Results for 'Sergio Rica'

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  1.  19
    School Choice in a Market Environment: Individual versus Social Expectations.Catalina Canals, Eric Goles, Aldo Mascareño, Sergio Rica & Gonzalo A. Ruz - 2016 - Complexity 2018 (S2):1-11.
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    Pensar lo social: pluralismo teórico en América Latina.Sergio Tonkonoff (ed.) - 2018 - Buenos Aires: Clasco Ediciones, Grupo de Estudios sobre Estructuralismo y Postestructuralismo.
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    Raíces históricas de la teoría del conocimiento.Sergio Rábade Romeo - 2017 - Madrid: Escolar y Mayo Editores. Edited by Julián Carvajal.
    Las obras de Sergio Rábade contenidas en el presente volumen constituyen una de las aportaciones más valiosas de su legado filosófico. En los orígenes de la edad de la crítica, la aparición de nuevos valores asociados al conocimiento impulsó una afanosa renovación de los métodos en científicos y filósofos. Método y pensamiento en la modernidad analiza las exigencias de esta demanda en pro de un cambio real en los procedimientos de búsqueda y control de las ideas. Las complejas conexiones (...)
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  4. Modo y hermenéutica en la Ethnia de Spinoza. Una lectura conversa.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2005 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 43 (108):11-47.
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  5. Lo exclusivo del hombre del Popol Vuh.Sergio Custodio - 1977 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 41:261-268.
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  6. La erótica en cuanto representación estética. La historia del Ojo de Georges Bataille.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2003 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 41 (104):39-50.
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  7. La retórica de Kant 1. Claridad y ejemplaridad.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2005 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 43 (108):153-157.
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    Actas.Alfredo Sergio Burgos (ed.) - 1994 - Río Cuarto, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto.
    Contiene una sección especial sobre Filosofía Latinoamericana, donde hay ponencias de los siguientes autores: Carlos Alemián, Abelardo Barra Ruatta, Alberto Buela y Oscar Wingartz Plata. Además, sobre Arturo A. Roig (dos artículos, uno de Estela Fernández y otro de Marisa Muñoz, Dante Ramaglia y Oscar Zalazar); sobre ensayo y fenomenología en América Latina (Clara Alicia Jalif de Bertranou); sobre Agustín Alvarez (Dante Ramaglia); y sobre Simón Rodríguez (Oscar Salazar). De otras secciones destacamos una ponencia de Arturo A. Roig sobre la (...)
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  9. Una explicación del cambio tecnológico basada en el concepto de dependencia de su trayectoria.Sergio F. Martínez Muñoz - 2007 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 45 (115):25-40.
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  10. Afectos, tiempos e intensidades en la Ética en Spinoza.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 48 (123):97-105.
    Presenta a grandes rasgos su tesis doctoral. Dentro del marco de la teoría de los afectos, Spinoza sostiene una tesis sobre la alienación a partir de la imaginación y del tiempo, para ello produce una teoría del tiempo y, fundamentalmente, una teoría de las intensidades que sirve para explicar la ilusión.
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  11. Sociabilidad, intercambio y transgresión.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2004 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 42 (106):119-131.
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    There's a certain slant of light: Three attitudes toward the political turn in analytic philosophy.Manuel Almagro & Sergio Guerra - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 54 (2-3):324-340.
    There has been a growing interest within analytic philosophy in addressing political and social issues, which has been referred to as the “political turn” in the discipline. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, it discusses the very characterization of the political turn. In particular, it introduces the definition proposed by Bordonaba-Plou, Fernández-Castro, and Torices, suggests that we should not consider the turn a form of activism, and explores an additional benefit of the ideal/nonideal distinction for characterizing the turn. (...)
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    Presentacón - Minga-Mutirão de Revistas de Teología latinoamericanas - A los 40 años de la Teología de la Liberación: balance y futuro.José Maria Vigil - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1670-1673.
    Índice del número colectivo Minga-Mutirão de Revistas Latinoamericanas de Teología 2013, «A los 40 años de la Teología de la Liberación: balance y futuro» VIGIL, José Maria. Presentación . BARROS, Marcelo; VIGIL, José Maria. Anunciaron su muerte, ¡pero está bien viva! Teología de la Liberación 40 años: balance y perspectivas . SUSIN, Luiz Carlos, Secretario Executivo do Foro Mundial de Teologia e Libertação, Porto Alegre, Brasil, Teologia da Libertação: de onde viemos, para onde vamos? ALMEIDA, Antonio José de , Teologia (...)
