Results for 'Serafino Dezani'

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  1. S. Alberto Magno.Serafino Dezani - 1947 - [Brescia]: La Scuola.
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    The "Relevance" of Intersection and Union Types.Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Silvia Ghilezan & Betti Venneri - 1997 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 38 (2):246-269.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate a Curry-Howard interpretation of the intersection and union type inference system for Combinatory Logic. Types are interpreted as formulas of a Hilbert-style logic L, which turns out to be an extension of the intuitionistic logic with respect to provable disjunctive formulas (because of new equivalence relations on formulas), while the implicational-conjunctive fragment of L is still a fragment of intuitionistic logic. Moreover, typable terms are translated in a typed version, so that --typed (...)
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    ‘Confessioni Trinitarie’ in alcuni Atti di martiri dei sec. II.Serafino Prete - 1973 - Augustinianum 13 (3):469-482.
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    Degenerazione e decadenza morale nell’escatologia di Sulpicio Severo.Serafino Prete - 1978 - Augustinianum 18 (1):245-256.
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    Gli Atti apocrifi di S. Bartolomeo ed alcune imitazioni della Passio S. Emigdii.Serafino Prete - 1983 - Augustinianum 23 (1-2):349-360.
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    Il carme 20 di Paolino di Nola.Serafino Prete - 1981 - Augustinianum 21 (1):169-177.
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    L’Antico Testamento in Novaziano.Serafino Prete - 1982 - Augustinianum 22 (1-2):229-237.
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  8. Manuale di logica classica.Serafino Sordi - 1967 - Padova,: Liviana. Edited by Domenico Pesce.
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    Theologia naturalis, aliaque philosophica scripta.Serafino Sordi - 1943 - Milano,: Fratelli Bocca. Edited by Dezza, Paolo & [From Old Catalog].
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    Letter to the Editor.Serafino Cuomo - 2003 - Isis 94 (2):319-320.
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    Sign(s) of the times: pensiero visuale ed estetiche della soggettività digitale.Serafino Murri - 2020 - Milano: Meltemi.
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    Greci, barbari o una via di mezzo?: la discussione sulla lingua speciale dei cristiani nella polemica anti-cristiana di Porfirio.Serafino Parisi - 2021 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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    Il motivo onirico della “scala”.Serafino Prete - 1979 - Augustinianum 19 (3):521-526.
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  14.  60
    A Filter lambda model and the completeness of type assignment.Henk Barendregt, Mario Coppo & Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (4):931-940.
  15.  17
    In incorruptibilitate Spiritus s. (Mart. Polye. 14.,2).Serafino Prete - 1980 - Augustinianum 20 (3):509-521.
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    An extension of the basic functionality theory for the $\lambda$-calculus.M. Coppo & M. Dezani-Ciancaglini - 1980 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 21 (4):685-693.
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    Functional Characters of Solvable Terms.M. Coppo, M. Dezani-Ciancaglini & B. Venneri - 1981 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 27 (2-6):45-58.
  18.  19
    Combining type disciplines.Felice Cardone, Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini & Ugo de'Liguoro - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 66 (3):197-230.
    We present a type inference system for pure λ-calculus which includes, in addition to arrow types, also universal and existential type quantifiers, intersection and union types, and type recursion. The interest of this system lies in the fact that it offers a possibility to study in a unified framework a wide range of type constructors. We investigate the main syntactical properties of the system, including an analysis of the preservation of types under parallel reduction strategies, leading to a form of (...)
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  19. GASARCH, W., see FORTNOW, L. HASKELL, D. and MACPHERSON, D., Cell decompositions of C-minimal structures HIRST, JL, Reverse mathematics and ordinal exponentiation JAIN, S., see FORTNOW, L. [REVIEW]F. Cardone & M. Dezani-Ciancaglini - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 66:303.
  20.  46
    The Semantics of Entailment Omega.Yoko Motohama, Robert K. Meyer & Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini - 2002 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 43 (3):129-145.
    This paper discusses the relation between the minimal positive relevant logic B and intersection and union type theories. There is a marvelous coincidence between these very differently motivated research areas. First, we show a perfect fit between the Intersection Type Discipline ITD and the tweaking BT of B, which saves implication and conjunction but drops disjunction . The filter models of the -calculus (and its intimate partner Combinatory Logic CL) of the first author and her coauthors then become theory models (...)
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  21.  43
    COVID-19 pandemic, the scarcity of medical resources, community-centred medicine and discrimination against persons with disabilities.Nicola Panocchia, Viola D'ambrosio, Serafino Corti, Eluisa Lo Presti, Marco Bertelli, Maria Luisa Scattoni & Filippo Ghelma - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (6):362-366.
    This research aims to examine access to medical treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic for people living with disabilities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the practical and ethical problems of allocating limited medical resources such as intensive care unit beds and ventilators became critical. Although different countries have proposed different guidelines to manage this emergency, these proposed criteria do not sufficiently consider people living with disabilities. People living with disabilities are therefore at a higher risk of exclusion from medical treatments as physicians (...)
