Results for 'Sergio Prince Cruzat'

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  1.  18
    Reflexiones Entorno a la Distinción Analítico Sintético en Kant.Sergio Prince Cruzat - 1999 - Cinta de Moebio 6.
    A Kant se le considera completamente ajeno a la tradición analítica y positivista, sin embargo, el autor de este trabajo ha encontrado algunas voces que desde el ámbito de la analítica atribuyen a este gigante del pensamiento alemán, un papel mucho más importante y para nada insignifica..
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    Tradizioni morali. Greci, ebrei, cristiani, islamici.Sergio Cremaschi - 2015 - Roma, Italy: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
    Ex interiore ipso exeas. Preface. This book reconstructs the history of a still open dialectics between several ethoi, that is, shared codes of unwritten rules, moral traditions, or self-aware attempts at reforming such codes, and ethical theories discussing the nature and justification of such codes and doctrines. Its main claim is that this history neither amounts to a triumphal march of reason dispelling the mist of myth and bigotry nor to some other one-way process heading to some pre-established goal, but (...)
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    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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  4. Ekphrastic Moral Mirrors in New Spain: : Sor Juana’s Neptuno Alegórico and Sigüenza’s Theatro de Virtudes Políticas.Sergio Armando Gallegos Ordorica - 2024 - Journal of Modern Philosophy 6:1-25.
    The goal of this paper is to argue that the Neptuno Alegórico and the Theatro de Virtudes Políticas, which were composed in 1680 by the Novohispanic philosophers Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora to accompany respectively two arches erected to celebrate the entry of the Spanish viceroy to Mexico City, are notable not only as examples of panegyrical Baroque literature but also as philosophical texts aimed at moral instruction. To be specific, I argue that (...)
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    Una isla llamada serendipia: Definiciones ético pedagógicas en el proyecto filosofar con niñxs.Sergio Raúl Andrade - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:01-20.
    This text proposes some lines of reflection and action related to a project that links philosophy and childhood, whose pedagogical and investigative activity has been developed in the province of Córdoba, Argentina, for more than twenty-five years. To do this we recover an experience of workshops with children and adults, in a continuous process of reflection on childhood and how children think about themselves. That experience focuses on imagining a particular space and time – living together on an island where (...)
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  6. Automatic Assessment of Tone Quality in Violin Music Performance.Sergio Giraldo, George Waddell, Ignasi Nou, Ariadna Ortega, Oscar Mayor, Alfonso Perez, Aaron Williamon & Rafael Ramirez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  7. A Highly Random Number.Veronica Becher & Sergio Daicz - unknown
    many symbols. We define o, as the probability that an arbitrary machine be circular and we prove that o, is a random number that goes beyond..
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  8.  20
    Conversazione con Mimmo Paladino. Don chisciotte tra enthousiasmós e pàthos1.Sergio Givone - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica:69-76.
    Mimmo Paladino: Intanto le faccio un regalo, questa pubblicatone appena uscita per festeggiare i cento anni di Lévi-Strauss. Sono stato molto onorato di essere stato invitato a illustrare “Tristi tropici”, che tra l’altro e un testo che ho sempre amato e leggo continuamente, e stranamente ci ritrovo elementi del mio lavoro. Sergio Givone: Grazie, grazie mille. Ma a dire il vero, questa attinenza non mi stupisce, mi fa subito venire in mente qualcosa che ha a che fare con Don (...)
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    Storia del nulla.Sergio Givone - 1995 - Roma: Laterza.
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    Arquitectura de la política externa brasileña: autonomistas, globalistas y americanistas en Itamaraty.Diego Sebastián Crescentino & Sergio Caballero - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (48).
    The historical review of Brazilian foreign policy is in a constant debate, revealing the gap between the development aspirations of a Southern actor and its obstacles to inserting itself into the North. Immersed in this discussion, this article identifies Itamaraty's defining features, seeking to shed light on the ideas that nourish his political thinking today. First, it outlines the three ideational currents that dispute foreign policy decision-making and its effects up to 1990. Next, it analyses the gradual rise of Brazil's (...)
