Results for 'Sergey Andreevich Vorozheykin'

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  1.  75
    Enumerations in computable structure theory.Sergey Goncharov, Valentina Harizanov, Julia Knight, Charles McCoy, Russell Miller & Reed Solomon - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 136 (3):219-246.
    We exploit properties of certain directed graphs, obtained from the families of sets with special effective enumeration properties, to generalize several results in computable model theory to higher levels of the hyperarithmetical hierarchy. Families of sets with such enumeration features were previously built by Selivanov, Goncharov, and Wehner. For a computable successor ordinal α, we transform a countable directed graph into a structure such that has a isomorphic copy if and only if has a computable isomorphic copy.A computable structure is (...)
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    Unification in linear temporal logic LTL.Sergey Babenyshev & Vladimir Rybakov - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (12):991-1000.
    We prove that a propositional Linear Temporal Logic with Until and Next has unitary unification. Moreover, for every unifiable in LTL formula A there is a most general projective unifier, corresponding to some projective formula B, such that A is derivable from B in LTL. On the other hand, it can be shown that not every open and unifiable in LTL formula is projective. We also present an algorithm for constructing a most general unifier.
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    Artificial intelligence, culture and education.Sergey B. Kulikov & Anastasiya V. Shirokova - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (1):305-318.
    Sequential transformative design of research :224–235, 2015; Groleau et al. in J Mental Health 16:731–741, 2007; Robson and McCartan in Real world research: a resource for users of social research methods in applied settings, Wiley, Chichester, 2016) allows testing a group of theoretical assumptions about the connections of artificial intelligence with culture and education. In the course of research, semiotics ensures the description of self-organizing systems of cultural signs and symbols in terms of artificial intelligence as a special set of (...)
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    A General Framework for $$ {FDE}$$ FDE -Based Modal Logics.Sergey Drobyshevich - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (6):1281-1306.
    We develop a general theory of FDE-based modal logics. Our framework takes into account the four-valued nature of FDE by considering four partially defined modal operators corresponding to conditions for verifying and falsifying modal necessity and possibility operators. The theory comes with a uniform characterization for all obtained systems in terms of FDE-style formula-formula sequents. We also develop some correspondence theory and show how Hilbert-style axiom systems can be obtained in appropriate cases. Finally, we outline how different systems from the (...)
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    “Path dependence” in developing socio-economic space of the region. Part 2: crisis transformations of the “path dependence” and its consequences for the Chelyabinsk region.Sergey Gordeev, Sergey Zyryanov & Aleksander Podoprigora - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:30-43.
    In view of the twentieth anniversary of the Socium i Vlast’journal, on the day of the Russian science, a round table was held in the Chelyabinsk branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration in order to discuss topical issues of crisis dynamics and risks in the context of new global challenges. Below the main materials of the report based on the results of interdisciplinary research series as exemplified by the Chelyabinsk region are presented. The report (...)
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  6. Introduction.Sergey Dolgopolski & James Adam Redfield - 2024 - In Sergey Dolgopolski & James Adam Redfield (eds.), Talmud /and/ philosophy: conjunctions, disjunctions, continuities. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
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    The Open Past: Subjectivity and Remembering in the Talmud.Sergey Dolgopolski - 2012 - New York: FUP.
    The Open Past challenges a view of time that has dominated philosophical thought for the past two centuries. In that view, time originates from a relationship to the future, and the past can be only a fictitious beginning, the necessary phantom of a starting point, a chronological period of "before." This view of the past has permeated the study of the Talmud as well, resulting in the application of modern philosophical categories such as the "thinking subject," subjectivity, and temporality to (...)
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    Філософський аналіз телеіндустрії: від дискурсу домінантних структур до домінування дискурсу.Sergey Gulevsky - 2019 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 5:66-79.
    Статтю присвячено розгляду телеіндустрії під філософським кутом зору. Зокрема, здійснено аналіз критичних теорій щодо економічних основ телеіндустрії, її функціонування як медіа та особливості означування у соціокультурному просторі. Розглянуто концепції масової культури Макса Горкгаймера і Теодора Адорно, дослідження інструментального характеру мас-медіа Гербертом Маркузе, суспільства спектаклю Гі Дебора, телематичного екрану Жана Бодріяра, неотрайбалізму Мішеля Маффесолі. Телеіндустрія постає як один з найбільш характерних проявів масової культури, а з іншого боку – як центральний елемент сучасної культурної індустрії. Розглянуто телесеріали як один з найбільш впливових (...)
