Results for 'Shahin Hossain'

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  1.  22
    Self-care strategies in response to nurses’ moral injury during COVID-19 pandemic.Fahmida Hossain & Ariel Clatty - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):23-32.
    These are strange and unprecedented times in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most frontline healthcare professionals have never witnessed anything like this before. As a result, staff may experience numerous and continuous traumatic events, which in many instances, will negatively affect their psychological well-being. Particularly, nurses face extraordinary challenges in response to shifting protocols, triage, shortages of resources, and the astonishing numbers of patients who require care in expedited time constraints. As most healthcare workers are passionate nursing professionals, frustration (...)
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    Does CEO Risk-Aversion Affect Carbon Emission?Ashrafee Hossain, Samir Saadi & Abu S. Amin - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (4):1171-1198.
    Does CEO tolerance to risk affect a firm’s long-run sustainability? Using CEO insider debt holding, we show that CEO’s risk-aversion encourages immoral yet rational decisions of emitting more greenhouse gas thereby adversely affecting the firm’s long-run sustainability. Our result is robust to several endogeneity tests including a quasi-natural experiment. Our finding also suggest that to mitigate potential adverse reactions from stakeholders, carbon emitting firms with risk-averse CEOs tend to spend more on CSR activities. Much of the heterogeneity in our results (...)
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    Do LGBT Workplace Diversity Policies Create Value for Firms?Mohammed Hossain, Muhammad Atif, Ammad Ahmed & Lokman Mia - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (4):775-791.
    We show that the U.S. anti-discriminatory laws prohibiting discrimination in the workplace based on sexual orientation and gender identity identities) spur innovation, which ultimately leads to higher firm performance. We use the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index of 398 U.S. firms between 2011 and 2014, and find a significantly positive relationship between CEI and firm innovation. We also find that an interacting effect of CEI and firm innovation leads to higher firm performance. We use our understanding of Rawls’ Theory (...)
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    The incongruent correspondence: Seven non-classical years of old quantum theory.Shahin Kaveh - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 46 (2):239-246.
    The Correspondence Principle of old quantum theory is commonly considered to be the requirement that quantum and classical theories converge in their empirical predictions in the appropriate asymptotic limit. That perception has persisted despite the fact that Bohr and other early proponents of CP clearly did not intend it as a mere requirement, and despite much recent historical work. In this paper, I build on this work by first giving an explicit formulation to the mentioned asymptotic requirement ) and then (...)
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    A reinterpretation of Heisenberg’s Umdeutung in prescriptive-dynamical terms.Shahin Kaveh - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 107 (C):43-53.
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    Life Extension and Overpopulation: Demography, Morals, and the Malthusian Objection.Shahin Davoudpour & John K. Davis - forthcoming - HEC Forum.
    One of the main objections to life extension is that life extension will cause severe overpopulation. This objection presents both moral and demographic issues. To explore the demographic issue, we present an updated and improved version of the formula in chapter six of _New Methuselahs_ for projecting the demographic impact of life extension. The new version includes additional demographical factors such as non-aging related causes of death. According to projections generated with this revised formula, moderate life extension (a life expectancy (...)
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  7.  31
    Analysing the relationship between family planning workers' contact and contraceptive switching in rural Bangladesh using multilevel modelling.Mian B. Hossain - 2005 - Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (5):529.
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    Peace, Conflict and Resolution (Good vs. Evil).Arif Hossain - 2013 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 4 (1):9-19.
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    Percepción del acento léxico en español L2: Un estudio sobre los hablantes nativos de bengalí.Md Imran Hossain - 2021 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 31 (1):172-182.
    El español se caracteriza por un sistema de acento léxico contrastivo. En esta lengua, el acento primario se puede dar en cualquiera de las últimas tres sílabas de las palabras. Las palabras de la lengua bengalí, a diferencia del español, generalmente tienen un acento fijo en la primera sílaba. Dadas las diferencias entre estos dos idiomas, el acento léxico contrastivo del español constituye una característica novedosa que los estudiantes bengalíes de español han de incorporar en su repertorio fonológico. Este estudio (...)