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  11.  40
    Coronavírus em tempos de crise humanitária.Francisco Jameli Oliveira Reinaldo & Victor Sérgio Freire Araújo - 2020 - Investigação Filosófica 11 (2):127.
    O artigo que se segue formula reflexões acerca de um evento cujo distanciamento e imparcialidade são impossíveis. O caráter ensaístico da escrita é, neste sentido, exigência do próprio evento em análise. Não escrevemos para fornecer respostas, nem com o distanciamento de Heródoto, que evocou de igual forma testemunhos históricos feitos de gregos e troianos; escrevemos para compreender, enfrentar e resistir ao problema. Dessa forma, o presente artigo aborda a pandemia do coronavírus de maneira que possibilite contribuir para uma melhor compreensão (...)
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  12. Precis of Rational Powers in Action.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2023 - Philosophical Inquiries 11 (1):67-85.
  13.  9
    Prison as a Generator of Social Disablement.Sergio Grossi & Luca Decembrotto - 2024 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 28 (69):21-30.
    The paper explores the effects of social disablement caused by imprisonment, analyzing how this institution can exacerbate existing disability conditions or create new ones. Through a review of sociological literature, it highlights how the prison context can significantly contribute to an additional level of disablement. Considering the incapacitating effects of imprisonment, it emerges that the prison system acts as a “producer” of social disablement, intensifying marginalization processes and increasing societal disparities. This process is fueled by prison overcrowding, loss of employment (...)
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    Estetica: storia, categorie, bibliografia.Sergio Givone (ed.) - 1998 - Scandicci, Firenze: La nuova Italia.
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  15.  6
    La questione romantica.Sergio Givone - 1992 - Roma: Laterza.
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  16.  46
    Compensating atmospheric turbulence with CNNs for defocused pupil image wavefront sensors.Sergio Luis Suárez Gómez, Carlos González-Gutiérrez, Juan Díaz Suárez, Juan José Fernández Valdivia, José Manuel Rodríguez Ramos, Luis Fernando Rodríguez Ramos & Jesús Daniel Santos Rodríguez - 2021 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 29 (2):180-192.
    Adaptive optics are techniques used for processing the spatial resolution of astronomical images taken from large ground-based telescopes. In this work, computational results are presented for a modified curvature sensor, the tomographic pupil image wavefront sensor, which measures the turbulence of the atmosphere, expressed in terms of an expansion over Zernike polynomials. Convolutional neural networks are presented as an alternative to the TPI-WFS reconstruction. This technique is a machine learning model of the family of artificial neural networks, which are widely (...)
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    Henri Bergson. Historia de la idea de tiempo (Adriana Alfaro, Luz Noguez eds.). Paidós: Barcelona, 2018. 397p.Sergio González - 2020 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 3 (2):141-145.
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    L'abisso del nulla e il suo rimedio: Leopardi, Unamuno, Nishitani.Sergio Guarente - 2019 - Perugia: Morlacchi editore University Press.
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  19. Rational Powers in Interaction: Replies to Paul, Andreou, Brunero, Mayr, and Haase.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2023 - Philosophical Inquiries 11 (1):163-183.
    A response to review essays by Chrisoula Andreou, John Brunero, Matthias Haase, Erasmus Mayr, and Sarah Paul on Sergio Tenenbaum's _Rational Powers in Action_.
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  20.  25
    Essays on Ancient Anatolia.Gary Beckman & Prince Takahito Mikasa - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (3):497.
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    (1 other version)The role of the Church in the quest for political restructuring in Nigeria.Ugochukwu O. Ezewudo & Prince E. Peters - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4).
    The present political structure of Nigeria has proved unfavourable to Nigerians. This has led to catastrophic situations in Nigeria. This article evaluates the role of the Church in the fight to curb these catastrophes in the form of rising spates of insecurity, corruption, separatist agitation and marginalisation. These challenges have led to serious underdevelopment, poverty and unemployment, mostly in South-East Nigeria. Nigeria’s inefficiency as a nation stems from a long history of poor leadership from the time of colonial rule until (...)