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    Kant and Solovyov: Convergences and Divergences. Report of the International Conference А.Sergey V. Lugovoy - 2018 - Kantian Journal 37 (4):83-95.
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    Socio-pedagogical aspect of the Russian civilizational identity.Sergey Nikolaevich Lukash & Knara Vladimirovna Epoeva - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):272-277.
    The purpose of the study is to analyze various approaches to the processes of formation of the Russian civilizational identity in the context of modern Russian nation-building and modernization of education. The article substantiates the relevance of the growing civilizational paradigm of Russian education in accordance with the value orientations of the updated Constitution of the Russian Federation, the foundation of which is the course of positioning Russia as one of the civilizational poles of multipolar world development. An important condition (...)
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    Spiritual Cognition and Morality.Sergey Nizhnikov - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (1):171-178.
    Morality, besides being a form of regulation of human behavior, is also a form of spiritual cognition, having its specific features in each spiritual tradition, either philosophical or religious. Nowadays the humankind tends to forget about the Plato spiritual archetype of Goodness, Truth, and Beauty, united by the eidos of “χάρις” or “αγαθόν,” which in Russian orthodox culture long ago has been turned into the triad Truth, Virtue and Beauty united by Love. Recently, the person tends to lose his humaneness; (...)
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  12.  22
    (1 other version)Basic theory of human origin based on Hegel’s philosophy.Sergey Peruanskiy - 2019 - Hegel Jahrbuch 2019 (1):559-565.
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    Fitness Landscapes of Complex Systems: Insights and Implications On Managing a Conflict Environment of Organizations.Sergey Samoilenko - 2008 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 10 (4).
  14.  81
    Π 1 1 relations and paths through.Sergey S. Goncharov, Valentina S. Harizanov, Julia F. Knight & Richard A. Shore - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (2):585-611.
  15. Collective Action and the Evolution of Social Norm Internalization.Sergey Gavrilets & Peter J. Richerson - 2017 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (23):6068--6073.
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    Isidore of Seville, his Mode of Writing and the Metaphor of Taste.Sergey Vorontsov - 2024 - Isidorianum 33 (1):59-81.
    The writings in which an author expresses his thought may actually be the product of certain cultural practices of his age. The article considers how such practices are manifested in the writings of Isidore of Seville, particularly with respect to the meaning of the metaphor of taste. Isidore borrows this metaphor from texts that explain the process of understanding Scripture and applies it to the achievement of wisdom. On the one hand, the metaphor stresses the transformative aspect of understanding (rather (...)
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    (1 other version)Unconscious neural processing differs with method used to render stimuli invisible.Sergey V. Fogelson, Peter J. Kohler, Kevin J. Miller, Richard Granger & Peter U. Tse - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    American World Order: The End of the ‘End of History’.Sergey Chugrov - 2015 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 16 (3):442-449.
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    Multivalency: the hallmark of antibodies used for optimization of tumor targeting by design.Sergey M. Deyev & Ekaterina N. Lebedenko - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (9):904-918.
    High‐precision tumor targeting with conventional therapeutics is based on the concept of the ideal drug as a “magic bullet”; this became possible after techniques were developed for production of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Innovative DNA technologies have revolutionized this area and enhanced clinical efficiency of mAbs. The experience of applying small‐size recombinant antibodies (monovalent binding fragments and their derivatives) to cancer targeting showed that even high‐affinity monovalent interactions provide fast blood clearance but only modest retention time on the target antigen. Conversion (...)
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    Operational Restrictions in General Probabilistic Theories.Sergey N. Filippov, Stan Gudder, Teiko Heinosaari & Leevi Leppäjärvi - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (8):850-876.
    The formalism of general probabilistic theories provides a universal paradigm that is suitable for describing various physical systems including classical and quantum ones as particular cases. Contrary to the usual no-restriction hypothesis, the set of accessible meters within a given theory can be limited for different reasons, and this raises a question of what restrictions on meters are operationally relevant. We argue that all operational restrictions must be closed under simulation, where the simulation scheme involves mixing and classical post-processing of (...)
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    How to Do without Being, or the Mechanics of the Lathon.Sergey S. Horujy - 2019 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 57 (1):70-96.
