Results for 'Sestilia Fossati'

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  1. Lineffabile fraternità.Roberta Fossati - 2010 - Studium 106 (1):157-159.
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  2. Recensione a Lucia urbani ulivi (a cura di)," strutture di mondo. Il pensiero sistemico come specchio di Una realtà complessa"(il mulino, bologna 2010).Lorenzo Fossati - forthcoming - Epistemologia.
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    Unity through Division: Political Islam, Representation and Democracy in Indonesia.Diego Fossati - 2024 - Cambridge University Press.
    Indonesia, like many other countries around the world, is currently experiencing the process of democratic backsliding, marked by a toxic mix of religious sectarianism, polarization, and executive overreach. Despite this trend, Indonesians have become more, rather than less, satisfied with their country's democratic practice. What accounts for this puzzle? Unity Through Division examines an overlooked aspect of democracy in Indonesia: political representation. In this country, an ideological cleavage between pluralism and Islamism has long characterized political competition. This cleavage, while divisive, (...)
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    Risk vs Logic. Karl Barth and Heinrich Scholz on Faith and Reason.Lorenzo Fossati - 2018 - In Alessandro Giordani & Ciro de Florio (eds.), From Arithmetic to Metaphysics: A Path Through Philosophical Logic. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 119-134.
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  5. The intelligence of previous philosophy and history of philosophy in Ugo Spirito and Guido Calogero.Lorenzo Fossati - 2011 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 103 (1):43-81.
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    Does the Coronavirus Epidemic Take Advantage of Human Optimism Bias?Hugo Bottemanne, Orphée Morlaàs, Philippe Fossati & Liane Schmidt - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  7. Cédric Lemogne, Pascale Piolino, Stéphanie Friszer, Astrid Claret, Nathalie Girault, Roland Jouvent, Jean-François.Philippe Fossati Allilaire, Frédérique de Vignemont, Tiziana Zalla, Andrés Posada, Anne Louvegnez, Olivier Koenig, Nicolas Georgieff, Nicolas Franck, Arnaud DÕArgembeau & Martial Van der Linden - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15:232-233.
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    Categories: histories and perspectives.Giuseppe D'Anna & Lorenzo Fossati (eds.) - 2017 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
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    The biology of visual perspective and depression: A reply to Sutin☆.Cédric Lemogne, Loretxu Bergouignan & Philippe Fossati - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):834-836.
    A recent meta-analysis by Munafò, Durrant, Lewis, and Flint [Munafò, M. R., Durrant, C., Lewis, G., & Flint, J. . Gene × environment interactions at the serotonin transporter locus. Biological Psychiatry, 65, 211–219] questioned the meaning of studies searching for endophenotypes associated with the serotonin-transporter-linked promoter region polymorphism, including our study on visual perspective during autobiographical memory retrieval. However, the association of 3rd person perspective with vulnerability for depression does not rely only on genetics. External consistency is provided by the (...)
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    Episodic autobiographical memory in depression: Specificity, autonoetic consciousness, and self-perspective.C. Lemogne, P. Piolino, S. FriSzer, A. ClAret, N. Girault, R. Jouvent, J. Allilaire & P. Fossati - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (2):258-268.
    Autobiographical memory and the self are closely linked. AM retrieval in depression is characterized by a lack of specificity, suggesting an impairment of episodic AM. Autonoetic consciousness and self-perspective, which are critical to episodic AM, have never been addressed in depression. Twenty-one depressed inpatients and 21 matched controls were given an episodic AM task designed to assess positive and negative memories regarding specificity, autonoetic consciousness , and self-perspective . For specificity, “remember”, and “field” responses, ANOVAs revealed a main group effect (...)
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    Selected papers of J. Dalfen. J. Dalfen Parmenides – Protagoras – Platon – Marc Aurel. Kleine Schriften zur griechischen Philosophie, Politik, Religion und Wissenschaft. Pp. 556, ills. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2012. Cased, €79. ISBN: 978-3-515-10211-7. [REVIEW]Manlio Fossati - 2016 - The Classical Review 66 (1):53-55.
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    Determinants of Emotion Duration and Underlying Psychological and Neural Mechanisms.Philippe Verduyn, Pauline Delaveau, Jean-Yves Rotgé, Philippe Fossati & Iven Van Mechelen - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (4):330-335.
    Emotions are traditionally considered to be brief states that last for seconds or a few minutes at most. However, due to pioneering theoretical work of Frijda and recent empirical studies, it has become clear that the duration of emotions is actually highly variable with durations ranging from a few seconds to several hours, or even longer. We review research on determinants of emotion duration. Three classes of determinants are identified: features related to the (a) emotion-eliciting event (event duration and event (...)
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    The relation between rumination and temporal features of emotion intensity.Maxime Résibois, Elise K. Kalokerinos, Gregory Verleysen, Peter Kuppens, Iven Van Mechelen, Philippe Fossati & Philippe Verduyn - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (2):259-274.
    Intensity profiles of emotional experience over time have been found to differ primarily in explosiveness and accumulation. However, the determinants of these temporal features remain poorly understood. In two studies, we examined whether emotion regulation strategies are predictive of the degree of explosiveness and accumulation of negative emotional episodes. Participants were asked to draw profiles reflecting changes in the intensity of emotions elicited either by negative social feedback in the lab or by negative events in daily life. In addition, trait, (...)
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    Genetics and personality affect visual perspective in autobiographical memory.Cédric Lemogne, Loretxu Bergouignan, Claudette Boni, Philip Gorwood, Antoine Pélissolo & Philippe Fossati - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):823-830.
