other version)Silvano Benito Moya, La Universidad de Córdoba en tiempos de reformas.Sebastián Perrupato - 2013 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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    Neural correlates of longitudinal recovery of naming in stroke.Sebastian Rajani, Long Charltien, Purcell Jeremy, Race David, Davis Cameron, Posner Joseph & Hillis Argye - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  26. Juan de la Pena (1513-1565) and the determination of law theological and legal aspects.Sebastian Contreras - 2013 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 105 (1):105-129.
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  27. Positive law and natural law. Views of the natural law on necessity and the nature of determination.Sebastian Contreras - 2013 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 54 (127):43-61.
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  28. Philosophy and Its History.Sebastian Rödl - 2022 - In Jure Simoniti & Gregor Kroupa (eds.), Ideas and Idealism in Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 193-208.
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  29.  18
    Non-unitary evolution of quantum logics.Sebastian Fortin, Federico Holik & Leonardo Vanni - 2016 - In F. Bagarello, R. Passante & C. Trapani (eds.), Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics. Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 184. Springer, Cham. pp. 219-234.
    In this work we present a dynamical approach to quantum logics. By changing the standard formalism of quantum mechanics to allow non-Hermitian operators as generators of time evolution, we address the question of how can logics evolve in time. In this way, we describe formally how a non-Boolean algebra may become a Boolean one under certain conditions. We present some simple models which illustrate this transition and develop a new quantum logical formalism based in complex spectral resolutions, a notion that (...)
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  30.  57
    Anne Conway's Metaphysics of Change.Sebastian Bender - 2022 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 39 (1):21-44.
    The Aristotelian account of change—according to which no individual can survive a change of species because an individual's essence is, at least in part, determined by its species membership—remains popular in the seventeenth century. One important, but often overlooked dissenting voice comes from Anne Conway. Unlike many of her contemporaries, Conway firmly rejects the Aristotelian account of change. She instead endorses the doctrine of Radical Mutability, the view that a creature can belong to different species at different times. A horse, (...)
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  31.  29
    Satellite images as tools of visual diplomacy: NASA's ozone hole visualizations and the Montreal Protocol negotiations.Sebastian V. Grevsmühl & Régis Briday - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Science 56 (2):247-267.
    On 16 September 1987, the main chlorofluorocarbon-producing and -consuming countries signed the Montreal Protocol, despite the absence of a scientific consensus on the mechanisms of ozone depletion over Antarctica. We argue in this article that the rapid diffusion from late 1985 onwards of satellite images showing the Antarctic ozone hole played a significant role in this diplomatic outcome. Whereas negotiators claimed that they chose to deliberately ignore the Antarctic ozone hole during the negotiations since no theory was able yet to (...)
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  32.  20
    Imperativo pragmatista e investigación social, parte II.Sebastián Pereyra & Gabriel Nardacchione - 2023 - Cinta de Moebio 77:106-119.
    ResumenEste artículo se ocupa de las influencias del pragmatismo en las ciencias sociales. En la segunda parte del texto destacamos tres aportes conceptuales que ofrece el pragmatismo para la investigación social. El primero se refiere a la creatividad de la acción, haciendo un llamado a la descripción de los innumerables ajustes creativos que los actores despliegan, de manera no irreflexiva ni automática, en vistas de la solución de diversos problemas de la vida ordinaria. El segundo, focaliza en la importancia del (...)
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  33.  22
    Für eine Topik der Bildkritik.Sebastian Egenhofer - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 56 (1):143-150.
    Starting from Kant’s conception of critique as »Grenzziehung,« the immanent representation of being, or, the conscious world, is understood as a screening off of its noumenal ground. Materially bound images gain a particular function in the explication of the structure of this immanence. As objects within the phenomenal world they duplicate the world’s phenomenal- ity in the dimension of iconic semblance by (partially) negating their material support. This cleavage between the image’s phenomenality and its materiality makes images into possible catalysts (...)
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  34.  22
    Languages of ineffability: the rediscovery of apophaticism in contemporary analytic philosophy of religion.Sebastian Hüsch, Isabelle Koch & Philipp Thomas - unknown
    I present and discuss recent work in analytic philosophy of religion on apophaticism and divine ineffability. I focus on three questions: how can we call God ineffable without contradicting ourselves? How can we refer to an ineffable God? What is the point of talking about an ineffable God?