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    Argument as a formulation-decision-decision... sequence.KimaryN Shahin - 1990 - Argumentation 4 (3):347-361.
    Problems with regard to the analysis of argumentative partly discourse arise from definitorial disconformity. In this article, Informal argument is taken as the primary definition to study the basic structure of argument from a fragment of an Agatha Christie novel. Bilmes' account of the notions of Formulation (F) and Decision (D+/D-) are adapted to describe the relations of opposition which are displayed in informal argument. The minimal structure of argument is represented by the formula F/D-/D-, in which F is a (...)
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  11. Government.Emad el-Din Shahin - 2015 - In Gerhard Bowering (ed.), Islamic political thought: an introduction. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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  12.  20
    Phreatto – Ein Gerichtsverfahren zwischen Land und Meer für Athener mit ‚Vorstrafe‘.Tino Shahin - 2019 - Klio 101 (1):57-76.
    Zusammenfassung Demosthenes, Aristoteles und Pausanias berichten von dem Dikasterion in Phreatto, zu dem ein außer Landes gegangener Athener auf einem Boot heranfährt, dieses unmittelbar an der Küste festmacht und sich dann in einem Prozess verteidigt. Er betritt zu keinem Zeitpunkt athenischen Boden, sondern bleibt auf dem Boot und vernimmt dort das Urteil, ob er vorsätzlich getötet hat oder nicht. Diese Verhandlungsform zwischen Land und Meer kann – so aufwendig und eigentümlich sie auch anmutet – durchaus historisch sein, ist aber nur (...)
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    Proceedings of the 17th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics.Kimary N. Shahin, Susan Blake & Eun-Sook Kim (eds.) - 1999 - CLSI.
    This is a compilation of papers presented at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, held February 20-22, 1998 in Vancouver, Canada, hosted by the University of British Columbia Department of Linguistics. The conference drew a large number of participants, from around the world. The fifty papers in this volume address theoretical issues in Syntax, Phonology, the Syntax-Semantics and Syntax-Phonology interfaces, and Language Acquisition, and provide an exciting view of current theory in these areas.
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  14.  30
    Pressure ulcer prevention in intensive care patients: guidelines and practice.Eman S. M. Shahin, Theo Dassen & Ruud J. G. Halfens - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (2):370-374.
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    Pressure ulcer prevalence in intensive care patients: a cross‐sectional study.Eman S. M. Shahin, Theo Dassen & Ruud J. G. Halfens - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (4):563-568.
  16.  11
    Sachfahndung nach einem Raubmord in Saqāwa: Ein offizielles Dokument aus dem 3.–4./9.–10. jahrhundert.Ayman Aly Shahin - 2021 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 98 (1):175-180.
    This article presents the edition of a late 3rd/9th- or early 4th/10th-century search warrant for stolen goods (P.Cair.EgLib.inv. 536v). The scribe reports that two black men (aswadayn) were traveling on two donkeys, one of which was also loaded with a saddlebag of money, jewellery and clothes. Upon reaching the Upper Egyptian village of Saqāwa, the two black men were assaulted and murdered, and the goods and donkeys stolen. This document corroborates descriptions in historical works of frequent rebel attacks in various (...)
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  17. Toleration in a Modern Islamic Polity: Contemporary Islamist Views.E. Shahin - 2008 - In Russel Hardin, Ingrid Crepell & Stephen Macedo (eds.), toleration on trial. Lexington Books. pp. 169--91.
  18.  15
    The nuclear barrier is structurally and functionally highly responsive to glucocorticoids.Victor Shahin - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (9):935-942.
    Nuclear pore complexes mediate and control transport between the cytosol and the nucleus. They form a highly selective and, thus, tight nuclear barrier between these compartments. The nuclear barrier provides the cell with the opportunity to control access to its DNA, a defining feature of eukaryotes. The tightness of the nuclear barrier is therefore physiologically pivotal and any remarkable change in its structure and permeability can prove pathophysiological, e.g. as a result of viral attack. However, there is accumulating evidence that (...)
