Results for 'Domenico Conforti'

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  1.  11
    The Impact of Medical Complications in Predicting the Rehabilitation Outcome of Patients With Disorders of Consciousness After Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.Lucia Francesca Lucca, Danilo Lofaro, Elio Leto, Maria Ursino, Stefania Rogano, Antonio Pileggi, Serafino Vulcano, Domenico Conforti, Paolo Tonin & Antonio Cerasa - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:570544.
    In this study, we sought to assess the predictors of outcome in patients with disorders of consciousness (DOC) after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) during neurorehabilitation stay. In total, 96 patients with DOC (vegetative state, minimally conscious state, or emergence from minimally conscious state) were enrolled (69 males; mean age 43.6 ± 20.8 years) and the improvement of the degree of disability, as assessed by the Disability Rating Scale, was considered the main outcome measure. To define the best predictor, a (...)
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    History of Epidemics: A Bibliographical Essay on Secondary Sources in Italian and on Italy.Maria Conforti - 2023 - Isis 114 (S1):533-553.
    Italian medical history in the age of positivism showed a strong interest in epidemics. This can be seen in Alfonso Corradi’s monumental Annali (1865-1895) and in works of other 19th-century historians who addressed major public health issues in the newly unified country. Local history was also widely practiced in Italy, and it was instrumental in discovering and publishing a wealth of documentation on past epidemic and endemic diseases, as well as on measures such as quarantines that were invented or introduced (...)
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    Dio e la filosofia.Patrizia Conforti - 1992 - Idee 19:155-157.
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    Discursos, instituciones y saber en el pensamiento de Michel Foucault.María Cristina Conforti Rojas - 2017 - Universitas Philosophica 34 (69):105-119.
    This paper reflects on the relation between discourse, knowledge and institutions, in the context of the teachings of the French philosopher Michel Foucault. The question about discourse leads Foucault to inquire about the relation between knowledge and power. The imbrication of knowledge and power that his analysis uncovers sets in motion a powerful and multiple production technology that extends with positive effects to all society and institutions. An example of this is the institution of school and in its particular rediscovery (...)
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  5. Echi dell'Academia Medinaceli nell'epistolario vichiano.María Conforti - 2000 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 30:93-108.
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    El hecho jurídico restaurable: nuevo enfoque en derecho penal.Franco Conforti - 2019 - Madrid: Dykinson, S.L..
  7. Hervé de Nédellec et les questions ordinaires De cognitione primi principii.P. Conforti - 1997 - Revue Thomiste 97 (1):63-82.
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    Modelling anatomy in eighteenth-century Italy: Lucia Dacome: Malleable anatomies: models, makers, and material culture in eighteenth-century Italy. Past and Present Book Series. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2017, 336pp. £65.00 HB.Maria Conforti - 2018 - Metascience 27 (3):499-501.
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    The generation of order and form within transpersonal fields: Insights from the psychotherapeutic situation.Michael Conforti - 1997 - World Futures 48 (1):171-190.
    (1997). The generation of order and form within transpersonal fields: Insights from the psychotherapeutic situation. World Futures: Vol. 48, The Concept of Collective Consiousness: Research Perspectives, pp. 171-190.
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    Hacer hombres: la alianza de la humanidad en el pensamiento educativo de Giner de los Ríos.Conforti Rojas & María Cristina - 2009 - Bogotá, D.C.: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Facultad de Filosofía.
  11.  27
    Sean Cocco. Watching Vesuvius: A History of Science and Culture in Early Modern Italy. xi+322 pp., illus., bibl., index. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013. $54, £29. [REVIEW]Maria Conforti - 2014 - Isis 105 (2):432-433.
  12.  45
    Chaotic attractors in the therapeutic system.Sandy Berchulskl, Michael Conforti, Irene Guiter-Mazer & Jane Malone - 1995 - World Futures 44 (2):101-113.
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    Fakes!?: hoaxes, counterfeits, and deception in early modern science.Marco Beretta & Maria Conforti (eds.) - 2014 - Sagamore Beach: Science History Publications/USA.