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  35.  44
    Great Replacement or Slow White Suicide?Sebastian Ramirez - 2023 - Philosophy Today 67 (1):171-188.
    The belief that White people are targeted victims of dispossession, displacement, and genocide has spread with shocking intensity since Donald Trump’s 2016 electoral college victory. Although this Great Replacement myth may seem absurd and irrational, its destructive real-world consequences force the question: what explains its efficacy and appeal? Drawing on White nationalists Greg Johnson and Tucker Carlson, I argue that the Great Replacement myth functions as an explanation for the real socioeconomic decline that has culminated in deaths of despair. I (...)
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  36.  7
    (1 other version)Sustainable Development and Bioethics.Sebastian Schleidgen - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 3:83-88.
    The so-called Brundtland-Report defines Sustainable Development as a conception of intra- and intergenerational justice, which is to be realized by a globally just distribution of possibilities for satisfying human basic needs as well as assuring such possibilities for future generations. Hence, any political and/orsocietal decision is addressed by the ethical demands of Sustainable Development insofar it affects possibilities for satisfying human basic needs. In particular, this concerns – contrary to the widespread opinion that Sustainable Development only has to deal with (...)
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  37.  16
    Apuntes críticos para una hermenéutica de las estéticas del Antropoceno.Sebastián Lomelí Bravo - 2021 - Theoría. Revista del Colegio de Filosofía 39:149-173.
    El presente artículo discute algunas de las condiciones problemáticas previas a la postulación de una estética ambiental crítica que pudiese estar orientada a la comprensión de la devastación ecológica. En un primer momento se mostrarán los límites de la estética hermenéutica para analizar la precomprensión de la naturaleza en el arte, así como la necesidad de desarrollar una teoría sobre la movilización del espectador desde el arte. En un segundo momento se cuestionan las estéticas ambientales tradicionales que fundamentan la responsabilidad (...)
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    Wiedza testymonialna a rozumowanie ukryte.Sebastian Gałecki - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (4):199-213.
    Problem ukrytości Boga staje się coraz częściej dyskutowanym tematem filozoficznym. W swoim artykule chciałbym zająć się kwestią nazwaną przez Jacka Wojtysiaka (w jego książce Między jawnością a ukryciem) (Wojtysiak 2023) „wiedzą testymonialną” i powiązać ją z Newmanowską koncepcją rozumowania implikatywnego. Odróżnienie od siebie dwóch rodzajów rozumowania — jednego spontanicznego, praktycznego, znajdującego swoje zastosowanie w obszarze wiary i moralności, oraz drugiego krytycznego, analitycznego i retrospektywnego, używanego w nauce, a także w filozofii i teologii – wydaje mi się kluczowe dla zrozumienia (...)
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  39.  6
    Nietzsche in Vollendung?Sebastian Hüsch - 2012 - In Renate Reschke & Marco Brusotti (eds.), "Einige werden posthum geboren": Friedrich Nietzsches Wirkungen. De Gruyter. pp. 333-346.
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  40. Bildungsziel Lebenskunst! : neue Orientierungen für pädagogisches Denken und Handeln?Sebastian Lerch - 2013 - In Bernd Lederer (ed.), "Bildung": was sie war, ist, sein sollte: zur Bestimmung eines strittigen Begriffs: Fortführung der Diskussion. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren.
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    (1 other version)The mutual corruption of volition and nature? A closer reading of Ad Thalassium 42.Sebastian Moldovan - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):8.
    This article closely examines the content of an important passage in Maximos the Confessor’s Ad Thalassium 42, in which we can identify a ternary soteriological structure (Adam-Christ-us) recurring in the work of the Byzantine theologian. The main focus of the article is to highlight and analyse the relationship that he evokes, but does not detail, between human nature and the exercise of will – in the case of Adam, as the protological and lapsarian exemplar of humanity; in the case of (...)
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  42.  13
    Toward the Critique of Violence: A Critical Edition, Walter Benjamin, Peter Fenves (ed.) and Julia Ng (ed.) (2021).Sebastian Truskolaski - 2022 - Philosophy of Photography 13 (2):301-306.