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  22.  36
    Los archivos de la niebla.Sergio Mansilla Torres - 2015 - Alpha (Osorno) 40:149-164.
    El artículo tiene por objeto analizar la construcción del conocimiento mapuche según el discurso de kimches. Sostenemos que en la educación familiar existe un proceso de construcción de conocimientos propios como un sistema de saberes y contenidos educativos para la formación de personas. La metodología empleada es la investigación educativa. Los resultados parciales muestran una descripción acerca de la lógica de los conocimientos educativos propios, para contextualizar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las ciencias en el medio escolar, desde la (...)
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  23. Neurotransmitter modulation of thalamic neuronal firing pattern.D. A. McCormick & D. A. Prince - 1987 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 8 (4):573-590.
  24. The Practice of Enterprise Modeling - 15th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference, PoEM 2022.Ítalo Oliveira, Tiago Prince Sales, João Paulo A. Almeida, Riccardo Baratella, Mattia Fumagalli & Giancarlo Guizzardi (eds.) - 2022 - Springer.
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  25. Teoría y crítica de la razón, Kant y Ortega y Gasset.Sergio Rábade Romeo - 2009 - Madrid: Editorial Trotta.
  26. Cientificidade e consenso: esboço de uma epistemologia a partir da teoria consensual da verdade de Jürgen Habermas.Alexande Sergio da Rocha & A. Oliva - forthcoming - Epistemologia: A Cientificidade Em Questão. Campinas/São Paulo, Papirus.
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    Acto de homenaje y mesa redonda sobre Fernando Montero Moliner : presentación.Sergio Sevilla Segura - 1998 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 2:23.
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  28. La filosofía y sus márgenes: homenaje al profesor Carlos Baliñas Fernández.Sergio Vences Fernández, Marcelino Agís Villaverde & Carlos Baliñas (eds.) - 1997 - [Santiago de Compostela]: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
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    The Penalties Rule and the Promise Theory of Contract.Prince Saprai - 2013 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 26 (2):443-469.
    The rule against penalty clauses in contract law sits uneasily with the promise theory of contract. According to the rule, if contracting parties agree a monetary remedy for breach which is substantially in excess of what would be required to compensate the claimant then that remedy is not enforceable. If contracts enforce promises however one would expect to see these clauses enforced. The rule appears therefore to be an example of a contract doctrine that diverges from promise. Promise theorists tend (...)
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    Castoriadis e o imaginário antigo: as raízes gregas da autonomia.Sérgio Dela-Sávia - 2022 - Dissertatio:159-175.
    O artigo considera, primeiramente, as análises feitas por Cornelius Castoriadis do fragmento de Anaximandro, onde se trata do apeiron, estabelecendo ali relações originais entre a ideia do indeterminado com pares nocionais fundamentais do imaginário grego antigo tais como khaos/kosmos e hubris/dikè. É em torno dessas noções que o filósofo vê o desdobramento dos valores que se formaram no mundo grego possibilitando, então, o questionamento do ser e do mundo. Pretende-se verificar em que medida essas significações imaginárias sociais, expressas particularmente nessas (...)
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    (1 other version)Apprendre à sentir : l’exercice de la perception par sa déstabilisation dans les œuvres labyrinthiques.Justine Prince - forthcoming - Methodos.
    L’exercice artistique suppose un rapport au temps spécifique : l’homme s’exerçant à son art répète, reprend, corrige ses gestes. Mais en va-t-il de même concernant la réception des œuvres : la perception du spectateur s’exerce-t-elle par répétition et variation des expériences esthétiques? L’objet de cet article est de montrer qu’il existe un type d’exercice dont le mécanisme repose plutôt sur la déstabilisation des habitudes de perception. À partir des réflexions valéryennes sur l’informe dans l’_Introduction à la méthode de Léonard de (...)
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  32.  10
    una mirada introspectiva de 1Cor 11. Las personas y las relaciones sociales.Sergio Rosell Nebreda - 2019 - Salmanticensis 66 (1):117-141.