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  19.  48
    The Ethics of Care as a Universal Framework for Global Journalism.Mohammad Delwar Hossain & James Aucoin - 2018 - Journal of Media Ethics 33 (4):198-211.
    ABSTRACTThe search for universal ethics among journalists has yet to receive general acceptance because previous attempts have sought a code of ethics to which all journalists around the globe could agree. Yet, starting with the universal principle of caring for others leads to seeing the feminist approach to ethics, namely the ethics of care and feminist discursive ethics, as a partial approach toward a universal ethic for journalists. Building on the work of Gilligan, Steiner, Buzzanell and others, we argue that (...)
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  20.  81
    Escaping the Fundamental Dichotomy of Scientific Realism.Shahin Kaveh - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (4):999-1025.
    The central motivation behind the scientific realism debate is explaining the impressive success of scientific theories. The debate has been dominated by two rival types of explanations: the first relies on some sort of static, referentially transparent relationship between the theory and the unobservable world, such as truthlikeness, representation, or structural similarity; the second relies on no robust relationship between the theory and unobservable reality at all, and instead draws on predictive similarity and the stringent methodology of science to explain (...)
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  21.  41
    Understanding Communication of Sustainability Reporting: Application of Symbolic Convergence Theory.Mohammed Hossain, Md Tarikul Islam, Mahmood Ahmed Momin, Shamsun Nahar & Md Samsul Alam - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (2):563-586.
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the nature of rhetoric and rhetorical strategies that are implicit in the standalone sustainability reporting of the top 24 companies of the Fortune 500 Global. We adopt Bormann’s :396–407, 1972) SCT framework to study the rhetorical situation and how corporate sustainability reporting messages can be communicated to the audience. The SCT concepts in the sustainability reporting’s communication are subject to different types of legitimacy strategies that are used by corporations as a validity (...)
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  22.  64
    Physical Theories are Prescriptions, not Descriptions.Shahin Kaveh - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (5):1825-1853.
    Virtually all philosophers of science have construed fundamental theories as descriptions of entities, properties, and/or structures. Call this the “descriptive-ontological” view. I argue that this view is incorrect, at least insofar as physical theories are concerned. I propose a novel construal of theories that I call the “prescriptive-dynamical” view. The central tenet of this view, roughly put, is that the _essential_ content of fundamental physical theories is a _prescription for interfacing with natural systems and translating local data into compact theoretical (...)
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  23.  4
    Clinical Ethics and the Observant Jewish and Muslim Patient: Shared Theocentric Perspectives in Practice.Fahmida Hossain, Ezra Gabbay & Joseph J. Fins - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-17.
    Patients from religious minorities can face unique challenges reconciling their beliefs with the values that undergird Western Medical Ethics. This paper explores homologies between approaches of Orthodox Judaism and Islam to medical ethics, and how these religions’ moral codes differ from the prevailing ethos in medicine. Through analysis of religious and biomedical literature, this work examines how Jewish and Muslim religious observances affect decisions about genetic counseling, reproductive health, pediatric medicine, mental health, and end-of-life decisions. These traditions embrace a theocentric (...)
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  24.  19
    University freshmen recollect their academic integrity literacy experience during their K-12 years: results of an empirical study.Zakir Hossain - 2022 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 18 (1).
    Academic Integrity Literacy is a critical transdisciplinary skill for academic success but many students do not receive this skill in their K-12 years regardless of their schooling system or characteristics of the community they belong to. Numerous research studies in higher education document that high school graduates lack AIL skills, but hardly any studies attempt to empirically investigate students’ K-12 years AIL education experience. Using a mixed-method approach, this study explores university freshmen’s AIL education experience in their K-12 years, and (...)
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  25. "Plática" en torno a la entrega de la Alcazaba de Salé en el siglo XVII.Hossain Buzineb - 1994 - Al-Qantara 15 (1):47-74.
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    Abundant Bounded and Unbounded Solitary, Periodic, Rogue-Type Wave Solutions and Analysis of Parametric Effect on the Solutions to Nonlinear Klein–Gordon Model.Mohammad Mobarak Hossain, Alrazi Abdeljabbar, Harun-Or Roshid, Md Mamunur Roshid & Abu Naim Sheikh - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-19.