    This article explores the fundamental structure of “man who manages to do without Being” and whose constitution lacks the relation to Being and God. Within synergic anthropology, this phenomenon is...
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  22.  33
    Rape and Sexual Violence as Torture and Genocide in the Decisions of International Tribunals: Transjudicial Networks and the Development of International Criminal Law.Sergey Y. Marochkin & Galina A. Nelaeva - 2014 - Human Rights Review 15 (4):473-488.
    International criminal tribunals established by the UN Security Council in the 1990s have been widely acclaimed as active participants in the modern system of dynamic criminal justice. One of their best known achievements is the prosecution of rape and sexual assaults. The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) set an example for other tribunals to follow. By interpreting a variety of international laws, the community of international legal professionals has been (...)
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  23. Teorii︠a︡ gosudarstva i prava. Mokichev, Konstantin Andreevich, [From Old Catalog] & Abram Matveevich Aĭzenberg (eds.) - 1970 - Moskva,:
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    The Soviet Union in Its Project and Reality: Philosophical-Historical Notes.Sergey A. Nikolsky - 2022 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 60 (5):353-368.
    Philosophical analysis of the Soviet Union as a phenomenon is relevant in light of the approaching centennial of its formation. The significance of this event derives from the Soviet Union’s enormous scale and historically, qualitatively unique formation that included many dozens of nations and nationalities. This formation replaced the equally enormous Russian Empire but arose not due to natural development but on its ruins, by the means of a European Marxism adapted to domestic conditions. Nowhere in the world have societies (...)
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    Mesochronal Structure Learning.Sergey Pils, David Danks & Jianyu Yang - unknown
    Standard time series structure learning algorithms assume that the measurement timescale is approximately the same as the timescale of the underlying system. In many scientific contexts, however, this assumption is violated: the measurement timescale can be substantially slower than the system timescale. This assumption violation can lead to significant learning errors. In this paper, we provide a novel learning algorithm to extract systemtimescale structure from measurement data that undersample the underlying system. We employ multiple algorithmic optimizations that exploit the problem (...)
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    Rate-Agnostic Structure Learning.Sergey Pils, David Danks, Cynthia Freeman & Vince Calhoun - unknown
    Causal structure learning from time series data is a major scientific challenge. Existing algorithms assume that measurements occur sufficiently quickly; more precisely, they assume that the system and measurement timescales are approximately equal. In many scientific domains, however, measurements occur at a significantly slower rate than the underlying system changes. Moreover, the size of the mismatch between timescales is often unknown. This paper provides three distinct causal structure learning algorithms, all of which discover all dynamic graphs that could explain the (...)
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  27.  12
    The applicability of the scientific method to the analysis of the philosophical and religious texts.Poroykov Sergey - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Researchжурнал Философских Исследований 2 (2):4-4.
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    The Quantum Homeostasis Hypothesis and Divine Providence.Sergey Sekatskii - 2015 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 27 (1-2):82-98.
    The idea that a human being may select at will outcomes of certain quantum events, and that this is free will, has been put forward long ago. But how can such a possibility to control quantum randomness be recombined with the necessity to obey the known statistical distributions of the laws of nature? Antoine Suarez proposes a Quantum Homeostasis Hypothesis (QHH), where this may happen during sleep or dreams. Divine providence may also be placed exactly here without violating the free (...)
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  29.  13
    Ideological Prolegomena of the Soviet-Russian Activity Theory.Sergey F. Sergeev - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (5):44-61.
    The article examines the system-methodological and conceptual foundations of the psychological activity theory that arose in the Soviet Union under the influence of the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. The author demonstrates the process of incorporation of Marxism-Leninism dogmas into the canonical form of the activity theory as a scientific knowledge that does not need any scientific confirmation. The pseudoscientific discourse that arose at the same time served to strengthen the position of the ideologists of the bureaucratic system, who found “objective confirmations” (...)
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  30.  41
    Globalization and Sustainable Development.M. Sokolov Sergey - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 46:93-98.
    From the end of the XX century academic community has been extensively discussing globalization issues affecting economy, politics and culture. First and foremost there grew anticipations of an ecological disaster on a global scale associated with environmental pollution. Solution of these problems on a global scale is based on a sustainable development strategy. The sustainable development is a balance between natural environment (biosphere) and artificial environment (technosphere). Russian thinkers of the early XX century introduced a notion of noosphere. One of (...)