    Esta investigación aborda un texto familiar: 1 Corin-tios 11,27-29, donde el apóstol Pablo habla de participar de la cena del Señor de forma digna. Comienza situando la correspondencia corin-tia en el contexto de la comunidad que recibe el texto original. Pablo, lejos de querer enfocarse en el mundo de lo introspectivo, exhorta a la incipiente comunidad corintia de seguidores del Señor a que viva, como ekklesia, según los valores del nuevo anfitrión, Jesús el Cristo, y no según las expectativas sociales (...)
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  33.  49
    Michel Foucault, Microfísica del poder, Ediciones La Piqueta, Madrid, 1993, 200 p.Sergio Witto Mättig - 2002 - Polis 2.
    La Microfísica del poder viene precedida por la voluntad de sus editores acaso también del propio Foucault de contribuir a un pensamiento de la coyuntura; en efecto, ‘se trata de formar herramientas en función de enfrentamientos concretos’ (según reza la contratapa), mejor aún, de ‘tener del presente una percepción espesa’ (Foucault 1975: 109). ¿Pero qué implicancias contiene esa voluntad? Por lo menos dos: que el pensamiento de la coyuntura en tanto discurso significante sobre lo actual se..
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    Xenophontis Memorabilium Socratis dictorum libri IV.Daniel Xenophon, J. Prince, James Cooke, Robert Fletcher & Bliss - 1785 - E Typographeo Clarendoniano. Prostant Apud J. Fletcher, D. Prince Et J. Cooke, Et R. Bliss, Bibliop.
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  35. Danish-nama-yi'ala^ T.Dedicated To & Prince Cala Al-Dawlah - 1999 - In Seyyed Hossein Nasr & Mehdi Amin Razavi (eds.), An anthology of philosophy in Persia. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 198.
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    Stochastic processes in quantum theory and statistical physics: proceedings of the international workshop held in Marseille, France, June 29-July 4, 1981.Sergio Albeverio, Philippe Combe & Madeleine Sirugue-Collin (eds.) - 1982 - New York: Springer Verlag.
  37.  46
    Um caminho através do sofrimento. O livro de jó. Ludger Schwienhorst-schönberger. São Paulo: Paulinas, 2011. Isbn: 9788535629170. [REVIEW]Me Sergio Alejandro Ribaric - 2012 - Revista de Teologia 6 (10):p. 95-96.
    O comentário de Ludger apresenta uma originalidade: descortina o caminho de Jó, versículo a versículo, como o caminho da contemplação. Nas aflições a que é sujeito, Jó somente lentamente vai se conscientizando da extensão de sua miséria - e cai em profunda solidão e abandono da parte de Deus. No entanto, todos esses contratempos, no início, vão conduzindo Jó por um caminho inesperado.
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    (1 other version)Lenoir, Frédéric: "El milagro de Spinoza. Una filosofía para iluminar nuestra vida". Trad. Ana Herrera Ferrer. Barcelona, Ariel, 2019. 166 páginas. [REVIEW]Sergio Casado Chamizo - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (3):881-883.
  39.  17
    Antonio Elizalde H. (comp.), Las nuevas utopías de la diversidad. Lo deseable vuelve a ser posible, Editorial Universidad Bolivariana, Santiago de Chile, 2003, 405 p. [REVIEW]Sergio Witto Mättig - 2003 - Polis 6.
    Había que hacer algo con esa inagotable variedad de lo concreto. O transformarlo todo en una inmensa descripción, en un registro monumental de la diversidad contemporánea o señalar primeramente, acaso con cierto aplomo, el recorrido de su singularidad. Lo concreto siempre se despliega desagregándose, esto es, imposibilitando su identificación con aquella pluralidad que lo soporta. De no existir el espacio de esa diferencia, esa interrupción, se podría restablecer sin más la hegemonía de lo ab..