    This paper exploits the modified simple equation and dynamical system schemes to integrate the Klein–Gordon model amid quadratic nonlinearity arising in nonlinear optics, quantum theories, and solid state physics. By implementing the modified simple equation technique, we develop some disguise adaptation of analytical solutions in terms of hyperbolic, exponential, and trigonometric functions with some special parameters. We apply the dynamical system to bifurcate the model and draw distinct phase portraits on unlike parametric constraints. Following each orbit of all phase portraits, (...)
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    Back Matter.Ishtiaq Hossain - forthcoming - Intellectual Discourse:322-322.
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    Consequential approach of Islamic Bioethics.Arif Hossain - 2012 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 3 (1):19-22.
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    Front Matter.Ishtiaq Hossain - forthcoming - Intellectual Discourse.
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  30. Identifying an aesthetic dimension of sustainability in the Bangladeshi context.Amzad Hossain & Dora Marinova - 2015 - In Christopher Crouch (ed.), An introduction to sustainability and aesthetics: the arts and design for the environment. Boca Raton, Florida: BrownWalker Press.
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    Peace, Conflict and Resolution (Good vs. Evil) Part 2.Arif Hossain - 2013 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 4 (2):9-21.
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    Power relationships in gender-related disclosures: Exploring language in selected Fortune 500 companies.Dewan Mahboob Hossain, Nik Nazli Nik Ahmad & Siti Alawiah Siraj - 2017 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 12 (1):1.
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    The component dynamics of miscible binary mixtures of glass formers: New features.M. Shahin Thayyil, S. Capaccioli, P. A. Rolla & K. L. Ngai - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (33-35):4047-4055.
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  34. Freedom and the Imaginary Dimension of Society.Shahin Nasiri - 2020 - Iranian Yearbook of Phenomenology 1 (1):217-238.
    The notion of 'freedom' has gained an emblematic character in contemporary political discourse. It is, commonly, viewed as the central value and political goal of modern societies. Similarly, human rights documents conceive of freedom as their founding principle with universal validity. In contradistinction to this prevalent approach to freedom, this paper aims to demonstrate that freedom is, primarily, a political signifier with social-historical variability. One cannot, therefore, simply and uncritically assume that freedom has (or should have) universal validity or transhistorical (...)
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    (1 other version)Moral distress among healthcare providers and mistrust among patients during COVID‐19 in Bangladesh.Fahmida Hossain - 2021 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (4):187-192.
    The COVID‐19 pandemic has shaken the world through its first wave, and we have yet to experience the second wave. Even resourceful countries have failed to adequately prevent epidemics in their country, and for countries like Bangladesh, which already has strained an ineffective healthcare system, the challenges to contain the SARS‐CoV‐2 virus are that much more severe. Due to the scarcity of resources and systematic failures the Bangladeshi people deeply mistrust the healthcare system. The mistrust is further magnified as healthcare (...)
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  36.  57
    Body mass index of married Bangladeshi women: trends and association with socio-demographic factors.M. G. Hossain, P. Bharati, Saw Aik, Pete E. Lestrel, Almasri Abeer, T. Kamarul, W. Aekplakorn, L. Mo-Suwan, A. N. Al-Isa & H. Bendixen - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (4):385.
  37.  46
    Between Concept and Metaphor: Reviewing Nietzsche′s Doctrine of Truth.Altaf Hossain - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):6.
  38.  60
    A Critical Analysis of Empiricism.F. M. Anayet Hossain - 2014 - Open Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):225-230.
  39.  34
    Introduction of bioethics and its necessity in Bangladesh.Arif Hossain & Shamima Parvin Lasker - 2012 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 1 (1):2.
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  40. The Idealised Subject of Freedom and the Refugee.Shahin Nasiri (ed.) - 2023 - London: Routledge.