    Review of: Toward the Critique of Violence: A Critical Edition, Walter Benjamin, Peter Fenves (ed.) and Julia Ng (ed.) (2021) Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 368 pp., ISBN 978-0-80474-952-7, h/bk, $25.00.
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    Logical Empiricism and the Physical Sciences: From Philosophy of Nature to Philosophy of Physics.Sebastian Lutz & Adam Tamas Tuboly (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume has two primary aims: to trace the traditions and changes in methods, concepts, and ideas that brought forth the logical empiricists’ philosophy of physics and to present and analyze the logical empiricists’ various and occasionally contrary ideas about the physical sciences and their philosophical relevance. These original chapters discuss these developments in their original contexts and social and institutional environments, thus showing the various fruitful conceptions and philosophies behind the history of 20th-century philosophy of science. Logical Empiricism and (...)
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  44. In my time of dying: how I came face-to-face with the idea of an afterlife.Sebastian Junger - 2024 - New York: Simon & Schuster.
    For years as an award-winning war reporter, Sebastian Junger traveled to many front lines and frequently put his life at risk. And yet the closest he ever came to death was the summer of 2020 while spending a quiet afternoon at the New England home he shared with his wife and two young children. Crippled by abdominal pain, Junger was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. Once there, he began slipping away. As blackness encroached, he was visited by his (...)
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    Why do users accept the information technology? Description and use of theories and models of their acceptance.María García De Blanes Sebastián, Arta Artonovica & José Ramón Sarmiento Guede - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (7):1-15.
    The objective of this research is to understand, predict and explain what factors influence organizations and induce individuals to accept technology. Through the methodology of content analysis and based on the Web of Science database and through the MAXQDA software, this document analyzes and reviews the ten most important theories and models of technology acceptance used in recent years. This review offers a holistic view that will help future researchers to select the most appropriate theories to apply to their field (...)
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  46.  10
    Fähigkeitenansatz.Sebastian Laukötter - 2018 - In Johann S. Ach & Dagmar Borchers (eds.), Handbuch Tierethik: Grundlagen – Kontexte – Perspektiven. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. pp. 112-116.
    In der Tierethik ist der Fähigkeitenansatz eine verhältnismäßig junge Strömung, die einerseits das artspezifische Gedeihen der Tiere ins Zentrum rückt und andererseits die Ansprüche von Tieren als Gerechtigkeitsansprüche konzipiert. Dazu geht der Ansatz von der Idee aus, dass Tiere als »Wesen mit Anspruch auf Existenz in Würde« zu betrachten sind, woraus sich beides, ihre moralische Berücksichtigungswürdigkeit aus Gründen der Gerechtigkeit sowie eine inhaltliche Bestimmung ihrer je konkreten artspezifischen Ansprüche ableiten lässt. Mit diesem Anspruch grenzt sich der Ansatz sowohl von einem (...)
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  47.  10
    Philosophie lehren. Ein Buch zur philosophischen Hochschuldidaktik.Sebastian Luft - 2019 - Felix Meiner.
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    Filosofía e historia de la ciencia.Sebastián Alvarez, Fernando Broncano & Miguel A. Quintanilla (eds.) - 1986 - Salamanca: Excma. Diputación Provincial de Salamanca.
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    Cognitive Modeling of Anticipation: Unsupervised Learning and Symbolic Modeling of Pilots' Mental Representations.Sebastian Blum, Oliver Klaproth & Nele Russwinkel - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (4):718-738.
    The ability to anticipate team members' actions enables joint action towards a common goal. Task knowledge and mental simulation allow for anticipating other agents' actions and for making inferences about their underlying mental representations. In human–AI teams, providing AI agents with anticipatory mechanisms can facilitate collaboration and successful execution of joint action. This paper presents a computational cognitive model demonstrating mental simulation of operators' mental models of a situation and anticipation of their behavior. The work proposes two successive steps: (1) (...)
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  50. German Non-inflectional Constructions as Separate Performatives.Sebastian Bucking & Jennifer Rau - 2013 - In Daniel Gutzmann & Hans-Martin Gärtner (eds.), Beyond Expressives: Explorations in Use-Conditional Meaning. Boston: Brill.
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