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  14. La búsqueda incesante de lo humano en Rousseau.María Cristina Conforti Rojas - 2009 - Universitas Philosophica 26 (53):221-234.
    Rousseau es conocido por ser un autor polémico, por su defensa de la bondad de la naturaleza humana, de la libertad del hombre, por la crítica a la sociedad, por haberse ocupado de pensar la educación, la sociedad, la ley, el hombre; también es conocido por la originalidad de su obra reflejo de su compleja personalidad. En esta lección, presentaremos el pensamiento de Rousseau, que creemos, encuentra su fuente en su individualidad, en su intento por pensar el hombre, su intimidad, (...)
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    Le ragioni degli altri: scritti in onore di Domenico Antonino Conci.Domenico Antonio Conci, Isabella Lucchese & Rita Melillo (eds.) - 2008 - Milano: F. Angeli.
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    Harnessing Wicked Problems in Multi-stakeholder Partnerships.Domenico Dentoni, Verena Bitzer & Greetje Schouten - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):333-356.
    Despite the burgeoning literature on the governance and impact of cross-sector partnerships in the past two decades, the debate on how and when these collaborative arrangements address globally relevant problems and contribute to systemic change remains open. Building upon the notion of wicked problems and the literature on governing such wicked problems, this paper defines harnessing problems in multi-stakeholder partnerships as the approach of taking into account the nature of the problem and of organizing governance processes accordingly. The paper develops (...)
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  17. Some remarks on the notions of general covariance and background independence.Domenico Giulini - 2007 - Lecture Notes in Physics 721:105--20.
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  18.  32
    Cross-Sector Partnerships and the Co-creation of Dynamic Capabilities for Stakeholder Orientation.Domenico Dentoni, Verena Bitzer & Stefano Pascucci - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (1):35-53.
    This paper explores the relationship between business experience in cross-sector partnerships and the co-creation of what we refer to as ‘dynamic capabilities for stakeholder orientation,’ consisting of the four dimensions of sensing, interacting with, learning from and changing based on stakeholders. We argue that the co-creation of dynamic capabilities for stakeholder orientation is crucial for CSPs to create societal impact, as stakeholder-oriented organizations are more suited to deal with “wicked problems,” i.e., problems that are large, messy, and complex. By means (...)
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  19. Notes on polynomially bounded arithmetic.Domenico Zambella - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (3):942-966.
    We characterize the collapse of Buss' bounded arithmetic in terms of the provable collapse of the polynomial time hierarchy. We include also some general model-theoretical investigations on fragments of bounded arithmetic.
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  20.  49
    The Emerging Neuroscience of Intrinsic Motivation: A New Frontier in Self-Determination Research.Stefano I. Di Domenico & Richard M. Ryan - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  21.  12
    Nietzsche, the aristocratic rebel: intellectual biography and critical balance-sheet.Domenico Losurdo - 2019 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Harrison Fluss & Gregor Benton.
    Perhaps no philosopher is more of a conundrum than Nietzsche, the solitary rebel, poet, wayfarer, anti-revolutionary Aufklärer and theorist of aristocratic radicalism. His accusers identify in his 'superman' the origins of Nazism, and thus issue an irrevocable condemnation; his defenders pursue a hermeneutics of innocence founded ultimately in allegory. In a work that constitutes the most important contribution to Nietzschean studies in recent decades, Domenico Losurdo instead pursues a less reductive strategy. Taking literally the ruthless implications of Nietzsche's anti-democratic (...)
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    Sapienza antica: studi in onore di Domenico Pesce.Vittorio Enzo Alfieri & Domenico Pesce - 1985 - F. Angeli.
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    Analogy by similarity.Domenico Costantini - 1983 - Erkenntnis 20 (1):103 - 114.
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    The relevance quotient.Domenico Costantani - 1979 - Erkenntnis 14 (2):149 - 157.