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    Genome architecture and totipotency: An intertwined relation during early embryonic development.Teresa Olbrich & Sergio Ruiz - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (7):2200029.
    Chromosomes are not randomly packed and positioned into the nucleus but folded in higher‐order chromatin structures with defined functions. However, the genome of a fertilized embryo undergoes a dramatic epigenetic reprogramming characterized by extensive chromatin relaxation and the lack of a defined three‐dimensional structure. This reprogramming is followed by a slow genome refolding that gradually strengthens the chromatin architecture during preimplantation development. Interestingly, genome refolding during early development coincides with a progressive loss of developmental potential suggesting a link between chromatin (...)
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    La cura dell'altro: studi in onore di Sergio Bastianel sj.Donatella Abignente, G. Parnofiello & Sergio Bastianel (eds.) - 2014 - Trapani: Il pozzo di Giacobbe.
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  16. The Perceptions of Consumers Regarding Online Retailers’ Ethics and Their Relationship with Consumers’ General Internet Expertise and Word of Mouth: A Preliminary Analysis.Sergio Román & Pedro J. Cuestas - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (4):641-656.
    Ethical concerns of Internet users continue to rise. Accordingly, several scholars have called for systematic empirical research to address these issues. This study examines the conceptualization and measurement of consumers' perceptions regarding the ethics of online retailers. Also, this research represents a first step into the analysis of the relationship between CPEOR, consumers' general Internet expertise and reported positive word of mouth. Results, from a convenience sample of 357 online shoppers, suggest that CPEOR can be operationalized as a second-order construct (...)
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  17. Deflationary Metaphysics and the Natures of Maps.Sergio Sismondo & Nicholas Chrisman - 2001 - Philosophy of Science 68 (S3):S38-S49.
    “Scientific theories are maps of the natural world.” This metaphor is often used as part of a deflationary argument for a weak but relatively global version of scientific realism, a version that recognizes the place of conventions, goals, and contingencies in scientific representations, while maintaining that they are typically true in a clear and literal sense. By examining, in a naturalistic way, some relationships between maps and what they map, we question the scope and value of realist construals of maps—and (...)
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    Editorial: Dynamic systems theory and embodiment in psychotherapy research. A new look at process and outcome.Sergio Salvatore, Wolfgang Tschacher, Omar C. G. Gelo & Sabine C. Koch - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  19. Friendship and the Law of Reason: Baier and Kant on Love and Principles.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2005 - In Williams Jenkins (ed.), Persons, Promises, and Practices. University of Notre Dame Press. pp. 250-280.
  20. Akrasia and Irrationality.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2010 - In Timothy O'Connor & Constantine Sandis (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Action. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 274-282.
  21.  47
    Justificación y error en Descartes: un argumento pragmatista en la validación cartesiana del criterio de claridad y distinción.Sergio García Rodríguez - 2016 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 41 (1):97-109.
    La percepción clara y distinta es el elemento sobre el que se asienta la certeza metafísica de Descartes. Con todo, el planteamiento de los argumentos escépticos referidos a la duda metódica cartesiana ha evidenciado la necesidad de hallar una justificación al propio criterio de la percepción clara y distinta. Frente a los intentos basados en la indubitabilidad de la percepción o en la garantía surgida de la bondad divina, se defenderá una justificación alternativa pragmatista.
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  22.  23
    ¿Qué más cuenta Centroamérica? Relatos de Vanessa Núñez y Alberto Sánchez Argüello.Laura Fuentes Belgrave - 2019 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 24:115-119.
    En la actualidad, el festival literario Centroamérica Cuenta tiene en su haber seis ediciones realizadas desde 2013. Esta iniciativa internacional, coordinada por el escritor nicaragüense Sergio Ramírez, año con año ha forjado un espacio de intercambio y reflexión para la narrativa centroamericana, proyectando las identidades, literaturas y realidades de la región a diversas zonas del orbe. Desde su inicio, el festival ha contado con la participación de más de 500 escritores del istmo, entre los cuales se encuentran la salvadoreña (...)
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    Investimento Público Na Educação Privada: Os Vouchers Como Instrumento de Alcance da Qualidade Educacional.Paulo Sergio Bandeira - 2018 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 4 (1):317.
    A educação básica é majoritariamente oferecida pelo Estado, mas estaticamente atinge números insatisfatórios nos índices do Pisa e IDEB, retratando a baixa qualidade do ensino e o distanciamento das metas pertinentes. O Estado, para alcançar o padrão de qualidade do ensino e ainda manter o dever constitucional da educação, reconhecendo sua incapacidade de prestação da educação, poderia outorgar às escolas particulares a possibilidade de oferta abrangente desse ensino. Esta pesquisa discorre sobre a alternativa de fomento do Poder Público às escolas (...)