    As with terms such as “human rights”, “democracy”, and “equality”, the notion of “freedom” has an emblematic character with highly normative overtones. After the declaration of universal human rights, one might argue that freedom is – at least formally – a universal entitlement belonging to every human being. However, this universalist structure is built upon a conflictual foundation, as the juridico-political meaning of freedom is determined by the boundaries of national citizenship, statehood, and territorial sovereignty. This chapter examines refugeehood as (...)
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    Comparative Performance of Intelligent Algorithms for System Identification and Control.M. A. Hossain, A. A. M. Madkour, K. P. Dahal & H. Yu - 2008 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 17 (4):313-330.
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  42.  72
    Metrics for Assessing Overall Performance of Inland Waterway Ports: A Bayesian Network Based Approach.Niamat Ullah Ibne Hossain, Farjana Nur, Raed Jaradat, Seyedmohsen Hosseini, Mohammad Marufuzzaman, Stephen M. Puryear & Randy K. Buchanan - 2019 - Complexity 2019 (1):3518705.
    Because ports are considered to be the heart of the maritime transportation system, thereby assessing port performance is necessary for a nation’s development and economic success. This study proposes a novel metric, namely, “_port performance index (PPI)_”, to determine the overall performance and utilization of inland waterway ports based on six criteria,_ port facility, port availability, port economics, port service, port connectivity, and port environment_. Unlike existing literature, which mainly ranks ports based on quantitative factors, this study utilizes a Bayesian (...)
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    Adult anthropometric measures and socio-demographic factors influencing age at menarche of university students in malaysia.Md Golam Hossain, Ai-sze Wee, Maeirah Ashaie & T. Kamarul - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (5):705-717.
    SummaryEarly onset of menarche has been shown to be associated with breast cancer and ischaemic heart disease. Studies on age at menarche of the Malaysian population are poorly documented. This study aimed to determine the influence of anthropometric and socio-demographic factors on the age at menarche of university students in Malaysia. Data were obtained in 2010–11 from 961 students between the ages of 18 and 25 years from the University of Malaya using stratified sampling, and multiple regression analysis was applied. (...)
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  44.  24
    Editors Note.Ishtiaq Hossain - 2020 - Intellectual Discourse 28 (1):1-5.
    Intellectual Discourse, Volume 27, Number 1, 2019 contains thirteenresearch articles and a book review. The subjects covered by thesearticles are indeed wide and include a variety of diverse issues fromthe syntactical regulator in the Arabic syntax, consequences of the Thaimilitary’s crackdown on the Red Shirts in May 2010, to an analysis ofOrder and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations fromthe point of view of the English School of International Relations.
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    Power relationships in gender-related disclosures: exploring language in selected Fortune 500 companies' sustainability reports.Dewan Mahboob Hossain, Nik Nazli Nik Ahmad & Siti Alawiah Siraj - 2017 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 12 (3):262.
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    Religious denominations vs ethical models in the beginning of life.Arif Hossain - 2012 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 3 (2):31-34.
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    Text Inside Cover.Ishtiaq Hossain - forthcoming - Intellectual Discourse.
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    Social Reality and Modern Science.F. M. Anayet Hossain - forthcoming - Philosophy and Progress:29-43.
    As science developed many of the established facts tended to appear in a new light and were seen from an aspect that had earlier been ignored and as a rule new scientific theory originated from the clash of old theories and new facts. Not only that, science has reached at the highest peak of its development. Nevertheless, in this era of science and technology, it has not been fully harnessed to the welfare of humanity. The world today is in a (...)
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  49. Gadamer's Hermeneutics.Altaf Hossain - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 11:69-78.
    Hermeneutics, in its phenomenological mode, has become one of the dominating issues in contemporary philosophical discours. Hans-Georg Gadamer, the leading exponent of phenomenological hermeneutics, develops his theory in his monumental work Truth and Method1, by regarding hermeneutics as an exploration of both the archaeology of human understanding and constitutive role of language in experience. In this paper, we have presented a brief exposition of Gadamer's views, giving an emphasis on how human understanding of objects inevitably mingles with its traditions or (...)
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    The transposed word effect is consistent with serial word recognition and varies with reading speed.Jannat Hossain & Alex L. White - 2023 - Cognition 238 (C):105512.
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