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    Aging and emotional expressions: is there a positivity bias during dynamic emotion recognition?Alberto Di Domenico, Rocco Palumbo, Nicola Mammarella & Beth Fairfield - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  26.  20
    Heidegger and the ideology of war: community, death, and the West.Domenico Losurdo - 2001 - Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
  27.  20
    Hegel and the Freedom of Moderns.Domenico Losurdo - 2004 - Duke University Press.
    DIVTranslated into English for the first time, this work portrays a different side of Hegel -- not just as a philosopher preoccupied with abstract ideas but a man deeply enmeshed and active in the pressing, concrete political issues of his time./div.
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    Perception and misperception of bodily symptoms from an active inference perspective: Modelling the case of panic disorder.Domenico Maisto, Laura Barca, Omer Van den Bergh & Giovanni Pezzulo - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (4):690-710.
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    The Agnostic Structure of Data Science Methods.Domenico Napoletani, Marco Panza & Daniele Struppa - 2021 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 8 (2):44-57.
    In this paper we argue that data science is a coherent and novel approach to empirical problems that, in its most general form, does not build understanding about phenomena. Within the new type of mathematization at work in data science, mathematical methods are not selected because of any relevance for a problem at hand; mathematical methods are applied to a specific problem only by `forcing’, i.e. on the basis of their ability to reorganize the data for further analysis and the (...)
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  30.  20
    Esoterismo. Giornata di studi intorno al volume 25 degli Annali della Storia d’Italia Einaudi.Carolina Castellano, Francesca Sofia, Luisa Simonutti, Maria Conforti, Maurizio Cambi, Silvia Caianiello & Gian Mario Cazzaniga - unknown
    [Esotericism. One-day Workshop about the Annale n. 25 of the Storia d'Italia Einaudi]. This section contains the proceedings of the one-day workshop on the book Esoterismo, published as the Annale n. 25 in the collection "History of Italy" by Einaudi. The workshop was organized by ISPF on the October 26, 2011 to promote the discussion on the significance of Western esotericist traditions in Italian history. S. Caianiello’s introduction highlights some major concepts and goals of the recent field of studies about (...)
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  31. The color of blood : between sensory experience and epistemic significance.Domenico Bertoloni Meli - 2011 - In Lorraine Daston & Elizabeth Lunbeck, Histories of scientific observation. London: University of Chicago Press.
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  32.  21
    A unified simulation scenario for language development, evolution and historical change.Domenico Parisi & Angelo Cangelosi - 2002 - In Angelo Cangelosi & Domenico Parisi, Simulating the Evolution of Language. Springer Verlag. pp. 255--275.
  33. What is (not) wrong with scalar gravity?Domenico Giulini - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (1):154-180.
    On his way to General Relativity (GR) Einstein gave several arguments as to why a special relativistic theory of gravity based on a massless scalar field could be ruled out merely on grounds of theoretical considerations. We re-investigate his two main arguments, which relate to energy conservation and some form of the principle of the universality of free fall. We find that such a theory-based a priori abandonment not to be justified. Rather, the theory seems formally perfectly viable, though in (...)
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    Non-Violence: A History Beyond the Myth.Domenico Losurdo - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    This book embraces two centuries of the history of non-violence, reconstructing the great historical crises that this movement has faced. In this book the historical reconstruction is intertwined with the philosophical and psychological analysis of the moral dilemmas that great historical crises inevitably imply.
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    On the proofs of arithmetical completeness for interpretability logic.Domenico Zambella - 1992 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 33 (4):542-551.
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    End extensions of models of linearly bounded arithmetic.Domenico Zambella - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 88 (2-3):263-277.
    We show that every model of IΔ0 has an end extension to a model of a theory where log-space computable function are formalizable. We also show the existence of an isomorphism between models of IΔ0 and models of linear arithmetic LA.
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  37. Uniqueness of simultaneity.Domenico Giulini - 2001 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 52 (4):651-670.