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  24.  22
    La política social.Sergio Fernández Riquelme & Carmen Caravaca Llamas - 2011 - Aposta 50:7-46.
    We propose a review of the theoretical assumptions of Social Policy as autonomous and normative science, in his history, doctrinal plurality and institutional diversity, especially on the current model of the Welfare State. Also, we discuss the impact on the same issue of a new social question, the integral human development, at the beginning of XXI century, in relation with the “social Europe”, the welfare society and the globalization.
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  25. Teoría y crítica de la razón, Kant y Ortega y Gasset.Sergio Rábade Romeo - 2009 - Madrid: Editorial Trotta.
  26.  9
    Come un tradimento: il genocidio e "Il canto di Ulisse".Domenico Sergio Scalzo - 2020 - Urbino: Argalìa editore.
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  27. Crime as social excess.Sergio Tonkonoff - 2014 - History of the Human Sciences 27 (2):60-74.
    Gabriel Tarde, along with Durkheim and others, set the foundations for what is today a common-sense statement in social science: crime is a social phenomenon. However, the questions about what social is and what kind of social phenomenon crime is remain alive. Tarde’s writings have answers for both of these capital and interdependent problems and serve to renew our view of them. The aim of this article is to reconstruct Tarde’s definition of crime in terms of genus and specific difference, (...)
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  28.  15
    Moral Resources and Competitive Advantage.K. Matthew Gilley, Sergio Palacios & Christopher J. Robertson - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 16:81-102.
    The cultivation of an organization’s moral resources has become a priority for many executives who understand that such resources are key to competitive advantage. Yet, traditional strategic management courses at both the undergraduate and MBA levels generally overlook these resources when discussing the resource-based view of the firm. We propose that moral resources be discussed in strategic management classrooms to provide additional insight for students about the critical nature of such resources. We also provide a simple tool for faculty to (...)
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    El desafío de la «no-Europa» a la historia conceptual.Claudio Sergio Ingerflom - 2018 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 30 (58).
    In 1917 the Provisional Government of the Russian Empire orders to the soldiers to renew their oath of allegiance, not to the decayed Emperor but rather to the State. Many soldiers refuse to do so and proclaim: «If there is no more Gosudar, there is no Gosudarstvo». The elites understand: «If there is no Emperor, there is no State», even though the soldiers are saying «if there is no Master, there is no Master's domain». The immediate reason of this misunderstanding (...)
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  30.  10
    Estructura del conocer humano.Sergio Rábade Romeo - 1969 - Madrid,: G. del Toro;.
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    Soberania, vontade geral e revolução: entre Jean Jacques Rousseau e Hannah Arendt.Mário Sérgio Vaz - 2019 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 35 (1).
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  32. Sustainability ethics and the Eco-feminist ethics of care.Rica de los Reyes Ancheta - 2013 - Journal of Dharma 38 (2):131-146.
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    O antiamericanismo e a política exterior de Lula da Silva.Túlio Sérgio Henriques Ferreira & Hildeberto Holanda Alves Costa Filho - 2017 - Dialogos 21 (3):229-246.
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    Dispositivo securitario en un espacio barrial. La práctica policial de los controles de identidad.Sergio García García - 2012 - Arbor 188 (755):573-590.
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    How are cognition and movement control related to each other?Maurizio Gentilucci & Sergio Chieffi - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (1):36-37.
    Our commentary focuses, first, on Glover's proposal that only motor planning is sensitive to cognitive aspects of the target object, whereas the on-line control is completely immune to them. We present behavioural data showing that movement phases traditionally (and by Glover) thought to be under on-line control, are also modulated by object cognitive aspects. Next, we present data showing that some aspects of cognition can be coded by means of movement planning. We propose a reformulation of Glover's theory to include (...)
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  36.  26
    Hacia un nuevo pensamiento integracionista latinoamericano. Aproximación a una lectura de segundo orden.Sergio González Miranda & Cristián Ovando Santana - 2008 - Polis 21.
    Este artículo analiza el problema de la integración latinoamericana, que ha sido abordado a lo largo de dos siglos por distintas generaciones de pensadores, sean éstos intelectuales o políticos, generando un rico pensamiento que tiene un valor en si mismo. Sin embargo, el proyecto político no ha podido concluirse. Enfrentado además este pensamiento (desde 1989 en adelante) a una realidad internacional mucho más compleja, surge la pregunta por su vigencia. Se propone aquí una re-lectura de dicho pensamiento latinoamericano con arreglo (...)