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  31. Potomki Korchagina. Spivak, Ivan Andreevich & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1961
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    Proper Names in the Legal Terminology of the English Language.Sergey P. Khizhnyak & Alexander A. Zaraiskiy - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (3):543-558.
    The article deals with the problem of coining terms and nomenclature signs with proper names illustrated by the example of the English language legal terminology. The article begins with the discussion of the problems of intersection of two linguistic areas and differentiation between terms and nomenclature signs. It is observed that linguistic units with proper names possess a cultural specificity in the legal English as compared to the Russian terminological system of law. Linguistic and extra-linguistic factors influencing language units’ formation (...)
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  33.  17
    Kant's "Idea [project] of Transcendental Philosophy".Sergey Katrechko - 2020 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 1 (1).
    At the present time, there are several interpretations and modes of Kant’s transcendental philosophy (TP). Which of these interpretations and modes of transcendentalism most adequately express the spirit of TP, i.e. can claim the title of the transcendental ones? For the explication of the ‘idea of transcendental philosophy’ [KrV, A1], here I distinguish two transcendental shifts: methodological and metaphysical ones, which in their totality predetermine the essence and set the specificity of Kant’s transcendental idealism. The methodological transcendental shift that Kant (...)
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    Актуальность идей прокла диадоха в современной культуре.Sergey Kulikov - 2014 - Schole 8 (1):126-135.
    The paper defends the thesis that Proclus Diadochus’ ideas are still relevant in modern culture. It appears that the ideas of Neoplatonism as a whole and these of Proclus’ in particular matter at least in some aspects of modern culture, such as the foundations of politics, the basic characteristics of philosophy and the fundamental aspects of understanding of the human existence. In the sphere of politics, one can note the ideas useful for creating of the non-totalitarian forms of ideology. In (...)
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  35. Тело и пряжа. Визуализация метафоры в иконографии благовещения.Sergey Avanesov - 2018 - Schole 12 (2):523-534.
    In this article, I show the semantic connection between one pictorial detail of the traditional Annunciation iconography in Christianity and an apocryphal detail of the Virgin Mary biography, dating back to the antique metaphor of the body as clothing or cloth. In the Annunciation scene, the archangel Gabriel and the Mother of God are present, while the Virgin is often depicted with a spindle and a purple yarn in her hands. This detail sends the viewer to the metaphor of birth (...)
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  36.  23
    On classical behavior of intuitionistic modalities.Sergey Deobyshevich - 2014 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 24 (1):79-104.
    We study connections between four types of modal operators – necessity, possibility, un-necessity and impossibility – over intuitionitstic logic in terms of compositions of these modal operators with intuitionistic negation. We investigate which basic compositions, i.e. compositions of the form ¬δ, δ¬ or ¬δ¬, yield modal operators of the same type over intuitionistic logic as over classical logic. We say that such compositions behave classically. We study which modal properties correspond to each basic compositions behaving classically over intuitionistic logic and (...)
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  37.  23
    Оптические метафоры и натурфилософские изыскания платона.Sergey Kulikov - 2015 - Schole 9 (1):81-92.
    The article defends the thesis that interpreting Plato’s natural philosophy it is useful to take the terms horatos and aoratos in two distinct meanings: “observable” and “unobservable”, and “visible” and “invisible”. This approach helps to perceive new sides of Plato’s ideas, implicitly present in the “Timaeus”, which allows interpreting it in both anthropomorphic and anti-anthropomorphic senses.
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  38.  21
    Dare to Know, or the Gospel According to Kant.Sergey N. Gradirovsky - 2023 - Kantian Journal 42 (2):141-170.
    In the course of a close analysis of Kant’s essay in which he gives his original answer to the question, “What is Enlightenment?” I examine the causes and consequences of the theses about Enlightenment which makes a plea for emancipation from the shackles of guardianship, above all by getting rid of one’s own cowardice. In search of an answer to the question, “What is the real reason of self-incurred immaturity?” I consider the bifurcation: Is it all about unjust social institutions (...)
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  39.  10
    Modern Images of Transcendental Metaphysics.Sergey L. Katrechko, Pavel A. Vladimirov & Aleksandra S. Perepechina - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):729-738.