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  40. Appearances of the Good: An Essay on the Nature of Practical Reason.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    'We desire all and only those things we conceive to be good; we avoid what we conceive to be bad.' This slogan was once the standard view of the relationship between desire or motivation and rational evaluation. Many critics have rejected this scholastic formula as either trivial or wrong. It appears to be trivial if we just define the good as 'what we want', and wrong if we consider apparent conflicts between what we seem to want and what we seem (...)
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    Rational Powers in Action: Instrumental Rationality and Extended Agency.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Rational Powers in Action presents a conception of instrumental rationality as governing actions that are extended in time with indeterminate ends. Tenenbaum argues that previous philosophical theories in this area, in focusing on momentary snapshots of the mind of idealized agents, miss central aspects of human rationality.
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  42.  25
    Disforia de género en niños y controversias en su tratamiento: dos concepciones distintas sobre la identidad de género.Paula Cox Cruzat & María Alejandra Carrasco - 2020 - Persona y Bioética 24 (1):57-76.
    Gender Dysphoria in Children and Controversies about its Treatment: Two Different Conceptions of Gender Identity Disforia de gênero em crianças e controvérsias em seu tratamento: duas concepções diferentes sobre a identidade de gênero Gender dysphoria is a marked mismatch between the sex felt or expressed by an individual and that assigned to them at birth. It is associated with clinically significant discomfort or social impairment and can occur in children, adolescents, and adults. The literature mainly describes three approaches for preadolescents: (...)
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  43.  29
    Philosophy of Biology.Sergio Sismondo - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (1):164.
  44.  49
    Pharmaceutical company funding and its consequences: A qualitative systematic review.Sergio Sismondo - manuscript
    This article systematically reviews published studies of the association of pharmaceutical industry funding and clinical trial results, as well a few closely related studies. It reviews two earlier results, and surveys the recent literature. Results are clear: Pharmaceutical company sponsorship is strongly associated with results that favor the sponsors' interests.
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    Fundamentos para un nuevo análisis económico del derecho: de las fallas del mercado al sistema jurídico.Sergio G. Guestrin - 2004 - Ciudad de Buenos Aires: Editorial Ábaco de Rodolfo Depalma.
  46.  83
    Epistemic Groundings of Abstraction and Their Cognitive Dimension.Sergio F. Martínez & Xiang Huang - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (3):490-511.
    In the philosophy of science, abstraction has usually been analyzed in terms of the interface between our experience and the design of our concepts. The often implicit assumption here is that such interface has a definite identifiable and universalizable structure, determining the epistemic correctness of any abstraction. Our claim is that, on the contrary, the epistemic grounding of abstraction should not be reduced to the structural norms of such interface but is also related to the constraints on the cognitive processes (...)
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  47. Sergio Pérez Cortés, El pensamiento libre y la razón en la Fenomenología del espíritu de Hegel.Sergio Pérez Cortés - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 40 (121):125-152.
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    Key Opinion Leaders and the Corruption of Medical Knowledge: What the Sunshine Act Will and Won’t Cast Light on.Sergio Sismondo - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (3):635-643.
    The pharmaceutical industry, in its marketing efforts, often turns to “key opinion leaders” or “KOLs” to disseminate scientific information. Drawing on the author's fieldwork, this article documents and examines the use of KOLs in pharmaceutical companies’ marketing efforts. Partly due to the use of KOLs, a small number of companies with well-defined and narrow interests have inordinate influence over how medical knowledge is produced, circulated, and consumed. The issue here, as in many other cases of institutional corruption, is that a (...)
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  49.  8
    Lettres à Sergio Solmi sur la philosophie de Kant.Sergio Alain & Solmi - 1946 - Paris,: P. Hartmann. Edited by Sergio Solmi.
  50.  12
    La nueva racionalidad: comprender la complejidad con métodos transdisciplinarios.Sergio Vilar - 1997 - Barcelona: Editorial Kairós.
    He aquí un libro indispensable para comprender los fenómenos complejos a través de los métodos transdisciplinarios. Con inteligencia y brillantez Sergio Vilar nos traslada del paradigma de Descartes, Newton y Laplace a la nueva visión del mundo que surge de Bohr, Piaget y Prigogine.
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