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  22.  26
    An empirical study on integrating a small humanoid robot to support the therapy of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability.Daniela Conti, Grazia Trubia, Serafino Buono, Santo Di Nuovo & Alessandro Di Nuovo - 2021 - Interaction Studies 22 (2):177-211.
    Recent research showed the potential benefits of robot-assisted therapy in treating children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. These children often have some form of Intellectual Disability too, but this has mainly been neglected by previous robotics research. This article presents an empirical evaluation of robot-assisted imitation training, where the child imitated the robot, integrated into the Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped Children program. The sample included six hospitalized children with different levels of ID, from mild to profound. (...)
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  23. Of the association for symbolic logic.S. Lempp, G. Lolli, D. Marker, T. Martin, R. McKenzie, W. Pohlers, W. Sieg, U. de’Liguro, M. Dezani & A. Marcone - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (2).
  24.  11
    The Impact of Medical Complications in Predicting the Rehabilitation Outcome of Patients With Disorders of Consciousness After Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.Lucia Francesca Lucca, Danilo Lofaro, Elio Leto, Maria Ursino, Stefania Rogano, Antonio Pileggi, Serafino Vulcano, Domenico Conforti, Paolo Tonin & Antonio Cerasa - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:570544.
    In this study, we sought to assess the predictors of outcome in patients with disorders of consciousness (DOC) after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) during neurorehabilitation stay. In total, 96 patients with DOC (vegetative state, minimally conscious state, or emergence from minimally conscious state) were enrolled (69 males; mean age 43.6 ± 20.8 years) and the improvement of the degree of disability, as assessed by the Disability Rating Scale, was considered the main outcome measure. To define the best predictor, a (...)
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    Gozzo, Serafino, O.F.M., La dottrina teologica del libro di Isaia. [REVIEW]O. García de la Fuente - 1964 - Augustinianum 4 (1):165-167.
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    Prete, Serafino, La Città di Dio nelle Lettere di Agostino. [REVIEW]J. Moran - 1969 - Augustinianum 9 (1):169-170.
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    Osservazioni su “Pelagio ed il Pelagianesimo” di Serafino Prete.Angelo Corticelli - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (1):131-140.
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    The emptiness problem for intersection types.Pawel Urzyczyn - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (3):1195-1215.
    We study the intersection type assignment system as defined by Barendregt, Coppo and Dezani. For the four essential variants of the system (with and without a universal type and with and without subtyping) we show that the emptiness (inhabitation) problem is recursively unsolvable. That is, there is no effective algorithm to decide if there is a closed term of a given type. It follows that provability in the logic of "strong conjunction" of Mints and Lopez-Escobar is also undecidable.
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    Myself when Young: Becoming a Musician in Renaissance Italy—Or Not.Bonnie J. Blackburn - 2012 - In Blackburn Bonnie J. (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 181, 2010-2011 Lectures. pp. 169.
    In his Lives, Giorgio Vasari mentions many artists who were talented at music when they were young, prominently Giorgione and Sebastiano del Piombo. Benvenuto Cellini resisted his father's pressure to choose music. Why? How rewarding was a musical profession in Renaissance Italy? It could be very lucrative, both for town musicians such as Cellini's father and for castratos. Moonlighting for banquets, dances, even spying, could bring in additional income. For gentlemen, music was a necessary social grace; they had private tutors, (...)
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    A classification of intersection type systems.M. W. Bunder - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (1):353-368.
    The first system of intersection types, Coppo and Dezani [3], extended simple types to include intersections and added intersection introduction and elimination rules (( $\wedge$ I) and ( $\wedge$ E)) to the type assignment system. The major advantage of these new types was that they were invariant under β-equality, later work by Barendregt, Coppo and Dezani [1], extended this to include an (η) rule which gave types invariant under βη-reduction. Urzyczyn proved in [6] that for both these systems (...)
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    Typing untyped λ-terms, or reducibility strikes again!Jean Gallier - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 91 (2-3):231-270.
    It was observed by Curry that when λ-terms can be assigned types, for example, simple types, these terms have nice properties . Coppo, Dezani, and Veneri, introduced type systems using conjunctive types, and showed that several important classes of terms can be characterized according to the shape of the types that can be assigned to these terms. For example, the strongly normalizable terms, the normalizable terms, and the terms having head-normal forms, can be characterized in some systems and Ω. (...)
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    Normalization without reducibility.René David - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 107 (1-3):121-130.
    In [gallier], general results (due to Coppo, Dezani and Veneri) relating properties of pure lambda terms and their typability in some systems with conjunctive types are proved in a uniform way by using the reducibility method.This paper gives a very short proof of the same results (actually, one of them is a bit stronger) using purely arithmetical methods.
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