    Major depression is associated with a decrease of 1st person visual perspective in autobiographical memory, even after full remission. This study aimed to examine visual perspective in healthy never-depressed subjects presenting with either genetic or psychological vulnerability for depression. Sixty healthy participants performed the Autobiographical Memory Test with an assessment of visual perspective. Genetic vulnerability was defined by the presence of at least one S or LG allele of the polymorphism of the serotonin-transporter-linked promoter region . Psychological vulnerability was defined (...)
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    Environmental agency, moral reasoning, and moral disengagement in adults.Giulia Gialdi, Antonella Somma, Sarah Songhorian, Nicole Bergamelli, Claudia Frau & Andrea Fossati - 2025 - Ethics and Behavior 35 (1):73-87.
    To assess the relationships between environmental agency, prosocial moral reasoning, and civic moral disengagement, 544 community-dwelling adults were administered the image-based Environmental Agency Scale (EAS), the Prosocial Moral Reasoning Objective Measure (PROM), and the Civic Moral Disengagement Scale (CMDS). The EAS Agentic Self and Agentic Other dimensions proved to be reliable measures and showed adequate factor validity. Mean/median score comparisons between EAS Agentic Self Scale and Agentic Other Scale scores indicated that participants viewed society-level actions as more relevant than individual-level (...)
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    Different Aspects of the Neural Response to Socio-Emotional Events Are Related to Instability and Inertia of Emotional Experience in Daily Life: An fMRI-ESM Study.Julian Provenzano, Jojanneke A. Bastiaansen, Philippe Verduyn, Albertine J. Oldehinkel, Philippe Fossati & Peter Kuppens - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    The awareness of joint attention.Ouriel Grynszpan, Jacqueline Nadel, Jean-Claude Martin & Philippe Fossati - 2017 - Interaction Studies 18 (2):234-253.
    This study investigates a specific aspect of joint attention, that is, the emergence of the sense that one is leading the attentional focus of others. Thirty participants were placed in front of two avatars and had to pay attention to objects that were also attended to by the avatars. Unbeknownst to the participant, the avatars’ gaze orientations were alternately controlled by the participant’s eyes. Eye-tracking data were collected and participants were enquired about their experience to account for their sense of (...)
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    Arrigo da Settimello, Elegia., ed. and trans., Clara Fossati. Florence: SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2011. Pp. lxxxiii, 99. €45. ISBN: 978-88-8450-430-2. [REVIEW]Dario Brancato - 2015 - Speculum 90 (3):767-768.
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  19. Dialogo su Jürgen Habermas. Le trasformazioni della modernità.Luca Corchia & Massimo Ampola - 2007 - ETS.
    Jürgen Habermas ha dedicato più di trent’anni dei suoi studi alle scienze sociali al fine di definire, attraverso la ricostruzione delle tradizioni di pensiero in esse presenti, un quadro teorico di riferimento che orienti i programmi della ricerca storico-sociale. Al pari dei grandi classici del pensiero sociologico, egli ha cercato di affrontare i “problemi della società nel suo insieme” esplicitando gli assunti, i metodi e gli obiettivi della teoria sociale come presupposto indispensabile per un’indagine che ampli i confini disciplinari della (...)
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    The archaeology of semiotics and the social order of things.George Nash & George C. Children (eds.) - 2008 - Oxford: Archaeopress.
    The Archaeology of Semiotics and the social order of things is edited by George Nash and George Children and brings together 15 thought-provoking chapters from contributors around the world. A sequel to an earlier volume published in 1997, it tackles the problem of understanding how complex communities interact with landscape and shows how the rules concerning landscape constitute a recognised and readable grammar. The mechanisms underlying landscape grammar are both physical and mental, being based in part on the mindset of (...)
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    Disorders of Volition.Natalie Sebanz & Wolfgang Prinz (eds.) - 2009 - Bradford Books.
    Philosophers, psychologists, neuroscientists, and psychiatrists examine the will and its pathologies from theoretical and empirical perspectives, offering a conceptual overview and discussing schizophrenia, depression, prefrontal lobe damage, and substance abuse as disorders of volition. Science tries to understand human action from two perspectives, the cognitive and the volitional. The volitional approach, in contrast to the more dominant "outside-in" studies of cognition, looks at actions from the inside out, examining how actions are formed and informed by internal conditions. In Disorders of (...)
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    Zur Kirche auf einem Kupferstich von Gugas İnciciyan und zum Standort der Chalke-Kirche.Neslihan Asutay-Effenberger & Arne Effenberger - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (1):51-94.
    English Summary The main focus of this article is a church, the picture of which is shown on a gravure by Gugas İnciciyan and called Arslanhane (Menagerie)/Nakkaşhane (House of painters). The church has a central dome, an apsis and a semi dome at the west side and looks like a little model of the Hagia Sophia. It was erected above an other building with a central arch. This resembles descriptions of the Chalke gate and the Chalke church in several written (...)
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    The Failure of Modernism: The Cartesian Legacy and Contemporary Pluralism. [REVIEW]John P. Hittinger - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 56 (3):681-681.
    This collection’s basic theme and thesis, explained by Curtis L. Hancock, “A Critique of Social Construct Theory” and “A Counterfeit Choice,” is that the seeds of contemporary relativism were sown by modern philosophy, primarily Descartes himself, its founder. Following a lead from Gilson, these authors pursue the benefits of classical realism and existential Thomism compared with the Cartesian legacy of subjectivism in modern philosophy. Indeed, Peter Redpath, “Why Descartes was not a Philosopher,” explains why Descartes may not be a philosopher (...)
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