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  40.  12
    Role of formal and informal institutions in the civil society development.Sergey Zyryanov & Anatoly Lukin - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 2:7-18.
    Today, scientific discussions on the specifics of the development of civil society in Russia do not stop. The institutional approach allows us to look at this problem through the prism of formal and informal institutions existing in society. Researchers and practitioners should not focus only on the rule of law, official prescriptions and orders, setting the framework for interactions between authorities and citizens, promoting private initiatives, and realizing the rights and freedoms of the population. If they do not correspond to (...)
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  41.  20
    Features of innovation bureaucracy a Russia-based study.Sergey Aleksandrovich Barkov, Anna Valeryevna Markeeva & Olga Vladimirovna Gavrilenko - 2018 - Postmodern Openings 9 (2):210-224.
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    Phase pseudowaves and interference on a resonator: to the question of the nature of light and quantum interference.Sergey A. Belozerov - 2012 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 19 (3):193.
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    Насіння олійних культур як об'єкт на аграрному ринку.Sergey Chekhov - 2018 - Схід 1 (153):30-33.
    The article examines and analyzes the market of oilseeds, which is a variety and a hybrid of sunflower, rape, soybean. It is determined that selection and seed production play an important role in improving the efficiency of the domestic agrarian sector. The domestic seed industry has the potential for growth, which can be realized only through a scientific approach and specialization in the production of seeds. It is established that there are quite significant differences between the stages of seed creation (...)
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  44. Totality of semiosphere (book review).Sergey V. Chebanov - 1998 - Σημιοτκή-Sign Systems Studies 1:417-424.
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    Anab initiomolecular dynamics study of hydronium complexation in Na-montmorillonite.Sergey V. Churakov & Georg Kosakowski - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (17-18):2459-2474.
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    On the question of the ontological and epistemological status of emergent phenomena.Sergey Georgievitch Chukin - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):218-226.
    A significant increase in scientific discoveries, made possible, among other things, thanks to the computing power provided by modern information technologies, occurs against the background of the lack of theoretical and methodological resources necessary for their scientific conceptualization. The situation is similar to the one that took place at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and became the object of reflection on the part of philosophers called emergentists. This explains the revival in our time of interest in some (...)
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    Time of Mentality.Sergey Demensky - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 15:37-46.
    From descriptive interpretation of "understanding" to abstract-gnosiological understanding of mentality. The historical deconstruction of the existential understanding introduced as ontologic property of constantly becoming stable "Being-in-the-World" allows us to interpret this concept as mentality. Through theprism of existential philosophy in general and its interpreters such as Jacque Le Goff it allows us to make a conclusion that mentality is one of complete formations of public consciousness. But in the course of such interpretation of mentality it is important to avoid the (...)
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    I Will Regret Later.Sergey Dolgopolski - 2015 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 48 (1):73-98.
    This article explores the rhetoric of regret as a way to rethink the aesthetic dimension of two hitherto artificially separated late ancient corpora of thought—rabbinic and “pagan.” Moving away from the thinking in terms of historicist “influences” I arrive at a point of mutual illumination of the corpora, thereby advancing a new model of philosophical and rhetorical analysis that both justifies the importance of the modern discussion of relationships between philosophy, rhetoric, and aesthetics for understanding the Talmud as a late (...)
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    Talmud /and/ philosophy: conjunctions, disjunctions, continuities.Sergey Dolgopolski & James Adam Redfield (eds.) - 2024 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
    Wide-ranging and astutely argued, Talmud /and/ Philosophy examines the intersections, partitions, and mutual illuminations and problematizations of western philosophy and the Talmud. Among its devoted students or "learners," the Talmud - both as text and mode of thought - is a constantly unfolding truth about humans in their relationship to God in the world. Among many philosophers, the Talmud has been at best an idealized and remote object, and at worse, if noticed at all, an object for curiosity. The contributors (...)
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    Disentangling Structural Connectives or Life Without Display Property.Sergey Drobyshevich - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (2):279-303.
    The work is concerned with the so called display property of display logic. The motivation behind it is discussed and challenged. It is shown using one display calculus for intuitionistic logic as an example that the display property can be abandoned without losing subformula, cut elimination and completeness properties in such a way that results in additional expressive power of the system. This is done by disentangling structural connectives so that they are no longer context-sensitive. A recipe for characterizing structural (...)
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