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  37. Why Privileged Self-Knowledge and Content Externalism are compatible.Sergio Armando Gallegos - 2015 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 19 (2):197-216.
    In the last twenty-five years, several authors have raised problems to the thesis that privileged self-knowledge is compatible with content externalism. In particular, the 'slow-switching' argument, which was originally put forth by Paul Boghossian (1989), aims to show that there is no satisfactory account of how we can have privileged knowledge about our own thoughts given content externalism. Though many philosophers have found ways to block the argument, no one has worried to address a major worry that Boghossian had when (...)
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    Jefferson, Th.: "Escritos políticos. Declaración de Independencia, Autobiografía, Epistolario… ".Sergio Antoranz - 2016 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 49:283-286.
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    The emergence of reciprocally beneficial cooperation.Sergio Beraldo & Robert Sugden - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (4):501-521.
    We offer a new and robust model of the emergence and persistence of cooperation when interactions are anonymous, the population is well mixed, and evolution selects strategies according to material payoffs. The model has a Prisoner’s Dilemma structure, but with an outside option of non-participation. The payoff to mutual cooperation is stochastic; with positive probability, it exceeds that from cheating against a cooperator. Under mild conditions, mutually beneficial cooperation occurs in equilibrium. This is possible because the non-participation option holds down (...)
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  40.  10
    Procesos físicos en biotecnología: enseñanza y diseño.Sergio Collado & Mario Díaz - 2014 - Arbor 190 (768):a158.
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    Pediatricians, Well-Baby Visits, and Video Intervention Therapy: Feasibility of a Video-Feedback Infant Mental Health Support Intervention in a Pediatric Primary Health Care Setting.Sergio Facchini, Valentina Martin & George Downing - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The role of long and short-term dynamics of the US rate of profit in the current crisis.Sergio Cámara Izquierdo - 2014 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 8 (1):1.
  43.  26
    Cusa, N.: "La caza de la sabiduría. Edición bilingüe, notas y comentario de Mariano Álvarez".Sergio Requejo Pérez - 2016 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 49:277-280.
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    Illusory Streaks from Corners and Their Perceptual Integration.Sergio Roncato, Stefano Guidi, Oronzo Parlangeli & Luca Battaglini - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Reconfiguring Truth: Post-modernism, Science Studies, and the Search for a New Model of Knowledge. Steven C. Ward.Sergio Sismondo - 2000 - Isis 91 (4):837-838.
  46.  19
    Avatares del sujeto cartesiano.Sergio Espinosa Proa - 2022 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 43 (127).
    El sujeto cartesiano se constituye en la subordinación de todas las facultades a la inteligencia; ella ha de imponer en todo momento y situación sus condiciones, porque de lo que se trata es de asegurar el dominio de las cosas, algo que no se consigue sin interponer al deseo, a ese deseo, un entendimiento adecuado. Y Descartes sabe muy bien que no hay entendimiento que no sea de objetos. Los seres humanos están dotados de estas facultades, que habitualmente chocan y (...)
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  47. La fuga de lo inmediato: la idea de lo sagrado en el fin de la modernidad.Sergio Espinosa Proa - 1999 - Madrid: Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense.
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  48. Quale etica per la robotica?Adriano Fabris, Sergio Bartolommei & Edoardo Datteri - 2007 - Teoria 27 (2):7-17.
    First of all, in this paper we provide some clarifications on the several meanings of the term ‘ethics’, above all in the light of contemporary discussions on this matter. Then we analyze an important ethical concept, i.e. the concept of moral responsibility, for the sake of clarifying some problems concerning the human-robot relationship. Finally, we try to develop a well defined pattern of “ethics of responsibility” in order to give a general background for resolving concrete dilemmas that may arise in (...)
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    State.Hermann Heller & Sergio Raúl Castaño - 2015 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 4 (7):277-306.
    This article contains the Spanish translation of the entry “Staat”, of Hermann Heller, with an introduction to his political and juridical thought.
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    The politicization of otherness and the privatization of the enemy: Cultural hindrances and assets for active citizenship.Terri Mannarini & Sergio Salvatore - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (1):86-95.
    The purpose of the article is to discuss the cultural hindrances and assets that promote constructive self-to-others relationships and active citizenship. Building on Carl Schmitt’s friend-enemy distinction, we argue that in contemporary societies the public and the private dimensions of the enemy have conflated, as the result of two concurrent phenomena: the politicization of otherness and the privatization of enemies. An integrated framework including approaches of social psychology and semiotic cultural psychology is proposed to account for both phenomena. The notions (...)
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