    We consider the problem of uniqueness of certain simultaneity structures in flat spacetime. Absolute simultaneity is specifiled to be a non-trivial equivalence relation which is invariant under the automorphism group Aut of spacetime. Aut is taken to be the identity-component of either the inhomogeneous Galilei group or the inhomogeneous Lorentz group. Uniqueness of standard simultaneity in the first, and absence of any absolute simultaneity in the second case are demonstrated and related to certain group theoretic properties. Relative simultaneity with respect (...)
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  38. Einstein's impact on the physics of the twentieth century.Domenico Giulini & Norbert Straumann - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 37 (1):115-173.
  39. Nietzsche, il ribelle aristocratico: Biografia intellettuale e bilancio critico.Domenico Losurdo - 2004 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 27:89-91.
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  40. Giovanni Gentile, Lezioni di filosofia morale del 1906/07. La libertà dello spirito. Saggio d'una introduzione alla metafisica Parte prima.-Introduzione e edizione a cura di N. De Domenico[REVIEW]Nicola de Domenico - forthcoming - Giornale di Metafisica.
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    Sul nominalismo contro Guastella.Franz Brentano De Domenico) - 2012 - Giornale di Metafisica 2 (2).
    traduzione di n. de domenico del testo di f. brentano "sul nominalismo. contro guastella".
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    Montesquieu: tra stoicismo e federalismo.Domenico Felice - 2021 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Immanuel Kant: Freiheit, Recht und Revolution.Domenico Losurdo - 1987
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  44. Towards a Critique of the Category of Totalitarianism.Domenico Losurdo - 2004 - Historical Materialism 12 (2):25-55.
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    Pour une critique de la catégorie de totalitarisme.Domenico Losurdo - 2004 - Actuel Marx 35 (1):115-147.
    The Case for a Critique of the Category of Totalitarianism. In this article Domenico Losurdo sketches a history of the category of totalitarianism, rehearsing the various shifts it has been subject to since the October revolution. While the roots of the notion are to be located both in the violence inflected by the colonial enterprise upon indigenous populations and the violence exercised at the very heart of the capitalist metropolis, upon the poor and the outcast, such violence did take (...)
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    Come Leggere Il De Civitate Dei.Domenico Marafioti - 2013 - Augustinianum 53 (2):441-467.
    This paper discusses the merits and faults of a Note by Vittorino Grossi, published in this journal , concerning a new Italian translation of Augustine’s bestseller, City of God, with an introduction by Domenico Marafioti . The Author discusses the divergence of interpretations of Augustine’s works.
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    The Role of Numerical Tables in Galileo and Mersenne.Domenico Bertoloni Meli - 2004 - Perspectives on Science 12 (2):164-190.
    Numerical tables are important objects of study in a range of fields, yet they have been largely ignored by historians of science. This paper contrasts and compares ways in which numerical tables were used by Galileo and Mersenne, especially in the Dialogo and Harmonie Universelle. I argue that Galileo and Mersenne used tables in radically different ways, though rarely to present experimental data. Galileo relied on tables in his work on error theory in day three of the Dialogo and also (...)
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  48.  62
    Early Modern Experimentation on Live Animals.Domenico Bertoloni Meli - 2013 - Journal of the History of Biology 46 (2):199-226.
    Starting from the works by Aselli on the milky veins and Harvey on the motion of the heart and the circulation of the blood, the practice of vivisection witnessed a resurgence in the early modern period. I discuss some of the most notable cases in the century spanning from Aselli’s work to the investigations of fluid pressure in plants and animals by Stephen Hales. Key figures in my study include Johannes Walaeus, Jean Pecquet, Marcello Malpighi, Reinier de Graaf, Richard Lower, (...)
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  49.  22
    Stochastic Causality.Domenico Costantini, Maria Carla Galavotti & Patrick Suppes (eds.) - 2001 - CSLI.
    A collection of articles originally presented at two conferences, the first at Ventura Hall, Stanford, in April 1998; and the second at the University of Bologna in September 1999.
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  50. La traduzione come problema filosofico.Domenico Jervolino - 2005 - Studium 101 (1):59-67.
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